jundlcndwastes · 8 months
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Riddick hovered over Juni, close. Probably uncomfortably close to some. Leaning down, he paused for a moment before brushing his lips on hers. asked by @unwaivering
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There could never be such a thing as him being too close to her, always causing a stir in her chest as she welcomed the spike from her heartbeat and the goosebumps she got from the small exhales of breath that he fanned from being this close to her. Her brown eyes flickered between his bright eyes and his mouth several times as the tension between them built. Finally, as his lips captured her own, the smuggler kissed him back, keeping her hand steady on his broad shoulder to make sure he didn't disappear as quickly as he appeared beside her.
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kingcenred · 8 months
@unwaivering continued from [x]
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ARTHUR WASN'T HURT THANKFULLY. The bandits had overtaken both him and Cenred suddenly while they were in the woods. It had gotten messy and the blood from the men he slain got on him. He wasn't expecting the other king to clean him up. Looking at him curiously, he could feel his heart pounding slightly. He couldn't help if he thought the other as handsome. "Thank you."
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"Hmm," is his initial response as the younger man thanks him. "You need to be more careful. Some of your footwork back there was sloppy at best, you're lucky this isn't your blood," he admonished, but his words are at odds with the surprising tenderness of his actions as he raises the cloth to wipe a splatter of blood from Arthur's cheek.
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wcrstarter · 5 months
Wine flowed from a crystal stemmed vessel to a pair of crystal cups that sang faintly from the intrusion, to share with her guest and be as gracious a hostess as she could be. The private parlour was away from prying eyes and eavesdropping, with a warm fire crackling away merrily in the hearth to ensure Kahlan would be comfortable. Whilst Sonja herself required nothing to ward of the cold, she knew her mountain-hold of a castle had quite the bitter chill to mortals.
"Please, sit. And drink, you must be terribly thirsty from your travels. You needn't worry, you are a guest, and none here will violate the law of Hospitality." Sonja assured her, settling down on a nearby chair after she'd set down a crystal glass for Kahlan. She knew that King Arthur would one day send a liaison to her people, and frankly they were lucky that she had taken his father's throne. He would not have been sympathetic to their cause.
"What brings you this far east, if I may ask? Just to begin peace and alliance talks....or is there something I should be wary of?" Sonja sipped from her glass, paying little heed that the rich burgundy of the wine would likely remind the other woman of her primary diet. In truth she rarely fed on any mortal, all of those under her command acted similarly and found other means to sate their thirst.
"Of course, should you need lodging for the night, that I can provide."
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xxonceuponafuckxx · 8 months
Arthur’s cheeks burned as he heard Merlin speaking. Could he blame him for being on edge? No. Uther scared him senselessly with the whippings he endured. No telling what he would do if his heir to the throne had magic. “Thank you. I knew you were trustworthy…” He finally said. Seeing as he closed his hands and out came a butterfly, he raised his brows, relaxing finally. “You… had magic this whole time?” He could hardly believe a fool like Merlin could hide in plain sight. “How do you do it? Day in and out? Doesn’t it get tiring?”
Merlin nodded slowly, worried about displaying his own magic to someone. But, he wanted to make Arthur relax and make sure that he knew he wasn’t alone. He wished someone had mentioned Arthur himself having magic while babbling on about destiny, they could have shared this sooner. “It’s exhausting… But, I’ve known from my first day here that it would get me killed if anyone ever found out. That’s a pretty good motivator to stay hidden. Though saving your royal backside causes some close calls… I wish I’d known about your magic, Arthur… I would have told you sooner. I just didn’t want to make you afraid of me. I didn’t want to put you in a position where you had to turn me over.”
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pendragonheiress · 7 months
@unwaivering continued from here: (x)
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"I knew you wouldn't mind," Their family wasn't traditional by any extent of the imagination, but they were close and happy, that was what was important.
The princess knew she could come to any of her parents, no matter what, so when she couldn't sleep she often ended up in her father's rooms.
"What are you studying tonight?"
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skysaunter · 8 months
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@unwaivering 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 :: With some convincing and maybe some pleading on her part, Violet was sitting in Dex's Dinner practically humming with excitement. Though she was not really showing it. Her shades were covering her blue eyes and she was tapping a gloved hand on the table as she waited. Anakin should be here. That's what Kenobi told her. Glancing at the watch on her wrist, she was sure she had the right timing.
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              𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝙻 𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝙰 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 ,  swiftly followed by the suspicion that this young woman, violet or whatever her name was, might be slightly delusional—just a tad.  as rex and ahsoka had so kindly put it, violet likely fell into the extensive category of anakin skywalker’s many, many fans, and this calculated claim of kinship was a means to stand out amongst a sea of nameless faces, all vying for a scrap of attention from the  𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝑵𝑶 𝑭𝑬𝑨𝑹.
it was a scenario not too challenging to fathom, given that most ‘fans’ were ordinary citizens who felt a profound debt to their saviors and expressed gratitude through generous donations of credits or resources to the grand army of the republic—an act of benevolence anakin found admirable.  peculiar individuals of the less normal variety, however, like those who rushed to mob him on the streets, seemingly oblivious to basic concepts such as personal space, approached appreciation in the most unorthodox of ways, to say the least.
the latest debacle had featured a rather zealous fanatic who claimed obi-wan kenobi had been harboring a secret family, and it was they who had given birth to all eight of kenobi’s children.  of course, the whole thing had been an absurd fabrication from the outset, but that didn’t stop the media from descending into a complete frenzy over the potential scandal.
it made sense, in a sad, terrible way, why people detached from reality, sedating themselves with parasocial delusions whilst wars raged on across the galaxy.                but then last night happened, and the entire world flipped on its head.  after hammering out a litany of overdue reports together, obi-wan admitted there could be truth to the claim, acknowledging a brief encounter with…
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              𝚅𝙸𝙾𝙻𝙴𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙲𝚄𝙻𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙴.   the force, ever-responsive to its beloved child, revealed the contours of her presence—the feathery edges of her mind, an indistinct amalgamation of excitement, unease, and anxiety—seated alone in a booth farthest from the entrance of dex’s diner.  the force was a leaden weight on his shoulders as he approached, an irrefutable echo of breath and blood that he consciously set aside.
❝so, you’re the mysterious sister i never knew i had.❞ anakin blinked, pushed back his hood, then slid into the booth opposite his alleged sister, raising an inquisitive brow.
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❝well, this is a surprise—and a lot to take in… just hope you’re not here to pull one over on me.  dex doesn’t take kindly to troublemakers, and he really hates it when customers break his plates.❞
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immortalmuses · 4 months
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@unwaivering sent: “I love it when you take charge.” (Riddick for Vaako)
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ㅤㅤㅤ"That--" Vaako grits out, his reply so sharp it nearly becomes a snarl, "--is a bold-faced Lie." Typically, the Necromonger's composure is ironclad, even in the face of Riddick's more vexing flirtations. But right now?... He's currently incandescent with Rage.
ㅤㅤㅤ(Whether that Rage is directed at the intruders attempting to kill his Lord Marshal, or at Riddick himself… that remains to be seen.)
ㅤㅤㅤCrouched behind a heap of rubble, in the shadow of a crumbling structure that was once this planet's political forum, Siberius works with savage efficiency. He presses a self sealing steri-patch over the bleeding wound grooved across Riddick's bicep, fingers clamping down hard to stem any blood loss. The phaser blast somehow nicked a major artery in the Furyan's arm, and since Riddick still hasn't accepted purification, it's a wound that might actually prove fatal.
ㅤㅤㅤ(Not that Vaako would allow such an ignorable promotion to full-dead for his Mate. They will go together, stepping beyond the Underverse's Threshold in their Due Time, and not a moment sooner.)
ㅤㅤㅤ"You hate when I'm in charge," The Necromonger reminds Riddick, releasing his arm once he's satisfied that no more of the Furyan's life blood will be escaping his body, "-- you don't even let me control the method of our sparring, regardless of whether it's within or without our bedchamber."
ㅤㅤㅤNot that Siberius is complaining… he's just making a point.
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ㅤㅤㅤMore incoming phaser fire bounces off the rubble around them, and Vaako's pale features grow more angular by the ferocity in his expression. He shoots Riddick a look, "…These combatants are not native to this planet. Who are they, and why are they trying so hard to kill you?"
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sheldoney · 4 months
unwaivering asked: “ i might be obnoxious but at least i’m also annoying. ”
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He could relate. "I'm used to it. All my life I have been called annoying. No one ever says it though. But one thing I know I am not is obnoxious." He completes with a definitive know it all nod.
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loveindomitable · 4 months
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@unwaivering: cont.
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Alex’s first instinct had been to save Henry. That should be their guards jobs, but he was quicker, pushing him out of the way before scooping him into his arms so that they could get to a car. The guards had taken action as he’d run off and honestly, he would be talking to his mother about some of them. Amy, though, like always, had been on top of it with pushing people back and knocking the guy aside who was doing the action. “I’ve got you, Henry,” Alex said, rubbing his back. Cash was driving them away as quickly as possible. He knew this was going to end up on the news, which was the last thing they needed; attention. They were supposed to be safe here, but it seemed word had gotten out about their location. "We're going home. This'll get sorted out, alright? I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, mi amor."
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whyscserious · 3 months
🥁 A battle song for my muse (for Quentin Xavier. And Hi. Been meaning to interact here.)
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Drowning Pool - Bodies
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heartsdefine · 8 months
↪ memes — accepting!
@unwaivering said: "I don't need anyone else." (Seth Solo to Rey)
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        “Everyone needs someone,” Rey replies easily, as if this is the one thing she's most certain of. “Especially those who don't think they do.”
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xxonceuponafuckxx · 8 months
"I swear it's not what it looks like." Arthur said trying his best to cover up the fact that Merlin just caught him with his grimoire and reading it in his room was enough to cause the prince to get defensive. It didn't help he didn't know Merlin's stance on the magic ban.
Merlin quickly nodded, raising his hands up to make himself look less worrisome. "It's alright, Arthur... It's alright. I'm not going to tell anyone. I wouldn't want to get you into any trouble." No, quite the opposite. His entire purpose was to protect Arthur and that included this. He did, however, wish that he'd been warned that Arthur had magic. That would have made life easier. "Here... Look." He closed his hands, making a butterfly and releasing it. "I swear, Arthur. You're safe here."
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jundlcndwastes · 8 months
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❝ Change of plans, we're leaving this system. ❞ Juniper reached out to touch his arm to get his attention; that was before she turned her whole body around completely and began walking off in the opposite direction that they had been heading in originally. There was a look of panic in the way that her brown eyes flared and she tried to gain her composure, not wanting to alert Riddick that something was wrong. But for a man who picked up on everything, it might have already been too late. All she could think about was fleeing the planet as quickly as they could get back to her ship before she was spotted by Redstar's goons. She'd already spotted two of them in the crowd.
☆ ───── @unwaivering liked juniper wolfhart's starter call ( for riddick ) !
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pendragonheiress · 7 months
@unwaivering continued from here: (x)
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"After the winter we've had, I'll take any excuse to enjoy the sunshine." The princess replied as they danced.
The winter had been harsh, so to be able to go outside and enjoy the sun was a small blessing.
"My brothers always enjoy festivals, and I can't blame them, any reason to celebrate is a good one." Adelaide smiled mischief sparkling in her eyes.
"Besides the festival means my birthday is soon."
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malka-lisitsa · 7 months
"That was actually a good book. Have you read it?" Quentin asked innocently not caring about her giving him a look.
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"Do I look like a girl that has the fucks to give about staring at words on paper for seven hours? If I wanted to work in my down time I'd be a real member of society. I watch videos I don't read."
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agoldenlily · 4 months
She nodded her head gently as she stared at the sleeping man there on the bed before she looked back at Merlin again. "That was a lot that you did back there." She clasped her hands before her and then stepped towards him gingerly, her eyes softening as she looked at him again. "Are you sure that you don't just want to tell him?" She kept her voice low, vague. "He might surprise you."
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@unwaivering - cont'd
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