#update : first hunter slot is taken XD
fantomette22 · 1 year
I just KNOW that I can't be the first one to send you Gehrman because someone is ALWAYS one step ahead of me -_-" So I won't bother and just ask for Laurence himself for the ask meme
Ask game here
So Gehrman is not taken YET but it shouldn't be too long so Let's go with Laurence XD
First impression
Really intriguing and wanting to know more about him. I wasn't sure how to feel yet (the skull/flashback scene)
Impression now
I have so many thoughts on him it's crazy. He's really so interesting ! I love and dislike what he did at the same time. Laurence must be one of the most important bloodborne characters in the lore. What a tragic character.
Favorite moment
Well I wanna say his boss fight for the tragedy aesthetic & music & emotion but it wasn't a really good time to live it either XD
Idea for a story (centered really around 1 character because most of the story I imagined are based around a few each time)
After thinking about it I actually have actually a few story ideas 😂 centered around him or featuring only Laurence :
-His childhood (when he was taken in by Willem)
-His scholarship at Byrgenwerth/his harsh time as a student and how he become friend with Gehrman. (Also he was kinda a clown class too)
-His little clerical adventure away from Yharnam to be trained as a Cleric
-I guess his point of view during a hunt could be interesting/when he heal patient in the grand cathedral.
-After the dream was established and his ultimate downfall...
Unpopular opinion
I think Laurence is a really nuanced/ gray character. I don't think he's the ultimate devil (like all the time especially from the beginning, but I don't think he's just a victim of everything either. Yes he screw up really bad. And find out the hard way.
I think at the beginning he really wanted to help people. Then to achieve his goals, that it should do whatever it takes. Be ready to make sacrifice, and really bad thing. I think his ego became way ti huge too. Then... then... at the end he realized he screw up. But it was too late to fix everything, to make things right.
Favorite relationship
Oh that one is interesting. Actually I will talk about a few ok? XD
Well of course his relationship with Gehrman is so interesting to me. They seems to had a long, close and common history. In his nightmares Gehrman call for him and Willem after all. I really wish we knew more, what happened so he trust him and rely on him that much ? How they became friends? I am normal about this 2
Of course his relationship with Willem and the other scholars of Byrgenwerth. Wish we knew more
His relationship with Ludwig of course ! ahhh
Depend the interpretations but hm if Brador did knew Laurence (likewise with Amelia) I wish we knew more
Also we have 0 proof in canon but I like to imagined his relationship with Caryll and Maria. Caryll seems to have work with the church closely and Maria even more.
Favorite headcanon
Hm ok that one is tricky... hm...
I wanna hc his beast form actually used to look more like the bloodletting beast (I will die on that one ! XD)
He was so fascinated by the watchdog of the old lords (you know fire too)
The golden pendant was a gift from all his close relatives/ friends when the healing church was founded.
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So me and my partner have taken the plunge into starting (in my case restarting) playing Mordheim
We where gonna use proxy minis (from the massive range of D&D stuff we’ve got), but whilst we where writing up warband lists (They’re first being a band of witch hunters, who are cool asf btw) I got really inspired by the Chaos Cult of Possessed list I working on.
I also remembered that I hade an unused box of traiter guardsmen from GW’s 40k range. These really cool looking minis combined with some old chaos chosen warriors bits and wood elf bits I bashed these bad boys out
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Protectors of the Perfected Palisade (WIP name) (Awesomes walls courtesy of my partner whom made them out of tiny foam bricks. One brick at a time. Bc details are important and I can’t wait to see them finished XD)
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My Magister armed with a bow and spear, in case I don’t roll well on the Chaos Rituals spell list and to keep things away from them.
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Three Brethren, armed with swords, helmets, light armour and shields each.
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And lastly but not least, my Possessed. Blessed thrice by the dark gods with the mutations of Daemon Blood, a Great Claw and a Tentacle. Combined with the fear special rule makes this dude a beast in close combat and worth the massive gold crown cost of fielding them.
Updates inbound, bc I hate those slot bases and want to add more details/textures to these chaotic monsters XD
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