sarkariyojnaaorg · 2 years
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skybirdhook · 2 years
Omega ruby decrypted rom
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I just want to have Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Rutile Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire installed without deleting the original one I will sin paste the same thing I wrote in the ProjectPokemon site: Wow this hack really looks interesting.
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How do I do to be able to play it normally without having to suffer with these problems. Load your ROM with your Gateway Flashcard on your 3DS or new3DS with del lower than or equal to version 9. PS: Does the Evolutions mod change Mega Evolutions and also add the Hoopa item too? I would really appreciate it if you could tell me the files for those two, since I want to be able to run a Vanilla playthrough of the game with only hacked wild pokemon and evolutions to be able to catch whatever Pokemon I want in the wild and evolve them without resorting to trading. I just want to have Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Rutile Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire installed without deleting the original one I will copy paste the same thing I wrote in the ProjectPokemon site: Wow this hack really looks interesting! I got just some questions: 1 Does the edited Wild Pokemon work so we can catch all of the 720 Pokemon currently available as of 6th Gen? Sort of like a Emu Edition to avoid having to trade for the ones not available in one of the two versions. That's why I asked if it's possible to change the UniqueID when I want to build Rutile Ruby. I have both installed as cia from the eshop legit and a copy of my retail Cartridge which I've sold. Load your ROM with your Gateway Flashcard on your 3DS or new3DS with firmware lower than or equal to version 9. Press a key and the command prompt windows will close. A blank command prompt window will pop up and stay blank for a while. Follow the instructions in the ROM decryption guide to rebuild romfs. Click the banner at the top of this thread or the font at the top to download the. Additionally, since wild Pokémon aren't leveled up, if you were to release one of your Level 40 Pokémon that you'd have ar around the third Gym you'd have a hell of a time replacing it. It's very rare for all six of your team to make it through any Gym battle, and some of the Ace Trainers are equally difficult. Boss battles play out almost like competitive matches, with them often revenge killing you, setting up, or pulling out surprise moves. If you wishing this ROM in other languages, feel free to ask me. Traiver I will continue the translation in german language. The first three people to beat the second run of the Elite Four in each game will have their teams immortalized in the trainers on the S.
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Note that Event eggs Lavaridge Town glitch out thanks to this, and wrap around to taking a very long time. Every species now has a 1-cycle hatch rate. Revives costs much more, to discourage their use in battle Sacred Ash is unusable during battle. You should be hitting Level 100 by the time you get to the Elite Four. Every trainer in the game has been edited, and the level curve expects use of the Experience Share, which means that you level up very quickly. Their main purpose is to provide a more challenging game experience while not artificially limiting the player. And I would like to know the following: I can not start Pokemon X and neither Pokemon Y is black infinite screen, and when I use a save from someone for example when I go to pick up the game, the game does not respond anymore, it gets the message from the Pokemon that I chose there, I have to use a save to pass that part as well. Prepare for an epic adventure exploring a world filled with Pokemon! I got just some questions: 1 Does the edited Wild Pokemon work so we can catch all of the 720 Pokemon currently available as of 6th Gen? This is a simple hack rom based on Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, in which were randomized a lot of stuff read below thanks to pk3ds. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire 3DS Decrypted ROM are 2014 role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, published by The Pokémon Company and distributed by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. ※ Download: ?dl&keyword=pokemon+alpha+sapphire+decrypted+rom&source=
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waw-mart-blog · 7 months
Safari.pdf https://phoenixedu-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jimhill724_email_phoenix_edu/_layouts/15/embed.aspx?UniqueId=5bed0452-85c5-4f27-aa17-c56ae1be5299
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iamuglyandishowit · 1 year
<iframe src="https://eckertschulen.sharepoint.com/sites/Lehrbriefedigital/_layouts/15/embed.aspx?UniqueId=96d68b4c-1bc0-4fc9-b0e7-8b7f0f67501e" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen title="BT-1(THS)3_Teams.pdf"></iframe>
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catdemontraphouse · 1 year
Yard skeleton that moves tho
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enterprisemaster · 2 years
Interview Practice
https://BrantonSupply.wordpress.com https://nhs-my.sharepoint.com/personal/daniel_lee9_nhs_net/_layouts/15/embed.aspx?UniqueId=b9eec189-7daa-4d79-a559-e6e1fb688a40&embed=%7B%22af%22%3Atrue%2C%22ust%22%3Atrue%7D&referrer=StreamWebApp&referrerScenario=EmbedDialog.Create BE SUCCESSFUL Work on your timing, questioning & decision-making ! Expedition 31 Preflight (201204230006HQ) by NASA HQ PHOTO is…
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cazucun · 2 years
初心者のObsidianメモ - DAY 2
作成日時:2022-11-17 14:54 更新日時:2022-11-17 15:58 (レイアウトの修正)
Obsidian の使い方についてのメモ。
正しさには公 / 私で2種類あるが、その衝突の記録とも言える。
また、いまのところ私は Obsidian をコアプラグインのみの、いわばバニラの状態で使っている。
リストを空行で区切ると、それぞれの文章を p タグで囲む。するとレイアウトが崩れてしまう。
これを回避してリストの要素を分けて表示するために、空行に br タグを挿入することにした。
最初はリストでの記載自体をやめようかと思ったんだけど、フォールドっていうリストを折りたたむような機能もあって、アウトラインプロセッサっぽく Markdown のリストを使うことを Obsidian 側も想定してるようなので。
また br タグを埋め込むこと自体は別に反則ってわけじゃないし。
ファイル名 / タイトル名について
極力ファイルの階層化を避けて、UniqueID として日時 ( YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-ss ) を秒まで含めて記載し、そこに拡張子 .md をつけるのが良さそうな気がするが、その場合内部リンクで指定するときに分かりづらい。
また、アイディアを出していく目的なら日時でも良いけど、そうでない場合、つまりすでにある資料をまとめるため等に Markdown を使うのであれば、日付によるファイル名表記は不適切な気もする。
ファイル名をテキスト(いわゆる「概要を示すタイトル」)にした場合、ノート内容の更新によって、ファイル名 = タイトル名がそのノート内容から乖離する懸念がある。 例)りんごのノートなので apple.md でファイルを作成したが、ノート内容を更新していくうちに他の果物についても記載するようになり、apple.md というファイル名にも関わらず内容的にはフルーツ全般についてのノートになっている。
かといってそこでファイル名を変更すれば、すでにあるそのファイルへの内部リンクが破損するだろう。 ファイル名が変更された際にそのファイル名を参照している URL すべてを自動更新するようなプログラムも無い。
Front matter の aliases に日本語を記載できるので、そこに「タイトル名」を入力してやれば、他ファイルから内部リンクを繋げる際に、そのタイトル名がリスト候補に表示されるようになる。
日時によるファイル名に対する懸念として、「内部リンクで指定する際に分かりづらい」というのがあったが、これは aliases でタイトル名を記述することによって解決した。
Win10 のタスクバー右下にある日時表示は、秒までは表示してくれず、秒までを見たいのであればその都度クリックする必要があり、デフォルトで秒まで表示するためにはレジストリをいじらないといけないらしい。
また、Front matter に記載された {{date}} {{time}} とファイル名では分・秒が少しズレる。そのズレがなんとなく気持ち悪い。
ファイル名は階層名(英字) + 識別子 + 拡張子で記述することにした。
この「識別子」はページ数のような感覚。ただし、1-1 だとか 1-3-2 みたいに階層化は進む。
これは本当に最低限の記述で、階層名も「階層」というより「なにに思考をフォーカスしているのか」程度の要素(First floor でなく Ground floor としての階層)しか持たず、さらに識別子を採用することによって日時による序列も放棄している。
前者を「土地 / 地名」と捉え、後者を「階層」と捉えよう。
土地 / 地名のアイディアは Magic: The Gathering から。なので英語なら Land と書く。
結論 / 2022-11-17 14:06:36
以上の思考から、ファイル名は、土地名 + 識別子 + 拡張子と記述する。
内部リンクは Wikilink でなく Markdown link で記述する。
内部リンクは、それぞれのファイル名でなく、aliases に記載された日本語タイトル名を参照する。
Markdown link の URL 自体はファイル名を指定しているので、タイトル名をどう変更してもリンクは破損しない(ぱっと見で分かりにくくはなる)。
もちろんブロックへのリンクも避ける。Obsidian 特有のマークダウンフレーバーのため。
これが一番丸いのではないか? Zettelkasten の実践というよりも Obsidian の実践として。
Front matter / aliases / tags について
Front matter とは
aliases とは
Markdown link 自体はファイル名を参照するので、タイトル名をいじってもリンクが破損することはない。
tags とは
tags はそのまんまタグのこと。
Front matter に記述することで、ノートの本文には表示されなくなる。
ただし現在のバージョン 1.0.3 では、プレビューでは表示される。
ウェブブラウザの拡張機能である MarkDown Preview Plus でも、Front matter に対応していないのか(そりゃそうだ)、普通にノートの頭に表示されちゃう。
PDF ファイルを書き出すとちゃんと非表示になっているのが分かる。
# [Markdownの原典にあたる](https://m12i.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/07/22/000730)
「Evergreen notesについて」#知的生産の技術
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mistamarcus414 · 2 years
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✌️👍's Up!! Now THIS Is What I wanna see from WB going forward!!!!! This Movie Along with the James Gunn News gives me Hope for the next phase of the DCEU!!! #BlackAdam #DCEU #TheRock BREAKING: The Peacemaker and Suicide Squad filmmaker James Gunn, alongside TV veteran Peter Safran, will head the direction of DC television, film, and animation going forward. James Gunn Will Co-Lead DC Studios, Steering Upcoming DCEU Movies, Shows, And Cartoons - GameSpot https://www.gamespot.com/articles/james-gunn-will-co-lead-dc-studios-steering-upcoming-dceu-movies-shows-and-cartoons/1100-6508620/?TheTime=2022-10-25T20%3A50%3A27&PostType=link&ServiceType=facebook_page&UniqueID=A827B522-54A6-11ED-8883-89A7923C408C&ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0a (at AMCinema Mayfair, Milwaukee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQfLsXui0y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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inspiredpolh · 2 years
Lag steam team fortress classic
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Lag steam team fortress classic download#
" 320" // sets the speed of a player when he climbs up " 300" // sets the inactivity time brfore a client times out " 1" // toggles solid player models - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 10" // sets the number of servers in the serverlist " 400" // sets the strafing speed of a player " 0" // toggles the display of network packet numbers - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 89" // sets the maximum angle to look up - *default is 89 " 225" // sets the speed at which the pitch changes " 89" // sets the maximum angle to look down - *default is 89 " 0.300" // sets movement speed for keyboard use " 0" // toggles higer quality player models - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 0" // toggles game gauge mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 1" // enables estimated player stepping motion " 400" // sets the forward speed of a player - *can only go as fast as the server allows " 1" // toggles downloads of models and decals during a game - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 0.500" // sets the amount that the view of a player bobs while running " 0.800" // sets how frequently the view of a player bobs while running " 0.010" // sets the amount that the view bobs while the player is running " 400" // sets the backup speed of a player - number can only go as fast as a particular server allows " 0.670" // sets the speed that the direction keys change the view angle " 1" // toggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
Lag steam team fortress classic download#
" 1" // toggles download of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 27005" // sets the port that the client will use to connect to a server " 16" // sets the preferred offset up for the chase cam " 0" // sets the preferred offset to the side for the chase cam " 100" // sets the preferred chase cam distance from the player when backing up continues the current game on a new map changes the map and maintains client connections controls CD audio - * i.e., 'cd stop' stops the cd play, 'cd loop X' plays track X using tracks 1-16 " 0" // sets the preferred snap interval for the chase cam - *works only if thirdperson is activated " 90" // sets the preferred yaw for the chase cam - *works only if thirdperson is activated " 0" // sets the preferred pitch for the chase cam - *works only if thirdperson is activated " 64" // sets the preferred distance from the player model to the chase cam - *works only if thirdperson is activated " 0" // toggles chase cam auto-contain in current room on/off - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 0" // toggles chase cam commands on/off - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' " 1" // enables glare reduction - *the higher the value, the brighter it gets " 6" // sets the bottom color of the player model " 1" // toggles CD audio on/off- * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' bans AND kicks a player from a server using their uniqueid - get this unique id from the "users" command - 0 minutes is a permanent ban - **Version only records a demo and appends it to the demo file in existence at Half-Life/Valve/m " 0.300" // sets the sound level for ambient sounds " 100" // sets the distance at which ambient sounds fade away binds commands together in an alias to perform mutiple tasks at the hit of one button adds an ip address to the filterban list - * use 0 minutes to make the addition permanent
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agrijust · 2 years
Glimmerblocker mac
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Hold down the shift and command keys along with the w key to 'close' the pop-up window. At the bottom General pane select the box: Open 'safe' files after downloading.
Je dokonca kompatibilný so vetkými ostatnými prehliadami a inými natívnymi aplikáciami Mac OS X, ktoré pouívajú http, napr. One of the best features of GimmerBlocker is keyword expansion (akin to Keywurl).Type hulu house in the address bar, and GimmerBlocker directs Safari to Hulu, executing a search for House. GlimmerBlocker je implementovaný ako http proxy, take stabilita Safari nie je kompromitovaná, pretoe nepouíva iadny hack. The biggest benefit is that since it does not use InputManagers, it works perfectly with Snow Leopard. $ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Groups/_privoxy$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -append /Groups/_privoxy RecordName privoxy$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Groups/_privoxy Password *$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Groups/_privoxy PrimaryGroupID 601$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Groups/_privoxy RealName "privoxy users"$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -append /Users/_privoxy RecordName privoxy$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy NFSHomeDirectory /var/empty$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy Password *$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy PrimaryGroupID 601$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy RealName "privoxy server"$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy UniqueID 601$ /usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default -create /Users/_privoxy UserShell /usr/bin/falseYou could start privoxy by hand now, but it's easier to let launchd do the job. From your Safari menu click Safari / Preferences then select the General tab. GlimmerBlocker is a fantastic proxy-based ad remover and content filter for Mac.
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NGO-DARPAN is a platform that provides space for interface between Non-Government organizations (NGOs)/ Voluntary Organizations (VOs) in the country and key Government Ministries / Departments / Government Bodies. All non-government organisation needs to register under Niti Aayog for receiving grants under various schemes of government. For this purpose, all the details regarding NGOs needs to be maintained. At the time of FCRA registration, a Niti Aayog unique ID is required, however, at present it is optional. #NGODarpan #NITIAayog #NGO #nationalinstitutesfortransformingindia #govtofindia #CertificateofEnrollment #uniqueid #betterlifefoundation (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHF1ALpH9Q9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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macpackaging · 3 years
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UID Labels - This marking within MIL-STD-130 commonly referred to as UID (unique identification) is part of the compliance process mandated by the United States Department of Defense. It is a permanent marking method used to give government-owned and government-purchased tangible equipment a unique ID, and as of September 30, 2007 all federal contractors must have UID-marking on their government furnished military and non-military equipment for its lifecycle. MAC Packaging makes it easy to get the right UID labels for every container and pallet you ship to the DoD and GSA.https://macpackaging.com/uid-labels/
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Please refer to this post for updates on known DSV bugs. If you want more up-to-date info/a bug list that's better formatted, please check out our Discord server.
Date updated: 22 November 2021
Version: 2.7.0
If married to Alex on festival days and while at the beach or the bathhouse, or if married to Harvey while at the clinic, SMAPI will give a warning:
Can't apply image patch "Diverse Stardew Valley (DSV) > Alex Main > Code\CharacterJsons\Alex.json > Alex Pendants Festival/Swim (Characters/Alex)" to Characters\Alex: target area (X:0, Y:0, Width:128, Height:384) extends past the right edge of the image (Width:64), which isn't allowed. Patches can only extend the tilesheet downwards.
"Can't apply image patch "Diverse Stardew Valley (DSV) > Harvey Main > Code\CharacterJsons\Harvey.json > Harvey Pendants Special (Characters/Harvey)" to Characters\Harvey: target area (X:0, Y:0, Width:128, Height:384) extends past the right edge of the image (Width:64), which isn't allowed. Patches can only extend the tilesheet downwards."
It's safe to ignore.
If using both PPaF and Rival Hearts Sam & Alissa with DSV, you'll get a circular dependency bug. To fix this, open DSV's manifest.json, find this section, and delete it:
{ "UniqueID": "ZoeDoll.SamAndAlissaRivalHearts", "IsRequired": false, },
It's safe to do so and the dependency isn't actually needed due to SMAPI's default alphabetical load order sorting. It'll be fixed officially in the next update.
If using the DSV for RSV compatibility patch along with the Ridgeside Portrait Pack, the portrait pack will override the compatibility portraits Open DSV for RSV's manifest and change
{ "UniqueID": "Rafseazz.RSVCP", "IsRequired": true, },to { "UniqueID": "Rafseazz.RSVCP", "IsRequired": true, }, { "UniqueID": "Rafseazz.RSVPortraitPackage", "IsRequired": false, },
and that will get it to safely load after the portrait pack. If using RSV 2.0, Trinnie and Lenny will also have a few invisible sprites which will be fixed next update.
If using RSV 2.0, some characters will have a mismatch between their outfits & sprites due to 2.0 adding new animations for them.
If you trigger Haley's 6 heart event (the lost bracelet one) in summer, her sprites will switch between her swimsuit and her summer clothes.
If using Multiple Spouses or Free Love, characters will switch between their regular outfit and their formalwear while walking around Pelican Town on the day of the second/third/fourth/etc wedding.
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maswartz · 3 years
...this thing is gonna blow up the moment he turns it on isn’t it?
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yemme · 4 years
This is some bullshit...  Why must they continually disrespect other nations craft.  You know how good Train to Busan was... From the second that bitch hopped on the Train you knew shit was gon’ be off the hook.  From the second you saw the way it was gonna end your eyes teared up from heartache and pain.  Now they want to whitewash this horror masterpiece.  I don’t care who the director is.  We don’t need a remake for the western world... Train to Busan is fine as it is.  What would have been promising is a continuation of the story with the survivors... or not.  Train to Busan 2-esque, start from scratch with no white washing.  This is at the core of it.  Gong Yoo and the cast should not be disrespected.  This is a 98+ million dollar grossing movie, not a no name small scale B film.  I’m just tired of the need to white wash everything that is perfect as it is.  It’s bad enough series/movies are dubbed with white voices and it’s not just for the visually impaired... no one wants to read.  I’m just done... Hollywood, lazy asses.   
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