#ur honor they're friends
leafsfromthevine · 7 months
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something something, "i'm only me when i'm with you," etc. etc.
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purplew · 6 months
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princemick · 1 year
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HANGMAN and COYOTE // Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
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leakystatue · 2 years
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smoll-jade · 1 year
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6in ghost is now my life force, look at the tiny babey!
Omg, beheaded made a friend, so happy for him.
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oppositeshipping but it's staff of elements kai and ice emperor Zane and kai keeps getting turned into a popsicle for trying to steal Zane's ice powers.
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
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request for trans man snotlout (that ended up being way more than that LOL) for @nightcorecarseatheadrest
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mushtoons · 1 year
god wish we were patient enough to make an animatic 😭
this song is so splinter and ronin core it hurts /pos we wanna draw an animatic for it so bad u don't understand but we have no patience 💔
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vaggie-enjoyer · 6 months
looking for hellverse discord server
does anyone know of an 18+ hazbin and helluva discord server? i've been looking on disboard but a lot of them have teenagers and children in them and i'd prefer an adult space Also a lot of them are roleplay based and i'm looking more for something where i can share art, talk about the shows, and formulate headcanons and aus with other fans.
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darkwater-reservoir · 6 months
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it's the tsv siblings!!!!! I sure hope tucker doesn’t do anything stupid to frighten nat and cause her to run away with theseus because she feels like she can't trust him anymore!! 😁
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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Another absolutely lovely and feelsy commission I got from @captainderyn!! This time featuring Tyr & @hyrohkaah's amazing lovely Izvoye! <3
They are probably sneaking date time into an Alliance function because, respectfully, he cannot keep his eyes off of her - usually ever, but shhh. ;3
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
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i was born this way and nothing on earth can change it
black lagoon. / loveless nightmare — nicole dollanganger.
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
So this takes place in the au where May doesn't escape Team Rocket and becomes an asset, specifically an au with @blues-sues 's Rue so like Rue!Au I guess? XD idk hope you enjoy
It was meant to be a routine area sweep, it was meant to just be a normal routine area sweep! Survey, look for anything out of place, report it, track it if valuable or useful, apprehend and capture. It had all happened so fast, one of the people's Voltorbs had a wobbly and used self-destruct. The whole mountain side shook, people and pokemon went flying, May and Rue had avoided the initial devastating blast but the rocks beneath them crumbled before either of them could react around the ringing headaches. They'd hit the cavern floor hard and lost consciousness, Mays AEI's (artificial energy introducers) had shattered when she hit the floor.
They fizzled and hissed before sending a weak current of electricity through Mays body jolting her awake in the darkness of the cave, she sat up looking around and could hear Rue quietly huffing and maybe crying. She glanced around struggling to see in the darkness realizing her glasses were cracked and that the hole they fell in through caved in on itself somehow so they couldn't get back out that way.
"Rue…?" She barely whispered, very aware that other pokemon may be inside this cave system they had fallen into and that they could attack, her eyes blinking and slowly adjusting to the darkness.
"Yea. I'm over here." Rue answered shortly her tone slightly pained as May slowly hesitantly walked over, promptly stubbing her toe on a rock and whimpering an "ow ow ouch!"
"What happened?! Was it a pokemon?! Are you okay??" Rue's voices betrayed her panic as she tried to sit up and quickly yelped, falling back down and making another pained sob, "Arceus dammit! Muk!" She gritted her teeth in frustration as May more cautiously tip-toed closer.
"hey hey easy, I'm sorry I just stubbed my toe, what's the matter you sound hurt how bad is it?" May crouched down besides Rue feeling more than useless as she asked questions she moved her arm tapping a broken AEI hoping the electricity might spark enough to life to offer some light to no avail. Frowning she could only squint the best she could to see moving her hand cautiously to tap around to really find Rue.
"I'm fine-" Rue lied, badly. Her tone gave away her pain and she growled as May lightly tapped her arm, "stop that, stop fretting!" May pulled her hand away quickly putting her hands up in surrender though she wasn't sure if Rue could actually see.
"Sorry sorry! I can't see very well, I was trying to find you, see if I could give you a quick check over." May fumbled as Rue snorted.
"In the dark? When you can't see?" May made an awkward noise as Rue continued with a sigh, "I think I hurt my leg, pretty bad too, and my arm. Just everywhere where I landed hurt. I'm surprised you're not more hurt. You landed on your face, your nose is bleeding."
"It is?" May asked dumbly, moving to touch her snout, it had been hurting and running more than usual but she'd thought it was from the cold in the cave, sure enough her fingers felt wet as she made a slight "huh" sound tilting her head back saying "gross. Sorry if I bled on you." Rue puffed a light scoff.
"Quit apologizing, you didn't." Rue looked at the other, besides cracked glasses bloody nose cuts from the broken glass of the AEIs which were bust she'd faired pretty alright, "sure you don't have increased defense?" Rue playfully asked, laughing before hissing in pain as that hurt. "Shouldn't you be leaning your head forward?"
May blinked making an "uuhh" sound that sounded strange from where she was pinching at her nose before moving to lean forward rather than back offering a quiet "sorry" which Rue would've bat her for was she not making an effort to be still.
When her nose finally stopped bleeding May awkwardly mumbled, "I'm sorry you're here badly hurt and I'm here with a stupid nose bleed and you're helping me, what can I do?" Rue could only sigh.
"I don't know, I. I think we're meant to keep me still? If anythings broken and you shift me about then it'll only get worse? And surely the others will be looking for us. So we need to stay put and wait for them to come and collect us." May could only nod lamely offering a quiet, "yea" of agreement.
May awkwardly reached out again before stopping "am, I on your hurt side? Did I hurt you before?" Her voice was soft and guilty.
"You're fine, no I was just, annoyed, I don't like this situation is all." Rue sighed softly in frustration as May awkwardly tapped about finding Rues arm after a bit of uncertain prodding and awkwardly holding her arm in one hand attempting to offer comfort and also kind of scared in case she somehow lost Rue to an after shock or a pokemon snatching her away silently at least if she had hold of her she knew where she was.
Rue shifted her uninjured arm and May awkwardly let go, putting her hands up in surrender once more, trying to hide her concern and hurt. Rue tutted at her impatiently, grabbing one of Mays hands in hers and pulling both their arms down to rest over her chest bump. Mays' tail swayed shyly as her other hand came to rest on her lap as she sat on her knees.
"I can sense you fretting. I'll probably sense anything before you, we'll be fine they won't dare try and attack two of us!" Rue reassured May, giving her a confident grin despite her injuries. "Plus maybe you'll give me some of your defense like this," she gave a soft laugh and another smile. May wished she could give Rue some of her health simply by holding her hand, she squeezed softly and Rue squeezed back. They could only wait.
Rues pain had gotten worse and it had surely been a while, on the cold cavern floor she was shivering which didn't help her injured half the shivers sending twitches of pain through her body. They'd thankfully been left alone by any pokemon but May quietly wondered if that meant there was something bad about this point in the cave, she hated that no one had come for Rue yet she hated that it was surely getting dark out and that the cold was seeping in ever faster.
"Muk it's cold…" Rue quietly hissed in pain, her teeth chattered slightly as May could feel her hand shaking. She felt helpless, knowing no moves and Rue couldn't use any moves in her state or risk making herself worse. She wished she had one of those coats the people wore so she could lay it over Rue but she didn't. She gently squeezed Rue's hand.
"Do, you want me to lie with you and try to warm you up?" She offered unsure, not wanting to hurt Rue by accident.
"No, no, if we do that and fall asleep we might not, well if it gets too cold that could be really bad and one of us needs to stay alert. Plus your knees must be freezing already." Rue spoke softly, and May shrugged, her knees hurt but if it meant being by Rues side then she'd live. She felt Rue slowly let go of her hand.
"Maybe you should go look around, maybe you could find something for me or maybe there's someone nearby that you can lead here?" Rue offered, she was clearly unsure and May was worried about why Rue was sending her away. "Look it makes sense you might find something fluffy or a camper to rob," Rue gave her a playful grin.
May frowned uncertainly but if Rue thought she should, "I promise I'll be back," she slowly stood ignoring the pain in her knees and chest she had started to ache from the cold and probably bruising, "I'm not gonna go far though I'm not leaving you." Rue puffed softly.
"I know you ain't. You're soft like that." But smiling softly and kindly to her as May gave her an awkward nod looking around and tiptoeing through the cavern. She stopped, "you'll yell if you need me right?"
"Yea I'll let you know." May nodded once more before wandering awkwardly into the cave system.
'Got to find something to help Rue, got to find help or something to help Rue, got to find help or something to help Rue,' She repeated those thoughts over and over as she looked around sniffing faintly at the rock walls and mosses that grew for any indication of good healing properties.
'Can't you do that yourself?' A voice spoke in her head that wasn't hers, she spun around quickly trying to spot any nearby activity, any psychic types that might be projecting into her brain. 'There's nothing else in this cave but you and Rue, that explosion scared everything away.' it spoke again to her, right in her head, a female voice she didn't know.
'Who,, are you?' May thought awkwardly, 'Consider me an inner monologue.' the voice replied. 'don't people usually, control their inner monologues? Like it's just their voice right?' She heard the other voice scoff, 'well if you don't want my help.' Her mind went silent as the cave sounds drifted back into focus. 'Wait no! If you can help, please come back!' She thought loudly and helplessly spinning around shouting in her head to please please come back!
'Oh stop shouting, you'll give us both a headache,' they returned, sounding irritated. 'I'm sorry, please, I need your help desperately. Rues hurt and-' they scoffed again, 'I'm aware, inner monologue I know what the situation is and I'm very much aware that you have the power to fix it.' May shook her head, 'I'm powerless unfortunately, I can't do anything.' It laughed, 'you can mega evolve can't you?' it almost mocked. May huffed a frustrated snort looking at her AEIs, 'not with these bust, I thought you knew this? I think you're just muk-ing with me.' She sneered in annoyance, moving to look around again annoyed at wasting her time.
'What if I told you how you could mega without those silly little bracelets?' It chimed in sweetly after a few minutes causing May to pause in contemplation, 'how?' If she really could mega right now, well she was very powerful when mega she could help Rue. 'just like that. Think. Why do you want to mega?' May furrowed her brow in confusion, 'so I can be strong and be useful and so I can get Rue to team base and get her help of course! She's my friend and she's hurt and I want to help her! I have to help her!' The megastone in her chest faintly buzzed with energy though she didn't notice.
'You're overcomplicating it. Pick a single goal, focus on that goal, will every fiber of your being to achieve that goal force yourself to bend and snap and break if you have to to get there!' The voice took on a dark undertone as it commanded but May could barely notice for the buzzing in her ears as she clenched her hands into fists focusing on what she needed to do, she had to get Rue out of here to the base, she had to get Rue medical treatment and get her out the cold, she had to help her, she had to help her friend, she had to-!
'I have to help Rue!' Her voice yelled in her head as a strange rush ran through her body, she felt power breaking out of the mega stone in her chest flowing through her, altering her body, the power was warm and came in waves like a flame and, it didn't hurt, not like when the AIEs were used on her.
She stumbled slightly on her elongated toes and blinked looking around, she could, see? And she. She was aware? Normally when she went mega she lost awareness and only came to afterwards when back to normal. This was great! It means she could focus and knew she'd be getting Rue help! Now, which way back to Rue. The mega evolving left her slightly discombobulated, at least until a psychic wave like echolocation left her body and pinged back where it met Rue. She moved quickly on her longer legs rushing back a bit ungracefully to get to her friend.
Rue shivered on the floor still, hoping that May came back with help or something warm, though after feeling a wave of psychic energy she went on high alert. She could hear something rapidly approaching and she couldn't really do much to defend herself. She struggled to crane her head to look lifting her uninjured hand trying to summon any kind of energy as a warning shot as whatever it was got closer and closer, until-
A, mega mewtwo came into view and May beamed at her friend as she ran over while Rue remained alert and aware of the fact the mega version of her friend was a brutal fighter. But. Her eyes were different as Rue opened her mouth while looking at her confused.
"Your eyes are brown?" Rue asked, evidently confused. And this question only served to confuse May in return.
"Aaahh??? Yes?? My eyes are brown!" May answered in confused certainty moving to crouch down beside her friend once more, looking over Rue and frowning at the damage she could now see. Half of Rue was badly bruised, her arm was hanging limply at an odd angle and her leg also looked damaged.
"Normally, they go yellow?" Rue said now unsure as she watched Mays eyes almost shift as they scanned over her looking past and through her body almost. Mays face only pulled deeper into a frown as she looked at Rues leg seeing her bones and how one of them was definitely broken, thankfully it was a clean break. Her eyes drifted to Rues arm, thankfully just dislocated and bruised up with no broken bones though she hoped the dislocating cold and continued position it was in didn't cause nerve damage.
"Your legs' broken, arms only dislocated though," May reassured, blinking her eyes back to normal, "do, you want me to?" she moved her hands as though grabbing an arm in the air and doing a vague shoving up motion to indicate relocating it. Rues eyes fell to look at her arms, she was part fighting type now and it showed she was big and powerful and Rue had seen her in fights. But she didn't seem the same. Normally when mega she was quick and brutal and didn't speak and barely seemed like the mewtwo Rue knew, and yet right now she did just seem like a bigger version of her friend as she blinked down at her sweetly.
"Everything okay?" May tilted her head as she looked down at Rue in concern and care. Rue made a noise giving her a smile.
"Yea, you're just different to usual. Well. Relocate this arm girl I'm cold," Rue chuckled grinning at May hiding her fear of how much this was gonna hurt. May moved carefully sitting Rue up letting her lean against her leg as she knelt on one knee and kept the other just bent, she carefully moved to hold Rues arm who winced softly.
"I'm sorry," she moved the arm carefully into position so it would go back in the socket, "I'll relocate it on 3 okay?" Rue nodded with a slight whimper, "okay, one," Rue breathed trying to steady herself already feeling the nerves creeping in, "two." May quickly popped the arm back into the socket while Rue was distracted and less tense earning a long squeak of pain followed quickly by a "YOU GIT" And Rue quickly batting at her with her uninjured arm. May figured she deserved that as Rue swatted at her before huffing out a growl in her general direction.
"I'm sorry you'd have gotten all tense otherwise, do you forgive me?" May awkwardly pleaded.
"You're a swinub," Rue grumbled as May made an apologetic noise, "you're gonna hate me even more when I do your leg." Rue glared "Do not try to pop my leg back."
May waved her hands in surrender, "oh! No no not what I meant, I'm going to use my powers to hopefully realign the bones then I'm hoping I can like use psychic to lock hold it in place so your bones don't float about and also put psychic on your whole leg so it doesn't move?" Rue raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
"You can do that now?" To which May uselessly shrugged in uncertainty, "I hope I can!" Rue was not that comforted by that. She moved her hand over Rues leg holding it above to not touch, focusing herself, she wanted to align the bones then lock the whole leg so it didn't move easy enough. Rue watched her eyes change again observing her bones it seemed and made a noise of discomfort at the sensation in her leg.
"Sorry sorry," May apologized as psychic energy quickly gripped and binded to Rues broken bone and leg. She made a soft ooh in her discomfort once more as it felt strange and ached but less so than before and when she'd tried to move it on her own.
"Guess you could do that…not bad," Rue awkwardly nodded, feeling just slightly jealous at Mays newfound capabilities. May didn't pick up on this shifting to Rues good side while still holding her upright, she slipped an arm under Rues legs and while supporting and holding her back she lifted easily scooping Rue off of the floor making a concerned noise, "you really are freezing! I'm so sorry I took so long!"
Rue hummed leaning into May feeling the warmth radiating off of her, "I'll forgive you since you're warm." May looked around once more a wave of psychic energy flowed from her, causing a warm wave of energy to flow through Rue too. After a few moments she sighed.
"That explosion and aftershocks caused cave-ins, that's why no-ones came to get us, no one can get in, all the other pokemon must've known this was a danger spot and fled." Rue made a noise, she could use psychic energy waves to see far away like echolocation too now apparently.
May looked over to roughly where they fell in from, "I have an idea. Sorry if this hurts" The arm supporting Rues back and holding her side shifted wrapping her hand under Rues legs with Rue being carefully shifted so her back was more against her shoulder effectively holding her in one arm like a baby, Mays arm was slightly pressing on her injured side but it would've happened had she used her other arm too.
Eyeing up the wall she mentally marked out where she needed to hit, she wiggled her fingers on her now free hand clenching them into a tight fist and gearing her arm up pulling back to punch, she WAS going to make a way for them to get out, her eyes glowed and her fist glowed brighter with energy before she shot out a punch her bound up elasticated energy penetrating through the stone wall with devastating power and efficiency.
May grinned with teeth at the hole she'd made looking mighty proud of herself before quickly jogging over still holding Rue like a baby though her free arm quickly coming to hold and secure Rue properly in her hold as she hopped up leaping onto the edge of the entrance she'd made before adjusting her feet to slide down the side of the mountain they'd been trapped in.
It was dark now, as she slid down not minding the cold of the snow on her toes but holding Rue close when she shivered in the cold night breeze. She leapt from the mountain once close enough to the bottom landing in the frosty grass before the forest. Looking around she sensed camp, glancing at Rue to make sure she was still secure and okay she set off in a light run.
Though a light run for the mega was a speeding bullet for Rue still held securely in her friends arm watching trees shoot past them at dangerous speeds, while Rue was worried one wrong judgment could leave them splatted against the bark of a pine-tree for May she barely processed the speeds at which she was achieving her brain going just as quickly to allow her to run through the trees safely.
She slid to a stop at the edge of the team rocket base camp sighing softly and chuckling, "huh I guess it wasn't that far away after all," May spoke naively glancing at Rue who looked half terrified, "ah? What's wrong, are you okay?"
"Almighty Sinnoh, Arceus! Do you have any idea how fast you were going?!" Rue demanded, earning a startled confused look from the mega who glanced back and saw the dust and frost cloud she kicked up in her haste, "ah..i'm sorry I didn't realize but we're here now! You're going to be okay. Let's just get you to the medic!"
Taking another step forward there was a faint glow and Mays mega form dissipated leaving her back to her usual self still holding Rue who felt significantly bigger in her arms. She wheezed softly more so from the sudden exhaustion that smacked her in the face than Rue resting on one knee still holding onto her friend, before pulling herself back up to stand to carry Rue. Despite her powers fading the psychic binding on Rues leg seemed to have remained as she was carried to the medic tent.
The team doctor looked at them both opening their mouth in disbelief at their return considering what happened before motioning to a bed saying snippily, "put her there," May nodded placing Rue on the bed, quickly rambling "she had a dislocated arm, I relocated it, she's also got a broken leg bone clean break here," she motioned without touching, "I realigned it with psychic and held her bone and leg still with a psychic grip too and she's got bruising-" "Right. I got it I'll deal with it thank you," they cut in with no sincerity in their thank.
"Go run along go, carry something around we're in absolute chaos after that stupid voltorb nonsense so go make yourself useful. I don't want you underfoot." They had no patience for her as they went about checking over Rue. May awkwardly swallowed, saying softly, "okay, I'll see you later Rue," waving a hand she left to go help. Rue opened her mouth to protest, to tell them May was hurt too and should get looked over but was quickly given a heavy sedative and painkiller cocktail followed by an oxygen mask as the medic spoke, "deep breaths now count back from 10 or something so I can fix this blasted leg."
May busied herself making herself useful around the base carrying this moving that, none of the grunts really looked at her as they told her what to do. Her mind was filled with worry for Rue hoping that she'd be okay and that the doctor would fix her leg up no problem, her mind was so consumed by her own thoughts she didn't feel the creeping in the back of her mind as a voice that wasn't hers considered this experience very interesting and she didn't really notice the ache of her chest bump anymore.
#shut-#My writing#My oc#Mewtwosona May#@blues-sues oc#@blues-sues Rue#They're friends ur honor#This probably takes place before Rue has that mega attempt#So kinda jelly of May cause hm :/ she can do that I guess#Don't worry Rue! It comes at a cost! :D#Rue probably told May to bugger off and explore because she didn't want her to potentially get frozen there#And cause in caves you could genuinely be around the corner from someone and not here them so there's that#Tw blood mention#Tw broken bones#Tw dislocated arm#She originally didn't have that in mental script but I added it#Uses pokemon names as swear substitutes lmao#Muk is fuck Swinub for swine arcues for god and almighty sinnoh was an alt for jesus christ lmal#Then there's git XD#Bat's friend Affectionately#Holds friend like baby when get big and powerful#May loves her friend and would do anything for her even making herself mega evolve#And making the voice in her head aware she can do that without the AIEs :) sure nothing could go wrong there#Also medic really said *stabs with sedative* doesn't wanna hear ur words Rue zippy zip lemme fix ur leg#May is just ;^; I hope Rues okay while a mysterious voice is just vibing in her head girl has NO danger senses I swear to god#ALSO the amount of times I put Rues and autocorrect went Tues?? You want a Tues? Like the day?? NO go away#Hope you enjoy#This is kind of an establishing fic for the everything is going to go wrong fic lmao XD cause u know me I gotta establish#But like these guys are just friends fr and also may is lovingly stupid me thinks lmao happy to sit and hold hands
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Uhhhh stolas telling furcalor about stella
Yay I love angst. Pls ask for more of it. I live for Furcalor being protective.
"I brought booze," Furcalor stated as she walked into the garden that stolas was currently laying down in. "Thought you would need it," she stated as she pulled him up by his arm.
"What are you doing here?" Stolas asked as he clutched his head.
"Via gave me a call yesterday. Told me you needed some company that wasn't an imp," Furcalor replied as she dragged her cousin into his kitchen.
Stolas sat down and furcalor passed him a glass of whatever she had brought.
"Ugh pass," Stolas groaned.
"Can't have a hangover if you keep drinking," Furcalor stated with a smile.
Stolas sighed before taking the drink.
"This about Blitz again?" Furcalor asked as she stood up and got a glass of water and some tissues, bringing them back to the table.
"No.... well... yes... but it's more about the situation with Stella....." Stolas replied.
"Okay.... what about it?" Furcalor asked.
"We decided that the divorce was actually going to happen..." Stolas replied.
"Oh.... what did she do?" Furcalor asked.
"She attempted an assault.. and then threatened me with her idiot of a brother," Stolas stated, anger in his eyes.
Furcalor scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That twink has been trying to be better than you since you and Stella met. I wouldn't worry. He's as easy to snap as a twig. However if Stella ever attempts to lay a hand on you again, I won't just threaten her this time," Furcalor stated as she leaned back in her seat, her golden dress falling around her ankles.
"You know you cant.... Octavia would-"
"You need to TELL Via what's been happening. Not so much that you're badmouthing her mother, but she needs to know that you've been holding back for her," Furcalor muttered.
"I can't do that... I dont want Via to think of her mother as a villain... even if it's true...." stolas explained.
"Stella doesn't deserve you.... neither does Blitz...." Stella murmured to her cousin.
"I just don't know what I'm supposed to do," stolas stated as he poured another glass of the drink Furcalor had brought.
Furcalor moved the bottle away from him and pushed the water closer.
"Well I'll help you as best I can.... I've gotta stay here for a little longer. I have a meeting with Ausmodeous tomorrow, and via wanted me to take her to stylish occult. I'll be here to help... I just wish youd ask more. We DID grow up together," Furcalor explained.
Stolas nodded. "Thank you...." He muttered.
"Of course," Furcalor smiled.
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would love to stay up and try to do some more but its 3:46am and my legs feel like they wanna twist off so im gon prolly go to bed
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riighteouspath · 9 months
@ruinedmyself sent 🎶 for a playlist !
castiel & sam winchester.
stuck in the middle with you -- stealers wheel. reelin in the years -- steely dan. damage gets done -- hozier ( ft. brandi carlile ). running up that hill ( a deal with god ) -- kate bush. innocent -- taylor swift.
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