*farts in your ask*
the farter has become the farted. dang.
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itsjustfirealarms · 9 years
uniquelybrea said: is it weird I’ve not met anyone who was brought into the world that way? that’s pretty awesome.
It’s not weird at all! As far as I know, there have only been 5 million successful births from IVF since 1978. We’re pretty rare. I’ve only met one other person.
It’s really awesome, yeah. My mom gets mad at me a lot because I tell people I was crafted in a science lab.
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you stink like rotten dairy products, smelly gym socks, and ass
i’m not your brother. that would be weird.
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you stink
that’s correct, but i already knew that. please be more informative next time.
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hey shitbrain what's poppin
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itsjustfirealarms · 9 years
I was grown in a petri dish. In vitro fertilization is a scientific miracle, yeah?
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recuperationdisliker · 10 years
tagged by scaryghoultrash
rules: don’t take too long to think about it. ten animes you’ve seen that will always stick with you. list the first ten you can recall in no more than 10 minutes. tag 10 friends.
in a rough chronological order. they're either really good or so bad they've scarred me. do films count? they do now.
naruto (we all make mistakes)
bleach (so many mistakes)
gurren lagann
k-on! (why)
gits (film)
dbz, jjba and death note not on list because i read the mangos for those. watch those instead of the shit with parentheses. like you haven't heard of all of this.
i don't even have 10 weeb mutuals uniquelybrea anus-chan getinthepool omnuspowered bramstokersbabykraid h8c
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recuperationdisliker · 10 years
ja ja ja ja ja *robot noises* BURGER *insert casual sexual innuendo here* god you don't understand my adoration for scratching myself whilst thinking about tumblr wowowow I love the tumblrs holy fuck look at that sexy motherfucker across the way I would would fuck him so ha- OH WAIT THAT'S ME
That’s me B-)
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itsjustfirealarms · 11 years
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