#updating my status for my 10 followers😌💗
katimanki · 1 year
Yo my dudes👏🏻🌈, if I could just decide and post 💙byler💛 art🎨 everyday, I would. But I can't just do that actually😔, because I am slow🦥 as fuck(at drawing lol) and busy🏃🏻 as a bee🐝 or whatever . After I got done with elmaxweek👩🏻‍🦰👩🏻I have worked on my 💙BylerBigBang💛 art🎨(🎉excite!!💥 WOoo!!🚨🚀) AND😳 I just got an iPad📱🤯 so I'm trying to learn🧐 how to use it🤔, and I am failing😵‍💫😔 miserably💀
Anyway I do have one1️⃣ plan📝 for 💙💛bylerween🎃 so hopefully🙏🏻 I'll get something done✔️ by then if anyone even cares✌🏻
Best regards👼🏻, The Bitter Artist👩🏻‍🎨💕
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(I'm on a silly🤡goofy🤪mood okay, I'm posting status updates like I'm on myspace or whatever idk lol)
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