#up until its almost noon now. I had my god damn childhood taken from me and all these assholes want is to force me to be someone I don’t
flippedorbit · 2 years
I don’t want to fucking be here anymore I’m sick of putting up with everything and bottling up every single feeling and opinion I have and experience all to keep everyone else happy
#At this rate by the time school starts up again in August I might just fucking drop out and disappear off the face of the earth#I’m so god damn sick of trying my hardest and it all being for nothing. My best has never been good enough for anyone and it fucking hurts#that so many people try to lie about that to make me feel better. How many people lie about caring. How many people lie about wanting me to#get better. How am i supposed to fucking get better if the situation gets worse and worse with each passing day. How am I supposed to feel#safe in a house where I’m not allowed to express myself through my appearance or my words. How am I supposed to feel safe in a country#where a gun has more rights than I do. How am i supposed to feel safe in a country that doesn’t see me as a person who deserves to live.#I haven’t felt safe since I was 5 years old. Just before my little sister was born. Just before I was treated like I was far less important#than my sister. Just before my best friend at the time decided she hated me for hanging out with someone she didn’t like. Just before that#friend switched schools. Just before we had to move states so that CPS wouldn’t take me and my sister away. Just before I pretty much lost#my right to privacy. I didn’t have my own room until I started high school. I’m not even allowed to make a grade below a B. If i so much as#have a 79 in a class my fucking phone gets taken from me and I’m not allowed to go hang out with my friends. I’m getting fed up with how I#am seen as a person. All I am is bragging rights for my mom. I don’t feel loved. I don’t feel seen. I haven’t felt like I had an actual#family since I was young. I want to feel something other than pain. I want to be anything but numb. I want to stop experiencing loss. I#want to be asked about the things I like and actually be able to provide an answer. I only get time to myself from 12am-3am. I don’t wake#up until its almost noon now. I had my god damn childhood taken from me and all these assholes want is to force me to be someone I don’t#want to be. They want me to go to college. I don’t want to go to college. They want me to get a learners permit so I can get a job but they#also still want me to do every damn chore in the house because clearly I’m not exhausted enough as I am already. I want to leave so badly#and at this point if that means I have to die then so be it. I’m so tired of everything I just want to rest.
0 notes
mediocre--writing · 3 years
Hello again from the anon who sent the first ask about childhood friends Billy crushing on Steve and venting to his mother. You wrote it amazingly, by the way. I would love to see Steve chasing after Billy in the next part, rather than the other way around. Maybe he doesn’t understand why Billy’s been distant and he misses him. I’m not sure if the timeline is accurate but it could be around the time Steve suspects her of having something with Jonathan so he feels very alone and sad and misses his best friend and Billy wants to cry all over again.
part 1 2
billy wakes up the next morning with the weight of his worries pressing into his chest. in comparison, the weight of his secret has been carefully lifted off his shoulders by his mother and was being kept and cradled with the upmost care.
he was left with a list of chores sitting on the dining table and another note reminding him to pick up his extra work from the school.
before even looking a the list of chores, billy did the bare minimum to make himself look ready enough for the day and made his way to the school.
getting his assignments for his last four periods was easy, they were sitting with the receptionist in a little red folder, but his first period, mrs. kelman, hadn’t given hers in yet.
the secretary, being the lazy ass she is, just waved billy through to go to her room and grab the assignments.
her room, of course, was one of the farthest points from the front entrance of the school, so billy power walked most of the way there, wanting to get out of there before he saw someone—a specific someone—and they started asking questions.
knocking on the door once he’d reached it, mrs. kelman came to answer it, muttering something about him being a heathen and a pain in her ass, but billy didn’t care.
because how could he be so dumb? really, you’re friends with a guy your entire life and forget you share the same first period? and you couldn’t wait another thirty minutes to get your assignments?
god, billy wants to shove his finger in the pencil sharpener.
“you’ve got a book?”
billy is staring out the windows of the back of the classroom when he hears mrs. kelman clear her throat, “do you have your book at home?”
with a small cough, billy assures her his copy of the book is at his house. she proceeds to explain the worksheets in detail while handing him, not one, not two, not three, but four packets of work pages he needs to complete ‘by tuesday, if not, i don’t care what you did do, it’s all a zero.’ psycho bitch.
billy, red folder and packets in hand, practically struts out of the classroom before she can come up with any more work to give him.
he’s not yet half way down the hallway when he hears shoes squeaking behind him, his name being called in a voice he really wants to ignore.
“billy, dude, you didn’t answer my calls last night,”
“went to bed early,” billy responded, not caring to turn around or stop walking. nevertheless, steve caught up to him, rushing to block billy’s path.
“well then, talk to me now, what happened yesterday? you haven’t been the same recently, i’m worried,” steve practically begs billy as they finally stop in the hallway.
“i have chores and about fifty pages of work i need to get started on, steve, so if you don’t mind...” billy stepped to walk away but steve grabbed his elbow.
billy’s packets and papers went down to the floor. “ok, i’m sorry about that, but why won’t you talk to me? and what’s with full naming me? you never call me ‘steve!’”
billy bent down to grab at the papers and shove them into his red folder, cradling them in his arms, “well, steve, sometimes people change and you may never know why. maybe they don’t fit in your life the way you thought they did, maybe you finally see the things the way you probably should have seen them all along,” billy scoffed, “have fun at the party tonight, steve,”
as billy walked off, steve felt sick to his stomach. billy was sarcastic and dry most of the time, but never to steve. with steve, there was never the underlying tone of annoyance there was at school and billy never rushed to get away from anyone, at least not this desperately.
steve was off for the rest of the day. it was hard not to notice the constant fidgeting and how he’d stare off into space in gym, the only class he really liked or actively participated in.
by the end of the day, his fifth period (a class he shared with nancy) steve was completely shut down.
wasn’t listening to the teacher or responding to either nancy or tommy’s attempts at getting his attention. he was just thinking about billy. about what he said. how he said it.
that emphasis on how people ‘don’t fit in your life’ and how angry billy was while saying it. how honest the words sounded coming out of his mouth, like he spoke with his entire chest and wanted steve to hear every single word for what it was.
but steve was never good at dissecting literature and hidden meanings, all he knew was what’s at face value.
and billy’s speech at face value was just a message that billy no longer wanted steve in his life. that he had moved on to bigger, better things.
but this, this felt like something his english teacher would scold him for not seeing the depth to.
and steve worried. worried his way through the rest of the day and into the next. worried all through the friday night party and the weekend. worried the monday billy was still suspended.
worried the entire week while billy was back. while billy still wasn’t talking to him or acknowledging him or even fucking looking at him.
steve had thrown himself into nancy that week, been driving her to school and home every day and had taken her on a date twice on school nights.
both times, without realizing, they’d ended up at the diner billy’s mom worked, the one billy would bus tables for in his free time to make a little extra money.
the first day, a tuesday, they’d been served by the diner lady herself, and steve had chatted like they were old friends.
neither mentioned billy, who was clearly seen in the window to the kitchen cleaning dishes.
the second day, a thursday, steve and nancy had come after the movies to get milkshakes. steve got vanilla and nancy got strawberry.
they didn’t see either billy nor his mom that day.
billy was working, though, steve knew because his unmistakable car was parked in its usual spot to the left corner of the building.
steve searched his entire brain, something he’d never done before, to figure out what billy meant.
he wanted to ask someone who knew more about literature than any teacher he’d ever had, but billy was the person he couldn’t ask for help this time.
steve never realized how much he depended on billy for everything. and he means everything.
date ideas for nancy. billy had the best spots.
how to keep nancy smiling. billy had the best pickup lines and corny jokes to make people smile.
keeping steve from not failing his classes. billy was the only person capable of getting through steve’s thick skull.
girl problems and regular teenage angst. billy always knew what people were feeling and how to react.
steve was so dependent on billy and he was absolutely crumbling without him there.
and nancy was frustrated. steve kept spacing out and ignoring her during dates. he wasn’t as charming as before and he was clingier than usual.
‘an absolute nuisance and is acting so desperate’ were her exact words.
this is what she told jonathan byers one night while they sat with their brothers and their friends at the diner after a long afternoon at the arcade.
this is what billy heard while busing tables behind them, unnoticed, before he opened his big mouth.
“done with that?” billy asked with a sickly sweet smile while pointing down at nancy’s empty milkshake glass.
as she made eye contact, her face burned bright red while she tried to control her facial features, “refill?” was the only thing she could squeak out.
billy kept the smile plastered on his face, “‘course!”
he made sure to spit in her stupid strawberry milkshake before he brought it to her.
“do that again and you won’t be working here anymore, boy,” the owner of the diner—benny—whispered to billy while holding onto his upper arm as he walked away from their table.
“yes, sir,” billy said, fake apologetically, because he grinned while walking back to the kitchen.
damn all the money in the world, nancy wheeler was a bitch and deserved her spit-shake.
billy had come to peace with the fact that steve was straight and in love with nancy.
really, steve couldn’t control who he liked.
ok so he was bitter as hell, but it didn’t stop him from being a decent person.
steve, on the other hand, was in the midst of a gay panic—not that he knew what that was. all steve knew was that he missed his billy—
wait when did ‘billy’ become ‘steve’s billy?’
and since when did steve think about billy more than he thought about his girlfriend? especially while he was alone in his house, laying on his bed.
he should be thinking about his girlfriend. his pretty, sweet, incredibly smart, charming, beautiful, blue-eyed—wait! not billy! think about your girlfriend, dumbass, not your best friend!
steve didn’t sleep that night. he stayed up thinking about billy.
about how it had been almost two weeks since he last hung out with billy and over a month since they’d last talked, like actually had a conversation. about how he didn’t even know what his girlfriend was doing this week, even though he knew she told him.
about how he needs to talk to billy.
he needs to figure out why he’s obsolete in billy’s life now. about why they drifted so quick it’s like something shoved a knife between their friendship.
and so, on that sunday morning, while most of hawkins would be out for church, steve drove over to billy’s house, knocking on the door of people who didn’t wake until noon most sundays.
“oh my god,” steve groaned to himself, knocking harder, “open your fucking door, people,”
the door swung open so fast it scared steve a little, almost knocking on a person—billy’s mom.
“hi,” steve gave an innocent smile, though he was met with a grumpy glare.
“why?” she asked desperately, “you know not to come before 12, 10 if it’s an emergency. it’s sunday, the day of rest, and here i am, not resting,”
“i need to talk to billy,”
“yeah,” she nodded, “see, he’s aware that it’s the day of rest, so he’s still sleeping,”
“i don’t care,” steve was stubborn.
she shrugged, “he punches you it’s not my problem. i’ll be resting so scream really loud if he kills you, the neighbors should hear and they’ll call someone for ‘ya,”
she winked at steve as she made her way back to her room, hoping to god that they’d either make up or make out, and she knew she probably wasn’t sleeping anytime soon. these were her boys she was thinking about, after all.
steve walked quick to billy’s door, turning the knob and moving to billy’s bed, sitting on the edge with his hands in his lap.
“i know you heard me knocking,”
“billy,” steve groaned as he shifted to look at billy ‘sleeping.’
“he’s asleep. call again later,”
“you are your mother’s child,” steve snapped jokingly.
“well then she’s a smart lady. go away, steve,” billy pulled his pillow over his head.
“talk to me, billy!”
“why not?”
“he’s sleeping,”
“jesus christ!” steve stood up, pulling the pillow off of billy’s head and hitting him with it repeatedly. “get up and talk to me you brat!”
billy sat up after the second hit, but steve just kept going.
“what is wrong with you!?” billy put his hands over his head, pushing the covers off himself.
“me? what’s wrong with me!?” steve dropped the pillow to his side as he made crazy eyes at billy, “you’ve been ignoring me for the past, like, month!”
“no i have not!” billy pointed his finger at steve as a teacher would a student. “you have been the one attached at the fuckin hip with wheeler, so don’t you say that i’m the issue here!”
“i talked to you all the time!”
“about her!” billy stood so he could look steve in the eyes properly. “i don’t give a shit about her, steve! i really, really do not care about her in any way besides whatever concerns you! so i’m so sorry that i’m not very attentive on your hour long rants about how ‘nice and soft her hair is,’”
“don’t mock me!” steve exclaimed, insulted by billy’s bad impression of him.
“she’s a bitch!” billy yelled.
“don’t call her a bitch!”
“ok.” billy shrugged, “she’s a prissy bitch,”
“go fuck yourself,” steve complained, throwing his head back in annoyance.
“no!” billy yelled, taking a step foreward. “she talks about you behind your back. to byers. says you’re desperate and a nuisance. is that the same girl you’re so in love with, steve? huh!?”
steve’s face fell a little at the accusation and his eyes darted around billy’s room.
“when have i ever lied to you?”
steve was quiet.
billy, in a softer voice, “i’m not lying. i just don’t want you to be all in love and her not feel the same way, you’re not good together,”
steve had shuffled around to sit at billy’s desk. “wow thanks,”
“i’m serious,” billy’s face was kinder, not as harsh, “she’s already all grown up, and you’re not. it’s a good thing, steve. you’re happy and carefree and want to... go skydiving and she just wants to... play mahjong at the retirement home,”
steve cracked a smile but it fell just as quick, “she really said all that?”
“i spit in her milkshake and she drank the whole thing,” billy admitted, leaning against the desk next to steve’s legs.
steve smiled, “‘course you did,”
they sat quietly for a minute, taking in billy’s words and the consequences of them.
“i’ve been really worried about you,” steve admitted. “you ignored me for a week then got into a big fight, which you haven’t done since that one boy made fun of me freshman year, and then you didn’t even act like i was around. thought you hated me after what happened in the hall,”
“don’t hate you,” billy leaned closer to steve, knocking their shoulders together, “could never hate you. just... frustrated, i guess?”
“cause of nancy?”
billy shrugged, “yea—“
steve turned to look at him better, “something else, though,” he stared at billy for quite some time, “your dad didn’t call—“
“no!” billy shut down the idea, “no, it’s not him. he’s lone gone now,”
“then what?”
“it’s no—“
“it’s something,” steve insisted.
for as awful as steve was on his own, all alone with nancy or in school, for as bad as he was at reading people, billy was an open book to him. he knew every tell he had and could almost read his mind.
“yes,” steve was stern.
“no, steve,”
“talk to me,” steve almost begged.
“why do i love you?” steve whispered quietly to himself, making billy’s head shoot up before he remembered that he and steve had been saying ‘i love you’ since two weeks after they met.
“steve, you don’t need to worry about—“
“you?” steve guessed. “i don’t need to worry about you? how is that right when all you do is worry about me?”
“i don’t—“
“you do!” steve had a fire in his heart now, “even when you’re upset with me you’re still a good friend. you still look out for me and spit in my awful girlfriends milkshake while she talks crap about me!
“i don’t get why you do it, billy, because i don’t return it and i didn’t even realize until now!”
“you don’t have to,”
“but i should!” steve was pacing in the middle of billy’s bedroom, “i am the worst to you and you just don’t do anything about it! i love you. i love you so much but i’m such an ass to you and i can’t even—“
“i love you too, steve, we’re there for each other. always have been—“
“no,” steve’s eyebrows went up and he steadied his shaking hands. as he realized it for the first time, steve spoke, “no, i love you, billy,”
billy was frozen.
didn’t move, didn’t breathe, didn’t dare even blink.
it was a dream, it had to be.
“i love you and i want to care about you more than i do. i’m a shitty person as is, but, i want to be there for you like you always have for me,”
“i love you, too,”
“why are you crying?” steve’s eyes widened as he saw the tear tracks down billy’s face, rushing over to wipe them away.
“‘m happy. they’re happy tears,” billy sniffled as he looked up at steve, “promise,”
and they kissed.
steve didn’t even think about nancy. billy didn’t think about the shadow under his door that was most definitely his mom listening in.
they ignored the way it was a really bad kiss, especially for two boys with such reputations that they have, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
billy enjoyed the way steve’s hands pushed his messy curls away from his face and steve enjoyed billy’s hands rubbing his lower back.
they didn’t have to think beyond that moment, didn’t have to worry about a single thing.
their only plans past that moment were for steve to break it off with nancy, then they’d go get chocolate milkshakes and eat cherry pie at the diner.
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artzypaw · 7 years
Living Another Life (Nanny AU)
Klance Nanny AU
Chapters 2/?
Words: 1,895
Summary: Keith is saving up money so he can attend his University, so what better to do than Nanny for probably the largest family he’s ever met? Keith’s always been great with kids, but handsome blue eyed men the same age as him- not so much.
Or- The Nanny AU nobody asked for
Lance, does in fact, arrive to dinner late. How does Keith know this?
Keith and Lola are sitting in the living room after the whole family says their good mornings and good byes and are watching tv; except they have an extra guest.
Instead of going up to his room, or anywhere else, Lance just had to sit with them and watch Adventure Time.
Thank god he was minding his own business though. Keith doesn’t know what he’d do if Lance tried to do his job and look after Lola.
He ignores the voices in his head and looks over at Lance, who was lounged across a left seat on his phone. Lola laughs at something on the tv and Keith can’t help but smile. She really was cute.
“Hey, uh, Keith?” Lance asks. Keith, startled, quickly looks back at the boy who called him and begs his face isn’t noticeably flushed.
“Yeah?” He asks. Beside him, Lola is holding onto his arm and continuously laughing at the screen.
“If you have any questions, you can ask.” Lance starts, bouncing his legs on the armrest of the chair. “Just say the word.”
Keith nods. He was grateful for the help, new houses were always a maze. Lola squeezes his arm, causing him to lean a little. He peers down at her, hair in a sloppy ponytail, and she’s wearing the biggest grin he’s ever seen.
“Let’s go outside!” She tugs again. “Please? We have a playset!” Keith chuckles.
“Yeah, lead the way.” He turns off the tv and Lola stands on the couch cushions so he can grab her hand just for her to drag him all the way outside (which took a bit because of how lengthy the house was). Behind Keith was Lance, a smile on his face. Keith feels his stomach knot because holy shit it was a beautiful smile and his heart can’t handle that.
When Lola opens the glass door to their deck, Keith is awestruck by how vast their backyard is. It has a side garden full of strawberries and flowers, and in the back is a tree with a swing on it.
Lola runs faster now that she’s outside, and Keith is surprised by how sore his arm is. Lance laughs behind him.
“Wow Lola, why the hurry?” Lance says, walking beside Keith.
Lance winks at Keith, and he finds himself once again questioning if this was worth the money.
When they finally make it to the swing, Lola is jumping ecstatically. She sits on the swing, still buzzing and smiles, “Push me! Push me!” How can he deny?
Lance leans against the tree’s trunk while Keith pushes Lola. She squeals and every push and giggles at every fall. He couldn’t get enough of this little girl.
“So, Keith,” Lance says, and Keith almost gets hit by the swing, “Tell me about yourself. You’re going to be nannying here for a while yea?”
Keith swallows, “Yeah, I am. At least until I have enough to pay for Uni.” He pushes Lola again.
“Sweet! What Uni you thinking ‘bout going to?” Keith watches Lance from the corner of his eye; he was comfortably leaning against the tree, just, looking at Keith for answers. He wanted to crawl in his skin from the attention.
“Florida State University. My brother and friends go there, and I didn’t have enough money to start this year.” He replies, feeling his face flush. He needed to snap out of it.
“No way!” Lance cries. He pulls his hands up to his chest, “I’m attending that Uni right now!” Keith knew that, but it’d be weird to say “Yeah i know, your mother told me when i asked about you”.
Instead, he goes for, “That’s cool.”
“Wait, you said you have a brother that goes to Florida State?” The tan boy pushes himself off the tree slightly to rest a hand on his hip.
“Uh, yeah.”
Lance shakes his head, “I was just thinking before that there could be more than one Keith in Florida, but by chance is your brother’s name Shiro?”
Keith gawks at Lance, which unfortunately leads to Lola kicking him in the chest. She laughs while he stares at her betrayed.
Finding his breath again, he gives Lola a fast push before answering Lance. “Yup. Shiro’s my adoptive brother.” Lance’s jaw drops.
“Wow! That’s so coincidental! He talks about you all the time, it’s crazy I didn’t immediately recognize you!” Keith awkwardly laughs. Of course Shiro would talk about him. It was an everyday thing he did; bumping into people and mentioning Keith.
He uses one hand to push the swing and the other to pinch the bride of his nose. He groans,”Oh god, what did he tell you?”
Lance waves an arm, “Nothing much, don’t stress it. He just talks about how he’s really proud of you and then he gets his dad face on and is like That boy needs to stop stealing my box of poptarts in the morning- he has his own.”
Keith snorts, “Shiro is a dad. And in my defence, his box is easier to get than mine.” The two grow into a comfortable silence, Keith doesn’t say anything until he gets kicked by Lola again.
He smirks.
Lola gives off a particularly loud squeal that has Keith smiling (he may or may not have pushed her extra high that time).
Lance laughs, properly resting himself back onto the tree, “She likes you a lot.”
He gives another push before turning his head to Lance, who was staring at Keith.
“She does?” Keith doesn’t like how weak he sounds asking that, but he can’t help it.
“Yeah. I’m shocked by how much- she never acts this way when I push her.” Keith enjoyed children, and has always been good around them. He didn’t necessarily have the best childhood himself, and his goal was to make sure others had the best possible. He thinks he sees Lance deflate a little with his words, and Keith decides maybe for the day the two could share a job.
Stepping back, he holds a hand out, “Want to push her?” Keith really should’ve been more prepared. Lance’s eyes light up immediately and he jumps forward.
“Heck yeah! Thanks man!” They switch places, Keith at the tree trunk and Lance pushing Lola. Lola gives keith a small pout, but he smiles at her and when Lance gives her a big push she forgets their issue instantly.
Her laugh could add lives.
. . .
It was noon, and Keith was in the kitchen looking for things to make lunch with. Yesterday, he hadn’t really realized how large the kitchen was until now. Alex and Mía should be on their way by now, so Keith also wasn’t sure if he was going to make food for one or for three. And a Lance.
Sitting next to Lola, who was drawing on a new sheet of paper, Lance draped himself over the counter and was texting on his phone. A sheepish smile was displayed across his face and Keith wondered who he was talking to. Shoving those thoughts to the back of his mind, Keith focused on figuring out this kitchen.
Lance did say to ask for help…
“Hey Lance?” The boy raises his eyes at the call.
“What’s up?” Sighing in defeat, Keith walks towards Lance and folds his ams over his chest.
“I uh…” The words couldn’t seem to form, and keith frowns; of all days. Coughing, Keith breaks eye contact and asks, “I have no clue where anything is, could you please show me?” If Keith was just able to figure out the damn kitchen, he wouldn’t feel so embarrassed when Lance gave a shit-eating-grin and walked around the counter.
“Don’t worry, It’s super simple and you’ll get it first time around.” Lance directs them to a row of cabinets that Keith was previously looking in.
“These are dry foods,” He points, then slides his hand over to the right, “next is cans and such, and then the last is everything else like spices or junk-food. The fridge is drinks, cold foods, and the freezer foods.” It really was simple, and Keith was mad at himself for not figuring that out.
He huffs, “Can’t believe i didn’t figure that out.”
Lance pats his shoulder reassuringly, which Keith stiffens to, “Hey! Its cool man. New house, new environment- you’ll get the hang of things.” Lance releases his grip on Keith and walks back next to Lola at the counter, who was patiently coloring on her paper until Keith had food.
Was physical contact going to be a thing in this family? Lance’s mom touched his arm exactly the same way the day before, so what else could Keith expect?
The doorbell rings, and when Keith turns around to head there, he watches Lance fly off his stool. María was right, Lance really was always on his feet.
Keith asks Lola to stay at the counter until he gets back, who kindly agrees and continues drawing.
He hears Lance talking to someone, and when he turns the corner is met with Sophie, Alex, and Mía. Sophie notices in a heartbeat.
“Oh Hi, Keith! I was surprised to see Lance answer the door rather than you.” She holds onto Mía’s hand while Alex was occupied with Lance’s leg. María had explained to Keith the day before that both Alex and Mía were in kindergarten, and the school's system was a little different since it was a private school; so the kids got released a little after lunch. Today, though, Sophie had an appointment and needed to drop the kids off earlier.
After lunch was the kids’ naptime.
“He beat me.” Keith shrugs, looking down and waving to Maí. She smiles and lets go of Sophie’s hand to hug Keith. Taken back, he stands there with a dumbfounded look spread across his face. Lance snickers which causes him to snap back to reality and pat Maí’s head. Her hair was unbelievably soft. Why was this family so damn perfect. Keith’s heart aches.
“Well, I have to go. You doing alright? I’d hope so since Lance is here if needed.” Sophie says, resting a hand on her hip.
Keith turns his head back to Lance who was listening to Alex whisper something in his ear. He laughs.
Sighing, Keith answers, “I’m doing alright. Lola’s been really good. Speaking of which, she’s in the kitchen alone right now and I know you have to go…”
Her eyes widen and Sophie nods, “Yes! I really do need to leave, like right about now! Bye kids, be good for nanny-Keith. Oh, and Keith, the two haven’t eaten yet because I took them out of school early. I’m not sure if María informed you of this or not, but they usually eat before they’re sent home.”
“Got it.” Less people to cook for.
“Whelp!” Sophie waves and walks down the path away from the door, “I’ll see you tonight for dinner! Be good, Lance.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Lance grumbles behind keith.
Saying their goodbyes, Keith and Lance escort the two kids into the kitchen where Lola was still coloring.
Lance sits back next to Lola while Keith takes the other two to the living room to watch some tv and eat lunch before they nap.
Today wasn’t so bad.
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