#unparalleled potential
sandinthepipes · 1 year
The way good omens portrays sex workers.
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undertalethingems · 21 days
How do you think Sans reacts to Papyrus’s death during the runs?
If you mean in the base game, uh... we kinda already know? If Papyrus is killed, Sans doesn't show up again until the final corridor, where he'll ask "if you have some sort of special power, isn't it your responsibility to do the right thing?"
If you answer yes (that you do have that responsibility), then he responds, without eyelights or sound font, "Then why'd you kill my brother?"
And if you answer no (you aren't responsible), you get "well, that's your viewpoint. i won't judge you for it.... You dirty brother killer."
There's also the line of description you get if you go on to have a concert with Shyren after killing Papyrus: "A hooded figure watches the commotion from afar." It replaces the line that mentions Sans selling toilet paper tickets to your concert, and of course, of all the characters with hoods in the game, he's the one who would be most concerned with tracking your actions after killing Papyrus. So, it makes the most sense to infer that this hooded figure is Sans.
So his reactions, to me at least, suggest that not only is he heartbroken, he's furious with you. But Sans isn't one for direct confrontations and shouting like Undyne is, so he watches, and I think he still tries to understand why you'd do something so horrible. But that doesn't stop him from being angry because there's no excuse for killing his brother, but sparing other monsters, that he can fathom.
I'm personally not a fan of depictions of Sans sobbing over Papyrus' dusty scarf--he just doesn't strike me as a guy whose first reaction is to cry. For my understanding of him, it makes more sense for him to go numb, initially, then save his anger for his parting shot in the last corridor. No matter what you answer, Sans gets the last word in, and it's always to remind you that you did not have to kill his brother.
So uh, yeah. that's what I think.
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elany · 5 months
Yk what I want? I want a very early stages post canon labrumisu, but from Chilchuck's POV.
Imagine mister 'interparty romance is the devil' visiting court just to see these three circling each other like a pack of uniquely unhinged cats. And of course he sees it immediately, he's nothing if not perceptive and he's seen this happen so, so many times before. Kabru is hardly subtle in his fascination with Laios, who trusts him in turn more than nearly anybody else. He can see how close Mithrun and Kabru still are, even when there's little reason for the former captain to even stay in Melini. He can see where this is going. And he can see the disaster it's gonna end up in.
So he's just staring at them in horror, trying to figure out what in the world the dynamic here even is and glaring daggers at Kabru all the while for seemingly being the linchpin of this entire bullshit situation. King, his adviser and a fucking foreign noble?? Who thought THAT was a good idea! Is nobody else seeing this?? (no lol) Why is nobody objecting to this politically unsound love triangle that could literally ruin the kingdom they've only just established??
The anger! The distress! The despair when he first sees Laios getting all giddy when Mithrun so much as talks to him. Because hell, now he can't even blame the entire situation on one pretty boy insisting on having fingers in every possible pie, on political and personal level both!
And then they just. Quietly get together. All three of them. And Chil's just watching from the sidelines in complete bafflement because he's invented infinite worst case scenarios for how this will implode in all of their faces and destroy their friend group and topple the entire country and--
Instead they do. This. He'd be relieved if he wasn't so goddamn mad that he's spent months worrying about this shit just for them to resolve it in the least dramatic way possible.
Fuck this, he's taking a holiday.
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wilcze-kudly · 9 months
DEVASTATED that we didn't get more interactions between the gaang's grandkids. Like I wanna know what their relationships are. Do they know each other? Are they friends? Or is it more of a ' our grandparents kinda saved and fundamentally reshaped the world together and forged indestructible bonds in the fire of war and trauma so it would be really awkward if we weren't at least nice to each other' type thing?
I want a scene of them all hanging out, man.... so bad...
Like imagine mixing the unbridled chaos that are the Airkids, the absolute feral energy of the Beifong babies with poor general Iroh the Spineless having to somehow keep them all in check.
Send them all on a life changing fieldtrip i say!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
The money I would pay to get to see Christopher Tommy and buck interact, especially if Eddie isn’t there
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potatobugz · 1 year
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ok silktea is a little funny
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thinking about…. cult leader!geto/corporate slave!reader……… rubs your stiff shoulders when you get home and sends death threats to anyone that actively stresses you out or opposes your success <33
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abrahamvanhelsings · 6 months
imagining the things graham gore could and would have done to edward little's cervix had he lived a little longer
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raining-its-pouring · 7 months
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cosmictapestry · 3 months
now that i think about it idk if i’ve ever seen a human au that mentions nada at all? which i think is a massive missed opportunity. and interesting considering that calliope is important fairly often + dream’s disastrous love life is like, integral to the story
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ziptiesnfries · 8 months
current favorite hyper-specific trope: character with superpowers that can be used as an energy source, who then has multiple groups of people chasing them and fighting over them to use their powers for evil, world-ending doomsday devices and whatnot. bonus points if the character is captured and experimented on to figure out the true extent of their powers <3
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What I like about the Knights: Bedwyr/Bedivere
I have had brainworms about this man since I first read the scene in good old Morte when I was 14 years old where he lied about throwing Excalibur into the lake. TWICE. And he only tosses it in after Arthur straight up threatens to kill him if he tries that shit again. Iconic. As such most of my love for him stems from Malory's interpretation specifically, which is funny because this motherfucker is only in the last few chapters.
To expand a bit on him lying at the end. We don't really know WHY he didn't chuck it. We know he thinks it'd cause problems, but no specifics. Did he want to use it himself? Did he think it'd help the kingdom to keep around? Was it ultimately sentimental? Selfish or selfless? Who knows!
In the older works he pops up in, he notably doesn't have any outstandingly special powers unless you count him being really good with thrusting weapons, which I don't because A) it can be read as him just being really quick and precise (which I personally find a more interesting interpretation, hard work and skill honed over a long time is way cooler than magic), and B) he gets power-creeped hard - and even then most writers either don't know or forget he's really good with swords and spears. My mans had his thunder stolen BAD.
In fact, he was the OG Prettiest Guy Who Isn't Arthur(tm), but then more Prettiest Guys Who Aren't Arthur(tm) kept getting added. So he's, unfortunately, usually shoved into the background unless someone else (usually Kay) drags a spotlight over to him.
Sidenote, I fully believe that Bedwyr and Kay are married. But really I'm just happy any time they appear together. A lot of the time the knights don't really feel like they're even friends in the 'normal human' way instead of the 'operating under 10 layers of chivalry and posturing' way, and at the very least Kay and Bedwyr actually enjoy being around each other.
Also, this motherfucker was there FROM THE BEGINNING (both in-universe and as like... a concept (he predates Jesus by a few hundred years)) and is usually the last guy left alive. But he's never a major player in anything except chucking the sword in a lake at the end. At most he's helping Kay with something or doing his job. A job he did presumably well because he held his position as Marshall for several decades and only lost it because everybody mcfucking bit it all at once.
If you want to look through a metanarrative lens, he's cursed to witness events and never influence them, but he gets one act of agency at the very end, which he gives up out of either fear or loyalty. And his reward is that he's left alone with a flippant order from his king to do whatever he wants. A lifetime of service rendered completely null and void by the complete loss of everything and everybody that he's ever known.. A lifetime of service to a system that was ultimately the root cause of the tragedy. And goddammit that's some spicy stuff to work with.
Anyway, my grand thesis statement is this: He exists in a sweet spot where he'd be an excellent POV and can be built on without in any way upsetting preestablished characterization. He's a relatively normal guy among complete and total freaks of nature (affectionate) who manages to outlive all of them. And the few things that are relatively set-in-stone about him (Close to Kay, only has one hand, there from the beginning, chucks sword into lake) are enough of a foundation to make him really interesting. To summarize:
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wereh0gz · 8 months
The idea of shipping Omega with literally anyone is super funny to me bc the only reason I can see him be attracted to anyone in that way is bc of their destructive power and nothing else. Not personality not appearance nothing just how much shit they can break and honestly I respect that and want to see more of it actually
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haledamage · 1 year
I kind of wish BG3 let us play as githzerai, with all the illithid/githyanki stuff going on it would've been a fun point of view to explore
but also I'm pretty sure it would end in a game over before you even get off the mindflayer ship because Lae'zel would just dropkick you into the Abyss at first sight
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art-soboro · 2 years
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yakuza 4 is actively draining my life force but at least tanimura is very funny
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I'll never not be mad that Videocult came up with Chasing Wind and Unparalleled Innocence, some of the rawest names I've ever heard, and then made them never feature in the plot. What's their problem
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