#unvaccinated in USA illegally
buttercuparry · 1 month
I am very worried that Siraj ( @siraj2024 ) may not be able to get to 30k CAD by the end of this week 
We have got only 2 days left now!!
Siraj, who is both a journalist and writer, never imagined a time in which he would be forced to plead for monetary help from strangers on the internet. This genocide, now in its 10th month, has devastated his life and forced him to turn to us, and to you. His house, which was a dream come true for his family, has been bombed by the IDF, forcing Siraj to bear witness to a decade of hard work crumbling to the ground. All this injustice comes at the hands of the illegal settler state of “Israel” and its Imperial sponsor, the USA.
Because of the manufactured famine and violence by the occupation , everyday has been a nightmare for Siraj. Food is hard to come by and what little there is- it is extremely costly. There is also no clean drinking water in Gaza Strip either and this is all the more alarming, since recently there has been discovery of  polio virus in the free flowing sewage water putting all unvaccinated children at risk of an epidemic, with gaza's medical infrastructure almost completely destroyed
The settler colony is not only bombing and administrating deadly ground invasions but, it has also created such conditions that children who by some luck  have escaped being in the line of fire,  now have every possibility of contracting deadly illnesses!
Siraj's little son is seriously ill !!
It is something Siraj has worried about for some time now, with all the illnesses the children of gaza are being exposed to today and none of the medical resources left to help. You cannot afford to get sick in gaza anymore, just as you cannot afford to get injured. This is his worst fear come to life. 
This places Siraj’s son in a deeply vulnerable situation.For the past two days Siraj has been unable to come online properly to campaign - he can’t spare time for the campaign because he must care for his child, and in these two days where Siraj has been stretched thin between obligations, and time was taken from his pleas for help, his campaign stagnated.
If you truly believe in the Palestinian cause, if you truly want them to have a life of dignity then please do not turn away the moment they stop to take a breath.  
Siraj wants to rebuild his home to escape the tent life which is proving difficult for his children! He wants to remain in Gaza. He cannot bear to think that his wife Halima has no privacy, that she has to endure even this amidst trying to survive a genocide. Does he really  have to travel 3 km everyday, no matter what to post his daily updates, for you to keep  caring? Does he have to showcase pictures of his sick children to the world to garner your sympathy? Does he have to expose his family to the racist dehumanization faced by Palestinians in real life and on this site, when he already bears the burnt of harassment from Zionists who hate him for daring to  expose the occupation in all its brutality? If it is not so then please boost and donate!
We only have 2 days to reach 30k !!
Currently at $26930 CAD. Only $40 CAD donated in the last hour. Do not fail Siraj now!
(Vetting at number 219 on Hussein and Nabulsi's list )
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snommelp · 3 years
I know I'm not the first one to point this out, but there are 28 "right to work" states in the USA, including my own state of Virginia
(hell of a misnomer, by the way; "right to work" translates to "the employer has the right to fire you for any reason or no reason")
And if you live in one of those 28 right-to-work states, then employers in that state can absolutely require that their employees be vaccinated, wear masks, etc.
Because even if your town made it illegal for employers to mandate vaccines (like mine tried to do) and it wasn't struck down in the courts immediately, employers could instead fire unvaccinated employees and just not give a reason. As is their right, according to the "right to work" law.
Local Republicans are complaining that it must be illegal for employers to fire someone for refusing the COVID vaccine. These same local Republicans were the ones who pushed for right-to-work laws in the first place.
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josephloegering · 3 years
The Poisoned Dead, Poisoned by Media Censors
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Warning: I warned the People Publicly with Yahweh's Nature's true Sciences, what death and destruction was coming their way, and I warned the People Publicly, what they needed to avoid such death and destruction, from the Antisemitic Democratic Right Wing and Left Wing Deadly dangerous Psychotic Politicians from the house the thief's, and their paid Satan's Deadly dangerous Psychotic synagogue Medias, and their Deadly dangerous Psychotic Doctors and Dieticians, that I repeatedly warned the People not to listen to, and warned them again not to listen to the Antisemitic Democratic Right Wing and Left Wing Deadly dangerous Psychotic Politicians from the house the thief's, and their paid Satan's Deadly dangerous Psychotic synagogue Medias, and their Deadly dangerous Psychotic Doctors and Dieticians, and their Political Activists, that repeatedly deliberately invented politicized and flawed and false Sciences, and misinformation, contradicting Yahweh's Nature's true Sciences, and caused the death and destruction that I warned them to avoid, so that the blood of the masses is not upon my hands, but is upon hands of the Antisemitic Democratic Right Wing and Left Wing Deadly dangerous Psychotic Politicians from the house the thief's, and their paid Satan's Deadly dangerous Psychotic synagogue Medias, and their Deadly dangerous Psychotic Doctors and Dieticians, and their Political Activists, and when the Prophet Yahweh's has to say, I told you so, it is too late!
The poisoned Dead
Why do we have people that are the poisoned Dead, when Moses' and Daniel's Diet, keeps our blood and urine levels normal, so that we would not have any poisoned Dead? It is called, Media Censorship, as I am blocked from all the Hash Tags, violating my Rights to free speech, and freedom of the Press, with Media Censorship, blocking our Teachings of what Moses' and Daniel's Diet that keeps our blood and urine levels normal, to repeatedly throw our blood and urine level off, with their Pagan Toxic Poison Foods from and taught to the Antisemitic Evolutionists and Alchemists, in their Public and Private Antisemitic Evolutionist and Alchemist Schools and Colleges, and them Pagan Antisemitic Evolutionists and Alchemists, all lie claiming to be Jews and Christians, attacking us unarmed Hebrew Torah abiding Jews and Samaritans, screaming that our Diet Moses' and Daniel's that keeps our blood and urine levels normal, is offensive to them, and undermines their Democracy, because of Kingdom Yahweh's and the throne mine David's, and us unarmed Hebrew Torah abiding Jews and Samaritans have never been Democratic, and never will be Democratic, so that the Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminals and War Criminal armed against us a fake Jew and fake Christians Antisemitic Democratic Zionist State, that says that we don't have Daniel's Right to object to taking their Mandatory Vaccines and Drugs, that throw all our blood and urine levels off like an allergy repeatedly, and disabled many of us, and murdered many of us, because the say that the rising numbers of child Deaths from the Toxic Poison Foods in their Public and Private Antisemitic Evolutionist and Alchemist Schools and Colleges, poising their Immune Systems, that lie saying those Deaths are preventable, by mandating the Toxic Poison Fraud Vaccines, that contain Toxic Poisons that not in Moses' and Daniel's Diet, and are poisoning and infecting the People, and is murdering them in ever escalating numbers, and they refused repeatedly to Redress even one of our Just Grievances.
יוסף אמר החום עולה (לה לה לה) הוא דיבר על קורונה וחיסוני הונאה וכולנו התעלמנו ממנו זו הייתה הטעות שלנו
And as the fake News Liars and their Antisemitic Murderer Vaccinators, forcing their Criminal Illegal Antisemitic Democratic Dictatorship, that we voted not for, and gave no consent to rule over us, so that derived no Just Powers to rule over us, to save money, poisoning Children with their FDA approved Toxic Poisons,as the fake News Liars and their Antisemitic Murderer Vaccinators in their Public and Private Antisemitic Evolutionist and Alchemist Schools and Colleges, to hide how their poison in Vaccines and Drugs, are destroying Peoples Immune Systems, and getting them infected with Diverse Pathogens, they say that Alcohol and Substance and Smoking, makes People vulnerable to COVID Infections, even in they are Vaccinated, and deny the Truth that is the Toxic Poisons in their Fraud Vaccines causing the Infections, like they did with me, forcing upon me everything on the Allergy List, screaming that it cannot be their Safe and Effective Vaccines throwing all my blood and urine levels off like that, and falsely accusing me of Alcohol and Substance and Smoking Abuse, and forced upon me 17 Alcohol and Drug Screen Test, and they were all Negative, to include the Nicotine Test, so they said that must have tampered with the specimens to make them all Negative, and locked me yup screaming that their Safe and Effective Vaccines cannot throw all my blood and urine levels, and they disabled me, and the Minneapolis VA Allergist said that I need to sue them, for repeatedly throwing all my blood and urine levels off like an Allergy
So that now here in North Dakota, with only 31 Unvaccinated Hospitalized out of 971 Unvaccinated Infected, and 130 Vaccinated with one shot Hospitalized, out of 3, 297 Vaccinated with one Shot, that Poisoned and Disabled them, and got them Infected, besides the ones the Fraud COVID Vaccine Shots Killed, the US Government and CDC and FDA, and Medias are deliberately lying to the Public, to mass murder their Religious and Political Rivals, to force upon us the Antisemitic Democratic Dictatorship, like Nazi Germans and the Soviet Communists did
with 4,268 New Infections, 3,279 Vaccinated New Infected, only 971 Unvaccinated with a New Infection, making it so that if you take the Shot, you are more likely to get infected, because the Toxic Poison Fraud COVID Vaccines poisoned your Immune System, as out of 4,268 New Cases, the Hospitalized is 161, minus the 130 Vaccinated Hospitalized, equals 31 Unvaccinated Hospitalized, and out of the 4,268 New Cases, 3,279 are the Poisoned Vaccinated, that were Infected, because they were Poisoned by the Deadly dangerous Psychotic Vaccinators, trying to open their Societies for their own Political Economic Gains at our expense, as the Deadly dangerous Psychotic Vaccinator Politicians, and Journalists, and Doctors, and Sports Athletes, and Hollywood and Bollywood fallen Stars, block from the Unvaccinated what we need to keep from being Infected by their deliberately Poisoned and Infected Vaccinated
My Brother had his serious Adverse Reactions to the J&J/Janssen Vaccine, and my Mother had serious Adverse Reactions to the Pfizer Vaccine, because the Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminals say that we have no Medical or Religious Rights to refuse their Mandated Vaccines
Facebook and the White House, violated all our first Amendment Rights, and blocked all my Posts from Facebook, so that they show p in none of the Hash Tags, that Tumblr sends them to, and the President Joe Biden's and the White House's algorithm like Facebook's algorithm, filter out my Just Petitions to the Government by the People for the People, because the five Presidents and five Vice Presidents failed to understand failed to Redress our Just Grievances in a sufficiently adequate and timely manner, being President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, and President George Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle, and President Barak Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, and President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, and President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the five Presidents and five Vice Presidents, and their Right and Left Wing Political Parties and Medias, all having poisoned and disabled many of us, and murdered many of us, as International Criminal Murders, and International Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminals, and International War Criminals, and we demand the International Courts remove the five Presidents and five Vice Presidents, and their Right and Left Wing Political Parties and Medias, from Power, and arrest them, and charge them and try them for their International Criminal Murders, and for their International Antisemitic Hate Crimes. and for their International War Crimes
Watch and see, the Politicians and Corporations and their Scientists and Doctors and Medical Staff and Medias, and their Political Activists, most will be able to connect the Scientific Dots, nor the Legal Dots, on these Just Issues
Here in North Dakota, in the Stores they no longer have what few things that they had, from Moses' and Daniel's diet, that keeps our blood and urine levels normal, and the Food Banks, only get enough food for a third of the People inline, and like what is left in the Stores, they contain the US FDA's approved Toxic Poisons, that repeatedly put us in the ERs, and because of the Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminals are mandating the Toxic Poison Fraud Vaccines on People, we not only have skyrocketing numbers of disabled from the Criminal USA's minatory Poison Vaccines, we have skyrocketing numbers of the poisoned Dead, and us that never could take any of the Vaccines or Drugs because of the US FDA's approved Toxic Poison Additives, the Antisemitic Criminals like CNN and MSNBC and NBC, and all Medias are so Deadly dangerous Psychotic, they say that we have no Medical or Religious Rights to refuse their Mandatory Toxic Poison Fraud Flu Vaccines, and their Mandatory Toxic Poison Fraud COVID Vaccines that block no Viral Infections like the Real Polio and Measles and Mumps and Smallpox Vaccines, and the Deadly dangerous Psychotic Antisemitic Criminals in the US Government and Medias, working for our enemies that launched a Biological and Chemical Warfare attack upon the People of these United States, they keep siding with our Foreign Enemies invading America and keep lying calling their Mandatory Toxic Poison Biological and Chemical Warfare Weapons, Safe and Effective Flu and COVID Vaccines, and the Social Media Platforms stalk US and hack of Computers, and set us up using our Medical Records to still keep blocking us from our basic Medical needs, just to repeatedly disable us, and murder us with their FDA approved Toxic Poisons on our Allergy Lists, because the Antisemitic Democratic Pagan Maccabees Catholic Joe Biden and his Deadly dangerous Psychotic Antisemitic Criminal gave our Medial Records and Treatments to our known Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal enemies like Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal Maccabees Catholics did, in Nazi Germany and in the Soviet Communist USSR
Corporations saying that your Corporations and Communities, are not the Government by the People for the People, and saying that you can write Policies, for Mandating Vaccines and Drugs and your Antisemitic Marriage Laws of one Man, and one Woman, and or your Antisemitic Polygamist Marriage Laws, and or your Antisemitic Homosexual Marriage Laws upon the People, when your Mandated Vaccines, not only disabled my Mother. but caused my US Veteran Brother's guts to telescope, and turn inside out, and Hospitalized him in VA, and because your Toxic Poison Vaccines, are causing the same harm to Life, in the unborn in Vaccinated Mothers, and is causing many of their guts to fall unto the outside, because of the FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, in your Mandated Biological and Chemical Warfare Weapons, that in yours Biological and Chemical Warfare attack upon the People of these United States, you lie calling your Mandated Biological and Chemical Warfare Weapons, Safe and Effective Vaccines, and you violate my first amendment Rights, saying that you don't need to Redress my Just Grievances, because you say that your Corporations and Communities, are not the Government by the People for the People, and blocking my freedom of speech and my freedom of the press, blocking out my and all the People's, just Petitions for Redress of Grievances to the Government by the People for the People, and you block my and other Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, saying, "We confirmed your comment didn't follow the Community Standards," I am within my Rights as US Veteran, to demand that the US Federal Armed Forces, and the State National Guards, drive you and your Corporations and Communities, from these lands of the United States, as Hostile Foreign Invading Power, launching a Biological and Chemical Warfare attack upon the People of these United States, poisoning both US Veterans. and US Citizens and the Unborn of these United States, and Foreigners alike, and we demand that any Federal and or State and Local Politicians, that does not order such, against the obvious Biological and Chemical Warfare attack upon the People of these United States, we demand that Federal and or State and Local Politicians, be removed from Power, for their Treason, and for their upon the People of these United States, and for the Rebellions and Insurrections, against the Government by the People for the People, us US Veterans and Citizens and the Unborn, of these United States
1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Ask the People on Facebook and in Medias, and in Washington, ask them if they are the Government by the People, for the People, and they all say that they are the Government by the People, but repeatedly Petition them that claim to be the Government, for Redress of Grievances, demanding that remove their Antisemitic Marriage Laws of one man, and one woman, and the Antisemitic Homosexual Marriage Laws that outlawed the establishment of Religion Yahweh's Abraham's and Issac's and Jacob's and Judah's and Tamar's, and the People that call themselves the Government violate their own Constitution and Bill of Rights repeatedly, just call our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances abusive, and violate our Rights to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, abridging our freedom of speech, or of the press, saying the Hebrew and Chaldee Jewish and Samaritan Belief is abusive and offensive to them, because they are Anti American Antisemitic Hate Crime and War Criminals
And watch the Lawmakers that them Antisemitic Democratic Right and Left Wing Democratic Tyrants say that voted into office, watch Lawmakers avoid our Just Jewish and Samaritans and Christian Muslim Issues, as they demand answers from Zuckerberg after investigation finds Instagram is toxic for teen girls, because like the Antisemitic Hate crime Criminal blind that voted for them Lawmakers, the Antisemitic Hate crime Criminal blind voters, voted into Office Blind Antisemitic Hate crime Criminal Tyrants, using Facebook and Mainstream Medias and Doctors that pay with Political Campaign Monies and the Tax Slaves' Monies, to repeatedly use lie and violence and guns and cuffs, and shackles and straight jackets, and forced Toxic Poison Vaccines and forced Toxic Poison, to disable and o murder us, screaming that we cannot live by Moldy Old Scriptures, and must repeatedly coked up without a Public Trial, to be force drugged to assimilate us into their Modern Society, polluting the Earth and Water, and our Foods and Drinks, with their Toxic Poison Crude Oil Byproducts, as them Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal Democratic Tyrant Lawmakers, refuse and fail to Redress even one of our Just Issues on our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances
Warning: The enemies of the People of these United States on Facebook, and the Facebook communities, just rejected the 1st Amendment Rights of all the Citizens of these United States, and trashed the Bill of Rights, committing Antisemitic Hate Crimes and War Crimes repeatedly
Warning: Because their Vaccines contain Compounds that are not in Moses' and Daniel's diet that keeps our Blood and Urine Levels normal, until given the Compounds their Vaccines that are Toxic Poison to us, and throw our blood and Urine Levels off repeatedly, the Sports Leagues, and or Media Organization, and Medical Organization, and or Corporation, and or National or Local Government, mandating them Vaccine and or Drug and or Food and or Drink Toxic Poison Additives upon us, that are not in Moses' and Daniel's diet that keeps our Blood and Urine Levels normal, denying us our Medical and or Religious Rights, to object to their Vaccines and or Drugs, and or Foods and or Drinks, they must be declared as International Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal and Terrorists Organizations
and outed unto her water that King's word the Day's, within the Day his, from mouthing within the stick measure that King's, and from the Wine's from set mine his, and unto the Eldest double's sea, the three, and from the end's water baptized his unto the face's mine that King's
וימן להם המלך דבר יום ביומו מפת בג המלך ומיין משתיו ולגדלם שנים שלוש ומקצתם יעמדו לפני המלך
Daniel 1:5
and Yah's mine from the son's mine Judah's, Daniel, Hananyah, Mishael and Azaryah
ויהי בהם מבני יהודה דניאל חנניה מישאל ועזריה
Daniel 1:6
and named unto hers the Prince that Eunuch's sea the namings, and named unto Daniel's, Belteshazza, and unto Hananyah's, Shadrach, and unto Mishael's, Meshach, and unto Azaryah's, Abed-Nego
וישם להם שר הסריסים שמות וישם לדניאל בלטשאצר ולחנניה שדרך ולמישאל מישך ולעזריה עבד נגו
Daniel 1:7
the proportional stick measure, the foods' ingredient recipe measures, they call dainties
פתב = the portion
פתבג = the proportional stick measure = the dainties
and named Daniel upon the heart's his, wedded not the polluter's within the proportional stick measure that King's, and within the Wine's from the set mine his, and sought from the Prince that Eunuch's sea wedded not the polluter's
וישם דניאל על לבו אשר לא יתגאל בפתבג המלך וביין משתיו ויבקש משר הסריסים אשר לא יתגאל
Daniel 1:8
and the setter's table that Elohim's associate Daniel's unto mercy's, and unto the womb's sea, unto the face's mine the Prince's that Eunuch's sea
ויתן האלהים את דניאל לחסד ולרחמים לפני שר הסריסים
Daniel 1:9
and said the Prince that Eunuch's sea, unto Daniel's, saw I am associate the Lord's mine that King's, wedded from out hers associate from the eating your water's, and associate from the set mine your water's wedded unto what water hers, saw hers associate the face's mine your water, that angerer's sea from out that born's sea wedded alike the age your water's, and the guilty's water associate the Head's mine unto the King's
ויאמר שר הסריסים לדניאל ירא אני את אדני המלך אשר מנה את מאכלכם ואת משתיכם אשר למה יראה את פניכם זעפים מן הילדים אשר כגילכם וחיבתם את ראשי למלך
Daniel 1:10
and said Daniel, El's that Officer's wedded from out hers, the Prince's that Eunuch's sea upon Daniel's, Hananyah's, Mishael's, and Azaryah's
ויאמר דניאל אל המלצר אשר מנה שר הסריסים על דניאל חנניה מישאל ועזריה
Daniel 1:11
Warning: Their Rapid Tests are showing mass numbers of false Negatives Tests, and are spreading the Pandemic, as death is not Preventable by Vaccination by their Fraud Toxic Vaccines, with many of fully Vaccinated getting infected and dying, and secondary Infections on top of their Breakthrough Infections, besides the masses dying from the Toxic Poisons, destroying Body Organs..., Warning: If you get Vaccinated with their failing Toxic Pfizer, or failing Toxic Moderna, or failing Toxic Johnson& Johnson, or the failing Toxic Вакцина Спутник V - Sputnik V Vaccine, or the failing Toxic Chinese vaccine CoronaVac, that are just Toxic Poisons that they falsely call Vaccines, which don't block anyone from getting infected with the COVID Virus like real Vaccines do, you not only will eventually get infected with the Delta B.1.617.2 Strain, but because their Vaccine Breakthrough Infections are causing more and more mutants, you will eventually get infected with the Alpha B.1.1.7 Strain, and or with the Beta B1.351, and or with the Gamma P.1, and or with the Eta B.1.525 Strain, and or with the Iota B.1.526 Strain, and or with the Kappa B.1.617.1 Strain, and or with the Lambda C.37 Strain, and or with the Mu B.1.621 Strain, and or with the TBD C.1.2, and or with the yet many unknown COVID-19 strains, unknown to them New Jonestown Suicide Cult Vaccinators, that caused the Mutants, by getting Vaccinated, to die from the Toxic Poison Additives causing the Body Organs to fail, while getting them infected secondary extremely Contagious Pathogen Infections
Warning: Their Rapid Tests are showing mass numbers of false Negatives Tests, an asymptomatic 14 Day Lockdown, being asymptomatic for both COVID, and other and secondary Contagious Pathogen Infections, before entering an Isolated Uninfected Camp, and or an Isolated Uninfected must be required, with Negative Hospital Lab Tests at the 14 Day Lockdown, that are not their Rapid Tests, in order stop the Pandemic is absolutely essential, not optional, or you and your City will eventually die in Pandemic
As Big Pharma and the Food Producers and Capital Hill, and Wall Street, and Hollywood, and the Satan's synagogue Medias, cause the annual Flu Season to stuff their pockets at our expense, causing their annual Corn Smut Spores to fly in the Air, making sniffles and pneumonitis from their Toxic Corn Smut Spores, inflaming the Lungs making all immunocompromised, so that can get Rich stuffing their Pockets, selling more Toxic Poison Drugs and Toxic Poison Vaccines, as their opposing politicized Right and Left Wing Political Activists, Protest and Riot, burning Toxic Space War age Trash and Cars and Trucks in the Streets, and burning their crumbling Cities, with crumbling and burning and failing Power and Water Grids, if you don't have a US Military Grade Gas Mask, if the Fraud Toxic Poison Vaccines, and the Toxic Space War age Smoke has not killed you, there are multitudes of Virus and Bacteria and Fungi, lined up as Nails, to nail you in your Coffins
Warning: Many of the Vaccinated with Long COVID Breakthrough Infections, are getting Influenza Infections that they don't even test for, unless it is killing them, to classify it as a Flu Death, and not COVID, and many of the Unvaccinated are getting the same Mix Infections from the Vaccinated that have a Mix Long COVID Breakthrough and Influenza Infections, and the CDC knowing that the Pope's and Joe Biden's COVID Vaccinated Pig Farmers are getting infected with new Influenza Strains, that normally don't infect People, just like Half the Positive COVID Virus Tests, more than Half the Influenza Infection Positive Tests that they run, they don't Genotype it, so they don't know what Strains Half the COVID Infections are, and don't know what Strains more than Half the Influenza Infections are
Warning: The Vaccinators lying saying the vaccinating People is the only way out of the Pandemic, and murdering adults and children, blocking us from what the both Unvaccinated and the Vaccinated need, to keep from being infected, by the Nipah Virus, and by their Flu Virus, and by their extremely contagious COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections, and secondary extremely Contagious Pathogen Infections, with the Fraud Vaccines causing Mutant Virus Strains, of AIDS and HIV, Viral Hepatitis, Infectious Disease, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, Pneumonia, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and Chronic Sinusitis Viruses.
Warning: Like other Virus Types will do this because of the poisoned Immune Systems, poisoned by the Toxic Poison Fraud Flu and or COVID-19 Vaccines, the Swine variant Influenza virus infections are on the rise infecting Vaccinated People, because of the Pagan Maccabees Pig Farmers handling Pigs, and getting infected, and like the Coronavirus that came from Animals, and went from Person to Person with damaged Immune Systems, because of the Damage done to the Immune Systems by the Toxic Poison Fraud Flu and or COVID-19 Vaccines that don't block Viral Infections like real Vaccines do, the Swine variant Influenza Virus infections, will start going from Flu and or COVID Vaccinated Person, to Person, soon, making a New Swine Influenza Strain Pandemic, like the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, but the US Population is more than three Times greater now in 2021 than in 1918, and the New Swine Influenza Strain Pandemic will cause three Times more US Deaths, than Influenza caused in 1918.
Since these New Swine Influenza Strain Infections are not starting in Spain or China, but on the US Maccabees Catholic President Joe Biden's, and the Billion Strong Crusader Maccabees Catholics' Swine Farms, we will name it the American Liberator, the Pagan Maccabees will refuse to believe that violating the Hebrew Torah, and raising and eating Infected Swine's flesh, is about to reduce them to a very small number of Pagans
According to the CDC, during the COVID Pandemic Lockdowns, Flu activity was unusually low throughout the September 28, 2020–May 22, 2021 Flu Season both in the United States and globally, despite high levels of testing. In the September 28, 2021–May 22, 2022 Flu Season, Isolation Camps with Industrial and Agricultural, and with Shipping and Receiving drop zone, Capabilities, so that the Isolated People can run the Economy, would not only stop both the Flu Virus and COVID Virus, but would stop them from spreading the New Swine Influenza Strains too, without poisoning anyone with their Toxic Poison Vaccines
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pnhndlgrl · 4 years
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massielandnetwork · 3 years
Navigating an Historic Period - Economic Bubble and Anarchy
4. When Dementia Replaces Meritocracy – Who is ERIC
During lunch time in the cafeteria of an elementary school, an experienced first grade teacher by the name of Ms. Miller shared with a student teacher that her current class of students was the worst in her 20-year career. After the lunch recess, that student teacher overheard two first grade boys coming into the building talking about Ms. Miller’s class. One of the boys complained “Normally we get Ms. Miller so mad that she stands on desk to tell us it is time for lunch”. The second boy replied” Yes, our plan did not work this morning, but here is what I think we need to do now to get her on her desk”.
Please consider the following:
1. The Biden Administration withholds the only FDA approved successful therapeuticfor the Wuhan CCP Virus, monoclonal antibodies, from Florida because Biden does not like the Florida Governor’s decision regarding forced vaccination.
2. But the courts have ruled the Biden Administration mandates on vaccination are illegal.
3. Numerous foreign country health organizations are now saying the mRNA vaccines are ineffective because those vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine get the virus twice as often as the unvaccinated and the death rate is also double.
4. Now the FDA and Center for Disease Control (CDC) are backing away on the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines
5. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) resisted the release of the documents about the mRNA vaccine wanting to do so over a period of 55 years, but the courts have ordered those documents released over 90 days starting March 1, 2022.
6. Most of the world has enjoyed tremendous success treating the Wuhan/CCP Virus with Ivermectin and HCQ but the FDA and NIH (Fauci’s wife) refuse to approve those therapeutics.
7. Meanwhile under the leadership of the Demented Marxists ( a/k/a Democrats) crime in our major cities is rampant, inflation has hit a 40 year high, the supply chain fiasco is causing shortages of products including food, our southern border does not exist so over 2 MILLION illegals have come into the USA which will cost the taxpayers approximately $50,000 each ($100 Billion), interest rates are increasing which will cause a recession, Putin is about to invade the Ukraine, China is constantly threatening Taiwan, 600 American are being kept in a DC gulag without bail by the US Justice Department, and every thinking American wonders if the world has gone stark raving mad.
8. Is Ms. Miller on the desk yet?
From many conversations and reading a lot of articles, my understanding is that Democrats in 2012 founded the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) funded by The Soros Open Society. ERIC now controls the voter rolls in 31 states (including Virginia) plus DC. Reportedly member states must submit all details on inactive and active voters every 60 days plus provide the DMV database. ERIC’s data includes names, addresses, DOB, license #, last 4 numbers of Social Security, vote activity, phone, email, type of citizenship documentation, et al.
Also, ERIC accumulates voting data for federal elections including the information on provisional votes (ones that are suspect). In 2020 ERIC added 17 million “New Voters” to the rolls, three times the number they added in Obama’s 2012 election year.
Immediately after the 2020 ”Election” a group of techies formed The Virginia Project (TVP) which analyzed the election. They found a Democrat controlled group mailed “applications for mail in ballots” to Virginia voters. Those that requested a mail in ballot got one. The packages returned to the sender identified voters unlikely to vote having moved and not re-registered.
In August of 2021 TVP got over 500,000 erroneous voters removed from the voter roll in Virginia. Under the Freedom of Information Act TVP requested data from the U. S. Post Office (a major Democratic contributor) but were stone walled. The USPS invited TVP to sue for the information knowing TVP did not have those resources.
Similarly, around the USA the Democratic Party and the Dominion voting company (funded by Soros and Democrats) are suing to prevent forensic audits of the 2020 election. The only folks that resist a forensic audit are the ones who have done something nefarious.
A year ago, if you said the 2020 election was fraudulent, you were abused. Today, the majority of Americans believe that is the case. Americans want honest elections. The race is between the Demented Marxist (DM) running out the clock (the 2020 election data will be destroyed in August of this year) and the Patriots working to get honest elections in November of 2022.
Meanwhile, the global situation is becoming chaotic and dangerous as the result of the Biden Administration being recognized by both friends and foes as inept, incompetent, and corrupt. NATO is neutralized by Germany now being dependent on natural gas from Russia thanks to Biden. What country in their right mind would trust the USA under Biden and his DMs to come their aid after Americans were abandoned in Afghanistan.
Economic Update:
After its meeting this week, The Fed announcement was a confirmation of the path they laid out earlier – (1) complete tapering the Quantitative Easing (QE) in March, (2) begin to reduce its outsized Balance Sheet after March, (3) and begin to slowly raise the Federal Funds Rate during the balance of the year. The stock and bond markets’ reaction was mildly negative. Stability was the goal of Chairman Powell.
A rapid increase in interest rates would cause a crash of both the stock market and bond market. Obviously, The Fed wants the transition we are going to experience to be as painless as they can make it. As Larry Kudlow said Tuesday afternoon, Chairman Powell is not Paul Volker and Biden is not Ronald Reagan. Kudlow also quoted Milton Friedman “Inflation is taxation without representation”.
With Real Interest Rates (interest rate less the rate of inflation) negative 7%, there is no incentive to hold cash because the market treats “cash as trash”. That means demand will stay strong and prices will increase trying to balance all these different forces. In other words, inflation will continue. Thirty-year-old bond traders are too young to remember the inflation of the late 1970’s under another incompetent president, Jimmy Carter. The increase in the value of your hard assets looks great on your Balance Sheet, but the devaluation of the currency hurts on an everyday basis. Carter’s inflation in the late 1970’s meant folks went bankrupt in the 1980’s.
Unsustainable forces continue until they do not. There is a point in the future where the bond market realizes inflation is out of control and demand positive real interest rates thus interest rates will rise abruptly, and asset prices will decline. My educated guess is September of 2022.
When The Fed raises their Federal Funds Rate this spring, short interest rates (personal loans, auto loans) will be affected. Since The Fed makes its decisions based upon data that lags the market by 90 days, The Fed typically raises interest rates too high. That level will become obvious because the economy will be in a recession.
With our country led by an administration that lacks a single accomplished business head, China facing an historic lesson about why Marxism always fails, Putin needing to win a war to prove he is tough, and Iran on the verge of becoming a nuclear power…what could possibly go wrong?
REAL prosperity comes with the combination of Honest Elections and Capitalism to slash taxes, reduce the size of government, and provide tax incentives to re-build the American manufacturing economy which will increase the size of the American economic pie. That combination provides the tax revenue to assist those who need it. In the past we prospered under the hand of God because our country combined Christianity, capitalism, and democracy.
Please pray:
1. For the 600 American being held as political prisoners by Biden and the DMs in hell hole conditions in the DC Gulag. Demented Marxism on display.
2. For honest elections because they are the fulcrum of our American experiment. It is Christian to demand honesty and that everyone play by the same laws.
3. That the Demented come out of the dark into the light.
Men make plans, but God ALWAYS wins. Every portfolio should contain some cash. A great piece of land remains The Best investment long term. Focus on the Truth, The Way, and The Light. Just like 2022 years ago, those consumed by the world are living in the dark and do not understand that their power, economic or political or both, is worthless. Let’s Go Brandon!
“But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God.”
(John 3:21 New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
January 26, 2021
Copyright Massie Land Network. All rights Reserved.
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With more and more disastrous results from the vax, the world is starting to crumble.
It will not last much longer in the USA because Americans, used to freedom from tyranny, will not put up with this nonsense much longer.
Will Canada be able to follow?  Our coming election may just turn the tide to get our freedoms back from the stupidity.
A Prison IslandAustralia is going back to its 1788 history as a penal colony, isolated and cut off from the world. Today, the island is once again home to prisoners—25 million of them.Australia’s first big step away from democracy came when international borders closed in March 2020. International arrivals have been limited ever since. The decision was made under the Biosecurity Act. In an emergency, the health minister is granted sweeping powers to prevent and control the arrival of diseases. When covid-19 arrived, the government was quick to test that power to its full potential.All those arriving are subjected to two weeks of quarantine at their own expense, costing thousands of dollars. More troubling still, the government has banned most people from leaving. Australia has one of the harshest border policies in the world. By banning its own citizens from going to otherwise welcoming countries, Australia is taking a page out of North Korea’s book.With the public safely contained, the government could turn its hand to the economy.Economic SuicideAustralia’s covid-19 response has delivered a staggering blow to the economy. Repeated snap-lockdowns have decimated businesses and families alike. Often giving less than a day’s notice, state leaders are forcing businesses to lock down on the spot. Only businesses deemed “essential work” can remain open in such times. For many, these measures are unsustainable. The result is an unemployment rate that has risen to 5.5 percent.Retail and hospitality have recorded an astounding 25 percent drop in income.During the latest lockdown, the federal government paid families au$700 per week to cope with the effect of being confined to their homes. To put that in context, the average rent in Sydney is $520 per week. Meanwhile, the unelected “health officials” who advise the state governments continue to rake in $12,000 per week.Between the loss of business and the government aid, the past two months have cost the government $17 billion. That represents a 2.5 percent hit to the gross domestic product in the September quarter. Sydney alone is bleeding out $1 billion per week.Economists and politicians are quick to assure the public that the economic suicide will be well worth it. “We’ve avoided 48,000 deaths on a per capita basis compared to what’s gone on in other countries, so you have to keep all of this in perspective,” amp Capital chief economist Shane Oliver told the Sydney Morning Herald. This is the opposite of perspective.Australia is a nation of 25 million people. Tens of thousands of families have had their savings obliterated. Countless businesses have been shut down for good. The elites who provide this “perspective” are not taking into account the debt future generations will be left with. Tens of thousands of lives are truly being destroyed.Normalizing MadnessTo keep the broader nation on their side, the federal and state governments must continually barrage the public with facts and figures. Every state has its daily briefings, where the waiting journalists are peppered with “new hot spots,” “case numbers” and “new restrictions.” (The death toll is rarely mentioned since it is so low.)The barrage of facts and misleading figures serves to normalize the increasingly deranged decisions made at the top levels of the Australian government. And the public seems blithely unaware—or at best accustomed—to the hysteria.But just take a snapshot of recent comments and consider if Australians would have stood for such nonsense two years ago.Victorian Premier Dan Andrews used his August 22 press conference to warn Australians of the risk of a sunny weekend: “Sunday is going to be quite a nice day, at home. … Otherwise, it will be lots of Sundays spent in hospital.” Such a statement two years ago would have garnered a deep belly laugh from Perth to Point Danger, but not anymore. We have become acclimatized to the madness.The South Australian chief health officer warned that spectators shouldn’t catch a football kicked into the crowd
lest they catch covid-19. You can’t sing karaoke, but you can sing at a wedding. You can eat in public, but it has to be sitting down.Perhaps we could laugh if the ramifications were not so dire. But the lunacy takes an increasingly dark tone when it is backed by action.Last week a rescue shelter in New South Wales shot all its dogs to prevent people traveling in to adopt them. A man who was videotaped sneezing in an elevator became the subject of a nationwide manhunt. Weddings, funerals, travel and other such vital and meaningful events in life are being limited or banned. Loved ones cannot visit a senior care facility or hospital without a jab. You can’t have guests in your house. Workplaces are moved from an office to home. Schools are either closed or kids must wear masks.The daily interactions that mankind not only desires but needs are being curtailed. The mental and emotional damage to the national and individual psyche is evident in the spike in depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicide.God makes an explicit warning to our leaders in the end time: “Woe to those who issue harsh decrees, penning orders that oppress, robbing the weak of their rights and defrauding the poor of their dues” (Isaiah 10:1; Moffatt translation). God will not sit idly by while a nation like Australia—which once knew God through its ties to the British Empire—carries on down such a path.Australia keeps pushing on, driving a deep wedge into our communities. In states such as Queensland, mask wearing has become mandatory. A muffling barrier of light blue wherever you go is a good example of the barrier now forming in human relationships. The covid-19 crisis is, according to Joe Biden, “a crisis of the unvaccinated.” The mentality is very much the same in Australia.As vaccination rates gradually rise, more pressure is being applied to those who have refused the jab. The federal government has promised not to make the jab mandatory. However, Canberra has given businesses the green light to fire people who refuse.In the community, it is breeding an “us vs. them” mentality. The media is quick to stir the pot with a name-and-shame campaign. Lockdown violators are not just subjected to the iron fist of the law, but their lives are also plastered over the Internet. This happened two weeks ago with an “illegal” engagement party in Melbourne and a church group gathering in Sydney.The bitter divide is only set to widen as communities are punished for their low vaccination and high infection rates.Police StateAs frustration mounts against the state and federal governments, protests have begun to spark. To quell the dissent and enforce their non-science, nonsense policies, the states are turning to overwhelming police force.While most mainstream media refused to cover the story, videos have emerged of the heavy-handed response against unarmed lockdown protesters on the streets of Melbourne. More than 700 police descended on the protest, some on horseback and many more in full riot gear. With police helicopters overhead, the masked police forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray into the crowds.In disturbing scenes last month, a 12-year-old girl was pepper-sprayed by police after she and her sister refused to wear a mask at a western Sydney shopping center.In many of the lockdown cities, residents are limited to a 3-mile radius from their home. To enforce this, police are being taken away from other duties. Images of three or four police officers surrounding a sunbather or someone sitting alone on a park bench are becoming commonplace. One man of Polish descent told me his mother remembered having to carry papers to show the Nazis if you ever wanted to leave your own suburb. While Australia is no Nazi-Germany, there is no denying Australia is sliding down a path toward authoritarianism or even totalitarianism. And anyone who stands up against such measures is being shut down, shut up and shut in.As the police clamp down, remember that since mid-July Australia has averaged roughly
1.5 covid deaths per day, in a country of 25 million people. In the words of Tucker Carlson, “That has been enough to justify the end of Australia and totalitarianism.”The CureAs the nation continues to undergo its ghastly transformation, we are told by our political elites that there is cause for cheer. At 70 percent vaccination, we are assured the nation will unlock—maybe. Or when state health officials see lower numbers, they throw tidbits to the masses. For instance, last week New South Wales State Premier Gladys Berejiklian proclaimed that those who are vaccinated will receive a welcome reward; they can visit a hairdresser again. As if in some way this is good news in the light of all the aforementioned man-made catastrophe.Australia is the perfect example of a nation being poisoned to death by its own cure.Where is the hope? After all, in the nuclear age there are far more destructive forces than the coronavirus. The Bible is full of such warnings for us today. If Australia cannot handle covid-19, how can it stand up to a real threat like China? The truth is, there is no hope in man.
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azindy · 4 years
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massielandnetwork · 3 years
Thriving in an Economic Bubble during Anarchy
17. The Christian Succession – An Audit is not a Recount.
A Biblical “Day of Reckoning” for the USA got one step closer last Friday. Over the coming months two critical phrases by our brilliant founders to keep in your mind – “We the People” are the government and our leaders have power only with the “Consent of the governed”.
Close only counts in a game of horseshoes, with a hand grenade, and when using an atomic bomb. A perfect example of the failure of “close” was the media’s misleading headlines from the Arizona Forensic Audit (AFA) results on Friday, September 24, 2021.
The AFA is not a “Recount” so the results of the election were not changed…yet. When you recount the same ballots, both legal and illegal, you get the same result. Instead, the AFA is a forensic audit - an attempt to determine:
1. Were all the ballots legal?
2. Was the election conducted per the laws and regulations?
3. Did the machines function correctly per the laws and regulations.
4. The answer - Nope, Nope, Nope.
Please note this summary from Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers which identifies enough illegal ballots to have changed the outcome of the 2020 Election in Arizona (or decertify it):
-3432 more ballots cast than people who voted. -9041 mail-in voters retuned more ballots than they were sent. -More ballots cast at precincts than people who showed up to vote, by 1551. -2382 ballots cast by people who voted after moving out of Maricopa County. -Nearly 300 dead people voted. -Over 17,000 duplicate votes. -23,344 mail-in ballots voted after they moved, and after the deadline.
Among the items not included in her summary are the following items:
1. Instead of the one type of paper authorized for ballots, there were 10.
2. Data was deleted from the machines the day before the machines were turned over the auditors.
3. One machine held data that appeared to concern the 2020 election in both South Carolina and the state of Washington.
4. It was reported that another group compared a list of the unusually high number of new Arizona voters registered in 2020 (over 600,000) with the records of the Social Security Administration (SSA) and found that 58% (approximately 350,000) did not exist according to the SSA records.
Four other states have now announced forensic audits. Apparently, the only Virginia legislator with enough testosterone to demand a forensic audit is Senator Amanda Chase of Chesterfield County. She makes the other Republican legislators look like eunuchs. Virginia does not need a Recount. Virginia DOES need a Forensic Audit. Only those who committed vote fraud should oppose a forensic audit. We put men on the Moon, we can have honest elections.
Both Mr. Durham and Mr. Sussmann are still among the living. I wish neither of them ill and pray my Lord and Savior surrounds Mr. Durham and his team with angels to keep them safe. But I would not make a loan to either man based on life expectancy because too many folks that enter the Clinton sphere and become a potential embarrassment have fatal accidents. Monica Lewinsky is among the few to survive. What is her secret to longevity?
Meanwhile, the Demented Marxist Show (aka DMS) continues to demonstrate how to intentionally destroy a prosperous country. Instead of recreating Venezuela, the DMs should move there. The DMS slogan– “Build Back Better” is worthy of Orson Wells since all they are building is more government, economic chaos, and less personal freedom.
As the DMs gaslight us with the media, the world continues to come apart at the seams. The list of crises that Biden and his DMs have created is amazing. I suggest focusing on the two largest – the coming Constitutional Crisis over decertification and the Chinese.
Last weekend, I was struck by the parallel paths of (1) Xi and the Chinese Communist party (CCP) with (2) Biden and the DMs. Both are aggressively pursuing centralized government economies. Both are ignoring the historical fact that centralized economies ultimately fail regardless of the available resources and talent. The only economic difference I can see between China under Xi and the USA under the Biden / DMs regime – the Chinese borrow to build physical infrastructure like roads, cities, airports, etc. while Biden/DMs borrow to fund social spending such as paying folks not to work.
Capitalism grows the economy so that government revenues increase enabling the government to provide benefits out of the increased tax revenue. Neither China nor the USA are on that path. The future for both is going to be painful – either high inflation with a stagnant economy (“Stagflation” last seen under Jimmy Carter) or default. That is why the false drama in DC is so fascinating – numerically the DMs have the votes to increase the debt and pass their “infrastructure” bills that will nail the lid on our economic coffin. Instead, they are blaming the Republicans for the delay.
Some key data points: (1) The new Saturday ritual is to join 60 – 100,000 fellow Americans in a football stadium and scream the “Biden Salute”. (2) One of the 600 Americans arrested for attending the January 6 rally has died in captivity. I think that atrocity just got much worse for the DMs. (3) Why do hospitals and first responders prefer to lose unvaccinated staff in the middle of a pandemic? (4) Wise investors are monitoring the China Evergrande Group collapse and concerned about the “Ripple Effects”.
Economic Forecast:
Last week The Fed announced it would begin tapering its Quantitative Easing (QE) later this year and increase the Fed Funds rate next year. Both are an acknowledgement that inflation is a
serious concern especially as the DMS continue to pursue their massive wasteful spending.
Tapering QE means those Treasuries must be bought by investors. The Fed can reduce the required deposits by banks at The Fed thus freeing banks to buy Treasuries. But with 5% annual inflation any bank president that authorized investing in a 10-year Treasuries paying 1.5% should be fired. Therefore, interest rates on 10-year Treasuries should increase thus increasing mortgage interest rates which will reduce the market value of real estate, stocks, and bonds. In January I predicted the real estate market activity had peaked, some laughed. My new prediction is that in the fall of 2022, the USA will be in recession and experiencing Stagflation. UGLY.
The financial markets continue to discount the bonds of Chinese real estate development companies. That demonstration of independence is critical. The Chinese banks owned by the CCP will take the direct hit from the default by Evergrande as will some big American investment firms. The CCP has bailed out their banks three times in the last 20 year, here comes bailout number 4. Xi is a dictator and dictators do not tolerate opposing views. I doubt anyone around Xi is asking about the ripple effects from Evergrande which will cascade through China and the global economy. The USA will be impacted by the ripple effects. No wonder two Fed Presidents announced their retirements taking their Pandemic stock portfolio gains with them.
Slashing taxes, decreasing the size of government, and providing tax incentives to build the American manufacturing economy is the proven way to increase the size of the American economic pie allowing more assistance to those who need it. America prospered under the hand of God because our country enjoyed the combination of Christianity, capitalism, and democracy.
Biden and the DMs have us on a path that is a self-destructive and decreases the size of the economic pie. Everyone loses except the “Elites”.
Pray that our Lord and Savior raises up and protects the Patriots that demand forensic audits of the 2020 election in every state. Honest elections are the fulcrum of our American experiment. It is not vengeance to demand honesty and that everyone play by the same laws. Men make plans, but God ALWAYS wins. Every portfolio should contain some cash and a great piece of land remains The Best investment long term.
Keeping walking in The Light.
“Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Those who walk during the day do not stumble because they see the light of the world. But those who walk at night stumble, because the light is not in them.””
(John 11: 9-10) New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
September 29, 2021
Copyright Massie Land Network. All rights Reserved.
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