carryhatchet · 2 months
It's me I'm bringing you a case of dry and words unengendered fuck this dumb city sleeps in the night and I won't leave you hanging in the wind so let me love with a vengeance my sad sweet and unfinished friend
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well I wanted to find a gif of someone smoking or kendall roy but I guess we're doing this now
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infinitesofnought · 1 year
Producing, a product: a producing/product identity. It is this identity that constitutes a third term in the linear series: an enormous undifferentiated object. Everything stops dead for a moment, everything freezes in place—and then the whole process will begin all over again. From a certain point of view it would be much better if nothing worked, if nothing functioned. Never being born, escaping the wheel of continual birth and rebirth, no mouth to suck with, no anus to shit through. Will the machines run so badly, their component pieces fall apart to such a point that they will return to nothingness and thus allow us to return to nothingness? It would seem, however, that the flows of energy are still too closely connected, the partial objects still too organic, for this to happen. What would be required is a pure fluid in a free state, flowing without interruption, streaming over the surface of a full body. Desiring-machines make us an organism; but at the very heart of this production, within the very production of this production, the body suffers from being organized in this way, from not having some other sort of organization, or no organization at all. "An incomprehensible, absolutely rigid stasis" in the very midst of process, as a third stage: "No mouth. No tongue. No teeth. No larynx. No esophagus. No belly. No anus." The automata stop dead and set free the unorganized mass they once served to articulate. The full body without organs is the unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable. Antonin Artaud discovered this one day, finding himself with no shape or form whatsoever, right there where he was at that moment. The death instinct: that is its name, and death is not without a model. For desire desires death also, because the full body of death is its motor, just as it desires life, because the organs of life are the working machine. We shall not enquire how all this fits together so that the machine will run: the question itself is a result of a process of abstraction.
– Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
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realtaoism · 2 years
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"The very name Tao is only adopted for convenience sake... Tao is beyond material existence... it may be transmitted, but it cannot be received (possessed). It may be attained but cannot be seen. It exists prior to Heaven and Earth, and, indeed, for all eternity it is at the Zenith but is not high; it is beneath the Nadir, but it is not low. It is prior to Heaven and Earth, but is not ancient. It is older than the most ancient, but it is not old." "Tao cannot be heard. Heard it is not Tao. It cannot be seen. Seen it is not Tao." Of it Lieh Tzu wrote, That which engenders all things is itself unengendered; that by which all things are evolved is itself untouched by evolution. Self-engendered, self-evolved, it has in itself the elements of substance, appearance, wisdom, strength, dispersion and cessation. Yet it would be a mistake to call it by any of these names," for "Tao makes things what they are, but it is not itself a thing. Nothing can produce Tao, yet everything has Tao within it." Jean C Cooper https://www.instagram.com/p/CiDRiuQoo7H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pattern-recognition · 3 years
unfortunately I too am the “unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable”
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loveamongthesailors · 4 years
“ Should the Haruspex attempt to autopsy her body on Day 11, he will make the curious discovery that Aglaya does not appear to have any organs. However, looting her body reveals she is carrying a Revolver. “
trawling some highly enjoyable patho wiki content. Congratulations Aglaya Lilich on becoming a Body without Organs, with a gun! you go girl!
“Aglaya contends with God. Those she touches begin to rebel against the established order of things. At the same time, Aglaya is the voice of the law. She sees the universe as a machine. She maintains that the logic of the universe is above everything—polyhedrons be damned. To her, contending with God, too, is a form of restoring justice and natural law. Those she touches begin to realize that there are limits of what’s possible, and they must be accepted with humility.”
“I should have written nothing[1] at all, but it is far too late for that. Sin and guilt[2] have entered the world[3]— never mind where from, since in any case it would do no good to close that box — and I am no longer striding the crests of my dreams, filling my lungs with air and expelling it again, now instead I am manipulating the keys of a machine[4] striving to thus let my dreams pour and play out across the space of an information-obsessed plane of existence.
There exists no good reason[5] to occupy this space, especially when I have the heights and depths of life wholly available to me at any moment, and yet something compels me, God help me.[6] I have no hope that I will save anyone this way. Not even myself. I know I will not even reach to prevent the wretched[7] from abusing whatever I create. It is a fact that to take something from oneself and put it out into the world is to let it escape and become everything you didn’t want it to be. They say this is so for God the Father as for every human father. I do not believe in either one, but their stories both hold a strange beauty for me.
One can create a monster[8] or a babe; the difference is purely aesthetic. But it is this question of creation. Many simply put it aside, to their own loss. They still create things but they deny they are doing so. They are befallen by atrophy.[9] Others take on the question of creation by accepting the market assurance that whatever makes money must be good because, so the logic goes, people buy things that are good.[10] They become lost to the world of production. Others, in reaction to this, turn toward smaller and smaller circles to keep their creatures safe from the real world. But these spaces are either infected by the social disease or else suffocate for lack of oxygen.
There are some rare exceptions. No one can say where they come from. They destroy all that has come before. They blow into a dying ember. Without them there would be nothing at all.
Now, we have to say that the whole world without them would be an empty[11] dull[12] pale[13] and suffocating lifeless and deathless nothingness, and that they themselves are also a nothingness, but an ecstatic explosion of creative destructive nothingness. So it will be worth keeping in mind that there is a huge and unspeakable gap between the qualities of different sorts of nothingness. Otherwise everything will be overcome by an immense confusion.[14]
The first aspect which ensures that there is something interesting rather than nothing is the explosive energy of the sun. The second is the implosive energy of the earth. These provide for the habitation of a thin membrane where their intercourse takes place. Here there exists a tension between them. Much life forms by rebelling against being crushed into the bowels of the earth and the depths of the sea, whether this rebellion is volcanic, evaporative, or organic. Life must protect itself from being lost in the emptiness of space or scorched in the heat of the sun, and so it also flows, crumbles, burrows, glides, swims, falls and floats downward. This might be all, were it not for something else. Organization, organism, orgasm.[15]”
-Musings on Nothingness (And Some of It’s Varieties)
“Producing, a product: a producing/product identity. It is this identity that   constitutes a third term in the linear series: an enormous undifferentiated object. Everything stops dead for a moment, everything freezes in place—and then the whole process will begin all over again. From a certain point of view it would be much better if nothing worked, if nothing functioned. Never being born, escaping the wheel of continual birth and rebirth, no mouth to suck with, no anus to shit through. Will the machines run so badly, their component pieces fall apart to such a point that they will return to nothingness and thus allow us to return to nothingness?
It would seem, however, that the flows of energy are still too closely connected, the partial objects still too organic, for this to happen. What would be required is a pure fluid in a free state, flowing without interruption, streaming over the surface of a full body. Desiring-machines make us an organism; but at the very heart of this production, within the very production of this production, the body suffers from being organized in this way, from not having some other sort of organization, or no organization at all. "An incomprehensible, absolutely rigid stasis" in the very midst of process, as a third stage: "No mouth. No tongue. No teeth. No larynx. No esophagus. No belly. No anus."
The automata stop dead and set free the unorganized mass they once served to articulate. The full body without organs is the unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable. Antonin Artaud discovered this one day, finding himself with no shape or form whatsoever, right there where he was at that moment. The death instinct: that is its name, and death is not without a model. For desire desires death also, because the full body of death is its motor, just as it desires life, because the organs of life are the working machine. We shall not inquire how all this fits together so that the machine will run: the  question itself is the result of a process of abstraction.”
-Anti-Oedipus ch. 1, “THE DESIRING MACHINES”
I can't stitch it together… but I can cut the knot.
We're all just�� dancing on our strings. 
Whenever I trace the edges of possibility on a map, I find myself reaching for an eraser not soon after… 
Imagine a sphere. See it in your mind's eye. Now lay it out flat. Why is that so easy, when topology is so hard?
We live under the shadow of a higher power… I just despise it.
Only a fool would cut the Gordian knot. It ought to be… vivissected.
The squeal of the gears can't halt the machine.
Why do they insist on torturing me?
There is an immutable and rational order that fate itself has composed. All things run their inevitable courses, down the topology of the universe, toward the mass of this black gravity.
Let's open it. Carefully. And tally the contents.
       The judgment of God, the system of the judgment of God, the theological system, is precisely the operation of He who makes an organism, an organization of organs called the organism, because He cannot bear the BwO, because He pursues it and rips it apart so He can be first, and have the organism be first. The organism is already that, the judgment of God, from which medical doctors benefit and on which they base their power. The organism is not at all the body, the BwO; rather, it is a stratum on the BwO, in other words, a phenomenon of accu­mulation, coagulation, and sedimentation that, in order to extract useful labor from the BwO, imposes upon it forms, functions, bonds, dominant and hierarchized organizations, organized transcendences.
The strata are bonds, pincers. “Tie me up if you wish.“ We are continually stratified. But who is this we that is not me, for the subject no less than the organism belongs to and depends on a stratum? Now we have the answer: the BwO is that glacial reality where the alluvions, sedimentations, coagulations, foldings, and recoilings that compose an organism—and also a significa­tion aid a subject—occur. For the judgment of God weighs upon and is exercised against the BwO; it is the BwO that undergoes it. It is in the BwO that the organs enter into the relations of composition called the organism.
The BwO howls: “They’ve made me an organism! They’ve wrongfully folded me! They’ve stolen my body!“ The judgment of God uproots it from its immanence and makes it an organism, a signification, a subject. It is the BwO that is stratified. It swings between two poles, the surfaces of stratifi­cation into which it is recoiled, on which it submits to the judgment, and the plane of consistency in which it unfurls and opens to experimentation.
If the BwO is a limit, if one is forever attaining it, it is because behind each stratum, encasted in it, there is always another stratum. For many a stra­tum, and not only an organism, is necessary to make the judgment of God. A perpetual and violent combat between the plane of consistency, which frees the BwO, cutting across and dismantling all of the strata, and the sur­faces of stratification that block it or make it recoil.
- “ Deleuze/Guattari; How Do You Make Yourself a Body Without Organs? “
(every morning i listen to confessional, i don’t give a shit bout the bulk ov it, still i keep it professional. and as penance i tell em to proselytize, say the sun is red, say that i am red, say that all their bases belong to us)
The crack Where is the crack? When did I crack?
Then I’ll stand alone on a planet with Nothing left to remember it And I’ll try, I’ll try, I’ll try to prevent it I’ll try, I’ll try, but I’ll never stop it, no
Muzzle me, muzzle muzzle me Bind my will and break of me And you try, you try, you try to prevent it You’ll try, you’ll try, but you’ll never stop it, no
because, laugh if you like, what has been called microbes     is god, and do you know what the Americans and the Russians use to make their atoms? They make them with the microbes of god.
- I am not raving. I am not mad. I tell you that they have  reinvented microbes in order to impose a new idea of god.
They have found a new way to bring out god and to capture him in his        microbic noxiousness.
This is to nail him though the heart, in the place where men love him best, under the guise of unhealthy sexuality, in that sinister appearance of morbid cruelty that he adopts whenever he is pleased to tetanize and madden humanity as he is doing now.
He utilizes the spirit of purity and of a consciousness that has remained candid like mine to asphyxiate it with all the false appearances that he spreads universally through space and this is why Artaud le Mômo can be taken for a person suffering from hallucinations.
- What do you mean, Mr. Artaud?
- I mean that I have found the way to put an end to this ape once and for all and that although nobody believes in god any more everybody believes more and more in man.
So it is man whom we must now make up our minds to emasculate.
- How's that?
No matter how one takes you you are mad, ready for the straitjacket.        
- By placing him again, for the last time, on the autopsy table to remake his anatomy. I say, to remake his anatomy. Man is sick because he is badly constructed. We must make up our minds to strip him bare in order to scrape off that animalcule that itches him mortally,
For you can tie me up if you wish, but there is nothing more useless than an organ.
To Have Done With the Judgement of God
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monasticcellphone · 4 years
The full body without organs is the unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable.
D&G, “The Desiring-Machines” Anit-Oedipus
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“ What counts is not parental designations, nor racial or divine designations, but merely the use made of them. No problem of meaning, but only of usage. Nothing original or derived, but a generalized drift. It would seem that the schizo liberates a raw genealogical material, nonrestrictive, where he can situate himself, record himself, and take his bearings in all the branches at once, on all sides. He explodes the Oedipal genealogy. Through graduated relationships he performs absolute overflights spanning indivisible distances. The genealogist-madman lays out a disjunctive network on the body without organs. And God, who designates none other than the energy of recording, can be the greatest enemy in the paranoiac inscription, but also the greatest friend in the miraculating inscription. In any case, the question of a being superior to man and to nature does not arise here at all. Everything is on the body without organs, both what is inscribed and the energy that inscribes it. On the unengendered body, the nondecomposable distances are necessarily surveyed, while the disjoined terms are all affirmed. I am the letter and the pen and the paper. It was in this fashion that Nijinsky kept his diary: yes, I was my father and I was my son. “  Anti-Oedipus ; Psychoanalysis and Familialism: the Holy Family — Deleuze & Guattari 
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terrorgeist · 3 years
flow like rhizomes whizzing past
here and there, there and here, here from there
unengendered forgotten past 
sentimentality reduces the pot 
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werenotburningout · 6 years
Hey, it’s me, I’m bringing you a case of Dry And words unengendered fuck this, dumb city sleeps in the night And I won’t leave you hanging in the wind So let me love with a vengeance My sad, sweet and unfinished friend And we can go and mock the skyline now Those bourgie windows full of dickheads We don’t know a thing about You wanna feel absolved tonight? I’ve heard what you’re saying, it’s okay not to be so alright.
But don’t be alone Did I tell you that I spent most of my sister’s wedding stoned? Say what you want with blood and bone And stick a finger in their faces when they say you’re overblown Say yes to sun! Say yes to pain! Say yes to sticking with a city through a thousand days of rain! Say yes to grace! Say no to spite! Say yes to this! Say yes to you! Say yes to me! Say yes to love! Say yes to life!
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vasilinaorlova · 7 years
The Body Without Organs
Is this not fascinating that the body without organs still retains the form of the body: it is negation of existing parts of the organism. The body without organs literally does not have everything that the body with organs has or might have: no hair, no eyes, no lungs, no larynx, no esophagus, no backbone, no ribs, no anus, no genitalia, nor nails or skin. The body without organs refuses to participate in the orgy of desire machines, machines functioning while breaking down by breaking down, and producing and reproducing desire and desire for production. “Every coupling of machines, every production of a machine, every sound of a machine running, becomes unbearable to the body without organs.” (Deleuze and Guattari, A-O: C&S, 2009, 9). How does the absence of organs make it affordable for a body to experience something as unbearable? By virtue of retaining the form of the body. The negation of existence of organs transparently is not the same as their nonexistence. “The full body without organs is the unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable.” (8). It seems like the body without organs fell out of the circle of desiring and production. Still, it exists, through violence of flows in which it does not participate: “It is perpetually reinserted into the process of production. The catatonic body is produced in the water of the hydrotherapy tub.” The body without organs--which is too tempting to dislodge as “the organs without body” (and of course it has been done, by Žižek)--is emerging in the lacuna between production and unproduction “coupling” (another obscene image in the gallery of lewd metaphors.)
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ema-ranth · 4 years
From r/criticaltheory
There are many entry points to this concept, and it has been developed with nuance across different writing in D&G's body of work. It's important to keep this in mind.
In any case, here's a way to begin: all things suffer from being 'organized'. Put another way, things that are organized always remain challenged by a multitude of becomings. What underlies all kinds of organizations is a completely undifferentiated and 'unengendered' metaphysical body which organized becomings are constantly pushing against. These organized becomings cannot wholly penetrate this metaphysical body despite constantly trying to break into it. Being able to do so would mean their utter dissolution. However, this undifferentiated metaphysical body flows like fluid beneath everything. It is constitutive of all metastable organizations and their eventual breaking-down (and re-organizing and so on). This entity is the body without organs.
Now, this body has a surface upon which forms of organization and breaking-down become inscribed ('recorded'). These processes of inscription are also projected or infused (their word is 'miraculated) into the social field. Productive processes and their derivatives tend to 'fall back' upon this surface creating a complexly informed milieu of production. In short, a process of emanation or 'miraculation' then occurs by which all production is made to seem as if it flows from this abstract body.
The body without organs can take specific forms that correspond with different modes of production. One mode we understand quite well is production under capitalism. It has its own specific body without organs, an abstract body called 'capital'. Capital doesn't produce anything in and of itself but it conditions the realm of capitalist production. Over time, capital becomes more and more infused into the sphere of production (for instance, it confuses the spaces of 'home' and 'work', it conditions our identities through consumer purchases, it monetizes social media, and so on). Production under capitalism has an incredible power to subordinate all kinds of production to the body of capital. It does so through not only through the commodification of goods, but also in part by altering the perception that commodification is naturally part of production!
There have been different forms of the body without organs in history. For example, under feudalism, productive processes were conditioned by the body of the despot (the prince, the king, the emperor, etc.). Economic production particularly was largely conditioned by his or her power, but there were ways in which political subjects could exercise forms of tribal or community power despite the despot's power being plopped on top of them. This is true to a different extent under capitalism as well. However, capital has an axiomatic quality which is capable of rupturing the 'codes' of all its major historical antecedents and it can reorganize their components. In other words, the body of capital has a very unique way of breaking and co-opting all kinds of incriptive processes for its incessant proliferation. In fact, the BwO under capitalism is able to do this because it functions in more closely in accordance with the manner by which the production of desire in general occurs: schizophrenically. Previous historical modes of production did not express the same combination of plasticity and resilience that capitalism does.
So: how can we create a mode of production which evacuates the capitalist mode of production? It's pretty hard to do, especially given the dynamic organ-izing principle of capital. But if you don't want to remain subject to things like the incessant commodification of everything, you are going to have to create your own body without organs-- as an off the grid collective of egalitarian utopians, as a revolutionary group, or as a localized multiplicity you've formed with the mites that eat your dead skin from your sofa cushions, or as an individual. Capitalism, however, has been comparatively quite tolerant of different individual creations of a BwO. The capacity to reinvent yourself as an individual is easily achieved in many cases; it's one thing commodity culture allows you to do. (But try overcoming the commodity form as a mere individual? Good luck!) In short, you are going to have to get beyond capital's ever-displacing exterior limit.
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Becoming Animal
Mikail directed me to literature by french writers Deleuze and Gittari. I read a little about it and thought about the concept of a body without organs -
“””For Deleuze and Guattari, every actual body has a limited set of traits, habits, movements, affects, etc. But every actual body also has a virtual dimension: a vast reservoir of potential traits, connections, affects, movements, etc. This collection of potentials is what Deleuze calls the BwO. The fully body without organs is "schizophrenia as a clinical entity", this drop in intensity is a means of blocking all investments of reality, the "unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable". (...)To "make oneself a body without organs," then, is to actively experiment with oneself to draw out and activate these virtual potentials. These potentials are mostly activated (or "actualized") through conjunctions with other bodies (or BwOs) that Deleuze calls "becomings.”””” 
It got me thinking about the perspective I approached the topic of my project with, which wasn’t scientific but also was not about fiction and interpretation, I feel that I have learned and opened my eyes on the many different ways an idea could be represented/ the way the camera restricted me in terms of creation, and the way I very stubborn about it made me realised that I was not only talking about the badger but using the narrative of the eviction of a species from its natural habitat, the forest, and its ecosystem to represent the unease and otherness I experience from civilisation/cities/ noise/ obvious waste/ late stage capitalism and its impact on how the landscape we experience fails to communicate with itself in harmonious ways. 
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chasm-of-unknowing · 7 years
in the process of eating all absolutes, mutual excitation makes itself the only Absolute.
i’m well aware of the etymological fallacy. so, this is not a logical argument about the meaning of words. anarchy is the absence of arkhé, which is to say ruler – but also beginning or end. anarchy has no genitive, no genealogy, no teleology. it’s unengendered, transcendental. all cosmos is anarchic, which is to say that anarchy is order. the chaos ordering. thus, anarchy is a circuit of power:…
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isobelmei · 7 years
For Deleuze and Guattari, every actual body has a limited set of traits, habits, movements, affects, etc. But every actual body also has a virtual dimension: a vast reservoir of potential traits, connections, affects, movements, etc. This collection of potentials is what Deleuze calls the BwO. The fully body without organs is "schizophrenia as a clinical entity", this drop in intensity is a means of blocking all investments of reality, the "unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable". Unlike other social machines such as the Body of the Earth, the Body of the Despot or the Body of Capital, the full body without organs cannot inscribe other bodies. The body without organs is "not an original primordial entity" (proof of an original nothingness) nor what is remains of a lost totality but is the "ultimate residuum of a deterritorialized socius". To "make oneself a body without organs," then, is to actively experiment with oneself to draw out and activate these virtual potentials. These potentials are mostly activated (or "actualized") through conjunctions with other bodies (or BwOs) that Deleuze calls "becomings."
Deleuze and Guattari use the term BwO in an extended sense, to refer to the virtual dimension of reality in general (which they more often call "plane of consistency" or "plane of immanence"). In this sense, they speak of a BwO of "the earth." "The Earth," they write, "is a body without organs. This body without organs is permeated by unformed, unstable matters, by flows in all directions, by free intensities or nomadic singularities, by mad or transitory particles" (A Thousand Plateaus, p. 40). That is, we usually think of the world as composed of relatively stable entities ("bodies," beings). But these bodies are really composed of sets of flows moving at various speeds (rocks and mountains as very slow-moving flows; living things as flows of biological material through developmental systems; language as flows of information, words, etc.). This fluid substratum is what Deleuze calls the BwO in a general sense.
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