#union gables saratoga
clarklovescarole · 2 years
April 1937: Non-Trial Comings & Goings
April 3, 1937 – Courier Post
Snapshots of Hollywood collected at random: Poor “Fieldsie” is getting nothing but the wildest gag presents for her birthday, April Fool’s Day, from Carole Lombard and Clark Gable. They’ll throw a real party for her Sunday.
April 3, 1937 – The Napa Valley Register
So back to the cinemas to report that Clark Gable and Carole Lombard are to be made the next romantic couple of the screen… they’re pals in private life… Clark is separated from his second wife… Producers who have watched William Powell and Myrna Loy panic ’em at the box offices believe that the Gable-Lombard film team would be popular indeed. 
April 3, 1937 – Dayton Daily News
Clark Gable’s captured cougar is contraband, as far as Clark is concerned. It is locked in a cage in the studio zoo, and MGM has given the star 10 days to find a new owner for it, before he starts “Saratoga.”
April 3, 1937 – Great Falls Tribune
I wandered onto a sound stage in search of Clark Gable the other morning and found myself in a fog scene. Synthetic fog was so thick one could barely see his hands in front of him. After a few stubbed toes and a crack on the funny bone against a wild set, I discovered my quarry off in a far corner having – of all things – a smoke. There is a rule against smoking on stages, but Gable figured nobody could see him in that fog, so what. 
“I saw Carole’s (Lombard) car outside,” I said. “Is she here?” 
“Nope, we swapped cars for the day,” Gable explained. “But you might look around.” He added, “There’s no telling who you might find in this damned fog.”
April 5, 1937 – Democrat and Chronicle
Carole Lombard’s deal with RKO for an appearance opposite Fred Astaire being on the rocks (At least temporarily), MGM wants to land her for “Idiot’s Delight” in which she would work opposite Clark Gable… Under her new Paramount contract, Carole can do one picture outside her own studio – and this may be it… Considering the deep friendship existing there, Carole might even be tempted to shave the asking price – which is about $300,000 for that one outside picture.
April 5, 1937: ‘Handwriting Reveals Character’
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April 5, 1937 – Daily News
Handwriting Reveals Character 
William Powell and Carole Lombard are distinct opposite types. Mr. Powell is a complete extrovert, while Miss Lombard is an unusual highly individual introvert. Such opposite types are often attracted to each other, but there are too many differences for such a union to be lasting. 
Miss Lombard has a most difficult and complicated nature. Her poise and sophistication are an artificial veneer – have been acquired to front a sensitive, introverted, involved nature. … Miss Lombard is a non-conformist, unconventional, striving to compensate by being superior and different. 
Now both have turned to types more in harmony with their own. Jean Harlow’s writing is almost identical with Mr. Powell’s. 
Clark Gable’s handwriting is large, sprawly, and undeveloped. It slants a little to the right and to the left. Just what influence Miss Lombard will have on this impressionable male remains to be seen. 
His writing shows he is still in the big boy stage and he naturally would be fascinated by such an intriguing personality as Miss Lombard. She offers mystery and complications of emotions and thoughts which open a new world to him. 
Will he himself developed more extrovert? Since his character is still maturing, his present choice of partners and associates is mighty important. 
April 5, 1937 – Daily News
April 6, 1937 – The Sacramento Bee
Snapshots of Hollywood collected at random: Clark Gable celebrating with his first real shave in seven months; he discarded the Parnell sideburns. Carole Lombard’s small party for Fieldsie a grand event with everyone talking about horses, roping cattle and ranch life.
April 8, 1937 – Chattanooga Daily Times
The William Powell-Jean Harlow romance is jogging along comfortably, but without any exciting sizzle… Ditto the Clark Gable-Carole Lombard affair… 
(Seems like Sheilah Graham was a hater!)
April 11, 1937 – The Indianapolis Star
Many Are Unmarried, Have No Close Relatives 
Hollywood contains more wealthy people per square foot than anywhere else in the world. But many of them are unmarried, a large percentage lack children, and most are younger than those nearest in the line of inheritance. 
It is interesting to speculate on who will ultimately get the money amassed by movie star millionaires. 
Take the fortune of Clark Gable. For several years, his salary has been over $6,000 a week. His popularity is still very high and there should be plenty of money to be distributed according to Clark’s last will and testament. The actor has a mother and father living, but they will, in all probability, depart this life before their son. 
He is divorced from his first wife and separated from his second, but they are both older than he. Of course, he may remarry one day – although Mrs. Rhea Gable has shown no signs as yet of putting the screen lover back in circulation. 
When and if she does, Gable will almost surely marry a woman younger than himself – perhaps Carole Lombard – in which case she would receive the bulk of his fortune. Meanwhile, Clark has solved part of his problem by investing heavily in annuities that cease payment with his demise. 
Saves Tidy Sum.
Miss Lombard herself will have a tidy sum of money salted away by the time she calls quits with life. Carole is still under 30, and if she doesn’t wait too late will probably have children when she remarries. Failing offspring, “Fieldsie” (Madelayn Fields), her secretary-intimate, will be a wealthy woman one day. 
April 11, 1937 – Richmond Times Dispatch
Gable Saves Dog’s Dignity 
One wonders what will happen to the much-talked-about Carole Lombard-Clark Gable romance in view of recent developments. For months the two stars have been seen together, have exchanged comic gifts and have been considered among Hollywood’s most amusing couples. 
Recently, however, Gable made a statement which may have put him out in Dutch with the lovely Carole. It was during a discussion of the current habit of some stars to paint the toenails of their pet dogs that Clark delivered himself a mighty dictum. 
“A dog is the most dignified of animals,” he said. “It’s a shame to make him look silly by painting his nails and plucking his eyebrows and turning him into a regular caricature. My dogs are going to remain just plain dogs.” 
Dog fanciers will agree that this is a truly noble sentiment. Romanticists, however, will be sorry that Clark spoke in such definite terms, for it was Carole Lombard who introduced the custom of toenail tinting. 
All Hollywood awaits further statements from either party.
April 11, 1937 – Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph
Carole Lombard took up tennis a few years ago, and, on recent occasions, tested the ability of Alice Marble. That means she, too, like Garbo, could earn a living from the game. 
Elisa Landi is an expert horsewoman and is noted here on the West Coast for her ability to show both saddle and harness horses. Clark Gable has proved several times that he and boxing gloves are on friendly terms. In fact, Clark can hold his own with many professional boxers.
April 13, 1937 – The Sacramento Bee
Snapshots of Hollywood: Carole Lombard is better after a weekend attack of the flu. Clark Gable gave up his weekly horseback riding and calf roping expedition to remain with her. 
April 15, 1937 – The Ottawa Campus
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard are taking a ribbing. They were so anxious to see themselves in a revival of “No Man Of Her Own” that they broke a dinner engagement. When they arrived breathlessly at the Filmarte theater they found, much to their chagrin, that the picture wouldn’t open until the next night! 
“So we missed a grand dinner party,” Gable mourned, “and only got laughed at!”
April 21, 1937 – The Courier
Norma Shearer entertaining with a small dinner, her first in many months. Carole Lombard and Clark Gable… among the guests.
April 30, 1937 – Princeton Daily Clarion
Snapshots of Hollywood collected at random: An unknown femme admirer of Clark Gable giving a real zip to the six day bicycle races by offering a prize in his name; Clark and Carole Lombard in a nearby box, Harold Lloyd in another, was one of the many stars present who livened up the proceedings by offering additional cash prices to the winners.
April 27, 1937 – Chattanooga Daily Times
Extremely encouraging to would-be screen actors are those photographs of Clark Gable as a hop picker, published in connection with the government case against Violet Wells Norton, who asserts that Gable is the father of her 14-year-old child. Anything less like a future film star is difficult to imagine… 
While on the subject of Clark, I sat immediately behind him and his companion, Carole Lombard, at the preview of “A Star Is Born,” the technicolor movie that satirizes Hollywood and describes the fall of an old star and the rise of the new. They laughed uproariously, and at the end Gable said, “It’s a swell picture.” But they were both rather pensive as they left the theater, reflecting, no doubt, on the brief span of screen life allotted the average star.
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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Hattie McDaniel
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Hattie McDaniel (June 10, 1893 – October 26, 1952) was an American actress, singer-songwriter, and comedian. She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as "Mammy” in Gone with the Wind (1939), becoming the first African American to win an Oscar.
In addition to acting in many films, McDaniel recorded 16 blues sides between 1926–1929 (10 were issued) and was a radio performer and television star; she was the first black woman to sing on radio in the United States. She appeared in over 300 films, although she received screen credits for only 83.
Encountering racism and racial segregation throughout her career, McDaniel was unable to attend the premiere of Gone with the Wind in Atlanta because it was held at a whites-only theater, and at the Oscars ceremony in Los Angeles she sat at a segregated table at the side of the room; the Ambassador Hotel where the ceremony was held was for whites only, but allowed McDaniel in as a favor. When she died in 1952, her final wish--to be buried in Hollywood Cemetery--was denied because the graveyard was restricted to whites only.
McDaniel has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood: one at 6933 Hollywood Boulevard for her contributions to radio;  and one at 1719 Vine Street for acting in motion pictures. She was inducted into the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame in 1975, and in 2006 she became the first black Oscar winner honored with a U.S. postage stamp. In 2010, she was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame.
McDaniel, the youngest of 13 children, was born in Denver in 1893 to formerly-enslaved parents in Wichita, Kansas. Her mother, Susan Holbert (1850–1920), was a singer of gospel music, and her father, Henry McDaniel (1845–1922), fought in the Civil War with the 122nd United States Colored Troops. In 1900, the family moved to Colorado, living first in Fort Collins and then in Denver, where Hattie attended Denver East High School (1908-1910) and in 1908 entered a contest sponsored by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, reciting "Convict Joe", later claiming she had won first place. Her brother, Sam McDaniel (1886–1962), played the butler in the 1948 Three Stooges' short film Heavenly Daze. Her sister Etta McDaniel was also an actress. 
McDaniel was a songwriter as well as a performer. She honed her songwriting skills while working with her brother Otis McDaniel's carnival company, a minstrel show. McDaniel and her sister Etta Goff launched an all-female minstrel show in 1914 called the McDaniel Sisters Company. After the death of her brother Otis in 1916, the troupe began to lose money, and Hattie did not get her next big break until 1920. From 1920 to 1925, she appeared with Professor George Morrison's Melody Hounds, a black touring ensemble. In the mid-1920s, she embarked on a radio career, singing with the Melody Hounds on station KOA in Denver. From 1926 to 1929, she recorded many of her songs for Okeh Records and Paramount Records in Chicago. McDaniel recorded seven sessions: one in the summer of 1926 on the rare Kansas City label Meritt; four sessions in Chicago for Okeh from late 1926 to late 1927 (of the 10 sides recorded, only four were issued), and two sessions in Chicago for Paramount in March 1929.
After the stock market crashed in 1929, McDaniel could only find work as a washroom attendant at Sam Pick's Club Madrid near Milwaukee. Despite the owner's reluctance to let her perform, she was eventually allowed to take the stage and soon became a regular performer.
In 1931, McDaniel moved to Los Angeles to join her brother Sam, and sisters Etta and Orlena. When she could not get film work, she took jobs as a maid or cook. Sam was working on a KNX radio program, The Optimistic Do-Nut Hour, and was able to get his sister a spot. She performed on radio as "Hi-Hat Hattie", a bossy maid who often "forgets her place". Her show became popular, but her salary was so low that she had to keep working as a maid. She made her first film appearance in The Golden West (1932), in which she played a maid. Her second appearance came in the highly successful Mae West film I'm No Angel (1933), in which she played one of the black maids with whom West camped it up backstage. She received several other uncredited film roles in the early 1930s, often singing in choruses. In 1934, McDaniel joined the Screen Actors Guild. She began to attract attention and landed larger film roles, which began to win her screen credits. Fox Film Corporation put her under contract to appear in The Little Colonel (1935), with Shirley Temple, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson and Lionel Barrymore.
Judge Priest (1934), directed by John Ford and starring Will Rogers, was the first film in which she played a major role. She had a leading part in the film and demonstrated her singing talent, including a duet with Rogers. McDaniel and Rogers became friends during filming. In 1935, McDaniel had prominent roles, as a slovenly maid in Alice Adams (RKO Pictures); a comic part as Jean Harlow's maid and traveling companion in China Seas (MGM) (McDaniels's first film with Clark Gable); and as the maid Isabella in Murder by Television, with Béla Lugosi. She appeared in the 1938 film Vivacious Lady, starring James Stewart and Ginger Rogers. McDaniel had a featured role as Queenie in the 1936 film Show Boat (Universal Pictures), starring Allan Jones and Irene Dunne, in which she sang a verse of Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man with Dunne, Helen Morgan, Paul Robeson, and a black chorus. She and Robeson sang "I Still Suits Me", written for the film by Kern and Hammerstein. After Show Boat, she had major roles in MGM's Saratoga (1937), starring Jean Harlow and Clark Gable; The Shopworn Angel (1938), with Margaret Sullavan; and The Mad Miss Manton (1938), starring Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. She had a minor role in the Carole Lombard–Frederic March film Nothing Sacred (1937), in which she played the wife of a shoeshine man (Troy Brown) masquerading as a sultan.
McDaniel was a friend of many of Hollywood's most popular stars, including Joan Crawford, Tallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis, Shirley Temple, Henry Fonda, Ronald Reagan, Olivia de Havilland, and Clark Gable. She starred with de Havilland and Gable in Gone with the Wind (1939). Around this time, she was criticized by members of the black community for the roles she accepted and for pursuing roles aggressively rather than rocking the Hollywood boat. For example, in The Little Colonel (1935), she played one of the black servants longing to return to the Old South, but her portrayal of Malena in RKO Pictures's Alice Adams angered white Southern audiences, because she stole several scenes from the film's white star, Katharine Hepburn. McDaniel ultimately became best known for playing a sassy, opinionated maid.
The competition to win the part of Mammy in Gone with the Wind was almost as fierce as that for Scarlett O'Hara. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt wrote to film producer David O. Selznick to ask that her own maid, Elizabeth McDuffie, be given the part. McDaniel did not think she would be chosen because she had earned her reputation as a comic actress. One source claimed that Clark Gable recommended that the role be given to McDaniel; in any case, she went to her audition dressed in an authentic maid's uniform and won the part.
Upon hearing of the planned film adaptation, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) fought hard to require the film's producer and director to delete racial epithets from the movie (in particular the offensive slur "nigger") and to alter scenes that might be incendiary and that, in their view, were historically inaccurate. Of particular concern was a scene from the novel in which black men attack Scarlett O'Hara, after which the Ku Klux Klan, with its long history of provoking terror on black communities, is presented as a savior. Throughout the South, black men were being lynched based upon false allegations they had harmed white women. That attack scene was altered, and some offensive language was modified, but another epithet, "darkie", remained in the film, and the film's message with respect to slavery remained essentially the same. Consistent with the book, the film's screenplay also referred to poor whites as "white trash", and it ascribed these words equally to characters black and white.
Loew's Grand Theater on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Georgia was selected by the studio as the site for the Friday, December 15, 1939 premiere of Gone with the Wind.  Studio head David O. Selznick asked that McDaniel be permitted to attend, but MGM advised him not to, because of Georgia's segregation laws. Clark Gable threatened to boycott the Atlanta premiere unless McDaniel were allowed to attend, but McDaniel convinced him to attend anyway.
Most of Atlanta's 300,000 citizens crowded the route of the seven-mile  motorcade that carried the film's other stars and executives from the airport to the Georgian Terrace Hotel, where they stayed. While Jim Crow laws kept McDaniel from the Atlanta premiere, she did attend the film's Hollywood debut on December 28, 1939. Upon Selznick's insistence, her picture was also featured prominently in the program.
For her performance as the house slave who repeatedly scolds her owner's daughter, Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh), and scoffs at Rhett Butler (Clark Gable), McDaniel won the 1939 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, the first black actor to have been nominated and win an Oscar. "I loved Mammy," McDaniel said when speaking to the white press about the character. "I think I understood her because my own grandmother worked on a plantation not unlike Tara." Her role in Gone with the Wind had alarmed some whites in the South; there were complaints that in the film she had been too "familiar" with her white owners. At least one writer pointed out that McDaniel's character did not significantly depart from Mammy's persona in Margaret Mitchell's novel, and that in both the film and the book, the much younger Scarlett speaks to Mammy in ways that would be deemed inappropriate for a Southern teenager of that era to speak to a much older white person, and that neither the book nor the film hints of the existence of Mammy's own children (dead or alive), her own family (dead or alive), a real name, or her desires to have anything other than a life at Tara, serving on a slave plantation. Moreover, while Mammy scolds the younger Scarlett, she never crosses Mrs. O'Hara, the more senior white woman in the household. Some critics felt that McDaniel not only accepted the roles but also in her statements to the press acquiesced in Hollywood's stereotypes, providing fuel for critics of those who were fighting for black civil rights. Later, when McDaniel tried to take her "Mammy" character on a road show, black audiences did not prove receptive.
While many black people were happy over McDaniel's personal victory, they also viewed it as bittersweet. They believed Gone With the Wind celebrated the slave system and condemned the forces that destroyed it. For them, the unique accolade McDaniel had won suggested that only those who did not protest Hollywood's systemic use of racial stereotypes could find work and success there.
The Twelfth Academy Awards took place at the Coconut Grove Restaurant of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. It was preceded by a banquet in the same room. Louella Parsons, an American gossip columnist, wrote about Oscar night, February 29, 1940:
Hattie McDaniel earned that gold Oscar by her fine performance of 'Mammy' in Gone with the Wind. If you had seen her face when she walked up to the platform and took the gold trophy, you would have had the choke in your voice that all of us had when Hattie, hair trimmed with gardenias, face alight, and dress up to the queen's taste, accepted the honor in one of the finest speeches ever given on the Academy floor.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, fellow members of the motion picture industry and honored guests: This is one of the happiest moments of my life, and I want to thank each one of you who had a part in selecting me for one of their awards, for your kindness. It has made me feel very, very humble; and I shall always hold it as a beacon for anything that I may be able to do in the future. I sincerely hope I shall always be a credit to my race and to the motion picture industry. My heart is too full to tell you just how I feel, and may I say thank you and God bless you.
McDaniel received a plaque-style Oscar, approximately 5.5 inches by 6 inches, the type awarded to all Best Supporting Actors and Actresses at that time. She and her escort were required to sit at a segregated table for two at the far wall of the room; her white agent, William Meiklejohn, sat at the same table. The hotel had a strict no-blacks policy, but allowed McDaniel in as a favor. The discrimination continued after the award ceremony as well as her white co-stars went to a "no-blacks" club, where McDaniel was also denied entry. Another black woman did not win an Oscar again for 50 years, with Whoopi Goldberg winning Best Supporting Actress for her role in Ghost. Weeks prior to McDaniel winning her Oscar, there was even more controversy. David Selznick, the producer of Gone With the Wind, omitted the faces of all the black actors on the posters advertising the movie in the South. None of the black cast members were allowed to attend the premiere for the movie.
Gone with the Wind won eight Academy Awards. It was later named by the American Film Institute (AFI) as number four among the top 100 American films of all time in the 1998 ranking and number six in the 2007 ranking.
In the Warner Bros. film In This Our Life (1942), starring Bette Davis and directed by John Huston, McDaniel once again played a domestic, but one who confronts racial issues when her son, a law student, is wrongly accused of manslaughter. McDaniel was in the same studio's Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943), with Humphrey Bogart and Bette Davis. In its review of the film, Time wrote that McDaniel was comic relief in an otherwise "grim study," writing, "Hattie McDaniel, whose bubbling, blaring good humor more than redeems the roaring bad taste of a Harlem number called Ice Cold Katie". McDaniel continued to play maids during the war years for Warners in The Male Animal (1942) and United Artists' Since You Went Away (1944), but her feistiness was toned down to reflect the era's somber news. She also played the maid in Song of the South (1946) for Disney.
She made her last film appearances in Mickey (1948) and Family Honeymoon (1949), where that same year, she appeared on the live CBS television program The Ed Wynn Show. She remained active on radio and television in her final years, becoming the first black actor to star in her own radio show with the comedy series Beulah. She also starred in the television version of the show, replacing Ethel Waters after the first season. (Waters had apparently expressed concerns over stereotypes in the role.) Beulah was a hit, however, and earned McDaniel $2,000 per week; however, the show was controversial. In 1951, the United States Army ceased broadcasting Beulah in Asia because troops complained that the show perpetuated negative stereotypes of black men as shiftless and lazy and interfered with the ability of black troops to perform their mission. After filming a handful of episodes, however, McDaniel learned she had breast cancer. By the spring of 1952, she was too ill to work and was replaced by Louise Beavers.
As her fame grew, McDaniel faced growing criticism from some members of the black community. Groups such as the NAACP complained that Hollywood stereotypes not only restricted black actors to servant roles but often portrayed them as lazy, dim-witted, satisfied with lowly positions, or violent. In addition to addressing the studios, they called upon actors, and especially leading black actors, to pressure studios to offer more substantive roles and at least not pander to stereotypes. They also argued that these portrayals were unfair as well as inaccurate and that, coupled with segregation and other forms of discrimination, such stereotypes were making it difficult for all black people, not only actors, to overcome racism and succeed in the entertainment industry. Some attacked McDaniel for being an "Uncle Tom"—a person willing to advance personally by perpetuating racial stereotypes or being an agreeable agent of offensive racial restrictions. McDaniel characterized these challenges as class-based biases against domestics, a claim that white columnists seemed to accept. And she reportedly said, "Why should I complain about making $700 a week playing a maid? If I didn't, I'd be making $7 a week being one."
McDaniel may also have been criticized because, unlike many other black entertainers, she was not associated with civil rights protests and was largely absent from efforts to establish a commercial base for independent black films. She did not join the Negro Actors Guild of America until 1947, late in her career. McDaniel hired one of the few white agents who would represent black actors at the time, William Meiklejohn, to advance her career. Evidence suggests her avoidance of political controversy was deliberate. When columnist Hedda Hopper sent her Richard Nixon placards and asked McDaniel to distribute them, McDaniel declined, replying she had long ago decided to stay out of politics. "Beulah is everybody's friend," she said. Since she was earning a living honestly, she added, she should not be criticized for accepting such work as was offered. Her critics, especially Walter White of the NAACP, claimed that she and other actors who agreed to portray stereotypes were not a neutral force but rather willing agents of black oppression.
McDaniel and other black actresses and actors feared that their roles would evaporate if the NAACP and other Hollywood critics complained too loudly. She blamed these critics for hindering her career and sought the help of allies of doubtful reputation. After speaking with McDaniel, Hedda Hopper even claimed that McDaniel's career troubles were not the result of racism but had been caused by McDaniel's "own people".
In August 1950, McDaniel suffered a heart ailment and entered Temple Hospital in semi-critical condition. She was released in October to recuperate at home, and she was cited by United Press on January 3, 1951, as showing "slight improvement in her recovery from a mild stroke."
McDaniel died of breast cancer at age 59 on October 26, 1952, in the hospital on the grounds of the Motion Picture House in Woodland Hills, California. She was survived by her brother Sam McDaniel. Thousands of mourners turned out to celebrate her life and achievements. In her will, McDaniel wrote,
"I desire a white casket and a white shroud; white gardenias in my hair and in my hands, together with a white gardenia blanket and a pillow of red roses. I also wish to be buried in the Hollywood Cemetery".
Hollywood Cemetery, on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood, is the resting place of movie stars such as Douglas Fairbanks and Rudolph Valentino. Its owner at the time, Jules Roth, refused to allow her to be buried there, because, at the time of McDaniel's death, the cemetery practiced racial segregation and would not accept the remains of black people for burial. Her second choice was Rosedale Cemetery (now known as Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery), where she lies today.
In 1999, Tyler Cassidy, the new owner of the Hollywood Cemetery (renamed the Hollywood Forever Cemetery), offered to have McDaniel re-interred there. Her family did not wish to disturb her remains and declined the offer. Instead, Hollywood Forever Cemetery built a large cenotaph on the lawn overlooking its lake. It is one of Hollywood's most popular tourist attractions.
McDaniel's last will and testament of December 1951 bequeathed her Oscar to Howard University, where she had been honored by the students with a luncheon after she had won her Oscar. At the time of her death, McDaniel would have had few options. Very few white institutions in that day preserved black history. Historically, black colleges had been where such artifacts were placed. Despite evidence McDaniel had earned an excellent income as an actress, her final estate was less than $10,000. The IRS claimed the estate owed more than $11,000 in taxes. In the end, the probate court ordered all of her property, including her Oscar, sold to pay off creditors. Years later, the Oscar turned up where McDaniel wanted it to be: Howard University, where, according to reports, it was displayed in a glass case in the university's drama department.
The whereabouts of McDaniel's Oscar are currently unknown. In 1992, Jet magazine reported that Howard University could not find it and alleged that it had disappeared during protests in the 1960s. In 1998, Howard University stated that it could find no written record of the Oscar having arrived at Howard. In 2007, an article in The Huffington Post repeated rumors that the Oscar had been cast into the Potomac River by angry civil rights protesters in the 1960s. The assertion reappeared in The Huffington Post under the same byline in 2009.
In 2010, Mo'Nique, the winner of the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in Precious, wearing a blue dress and gardenias in her hair, as McDaniel had at the ceremony in 1940, in her acceptance speech thanked McDaniel "for enduring all that she had to so that I would not have to". Her speech revived interest in the whereabouts of McDaniel's Oscar.
In November 2011, W. B. Carter, of the George Washington University Law School, published the results of her year-and-a-half-long investigation into the Oscar's fate. Carter rejected claims that students had stolen the Oscar (and thrown it in the Potomac River) as wild speculation or fabrication that traded on long-perpetuated stereotypes of blacks. She questioned the sourcing of The Huffington Post stories. Instead, she argued that the Oscar had likely been returned to Howard University's Channing Pollack Theater Collection between the spring of 1971 and the summer of 1973 or had possibly been boxed and stored in the drama department at that time. The reason for its removal, she argued, was not civil rights unrest but rather efforts to make room for a new generation of black performers. If neither the Oscar nor any paper trail of its ultimate destiny can be found at Howard today, she suggested, inadequate storage or record-keeping in a time of financial constraints and national turbulence may be blamed. She also suggested that a new generation of caretakers may have failed to realize the historic significance of the award.
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stargategarage123 · 4 years
How Professional Garage Door Repair Services Can Keep Your Home Safe
Among the many ways we try to protect our homes and keep it safe, one way is to keep the garage safe. Yes, most of us often do not consider the safety of the garage and are casual about it. But contrary to this, a garage is one place or part of the house which needs a lot of maintenance, care and proper safety measures. If your garage door is not working properly, then that might prove as a threat to the safety of your vehicle. Thus it is really important for you to opt for professional services and get your door repaired as soon as you can.
The following are some of the ways through which a professional garage door repair service provider can keep your vehicles and home safe:
• The services providers have expertise of repairing door openers and torsion springs, which means that your garage will no longer be at a threat of easy unwanted entry. After getting the openers repaired, you can be rest assured that the door won't open without your attempt to open it and hence will remain secure.
• Another way in which a professional service provider or garage door service provider can make your home or residential premises more secure is by installation of safety sensors. These safety sensors detect unwanted or forced entry and inform the owner of the garage about it.
• Garage door repair service providers also install and repair your remote controlled doors and this is another way your garage and the vehicles parked inside can remain safe and secure at all times. Having a remote controlled mechanism means that intruders won't be able to open the door in any other way and only you, with the remote control will have access to it. So if you are worried about the safety of your garage or home, you must too contact a garage door service company now to avail these wonderful benefits.
• Professional companies have a lot of expertise at installing all necessary anti-burglar equipments and hence make your home and garage absolutely 'theft proof'. Once you hire a service provider or an opener installer, you won't ever have to worry about the security of your home, even when you are out of the home or city for a few days. The advanced equipments and technology make it possible for you to avoid any kind of outsider entry or intrusion.
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0 notes
gsgaragedoors1 · 4 years
Beauty of a Wooden Garage Door
Garage Door [GS Garage Door] is very popular for their modern designs and materials used. The material used by the garage door manufacturers is very cost effective and durable, thus a heavy demand for the garage door  in the market.
One of the most common materials used in the garage door [GS Garage Door] is steel and wrought iron. Apart from it many doors are also made used of fine quality wood. Steel and wrought iron made door are not expensive and come in reasonable price also they require less maintenance. Due to this they are also much in demand. Some artistic technology applied on steel can make it look similar to wood. Also they can be painted in different shades and given the appearance of panels. Due to the flexibility of steel, people prefer it as a trendy and cost effective option for garage doors.
One thing to be kept in mind, while finalizing the steel garage door [GS Garage Door], is that steel is a bad insulator and thus requires outside sources of insulation to keep the garages livable and thereby save energy consumption. Also, steel garage doors are very delicate and thus should be protected from any heavy load. Wrought iron garage door [GS Garage Door] are similar to steel but more durable and heavily built to absorb any heavy load or pressure.
Apart from steel and wrought iron garage doors, wooden garage doors are also available which look traditional and stylishly sophisticated? These doors are also available in varieties and fine finish and are priced high. The warmth in appearance and atmosphere of a wooden door cannot be beaten by any other material when it comes to comfort and sophistication. A touch of wood just gives a new life to any object in the house from a garage to kitchen.
Inspite of being a good insulator, wood requires more maintenance than any other materials it is inflammable and can get damaged in extreme weather conditions.
Every quality product comes with a price for maintenance and repair. Thus for the same, Garage Door Repair [GS Garage Door] offers customized repair solutions for the garage doors. Depending upon the need and material of garage doors.
For every kind of door Garage Door Repair [GS Garage Door] has customized solution with specific engineers and technicians. This saves the time of the customers as well as the company, when it comes to client servicing.
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0 notes
gslocksus · 4 years
Advantages of Working With Emergency Locksmith Services in Houston
You may get locked easily out of a car in one way or another. This is a fairly destructive case by any mean. When you understand that you have a fair emergency case to cope with and with the fair service providers, there is no source of alarm. By these people, you will get the right services to tackle in a fair manner. By these people, you will get a great deal at the end of the day. It is of great importance to make sure that you are in a fair place to prevent getting locked out of your home. With their help, you are in the ideal place of work and they will actually help you out.
The emergency locksmiths are the people who have skills and are available all the time whenever you need them, and that is the reason why a lot of people like them. For the fair safety of your marketing and house, there are certain locks that are made to give the appropriate safety to you. There are more great-grade security systems that you require to install and do work with that will assist you to stop any criminals form the premises. By the fair car key replacement Houston services, you get approached by a complicated automobile system. You will have the ability to tackle the right job and get the right locks when you hire a locksmith who understands what is needed of them.
Emergency lock service gives round the clock services. You can have emergencies anytime, any day or anywhere. You may have the time, whether it is during the night or the day. More situations mostly take place at night. When you require an emergency lockout, you need to get the fair people in order. They are available at prepared and all times to assist you. Regardless of the service which you need to deal with, these are the fair people to handle.
The right locksmith services providers will assist you to get the best results. In this way, you will surely get to work with the fair people who will assist you to get the appropriate understanding at the end of the day. They can offer the best solution for you at the end of the day. There isn't anything that you need to worry about at the end of the day. You require to be very certain of what you are coping with, and it will assist you to handle what you have the intention to sell at the end of the day. It is crucial to hire an emergency locksmith to avoid distorting the quality of work.
These locksmiths are well-trained. It is important to understand that the locksmiths during the emergency service should be professionals. They have great knowledge, experience, and skills. A lockout mechanism situation may take place whether you are dealing with the best lock system in your place of work or whether you are driving the most expensive car or any other vehicle you possess.
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0 notes
stargaragedoors · 4 years
On Fixing The Important Garage Door Issues
Garage doors have two main components; namely the garage door itself and the garage door opener. Garage doors are part of most buildings and it is advisable that the property owners stay informed of little things that can go wrong with their garage doors and the art of fixing them so that they are not left strangled with a faulty door during a crucially important hour. Though you need to call professionals to inspect and set right the garage door issues, there is nothing wrong in knowing about these most obvious problems to be able to do something from your end during emergency.
The main technology behind overhead garage doors is the spring tension. Using this principle, either they roll up in sections or swing up as one piece. There are metal tracks fixed to the garage walls and the doors move on these tracks. The power for the movement is duly provided by the spring or set of springs. When you detect some fault in the doors, you may need to check a few things given below.
First and foremost, inspect the metal tracks inside the garage. Survey the mounting brackets that hold the tracks firmly to the walls. If you find them loose, you can tighten the bolts and screws. When you work inside the garage with the door in closed position, check whether there are any dents, crimps or flat spots. If you happen to notice them you can use a rubber mallet to pound them. You may also use a hammer or a block of scrap wood. If you find the tracks damaged badly, then it might be the time to replace them for new ones.
Check the alignment of the tracks. Understand that the horizontal tracks need to slant slightly down towards the back side of the garage. In case of roll up doors, the vertical section of the tracks needs to be precisely plump. When you notice the tracks on the walls, both the tracks must be at the same height. If there is something wrong with the track alignment, then loosen the screws and bolts and tap in a way the tracks come to position. Once again check the tracks with level. Finally tighten the screws and blots.
You may use a concentrated household cleaner to clean the tracks in order to clear the debris collection and the accumulation of hardened grease application.
Inspect to see whether there are any loose hardware and tighten them. In case of swing up doors, check the plates at the point where the springs are mounted to ensure the screws hold tightly. In case of roll up doors, inspect to check whether the hinges are holding the sections of the door together. If you find the hinges damaged, replace them and if you find screws loose, tighten them. If you see the door sagging at one side, then you may probably need to service the hinges. If you find the screws hole enlarged, then replace the screw with new ones that are longer with the same diameter. While fixing the new screw, you might as well use a hollow fibre plug dipped in carpenter's glue. If the wood near the hinges is cracked, then remove the screws, fill the crack with wood filler and let it dry before fixing the screws once again. These little maintenance tasks can be tried from your side if you have the necessary implements and interest before you call a professional.
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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stargategarage123 · 4 years
Replacing a Garage Door Window
Garage door windows are prone to get cracked at one time or another. The culprits range from children playing in the driveway to taking tools out to the garden but whacking the door window by accident. Either way replacing the pane is fairly easy but should be done as soon as possible because broken glass is a danger and rain may get in.
The first thing you should do is take measurements for the window and purchase it. A good idea is to buy something more durable like Plexiglas but make sure whatever you choose it's between 1/8th and 1/16th of an inch smaller than the frame. A good idea is to take a piece of the old glass to the store in order to acquire the same type if you don't want to go with something more resilient.
Next, compile the necessary tools: ladder, work gloves, several types of screw drivers including flat head, putty knife, pliers, and a rag. You may need some new nails or wood putty.
Put the door in the down position and secure any remote control. Alert the rest of the household not to use the door or simply disconnect the power chord to prevent it from opening altogether. That's the best option.
Standing inside and wearing work gloves, place the ladder near the broken window and pull out any lose glass.
How is the trim around the window on the door installed? Is it screwed in, nailed in, glued on? You may need a putty knife or a flat head screw driver to remove it and pliers to remove any stubborn nails. NOTE: Newer doors may have an easy snap on/off trim.
Clear any leftover glass out of the frame. If it is being held in place by a solvent you may need to carefully bang it out with a hammer.
Clean the frame with a rag or brush.
Place the new window flush against the frame. Apply some wood putty around the frame to help it stick.
Return the trim to the frame.
Caulk around window on the outside of the door to ensure it's sealed. You may also caulk on the inside.
After you're finished make sure to sweep the garage floor well to remove any fallen shards, nails or other debris that could be harmful to others or cause a flat tire.
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0 notes
stargategarage123 · 4 years
Garage Door Repair Problem Solver
At Garage Door, we provide everything including garage items at negotiable rates and we are among the best companies in the entire region. The company we are talking about has served in the line of business for many years acquiring a lot of experience of serving our clients with respect and integrity. We have a well dedicated team of experts who are capable of making garage doors which meet your tastes. Do not even think of trading with any other company as we are located which a city with many beautiful sceneries consisting of nice flora and fauna environment.
Garage Door Repair employs a highly qualified staff which has undergone a number of tests to ensure quality service delivery. Among the services the company has given first priority are; repairing and replacing of garage doors, fixing door fittings like; door drives, keypads, torsion springs and positioning off-track doors. These services require skilled technicians of which we are assuring you that we have them here and they have everything it takes to meet your tastes and preferences.
The company has undergone many challenges of not serving fully the high population in the city. The has an estimated population of about 600,000 which are very busy settling in the city by constructing new homes and putting up business buildings. This has made the company to begin offering internal workshops so that its staff can achieve the company's mandate of quality service delivery to clients. These forums have also helped in educating the staff on emerging trends in production in terms of quality control of the garage doors, what kind of doors customers are looking for leaving them with a responsibility of achieving that goal.
We make doors where we allow our clients to make specifications on how they want work done starting from giving dimensions and type of paint to be used. Secondly, we make doors of different materials which consist of aluminum, steel and wooden doors. They have different features of which steel doors are very expensive, durable, strong and heavy. Wooden doors cannot be used to make a gate instead they are used indoors and they are light unlike aluminum ones which are very delicate to handle as they rust easily. Our services can be accessed 24 hours daily and we will deliver them on your doorstep by either enquiring more through our website or making a phone call to our number which is always provided.
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stargategarage123 · 4 years
The Importance And Usefulness of Garage Door Opener Parts
Are you searching the market today for garage door openers? Have the previous parts stopped performing? Have they become defective? Do you want o replace the parts but you just do not know what to get? Garage door openers used to be a luxury in the past but obviously, not anymore now! The power of technology has made its way to our homes and has crept into every nook and corner making almost everything automatic.
The wonders of technology have brought us all to a state of complete dependence. After a long and tiring day from work, we are too reliant on our garage doors to open remotely for us to enter the garage because of the highly functional garage door opener parts. What a blessing for all of us to enjoy the perks of technological advancement. Because our human limitations have hindered us in some aspects, the industry of mechanics is continuously innovating products that perform a better way to do things.
The importance and usefulness of a garage door opener can be overemphasized. This is because it is the one that makes garage doors open with the help of the remote, which is still part and parcel of the whole package. Different manufacturers produce various garage door openers but the main distinguishing factor is the mechanical drive in use. There are three known garage door openers, the chain drive opener, the belt drive and the screw-drive opener.
The Chain driven garage door opener is one of the widely- used type of garage door opener. The garage door opener part here would of course, include the chain, extensions, knots, bolts and other minute parts. Its popularity is brought about by its reliability and affordability. One disadvantage is primarily the noise that the chain produces whenever it moves. A lubricant is necessary but it still does eliminate the noise. This could be bothersome and could be a disadvantage if your garage is part of the house and your living room is just nearby.
When the garage is separate from the house, the chain driven garage door opener should not be much of a problem. So, if one is after cost effectiveness and good performance, the chain driven garage door opener still works well for many garage door owners. Another thing to consider with the chain type is the horsepower of the motor. A 1/2 horsepower is normally enough for residential use, but if you want a faster rolling and shutting of the garage door, perhaps a 3/4HP motor power can serve perfectly.
Chain driven garage door openers are reliable enough but because of the noise it produces and the discomfort it can cause to the owners, the Belt- driven garage door opener can otherwise amend the noisy situation. This is a worthwhile alternative although the price is a little higher, but it may be worth it keeping the residence in peace and tranquility.
The last type, are the Screw-driven openers. These are probably the noisiest and slowest systems, but the most inexpensive of all the models. If one is in a tight budget and the convenience of a garage door opener is a necessity, then this model is the right one. This method employs a threaded steel rod in place of a belt or chain. One major disadvantage is that it requires a consistent climate for optimal use. It can work perfectly during extreme weather conditions but then the temperature has to sustain itself to maximize the use of the garage door opener.
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gslocks123 · 4 years
5 Things You Should Know of Before Hiring Locksmith Services
There are times when you rush out of the house and forget your keys inside while automatically locking the doors. You remember it until you reach home and that becomes an emergency.
Professional locksmiths know about such emergencies and more and that is the reason why they tend to make themselves available round the clock. With similar problems with cars as well, locksmiths train themselves with helping out with key replacement of both homes as well as vehicles.
When it comes to choosing the right locksmiths who can help you, here are a few things you should know of.
Look out for a registered name
Even though a neighbour or the Internet may have helped you with the name of a locksmith, you need to ensure that they have a registered name for their business. Anyone and everyone who knows how to come up with a duplicate key isn't a locksmith. When you get to know their business name, verify and cross check if there are any other business registered under the same address. If there is any, it time to look for someone else.
Always check their license and identity card
You are calling in locksmith services to help you with a duplicate key for you house or the car. There is no guarantee that they aren't thieves trying to get access to your house in disguise. That is the reason why, it is essential on your part to check their license and identification before they start work with you. If they are genuine people, they wouldn't feel bad about the precautions that you take.
Ask for fees before calling them over
Anyone not revealing their fees when called to rescue you from a locked house or car isn't genuine. All professional locksmiths have a dedicated rate structure depending on the time of the day and the type of lock that they need to break into. When you call a locksmith for help for the first time, know about the fees and not agree with paying any lump sum. That doesn't show signs off a professional and you need to stay aware about it.
Look out for written/printed estimates and invoice
When it concerns professional locksmiths, they are known to always provide written estimates before they start work and help out with an invoice once it is done. When you hire a house or car locksmith, they should be able to produce a statement that comes with their official stamp and a signature. When you do not find any of these, things do not seem legitimate.
Do not agree to lock replacement
A team of professional locksmiths would not break a lock unless there is a grave complication with it. Every locksmith is trained to open locks without having to break anything. Unless there is a complication as that of an old lock that has become damaged with no signs of opening with a key, they do not generally break in. If they insist on breaking in from the beginning, it is either they aren't experts or they intend to scam you by asking for unnecessary money.
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