kremlin · 11 months
this is a fun way to spend the last hour at work on a friday
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molsons112000 · 7 months
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Now the police officer that works for the school can be the tracy officer as well. So when they go to the house they can go with the search warrant.They already have grounds to search the house.There is a absentee problem with the child.It is probable cause. So now they legally can go in and search the house. Look at the room, look at the environment. This is why I said they have to have a social worker's degree as well or a social worker certification. These cops must have social worker certification or a degree in social work as well. So they must get specialty training. So the city police do the city.Schools and sheriffs do the county schools where they're independent or don't have a police force. And then the state overlaps them. And now they can be the truancy officer.
The reason I cut a 165 days.Cause I could get away with it, but I didn't do anything illegal.I spend a lot of time with older people.One on one and I want to stores looking at stuff and examining stuff.. I didn't do anything illegal ... But the point is one time I came home for lunch acting like I just came home from school for lunch and the truancy officer was sitting next to my mom. And she knew I missed all those days. That's the last day I ever cut off school again.... But why did it take a 165 school days for the Truancy Officer to show up is my question?
So I am not forgetting the police out of the school.I'm for the police getting more involved in the students looking for children that have drug issues or other issues or that are getting abused and preventing bullying.... So the police can be in the playground.They can show up in the classroom.If there's a problem they monitor the hallways they can search the walkers naked the frisk of student.... And they have to have supervision.For female wand forcement too.Not just male cops, but female and male police officers in the school.I've only seen male cops.I want females there as well..... And they can do safety checks at the house and they have full authority.And they can talk to a judge with the prosecutor and get the proper search warrants.And they're advocating for the child. And they can work with the department of family services d e f s to make To make sure things are going properly....
And the sign note is, I'm p***** at the naacp. Where were they in the projects?They're supposed to be self.Regulating their people working with the churches working with the churches.Them all the black churches and black sororities.And fraternities, where are they working in the projects?Where are they working with their underprivileged people?Where are they doing their charitable work... It should be mandated that attorney's insurances due do charitable work and they do it in their own communities. . Where are those outreaches from the 107?All black schools and then their fraternities and sororities.Where are they reaching out into their under privileged.. .. It's a joke they have everything in place.They need to start addressing their issues getting rid of all the gangs number one.... With different black charities and athletes and so on to address the issues in their community.... And this is where we need association of white people... Just like the NAACP, they have the urban league as well. But this should be duplicated through all races..... This is called peer the peer and it has government oversight from the local to the county to the state to the federal and can have funding from them....
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Report on Use of 2022 Fine Monies
May 31, 2023 — In 2022, FINRA spent $6.4 million on regulatory-focused training for staff in FINRA's Member Supervision, Market Regulation and Enforcement ...
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Key FINRA Statistics for 2022 ; Securities Firms. 3,378 ; Branch Offices. 150,647 ; Market Events Processed Daily. 427 billion ; Fines Imposed.
CFA Institute
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Top 10 Characteristics of Effective Self-Regulatory Organizations
Jun 12, 2014 — For a financial self-regulatory organization ... government oversight. Governance: Strong ... While self-regulatory
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Uses of Self-regulation - CFA, FRM, and Actuarial Exams Study Notes
Feb 6, 2023 — Note, however, that they are independent and do not rely on government funding. An example of an SRO is the Financial
So I want the government to get out of the healthcare business.And I want them to be self.Regulating the healthcare business working with the american dental association working with american medical association. I want the government to get back to doing. What it does best and let private business do what it does best and set up the organizations? In between associations and map to self-regulate and the government. Working with those 10 minuto. Make things good and when they don't have the proper things. The government can assist and sometimes replace. Meaning come down and remove the board of a self regulated organization if it's criminal like the teamsters.... They can't have criminals running the self.Regulating organizations.Any association or any union is a self regulating organization.... And you can't have criminals of attorney and sorority ourself regulating organizations....
So tell me where is this infrastructure?In the black community solving their own fucking problems.... So I don't see these missionaries Going Out from the black churches into the black community. Where are the black missionaries going into the black community here? Solving the problems here first and then going to the Caribbean or Africa, but solve it here first. So where are the black missionaries? Where are the black youth groups solving the problems? Where is the NW CP working with? The churches, where are they working in the community through the churches? Where is the urban league? Where is the fraternity's authorities that are all black and all black colleges again? I'm repeating myself, but there's more than enough to solve every f****** problem in the black community. And the government is supposed to help the self-regulating organizations and if they need the assistance of law enforcement. Where is the association of black lawn forcement? That can work in their communities with them helping solve the problem..... So everything's in place.God is now at zero tolerance.... So either you start solving your problems or you all burn in f****** hell.So either you start cleaning up this s***Or you're f****** dead.There is no more chances, so you're supposed to be getting a fire lead under your a**That's my message.You should be scared shitless so you should be highly motivated. ...
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waw-mart-blog · 9 months
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dataplusweb-blog · 1 year
Registered Financial Professionals | FINRA.org
"Registered Financial Professionals | FINRA.org" https://www.finra.org/investors/investing/working-with-investment-professional/registered-financial-professionals
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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Nazi Torture Tactics being used in the Campaign of Terrorism directed at me for 5 years and 9 months including GASSING.  This is usually carried out by someone walking past me with a backpack and I would notice it about 45 seconds later.  Sometimes something is  hidden in a nearby garbage can or a potted plant and there is a small narrow stream of gas coming out of it.  There were times that it made me very tired for 3-4 hours and other times made me feel very sick.
They have also used SLEEP DEPRIVATION many times including last night, NOISE TORTURE, bombarding a person with spoken dialogue to hog their attention over an extended period of time usually delivered thru hidden speakers nearby or in a/c vent in car including while they are driving which is very distracting and dangerous to that driver and others on the road near him.  In addition, they will use PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE usually with a musical background and at a low volume and at some point pick up the pace to try to incite anxiety, infuriate.
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mikaelpetitjean · 3 years
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waw-mart-blog · 9 months
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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wellesleytco · 3 years
It’s time to drill down on the bond market. You can search FINRA.org for bonds i
It’s time to drill down on the bond market. You can search FINRA.org for bonds i
It’s time to drill down on the bond market. You can search FINRA.org for bonds issued by Starbucks. If you have another company you are interested in it is okay with me if you choose it. Go to Syllabus/ Course Info and look under Bond Markets, there is a wealth of information there please make sure you make good use of it. What kind of information can you find on your company, how many bonds do…
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dumbwhore999 · 3 years
It’s time to drill down on the bond market. You can search FINRA.org for bonds i
It’s time to drill down on the bond market. You can search FINRA.org for bonds i
It’s time to drill down on the bond market. You can search FINRA.org for bonds issued by Starbucks. If you have another company you are interested in it is okay with me if you choose it. Go to Syllabus/ Course Info and look under Bond Markets, there is a wealth of information there please make sure you make good use of it. What kind of information can you find on your company, how many bonds do…
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