#unexpected attachment thestayway90
thestayway90 · 4 years
Unexpected Attachment: Chapter 2 (SKZ Imagine)
Author: thestayway90
WC: 2802
Warnings: None
Characters: Stray Kids OT8, OFC/Reader, Josh (OFC/Reader’s Brother)
Relationships: Eventual OFC/Reader x Felix
Summary: Fluffy goodness! OFC/Reader meets the rest of the kids and ends up on a lunch with all OT8. A bit of one-to-one time with Felix UWU
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! Heres chapter two... its still going slow I know... we’ll get there eventually!!!
Also I’m so soft for Felix and Changbin and I think it shows... sorry in advance :|
I’d love any and all feedback you have please pretty please <3
Enjoy :)
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Shocked, dripping in coffee and still holding onto your phone in one hand, you looked up to see the most attractive boy you had ever laid eyes on, looking down at his once white shirt now drenched in brown liquid.
“Weelll...” he drew out in a familiar accented English. “That was well done.” His dark eyes met yours and you were thankful when he flashed a wide smile your way, as he didn’t seem to be taking your attack too personally.
“Oh god! I am so so sorry!” You started stuttering, hands automatically reaching out to wipe at his shirt before realising touching a complete stranger after dumping an entire coffee on him was probably not a good idea.
“Eh, it happens,” he shrugged, really not seeming too concerned, which made you wonder how often it happened to the poor boy.
He cocked his head to the side and examined you quizzically. “You sound Australian?” he commented questioningly.
“So do you,” you answered unhelpfully.
Your answer made him smile even wider, bright eyes flashing with mirth. “Are you related to Josh by any chance?”
“Brother,” you admitted, hoping your clumsiness wouldn’t affect Josh’s work as you realised you recognised the boy in front of you.
You weren’t a huge k-pop fan and weren’t familiar with many of the groups but you had done a little research on the boy band your brother had been promoted to Managing and the boy standing in front of you had been the one who had definitely stood out.
“I’m Felix,” the guy finally said, that wide infectious smile still gracing his lips. “I’ve got some clothes that you can change into,” he kindly offered, gesturing to your own ruined shirt.
You crossed your arms self consciously. “I feel like I should be offering you a change of clothes, since it was my fault, but unfortunately I don’t have any.”
Felix let out a low laugh and indicated for you to follow him back into the elevator you had just exited.
He led you into a room full of lockers and benches, reminiscent of the room that sports players used in schools. Showers and toilets lined one wall while a bank of mirrors lined another to the right.
Felix immediately crossed over to a locker, entering the combination before opening the metal door and rummaging inside. You stood awkwardly, nervous fingers plucking at the hem of your soaked shirt, the sticky fabric feeling uncomfortable against your skin.
“Ah ha,” the silver haired boy exclaimed, whipping out two identical black oversized shirts and turning back to you.
He looked down at the fabric in his hands and then held one out, shrugging his shoulders as he said, “I like the colour black!”
You smiled, chuckling a little at his shy smile. “I never would have guessed,” you teased slightly, as you took the shirt out of his fingers.
You headed for one of the toilet cubicles, quickly shucking out of your ruined shirt and sliding Felix’s tee over your head.
You were emerging from the cubicle, still adjusting the too big shirt, trying to decide whether to tuck it in at the front or not, when three other boys entered the room stopping in their tracks when they took in Felix still tugging a top over his head and you looking extremely disheveled.
“Ah, what is going on here?” One of the boys with long blonde hair questioned in Korean, one eyebrow raised suggestively.
The tall blue haired boy next to the blonde was standing speechless, mouth open in shock, eyes flicking backwards and forwards.
The third and final boy, who had the beauty of a carved sculpture, smirked lopsidedly, mischief evident on his pretty face as he uttered, “Having fun, Lixie?”
You blushed at the comment, cheeks staining a bright red, but Felix just gave an easy unbothered laugh, finishing pulling his shirt down.
“It’s not what you think!” You stuttered out in awful Korean to the newcomers.
Felix turned to you, eyebrows lifted. “Ah, so you do speak Korean!” He sounded delighted by the discovery.
The sculpted boy snorted. “I’m not sure that counts as speaking Korean!”
“Lee Know Hyung!” The blonde next to him scolded, hitting his elder lightly on the shoulder.
“What?” Lee Know sounded genuinely confused, “It’s true.”
“Yes, but you don’t say it,” Felix sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“It’s okay, he’s right. I’m rubbish at speaking Korean,” you told the boy closest to you, fingers worrying at the bottom of your shirt.
The blonde’s face lit up as he heard your English, stepping forward and saying excitably. “You are Aussie, yes?”
You nodded in reply, amused when he grabbed your hands and squeezed them tightly. “I am Hyunjin. This is I.N.” The tall cutie next to him beamed a huge smile your way, waving with one hand. “And that’s Lee Know.” Lee Know gave a simple nod of acknowledgment before turning back to Felix.
“So what were you two doing in here?” He questioned, eyes staring into the younger’s intensely.
Felix returned the look with his signature easy smile, completely unruffled by the elders implications. “We had an unfortunate incident with coffee!” He explained, drawing understanding nods and ahhh’s of sympathy with his words, again making you question how often accidents involving coffee occurred.
As if it couldn’t get any more embarrassing, the door once again opened and Josh walked in accompanied by yet another good looking k-pop idol.
“Ah, what’s going on? I thought you were leaving?” Josh directed the last question at you, confusion clouding his features.
“She tipped coffee all over Felix,” Lee Know told him casually, his eyes telling how much he was enjoying the situation.
“Why did you do that?” The boy with Josh asked you in a genuinely curious tone.
“It’s not like I planned to trip and spill coffee all over him. Its just the way of my people…” you paused and then continued. “And by people I mean those who are extremely clumsy and uncoordinated.”
This elicited laughs out of everyone present and the unfamiliar boy aimed a charismatic smile your way, stating, “Oh, so you and Felix are part of the same people then!”
The new boy flashed a sly look towards Felix who immediately launched himself at the mischief-maker, getting the younger into a headlock and teasingly tickling him.
You laughed as the other boys got involved, feeling like your cheeks were about to split from how wide you were smiling,
Slowly the chaos calmed down with help from Josh, who’s resigned expression told you that this type of bedlam was a normal occurrence.
“Okay, okay, settle down.” Josh waved his hands around as Felix and the other boy separated, patting each other on the back good-naturedly, obviously no hard feelings between them.
“I’m Seungmin by the way,” the boy introduced himself in almost perfect English.
“We were just coming to grab the kids for lunch. You want to come with?” Josh asked you, eyebrows raised, not wanting to put you on the spot but eager for you to join them.
You glanced round at the boys surrounding you, eyes resting on Felix and Hyunjin who were both nodding enthusiastically.
You shrugged in reply. “Sure, why not. I’ve already missed my afternoon class anyways!”
Hyunjin very kindly held the door open for you as the boys piled out into the hallway, loudly talking and teasing one another.
You met up with 3Racha by the elevator, the three boys still discussing music as they patiently waited for the rest of their team to arrive.
They looked surprised but pleased when they spotted you amongst their members, Chan immediately claiming a spot next to you so he could talk about your life back in Australia while you all walked to a nearby restaurant.
The kids were obviously regulars to the eatery, the staff greeting them by name and seating you all in a secluded spot right at the back where the boys antics wouldn’t disturb other customers.
You found yourself sandwiched in between Chan and Han with Josh at the head of the table to Chan’s right and Felix and Changbin seated comfortably across from you. The rest of the boys spread around the left side of the table, talking at a rapid pace and bickering with each other.
While the others discussed what to order you asked Chan to choose for you, not familiar with the Korean Menu.
You sat back, watching silently as you enjoyed the atmosphere the charismatic boys created around you. You glanced over to Josh, who was deep in conversation with Chan, arms waving passionately over what they were saying in such rapid Korean that you struggled to keep up.
“How are you enjoying Seoul?” a soft question came from the opposite side of the table, your eyes meeting Changbin’s intense gaze as he leaned towards you.
You considered your words for a moment then replied. “It’s very different to where I grew up, I’m not used to living in the middle of a large city, but I’m really loving it. I love being able to walk to almost everything and the city is so beautiful, especially at night. I also love the people here. They’re so friendly and helpful, even when I’m struggling to communicate with them, most are super patient with me, which I appreciate.” You finished, realising you probably talked way too much, twisting your hands in your lap.
“It is beautiful,” Felix agreed happily. “We should take you down to the waterway at night one day. It’s absolutely breath taking.” He bumped Changbin’s shoulder with his, including his hyung in the outing.
“That would be amazing,” you immediately perked up at his words, beaming across at the pair.
“It’s a date then,” Changbin commented, smiling mischievously, trying to make you blush with some success.
Luckily you were saved from more teasing by Han capturing your attention, the sweet boy firing questions at you, one after another, making you struggle to keep up. Felix and Changbin still had their attention on you, curious about your answers to Han’s more personal questions.
Once the food arrived it was a brief tussle of hands and elbows as everyone helped themselves to the large dishes in the middle of the table. You thanked Chan profusely as he grabbed a plateful of various goodies and then placed it in front of you to sample, the kind boy merely waving your gratitude off, saying he didn’t want you to accidentally get knocked out by an errant elbow.
A sudden silence fell over the table as everyone tucked in, the only sounds were munching and noises of appreciation. It was the most quiet you had had in several hours but somehow you still missed the noise a little. Not for long though, as the boys surrounding you once again started up their antics but now with food involved it was even more interesting (and messier) than before.
Josh and Chan managed to control the boys before a full-out food war began and you all helped tidy up the table before thanking the restaurant staff and filing out the front door.
“I really have to go home,” you sighed, as the group paused outside on the sidewalk. “Thank you so much for today guys. I had a lot of fun!” You told them, genuinely thankful for them taking you under their wing.
“You’re welcome to hang out with us anytime,” Chan said, wrapping his arms around you in a surprising but much appreciated hug. The rest of the boys parroted the sentiment making you promise to come visit them.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Josh asked worriedly as he enveloped you in a tight hug.
“No, I’ll be fine Josh.” You pulled back and gave your overprotective brother a hard stare. “You’ve got work to go and do.”
Felix cleared his throat behind you, grabbing your attention. “Ah, I’m actually heading back home now anyways. I’d be honoured if you’d walk with me. I believe your apartment is near our dorm, Josh mentioned it at one point.” The sweet silver haired boy looked over to Josh who gave a nod of confirmation.
You stared at Felix, wondering whether to take the offer or not. Your eyes met with Josh’s who gave you an encouraging nod of his head and you knew that he would worry less if you had someone accompanying you home in the still unfamiliar city.
“Thank you Felix. That would be great,” you told the petite boy earning yourself another of his brilliant smiles.
You quickly finished your goodbyes with the rest of the group before heading off in the opposite direction, Felix at your side. There was silence for a while, both of you enjoying the lovely weather.
You had expected to feel nervous and awkward in the presence of the gorgeous boy beside you, but the quiet was a comfortable one. It felt like Felix was exuding effervescent energy, making you feel immediately bubbly and happy just by being in his presence.
“How long have you been in Seoul?” Felix finally asked in his deep voice, breaking the silence and fixing you with his dark eyes.
“About two months,” you told him, trying very hard not to trip over your own feet and make an embarrassment of yourself... again.
“Have you got to do much sightseeing?”
You shrugged, momentarily distracted by the smell of deep-frying Bungeo-ppang. “Not much. Josh has been super busy with work and I have classes and stuff. I was hoping to do more by myself during the mid-year break.”
Felix noticed the direction of your gaze and grinned brightly. He immediately approached the food vendor, asking for two ice-cream filled Bungeo-ppang.
“No, no, you don’t have to do that!” You protested, following behind him. “We only just ate lunch!”
“And this is dessert,” Felix twinkled, passing the fish shaped pastry over to you.
He looked around for a moment then spotted a bench overlooking a small square of garden, indicating that you should sit and eat.
You settled onto the bench, Felix sitting down next to you as you took a big bite of the Bungeo-ppang.
“Mmmh. This is amazing!” You enthused to the boy next to you, not aware of the chocolate smeared on your cheek. Felix lifted a gentle hand and wiped it away with his thumb, his touch immediately bringing a rosy tint to your cheeks.
He dropped his hand, suddenly looking self-conscious. He examined his own dessert asking, “What do you want to see most?” before taking a large bite out of the deep-fried goodness.
It took you a moment to realise he was continuing your previous conversation. You contemplated the question and then replied, “Honestly, the Ansan Jarak-Gil.”
Felix raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Hiking?” he questioned. “Out of everything here in Seoul, that’s what you want to do the most?”
You glared at him as he questioned your choice. “What’s so wrong with hiking? I happen to enjoy it!”
Felix held up his hands to ward off your indignation. “There’s nothing wrong with Hiking. I’ve actually never been to Ansan before but I’ve heard its beautiful.” He flashed you a sweet smile which immediately dissolved any irritation you felt against him.
“Shall we keep going?” He questioned once you’d both finished, standing and extending a hand out to help you stand.
You took the offered hand and let him lever you upright, continuing your walk, comfortably conversing as you led Felix towards your apartment.
Finally reaching your destination, you paused at the entrance of the apartment building, finishing your discussion.
“Thank you for walking me home,” you thanked the silver haired boy standing before you, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“You’re more than welcome. It was fun.” Felix twinkled at you, smiling widely and scrunching his nose in an adorable manner.
He leant in and gave you a tight hug, squeezing tightly for a few long moment before drawing back. “You’ll come visit us at JYP, yeah?” He asked, expectant eyes trained on yours.
“If you guys don’t mind,” was your hesitant reply, not wanting to intrude on these boys who had been strangers only hours earlier.
“Of course we wouldn’t mind. We’d love to see you,” Felix said on behalf of his group members.
You smiled brightly back at him. “I promise to visit at some point then!”
“Stupendous. I look forward to it.” Felix replied, immediately happy with your assurance.
You said your goodbyes and watched as Felix started walking off in the direction of the boys dorm.
You turned and headed up into your apartment, feeling a lot lighter and happier than when you had left, the aftermath of the effervescent boys presence.
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thestayway90 · 4 years
Unexpected Attachment: Chapter 1 - Stray Kids Imagine
Author: thestayway90
WC: 2385
Warnings: None
Characters: Stray Kids OT8, OFC/Reader, OFC/Reader’s Older Brother
Summary: Setting up the story, introducing the characters. OFC/Reader meets some of the Kids... if you can get through this chapter it’ll be a lot more exciting in the next one I promise!!!
Author’s Note: Hello all! This is my first attempt at a Stray Kids Fic so I hope you all enjoy...
Not 100% sure where this is going (I have a plan but we’ll see) but it will eventually be a OFC/Reader x Felix Relationship (coz I am whipped for that boy).
I would love any and all feedback including criticisms and ways you think I can improve!!!
Enjoy lovelies <3
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You certainly didn’t expect to wake up with an iguana staring you in the face. But after two months of living with your brother, it really shouldn’t be a surprise you anymore.
You glared at the unfamiliar creature digging in its tiny nails but its only response was to blink lazily back at you, unfazed by your thunderous expression.
“Joshua!” you yelled, startling Tink from underneath the bed, the white ferret streaking for freedom as Josh appeared in the doorway.
“Oh, whoops, sorry,” Josh said as he quickly plucked the green reptile off of the bedspread. “I was wondering where Dewey had got too.” He smiled widely, stroking the placid Iguana on the head.
You sighed and sat up, stretching slightly, questioning, “Dewey? Another rescue?”
Josh glanced up guiltily. “You should have seen how they were keeping him?” He replied, placing the reptile on the floor where the green creature started making his slow way down the hallway, Tink following it curiously. “Made me pay them an arm and a leg, though.” Josh commented ruefully as you hopped out of bed.
“Well luckily you just got promoted then. More money to rescue all the poor neglected animals of Seoul,” you told him cheerfully, patting his cheek as you walked past on your way to the bathroom.
You immediately cursed, tripping over an orange streak that suddenly darted towards your legs, swiping at your ankles before disappearing in a blur of motion. “Toast!” you hollered, hopping on one leg, rubbing the injured ankle. “I’m going to cook you in the fryer, cat!” you threatened the empty air, stomping towards your original destination.
“180 degrees for 20 minutes should do it,” you muttered under my breath, closing the bathroom door behind you. “Just enough for nice crispy Toast.”
It wasn’t until you had already sat down on the toilet that the feeling of being watched prickled the back of your neck. You looked up and in the gloom between the top of the medicine cabinet and the ceiling were two glowing eyes.
You gave a small shriek of surprise and then giggled at your stupidity. “Hey Meatball,” you said, as the large fluff ball ignored your greeting, curling up and turning his back to you until he was barely visible.
Shaking your head and muttering about pedantic animals, you made your way down to the kitchen.
“Honestly Josh,” you said as you plopped down on one of the stools, grabbing the cup of coffee he offered gratefully. “We should start selling tickets. Come and see the miraculous menagerie squished into a tiny apartment in the middle of downtown Seoul.”
Josh raised his eyebrows at your tone and then smiled wickedly. “Toast get you again?”
“Seriously that cat is the devil itself,” you moaned, reaching down to rub your poorly abused ankle.
Josh burst out laughing, no sympathy in your feud with the tiny orange tabby. “Whats that 3 to 1? You need to work on your ninja skills.”
“Talking of ninja skills, don’t you have to go?” you pointed to the time displayed on the microwave clock, making Josh swear and quickly grab his jacket, a piece of toast still hanging halfway out of his mouth.
“Can you put Dewey in the tank for me,” Josh shouted over his shoulder as he grabbed his bag and raced out the front door.
“Yep. Have a good day at work,” you yelled after him and received a muffled, ‘Love You’, as the door shut behind him.
It took you fifteen minutes to find the elusive reptile, leaving only five minutes for you to quickly throw on some clothes and get half way presentable before your online class.
An hour later you leant back in your chair, rubbing your temples, glad that there wasn’t another class until later in the afternoon.
You were just contemplating whether to start on one of your many assignments or not when a familiar ring echoed through the kitchen. You searched confused until you located Josh’s phone that had somehow got wedged underneath a bag of cat food.
The number flashing on the screen was labeled ‘Work’ and guessing who it was you picked up, bringing the device up to your ear.
“Why, hello!” you answered, smiling as a familiar voice echoed through the speaker.
“I forgot my phone...” Josh’s wail made your smile widen.
“Uh huh, I noticed,” you responded unhelpfully, digging Tink out from a cupboard he’d worked his way into.
“Can you bring it to me, please please pretty please!” Josh begged. “I can’t leave right now and I really need it!”
You made him suffer just a little, staying silent while placing Tink in his escape-proof enclosure.
Finally you agreed, “Of course. I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thank you, thank you Nugget,” Josh sighed in relief, using your childhood nickname in his gratitude.
“Okay, see you soon.” You hung up and grabbed your shoes and keys, making sure all the gremlins were safely locked away, before exiting the apartment.
You walked the ten minutes to Josh’s work, enjoying the blue skies and stunning weather while strolling briskly.
You arrived at your destination and tilted your neck backwards to read the large JYP displayed prominently on the side of the towering skyscraper that Josh worked in.
You entered through the lobby, approaching the receptionist while Security Guards eyed you with mistrust, alert for any suspicious behaviour.
Luckily you recognised the receptionist from the few times you had accompanied Josh to work, flashing her a wide smile as you came to a stop in front of her.
“Hello again, love,” she greeted you in heavily accented English. “Are you here to see Joshua?”
You held up your brothers phone with a rueful smile. “He forgot this and asked if I could bring it to him.”
“He’s probably only the fifth floor,” she said helpfully, signalling to Security to let you through.
“Thank you,” you told her gratefully, walking through the security turnstile that the Guard pushed open.
You crossed to the elevator and pressed the button, happy when one opened immediately. Once inside, you pushed the button for the fifth floor, watching the numbers tick over until the doors chimed loudly.
Stepping out into the hallway, you stood awkwardly for a few minutes, trying to decide where to look first.
A door opened to your right, raucous noise echoing into the corridor as a guy backed into the hallway, talking loudly and making faces at those still inside.
He turned and jumped when he saw you standing behind him, clearly startled, hands flying up under his chin, arms hugging close to his body as his eyes went impossibly round.
“Ah, hi... sorry,” you said apologetically, feeling the need to explain your presence. “I’m looking for Josh, Joshua. Do you know where he is by any chance?” You asked hopefully.
The guy immediately relaxed and smiled widely, cheeks dimpling adorably. “You must be his sister!” He exclaimed happily in a slight American accent, beckoning you towards him. “He’s in here actually.” He turned back to the room he had exited, holding the door open for you to pass by.
You slipped through the doorway and was greeted by three pairs of eyes, startled by an intruder into their space.
Josh’s expression quickly turned from surprise to glee as he jumped from his seat to wrap his arms around you in a tight hug. You held his phone out towards him, staring around at the room surrounding you.
It was a music studio, electrical equipment made up of a complicated mess of knobs, dials and switches covering a huge desk to one side under a window looking into a recording booth. The walls were clad in some type of soundproofing material and there was a large comfy looking couch accompanied by two office chairs.
“You’re a life saver,” Josh said gratefully, pocketing the precious device, as you switched your attention to the other occupants of the room. Noticing your gaze Josh quickly gave out introductions.
“This is Han.” He pointed to the kind boy who had shown you where to go.
“Chan.” The boy with the shock of red hair smiled lopsidedly and nodded his head amicably your way.
“And Changbin.” The last boy looked serious until he gave a very wide smile, lighting up his entire face, making you unconsciously smile in return.
“Guys, this is my sister.” Josh finished, his tone brimming with pride, as he squeezed your arm lightly.
“Nice to meet you,” Chan said his familiar Aussie accent immediately putting you at ease. “We’ve heard a lot about you from Josh.”
A blush immediately started staining your cheeks, wondering exactly how much your brother had told them in the short weeks he had been working with the k-pop boy group.
“I was just about to get some coffees. Do you want one?” Han was still hovering in the doorway, with an expectant expression.
You immediately started shaking your head. “You guys look busy. I should get going!” You took one step towards the door before Han blocked you, hands waving in the air.
“We’re not busy. We’re actually taking a break. Do you like milk? Sugar?”
You smiled ruefully at the persistent man. “I’ll take it black with two sugars please.”
His face lit up with genuine joy and he ducked out the door, humming as he went.
You turned back to the remaining occupants of the room. Chan patted the empty seat beside him, presumably Hans one he had abandoned in search of caffeine.
You sat, twisting side to side in the spinning office chair, as Josh took his place on the couch on the opposite side to Changbin.
“So....” Chan drew out the syllable, his intense eyes focused on you. “We heard you’re studying to become a Social Worker? How is that going?”
“Uh, not too bad. It’s all online which is good coz I don’t have to get out of my pyjamas most days but it’s also terrible coz I have no self-motivation or control so usually end up scrambling to finish my assignments thirty minutes before it’s due!” All three boys laughed and you smiled at the welcome sound.
“Is the course through a Korean University?” Changbin questioned curiously, his English thickly accented.
You shook my head. “No, it’s through a Uni back home in Australia, thank goodness.”
All three boys eyebrows raised at the last sentiment, questioning your relief.
You quickly held up your hands, trying to wave off the misunderstanding. “No, I don’t mean that a Korean course wouldn’t be just as good or better, just that my Korean is so terrible that I would struggle even more than I am now!” You tried to explain emphatically.
Understanding dawned on their expressions and Changbin gave a small chuckle.
“You’re Korean’s that bad huh?”
You grimaced and then said, “Eotteohge saeng-gaghaseyo?”
Chan and Josh both burst out laughing, and Changbin tried to hide a smirk but failed miserably.
“It’s not the worst I’ve ever heard,” the kind rapper commented, trying to save your feelings.
“She’s been working hard on it,” Josh felt the need to interject. “She’s only been learning for two months since she came to live with me.”
The two k-pop idols turned their gaze towards you, expressions now impressed.
“Very good,” Chan complimented encouragingly.
The door opened and Han struggled through, balancing two cup holders full of cups.
Josh immediately jumped up and grabbed one off of him, the younger guy smiling at him gratefully. “Thank you, Maenijeo.”
“I’m still not used to that,” Josh admitted, as Han quickly distributed the coffees to their rightful owners.
“You deserve it,” Chan told him, as Josh and Han sat back down on the couch, squishing together a little next to Changbin. “We were over the moon when they told us you’d be our new Manager. I was just glad for the extra help with producing.”
Josh blushed a little at the praise from the Leader, twisting his fingers round the cup in his hand. You beamed with pride at him, knowing how hard he had worked to get where he was.
Aware that Josh was probably getting a little uncomfortable being the centre of attention you turned to Chan, asking, “What are you working on?” And then belatedly realising, “Although you probably can’t tell me, I guess.”
“Actually Josh was just telling us about some ideas he has for our new music.” Chan nodded his head towards your brother, making him blush even further, undermining your attempt to change the subject.
The boys started chatting about music, most of the technical stuff going over your head, but you enjoyed watching the four boys talk so animatedly about something they were clearly all passionate about.
Eventually you sighed, checking your watch and groaning as you noticed the time.
“I have to go,” you told the others regretfully. “I have an assignment to start before my next class.”
The three boys protested but Josh pointed out that they too had work that needed to be done.
You said your goodbyes, promising to return and visit the three boys you’d somehow become friends with.
Josh gave you a tight hug and offered to walk you out but you immediately declined, knowing how busy he and the boys were.
You gave them one last wave and then let the door shut behind you, crossing over to the elevator and pressing the button, waiting patiently for it to arrive.
Once inside you pulled out your phone, double checking the time for the next class, balancing your still warm coffee in your other hand.
Noticing a message regarding one of your upcoming assignments, you were too engrossed in the device in your hand to look up when the doors pinged open.
You automatically started walking but somehow managed to catch your foot on the metal grating on the floor, pitching forwards with no free hands to stop yourself
Luckily, or unluckily depending on your point of view, your fall was stopped by a solid form, as strong arms caught at your waist to stop your hectic descent.
Unfortunately for the owner of the hands, although they managed to stop your fall they didn’t manage to stop your coffee’s, the caffeinated beverage covering you both in lukewarm liquid.
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thestayway90 · 4 years
~Requests for OT8 Stray Kids are open *NO NSFW* for the moment~
Stray Kids OT8
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Unexpected Attachment
A fluffy imagine where you move to Seoul, South Korea, to live with your brother and meet the group he is managing at JYP Entertainment, Stray Kids. Cute shenanigans follow...
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Reign of Lies
An angsty Royal AU where Alexis (OFC), as her fathers only daughter and therefore the kingdoms only Princess, is sent to marry a Prince of their rival Kingdom to ensure Peace. However, after arriving at her new home, Alexis quickly finds out not all is what it seems...
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LOVE YOU TOO: Felix - One Shot (Requested) - fluffy cuteness of Felix showing you his favourite parts of his home city
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THE ROLLERCOASTER INCIDENT: Bang Chan - One Shot - when you get stuck at the top of a Rollercoaster the stranger next to you tries to help!
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