#unless it's completely new children in which case behold their eight or so kids
puppetmaster13u · 28 days
Throughout the years, Danny and Ra's get into fights. Unfortunately for Ra's, Danny's a biter. Unfortunately for Danny, biting immortals are never a good idea. Especially when your own DNA is beyond messed up
Imagine the look on Ra's face when they guy he likes fighting shows up with a baby in hand and says, "congratulations, you're a father"
Repeat it two more times because Danny just doesn't learn
Ohohoho, now this is quite fun. And this could be completely new children, or, this could be the three Al Ghul children. Which if it is? Is hilarious. And hey, Dusan even has Danny's white hair and green eyes!
But seriously I love this. Logically, Danny should learn to not bite, in fact? He knows how to fight, and can do so without biting. He's just also a petty little shit who will go feral when fighting this one asshole [insert relationship here].
Even more hilarious if Danny shows up throughout time too. And it's not like they exactly explain to anyone on the outside of their [insert relationship here], which definitely leads to so many misunderstandings and rumors.
Love the idea if this is even a semi-normal ghost thing. Just, usually the mixing of ecto is done on purpose, and not usually having to be worried about happening via blood. But Danny? Is a halfa, meaning that he is half human. And if he bit anyone else, it would probably have no effect, except for the fact that the human mouth carries quite a bit of bacteria and en ecto-contaminated one more so. So for anyone else, biting is an actual good option, but Ras? Also ecto-contaminated via Lazarus Pit.
Which is a different type of ectoplasm, like comparing saltwater to freshwater, but is still ectoplasm. If anyone else bit anyone else, it wouldn't happen. But no, Danny just has to have the habit of biting his immortal sparring asshole of a rival-buddy. And said buddy better be fine with co-parenting otherwise he's taking child support.
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ofmemorics · 5 years
hello friends ! my name is LEO (she/her) & i have three children to introduce you to. because i am lazy and tired , you’re going to get them all in one post ! in order from grumpiest to sweetest , i’m unpelased to present CISCO , ANGEL , & REESE ! please like my status so i can slide into your dms for plotting ! 
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「 david castañeda, cismale, he/him. 」❝ there’s FRANCISCO ‘CISCO’ BARAJAS, humbly nicknamed SUPER HOSTILE, on the front page with the supers again! the TWENTY-EIGHT year old TRAINER is known to be CYNICAL yet ALLURING, and they always seems to remind people of A FIREY TEMPER, A SWEAR EVERY OTHER WORD, EMPTY LIQUOR BOTTLES, & HALF-ASSED EVERYTHING. they made a great addition to the supers with their FIRE MANIPULATION that blossomed on their birthday!「 leo, 21+, est, she/her. 」
meet the WORLDS GRUMPIEST MAN !  cisco is a mean, lean, slightly alcohol addicted fire machine.
cisco was born in mexico to a very loving single mother, maria.
baby cisco was maria’s everything, and ciscos mom was his best friend.
they word of supers had travelled to mexico, but maria lived an unlucky life and never thought that her baby boy would get taken from her
low and behold, his eighteenth birthday comes and his entire body literally turns to fire.
in the wake of discovering his powers, cisco burnt their family home down. completely accidental, but the nature of the fire cause the press to be alerted and, well, the rest of sunnyside academy history.
thankfully, no one was harmed in the fire, but his mom struggled to recover from the emotional loss of their family home and her son being brought to the states
cisco isn’t sure why; he doesn’t know if its just because of everything that happened, but he hasn’t visited his home or his mother since he was eighteen.
sometimes he’ll call, but that’s about all of the connection he’ll allow.
he hates the academy and loves calling it prison
hes mostly bitter bc he knows his mom wanted him to have this good, cared for life outside of their home in mexico but he just wanted to be normal
his powers were super hard to control at first & he wears a special kind of glove to help reign in his fire bc when he gets mad ..... well 
he’s definitely not the most Cheery of people but he’s not terrible to be around
just very real and forward
drink a lot even though supers probably shouldn’t drink
he does
he hates the academy but he does like being a super. he takes it seriously bc he can help people ): and he likes that ):
he also looooves being a trainer! he’s a pain in the ass but he’s one of the best
10/10 would CRY if someone took his wc on the main ! it’s MALE PREFERRED , though i’m open to any.
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「 froy gutierrez, cismale, he/him 」❝ there’s ANGEL CASANOVA, humbly nicknamed SUPER CONFIDENT, on the front page with the supers again! the TWENTY-TWO year old TRAINEE is known to be VAIN yet COMFORTING, and they always seems to remind people of AVOIDING TASKS, A SMILE THAT LIGHTS UP THE ROOM, CAUSING TROUBLE & HOLDING HANDS. they made a great addition to the supers with their SHAPESHIFTING that blossomed on their birthday!「 leo , 21+ , she/her, est. 」
meet the WORLDS MOST ANNOYING BOY ! angel will flirt with anyone and has probably been smacked a lot.
don’t get me wrong, angel is awesome. he’s kind, thoughtful, and super comforting he’s just a little annoying and full of himself.
has amazing confidence and it really can’t be explained. 
SUPER SOFT but doesn’t want people to think that. this boy just wants to be held. hold his hand. hold his face. hold something.
always the one that wants to talk to the press just to say something hilarious, dab, and then go home
GIANT TROUBLEMAKER !!!! will transform into a bug just so he can sneak way from getting Caught
dumb. so dumb. but so lovable.
angel was born in texas!!! he’s mexican & white and very proud of the fact.
his parents were both hopeful that he’d become a super and even moved to new york so they could still see him after he went to the academy.
has a non super lil sis! he loves her and brings her to the academy sometimes. she’s six.
honestly he has the most sound background of all my muses. 
kind, confident, annoying as shit.
will flirt with anyone but hasn’t really engaged in any serious relationships
a pansexual king!!!
it doesn’t seem like he takes being a super seriously but he does. he loves it and he’s so proud of it.
sry if ur character is a trainer hes so annoying
‘okay angel, on my cue you’re going to turn into something threatening’
angel: turns into a hamster
has the best smile 
a cute, dumb, annoying boy :/
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「 kaylee bryant, cisfemale, she/her. 」❝ there’s REESE MYERS, humbly nicknamed SUPER SUGARY, on the front page with the supers again! the TWENTY-ONE year old TRAINEE is known to be NAIVE yet WHOLESOME, and they always seems to remind people of PERFECTLY DONE FRENCH BRAIDS, KIND SMILES, PALE COLORS, & YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES. they made a great addition to the supers with their MEMORY MANIPULATION that blossomed on their birthday!「 leo, 21+, est, she/her. 」
LASTLY , meet the SWEET GIRL TO WALK THE EARTH ! i’m kidding but am i ? 
reese was born in new york on the same day as her older brother, who’s also a super.
i definitely feel like they’d got supers in their blood bc reese was pretty much expected to be a super and alas, she was!
however, it took about a week for her powers to show themselves
she felt like she had powers but she didn’t know how to make them work until she pulled an old, very dark memory from her dads head
since then, she was moved into the academy and worked on perfecting he powers so she didn’t accidentally alter or steal anyones memories
she isn’t super in love with being a super or her powers, but she does like stopping crime, so she pays attention in her trainings and makes sure she knows how to use her powers in the best way.
tbh she could be ..... Super Powerful but she holds back a lot and doesn’t want to hurt people. she just messes with their heads and lets the other supers take care of the rest.
she’s......... so sweet
thanks theres good in everyone & believes in second+ chances
but i definitely feel like her dad has a dark past and the fact that she pulled his memories and knows it weighs heavy on her chest because no one knows except her brother
she always looks 100% ready for everything 
she doesn’t use her powers a lot outside of fighting unless someones sad 
in which case she accesses their happiest memories to make them happy :(
i know that theres more but .... this is all u get for now :/
so sweet
so kind
someone ruin her i need it
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Seeing Game Of Thrones, and its Dimly Lit Battle, in a Whole New Light
It’s been a year and a half since Game Of Thrones aired its final episode ‘The Iron Throne’ (although it feels a lot longer thanks to 2020 time dilation), and now a ‘Complete Collection’ box-set has arrived.
It’s slightly odd to behold these 33 discs, squeezed into eight Blu-ray cases, snuggled up in a lovely box, with a little booklet nestled in. So much time has passed since the world watched that finale and the online discourse erupted with the fiery ferocity of Cersei’s attack on the Sept Of Baelor.
With so much vocal negativity surrounding season eight, it feels as if Game Of Thrones has ended up in the big pop-culture bin of shows that nobody talks about anymore (unless they’re taking the mick). But this box-set is a chance to revisit and reappraise, and see if that sentence is really fair…
“You were the best of them”
When season eight was first released in 4K Ultra-HD at the end of last year, word filtered down that it was the best way to watch the infamously dimly lit Winterfell battle episode ‘The Long Night‘. Having originally squinted at this episode (which I streamed on Now TV through a 1080p TV back in the day), I was keen to see how it would look with a 4K-enabled Xbox Series X console hooked up to a shiny new 4K ASUS monitor.
Long story short, it did look better than I remembered (although, who’s to say that I’m not remembering it worse than it was at the time because of all the memes). I wouldn’t necessarily say that the whole thing looks brighter, but that the nuance of the lighting and the rich details in certain shots are a lot easier to make out and understand with a Blu-ray disc and a proper 4K set-up. So yes, I felt I could properly watch the episode this time, with a far greater sense of what I was meant to be able to see.
Putting tech specifications to one side for a moment, there was also a simple joy to be found in seeing these actors and characters together again on screen. With Game Of Thrones so quickly having become meme-fodder and the inspiration for countless angry comments, it’s easy to forget how excellent the cast and crew clearly were. 
Although there isn’t much in the way of dialogue during ‘The Long Night’, it’s moving to be reminded of that sweet exchange between Sansa and Tyrion in the crypts of Winterfell. Reminiscing on their fraught marriage of many seasons ago, Sansa tells Tyrion, “You were the best of them.” It’s a reminder that Game Of Thrones isn’t just about big battles and questionable writing decisions – but also lovable characters, memorable arcs and great performances.
“It’s chaotic for a reason”
There are two commentary track options on ‘The Long Night’ disc, one with director Miguel Sapochnik and cinematographer Fabian Wagner. Listening to it, I’m reminded again of how I saw Game Of Thrones before that final season, back when Sapochnik was heralded as the genius director of such iconic battles as Hardhome and Battle Of The Bastards.
On this commentary track for ‘The Long Night’, which was clearly recorded after all the backlash about how dark the episode was, Sapochnik is in very candid form. It’s refreshing to find something that sounds so honest, and very far from PR speak, on what is clearly an HBO-approved product.
Sapochnik and Wagner reflect on the gruelling 55 days of night shoots that brought this episode to life, a discussion which, on its own, is enough to remind us that a lot of people put a lot of hard work into making this show – whether or not they agreed with the top-level decisions about its direction. 
It’s also interesting to hear Sapochnik’s take on why this episode is so dark – it was, of course, a conscious creative decision from the director and the writers, as opposed to a hapless work experience kid in the editing suite accidentally thumbing a big switch labelled ‘brightness’ in the wrong direction. 
“It’s chaotic for a reason,” Sapochnik explains, as the dead descend on Winterfell on a jet-black night, bringing wind and snow with them to baffle and disorient their human enemies. As Davos squints in the abyss atop the Winterfell battlements, Sapochnik jokes that our beloved Onion Knight should’ve bought a better TV. 
As well as providing some laughs, this insightful commentary can also help fans gain a better understanding of this episode – it wasn’t meant to be a traditional battle like the ones we’d seen before. Rather, it was a descent into hell for all of our beloved characters, brought to life by a crew that spent almost two months working through the night to make it happen.
“The hardest episode of TV anyone on this show has done”
The special features of this mammoth box-set include more than 15 hours of special features, so it’s a huge treasure trove for fans of the show. There’s access to basically every resource you could want. Say, for example, you wanted to know even more about ‘The Long Night’ episode. In the Bonus Features disc from the season eight case, you could check out ‘The Last Watch’ documentary, which includes footage from the first-ever table read for that episode – complete with Maisie Williams’ utter joy when she finds out that Arya will be killing the Night King, and Kit Harington’s bemusement at that same revelation. 
There’s also ‘When Winter Falls’, a documentary which shows exactly how ‘The Long Night’ came together: you can see which bits were special effects and which bits were built in real life, and you can hear the cast and crew reflecting on the harsh realities of making what Harington calls “the hardest episode of TV anyone on this show has done.” Emilia Clarke is convinced the episode must have broken some sort of “work endurance records,” if such a thing exists.
If Game Of Thrones had ‘stuck the landing’ with its final season and somehow managed to please every different subsection of the show’s fans, a bountiful box-set like this would probably look like a tempting investment to a lot of people. And, to be honest, even though I wasn’t utterly convinced by the final season, this treasure trove has reminded me that there was a lot more to the series than just the showrunners’ decisions in the finale. 
“All this chocolate fell out of his secret pocket”
In the ‘Bonus Features’ case are three discs of extra-extra features, which couldn’t be crammed onto the dedicated discs for each season. Across these three discs, you’ll find even more goodies to grow your Game Of Thrones appreciation. On one disc you’ve got ‘Conquest & Rebellion: An Animated History Of The Seven Kingdoms‘, a feature-length animated special in which cast members narrate tales of Westerosi history. (This could be handy knowledge to have if those ancient history prequel series end up happening.)
You’ve also got numerous chunky featurettes in the categories ‘Behind the Scenes’, ‘Inside the Visual Effects’ and ‘Anatomy of a Scene’. I particularly enjoyed the Anatomy of a Scene on Sansa and Joffrey’s wedding – I’d forgotten quite how ridiculous it was, and again, it’s a great reminder of just how much great content this show has given us, how many brilliant performances Game Of Thrones boasts, and just how much hard work went in behind the scenes.
The ultimate fan-friendly celebration of Game Of Thrones can be found on disc one from the Bonus Features case, under the title ‘Game Of Thrones Reunion Special Parts 1 & 2’: it’s basically a two-hour love-in, during which Conan O’Brien interviews pretty much everyone you’d hope to see in a cast reunion.
Serving as the satisfying season finale to my rekindled Game Of Thrones fandom, this Reunion Special has so many moments of squee-inducing glee: there’s a fabulous montage that shows how lovely a time Emilia Clarke has had over the last eight years, compared to Kit Harington being caked in mud and left out in the cold at every opportunity (the gentle roasting of Harington is really quite heartwarming); there’s also a fun anecdote from Mark Addy about Sean Bean hiding chocolates in his costume; and Sean Bean himself turns up for a joyous reunion with his on-screen children, as well as being reunited with Ned Stark’s severed head. 
Seeing the cast and crew laughing together under Conan’s playful questioning, I’m reminded again of all the terrific actors and talented crew members that put years of their life into making this flight of fancy for us. And even though the decisions of the final season may not sit well with everyone, I’m glad that I dived back into the Game Of Thrones fandom and rediscovered what made me love it in the first place.
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Game Of Thrones: The Complete Collection is out now.
The post Seeing Game Of Thrones, and its Dimly Lit Battle, in a Whole New Light appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Kjjkcl
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