#unitary patent
globalpatentfilings · 9 months
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The implementation of the Unitary Patent System (UPS)[commenced on the 1st of June, 2023.
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ankurkkr91-blog · 5 months
How European Patents Work and What You Need to Know
A patent is a legal way to protect an idea. The person who owns the patent also called the patentee, can sue anyone in a certain area who uses the product without their permission. In most countries, a patent is only good for 20 years at most. Because someone has a license, that doesn't mean they can use their invention right away. The owner needs to be careful not to hurt other people's rights.
You used to have to go to the national patent office and fill out an application to get a patent in that country. If copyright protection was wanted across Europe, separate applications had to be made for each country. But since 1978, people have been able to apply for a European patent to get a claim that might be valid in more than one country.
A European patent: what is it?
Instead of applying for each national patent separately, people and companies can go to the European Patent Office (EPO) and ask for a European patent. The European Patent Office (EPO) will look over this European patent entry instead of each country doing its review. Because of this, it is now easier and cheaper for people in Europe to get property rights.
You can ask for protection in any or all of the countries that are part of the EPC. In general, if you want to protect your invention in three or more European member countries, getting a European patent is cheaper than getting patents from each country.
Who can fill out an application for a European patent?
A European patent can be applied for by either a person or a business. They will have to show proof that they came up with the idea to get a title.
For a European patent, you can either apply for it yourself or give a European patent attorney permission to do it for you. People who are professionally trained and have experience with the EPO and the application process are called European patent attorney.
If you do not live or have a company in one of the EPC member nations, you must have a European patent attorney help you with the whole application process, except for when you send in the first copy of your application.
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drmjbphd · 2 months
My Memories
- looking up at the hazy sun through the water, saved by my mom, I was drowning
( I tried but never learned to swim)
- writing to 3000 in a notebook. My mom asked how. I said yada. She thought that was normal. Well, for me
- stealing Xmas presents out of the back of a truck in the woods
- the woods, the orange dirt, the creek, the spring house, the cliff.
- playing football in the street, catching passes
- baseball up back
- bluegills and bullheads at the pond
- tadpoles
- the best speller
- first in class
- football, the biggest ——- I’ve ever seen. Well, memorable
- president of science club
- Mr Steepleton
- like a dream, nightly visits, nothing but memories
- the first time I pleasured myself, thinking a seed would come out.
- my first date, Purple Rain
- strip club visit
- Angie Grage, studying, maybe a regret
- highest honors chemical engineering
- PhD chemical engineering
- Dr Michael J Bly, PhD
- the first time, not a long time
- 27 versus 18
- saying I think I love you
- almost ———- from pleasing her
- a weeks wait leading to the best
- is it in?
- first patent, Unitary Guitar Construction, wrote myself
- guitars, guitars
-lsat,,,, no
- second patent, schizophrenia gene,u of m owns
- 501 c 3, m
Mental Health Research Institute
- bipolar disorder
- 14 years younger, I needed, but wouldn’t repeat
- not once something I desired, tiring
- hit by a truck in a crosswalk
- structured settlement, yes
- different, but still memories and life from the past
- T, 21, woke me up
- Ama, 21, interesting, age isn’t always a number
- more to come
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londranotizie24 · 6 months
Tribunale unificato dei brevetti, in un convegno focus sui primi passi
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Di Pietro Nigro Incontro a Roma il 15 aprile promosso dal deputato Simone Billi per conoscere le attività riferibili al nuovo Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti che a giugno apre la sede di Milano. Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti, convegno a Roma il 15 aprile Il Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti è la nuova corte internazionale con sede centrale a Parigi e Monaco che è stata istituita il 1 giugno 2023 e che ha compentenza e giurisdizione sui brevetti unitari e sui brevetti europei. Si tratta di una materia di grande interesse per un gran numero di aziende produttive e per i professionisti e consulenti che le assistono, che a partire dal mese di giugno sarà in parte delegata al nuovo ufficio locale che apre i battenti a Milano. Per questo, per offrire l'opportunità di iniziare a conoscere queste competenze trattate nella sede milanese, il 15 aprile alle 14:30 alla Camera dei Deputati a Roma, si terrà un convegno dal titolo "Patent litigation in Europe - The unified patent court". Al convegno, promosso da Simone Billi, deputato al Parlamento italiano eletto nel collegio Estero - Europa (Lega) w European Patent Attorne, in collaborazione con l’Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale, si farà un bilancio dei primi mesi di lavoro del Tribunale e si raccoglierà il punto di vista delle aziende, della politica e degli operatori dello stesso tribunale. All'appuntamento partecipano Carlo Nordio, ministro della Giustizia, Antonio Tajani, ministro degli Esteri, Klaus Grabinski, presidente del TUB, Sem Fabrizi, rappresentante del Maeci nel Comitato amministrativo della Unified Patent Court, Cristina Contini, dell'Ufficio legislativo del Ministero della Giustizia, Annamaria Bardone, presidente dell'Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute), Klaus Grabinski, presidente della Upc, Paolo Catallozzi, giudice della Upc, Massimo Scuffi,, del Comitato consultivo Upc, Cesare Galli, professore di Legislazione dei Brevetti industriali all'Università di Parma, Marcello Cattani, presidente di Farmindustria, Bruno Bettelli, presidente di Federmacchine, Paolo Markovina, rappresentante di Confindustria, A. Scilletta, E. Papa e A. Perronace, Giudici tecnici di Epc. ... Continua a leggere su
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patentgrapes · 7 months
UPC Agreement preamble
CONSIDERING that this Agreement should be open to accession by any Member State of the European Union; Member States which have decided not to participate in the enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection may participate in this Agreement in respect of European patents granted for their respective territory;
w: what? Accession to the UPC Agreement by a non-participating Member State? Is this the case for Poland? Is seems not: rather Poland is participating in the UPP but has not acceded to the UPC Agreement
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dunilefra · 7 months
Admirable Articles of Mongolia's Constitution
Article 2
The state structure of Mongolia shall be unitary.
The territory of Mongolia shall only be divided into administrative units.
Article 6 (Part of it)
The land, its subsoil, forests, water, fauna, flora, and other natural assets in Mongolia shall be subject to the people's authority and under the protection of the State.
Article 9
The State shall respect the religion, whereas the religion shall honor the State in Mongolia.
The organs of State shall not engage in religious activities, and the religious organizations or monasteries shall not conduct political activities.
The relationship between the State and religious organizations or monasteries shall be regulated by law.
Article 16 (Part of it)
The citizens of Mongolia shall be guaranteed to exercise the following rights and freedoms:
The right to a healthy and safe environment, and to be protected against environmental pollution and ecological imbalance.
The right to conduct cultural, artistic and scientific activities, and to produce creative works and to benefits thereof. The right to author’s copyrights, new works and innovation patents shall be protected by law.
Article 47
The judicial power in Mongolia shall be exercised exclusively by the courts.
The illegal establishment of the courts under any circumstances, and implementation of the judicial power by any other organization, shall be prohibited.
The courts shall be instituted solely under the Constitution and by other laws
by Dunilefra, working for Politics
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intelacia · 1 year
The Future of Patent Protection: Advancements in Technology and Legal Frameworks
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, inventors and innovators face numerous challenges in protecting their intellectual property. With the advent of new technologies and the need for global collaboration, the future of patent protection is being shaped by advancements in technology and legal frameworks. In this article, we will explore how these developments are transforming the way inventors approach patent protection. Whether you are an inventor seeking patent protection services or considering outsourcing patent protection services, it is essential to stay informed about these changes.
Technological Advancements in Patent Protection:
The digital era has revolutionized the field of patent protection, enabling inventors to leverage new tools and technologies to safeguard their intellectual property. Here are a few noteworthy advancements:
a) Patent Search and Analysis: Keyword-based searches have become more efficient with the development of sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These systems can analyze vast amounts of data and identify prior art more accurately, aiding inventors in assessing the novelty and patentability of their inventions.
b) Inventor's Interview: Technology now allows for remote inventor interviews, eliminating geographical constraints and streamlining the patent application process. Through video conferencing and collaboration platforms, inventors can effectively communicate with patent professionals to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the invention and its unique features.
c) IDF Preparation: Invention Disclosure Forms (IDFs) are crucial for documenting an invention and initiating the patent filing process. Advancements in technology have simplified IDF preparation by providing user-friendly software tools that guide inventors through the process, ensuring comprehensive and accurate disclosures.
d) Patent Drafting and Patent Illustrations: The emergence of computer-aided drafting (CAD) software and 3D modeling tools has transformed the way patent drafts and illustrations are created. These tools allow for more accurate and detailed representations of inventions, aiding in the patent application process.
Legal Frameworks and Global Collaboration:
As technology advances, legal frameworks must adapt to protect intellectual property effectively.
In addition to technological advancements, legal frameworks are adapting to the changing needs of inventors in a globalized world. Here are a few notable developments in patent law that shape the future of patent protection:
a) Harmonization of Patent Laws: As innovation becomes increasingly borderless, harmonizing patent laws across different jurisdictions has become crucial. Initiatives such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the Unitary Patent System in Europe aim to simplify the patent application process and provide inventors with broader protection across multiple countries.
b) Strengthening Patent Enforcement: Intellectual property rights are only valuable if they can be effectively enforced. Legal frameworks are evolving to strengthen patent enforcement mechanisms, including specialized intellectual property courts, alternative dispute resolution methods, and the adoption of stricter penalties for patent infringement. These developments provide inventors with greater confidence in protecting their innovations.
Outsourcing Patent Protection Services
Given the complexity and dynamic nature of patent protection, many companies are turning to specialized service providers for assistance. Outsourcing patent protection services to companies like Intelacia allows inventors and businesses to focus on their core competencies while ensuring comprehensive protection for their innovations.
As the future of patent protection unfolds, it is essential to partner with a trusted and experienced patent protection service provider. At Intelacia, we offer comprehensive patent protection services, leveraging the latest technological advancements and staying up-to-date with evolving legal frameworks. Whether you require assistance with patent searches, drafting, illustrations, or patent strategy, our team of experts is here to guide you through the process. Protect your intellectual property and secure your innovations with Intelacia.
Innovate. Protect. Succeed.
Advancements in technology and evolving legal frameworks are reshaping the future of patent protection. Inventors now have access to powerful tools and services that streamline the patent application process, from advanced patent searches and inventor interviews to efficient IDF preparation and accurate patent drafting. Additionally, legal frameworks are becoming more harmonized and robust, enabling inventors to protect their intellectual property globally. By staying informed and partnering with a reputable patent protection service provider like Intelacia allows inventors and businesses to focus on their core competencies while ensuring comprehensive protection for their innovations.
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technsavi · 1 year
How the UPC and European Patents with Unitary Effect Reach Beyond Europe to the United States
“As prior art material to the patentability of a U.S. patent application must be disclosed to the USPTO in an IDS, U.S. patent prosecutors should ensure they are monitoring pending U.S. patent applications with co-pending European patent applications that receive a Rule 71(3) communication.” The impact of the long-awaited launch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is hard to overstate. While…
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hlk-ip · 1 year
Learn more about unitary patents and the advantages and disadvantages they present. Find out how a unitary patent is different from a traditional patent, what factors influence its cost, and what benefits it can bring to your business.
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Unitary Patent System: All You Need to Know
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This article on 'Unitary Patent System: All You Need to Know' was written by an intern at Legal Upanishad.
The unitary patent system is a new concept that tries to enforce and implement the same system for all the participating members. And the motive behind this concept is that it will make the system more reliable and good. Moreover, it is also a step to increase cooperation among the participating countries. Now, this Unitary Patent System has two bodies in it. One is Unitary Patent Protection and the other is Unitary Patent Court, which has its specific roles.
How it is different from the earlier system?
A unitary patent is a new option after a grant of a regular EP patent. So, there will be no changes in the proceedings up to the ground. After the grant of the EP patent, an applicant may choose to request a unitary patent which would then have a uniform effect in all participating member states. That means it can be enforced in all participating member states in single enforcement proceedings. As a downside for the proprietor, it came invalidated in all member states in a single revocation proceeding. With the unitary patent, it is no longer necessary to validate the patent individually in each country for each protection is sought, but protection can be achieved in all participating member states with a single request with the EPO. Additionally, instead of paying renewal fees to the various national patent offices, as you would for a regular IP pattern only a single renewal fee needs to be paid each year conveniently with a single pattern office, the EPO.
The Unitary Patent and Unitary Patent Court
The arrival of the unitary patent and the unified patent court provides you with new opportunities for the validation and enforcement of European patents. Litigation on patent infringement and the validity of European patents can now only be handled by national courts. The arrival of the unified patent court will make it possible to enforce centrally for a number of countries. You then no longer have to litigate separately in these countries. With the UPC one procedure will result in a decision that is valid for all participating countries. New European patents that you validate as unitary patents are automatically covered by the UPC. European Patents that have been granted are also subjected. The current system of decentralized enforcement will also remain in place. If you do not want your granted European patent to be subjected to the UPC, you should file an opt-out request. If so, you can submit an opt-out and nothing will change. You can submit your opt-out at the start of the sunrise period. But. even after this period, it is still possible to file an opt-out for a period of seven years. As long as there is no court action on the patent.
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Unitary Patent System: All You Need to Know At the start of the UPC, the unitary patent also became a reality. From that moment on you have the option to validate a European patent as a unitary patent. This makes your patent effective at once in all participating countries. So, it is not a new patent, but an additional option within the current validation process of the European patent. The process of examination and grant of your European patent remains the same. Suppose you want to validate your European patent in a number of countries. It will then still be possible to designate these countries individually. And after validation, you pay annual maintenance fees in each of these countries. If several countries participate in the unitary patent, then it may be advantageous to validate the European patent as the unitary patent. This requires one translation, and you paid one annual fee for the maintenance costs. The unitary patent is subjected to the unified patent court, where enforcement is centralized. But an opt-out is not possible for unitary patents. For current European patent applications, a transitional arrangement is provided during the sunrise period. Once an intention to grant has been issued, you have two options with you which are as follows. Number one is to request a postponement of the publication of the patent grant. And the second option is to make an early request to validate the patent as a unitary patent.
Pros and Cons
So, in the unitary patent which a bit relates to validation and maintenance of the patent, the main changes are cost savings. So as you know, under the current system, which we're now going to start calling the classic system in order to keep a granted European patent enforcing in all of the countries that you want, you have to meet local requirements, which might include the filing of a local language translation and also include appointing a local agent and will certainly include paying a local renewal fee every year. Those requirements will be reduced in the 17 countries participating in the new system. So, there will be only one translation to be required and they'll be a central renewal fee payable as a single payment each year to the EPO, which will be equivalent to about four or five national renewal fees. So, you'll get more bang for your buck and that's particularly attractive if you are an applicant who tends to validate or would like to validate if only you had the money, broadly geographically. But if you're an applicant who only cares about the UK, France, or Germany, for example, the new system is less attractive.
The unitary patent system is a new idea, but it seems very effective because first of all, it is very cost-effective as compared to the earlier system. Secondly, because it is a unitary system, there will be homogeneity among all the member states and that will make the system more effective and reliable. Thus, the enforcement of a Unitary patent system is indeed very beneficial and is also necessary.
Therefore, a Unitary Patent System seems to be very effective and can be relied upon because it will make the system cost-effective, and it will also increase its reliability and effectiveness. And it will provide one effective patent jurisdiction and thus will serve as a one-stop-shop for the participating nations to provide them with uniform protection.
List of References
- Unitary Patent, European Patent Office, available at: https://www.epo.org/applying/european/unitary/unitary-patent.html - The unitary patent system, European Commission, available at: https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/industry/strategy/intellectual-property/patent-protection-eu/unitary-patent-system_en Read the full article
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ingemarpongratz · 2 years
A New post from Ingemar Pongratz
Good news about the European Unitary Patent
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drmjbphd · 8 months
About me, and some common questions I’m asked
- PhD chemical engineering 1992
- 2 patents in spare time, one on unitary guitar construction, other on SLC18A1, a serotonin transporter gene involved in schizophrenia
- traumatic brain injury about 10 years ago. I was hit by a truck in a crosswalk. My first day of retirement, luckily, money not a problem
1. Were you like this before you got hurst?
My reply, I was probably worse.
2. Do you remember the accident?
My reply, I don’t remember anything,,, for 2 years.
It all somewhat goes back to a friend of mine, Dave, saying to me in college
Mike, sometimes you say things and people just kind of look at you.
I don’t think that was a compliment. Honestly, as I get older, I seem to care less. Well, I only remember that comment recently.
It’s a great example definition of ME JUST ME
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patentgrapes · 7 months
WHEREAS (18) of 1257/2012
(ensure that)
requests for unitary effect are filed with the EPO within one month of the date of publication of the mention of the grant in the European Patent Bulletin
such requests are submitted in the language of the proceedings before the EPO together with the translation prescribed, during a transitional period, by Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012
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veworbass · 2 years
Google minesweeper download
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Google minesweeper download pdf#
239000006260 foam Substances 0.000 claims abstract description 7.239000004033 plastic Substances 0.000 claims abstract description 8.Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.) Filing date Publication date Application filed by US Department of Navy filed Critical US Department of Navy Priority to US05/268,224 priority Critical patent/US3938459A/en Application granted granted Critical Publication of US3938459A publication Critical patent/US3938459A/en Links Original Assignee US Department of Navy Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.) Van Bibber Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.) Expired - Lifetime Application number US05/268,224 Inventor Edward A.
Google minesweeper download pdf#
Hence, if it opens a cell, there is an 80% chance of the agent receiving the correct information.- Google Patents US3938459A - Minesweeperĭownload PDF Info Publication number US3938459A US3938459A US05/268,224 US26822472A US3938459A US 3938459 A US3938459 A US 3938459A US 26822472 A US26822472 A US 26822472A US 3938459 A US3938459 A US 3938459A Authority US United States Prior art keywords hull sections disposed unitary compartmental Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Unlike a typical mineweeper game where the agent will know what lies behind a cell once it is opened, this solver will only get the information with some probability. Bonus CSP Solver: This is just en extension of the the CSP solver.When it opens a cell or flags it, the knowledge base is updated and the constraints/equations are resolved. It plays the game just like a normal human - by creating different constraints for each square opened and each mine flagged. CSP refers to Constraint Satisfaction Problem since this is the main algorithm used by the agent. CSP Solver: This is the main bot which plays the game just like humans.It is a baseline model which we developed to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the other complex models. It will stop the game if there are no further safe moves possible. Basic Solver - The basic solver is the most risk-free solver which will not think on its own but just play the safest moves possible.As the name suggests, the project goal was to create a computer bot which can play Minesweeper at different difficulty levels. This was second project for CS520 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
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technsavi · 1 year
Unitary Patent System Launches; WIPO Hosts IP and Sustainability Conference; and the USPTO Extends its Climate Change Program
Bites (noun): more meaty news to sink your teeth into. Barks (noun): peripheral noise worth your attention. This week in Other Barks & Bites: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) extends its Climate Change Mitigation program until 2027; the Unitary Patent System and accompanying Unitary Patent Court launches in Europe; the Supreme Court again denies an opportunity to review 35…
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