iamthekaijuking · 6 years
Literally all of those emojis
characters- Uuuuh… Godzilla and… I’m not sure.🕹 Video game you are currently playing- Monster Hunter World 🌡 Fave season- Winter because you get an excuse to stay inside and there’s plenty of ice everywhere that I can eat. Also I overheat easily but in winter I don’t need to worry about that.🏫 Are you in school, what grade- Ugh fine… I guess it’s about time you guys know. After summer break, I’ll be a junior in high school. 🎒 Are you in college, major area of study- No but I hope I make it.🏢 Your job (You don’t have to be specific) or dream job if you don’t work- Creature design, but almost everyone tells me that it’s nearly impossible to get into and that my chances are about the same as someone trying to become a professional football player. It bums me out so my back up plan is either zoology or taxonomy.📅 Your birthday- November 3. I was born on national Godzilla day. 🎂 How old are you- *sigh* I’m 16.📏 How tall are you- Almost 6ft 1.🔑 Key to your heart- Looks, compatibility, and affection.📖 Fave book- Uuuh… Every Project Nemesis book.📝 Fave quote- “Anything is a dildo if you’re brave enough” -Abraham Lincoln. 🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in- Just English. 💻 Desktop/Laptop/iPad/other- IPhone (it sucks).📔 Do you keep a traditional diary- No.☠ Something that angers you- The American government, and The System.🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of- Ice cream.🌼 Fave flower- That one corpse flower.📺 Fave anime- Uuuhh… I wanna say Monster Hunter Ride On but I haven’t seen it.🎥 Fave film- Shin Godzilla.📻 Fave song currently- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zj0JOHJR-s🎙 Can you sing- Not really.🎁 Best gift you ever received and why- Sour Skittles because I was hungry.👾 Do you believe in aliens- It’s statistically impossible that there aren’t aliens. We’re not alone. 👻 Do you believe in ghosts- No.⛪ What is your religion- Fuck that.🌎 What country do you live in- A neo nazi redneck capitalistic hell hole with lots of corn and golf courses… I live in Indiana.
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