#unfortunately she is a very good alpha so. it's probably a little bit doomed
Just Ten Years
pairing: sterek
wc: 4020
notes: angst, happy ending, fluff
Ten years.
Ten years was exactly how long Stiles had gone without thinking about Derek Hale. He’d like to say for the record that none of this was out of the blue. Sure, Stiles had long since gotten over leather jackets and overly-expressive eyebrows. Sure, he had a job and a life in Beacon Hills now, and he was doing completely fine on his own.
Sure, things were perfect. Everything was perfect.
And it had been ten years.
That’s how long it had been since Stiles was a stupid teenager daydreaming about blazing red eyes or startling blue ones. He was living his own life now. And he had completely moved on from everything that had been his life before he graduated; the supernatural, the pain, the death.
Of course, certain things still came around. But every time they were taken care of, Stiles tried to pretend like he’d moved on from all of that too.
It started with a high school reunion.
Stiles didn’t actually plan on going. Not at first, thank you very much. Because everyone he’d ever gotten close to from high school was either dead, supernatural, or both, and if that wasn’t a mood ruiner, then what was? 
No, Stiles had planned on holing himself in his apartment not ten miles from his dad’s house and then maybe dropping by later that night to make sure his dad hadn’t ordered in pizza when he’d through he was safe.
But then Derek Hale had walked right back into his life.
Rude, right?
Stiles had always thought coffee shops were a sacred place. He thought the only good thing about being an adult was no one could tell you how much caffeine you were allowed and because of that, coffee shops were sacred. They were safe.
Derek Hale totally invaded his coffee shop.
Okay, to be fair, Stiles didn’t think the man had done anything on purpose. But there was this place near the Sheriff’s station where Stiles always did coffee rounds for the other deputies and until a fateful Friday, it had always been his safe place. He was good friends with the waitresses and occasionally, he got a free muffin. It was as good a place as any to get late-night work done, especially when his dad had kicked him out of the station for not ‘sleeping enough’ or whatever.
So to say Stiles had never expected to see the leather-jacketed back in front of him was an understatement. And it took him far too long to recognize Derek Hale.
Derek turned around first.
Stiles was minding his own business, desperately trying to pretend like Lydia wasn’t blowing up his phone with death threats if he didn’t show up to the reunion. He wasn’t sure why she was going to be honest, though he thought it might have to do with Jackson’s possible return. Or maybe she just wanted to flaunt her well-earned success; and he really couldn’t blame her. Some people would have things to flaunt.
Stiles was just terrified about who else might show up.
He hadn’t talked to Scott in years.
By the time Stiles had effectively dodged all her questions and realized the line wasn’t moving, he never expected to look up into grey-green eyes. And for a moment, Stiles honestly thought he was dreaming.
It wouldn’t be the first time Stiles thought he recognized an unfortunate green-eyed or leather-jacketed stranger on the street. It would be the first time he wasn’t wrong, though.
The moment he said the name, Stiles clamped his mouth shut. Because no way. No way in hell this was Derek Hale standing in front of him. Stiles was struck by painfully familiar memories of a man’s sad smile and small wave, and then he was stumbling back, turning toward the coffee shop door and making a beeline for it as fast as he could.
He made it to the sidewalk, but not beyond that.
The moment a hand caught his shoulder, Stiles swung right back around and shoved Derek away. He thought that as unfair, maybe. The flash of hurt across Derek’s face definitely was. But then it was gone as fast as it had been there and all Stiles could do was stare.
Derek looked… different.
His stubble was more of a beard, Stiles thought. The leather jacket was still the same, but Stiles didn’t know if it was possible for the man to ever get rid of it. Derek’s hands were shoved into his pockets and he was looking at Stiles like he’d seen a ghost, which was also totally unfair.
For a moment, all Stiles could do was stare. Then he clenched his jaw and turned away again.
In ten years, Stiles would like to say he’d never thought about Derek Hale. He’d gotten over leather jackets and overly-expressive eyebrows. He’d like to say all of that.
But dammit, it was such a lie.
“Stiles? Stiles, wait!”
There was a hand on his shoulder again and Stiles cursed. Yanking away, he turned down the nearest alley and the second Derek followed, he had the man slammed against the wall, something that sent him back so many years, Stiles nearly yanked right back away again.
Derek’s eyes flashed blue, but the man just stared. Stiles would like to say he’d grown into himself more over the past few years. They were the same height now and Stiles didn’t feel like that scrawny buzz-cut teenager that had been in a reversed position so many years ago.
No, this was different. And this time, Stiles was the pissed off one.
“What,” he said, glaring. “The hell are you doing here?”
Derek raised an eyebrow and Stiles really hated how the man had deemed them a point of conversation at some point in their past. Even if Stiles had never really forgotten what each stupid eyebrow angle meant.
“Goddammit, Derek,” Stiles said, loosening his grip a little. “What the hell are you doing back in Beacon Hills?”
“Scott called me.”
That was a bit like a punch to the gut. Stiles let go of Derek’s jacket completely and stepped back, breath catching in his throat. But when the man started to move forward, Stiles tensed again, and Derek quickly paused too.
“He said some of the old pack would be in town. For your reunion.”
Dammit.  “Oh.”  Of course, he did.
Stiles hadn’t talked to Scott in a long time. Not after the True Alpha had finished up college in Beacon Hills and taken his pack to New York. Deaton had gone first and Scott had all but followed. For all Stiles knew they were holed up somewhere. Maybe facing fewer threats than they had in Beacon Hills, maybe facing more.
He didn’t really care, Stiles often told himself. He’d his best to distance himself from the supernatural long ago, even if it still sometimes reared its ugly head back in town.
Dammit, why couldn’t Derek’s head be ugly too?
“So this is what,” Stiles said, eyeing the man carefully. “A high school reunion? A pack one? Those left, at least. I can’t believe this is the one thing to bring you back in ten years.”
Derek flinched at that. Stiles hated the flicker of guilt he felt, snuffing it out.
It wasn’t like he’d tried to contact the man after he’d left, except he totally had. But either Derek had changed his number or abandoned his phone altogether because Stiles never got an answer. Or maybe—
“Stiles,” Derek said, breaking through his thoughts. The man looked concerned now. “Stiles, are you okay?”
Stiles didn’t realize he was breathing heavier until he came snapping back to reality. Shaking his head, he rubbed a hand over his face and hoped his panic wasn’t giving him away nearly as bad as he thought it was. “No, yeah, I’m fine. Uh, welcome back.”
He thought if he could turn away, get away, maybe he’d be able to break down without Derek seeing. But then there was that hand on his shoulder and Stiles froze.
“Your scent is different.”
Slowly, Stiles turned back around. The man’s eyes searched his face, eyebrows knitted together. 
“It’s sharper. Less soft.” Derek’s gaze went down to his uniform and badge. “You’re a deputy now?”
Stiles didn’t answer, studying his face. It’d been dark the last time he’d seen the man. Derek had a bag slung over his shoulder and he had been looking at Stiles just like a few minutes ago. Like he was looking at a memory. A ghost.
The man had nodded and offered a small smile. Waved.
Some part of Stiles had known he wouldn’t be seeing Derek for a long time at that moment, if ever again.
“I’ve gotta go,” Stiles said, words shaking. Just a little, which he supposed was more than he could’ve hoped for. Derek’s expression still tightened. “Work.”
“You were going to get a coffee,” the man said, voice soft. If Stiles didn’t know better, he’d almost think Derek’s tone was a little pleading. “Would your father mind if you went into work late?”
“Uh, yeah, he probably would,” Stiles said, and instantly hated himself. He knew his heart skipped a beat. He knew Derek heard it. He could read it on the man’s face.
Stiles still pulled away, turning around. And this time, Derek didn’t a move after him. The man didn’t even say a word.
Ten years and Stiles kind of thought he was an idiot in some ways. When it came to Derek, that is.
Stiles’s dad was a complete traitor.
Stiles managed to get through the whole day without blurting out Derek’s surprising arrival and avoiding conversation regarding the reunion that night. He had done well, dammit. And if Stiles wasn’t so mad at himself, he might’ve been a little proud.
Then Lydia Martin showed up on his doorstep. And Stiles had no doubts as to who had given her the address.
The dress slung over her arm was still in its plastic covering and she had a large enough bag in her other hand that Stiles was a little concerned about what was in there. He didn’t even have the chance to get over his surprise or protest as the woman pushed into his apartment, right around him as Stiles stood there and gaped.
He was so tired of old faces showing up at random times. Derek Hale and Lydia Martin were too much for his brain to handle in the expanse of one day.
“Lyds, Lyds, Lydia, wait,” Stiles said, closing the door and stumbling after her. Lydia had already lain out her dress on the sofa and Stiles knew he was doomed the moment she unzipped the other bag, pulling out a neatly folded bagged suit.
Oh hell, no.
“Lydia, I already told you I’m not going,” Stiles said, to which the red-head fixed him with a look so severe that Stiles remembered why he’d known better than to argue with her in the past.
“You are going, Stiles,” Lydia said, unpacking the rest of her bag. “And you are not going to complain.”
Stiles frowned. “Is this really how you say hello after an entire year?”
Unlike nearly everyone else, Lydia Martin refused to sever all ties when she left Beacon Hills. She came back each year and if Stiles was honest, he thought that kept him sane sometimes. Because they’d faced the same things together and Stiles didn’t feel nearly as crazy when he got lost in old memories with her at his side.
Still, he would have rathered her visit been like usual this year.
“Hello, Stiles,” Lydia said, kissing him on the cheek. Stiles deflated a little at that.
“But I don’t want to go, Lyds,” he said, pretty sure he sounded as pitiful as he thought. “I mean, come on, do you really want to see everyone again?”
“Actually, I do.”
“Even the people who weren’t werewolves or other supernatural things?”
She gave him a flat, ‘no more questions’ look, and Stiles sighed, sinking onto the arm of the couch.
“Derek’s in town too.”
Stiles kind of hated how good that felt to get off his shoulders. Except then Lydia gave him a sharp look, eyes bright with interest, and Stiles regretted everything. But it was too late as she moved closer, studying his face. And Stiles had always been a terrible liar when it came to Lydia Martin.
“He is?”
“For now, I think,” Stiles said, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. “Scott invited him, I guess. I, uh, ran into him this morning?”
Lydia narrowed her eyes and Stiles felt his face grow hot. God, he hated everything sometimes. Mostly, his failure to keep his mouth shut.
“It’s not a big deal.”
“It is so a big deal, Stiles.”
“I really don’t want to go,” Stiles said quietly. “I haven’t talked to Scott since I came back to Beacon Hills and he left, and I’m pretty sure after this morning, Derek either hates me again or would just be better off without getting shoved into any more walls.”
“You did what?”
Stiles gave her a pleading look and the woman’s face softened a little. 
“I’m going to be by your side, Stiles,” she said, taking the folded suit and pushing it into his hands. “The entire night. For all people will know, I’m your smoking hot date and we’re both totally winning at life.”
“Hold up, if you’re the smoking hot one, what am I? The pity date?”
“Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately?”
Stiles raised an eyebrow and Lydia rolled her eyes, looking exasperated. “Never mind. Just shower, get dressed, and at least try to tame your hair. We only have four more hours.”
“Oh gee,” Stiles grumbled. “However will I be ready in time?”
The warning look Lydia gave him only seemed half threatening. He smirked and started toward the bathroom, bagged suit crinkling against his chest.
He should’ve skipped town the moment he heard about this reunion. 
The last time Stiles had shown up at Beacon Hills High in a suit, Lydia Martin at his side in a dress, stepping out of his jeep and eyeing the brightly lit school in the darkness, things hadn’t ended well. Stiles hated himself a little for those memories coming back before anything else but he couldn’t help it as images of red eyes and sharp fangs crashed over him, making him stumble for a moment as his fight or flight instincts kicked in.
In a moment, careful fingers were threading through his own. Stiles glanced sideways to see Lydia’s gentle, but determined expression and realized it couldn’t be much easier for her.
But she was here, she was going to do this. So he could too.
Stiles couldn’t help how his mind drifted as they moved into the school and toward the check-in table. Some part of him still couldn’t believe Derek had taken Scott’s invitation and come back. Because there was no way this could be anything other than painful for him too, right?
He tried to banish that thought. It wasn’t as easy as he might have liked.
Stiles expected the small talk, the speeches, and planned to at least get in a few drinks before he ran into anyone he knew. But then Lydia’s grip tightened and Stiles followed her gaze to see Jackson across the room, glass in hand as he stood in the corner more than the main room. It was a little strange to see, from the old Jackson that Stiles remembered. The one who had loved the spotlight.
Lydia slipped her hand away. “Okay, so, I know I said I wouldn’t be going anywhere—”
“Oh my god, go talk to the ex-lizard,” Stiles said, snorting as he scanned the room. “I’ll be fine. I need a drink anyway.”
The red-head rolled her eyes but started away. And Stiles made a beeline for the line of tables and drinks the moment he saw them.
He didn’t make it.
Stiles stopped with a wince, closing his eyes for a long moment before turning around. He always thought he’d run into Scott a different way. Maybe they’d finally meet up again after so many years had passed. What did healthy adults do at his age? Get dinner or something. Talk about work. Nothing involving their teenage years of running for their lives from countless threats.
God, Stiles sometimes forgot he was an adult.
The True Alpha looked startlingly similar to the eighteen-year-old at graduation. His hair was floppier again and his puppy eyes were just the same. Stiles kind of wished Lydia had still been beside him. Maybe he could—
“How are you?”
He’d expected the small talk, Stiles told himself. It didn’t make anything less awkward.
In a way, Stiles thought it was kind of funny. He’d always heard that childhood relationships didn’t often make it, but would things have been different if the werewolf stuff had never happened? Ten years and here he was, in a rented suit, being the best adult he could be.
He wasn’t great at it. Stiles managed to last five minutes before Malia was brought up and then small talk became awkward silence. Stiles thought Lydia owed him a million times over for ever making him leave his house. 
The pit grew in Stiles’s stomach as he managed to get away. There were lights, drinks, music. Had the bleachers been pulled out and Finstock been seen wandering around yelling at random kids, Stiles could’ve been in high school again. Back in high school again.
With the red eyes, sharp fangs, the first time everything had gone sour.
The pit turned to a sickness.
Stiles didn’t really think when he shoved out the nearest door, back into the fresh air. He didn’t really notice anything until there was a hand on his shoulder, Stiles realized he was on his knees, and he was shivering like it was much colder than a California late spring night.
“Hey, Stiles, hey. Breathe for me, okay?”
Stiles turned into the warmth of the man beside him without thinking. Some part of him would recognize Derek’s voice anywhere. Some part of him was still lost inside his spinning mind and the memories that were on replay over and over again.
“Hey, Stiles. Do you need me to call someone? Your father?”
“Oh god, no,” Stiles said, attempting to laugh. It came out in more of a wheeze. “No, let my dad eat pizza in peace.”
“... Lydia?”
Stiles actually did manage a laugh this time. “No, dude, she’s catching up with the lizard.”
There was a definite tone of amusement in Derek’s voice and Stiles glanced up, a little surprised. He could have melted at the small smile tugging at Derek’s lips. Because when was the last time he’d seen something like that? Not that sad smile Derek had the night he left. Not that.
Never that.
“Why did you come back, Derek?” Stiles said shakily. Derek’s smile ebbed away.
“Is it that bad?”
“That I came back?”
“Oh my god,” Stiles said, pulling away a little. And Derek let him. “Oh my god, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I’d never mean it like that. I just— it’s been ten years, Derek. You haven’t been back for ten years. Not since the last fight, not since that night—”
“Hey,” Derek said, and Stiles realized he was breathing heavily again. Dammit. 
“I’m sorry,” Stiles said quietly. “It’s not bad. It could never be bad. I’m just surprised.”
“Just surprised?”
“Shut up, Sourwolf. I didn’t miss you or anything.”
Derek’s expression did something soft again. The man stood and offered out a hand, which Stiles gazed at for a moment before taking. He glanced toward the cracked door, the sound of music faint in the air, and then slipped out his phone, typing a quick message to Lydia. To Derek’s quizzical look, Stiles swallowed hard and shook his head.
“I can’t go back in there.”
“I shouldn’t have come,” Stiles said, laughing weakly. “You know?”
Then there it was; that hand on his shoulder. That hand on his shoulder and Derek’s raised eyebrow. “Let me drive you home.”
“Dude, I drove here—”
“Then we’ll leave my car. Let me drive you home, Stiles.”
Stiles still paused. But a quick text from Lydia was a ‘get out of here, Stilinski’ and Stiles wasn’t sure if it was Lydia or Jackson who had sent that. He slipped it back into his pocket, shaking his head.
“Alright, Sourwolf. Let’s go home.”
He could’ve sworn the man’s eyes sparked a little blue but in the dim light, Stiles couldn’t be sure. Instead, he just leaned into the man’s arm around his shoulder, letting out a long breath. And he didn’t look back once at the high school, the music, the lights.
There was a Camaro parked next to his jeep. Stiles gave Derek a small look and quietly wondered when he’d shown up and how he’d know when to come. When Stiles needed someone.
Someone.. him. Ten years.
Derek gave him a small look back and the ride back to Stiles’s apartment was quiet other than the directions he gave the man.
Stiles thought it was funny how quickly some things changed. 
He’d woken up in the morning determined to avoid any part of his past for good. But then things went wrong from his coffee shop safe haven and continued to go downhill from there. Except now, suddenly, it was steady again. Things were steady again. Stiles paused on his doorstep, Derek at his side, and thought it was funny how quickly some things changed.
“Will you leave again?” he asked, risking a small glance sideways. Derek’s face was unreadable. “After tonight?”
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Where have you been? All this time?”
The man just shrugged. “A bit of everywhere.”
“Oh wow,” Stiles said, rolling his eyes. “That’s real explanatory, Sourwolf.”
Derek’s unreadable look turned into the smallest of smirks. Stiles hated the way his stomach flipped at that and he glanced down at his hands, pretty sure that if he’d just gotten one or two drinks in him tonight, that’s what he could blame it on. He could blame it on the alcohol, the nerves.
But maybe he didn’t want to. “I might’ve missed you, Derek. A little.”
Stiles focused even harder on his hands. “I mean, it’s totally fine if you didn’t think about this token human a moment longer after you left, but I just wanted to say, if you do leave again—”
There were fingers tipping underneath his chin. Stiles glanced up into Derek’s soft expression of a raised eyebrow and faintly blue-tinted eyes. And he thought it was funny how fast some things changed. He could get lost in that look. Those eyes. A million words burned on his tongue, but Stiles was pretty sure it’d be best to just swallow them. It’d be best for when Derek was gone again.
Derek’s eyes sparked again. His thumb brushed over Stiles’s cheek.
“What if I don’t go anywhere?.”
It only took ten years. 
Ten years before Derek Hale stayed. Before the man kissed him.
And that was exactly how long Stiles had gone without thinking about the man. That’s what he’d like to say, at least. But none of this was out of the blue. He wasn’t over stupid leather jackets and unfairly expressive eyebrows. God, he totally never thought about Derek Hale. Not when he drove by the loft, not when he looked at that whiteboard he’d long since tried to forget about.
Because it had been ten years.
But then again, Stiles supposed, certain things always came around. Things Stiles would take care of, things he’d move on from. Things he’d try to forget. 
Though he didn’t want to forget this. Not ever. It took ten years for Stiles to finally realize that.
It took him ten years to realize that ten years might have been just enough.
- -
Oh geez, so I vanished for a little while! But the inspiration struck and I really wanted to write something, so here we are! I apologize if it’s a bit rough around the edges, I forgot what words were for a month.
120 notes · View notes
starkerintheparker · 4 years
starker reclist - PWP
What better way to celebrate RDJ’s bday than spreading some pwp love, amirite :D I decided to just share these without the usual commentary because there are only so many ways to praise hot smut and I’m not that well versed in English lol. Some fics are plottier, some are porn with feels, others are unapologetic filth. Suffice to say they are all sublime and top notch wanking material, 10/10 recommend. Please mind the tags and stay safe. Happy meals! 😈
Last updated: April 25th, 2020. All new additions will be marked with ***
• a little bit scandalous by @paspleurer (3k, completed)
Summary: “What do you think about dessert? I’m thinking the creme brulee, but—”
“You could eat my ass,” says Peter. "After you've already come inside of it."
Tony sets the menu down on the table with jarring force.
• A Special Love by @darker-soft-starker (completed) 
Summary: “You know - the thing where I tell you that I’m too old to be kissed on the lips,” Peter answers, reaching out linking their hands together over the gearstick. "Where I tell you none of the other fathers kiss their sons like we do and isn’t it weird?”
Author’s warning: Incest roleplay (no actual incest), semi-public sex, exhibitionism, public foreplay, armour kink, slight incidental daddy kink, nff. 
• Babysitter (AU) by @readysetstarker (5.4k, completed)
Summary: Tony was desperate. Ten minutes before he was supposed to leave for work, brushing his daughter’s hair in the bathroom and promising her a fun day at the zoo with her babysitter (he had already paid for the tickets online, the receipt for them sitting on the counter), he had gotten the call that she wouldn’t be showing up. He needed to be at work to negotiate a deal with investors, they needed him there, but she had been adamant about not showing up and hung up on him mid-plea.
• Ballerina!Peter and Construction worker!Tony (AU) by @starkerforlife6969 (completed) Part 2 is winterironspider
Author’s warnings: mild dub con (super mild, Peter turns out to be a mega-slut and we love it), innocent peter, feminisation, multiple orgasms, rimming, mild cock warming, mild cock-slapping. 
• Berries and Cream by @stfustucky (5k, completed)
Summary: There's no way in hell they're going to fit all the Avengers into two cars, not unless Peter sits on Tony's lap. And there's no way in hell Tony is going to survive the ride all the way back to the tower unless Peter stops squirming like that. Unfortunately for Tony, Peter doesn't seem inclined to sit very still tonight. Whoops.
• Breaking Character (AU) by @cagestark (8k, completed)
Summary: Tony Stark, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and spy for SHIELD. Working with another SHIELD spy, the infamous Spider, he will take down an infamous human trafficking ring in New York. But the act they have to put on will demand more from Tony than he ever thought he'd have to give. Not that he minds.
• Bruisable and Sweet by @bloomblood (completed)
Summary: Tony has a meal in Peter’s humble, college dormitory bed.
• Captured (AU) by @areluctantsblog (1k, completed)
Summary: In another a universe, reluctant as he may be, Peter Parker has to find out that being Spider-Man inevitably means being a celebrity, too. As far as he’s concerned, the only good thing resulting from this is that from time to time he gets the chance to lay eyes on the fashion industry’s most handsome face, that of photographer Tony Stark’s. When one day Peter is sent on a photo-shoot with the living legend, things take an interesting turn.
• Coming Untouched by @starker-stories (4k, completed)
“So, is it true?”
“Which thing? I presume you stood there, outside the door, eavesdropping on our entire conversation,” Peter said, miffed.
“That you can make yourself come without touching yourself even once during your… session?”’
• Context Clues (A/B/O) by Anonymous (8k, completed) 
Summary: Peter is crying. Those had been FRIDAY's exact words, and the reason Tony had run upstairs and bypassed the privacy lock on the kid's door. Context is kind of everything.
• Desperado (AU) by @starkercrossedlovers (completed) 
Summary:  Desperado Tony come to town and takes Peter with him when he goes.
• Drabbles by @starkerforlife6969 (290k, ongoing)
Summary: These are all starkerforlife6969’s tumblr drabbles/stories in one collection, aside from the Mafia Boss One. Mostly starker, but there will be winterspider and spidershield and spiderstrange.
• Eight Stops (to make you mine) (A/B/O) by @starkerkeyz and @the-mad-starker (9k, completed) 
Summary: He clutches onto the alpha's forearm and gives Tony another nip, harsher with his spiked up desires. "Eight stops," he tells the alpha, "that's all the time we got. Think that's enough…?" They can only have a quickie but Peter thinks it just might be the best sex he's ever going to get. He gives the alpha's cock another squeeze, trying to convince him to say yes. "Plenty." Tony unbuckles Peter's pants one handed, smirking against pale skin. He rubs his stubble into the omega's lightly bitten scent gland just to rile him up.
• From Across the Bar by @readysetstarker (3k, completed)
Summary: Tony took a slow sip and listened to a pair of new broadcasters talk about upcoming sports games and a player’s most recent scandal about steroid use. He couldn’t have cared less, personally, but there was nothing else on and he wasn’t really here to watch television. Not if the cute brunette trying to scope him out without being noticed had anything to say about it. 
• From Thy Bounty by @ibby-writes and feyrelay (30k, completed)
Summary: Tony’s eyes are always dark, but now there's almost no iris left. He looks hollowed out. There’s something terribly hungry there, despite the feast they've filled themselves on.
• Further Assistance by @learned-foot (4k, completed)
Summary: Besides, it would be unethical not to tell Peter what he saw, right? He’s pretty sure that would violate some sort of boundary. And if the kid wants to go down the path of creative experimentation, it’s kind of Tony’s duty to make sure he does it safely. He basically has to help.
• half doomed and you’re semi sweet by noctiphany (2k, completed) underage
Summary: “Peter,” Tony says, his tone flat, and Peter shudders. “Peter,” Tony says again, impatient and with a hint of threat. “I’m waiting.
• Heal Me by Mezzymet (7k, completed)
Summary: His love for the man probably bordered on hero worship but....you could love someone and not be in love with them. Obviously.
• I could be your whore, Mr. Stark by @stfustucky (10k, completed)
Summary: Peter needs a cover story for his shady behavior as Spidey, and half the school thinks he's an escort anyways, so Peter just leans into the rumors. Tony, being the good friend and teammate that he is, agrees to corroborate the cover story by letting everyone think Peter is his own personal slut. 
• Indulge Me by @learned-foot (370 words, completed)
Summary: Peter likes it best when Mr. Stark is rough and taking. Read it together with Under Someone Else.
• Jealousy is Ugly (Except When It's Not) by @yadds (4k, completed) 
Summary: Peter has a boyfriend. Tony can't stand it. 
• Kinktober 2019 by @readysetstarker (38k, completed)
The whole list is amazing, my personal favorites are the glorious upskirt/semi public sex (ch 6). the  breathtaking mirror sex (ch 7) and the sweet praise kink (ch 9).
• Just a little bit, just enough by @bitter-lemon-water (25k, completed)
Summary: So somewhere in between devastation, uncertainty, fear and disconcertment—Peter settles. Alternatively: Tony pulls. (Peter lets him.) (Peter wants him to.)
• Just Listen to Me by LeafyGreenQueen773 (3k, completed)
Summary: After the spider bite, Peter's senses are “dialed to eleven”. That includes in bed. Peter talks Tony through what feels best to him. 
• Later for later by @unsettledink (15k, completed) sex pollen, top!Peter 
Summary: “You,” Peter says, again, mouthing at Tony's skin. “I want you. I trust you. This is a terrible, terrible idea, Tony knows. The worst. And yeah he's normally all for terrible ideas, but this is… no. (The one where Peter gets hit with a sex drug, and Tony is not prepared for this shit.)
• Me, You & A Tattoo by @starkeristheendgame (4k, completed)
Summary: Peter gets Tony's name tattooed on his ass after a not-bet with MJ. Really, it was just a matter of time before Tony found out.
• Morning (A/B/O) by @starkerstarkerstarker (completed)
Summary: Peter’s breath hitches, eyes on him like he expected him to do more, but when he doesn’t, when all he does is lift a brow, he frowns, his bottom lip pushing out. “If you want something, princess, go ahead.”
• No Control by @paspleurer (500 words, completed)
Summary: Mr. Stark’s conditions are simple— no touching himself, and no talking. And Peter wants to be good, he really does— but his senses make it so hard.
• Paint my Body Gold by @spidey-stuff (14 k, completed)
Summary: Tony is desperate to rid himself of his inappropriate attraction before the last barrier holding him back crumbles as Peter's 18th birthday rapidly approaches.
• Perfect by @learned-foot (639 words, completed)
Summary: There are a lot of things that should make Peter embarrassed right now, starting with the fact that the first time Mr. Stark kissed him—about half an hour ago, though it feels like another world—he came in his pants within seconds.
• Peter in Heat (A/B/O) by @starkerforlife6969 (completed)
Summary:  Peter’s presenting and Tony knows exactly how to take care of him.
• Red Light District series (AU) by @starker-stories (17k, ongoing)
Summary: Everyone knows that Tony Stark is a playboy who has dozens of women passing through his life and through his bed. What everyone doesn't know is that Tony Stark is deeply closeted, longing for something he can't ever have -- a life and a love with another man.
• Reversal by @learned-foot (4k, completed)
Summary: Sometimes, Tony is the one who needs to be praised.
• Still Use Work by @learned-foot (6.5k, completed)
Summary: Peter has a problem. Tony attempts to solve it. To be helpful, obviously. That’s the only reason.
• Sweet for me, my Honeybee by garbagesinboy (10k, completed)
Summary: Peter's got a sweet tooth, and Tony's got a problem. In which Peter Parker consumes way more sugar than the average human ever should, and Tony Stark suffers many many boners.
• Tremolo by @lilsoshie and @marvlouse (4k, completed)
Summary: “You’re gonna ride me,” Tony decides, easing his fingers free and cherishing the unhappy whine the move inspires. “Up, come on.” 
“Tony,” Peter says, a complaint, an exhausted plea.
• The Third Idea by @cagestark (12k, completed)
Summary: Tony walks in on Peter jerking off twice in one week, and realizes that his lover needs a little more from him. So he gives him less; a week without cumming should do it.
• This fire is out of control by feyrelay (2k, completed) sex pollen
Summary: There's really not enough room in their hiding spot to fuck, but Peter's temperature is rising from whatever they've been given, and Tony-Well, Tony's determined.
• Once Upon a Time, there was a Sloshed Bunny and a Guilty Man by @starkerchemistry (completed) 
Summary: drunk!Peter dirty talks Tony on the phone. 
• Up to Eleven by TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsG (15k, completed)
Summary: He watches those five minutes. Watches them again, and again. Tries to tell himself that he’s seeing something other than what FRIDAY is showing him.
• wasn’t built in a day by orphan_account (7k, completed) dubcon
Summary: Peter files “massive hard-on for Tony Stark” under “things I can’t tell Aunt May.” It’s tied at the top of the list with “I’m Spider-Man” and “I’m responsible for Uncle Ben’s death.”
• Weird by tuesday (2k, completed)
Summary: It wasn't weird, okay? A lot of people wanted to have sex with the Iron Man armor. A lot. There were entire forums and Instagram and Twitter accounts dedicated to it. There had been internet wars fought solely over which Mark was the sexiest. There was endless speculation over whether Tony Stark was among their number and whether and how he actually had outfitted one of the armors with the ability to make good on all that sleek, sexy promise.
It wasn't weird.
"It's a little weird," Tony said.
• what’s the point of a clear raincoat with no hood? by CarnivalGoldfish (7k, completed) 
Summary: Tony buys Peter clothes because he likes Peter wearing what he bought him. Peter realizes this is not normal.
*** when the world has dealt its cards by thisismydesignn (3k, completed) underage
Summary: Tony Stark has never claimed to be a role model, let alone a good influence. Case in point...
• You Learn Something New Every Day by @sbiderslut (4k, completed)
Summary: This man looks right at them and remarks, happily unaware of the kiloliter can of worms he just RPG-ed wide open, “The bond between you and Mr. Parker is truly remarkable, Tony. You could practically be father and son.”
• Your Eyes Only by tuesday (4k, completed)
Summary: It was an accident. Tony did not, as a rule, check up on Peter these days, and while he had kept the monitoring programs, they were there in case of emergency.
214 notes · View notes
flightfoot · 4 years
The Role of an Alpha
AO3 @adrichatnovember2020
Adrien hid in his room, breathing deeply.
Earlier that day he’d presented as an Alpha.
His father, of course, was thrilled. 
“So you are an Alpha.”
That was the first thing he’d said to Adrien as he walked through the door, having been sent home early by the school nurse. 
Adrien took in his father’s scent. 
Very clearly Alpha.
Not that he needed to smell him to know that. Gabriel exuded Alphaness in everything he did, from the way he brushed over other’s concerns to the way he asserted his will, expected everyone to submit to his needs and wishes.
“Alphas are in charge, as nature intends,” he’d told Adrien before, tightly gripping his shoulder. “Omegas simply exist to follow orders, betas little better.”
Looking into Adrien’s eyes, he’d asked him softly, “You’re going to be an Alpha, aren’t you?”
Adrien had wanted to respond. To tell him that he had no idea, it wasn’t exactly something he was in control of. And deeper down, that if THIS was what it meant to be an Alpha - if being an Alpha just meant stepping over everyone else - then he’d rather be anything else.
Ultimately, he’d said nothing.
But now that he’d presented?
The part of him that’d balked then, that’d wanted to protest, to chew him out, was too strong to ignore.
“That’s all you care about, isn’t it?” Adrien snapped bitterly. “That I’m on top. That I’m above everyone else. That I don’t somehow reflect badly on you.”
His father’s eyes widened. “Mind your tongue!” he snarled, a small growl emerging. “I am still your father. You may be an Alpha, but you’re still just a pup. And I am YOUR Alpha.”
“Is that all being an Alpha means to you? Yelling at everyone else, punishing them if they step out of line - out of YOUR line?!”
Gabriel’s eyes hardened. He stepped down the stairs, each footfall a prognostication of doom. 
He grabbed Adrien’s wrist. “I do not think you will need these anymore,” he’d told Adrien, throwing away the suppression pills the nurse had given him to help him ride through his first rut. “You will get through it like an Alpha should, not debasing yourself with suppressants,” he said in disgust.
And that was how Adrien had ended up here, desperately trying to ignore his body’s anguished cries.
He grit his teeth. Most of the Alphas in class had Omega friends to calm their hormones, to keep them comfortable, and vice versa. Chloe had Sabrina for instance, while Alya had Marinette.
He hadn’t been around for Alya’s presentation, sadly. But Marinette had recounted it with great gusto during one of the few opportunities they had to hang out.
Chloe’d been tearing into Marinette on the first day of the new school year, trying to get her to move seats. She’d just presented as an Alpha a couple months ago and had been thoroughly enjoying the added intimidation boost it provided her.
She hadn’t expected some random new girl to stand up to her.
Nor for that girl to suddenly start leaking a musky scent.
Since then Alya’d taken a lead in protecting the class - though protecting HERSELF? Not so much. 
Not that she was the only one. Marinette had been inspired by Alya’s display, had gotten some confidence herself, to the point she ran for - and won! - the class rep position, with Alya as.  her deputy. 
Her subsequent reveal as an omega had come as a shock. Everyone had assumed she’d be an Alpha, or a Beta at least.
But Omega?
She’d seemed nervous, scared even, when she first presented.
Afraid that her friends would treat her differently.
But well… she was still Marinette. Her being an Omega didn’t change that.
She was still their friend, still their class rep. 
Omegas had grown more common in leadership positions - something Paris became acutely aware of when Ladybug herself presented.
It had been assumed by most of Paris’s population that the suits masked the two heroes’ scent glands. That Ladybug was almost certainly an Alpha, POSSIBLY a Beta, and that Chat Noir was probably an Omega, possibly a Beta.
Until Ladybug had arrived at a fight, feverish and smelling sweet.
They’d still defeated the akuma, but Chat Noir had had to do more heavy lifting than normal - there was a reason Omegas were often given reduced workloads during their heats, especially anything requiring physical exertion.
Whispers emerged throughout Paris. ‘Can Ladybug really protect us if she’s vulnerable to an Omega’s heats?’ ‘An Omega, even one with superpowers, shouldn’t expect others to follow their orders. It isn’t the way of things.’ and worst of all ‘Ladybug should give her Miraculous to an Alpha. They’ll make better use of it than she ever has.’
People began looking to Chat Noir more, addressing him as the leader instead of Ladybug, who they’d deferred to before. Something that clearly made both Ladybug and Chat Noir uncomfortable, with Ladybug looking downcast and Chat Noir being more snappish with the press.
Until finally they’d given a news conference, Ladybug and Chat Noir taking the stage, addressing the preconceptions and discrimination Ladybug had been put through by the city because of her being an Omega. 
Not that she was the only one.
Many other prominent Omegas emerged to tell their story. Even some less prominent, more ordinary citizens, pushing back against the idea that being an Omega made someone somehow less worthy of respect, less worth listening to.
The Ladyblog featured all of this in great detail of course, with follow-up interviews with everyone who’d spoken. As Alya and Marinette excitedly told the class afterwards, they’d helped arrange it, researching activists in their area as well as asking for people to message the Ladyblog with their thoughts and experiences being an Omega.
A lot of the grumbling had died down after that - at least where the rest of Paris could hear it.
Adrien grimaced. Unfortunately, Father had been one of the ones who HADN’T been cowed.
Not that he’d expected him to be, with his… traditional attitude towards Alpha’s, Beta’s, and Omega’s roles in society.
Fumbling around, Adrien reached out from underneath the covers, grabbing the remote that opened up his window. Much too high to climb out of unfortunately (he’d tried), but at least it let in the cool air from outside. Right now, that sounded good.
He was right, this did feel good. And something about the air smelled exceptional today...
As if in a trance, he left his blanket fort, coming closer to the window.
Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath.
It smelled so NICE, so sweet, almost like-
His eyes blew open.
Just in time to get a face-full of superhero.
Adrien blinked. 
Green, slitted cat eyes blinked back.
And drooped as Chat Noir turned into a pile of mush in his arms, purring up a storm as he cuddled close.
Careful not to disturb him, Adrien leaned in near his neck, getting a good whiff of his scent glands.
Very, very clearly Omega.
He examined Chat Noir more closely; his flushed cheeks, his twitching tail, his glazed eyes.
“Chat Noir?” he asked carefully. “Are you alright?”
He kicked himself. Of COURSE he wasn’t alright, he was in the midst of his first heat - a pretty intense one too, from the looks of things.
“Mmmmphhhhhrrrrrrrr?” Chat Noir asked.
Well. ‘Asked’ may have been overselling it a bit. ‘Mewled with a questioning tone’ more like.
“Do you know where you are?” He clarified.
Chat Noir just purred and nuzzled his neck, getting a good whiff of his own scent glands.
WOW he was out of it.
“I’m gonna move you, alright?” he told Chat Noir softly, picking him up as gently as he could.
He’d seen how Alya’d helped Marinette through her own heats, though none of them had been as bad as this. 
First, a nest.
At least that was easy - good thing, since he had zero notice to prepare one.
Lowering Chat Noir into the mess of blankets he’d just vacated (Chat giving a confused-sounding “mew?” as he did so), he got up to find what else he needed.
A couple minutes later he was back at Chat Noir’s side, coaxing him to drink sips of some nice, cold water, as well as bringing him the few stuffed animals he’d managed to save from his father’s purges.
As Chat Noir sipped the water (Adrien holding onto the cup; right now Chat didn’t seem confident in his ability to hold it steady), the red gradually started fading a little. 
Adrien put his hand on Chat Noir’s forehead. He definitely felt cooler than he had when he first landed on him.
“Chat Noir?” he tried again, making sure to keep his voice low and soft. “Do you know where you are?”
Chat Noir blinked up at him, still looking a little hazy, but like he was at least attempting to focus. “You’re… that model boy… right?” he asked hesitantly. His voice sounded a little slurred, but at least he was speaking words.
Inwardly Adrien winced. Of course that’d be what he was known for; how ELSE would Chat Noir have heard of him? It’s not like he knew either of the Parisian heroes very well. They’d run across each other during akuma attacks of course, especially with how often their class ended up targeted in one way or another, but they didn’t exactly have time to chat.
Outwardly he made sure to not change his expression. “Yeah, that’s me. You crashed into my house a few minutes ago.”
Chat Noir vaguely looked around. Adrien suspected he’d just become aware of his surroundings.
A tinge of panic colored Chat’s expression. “I- I’m sorry,” he burst out, shrinking in on himself. “I- I didn’t mean to- if you want me to go, I’ll go.”
Adrien shook his head, kneeling down so his head was level with Chat’s. “If you want to leave, then you can. I don’t want you to stay any longer than you’re comfortable with.”
Chat’s eyes widened, then relaxed a bit, looking downcast. He began shuffling around with the blankets, attempting to stand.
Omega unhappy needs reassurance needs support
Adrien sucked in a breath. That surge of protectiveness, of the need to defend, to make sure Chat Noir was okay - he’d never felt anything quite like it before.
This… this was what being an Alpha meant to him. Not trampling over others, exerting will and dominance over them.
But being there for them if they needed it, helping to make sure every member of the pack knew how much they were wanted, needed, cared for. To lift them up, not tear them down.
Sometimes that might mean giving them space.
Sometimes that might mean staying put, letting them know you’ll be by their side.
“But just because I’m okay with you leaving, doesn’t mean I want you to,” he told Chat Noir, trying to possess every ounce of sincerity he could muster, to reach out and let him know on a fundamental level how much he cared for him. “I don’t want to keep you here or coerce you to stay. I don’t want to force you into anything, or feel like you need to do anything to please me or because you feel like you need to pay me back for something. I just want you to do what you feel most comfortable, what you feel safest doing.
Chat Noir, what do you want?” 
Chat Noir looked momentarily stunned.
He swallowed thickly. “I- I want to stay here for a little bit. If that’s okay with you!” he added hastily. “I don’t think I can get back home right now and… and I don’t really want to.” His ears turned backwards, flattening against his head.
“Are you okay with me touching you?” Adrien asked.
Chat Noir nodded.
Adrien sat down on the bed. Chat Noir leaned into him, Adrien stroking his head, like his mom used to do with him when he was little.
His mom couldn’t scratch him behind his cat ears though, on account of not having them.
...most of the time.
(He’d always had a thing about cats.)
They stayed there for the next several hours, Adrien checking up on Chat Noir regularly, making sure he was okay with the close proximity, asking whether he’d like food or drink, just… taking care of him, while making it as clear as he possibly could that Chat could ask for things, that Adrien WANTED him to ask for things, and that he wouldn’t force his will on Chat Noir. 
At last, the heat dissipated to the point that Chat Noir could get up. Could walk around.
Chat Noir looked out the window longingly, then back at Adrien. 
Adrien smiled at him. “It’s time for you to go, I’m guessing?” 
Chat Noir hesitated, then gave a short, sharp nod.
“Then go.”
Chat turned around to leave, but hesitated, looking back at him, an unspoken question in his eyes.
“If you ever need to come by again, for cuddles or support or just… just because you want to? Please, please come,” Adrien told Chat. “Just check to make sure my father isn’t around first, alright?”
Chat Noir laughed, pole-vaulting into the night.
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qsdblogging · 4 years
10 More TV Shows You Need To See
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This is the second installment of my recommendations of shows for you to add to your own lists. I watch a lot of television and I’ve got, what I consider to be at least, a wide variety of shows under my favorites. 
If you haven’t seen the first list, you don’t need to unless you want to see another list of ten shows you may want to check out if you’re looking for anything new to watch.
Warning, though, some of these don’t end the best way and may end up more as a disappointment. I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
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I. Warehouse 13.
Pete and Myka, U.S Secret Service Agents, are deployed to South Dakota’s Warehouse 13 with a new assignment from an authority above and outside the government. 
With the Warehouse comes assignments regarding objects that hold some sort of abilities that can cause people to do wild and crazy things. It’s their job to find the artifacts (as they all hold significance to history) and bring them back to the Warehouse for safe keeping.
Things get wild and some serious topics get handled, but the show isn’t alone. It’s connected to another on this list, Eureka. More on that when you get to Eureka.
Some familiar faces are Eddie McClintock who played a part in Bones, one episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Joanne Kelly who played a role in The Dresden Files television series, Allison Scagliotti who played roles in Stitchers, The Vampire Diaries, and Drake & Josh, Aaron Ashmore (twin brother to Shawn Ashmore, who has been in the X-Men movies alongside appearing in The Boys, and voicing Conrad in Man of Medan) from Killjoys, Lost Girl, and Smallville, and Jamie Murray from Castelvania, Gotham, The Originals, Once Upon a Time, Defiance, and Dexter.
I highly recommend, especially because the dynamic of the characters is really interesting and covers a lot. 
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II. Eureka.
As mentioned above, this is connected to Warehouse 13. But only in the last two seasons of this show are the two connected. 
Eureka is a town full of geniuses and advanced technology that the government funds, and when a new sheriff comes to town, he’s exposed to all the daily occurrences the locals get up to. And maybe a couple instances of time travel that may or may not have to do with the connection.
The town is full of faces you may recognize. Colin Ferguson who has roles in Haven, The Vampire Diaries, and Maytag commercials, Erica Cerra who has roles in The 100, Supernatural, Deadly Class, and the first Percy Jackson film, Felicia Day who has roles in The Magicians, Supernatural, Con Man, The Guild, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Trevor Jackson who has roles in Grown-ish, and a couple Disney productions.
It’s a huge science fiction show and if you’re into that, give it a watch.
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III. Alphas.
Now, like the two above is, Alphas is a science fiction packed drama. And it’s rumored to be connected, like be in the same universe, as Warehouse 13 and Eureka. It’s never been confirmed, but there is one character (same name and job) that plays a part in both Alphas and Warehouse 13, which is the stem for the theory. (Plus, some other ideas floating around). 
But Alphas focuses on a team that investigates people with supernatural abilities while they, themselves, have abilities. These powered people are referred to as Alphas, due to their nature.
Unfortunately, this show ends on a cliffhanger in its second season.
Yet, I still recommend giving it a shot because it truly is an interesting show and it’s got some people you may recognize. 
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IV. Haven.
If you’re a fan of Stephen King’s “Colorado Kid”, you’ll most likely enjoy this show since it’s loosely based off of it. 
Set in the coastal town of Haven, Maine, FBI Agent Audrey Parker comes to town to find that the residents have dormant curses, or rather troubles, that can be triggered at any given moment. She, along with the Sheriff and the town’s black sheep, must deal with the troubles’ deadly effects. And a few things may be revealed about herself too along the way.
It’s pretty interesting and I enjoyed it quite a lot when I first watched it. I’m not the biggest fan of Stephen King, and the connection seems to barely be there, but I wouldn’t know given my dislike for King. 
I highly recommend giving Haven a shot, however, especially if you’re a crime and fantasy fan. 
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V. Lost Girl.
Lost Girl focuses on the gorgeous and charismatic Bo, a supernatural being called a succubus who feeds on the energy of humans, sometimes with fatal results. Refusing to embrace her supernatural clan system and its rigid hierarchy, Bo is a renegade who takes up the fight for the underdog while searching for the truth of her own mysterious origins. (Taken from IMDB). 
Plus, there a lesbian romance or two. 
Now, the show itself is pretty strong holding in its own storyline and lore, but the last season does get a bit rocky feeling. It could’ve been better, and it definitely feels a little rushed, but it wasn’t too bad of an ending. However, it’s not a show that got cancelled before it could wrap things up and it leaves things pretty open-ended.
In my books, that’s a point. I highly recommend this is if you’re a fan of fantasy.
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VI. Almost Human.
Unfortunately, this is one of the ones in the list that only has one season (that seems to be out of order and frankly I’m not entirely sure of the order myself, so rely on googling it yourself and hopefully you find the right order) and was cancelled not long after airing. 
BUT, it’s a good watch. It’s set in the distant future, where cops are assigned an android partner to protect and serve. Things get pretty wild and I’m quite sure there are some bombs involved at some point, but there’s a bonus to all the madness of Almost Human.
Minka Kelly and Karl Urban. Two incredibly beautiful human beings.
I highly recommend bingeing this single season show. 
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VII. American Gods.
This shows feels very confusing. But it’s still a good watch. 
It centers on a recently released ex-con named Shadow Moon. He runs into a man full of mystery named Wednesday (and you’ll later come to find out who he really is, or you may already know given your knowledge on the book of the same name or just how well you know mythology) who seems to know more than Shadow about his own life and past. 
There are Gods, mischief, and a lot of crazy shit in this show. So far it’s on it’s third season as far as I know (I have to rewatch the first two before I pick it back up).
You should give it a shot, but I won’t blame you if you feel way too confused about the whole thing.
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VIII. The Boys.
Now, there’s a lot of controversy regarding this Amazon Original Series, but honestly, I think everyone should at least give it a chance. I know a lot of Tumblr users were put off on trying to due to the advertisements on the site. 
If you don’t know what this series is about, it follows a group of vigilantes set on taking down the corrupt superheroes that are abusing their powers and status.
It covers a lot of ground. Murder, sabotage, terrorism, capitalism, and a lot more. Feminism and sexual harassment occur, but there are warning before each episode for what you may see in the contents.
Some familiar faces include Karl Urban, who’s known for his roles in Thor: Ragnarok, the newer Star Trek movies, Almost Human, Lord of the Rings, and more, Erin Moriarty from Jessica Jones, Laz Alonso from The Mysteries of Laura, Chace Crawford from Gossip Girl and The Covenant, and Jensen Ackles from Supernatural has been confirmed to be joining the cast for its third season.
The Boys is currently on it’s second season, being released on a weekly schedule. So, if you like superheroes and graphic content, this show might be it for you.
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IX. Chuck.
Chuck is the result of when a twenty-eight year old computer geek inadvertently downloads critical government secrets into his brain, the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. assign two agents to protect him and exploit the knowledge, turning Chuck Bartowski’s life upside down. (Taken from IMDB).
This is one of the shows I cannot recommend enough to people. It’s the right mixture of action and comedy, plus a little romance. Spies, love, and murder, oh my! What more could you want? 
Plus, Zachery Levi plays Chuck. If you don’t know him by name, you probably would recognize him from some of his roles with the most recent being in Shazam!, Fandral in the second and third Thor films, voicing Eugene Fitzherbert (or Flynn Rider) in Tangled, and Heroes: Reborn. 
If Zachery Levi playing a lovable computer geek turned spy doesn’t interest you, maybe some more familiar faces will. 
Yvonne Strahovski from The Handmaid’s Tale, The Astronaut Wives Club, acting as Daenerys in a Princess Rap Battle on Youtube, and Dexter. Adam Baldwin from Firefly/Serenity, Bones, Angel, The Last Ship, and Independence Day. Brandon Routh who plays Ray Palmer from the DC Shows. Matt Bomer from Doom Patrol, American Horror Story, White Collar, Magic Mike, and True Calling.
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X. Deadly Class.
Unfortunately, I have a truly bad streak with new shows. Deadly Class, like others that have been mentioned in these lists of mine, got cancelled and on a cliffhanger no less. However, that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the action-packed coming-of-age story set in the 1980s. 
Following a new recruit for a high school training assassins, things get pretty wild when you pair death and teenagers. 
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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Ok, ok. So this is my Highblooded fantroll, Dommih. If your still available, can you please help me out?
Thanks for your patience! As we clear the backlog, your troll caught my eye because of the interesting sprite.
Also, im sorry if its a bit weird, im on the mobile version of tumblr.
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Alternia, my own session of sgrub
Aight, per the rules I gotta be stricter with my sprite edits! I know it’s frustrating but unless otherwise stated we do our best to remain a canon-compliant blog (though the current batch of trolls in the Troll Call have successfully invalidated a number of our former “rules”). In the end I *did* give you a bonus shirtless version since I felt there was detail that went unconveyed with his shirt on.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why):
Dommih Presea
The first name i had used a generator. It was one of the only ones that really stood out for me! As for his last name, its was a play on ‘Pixies’ and fish puns, (sea being the pun). I had messed around with the first part for a bit until it started looking somewhat readable. This happened until it is what you see today!
Hmmm I can get down with the last name, but for the first how about Doflin, from the scientific name for the North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). It also helps that it kinda sounds like “dolphin,” if you wanna keep going with the nods to oceanic fauna.
Age: 6 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Bident-kind
Fetch Modus: Connect four
If we wanna strengthen the octopus theme, why don’t we go with a MASSIVE Connect Eight? It would be an exceptionally difficult modus from which to retrieve anything, which means Doflin needs to be very quick on his feet! Er, tentacles?
Blood color: Magenta (i would very much love to keep it as it is!)
I’m probably going to adjust it to Feferi’s color which is pretty close to what you already gave me tbh.
Symbol and meaning: his symbol, pictured above, was a twist on Feferi’s own symbol. I simply curved it abit, and added the swirls one end of each side, as you can see!
Honestly I think it fits! I went and resprited it using Feferi’s actual symbol as a base so it reads a little neater but it’s p good. I think you sent this in before the extended zodiac was released, so if you want him further adjusted to fit with the new canon I am more than happy to do so! I personally think Picorn works well because a) I classed him as a Rage player and b) it kinda looks like a tentacle’s sucker.
Lusus: Octopus
I believe all tyrianbloods have Gl’bgolyb as a lusus since there’s only ever supposed to be one at a time, which is just as well since she’s basically a massive octopus anyway. Male tyrianbloods are supposedly exceptionally rare, and trolls are often matched with a lusus of the same gender for whatever reason, so if you’re dead set on having an Octodad in true videogame fashion, it may help to come up with a reason why.
(For example, perhaps Gl’bgolyb gave birth to a horrifying troll-horrorterror hybrid, and Doflin is a test troll who has been given to this hybrid to test if it can be used as a backup parent for backup heirs? It would give Doflin a reason to play in his (presumably doomed) run of SGRUB if he doesn’t have much to do save wait for his antecedent to die, which is unlikely to happen in the near future, and it would also give you a convincing reason for his odd appearance; it doesn’t matter if he’s a mutant since he’s basically a test run who isn’t expected to succeed the Condesce)
Personality: He is a narcissistic troll, who takes pleasure in hurting other trolls and seeing others suffer. He wouldnt care if you were to break your arm, there would be no sympathy. He lies, cheats sometimes, and finally, has stolen from others. However, he only sees it as fun, and doesn’t want to change for anything.
I think the fundamental problem here is that you are describing someone who fits perfectly with Alternian ideals and nothing else. This would be like giving me a bio for a human that said “they like to hang out sometimes!” What does that mean? This doesn’t mean that a character cannot have that trait, but that there needs to be specificity. For example, a character who likes to hang out might do so at a mall, at their friends’ parties, or just invite a person or two to come home and play video games. Each of those details gives a clearer picture of the kind of person it is.
So, give me more details to flesh him out! Does he go wandering around populated areas looking for a fight, or is he the type to meticulously plan a one-man heist? Is this attitude the reason he’s so scarred all over? What’s the story behind that? Answering these questions will help you in the future when you try to stay consistent with his characterization.
Title: Kaiser of Life (i would also love to keep this)
I just looked this up and it looks like, as a fan class, it’s basically Prince of Life but with a higher ranking? It’s my personal bias that most fan classes are easily subsumed by a sufficiently well-explained canon title, but I guess I don’t object to just the cosmetic change. However, the character you’ve described doesn’t seem to be a Life player at all (even one from a destructive class!), especially since your bio doesn’t really specify that he’s a cold-blooded murderer so much as that he’s just…apathetic? I would say he seems more like a Rage player, especially since he’s set in his ways and furthermore narrows others’ options through injury. Personally, I feel he’d make a good Thief of Rage, especially since “high class thief” is a fun trope to play with.
Land: Land of Precipice and Silence
I kinda like Land of Onslaught and Outbursts, an underwater land with active volcanoes that must explode to create a land path to the denizen atop a high mountain. Unfortunately, doing so endangers the aquatic life! It’s a perfect parallel to both his status as a seadweller highblood and is a means of harnessing his own violent outbursts to a greater end.
Dream Planet: Derse (same here!)
I’m always okay with tyrianbloods on Derse, especially since Gl’bgolyb is herself a minor horrorterror.
On to the redesign!
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Your sprite was saved a JPEG and much larger than a standard sprite, so I sized it down for comparison and basically made a new one while copying over elements of the original.
Horns - based on your description of his symbol, I figured you were going for horns similar to Feferi’s with minor alterations. So I literally just took Feferi’s horns and added a hook to the end of one of them. I also liked the kind of curly ones you added to the bottom, so I have a miniature version nestled in all that hair.
Hair - I started with a bun base from naphal’s sprite sheet, then merged with with the hair you already gave him, then futzed with it for a long, long time.There’s a new instagram trend called an “octopus bun,” which is basically just a fancy term for the messy bun that we’ve all done if we’ve had long hair that we needed out of the way, but it gave me a good starting point. If you count the tendrils of hair coming off his head, you’ll find that there are eight, and it really does look like there’s an octopus sitting on his head!
Eyes/Scars - I actually just used your existing unscarred eye to create a template for the cleaner ones. The other eye is a little scrunched up due to the scar tissue over it, which I grabbed from this template by fryingpanismyweapon on deviantArt. This is the case for all of the additional scars you see on him.
Freckles - I wasn’t sure if there were freckles on your original troll or just noise from saving it as a JPEG, but between that and the fact that you used a grey tinged with his blood color, I liked the idea of some grey and blood colored freckles on him. I used this template from x_pandatastic_x to get the effect, then messed with the existing ones to get his other freckles. You can see in the shirtless version that I provided that the freckles cover his entire body.
Ears - he’s a seadweller so unless you have a reason he’s gotta have the fin ears.
Mouth - once again, I just took the one you made and cleaned it up a bit! I feel like it has a lot more personality than any sprite sheet template I could conjure up.
Shirt - like I said, if this is an Alternian he still (usually) needs a black something with his symbol on it (though as I mentioned before, recent Troll Call reveals have indicated that it doesn’t need to be as strict as we previously thought). I used naphal’s sprite sheet to give me a base, then messed with it until I got something that resembled a swim shirt. That said, I still gave him a shirtless sprite to show that I kept the chest scars under all that
Fins - I will honestly admit that this is just a spriting limitation for me. I could not for the life of me figure out how to make the fins work on the torso without looking atrocious. I still liked the element, though, so I grafted them onto the backs of his feet with some scar tissue and ripping to boot.
Shorts - I noticed that you did pants for your original sprite, but given his whole concept it really felt like he was more of a swim shorts guy. Once again, I used naphal’s sprite sheet for a base, then added details like the drawstring to try and fit with what you were originally going for. The teal color you used for the majority of the shorts in your sprite didn’t really track for me without a solid reason, so I tried to devise my own color scheme. I came up with the purple pockets to reference Gamzee, the best-known canon rage player, and the blue underlining as a reference to Vriska, the thief. This is much in line with Feferi’s coloring which takes from Jade, the Beta Kids’ Witch, and Jane, the Alpha Kids’ Life player. As a bonus, it looks like that really specific color combo that all those soccer moms wore on their windbreakers in the late 90s/early 00s? I don’t know if you want to go that tacky, but I had a lot of fun doing so, and feel that there’s canon support given that every tyrianblood we’ve seen so far has been notoriously tacky with their fashion choices.
Feet - The barefoot one is from tajazzled/fan-troll’s now-ubiquitous sprite sheet. You used some fairly standard shoes for him, which worked just fine, but after I made the foot fins I wanted to give him footwear that made sense to me. Since one of them is ripped, I figured some scuba flippers would be a good way for him to get around underwater. This one is modified from fantrollartroom’s templates.
Aaaaand that’s it! I really liked your character a lot, and I hope you like the changes I made!
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