shootingxstardust · 2 years
I'm paining this askbox red.
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“That’s vandalism, bitch.”
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midnightseawitch · 3 years
"Y--Y-our hornyness is s-s-till wonderful!"This gay albino dolphin says, while groping the other's boobs."J-Just look at what you are, you've become a very mature witch!" -2pi to Wada
Wadda smiles happily from the while Dolphin’s words remembering 2pi from before. She lets out a sweet moan as she felt her hands groping her breasts while she was being complimented. “I’m glad to hear that my Hornyness is wonderful to others haha~. I suppose you are right about what you said, 2pi~”
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skyboundlunatic · 4 years
Gasp! Shock horror! The ghost is in town! Underwater town, that is.  Recently a lost spirit-that-isnt-quite-sure-its-a-spirit made a discovery.  She was keenly aware something wasn’t ‘normal’ and due to what was initially a complete accident, followed by panic, it was revealed to her that she.. Didn’t need to breathe anymore.  Something that might have worried anyone else, but for someone with such a fascination with the ocean as her, well she immediately took advantage of it and was out and about, exploring the depths she believed impossible to examine during her life-time.  She was right in one thing, at least. 
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younglittleseawitch · 4 years
unhingedsea liked your post “aaa hH ye SSsS”
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“It was a joke! Don’t assume I’m really like that!, Like you!”
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mcsesofhope · 4 years
BR is gonna try to be clever."W-Would you rather do me, or double do me-" From BlueReturn to Lime
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“Nyahahah... You shouldn’t play games like this with a demon. It’ll only be more fun for when I mess with you.”
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“But come on. You should already know the answer.
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shootingxxxstardust · 4 years
"wE wiLl fuCk HEr. fUCk hEr aGAIN aND AgAin HehEHE." As Wada then mumbles in a whispering ."While a dead Velvet watches."
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“You’re lying... If you had done anything remotely harmful.. VeLVeT WoULd HaVE EaTeN YoU ALrEaDy.. I TrULY BeLiEvE ThAt. I ShOuLD KiLL YoU JuSt FoR SaYiNg ThAT.”
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muse-matrix · 4 years
unhingedsea replied to your post: Feeling my muse for Chris stir is a good feeling
Chris is good yeeess
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It is my great pleasure to bring Chris content to any and all
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stained-carmine · 4 years
Do I need to say anything? c: Or send anything? Because I have already stated that you can write books, and I hope you get one published one day. Cause your story made me feel things, from breaking my heart, to tears. You're good at all you do
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(( I hope so too! That’s the dream for sure! I gotta tell these stories! ))
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(( You have no idea how great it is to have my story impact people in such a way! I hope I can touch more people’s hearts with my work and that I can continue to have such a profound impact on people through my writing! ))
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(( AAAAAAAAAAAH! I need to get back to Eliyah’s story! I wanna get to the end! It will be so great! ))
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(( Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait— ))
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shootingxstardust · 2 years
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🗡  name : Haley, also goes by Fox or Snek
🗡 pronouns : She/ Her
🗡  name of muse(s) : Too many, but my mains are from Black Rock Shooter and are Black Rock Shooter, Rose, and Mato Kuroi.
🗡  preference of communication : Discord mainly. If we are friends on there, I am more active there than here.
🗡  experience/how long (months/years?) :  Hmm I wanna say 5 or 6 years. I can’t remember when I started my RWBY blog, but that was my first rp blog.
🗡 best experience : Hmm I don’t know if I can narrow it to just one, but I’d say some of my favorite rps are with @shxxtteredfantasy​, @unhingedsea​ and @peopleoftheshadows​ especially the Dream Walker thread.
🗡  platforms you’ve used :  Tumblr
🗡  rp pet peeves / dealbreakers : God modding for one. I hate when people act like their muses are invincible when they are not.  I remember on my Neo blog I had a guy act like their muse was all that and more powerful than Neo-freaking-politan. My guy. Your muse was in one episode and died in that episode... Other pet peeves include pestering me non stop for responses, and added to that, pretending that the characters haven’t interacted in a while, if we haven’t rped in a while.  Rp isn’t something that has to happen in real time. and muse relationships shouldn’t degrade like that, just because we haven’t rped in a while.
🗡  plots or memes :  Both. Both are good.
🗡  fluff, angst, or smut :  I do all. The one I do the least is smut. Sometimes I can get pretty bored with it. Even will fade to black at times. My lack of interest is probably why I barely use my NSFW blog @shootingxxxstardust​ I bet many of you didn’t even know I had one. lmao. I love fluff and angst is a guilty pleasure of mine as well, especially with Rose.
🗡  long or short replies : I like to usually do at least a paragraph, except for crack.
🗡  best time to write : Honestly, just whenever I have time/ motivation, given my busy schedule.
🗡  are you like your muse(s): Hmm maybe a little.  Mostly Mato and Yomi. I have Mato’s outward bubbly personality,when meeting new people, along with her hyperfixation, and ADHD tendencies. I have Yomi’s smarts and also her tendency to feel lonely, or left out, and not good enough.  uwu.
Tagging: steal.
Tagged by @allelitemuses​ Thanks!!
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fxtelism-moved · 4 years
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“hOw DO wE lOOk cHlOe…HehEHE.”
Submit a picture of your muse, and my muse will react to their appearance in the picture in-character!
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No matter what kind of costume Red!Wada would wear, the girl still found her terrifying.
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magnificentmuses · 4 years
2pi is gonna kiss Shub and Wada, cause she couldn't help herself 💓
Send me a heart for my muse’s reactions to yours giving them a kiss…
💓…because they just couldn’t resist my muse’s lips
Shub is all too happy to return the kiss, even wrapping her arms around the dolphin.
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Wadda, though? She went stiff as a board and her eyes went wide. “M-My...lips...kiss...Dolphi...a-ahh...” she seemed more surprised than mortified, so it probably wasn’t a bad thing!
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shxxtteredfantasy · 4 years
"'I love you'r reactions as you get seriously concerned or annoyed at what I do HEhehEHe." - From Wada to Velvet
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“I’m past the point of giving a damn about your well being... You just annoy me, now.” 
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ziel-soundwave · 4 years
Wada SCREAMS at all your OCs
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mcsesofhope · 4 years
💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Smothers Lime with BlueReturn hearts
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“Oh come now. You have too many cute things about ya. I can’t possibly name one.”
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“Fiiiine. I guess If I had to pick something, It’d beeeeeeeeeeeee... your hat! You really do have some cute clothes.”
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“What. Were you expecting me to be cliche?”
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muse-matrix · 4 years
2, 12, 22 to Kotone
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2. What are three of your muse’s flaws?
She doesn’t value her own life- which also causes her to put others ahead of herself, almost always. Instead of dealing with her issues, she puts up her happy and carefree front to keep herself distracted.
12. What does your muse fear?
Really, what she fears most is loss, losing the things important to her.
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22. Would they ever cheat during game night?
Maybe not to win, but if she thought everyone could have fun with it, then definitely.
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skyboundlunatic · 4 years
replied to your
it too dang hotaaAaAaaaaAAaa
get a fan you nerd
ok but my last fan kinda broke? i thought it had just stopped working but something was actually blocking the motor and it was still turned on and it was only when i began to smell burning plastic i realised it was still plugged in
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