#united states colonial marine corps
lilafeuer · 2 years
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“You’re just too bad!“ - Drake ”Look, man. I only need to know one thing: where they are.” - Vasquez Pvt. 1st Class Jenette Vasquez and PFC Mark Drake, 2nd Battalion Bravo Team smartgun operators in the United States Colonial Marine Corps. KIA while combating a Xenomorph infestation at Hadley’s Hope colony on Acheron (LV-426) circa 2179.
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Japanese construction workers on Wednesday resumed landfill work at the new site of the U.S. military base on Okinawa despite protests by the island’s residents that the move tramples on their rights and raises environmental concerns.
The planned relocation site for the base, on Okinawa’s eastern coast, has been at the center of a dispute between the government in Tokyo and the local authorities at a time of the island’s growing strategic importance.[...]
Three weeks ago, the Fukuoka High Court’s Naha branch ordered Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki to approve the central government’s modified landfill plan, and allowed the Land and Transport Ministry to order the work to resume by overriding the governor’s disapproval.
On a barge brought to the location on Wednesday, a pair of loader machines scooped up mounds of rock and gravel and dumped them into the sea as part of reclamation needed to reinforce the extremely soft seabed at the site planned for U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma.
Tamaki, who has appealed the order to the Supreme Court, said the court ruling was unjust and goes against the will of the residents. Under Japanese law, construction can proceed while the court decision is pending. He called the resumption of the landfill work “extremely regrettable.”[...]
Tamaki, the governor, has sought a significant reduction of the U.S. military on Okinawa, which is home to more than half of 50,000 American troops based in Japan under a bilateral security pact.
Hundreds of scholars, film directors and ordinary citizens who have advocated for Okinawans’ autonomy, signed a global petition demanding the island cease to be “a de facto military colony of the United States and Japan ever since the end of the World War II.”
One of the petition organizers, Satoko Norimatsu Oka who heads the Vancouver-based Peace Philosophy Center, provided a copy of the document to The Associated Press.
“We must end the discrimination and military colonization of Okinawa,” said the petitioners, who include filmmaker Oliver Stone.
The petition urged President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to “cancel the construction of the new base in Henoko.”
10 Jan 24
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galaxyofhair · 2 months
Reworking Starfield's Setting
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I wanna make it clear that I really do love this game, but I have some serious gripes with how its written. I could go on, but I wanted to focus in on the setting itself and how the Settle Systems are configured. This is a breakdown that I wrote which would re-arrange the setting a little bit to better reflect the various conflicts and tensions that make the Settle Systems and Starfield more interesting.
This is just my opinion, and it was a fun little exercise to rearrange the elements of the setting to create something that I think is more dynamic and interesting to explore. My version admittedly steals some of the focus that the base game places on exploration as a concept by itself to be pondered and explored, but my hope was that this makes it easier to get interested in the rest of the Settled Systems---to provide some substance to the exploration.
Life Bearing Planets
There are fewer life bearing planets in general, particularly within the bounds of the settled systems. Space operates on the basis of islands: Which is to say that systems with life bearing planets are extremely valuable, and become part of a chain of life bearing 'islands' that define the shape of power. Within the borders of the UC, the only life bearing planets are: Jemison, Niira, Akila, and Volii. Polvo and Gagarin have been reshaped as lifeless planets, deserts that might have water or oxygen, but not both. Outside of the settled systems, the next life bearing planet is a good three to four star systems away in any direction---places that are far enough away that the only permanent settlements are run by pirates, spacers, or varuun.
The intent here would be to emphasize the precious nature of life bearing planets, and the power and opportunity an earth-like planet would confer to those settled on it. Additionally, even the planets that do bear life on them are no cake-walk to live on. Jemison has a unbreathable atmosphere, Niira is toxic and radioactive, Akila deals with powerful predators, and Volii is entirely oceanic. While culture and technology does thrive in the major cities, there is a stronger cultural mourning for the loss of Earth, and planet that truly could not be replaced by any other planet seen so far.
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The United Colonies
The base game tried very hard to depict the UC as a mostly benevolent state with a dark past, and a potentially dark future. While they mostly succeeded on the dark past bit, it definitely felt like the version of the UC we see in-game is fairly tame.
The new UC, though still a center of civilization, diplomacy, and culture, is a bit darker. Being the keepers of the Sol system and the Wolf System, the UC has a vast empire of old martian/titan-style colonies embeddded in harsh, inhospitable worlds. Jemison is the sole world in UC that technically supports life, but even it possesses a toxic, nitrogen heavy atmosphere that keeps New Atlantis encased in a dome.
The UC suffered immensely from the lack of hospitable worlds in the immediate vicinity of Earth, and as such the UC are the masters of the contained habitat: Underground and internal colonies, space stations, domed cities. Despite considerable setbacks, the UC possesses deeply advanced technology, and a thriving heavy metals industry. With little need for a standing ground army, the UC possesses a massive navy and marine corp that dominates known space, and frequently travels beyond the borders of the UC.
The people of the UC are often split between an optimism that idolizes the glory of old Earth, and a pessimism for the future as the UC struggles to expand. This gives the UC an interesting motivation: While they are still the most powerful military, and the leaders of diplomacy in the Settled Systems, their position as top dog is waning as time goes on. Their need to expand to life bearing worlds is a big part of what caused the Narion War, and its theorized that it also influenced their reaction to the breaking of the Narion Treaty and the start of the Colony War. As members of the UC become more and more aware that the UC is doomed to collapse, it opens the door for future wars of expansion.
This gives a bit more credence to the Freestar Collective, whose constant criticisms of the UC's warmongering and expansionist mindset ring far more true now than they do in the base game.
The Freestar Collective
In this version, the Freestar Collective is far larger than the UC, but far less powerful. The FC has had the distinct advantage of owning 3 of the 4 nearby life bearing worlds---and there are more distant worlds with band new colonies on them at the edge of known space. This gives the FC a sense of freshness and optimism for the future that the UC lacks.
While the FC increased the size of their navy during the Colony War, their focus has always been on creating large local ground forces to police the vast terrestrial planets they control; Contrabands checks occur on the ground rather than space, and the FC has basically outsourced the war against the Crimson Fleet to the UC entirely. The FC's focus on ground-based activities is also reflected in their struggles with the planets they live on: on Akila the FC military are responsible for defending Akila City from the large and numerous predators that terrorize the countryside. On Niira, the remnants of the colony there still fight to survive amid the terrifying xenoweaons unleashed there during the war, as well as dealing with a toxified and irradiated atmosphere. On Volii, Neon struggles to survive on an ocean world, and the people there are actually resurrecting the naval traditions of Earth.
The FC also struggles with itself from a foundational perspective: Much like the base game, the FC is a union of independent colonies that emphasizes states rights to self-govern. While the rhetoric surrounding the FC's loose alliance of free states is centered around personal freedom and liberty from injustice (always implied to be the UC), the states themselves struggle with extreme corruption and a complete lack of accountability. Polvo employs some deeply unsafe practices and fosters a culture of shaming those who don't want to work. Akila struggles to control the many gangs and crime families who dominate the wilderness and steal land from enterprising settlers---and Neon is the same hyper-corrupt near-slave-state corporatocracy that its always been. Each of the most powerful governors is conspiring to kill the others, and Benjamin Bayu stands out among them as someone who would transform the FC to fit his vision of ruling the Settled Systems as a king.
Despite these disadvantages, the FC is still considered to be the future of the Settled Systems. It's expected that with the myriad of resources that each of their worlds offers, the FC will eventually have the infrastructure and military might to surpass the UC entirely, leaving it to slowly decay and dissolve. The question of what humanity's future will look like, from a cultural and governmental perspective, is a point of tension for both supporters and detractors of the FC.
Rather than being locked entirely to a mansion in the nicest part of town, Constellation is a far more cryptic group that has fallen in and out of favor with the various governments of the Settled Systems over time. The Lodge now sits a little outside of Atlantis City, emphasizing that the groups' irrelevance to modern problems has placed them literally on the outskirts of society---though Walter's money has allowed them to build their own landing pad for space ships, and a tram that leads back to the city.
Within the group, there is a keen division between two factions of explorers who approach the practice two very different ways. The group who actually lives at the Lodge in Atlantis City are the Academics, who are focused on Constellation as an organization, and on staying academically relevant. These are the folks who ask the big questions, publish the papers based on Constellation's discoveries, and who help keep the organization alive. Sarah Morgan is still the leader of Constellation, and also acts as the head of the Academics' Faction.
On the other end of the spectrum are the Pathfinders, led largely by Sam Coe. The Pathfinders have a secondary Lodge on one of the minor colonies at the very edge the far side of FC space. These are the explorers who focus on the exploring by itself, as an act that has to be acted upon for it to have any validity in their eyes. They value most the freedom to explore, as well as their own personal autonomy.
The factions are not official designations, nor are they truly at odds with one another: But they do represent the competing philosophies within Constellation, making its dysfunctional family dynamic all the more dysfunctional. Sarah, being former military, understands best the need to have organization, funding, and purpose---but she also resents being stuck inside all of the time, and absolutely gets why the Pathfinders go off on their own for long periods of time. Sam is a free spirit who values his personal autonomy, a value that is reflected in his rivalry with his father and how he raises Cora---but Sam is conscious of the need for legitimacy, and encourages the other Pathfinders to make peace with the Academics, and even to occasionally go home to the Lodge.
The dynamic between the Academics and the Pathfinders is also reflected in many of the other members of Constellation: Barrett embodies the very spirit of exploration, and is always pushing you as the player to get out into the unknown---but over time it becomes clear that Barrett is exploring for the wrong reasons and is ultimately doing it so that he can run from himself. Andreja is a complete wild card, who fits the Pathfinders best if only because it lets her maintain her secrecy. She's both struggling to complete her mission because whenever she appears at the lodge it's suspicious, and she struggles to remain loyal because exploring the stars has given her a chance to explore herself.
One of the struggles that Constellation experiences is the UC itself, who consider Constellation a para-military group given all of the guns they keep for 'purely explorational' purposes. Additionally, the UC takes great exception to the group keeping alien artifacts on Jemison, a point is underscored after the Hunter attacks New Atlantis. Despite this, Sarah struggles with keeping the artifacts off-world, worried that the presence and quest for the artifacts would empower Sam and the other Pathfinders to break from Constellation entirely and enter the Unity---but conversely, Same worries that keeping the artifacts on Jemison would, aside from the public safety issue, cause Constellation to cease exploring altogether as they delve into studying the artifacts in greater detail. This conflict also indirectly reflects the conflict between the Hunter and the Emissary.
The Earth-like Planet
Somewhere deep within the Settled Systems is a truly Earth-like planet: Abundant O2 and water, manageable predators, no toxic spores, or super viruses, or super high radiation. This planet's location is currently a secret, as the explorers who discovered it are unsure of what to do with the information. Between one another, they worry that whichever faction got ahold of the information would immediately colonize the planet and begin exploiting it for resources, setting on a path to becoming like the Earth itself. Additionally, they worry that the race to colonize a truly Earth-like planet would kick off another war, one that could devastate all of the major factions for the second time in recent history. Whether or not Constellation decides to keep or expose the secret, and who they expose it to, remains to be seen.
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ausetkmt · 7 months
The Negro Fort (Florida), a story - African American Registry
The Negro Fort (Florida), a story
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Arial Drawing
*The Negro Fort is celebrated on November 13, 1814.  Also known as Fort Gadsden and the Prospect Bluff Historic Site, it is located in Franklin County, Florida. 
It was constructed on the Apalachicola River, 6 miles SW of Sumatra, Florida. The British built the site during the War of 1812.   After the British evacuated Florida in 1815, they allowed the members of the disbanded Corps of Colonial Marines to occupy it, deliberately leaving their munitions behind.  Since the British had not named it, Americans started referring to it as Negro Fort. It was destroyed in a river attack by U.S. forces in 1816. 
The Florida panhandle was mostly wilderness before 1814. Its population at the time is unknown, except for isolated reports. Like the rest of Florida, many Native American refugees from the United States merged into a new ethnicity, Seminoles. It provided excellent cover for escaped slaves, who, since they shared a common enemy, got along with the Seminoles fairly well; "over time, a bond developed between escaped Africans and the Seminoles that only increased with time and white pressure for their return."  Some became Black Seminoles. There was "reciprocal respect and affection"; the former slaves, who knew English, served as interpreters.  This predecessor of the Underground Railroad ran south.  
The biggest issue about the area discussed by whites was how to get escaped slaves back or compensation for them and prevent or reduce future escapes. The return of Native Americans was unwanted, and they were soon forcibly removed from Florida as well.   As was customary before railroads, settlement took place first along rivers. The name Apalachicola derives from the Apalachee who settled along it before colonial invasions. Settlement at Prospect Bluff by maroons (escaped slaves and their descendants), Seminoles, and a few Europeans are documented at the end of the eighteenth century.  
When the British withdrew, they deliberately left all their weapons, hoping the locals would use them to defend themselves from the U.S. attempts to re-enslave them, just as African and Native Americans had assisted the British during the American War of Independence.  Some of the Native Americans (Seminoles and Red Stick Creeks) left; they had more options than the escaped slaves because there were Native American communities in Florida they could go to, and no one was looking for them; there was no other community of maroons closer than Angola, Florida. Some remained, along with many of the trained soldiers of the disbanded Corps of Colonial Marines, a British Army regiment of freed slaves. Over the next year, the fort became a growing colony of escaped slaves from Georgia and the Mississippi Territory and became known as the Negro Fort.  
It was the center of North America's largest community of free Blacks before the American Civil War.  The fort, located as it was near the border, was seen by the U.S. as "a beacon of light to restless and rebellious slaves," "a center of hostility and above all a threat to the security of their slaves," "a direct threat to the slave-holding interests rapidly flocking to the newly opened lands in what is today Mississippi and Alabama."  On April 8, 1816, General Andrew Jackson ordered General Gaines to "take care of the situation" because the Fort "ought to be blown up"; it was only fomenting "rapine and plunder," and he should "return the stolen Negros and plunder to their rightful owners." On April 23, he complained to the West Florida military governor, Mauricio de Zúñiga.  
On May 26, 1816, the governor told Jackson that he could not act; Jackson then proceeded with his plans to destroy the Fort.   On July 27, 1816, American forces entered the opening to the fort's powder magazine, igniting an explosion that was heard more than 100 miles away in Pensacola, and destroyed the fort, killing all but 30 of 300 occupants.  It has been called "the single deadliest cannon shot in American history." It was also "the largest battle in history between fugitive slaves and U.S. forces seeking to re-enslave them." The trading post of John Forbes and Company, storekeeper Edward Doyle, was reestablished following the fort's destruction. 
Fort Gadsden was built in 1818 within the former walls of the former Negro Fort.  The site has been known by several other names, including Fort Blount, African Fort, and Fort Apalachicola.  Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the Prospect Bluff Historic Site is located in the Apalachicola National Forest and is managed by the U.S. Forest Service. The process of memorializing the site began in 1961, when Florida acquired a parcel of 78 acres (32 ha), including the location.
Ownership was later transferred to the federal government and named a National Historic Landmark in 1972.  The site contains an explanatory kiosk with artifacts, a picnic area with a pavilion, grills, and restrooms.  Four historical markers are Fort Gadsden, British Fort Magazine, Steamship Tragedy, and "Millie Francis." There is no marker for the Negro Fort.   
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evelicious · 20 days
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                                           runeterra  ,  k/da  and  all  other  league  of  legends  verses  will  not  be  written  in this post  .  just  assume  that  there  is  a  verse  for  all  of  evelynn's  skins  .  if  one  in  particular  stands  out  ,  i'll  add  it  to  this  post  but  for  now  you  can  just  assume  that  i  write  all of them without needing to give them descriptions  . 
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𝐈𝐅 𝐈 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋   -   𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐍       :        set  in  a  world  without  magic  or  mythical  creatures  this  time  ,  evelynn  is  a  business  women  &  the  owner  of  a  prestigious  corporate  company  .  she  has  a  love  for  super  cars  &  will  do  anything  to  keep  pushing  her  influence  and  earning  more  money  .  her  fame  and  status  has  lead  evelynn  vulnerable  to  several  assassination  attempts  &  so  has  become  as  formidable  as  possible  to  make  it  known  she  will  not  go  down  easily  .
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑  𝐄𝐗-𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓  -  𝐗  𝐌𝐄𝐍        :        [  CODENAME  :  THE  WIDOWMAKER  &  AGONY'S  EMBRACE  ….  NUMBER  #666  ]        set  in  earth-616  ,  evelynn  is  a  cloned  person  …  her  DNA  is  a  combination  of  two  unnamed  mutants  (  deceased  )  whose  powers  consisted  of  shadow  manipulation  and  advanced  physical  abilities  such  as  speed  ;  strength  ;  improvement  of  the  5  senses  and  restoration  .  she  also  has  two  long  ,  nimble  lashers  that  extend  from  the  bottom  of  her  back  …  strong  enough  to  cut  through  steel  that  she  has  full  control  over  .  evelynn  started  life  in  a  lab  and  went  through  rigorous  ,  damaging  training  for  a  number  of  years  .  intended  to  be  raised  as  a  weapon  ,  evelynn  knew  little  else  other  than  agony  &  death  .  she  witnessed  countless  others  (  even  those  she  considered  to  be  friends  )  die  at  the  hands  of  the  scientists  ,  prompting  her  to  nurture  the  seed  of  hatred  that  had  been  planted  in  her  soul  since  her  creation  .  evelynn  carried  out  her  designated  missions  faithfully  for  a  while  ,  killing  whomever  her  controllers  ordered  without  thought  .  little  did  her  creators  know  however  ,  that  every  expedition  out  into  the  real  world  would  stick  with  her  and  build  within  her  a  desire  to  break  free  and  live  a  life  she  felt  like  she  was  owed  . 
eventually  ,  the  WIDOWMAKER  did  break  free  —  wreaking  bloody  havoc  throughout  the  underground  laboratory  she  had  been  imprisoned  in  .  every  worker  she  came  across  died  in  complete  agony  &  every  mutant  cage  she  found  was  opened  —  unleashing  them  unto  the  world  without  considering  the  consequences  .  her  emotional  capabilities  were  stunted  at  the  time  ,  thus  evelynn  failed  to  foresee  that  perhaps  not  all  of  these  mutants  could  have  handled  being  released  into  the  human  world  .  many  of  them  went  into  hiding  ,  while  some  went  on  an  instant  rampage  …  prompting  a  global  search  for  these  subjects  to  be  launched  .  she  ,  among  11  others  ,  were  placed  on  a    NAUTRALIZE  IMMEDIATELY  UPON  SIGHT     hitlist  and  she  has  been  in  hiding  ever  since  . 
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𝐈𝐍  𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄  𝐍𝐎  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐂𝐀𝐍  𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑  𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌        -       𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍       :        lieutenant  aboard  the  WY-WAVERIDER  [  #00132698574  ]  ;  a  large  assault  and  reconnaissance  arrow-class  vessel  ,  evelynn  is  a  soldier  in  the  USCMC  [  United  States  Colonial  Marine  Corps  ]  .  while  both  her  vessel  and  team  are  trained  for  combat  ,  most  of  their  missions  thus  far  have  been  ensuring  the  safety  of  newly  established  colonies  and  investigating  Wayland  Yutani  Ship  distress  signals  that  they  happen  upon  .  so  far  ,  their  ventures  in  the  WAVERIDER  have  been  relatively  uneventful  …  until  they  were  asked  to  investigate  the  sudden  disconnect  of  communications  from  a  planet  in  the  process  of  being  colonized  .  a  planet  susceptible  to  heavy  storms  ,  the  crew  simply  assumed  a  storm  large  enough  had  knocked  out  their  signal  .  upon  arrival  ,  they  would  find  the  planet  almost  entirely  desolate  …  eerily  quiet  for  a  planet  meant  to  inhabit  a  thousand  colonizers  presently  .  under  the  command  of  their  Captain  ,  they  geared  up  and  began  to  explore  the  different  outposts  …  entirely  unprepared  for  the  horrors  they  would  encounter  .  a  simple  mission  ,  turned  into  a  desperate  fight  for  survival  against  the  perfect  organism  . 
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askelectrochromic · 1 year
AU Lore Spotlight: The Horus Rebellion
I've made vague and indirect reference to this event, so I figure as I try to get back into the swing of writing this world, I should do a mini lore-dive into my headcanons surrounding the infamous Horus Rebellion.
First, the canon and canon-adjacent information: The event was first (and only once) teased in canon in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. A GF Marine trooper posits idly in conversation that the Phazon Crisis might be worse than "the Horus Rebellion," which was the last time Admiral Dane had scrambled such an impressive number of fighter vessels. In unused scans, we have the name of a significant battle, "The Battle of Horus IV," but little other information. Notably this cut lore entry also mentions Aurora Unit 313's contribution to this battle (whether alongside or in place of Admiral Dane is unclear), and its penchant for violent behaviour. I think it's interesting that point was cut out, the foreknowledge that 313 had a bit of a mean streak could have added some nice context to its role near the end of Corruption. But I digress.
Now, my take. As mentioned in the first wikitroid article linked above, the "Horus Rebellion" is almost certainly a reference to the Warhammer 40,000 "Horus Heresy", a major event in the 40k canon. Now despite living with some Warhammer nerds and having watched a couple lore videos about the Horus Heresy, I could not tell you the first thing about it. So my take on this event will not be influenced by the obvious reference material. Sorry WH fans, it's just not my thang.
Instead, my version of this is more influenced by my Eclipse Phase experience, as is a lot of Electrochromic's AU lore. In EP, since it's a gritty-ish Cyberpunk setting, corporations rule the world(s) in various capacities. Corpos wield a huge amount of power and control a lot of settlements, including spaceborne habitats. This is the jumping-off point for my version of the Horus Rebellion.
In "Iron and Sulfur" I use the phrase "sovereign-corporate habitat" to describe Kypros. This is exactly what it sounds like; a habitat owned and operated by a corporation, considered a sovereign micro-state unto itself. These habs may be subject to the planetary law of the corporation's homeworld, but generally they exist outside any such government organizations (usually for slightly unscrupulous business reasons) and run under their own internal corporate system of law. Kind of like a "company town" on steroids, and in space. Before the Horus Rebellion, the Galactic Federation was relatively hands-off with regard to sovereign-corporate habs, trusting the local or planetary governments to maintain peace and equity.
Horus Star Corporation was a materials processing and weapons manufacturing corp that had claimed a corner of Federated space for itself. Horus SC was allowed to operate freely, as its business was a boon to the rapidly-developing Federation military at the time. When a newly-formed Federation colony began encroaching on territory that Horus SC claimed was theirs, the corporation went on the offensive and outright attacked the fledgling Federation colony. This of course meant the GF Marine Corps had to intervene.
Being a weapons manufacturing business, the Horus private troops were startlingly well-armed, and the attack on the GF colony was a massacre. However, the GFMC had the advantage of numbers, and the counterattack against the Horus forces was also a slaughter. The amount of military might leveled against Horus was staggering for a conflict of such relatively small scale. By necessity, as the corporate force was well-equipped and tenacious. But the cultural memory of the "Horus Rebellion" remains a dark and bloody one that echoes into the present of the AU's timeline.
This was the root of Samus's concern over accidentally drawing the Federation to Kypros. Since the Horus Rebellion, the Galactic Federation has taken a much tougher stance on sovereign-corporate habs, outlawing them altogether in territories close to Daiban and other centers of power. Company-funded habitats are required to have an (often strict) oversight board or supervisor that reports to the nearest branch of GF government, and all station security equipment is heavily regulated, if security is not provided directly by a GF military base nearby or on-site. Since Kypros is outside Federated space, they are not subject to such harsh scrutiny or regulation. But it would be easy for a sufficiently motivated officer to justify an attempt to "subdue" or shut down such a station if it proved an obstacle to military operations in the area.
Hence why Samus was so afraid of Fuja appearing at Kypros. She wasn't just afraid for her own or Adam's safety, but for the safety of the station as a whole; her old friend Ghor, and Helena and the Twins who she had newly come to know, along with the innocent mining staff who would have no idea why their station was suddenly under attack. Thankfully, as clarified in a previous ask, despite her temper, Fuja knew better than to engage here. Among other confounding factors, another instance of a Federation fleet stomping a corporate hab into paste would not look good. Although Admiral Dane remains a well-respected officer despite his participation, neither side of the Rebellion is remembered kindly by history, so many people - officers, freelancers, and corpos alike - err on the side of caution when faced with the potential for such conflicts.
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docjacksons · 3 months
I recently made a post wising there was a crossover between the Alien movie universe and the Stargate series. In the absence of other content, I have decided to make an Alien series AU for some Stargate characters. It’s an AU rather than a crossover just because that’s what made the most sense to me. This will just be a short list of some characters from the Stargate series and what kind of role I think they might have in the Alien universe
SG-1 characters :
Let’s kick it off with my bae Daniel.
— Daniel Jackson: Considering that Daniel is fascinated with the Ancients for at least half of SG-1, I could see him being somewhat similar to Elizabeth Shaw in Prometheus. That is, I could see him believing, as Shaw did, that the Engineers created humanity and being very driven to discover the secrets of the Engineers and humanity’s origins. As in SG-1, this pursuit would probably lead to him dying, but also as in SG-1, I’m certain he’d be brought back from the dead somehow and would continue his search for the truth, albeit more cynically.
— Jack O’Neill: Although he’s in the Airforce in SG-1, in the Alien universe, I see him being part of the United States Colonial Marine Corps. I don’t see his personality being much different than it is in SG-1. He’s probably been sent to xenomorph infested planets many times and is very over it.
— Sam Carter: I think Sam would be part of the USCM too, albeit in a more technical role than Jack. She might be an engineer or something similar to that. As in SG-1, she would still have copious amounts of UST with Jack.
— Teal’c: I can’t currently come up with a canon position for him to occupy, however, I think it’s reasonable to assume that Weyland-Yutani has private security they hire. I could see Teal’c being high up in W-Y’s private security and is privy to many, many of their dirty secrets and eventually turns against them, perhaps joining up with Jack and Sam in the USCM.
SGA characters:
— Rodney McKay: Okay, Rodney would absolutely be a neurotic Weyland-Yutani scientist that secretly has some misgivings about what they’re doing. He’d probably eventually turn against them, likely due to Sheppard’s influence.
— John Sheppard: Also definitely in the United States Colonial Marine Corps. Maybe Rodney was sent as a company man to oversee a mission the USCM were sent on. Perhaps his Rodney’s directive was similar to Burke in Aliens where he was supposed to capture a living xenomorph specimen. However, he had misgivings unlike Burke, and Sheppard persuaded him to turn against W-Y. (And also persuaded him to be in a relationship, lbr).
— Teyla and Ronon: I put them together because I could see them both living on the same planet in this AU. Their planet was probably overrun by xenomorphs and Sheppard and his division were sent to eradicate the problem. This is also where they met Rodney.
SGU characters:
— Nicholas Rush: Only one character for this category, but I think Rush would 100% be a morally grey W-Y scientist who is studying the xenomorphs. Anything unethical he does is for the greater good. If you’ve ever read the Aliens: Labyrinth comic, I could see him being a bit like Dr. Church.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 7.22 (after 1900)
1916 – Preparedness Day Bombing: In San Francisco, a bomb explodes on Market Street during a parade, killing ten and injuring 40. 1921 – Rif War: The Spanish Army suffers its worst military defeat in modern times to the Berbers of the Rif region of Spanish Morocco. 1933 – Aviator Wiley Post returns to Floyd Bennett Field in New York City, completing the first solo flight around the world in seven days, 18 hours and 49 minutes. 1936 – Spanish Civil War: The Popular Executive Committee of Valencia takes power in the Valencian Community. 1937 – New Deal: The United States Senate votes down President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proposal to add more justices to the Supreme Court of the United States. 1942 – The United States government begins compulsory civilian gasoline rationing due to the wartime demands. 1942 – Grossaktion Warsaw: The systematic deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto begins. 1943 – World War II: Allied forces capture Palermo during the Allied invasion of Sicily. 1943 – World War II: Axis occupation forces violently disperse a massive protest in Athens, killing 22. 1944 – The Polish Committee of National Liberation publishes its manifesto, starting the period of Communist rule in Poland. 1946 – King David Hotel bombing: A Zionist underground organisation, the Irgun, bombs the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, site of the civil administration and military headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, resulting in 91 deaths. 1962 – Mariner program: Mariner 1 spacecraft flies erratically several minutes after launch and has to be destroyed. 1963 – Crown Colony of Sarawak gains self-governance. 1973 – Pan Am Flight 816 crashes after takeoff from Faa'a International Airport in Papeete, French Polynesia, killing 78. 1976 – Japan completes its last reparation to the Philippines for war crimes committed during imperial Japan's conquest of the country in the Second World War. 1977 – Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping is restored to power. 1981 – The first game of the 1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand and the United States is held in Gisborne, New Zealand. 1983 – Martial law in Poland is officially revoked. 1990 – Greg LeMond, an American road racing cyclist, wins his third Tour de France after leading the majority of the race. It was LeMond's second consecutive Tour de France victory. 1992 – Near Medellín, Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar escapes from his luxury prison fearing extradition to the United States. 1993 – Great Flood of 1993: Levees near Kaskaskia, Illinois rupture, forcing the entire town to evacuate by barges operated by the Army Corps of Engineers. 1997 – The second Blue Water Bridge opens between Port Huron, Michigan and Sarnia, Ontario. 2003 – Members of 101st Airborne of the United States, aided by Special Forces, attack a compound in Iraq, killing Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay, along with Mustapha Hussein, Qusay's 14-year-old son, and a bodyguard. 2005 – Jean Charles de Menezes is killed by police as the hunt begins for the London Bombers responsible for the 7 July 2005 London bombings and the 21 July 2005 London bombings. 2011 – Norway attacks: A bomb explodes, targeted at government buildings in central Oslo, followed by a massacre at a youth camp on the island of Utøya. 2012 – Syrian civil war: The People's Protection Units (YPG) captured the cities of Serê Kaniyê and Dirbêsiyê, during clashes with pro-government forces in Al-Hasakah. 2013 – Dingxi earthquakes: A series of earthquakes in Dingxi, China, kills at least 89 people and injures more than 500 others. 2019 – Chandrayaan-2, the second lunar exploration mission developed by Indian Space Research Organisation after Chandrayaan-1 is launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in a GSLV Mark III M1. It consists of a lunar orbiter, and also included the Vikram lander, and the Pragyan lunar rover.
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rancid-references · 2 years
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United States Colonial Marine Corps (USCM) illustrations for the Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual
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technofinch · 9 months
please tell me everything about mulligan 👀👀👀👀
asdfghjk OKAY SO, for context, this is my character from an Alien ttrpg campaign!
Private James "Mulligan" Cain was born on the planet of New Galveston, firmly in the middle of shitfuck nowhere, to an optimistic mother and hardass father. Having very few options for entertainment he developed a drinking problem at a young age, and having even fewer options for gainful employment he enlisted in a United States Colonial Marine Corps military academy.
While at the academy he learned many things, including: how to shoot many kinds of gun, how to fly many types of space ship, how to follow protocol, and how to pick up chicks with a thing for a man in uniform. (He also learned how to work a lighting and sound rig, for the benefit of the clandestine local drag scene. He may have been convinced to perform once or twice but there are certainly no pictures.)
Towards the end of his third year he got into some sort of Terrible Accident that led to swearing off drinking and the confirmation of his suspicion that he never, ever wanted to be an Actual Marine. Suddenly desperate for another option, he started asking around and eventually found a friend of a friend who knew a guy who had an in with the Talent Acquisition division of Weyland-Yutani, a space trucking & manufacturing mega corporation only barely more ethical (& less violent) than the Actual Military. Mulligan begged them for a job and they accepted, contracting him from the USCMC as a pilot.
Things settled down after that. He bounced around a few ships before ending up on the Ophelia, where he worked long enough that everyone senior to him retired/died/got reassigned and he ended up as the captain.
The other crew members are Jack, the first mate, mechanic, & only person on the crew he actually trusts; Reese, their levelheaded medic with a highly classified past; Reed, another USCMC marine serving as a guard with an unrequited friendship with Mulligan; Miranda, a deeply unethical, frustratingly competent research psychologist and HUGE BITCH, and Karina, a chaotic research biologist searching for evidence of extraterrestrial life. (Karina & Miranda are the other pcs lmao)
Other fun Mulligan facts:
compulsively nicknames inanimate objects
allergic to citrus
only child
has a nicotine addiction that he sates with chewing tobacco
mildly agoraphobic
plays harmonica (badly)
Does not want to be in a position of authority
reacts Really Badly to having his authority questioned
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casbooks · 2 years
Books of 2023:
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Book 13 of 2023
Title: Up-Close & Personal: In-Country, Chieu Hoi, Vietnam 1969-1970 Authors: Robert C Bogison ISBN: 9781097969142 Tags: AC-47 Spooky, EOD, FSB Dirk (Vietnam War), FSB Schroeder (Vietnam War), III Corps (Vietnam), KHM Cambodia, KHM Cambodian Incursion (1970) (Vietnam War), Military Police, THA RTA Royal Thai Army, UH-1 Huey, US CIA Central Intelligence Agency, US USA 159th Transportation Bn, US USA 159th Transportation Bn - 5th Transportation Co. (Heavy Boat), US USA 18th Military Police Brigade, US USA 1st ID, US USA 212th Military Police Sentry Dog Co, US USA 25th ID, US USA 284th Military Police Co., US USA 39th Infantry Regiment, US USA 39th Infantry Regiment - 2/39, US USA 458th Transportation Corps, US USA 504th Military Police Bn., US USA 504th Military Police Bn. - 188th Military Police Co., US USA 557th Military Police Co., US USA 615th Military Police Co., US USA 716th Military Police Bn., US USA 720th Military Police Bn., US USA 720th Military Police Bn. - B Co. (Bushwhackers), US USA 89th Military Police Group, US USA 90th Replacement Bn, US USA Army Tugboats, US USA Colonel Robert A. Rheault, US USA Combat Trackers - K9, US USA Fort Gordon GA, US USA Fort Leavenworth KS - USDB CTF Correctional Training Facility, US USA Fort Leavenworth KS - USDB United States Disciplinary Barracks, US USA Fort Riley KS, US USA Fort Riley KS - CTF Correctional Traning Facility, US USA PBR Patrol Boat River, US USA Sgt. Alvin Smith, US USA ST 2122 El Cid - Small Harbor Tugboat, US USA United States Army, US USMC United States Marine Corps, USA 5th SFG, USA 9th ID, USA Green Berets, USA Special Forces, VNM 1st ID, VNM An Hoa Hung Village, VNM Bearcat Base / Long Thanh North Airfield (Vietnam War), VNM Bien Hoa, VNM Bien Hoa Airbase (Vietnam War), VNM Camp David Long (Vietnam War), VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Cu Chi, VNM Cu Lao Ba Xe Leper Colony, VNM Da Nang, VNM Dong Nai Province, VNM Dong Nai Province - Buffalo Shack, VNM Dong Nai Province - Cogido Bridge, VNM Dong Nai Province - Duck Farm, VNM Dong Nai Province - Finger of the Land, VNM Dong Nai Province - French Fort, VNM Dong Nai Province - French Pier, VNM Dong Nai Province - Heel of the Booth, VNM Dong Nai Province - Rabbit Ears, VNM Dong Nai Province - Rice Mill, VNM Dong Nai River, VNM DRV NVA Thai Khac Chuyen / Chu Van Thai Khac, VNM Green Beret Affair (Vietnam War), VNM Highway 1, VNM Hill 15, VNM Hill 85, VNM Lai Khe, VNM LBJ Long Binh Jail - USARVIS US Army Vietnam Installation Stockade (Vietnam War), VNM Long Binh, VNM Long Binh Post (Vietnam War), VNM Michelin Rubber Plantation, VNM Operation Corral (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Stabilize (1967-1970) (Vietnam War), VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN MP Quan Canh Military Police, VNM RVN ARVN RF/PF Regional Forces/Popular Forces (Vietnam War), VNM RVN RVNP Can Sat National Police, VNM Song Buong - Black River, VNM Tan Hiep, VNM Tan Mai, VNM US Project Gamma - Det B-57 - E Co (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 24th Evacuation Hospital - Long Binh (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 93rd Evacuation Hospital - Long Binh (Vietnam War), VNM USA MRF Mobile Riverine Force (Vietnam War), VNM Vung Tao Rating: ★★★★★ Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Military Police Description: The Vietnam War has tormented American consciousness for more than half a hundred years, and shows no sign of flagging. Up-Close & Personal is a signal contribution to understanding that drawn-out conflict from a soldier's point of view, informed by knowledge gained from being "up-close" at the basic, ground-pounding or river-patrolling combat level. The author pulls no punches. Detail is uncompromising, hard, often excruciating. All this amid the tumult of politicized youth on the home front shouting "Make love not War" and "Tune in drop out.
Review:  I tend not to give 5 stars to books, as I like to reserve that for books that have a profound effect on me. This book qualifies and let me explain why. It's not a perfect book by any means. There are little errors here and there with spelling and such, plus the story isn't that captivating/page turning thrilling. It can even be a slog at times. So why 5 stars? Because Bogison does what few others can - he really conveys the emotional aspect of his thoughts, his feelings, his mental state, his wrestling with what to do, how to do it, what is right and what is wrong... in big decisions and small. He doesn't just tell the good, but also the bad, he explains the stuff he wrestles with and not everything gets wrapped up nice and clean and with a little bow. When I grabbed this book, I was expecting a story about a Military Police in Vietnam. I was expecting a lot of bar fights, investigations of murder and accidents, regular law enforcement stuff. By the title, I also expected discussion of the Chieu Hoi Program/Force 66 - Luc Luong 66. - Let me be clear, this book has 0 of that... none.. nada... zip zilch... NO. Instead it's a book about an MP who is assigned to correctional facilities in the US (Ft. Riley) and Vietnam (LBJ) and ends up in a very special unit of MP's that is called an Ambush and Recon unit made up of MP's instead of infantryman! Because of the location in the Delta, they also have a joint unit with PBR's and skimmers that he finds himself leading as well. It was fascinating to read, the people, the stories, the bureaucracy, and more was captivating and it left me really thinking about the choices he made and how his personality affected his life's course. His temperament is always to attack, to challenge, to push - even against those who are trying to help him. He either sits quietly or attacks ferociously even when confronted with cooler heads to learn from and imitate - he does neither. Whether it was the helicopter crash, the tug boat incident, or a handful of other stories included, one can't help but really feel what the author felt as he just did his best, and all too often memoirs like this one are more about snippets of stories, or tell you what happened but forget the human element. This one has a consistent narrative and does well to really put you in his boots, and look through his eyes.
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lilafeuer · 2 years
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Armored vehicles illustrated for the Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual book. Illustrated by Lee Brimmicombe-Wood.
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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Private First Class William L. Hudson is a fictional character in the 1986 science fiction film Aliens, played by actor Bill Paxton. Hudson is a member of the United States Colonial Marines deployed to the planet LV-426 to investigate the loss of communication with a terraforming colony, only to discover that the colony has been overcome with Xenomorphs.
The character has become a fan favourite in the Alien franchise, and has been noted as one of Bill Paxton's most iconic and notable roles. The character's quote "Game over man!" has been referenced numerous times in popular culture, and the character has been paid tribute to following Paxton's death in 2017. [1][2] Corporal Dwayne Hicks is a fictional character in the Alien franchise. First appearing in the film Aliens, he was portrayed by actor Michael Biehn. The character is a Senior Corporal of the United States Colonial Marine Corps aboard the USS Sulaco and is one of only four survivors of the Sulaco crew's expedition to LV-426, along with Ellen Ripley, Rebecca "Newt" Jorden and the android Bishop. Hicks was initially killed during the introduction of the film's sequel Alien 3, a decision that garnered negative backlash from fans of the franchise. Hicks was later rewritten to have survived, as he returns as the main protagonist of the "Stasis Interrupted" DLC in the videogame Aliens: Colonial Marines [1] ands CLONES
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usagirotten · 2 years
The Private Vasquez From Aliens Is Getting Her Own Origin Story Book
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Some exciting news for all of you fans of James Cameron’s Aliens, a new book has been announced that will offer a backstory on Private First Class Jenette Vasquez, 2nd Battalion Bravo Team in the United States Colonial Marine Corps. The character was played by Jenette Goldstein in the movie and she was a Smartgun operator with the United States Colonial Marine Corps, part of the 2nd Battalion Bravo Team. She was a member of the combat unit that was deployed to LV-426 to investigate the sudden loss of contact with the colony of Hadley's Hope. She was subsequently involved in combating the Xenomorph infestation at the colony. Vasquez was part of First Squad's gun team, along with Private Hudson. She had a long history with fellow Smartgun operator Private Mark Drake, and the two shared a close relationship. Vasquez was among the last to perish in the incident, choosing to kill herself with Lieutenant Gorman rather than be captured by the Xenomorphs for impregnation. The book is titled Aliens: Vasquez and it is written by V. Castro (The Queen of the Cicadas) it will “explore the canonical background of Vasquez, as well as the story of the children she was forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope on LV-426, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an immigrant family with a long military tradition, she looked up to the stars, but life pulled her back down to Earth — first into a street gang, then prison. The Colonial Marines proved to be Vasquez's way out — a way that forced her to give up her twin children.” Raised by Jenette's sister, “those children, Leticia and Ramon, had to discover their own ways to survive. Leticia by following her mother's path into the military, Ramon by entering the corporate hierarchy of Weyland-Yutani. Their paths converge on an unnamed planet which some see as a potential utopia, while others would use it for highly secretive research. Whatever humans have planned for it, however, Xenomorphs will turn it into a living hell.”
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Read the full article
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top100countdown · 24 days
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Top 100 Coolest People of All-Time
Aliens (1986)
Jenette Goldstein
Jenette Vasquez was a PFC and smart gun operator in the United States Colonial Marine Corp. In 2179, she was a part of the platoon of marines dispatched aboard the USS Sulaco on a rescue mission to the Weyland-Yutani owned terraforming colony, "Hadley's Hope" on Acheron LV-426.
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zooterchet · 5 months
Charlebois Family History (Five Generations)
Johnny Charlebois: Arab Legion, Canada. Prison mortician and dentist. Almost went to military academy, but was declared "racist", by Canadian authorities, for proposing a watered suit to survive the desert. That's the Jewish-Iranian genome, they said.
Ernest Charlebois: Army Infantry, America. Carpet installer and business officer. Almost attended college, but was declared "racist", by father, for proposing that the State University ROTC system, be State Police, under Reserve Officer Traitor systems. That makes all the cops drink beer, they said.
Raymond Charlebois: United States Marine Corps, Pacific Theater. Automotive mechanic and sales officer. Almost went to England to marry the Queen, but was declared "racist", by father, for proposing that England, run under German law, the Water Department, a system of Roman hedges and dams, found in unions, the common enterprise. That makes the production systems refuse sports, they said.
Michael Charlebois: Raytheon Camp Perry, National Football League. Industrial engineer and screenwriter. Almost went to Saigon, on a purchased Chevrolet Impala on South Vietnamese grounds, but was declared "racist", by father, for proposing that Vietnamese are peons, for being sex offenders, truth, but rather, they could be marshalled for lawyer's forces, a superior type of law officer to counter Korea, found in international trade tribunals, instead replaced by guidance defendants. That makes the victim dictator, a CIA movement, they said.
David Charlebois: Boston State Police, Irish Republican Army. Economist and drug runner. Almost went to Cuba, under Castro, under a secret debt, of site management, but was declared "racist", by father, for proposing that Roman colony was still a smart idea, the invasion of the home proxy base, by foreign powers colonized, for a diverse and mutual federation; the Commonwealth of Britain, Adam Smith, however on updated rules, a Federation, given to America, but with modern communications and silos of nuclear war. That's the film "Twister", an ICBM Canadian fleet, out of Spain and Latin-America, they said.
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