#until there is some potential comfort WHICH SEEMS TO NOT EXIST ATM
mayday-jd · 9 months
yeah no you did fuck up the moment blitz
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this is probably where wtv unresolved/remaining feelings blitz had for fizz end I doubt he'd still have a crush on him now (especially with a certain royal bird he knows ...)
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agentnorthdakota · 3 years
All odd numbers for Zarus. Feel free to skip any, especially if they're too spoilery
Thanks Spencer!! uwu Sorry this took so long! I love this funky druid and I'm curious myself if any of these answers will change as I develop them further and they grow in the campaign~
1. Why did they choose their class(es)? their subclass(es)? When Zarus was young (for a drow), they were taught about nature and other Druidic teachings, which inspired them to actually get out into nature more and be an actual druid themself. Part of the Circle of Dreams, they spent some time in the Feywild, which influenced their magic further.
3. What is their goal right now? They do aim to get back to the Feywild, but Zarus is lackadaisical and drow live a Long time, so despite being presented with a chance to return, they’re like “there’s time for that later~” They’re curious about their friends and have some “souvenirs” to drop off to their friend Cabal first, anyway.
5. Do they follow a higher power? what are their thoughts on divinity? Zarus isn’t really the religious types. The gods exist, certainly, but they’re more connected to the wild, chaotic power of nature than devoting themself to a specific god.
7. Which party member do they understand the least? Defs Caesin atm. They enjoy being in cahoots with him, but are still figuring out his personality and morals.
9. Do they care about their appearance? how much effort do they put into presentation? Zarus cares a fair bit about their appearance – but you couldn’t tell by looking at them. From the outside they seem like the sort of person that put makeup on a couple days ago and is like “eh it’s still good enough” (purely figurative, they haven’t worn makeup in ages). And yet they typically hold themself like they’re dressed in finery, despite the holes in their cheap clothes.
11. What skills are they proficient in? why? Arcana, deception, history, perception, persuasion, and survival. Each has their place in their backstory, but the specifics of why are a mystery :3c
13. What do they dislike about themself? why? He’s the type to be, like… overly positive and hard to ruffle. He also isn’t exactly the most self-reflective. I think he’d have trouble naming anything he dislikes about himself.
15. Do they trust their party? why or why not? Absolutely! :3 I mean they’ve known each other for like a whole day now! (Zarus trusts way too easily)
17. What do they dream about, when their dreams are their own? That’s a good question :3c
19. What haunts them? what doesn’t? Probably more than he knows, or would admit (even to himself).
21. Do they follow their head, their heart, or their body? Well it’s definitely not their head. I’d say a mix of their heart and gut – but they have terrible intuition and danger-sense.
23. How do they feel about nicknames, titles, or labels that have been given to them? how do they feel about their name? They’d be thrilled to be given any of the above! Nicknames mean fondness, titles mean status, and labels can mean community – all of which Zarus wants. They’re very fond of their name, which is one of the reasons they give it a little too readily.
25. What stories do they like to tell? what stories do they like to hear? Zarus is… probably not the best storyteller, struggling to remember parts, and completely making up others. They’ll talk all day about less linear events though, like various plants, storm clouds, etc. And they’re happy to hear almost any story, as long as the person telling it is enthusiastic and isn’t a stuck-up prick.
27. How do they mourn? If he ever knew how to mourn, I think he’s forgotten how. Death is a fleeting and intangible concept to Zarus, and so mourning would be much the same.
29. Who would they save? who would they be saved by? He’d happily save any of his friends, both new and old, and without regard to any potential cost. And so far he’d be saved by Grimshaw, the only person who’s actually stepped in tried to dissuade his recklessness lol
31. They’re given a blank piece of paper–what do they do with it? (answered this one in a previous post~)
33. What makes them cry? …what does make them cry? Again, Zarus is a very cheery individual. Probably something triggering an old, long-forgotten memory, or one of their friends dying and not coming back. They’d also defs be the type to start crying without even realizing it, still smiling, only noticing when they feel they tears streaming down their face, and reach up to touch their cheek in confusion.
35. Which party member do they worry for? Defs Maco. He’s young and seems naïve, so if there’s anyone Zarus would have the sense to actually worry over, it’s him.
37. What is their favorite thing to hold? Ooooh. Probably an old, worn leather-bound book, whether that’s a journal or a published tome. It would bring them a sense of familiarity and comfort.
39. Are their hands calloused, soft, or something else entirely? Their left hand and forearm are covered with burn scars, while their right is surprisingly soft for a druid, not nearly as calloused as you’d expect from someone who travels the wilderness.
41. What are they attracted to in other people? (also answered this one in the previous post~)
43. Why do they fight? I guess… why not? They aren’t exactly into fighting, but they’re definitely capable, so if the situation calls for it they will fight, especially if their companions are. But they don’t exactly fight to protect themself, and would just as readily try to talk their way out of a situation.
45. How do they hug people? Another interesting one! I think it’s been a long time since anyone actually hugged Zarus. Despite being more of an extrovert, they don’t always spend much time around people, and Zarus can be a little… off-putting. I think he’d melt into a hug, eager to share in the rare warmth and companionship – and having no sense of personal boundaries and how long a hug should last or how closely he should wind the other person in his arms or vice versa.
47. When they meet someone, what is the first thing they notice? How kind they are. Do they treat him with kindness, or disdain? Because the latter isn’t going to win that person any brownie points with Zarus, though they may not say it. Anything else – appearance, social standing, scars, etc – that’s all extra, and typically not of concern.
49. What makes them smile? Lots of things. Zarus is smiling, like, 90% of the time, even if it’s a small smile (and probably somewhat unnerving). One of the rare times they’re not smiling is when they’re pondering something. They’re definitely smiling when they’re mad or offended, there’s just more of an edge to it that an observer might not catch.
51. What is the most beautiful thing in the world, for them? Oh wow. I think… life, continuing on uninterrupted. TW for some gory descriptions for this one. ((A bird with a stick fused into it’s wing that still manages to fly, a deer whose antlers are tangled with the head of another, trapped in an endless battle until it sheds its antlers, flowers and fungi sprouting between the bones of a carcass, the decaying corpse of a whale that brings so much new life to the scavengers who feast on it. There’s beauty in death, and in the unstoppable circle of life – and it’s a privilege to them to hold such a special place in it.)) On a more… traditional note, they definitely do like pretty flowers, and thunderstorms.
53. Which is more frightening to them: day or night? Honestly… I think the bright light of day. There’s comfort and familiarity in the darkness, a sense of home. But in the harsh daylight that hurts their eyes, everything is so stark and clear, and deep down it triggers discomfort, of what they should recall but don’t.
55. Whose hand do they reach out for? Currently? Cabal. They’ve helped him to his feet more than once, and he trusts them. It won’t take long for this to apply to his party, as well, but right now Cabal is instinctually the first one he’d reach for. For the party it will probably be Grimshaw first, since he’s been the most protective of Zarus (even if he doesn’t exactly deem it necessary).
57. What makes them angry? Being talked down to certainly grinds his gears. Zarus is actually decently intelligent, but no matter what, being disrespected and treated like he’s beneath someone sparks his anger, especially considering his backstory.
59. What is a quiet passion of theirs? Making flower crowns, and to a lesser extent, origami. They also very much enjoy sketching various flora and recording information about it, but there’s a sense of work to that as well as passion. Also, fashion. They very much enjoy dressing up, they just rarely have reason to.
61. What kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow? Literally every flower they could find. They’d either pick none, leaving them to grow, or one of each variety (including colour variations). They are very passionate about flowers and flora, so if they started they wouldn’t be able to resist picking one of each.
63. What fight has scared them the most? They’ve only been in a few fights in-game so far, and it’s very hard to genuinely scare Zarus. There is one from their past that would, but that’s getting into spoiler territory ;)
65. What is holding them back? Their unwillingness to accept that anything is wrong.
67. What makes them laugh? Much the same as smiling, it isn’t difficult to make Zarus laugh. They’re quite cheery, so if someone tells a bad joke or makes a clever quip, they defs laugh at it (even when doing so would be impolite).
69. How would they describe their party members? (aaand I answered this one in the previous post as well, so that’s it!)
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The Portrait of Afuro Terumi (06~10)
! Double Gods
! Unfinished
What's an appropriate response upon being addressed by a literal painting?
Among countless of possible eloquent answers, Hiroto selects the simple and to-the-point “What the fuck?”
Afuro Terumi- the portrait (Don’t call it by a name. Calling it by a name dignifies it as a consciousness.) seems unfazed. “I guess the more correct term would be that I am the curse.”
It’s beginning to feel too much like a fever dream so Hiroto backs out of the room and calmly goes back to his room where he sleeps for a good twelve hours.
Hiroto knows what’s in the room. It’s a dusty old painting that talks.
Or maybe he doesn’t know what’s in the room and his memories of the previous afternoon are just the result of his delusions.
There’s only one way to be sure.
Before he can psyche himself out, Hiroto marches up to the room again, and barely gives the knob a twist before it springs open.
“You’re back.” Afuro Terumi greets him.
Hiroto stiffens. Fuck. So it was real. He conversed with a painting, which is the opposite of what Haizaki warned him about, and now he’s probably cursed, but he can’t even tell Haizaki about it because he doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“You act like you knew I was coming.” Hiroto asks cautiously. “Did you know I was coming?”
“I had an idea.” Afuro Terumi’s eyes gleam mysteriously. “It has something to do with the curse, actually.”
“Right. The curse, because that’s definitely a thing that’s… what? Placed upon me?” Hiroto rubs his forehead, hoping that if he willed it hard enough, his migraine would disappear.
“More or less.” Afuro Terumi hums vaguely, concealing any and all sorts of emotion form his tonal voice. “Leaning towards more at the moment.”
“Are you going to explain yourself at some point?” Hiroto sighs.
“I don’t know where to start!” Afuro Terumi only smiles cheerfully. “Why don’t you ask me questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them?”
“Sure.” Hiroto deadpans. “Why not. I don’t suppose you’d like a nice cup of earl grey with that as well.”
“I have my own beverage.” Afuro Terumi gives the wine glass a whirl. The liquid swishes but doesn’t spill. “Even though I can’t actually drink it, since it’s not substantial.”
“Okay.” says Hiroto. “Okay.” he says it again, just to reassure himself. “First question.” His voice sounds a little scratchy. “Are you male? Female? Neither? Little bit of both?”
Afuro Terumi blinks, a slip of confusion seeping out from the painting’s mask. “Seriously? Of all the more pressing matters, that’s your first question?”
Hiroto frowns. “It’s not like I have a limited amount of questions.” he grumbles. “I just… don’t know what to refer you as in my head.”
“Ah. You think about me often?” Afuro Terumi’s face brightens marginally. “That’s very sweet of you.”
Don’t react. Don’t react, Hiroto. “Just answer the question.”
“I am a guy, if you’ll take my word for it.” Something akin to amusement dances in Afuro Terumi’s languidly musical voice. “Or do you want actual proof with that?”
All the blood in his system rushes up to Hiroto’s cheeks, and he curses at himself for being so easy to play. “If it’s not a birth certificate you’re showing me, I’m leaving.”
“You have no sense of humor.”
“You have a twisted sense of humor.”
Afuro Terumi laughs, and it’s a very boyish laugh. “Next question?”
Hiroto points to the plaque underneath his frame. “It says here that your name is Afuro Terumi. Is it?” he asks. “Just to be clear, though. Even if it isn’t, that’s how I’m going to call you for the rest of my life.”
“So you plan on spending the rest of your life with me?”
“Would it kill you to give a clear answer on the first try?”
“It wouldn’t.” he chirps joyously. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve had the chance to converse with other people. Let me have my fun.” He tilts his head slightly to the right. “But yes. That is my name.”
“Afuro.” Hiroto tests it out on his tongue for the first time. It rolls oddly.
“At your service.” Afuro replies smoothly. “But aren’t you going to offer me your name?”
Hiroto makes a face. “Would that potentially endanger my existence?” He’s read a lot of stories about how never to reveal one’s true names to mythical folk. He’s not sure if Afuro applies, but better safe than sorry goes the saying.
Afuro seems to consider about it. Then unsurprisingly, delivers an utterly disappointing answer. “As far as I’m concerned, your existence is already endangered, so you needn’t worry.”
“That’s comforting.” Hiroto mutters under his breath, but obviously there’s no point in arguing, so in a louder voice he says. “Kira Hiroto. What’s the deal about me being cursed and my existence endangered?”
Afuro clicks his tongue thoughtfully. “How do I explain this?” he sets his wine glass down and links his fingers together. “I would start with telling you to stay away if you cherish your life but for a variety of reasons, I will not waste my breath on that speech."
Hiroto stares at him, unimpressed. “That explains absolutely nothing.”
Afuro rolls his bottom lips between his teeth. “I guess there’s no easy way to put this, so listen clearly, Hiroto-kun.” Hiroto’s eyes twitch at the overly friendly title, but doesn’t comment.
Afuro is deliberate and clear when he talks, like every syllable holds a weight. "The moment you entered this room, you're trapped. Not physically. You're able to leave this room at any time, but you'll always always inevitably feel the urge to come back. And when it comes, you won't be able to resist it. That's how my curse works."
Hiroto's lips twitch. "That doesn't sound too bad."
"Right. I suppose I forgot to mention the fact that every time you come in here, I suck a bit of your life away."
"You what?"
Afuro falls silent again. He seems to be struggling with how he should arrange his words. It's not a good sign when talking to someone about a very grave and very serious problem, Hiroto should know. He is raised as a corporation heir.
But it's no use ushering Afuro to hurry up either, so he takes a seat on the dusty floor and waits with an erratic anxiety spiking in his arteries.
"How old do you think I look?" Afuro asks after moments of hesitation.
"At a time like this? Really?"
Afuro stares insistently. A hard line sets on his jaw.
Hiroto sighs defeatedly. "I don't know, okay? I'm not some renowned… art inspector. I just know that you're old."
Afuro shakes his head. "My painting is old, but me myself as Afuro Terumi, I'm only in my teens."
"You lost me."
"Time doesn't really work like that for me. When I'm alone, it's like I cease to exist." Afuro explains, resting his chin on his left palm, where he's propped his elbow on a raised leg. "I'm only alive when life approaches me, and that's because I draw the life from living beings. That's why they call me a curse."
"Haizaki said a bunch of people have died here before."
"Your friend is right." Afuro shrugs. "I did that. I mean, their lives were sucked dry, not that I jumped out the picture and shagged them with a dagger."
"You can do that?"
"No. I'm trapped between these four pieces of wood." He gestures at the beautifully carved frame walling up the canvas. "It's a very small world."
"Your life is on the line here. By entering this room twice, you've already greatly sabotaged your chances of surviving. If you keep this up, you will die. It doesn't matter to me one way or another, but if you value living, please refrain yourself from coming again."
"You sure are full of yourself. So you have a pretty face, you're not that irresistible." Hiroto rolls his eyes.
Afuro simply laughs, and bids him goodbye.
Despite being informed directly by the curse's source, Hiroto hasn't been completely convinced about said curse until his feet carries him to the same door three days in a row without thought.
I am in a post new series haze so like... I really don’t have that much motivation for Ina Eleven atm oops. (If anyone’s curious, current obsession is Hidamari ga Kikoeru by Fumino Yuki. Slow burn romance. Big rec. Ongoing.)
Also I’m starting year three of high school, so that means I’m about to become very very busy. Activity is going to be undoubtedly wonky. Still, stick around if you’d like. I might drop by with a shitpost of fic once in a while.
For the time being, I await part 3 of TPOAT with you.
Hang in there buddies, and remember to stay hydrated.
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Are u a terf
Terf is a meaningless buzzword used to classify any other woman the dominant ideological narrative within feminism and lgbt activism decides has Wrong and Evil Opinions (regardless of said woman's attitude towards trans people, or if that said woman is a radical feminist at all, talk about lesbian sexual boundaries or conceive gender slightly differently and you're a terf and thus worse than a nazi)
So no, I don't call myself that word, I don't consider myself a radical feminist either (bc a) feminism should be something you do, and I'm no activist atm and b) some discrepancies with them in some points) but my beliefs do align with a feminism that believes in sex-based oppression, is highly critical of porn and prostitution, and is gender critical. To me, being gender critical doesn't mean I want trans people to die or to not exist but that I do question if there's a natural innate gender identity at all, and that I believe in gender as a social construction imposed on the sexes, basically gender = gender roles meant to keep women in "our places" and limit our potential (such as the idea that we must be mothers, that our sex appeal is all our worth, that we're less smart, less strong, that we are made to clean and keep house, that we come out of the womb liking make up and heels and basically all ideas that pose women not as fully intelligent complex and competent human beings who can be and are as varied and as capable in personality, potential and ability as men). I'm not against people with dysphoria transitioning or switching pronouns or anything that'd make them live their lives better. I do think tho that there's a narrative in the medical field that cares for trans people and as a result in the trans community (i don't blame trans people themselves for this because we live in a patriarchal society that pushes gender roles very hard) where signs of gender non-conformity are taken immediately to be a sign of being trans because women/men just can't act that way (a deeply misogynistic belief, because women are full people, we can act however we want, gender roles are social not natural. It is possible to be a woman who spends her life wearing what we call "men's clothes" with her hair short, never wearing any make up, doing manual labour and having no freaking idea how to cook, and none of that would disqualify her in the slightest from being "woman")
This is problematic because it leads people to believe more deeply in misogynistic beliefs (which for anyone who's born female really really messes your brain up) and may lead them to make medical decissions they regret in the future, especially when these people aren't dysphoric (or weren't until they started considering themselves to be trans). And it's also a way to naturalize gender roles by keeping what we consider "men traits" in one sphere and "women traits" in another when anyone can and does have traits from both sets because again, we're all complex human beings. I don't think this means trans people are Evil Agents Of The Patriarchy rather than that some trans people are victims of it and were misled by people pushing gender roles and heteronormativity on them. And it irks me that this doesn't seem to be questioned at all in the trans community even by the people in it who consider themselves feminists. Now, this doesn't mean I think transition is something that should never be done. Dysphoria exists, and whatever its causes, people have the right to bodily autonomy and to live comfortably in their bodies, maybe also more approaches to dealing with dysphoria should be explored, but transition does help some people and that is a good thing.
Other than that, the fact that in the trans community, they don't even believe that biological sex exists and is a factor in anything leads them to put "gender" above sex in every social analysis which makes you end up with people who were born male (amab) and thus receiving male socialization spreading the lie that people who were born female (afab) and socialized female and identify as men/transmasculine are Evil Male Oppressors who commit violence when within the community sex class dynamics don't disappear at all, but the predators use their oppression points to rid themselves of all the blame.
Finally, as a lesbian the idea the trans community pushes about how "genitals don't matter" and "sex-based attraction" and "same-sex attraction" aren't real has hurt me very deeply. And I consider these sentiments to be the same homophobic crap conservatives spit. Being attracted to the same sex is natural and good, and not being attracted to the opposite sex (regardless of how they identify re: gender) is not a moral failure on my or anyone's part. Telling people "if you wouldn't fuck a woman with a dick you're oppressing trans women" not only ignores the fact that it's the genitals part not the trans part I dislike (aka it's exactly how I feel towards cis men) but also that telling anyone that they're being violent to another party by not fucking them is incredibly manipulative, guilt-trippy, and yes, rapey. No one owes anybody sex under any circumstances.
Now, these are my beliefs towards the trans community, I disagree with things they believe for many reasons, but I don't hate trans people as a whole because of it. You can judge whether or not I'm a terf or whatever now I guess.
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pan1418 · 4 years
The Crown
I have now entered the final week of my journey in India. As I refect upon a way to share what has been going on for me it feels that there are not clear words to describe.. Each day has blended into the next with such harmony and magic that it is difficult to isolate specific events to share. It feels more like a dream where people, places, and events just appear before me of what seems to be their own volition. The sense of "doing" anything at all has faded. There is just a flowing river of events that interconnect and inspire me to engage the next step.
In Laxman Jhula (the area of town I am staying) has what I would call a cafe culture for travelers. In America when you are wanting to go out to eat, you pick a restaurant you enjoy, gather your family or friends, and specifically go to that place. You sit at a table with your group and rarely look to connect with the other patrons of the restaurant. You sit, order your meal, and chat (or look at smartphones), until your meal arrives. Then you consume the meal and leave. Because a great number of travelers here in India are staying in hotels and do not prepare their own meals, they are always looking for a comfortable place to sit, enjoy the atmosphere, and consume good food.
There are many of these cafes situated all through the city. They each have their own style, decore, and theme. Some are spititualy oriented with murals of Hindu gods and goddesses. Some are music oriented with instruments to play and nightly jam sessions. Some are bakeries with homemade pastries they span the origin of a dozen different countries. But the one thing they all have in common is that the way the seating is set up, the tables are next to one another in an open fashion that allows people at different tables to engage with one another. This then encourages a community atmosphere. It is not uncommon to go out for a meal and spend 3 to 4 hours in the cafe. Instead of just a quick mission amidst a busy schedule, it is a liesurly exploration of time, space, and company.
I am unsure how each day will proceed as I explore. Often times I will start with one idea and then redirect on a different path. Such as yesterday, my plan was to go to the ATM and withdraw more money. I set out across town and when I reached the ATM machine I found that it was out of money and not available for withdrawal. This began a new direction where I moved towards another option for aquireing some cash. As I walked along I found myself walking next to a friend I had met at the Holi party last week. As I approached him he says to me "That's weird, I was just thinking about you!" I asked him where he was going and he told me that he had accidently left his yoga mat at a cafe the day before and he was headed there to retrieve it. I asked him if I could join. When we got to the cafe we sat with a table of people we had not known before. There we struck up a great conversation and before I know it I was lost in an inspiring flow of words, gestures, and smiles for almost 3 hours. When we parted ways we agreed to meet up that evening at the local kirtan event (devotional group singing and dancing). My original intention to go to the ATM led me into a completely different and unexpected adventure all together.
We have so much to share with one another. Each individual is storehouse of wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, and love. When cirtain connections between people are made it is like an explosion of spiritual fireworks that light up the hearts and the sky.
I had a dream a couple of weeks ago where a guide was speaking to me. I remember him saying to me do not pay any attention to what is going on with the corona virus. When I woke from this dream I had the distinct feeling that this collective world drama does not involve me directly. I may watch as other people are affected in a variety of ways, but I do not need to react as if this situation is posing any threat to me what so ever. I have stayed clearly focused on my own journey and recieved information that has benefitted me greatly. Whenever I hear someone speaking of the situation with the virus, I clearly state that I am practicing staying present in every moment and following the course of action that is most inspiring me at the time. I also share that if my plans are to change suddenly and I find I am not heading in the direction that I thought I would be, then I will see that as a blessing and follow which way the new path leads. I am sensing that the messages I have been receiving and the practices I've been following are connected to the intensity of the events that are currently unfolding.
I recieved information a couple of days ago that the word corona means "crown". This struck a cord within me because my own healing journey has greatly related to my relationship with releasing the control I have associated with worldly power. I have had my own gold "crown" forcibly extracted and offered it in sacrifice as as symbol of my transformation to the river Ganga. As I have continued to explore this concept I can feel how in my own journey, my quest to hold this worldly power has isolated me from other people. I have subconsciously been seeking power to "help" or "care" for other people, but in essence the thing that scares me the most is simply just being with other people. I hide behind my profession of being a healer and I am of service within the community, but ultimately I have come to spend much of my time home and alone. What is being revealed within me is a level of separation and isolation that thinks that just because I have enough money and a meaningful job, that I am completely fulfilled emotionally. I can be see now after spending time here in India, that I have just begin to actually open up and feel connected with others.
The experience that I am having here, where all I have to do, is walk out my door and be willing to enter into new situations. It is showing me how good it feels and how much potential lies in my meeting with other people. It is as if I am magnetically drawn to others in which I have something to share with them. We exchange Inspiration, passion, stories, and lessons learned. We join together and speak the language of the Soul, dissolving any illusionary boundaries of limitation or separation. There is no quest for hierarchy or manipulation. The connections are pure and simple. There is nothing to hold on to. There is no reassurance that we will ever meet again in this lifetime. There is just the moment and the experience. It is truly one of the most profound and fulfilling way I have ever experienced relationships.
The crown chakra within the body of every human is known as the thousand pedaled lotus. It resides at the top of the head and it opens to become a gateway between our physical experience of consciousness and our spiritual experience of consciousness. It is said that when this chakra opens, we become aware of how we are connected and Interconnected with the entire Universe, as well as becoming aware of how we recieve vital energy that maintains our physical existence. When we believe that our physical bodies and our physical existance is only dependant on the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the external circumstances that we come to find ourselves in, then we are not operating with a fully awakened crown chakra. The energy that supports and nurtures all of creation did not originate as anything physical. It begins as an etheric vibration of pure Love and Light, eminating from what we would call the Source of creation. This vibration of Light then changes its very fast moving frequency into slower and more dense vibrations of energy. Similar to how water vapor in the sky changes its form into becoming rain. Condensation slows the rate of the vibration of the vapor mokecules and they descend from the heavens to bring nurishment to the surface of the planet as drops of water. In the same way this pure vibration of cosmic Love/Light slows down it's vibration and enters into the body and the physical experience through the crown chakra. This energy then manifests itself physically as supportive forms of life giving energy such as air to breathe, like I mentioned before. When humans are closed off to the relationship of receiving life force directly from the Source of creation, they begin to believe that they are dependant on air to breathe, water to drink, or external circumstances to keep them safe. In truth they are actually only dependant their connection with pure Source energy.
It is clear to me when I read the energy of what is happening on the planet at this time (again I have not followed any news stories), that there is a feeling of isolation between people. There are many who believe that if they can protect themselves (or separate) from other people, then they will be safe. This makes complete and total sense to the human mind. But I will tell you that this does not make sense to the Soul. One of the primary functions of the Soul is to actively connect us with one another. The Soul knows that we are not separate people needing to protect ourselves. It knows that we are one Eternal being who shares different perspectives and information from unique expression points. It is in the sharing of this information that we learn and we grow. We come to understand the deepest reality that it is Love that unites us. It is Love that makes us strong. Together we stand, divided we fall it has been said. And this is ringing true now more than ever.
If we could see the situation spiritually, what we would see is that just as the essence of Love/Light becomes physical air to breathe, it becomes the very connection we share with each other as well. Without this connection to one another we would surly perish even if all of our other needs for survival were being met. The way this appears to me is that for those humans that are unaware that they are being sustained directly by the energy of Love, they are not receiving the divine connection of an open crown chakra. This is creating great fear and panic as they scramble to do whatever they can to secure their own idea of safety and protection. Utilizing only the perspective of the human mind, these people are not fully capable yet of receiving this link and direct conduit of supportive Universal energy that is available to them. This is a training program. The question will be asked "what can I do? How can I protect myself and my family? Please God will you help me?" The answer will echo from the Heavens as if the trumpets of the Angels would sound to respond. Open up dear ones. Open to recieve the Light and the Love. Open the crown that has been closed for so long. It is time to come home.
As I have said before, I believe that we all have had our own relationship with power and control. We have all played the role of the King or the preacher. We have all played the role of the pesant or the slave. We have all sought to control and have been controlled. We have all worn the crown so to speak. We have all been isolated and separated from one another because of it. Falsely believing that we could secure our livelyhood by controlling the world around us. It is time to let that story go. There is Grace that flows through this scenario. It is when we are willing to sacrifice our knee jerk reaction in attempting to control the events that are unfolding, that we will be more open and aware of the new opportunities that we are being given to connect with each other and connect with our Source. The power that the illusionary crown holds to control reality transforms into the opening of our own crown chakra. When this connection is made we are able to start feeling the vitality flowing through us. Just as the solar system is energized by the light and gravitation of it's own Sun, so to are we fueled and enlightened by this non-physical celestial energy. It is the true Power in all its Glory and it cannot be controlled. It can only be received. The plant needs nothing except to recieve the sun and the rain as it will grow. We also need nothing except to recieve the cosmic Light and Love and we will thrive. The corona virus cannot stand in the light of this great truth. But it can grow in the shadows of unconsciousness that have yet to be illuminated by the light of day. It is up to each of us as to how the dawning of this new day will arrive.
It has been impressed upon me the importance of moving out into the world, reaching out and connecting with others. Isolation is not protection. Loving union and sharing Harmony creates more Harmony. If we want to be healthy then we need to go where the vitality comes from. It shines from within. It speaks through our Soul. It moves through inspiration, intuition and intent as it assists us in each moment. It is intimately available to each of us at all times. We need only to feel it's calling signature. Feel it's Love. It is Love, plain and simple. The Beatles once sang the song "All we need is Love". This may sound cliche to the mind but it speaks from the wisdom of the Soul. Go where the Love is. Share it with everyone. Be not afraid. As only the shadows of this time will give way to the rising Sun. Welcome the new day.
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ofvera-blog · 7 years
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hello, i’m dri ( she/her + pst ) !! i’m seventeen ( actually in the process of preparing for my good ol’ filipino debut next month lmao ) & i’m really excited to rp with all of you !! anywaY, this is veronica, but people just call her vera tbh bc she prefers that nickname & introduces herself to people as such :~) she’s really soft & sweet & i love her sm !! i have some info abt her under the cut, so feel free to message me for plotting or like this post & i’ll go to you !!
♡ — * » VERONICA CHOI looks so cute on the beach !! apparently, she comes from the united states and is a nineteen year old heterosexual cisfemale student. other hotel residents described them as endearing & dependable, but also quixotic & vehement. don’t you think they look a bit like JENNIE KIM ?
born veronica dahyun choi on june 29, 1998 in san diego, california but grew up in a city in los angeles county
she was raised by her single mother since birth, along with the several long-term boyfriends she’s had. she got along well with all of them, but she ended up more skeptical about the next each time. this kind of affected her mentality with her own relationships, but nevertheless, she can fall really quickly & really deeply. she’s just hesitant about acting on her feelings because, at the same time, she doesn’t know if it’s a fleeting emotion LOL
her mother didn’t intend on getting pregnant at the age of 23, but after finding out she was, she was ready for it. her boyfriend,,, not so much. they got in a lot of verbal battles, & he ended up leaving. vera never knew him & her mother wouldn’t dare let her try.
vera really looked up to her mom because she saw her as being so strong. she wanted to be strong like her. when men left her life, sure, she was upset & maybe shed a few tears, but her mom would never let it affect her to the point where she would be moping. her mom was capable of being independent. vera aspired to have that same mindset. she doesn’t quite have it internalized, but she’s trying to get there, more or less.
although she grew up a rather timid & shy girl, toward the end of middle school, she had made a few super close friends & become more comfortable in her own skin. in high school, she would think a lot of what other people thought about her & sometimes change subtly to seem appealing to other people. this sounds so cliche, but it wasn’t until she started dating that she began to realize her own worth & that she shouldn’t be trying to be someone she’s not for people who won’t accept her for who she is. she used to be so afraid of taking the chance of not being liked. i mean, she still is afraid of not being liked, but more ready ( ? ) for it i guess
vera’s currently a computer science major at uc san diego. she took ap computer science during her junior year of high school & found it to be quite interesting & fun ??! a lot of other people in the class were struggling with the logic & syntax, but she took to it naturally. she’s unsure of what path she’d want to take in the future, though. that part she’s still figuring out. also, she despises having to troubleshoot with a passioN !!
timing was honestly everything when it came to her decision to take up the offer to stay at hotel dionysus. jeremy, vera’s boyfriend of four years, ended their relationship a month prior, & although she was able to realize how toxic it became toward the end, she felt that she had tried so hard to mend everything & make him stay that she sort of lost who she was a little bit, so she hopes that going to a new place with new people help her become, you know, vera again. ( which means potential shifts in attitude, mindset, etc. from time to time )
she’s really friendly & sweet but she’s not, like, super oblivious u feel ?? very down to earth, but if she’s really comfortable, she could playfully roast the shit out of you. in a loving way, of course. if she’s in a certain mood, vera could be sarcastic as heLL, but it’s a little funny & endearing.
she’s honestly,,, a huge dork. people feel warm around her.
vera’s the type that rly identifies with her zodiac sign ( cancer ) & if she were to tell someone after they got to know her, they’d probably be like “o shit that’s so you”
incredibly loyal, even to a fault. she’s guilty of putting other people over herself from time to time.
she’s an extroverted introvert type, so it takes a little getting to know her before she can completely be herself around a person. not so much a party type. she gets socially exhausted easily if she goes to social functions & highkey needs to have time for herself every now & then or else she gets super nervous, maybe cranky.
a solid go-to if you ever need to vent or need comfort. want a shoulder to cry on ?? vera’s got you. i can’t guarantee that she’d give any solid advice, but she’s reliable when it comes to someone who is understanding & sympathetic. does ever take her own advice ?? lmao ur funny
if u kno the song “i fall in love too easily” by chet baker, that’s honestly,,,, vera. like. calm down. she literally just got out of a four-year relationship, so she is probably not emotionally stable atm to pursue anything. howeve r,,,, i’d never know with her if someone were to pursure her tbh.
she’s a pretty intelligent girl, but she doesn’t boast about it. she graduated high school with an unweighted gpa of 3.93 & took 8 ap classes, but aside from the occasional, random fun fact about how we share 50% of our dna with bananas or something, she never says anything about it ! she just picks stuff up rather easily.
oh, boy, can she hold a grudge !! she will forgive ( maybe ), but she will never forget if you hurt her. she can be super sensitive & will probably cry if you upset her. however, she is trying to be incredibly strong emotionally, & it takes a lot to truly hurt her, which is why she would still stick around people who sometimes treat her like shit if she gets attached to them. she just tears up at little things, honestly. those thai life insurance commercials ??? no chance. she cried at her high school graduation, man.
collects pins & her collection is roughly at 107,,, never take her to anime expo i s2g she spends so much money there !! surprisingly enough, she never entered the realm of disney pin trading. 
she has also co-owned & operated her own online enamel pin shop for two years with one of her friends & it has garnered a pretty solid customer base. they also sell stuff like embroidered caps.
vera was a blogspot blogger from the age of 15 to 18 ( mostly fashion & makeup ) & had a nice following on both her blog & other social medias, but she stopped consistently blogging after she got busy with her growing shop & other responsibilities. her pre-existing follower base is also a good reason why her shop took off well.
she had a youtube channel very briefly when she was like 17, but after a couple months short of a year, she didn’t have enough time to keep up. there’s, like, 16 videos on her channel. i would imagine they’d be like princessmei’s
a sucker for 50s & 60s tunes, esp jazz like ella & billie but also the four seasons etc !! she was a part of her school’s advanced jazz choir for three years as a mezzo-soprano after being in the women’s show choir ( her music literacy is amazing holy shit ), & she was vp of the group senior year. a lot of her closest friends stem from that group, so they still kept in touch after graduating.
vera is a super duper lowkey poet !! she feels so much, & she found that poetry was an amazing outlet for her to express all of the emotions she sometimes bottles up to full capacity. however, she’s really insecure about her writing & would never show anyone unless she truly trusted them. she really admires spoken word poets & watches button poetry videos religiously. 
she speaks english, conversational korean, & high-school-level spanish
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crystal-covehq-blog · 6 years
Internet Bitcoin Stock trading: Discover The Important factors To Producing A Fenomenal Income Dealing Bitcoin
Step - Realizing Bitcoin As well as Block-Chain
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system, if not known as electrical money as well as virtual money. It offers some sort of twenty-first 100 years alternative to local banking. Geneva chamonix transfers are made by "e billfold software". The exact bitcoin includes actually subverted the traditional business banking system, though operating over and above government legislation.
Bitcoin works by using state-of-the-art cryptography, can be written in any fragmentary; sectional denomination, and features a decentralized distribution procedure, is in sought after globally and several different advantages through other various currencies such as the UNITED STATES dollar. First, it can under no circumstances be garnished or icy by the bank(s) or a federal agency.
Which wanted to 2009, if your bitcoin ended up being worth just simply ten centaine per piece, you would currently have turned lots of dollars in millions, if you ever waited simply just eight ages. The number of bitcoins available to can be found is limited to help 21, 000, 000. When i bought it that this report was penned, the total bitcoins in circulating was 10, 275, 288, which means that the proportion of whole bitcoins "mined" was seventy seven. 5%. thought to be. The current associated with one bitcoin, at the time until this article seemed to be written, appeared to be $1, 214. 70 EUR.
According to Charge Gates, "Bit coin can be exciting plus better than currency". Bitcoin is usually a de-centralized method of currency. There's no longer almost any need to have a new "trusted, third-party" involved with any sort of transactions. Boost the finance institutions out of the situation, you are as well eliminating typically the lion's promote of each financial transaction fee. Additionally , the amount of occasion required to step money via point Your to issue B, will be reduced formidably.
The largest exchange to previously take place applying bitcoin the hundred and also fifty trillion dollars. The following transaction were held in a few moments with marginal fee's. In an effort to transfer a lot of money using a "trusted third-party", it'd take days to weeks and price tag hundreds if not thousands of $. This details why often the banks are generally violently instead of people obtaining, selling, stock trading, transferring along with spending bitcoins.
Only. 003% of the industrys (250, 000) population is usually estimated to grasp at least one bitcoin. And only 24% of the society know what its. Bitcoin deals are moved into chronologically within the 'blockchain' a perfect way loan company transactions usually are. Blocks, subsequently, are like particular person bank transactions. In other words, blockchain is a general population ledger in all Bitcoin orders that have most people have struggled executed. It is actually constantly raising as 'completed' blocks will be added to the item with a new number of recordings. Make use of conventional banks and loans as an if you happen to, the blockchain is like the complete history involving banking ventures.
Step 2 aid Setting Up Your personal E Jean pocket Software Bill
As soon as you build your own different e jean pocket software consideration, you will have the capacity to transfer resources from your at the wallet with a recipients age wallet, by using bitcoin. If you need to use a bitcoin ATM that will withdraw finances from your bank account, essentially you can expect to link your current e finances 'address' into the chosen CREDIT machines elizabeth wallet 'address'. To help in the convert of your capital in bitcoin to in addition to from a forex trading platform, you will only link your own personal e pocket book 'address' towards e billfold 'address' from your chosen forex trading platform. In actuality, it can be much easier as compared with it sounds. The educational curve relating to using your y wallet, can be quite short.
To begin an at the wallet, there's a myriad of corporate entity's online that serve safe, protect, free plus turn-key e-wallet solutions. A super easy Google search just might help you find the right age wallet software package for you, to match what your wants are really. Many people get moving using a "blockchain" account. That is free to assemblage and very safe and sound. You have a selection of setting up a two-tier login standard protocol, to further increase the safety and security, in connection with your elizabeth wallet profile, essentially preserving your bill from simply being hacked towards.
There are many solutions when it comes to publishing your y wallet. An effective place to start has a company identified as QuadrigaCX. You can discover them using a Google search. Quadrigacx employs some of the stringent security measure protocols of which currently really exist. Furthermore, Bitcoins that are financed in QuadrigaCX are input into cold storeroom, using some of the secure cryptographic procedures attainable. In other words, this is the very safe and sound place for your personal bitcoin and various digital foreign exchange.
In order to pull away money in your own currency, at a e jean pocket, you are required to discover a bitcoin TELLER MACHINE, which can normally be obtained in local enterprises within a lot of major places. Bitcoin ATM's can be based by doing a uncomplicated Google search.
Step - Acquire Any Fragmentary; sectional Denomination With Bitcoin
To order any amount connected with bitcoin, you ought to deal with are just looking for currency representative. As with any currency exchange broker, you have got to pay the exact broker fees, when you purchase your personal bitcoin. This means buy. you of with bitcoin or simply less if perhaps that is really that you would like to acquire. The cost is based on the niche value of the whole bitcoin at this time.
There are a many bitcoin companies online. An uncomplicated Google search will enable you to easily supplier out the most effective one available for you. It is always cognizant of compare their whole rates ahead of proceeding along with a purchase. Its also wise to confirm the amount of a bitcoin online, previous to making a purchase by having a broker, because rate may tend to go up and down frequently.
Step - Stay clear of Any Exchanging Platfrom Offering Unrealistic Dividends To Average Investors
Choosing a reputable bitcoin trading firm that offers a very high return is definitely paramount on your online results. Earning 1% per day is known a high gain in this field. Earning 10% per day can be impossible. By using online bitcoin trading, it is actually feasible to be able to double your individual digital forex within three months. You must stay clear of being attracted by any business that is featuring returns including 10% a day. This type of an excellent return is not genuine with digital camera currency trading. The good news is company termed Coinexpro this was offering 10% per day for you to bitcoin potential traders. And it became a ponzi scheme. When it is 10% daily, walk away. These trading platform got very innovative and happened upon as being authentic. My advice is to spotlight trading your current bitcoin by using a company that has reasonable dividends such as 1% per day. We will have other companies that should attempt to split you from your own personal bitcoin employing unscrupulous solutions. Be pretty cautious in regards to any company which can be offering over the budget returns. Whenever you transfer your personal bitcoin to the recipient, you will find literally next to nothing your can achieve to get them back. You ought to ensure that your picked out trading corporation is absolutely automated plus integrated having blockchain, by receipt to help payment. More, it is crucial for you to learn to discern legitimate dealing opportunities out of unscrupulous "company's" that are industry experts when it comes to divorce it's purchasers from their capital. The bitcoin and other electric currencies are certainly the issue. This gives lingual braces the trading platforms you must exercise warning with, in advance of handing in excess of your hard-earned money.
Your individual ROI should be over 1%+ every day because the exchanging company you happen to be lending your individual bitcoin that will, is most likely producing upwards of 5%+ per day, may. Your MOTOROLA ROI must also often be automatically relocated into your "e-wallet" at usual intervals, in your contract word. There is a single platform we feel comfortable working with. It pay's each bitcoin investor/trader 1 ) 1% on a daily basis in attraction as well as - 1% a day in investment capital. This type of a positive is overwelming compared to what you might earn by using traditional personal markets, nevertheless with crypto currency, it's quite. Most bankers will transaction 2% every year!
If you are recommended to conduct laborous activities just like logging inside your account, submitting e correspondance, clicking on one way links etc, you actually need to always keep searching for a proper trading provider that offers your set-it-and-forget-it variety of platform, as they simply absolutely are available.
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