#ur36 ume
gethoce · 1 year
Can you tell us more about Ume please?
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Not gonna lie, I was impressed to have received an ask about Ume, since I only ever briefly mentioned him in text! Well, that and he was hidden in my avatar.
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Anyway, obligatory reference sheet featuring the evil scientist orb ~
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Ume was born the 36th offspring of the first Heart Matterborn, Ultra Knight and as such was raised with plenty of resources to learn from, especially when it came to heart magic and matter. He developed a keen interest in heart matter and began to experiment with it early in his life under the supervision of his parent.
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When he was still very young he was gifted a demon beast puppy known as Wolfwrath by a friend of the family, the first Soul Matterborn, Valfrey, which not only became a life-long companion to him, but also provided him with easy access to soul matter, which is a plasma in its purest form, opposing the solid nature of pure heart matter. Discovering how different these types of matter are sparked a keen interest in further studying the science of matter.
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Curious about the remaining types of matter, Ume made an effort to obtain pure dream matter from the local fountain of dreams. For the time being he focused on furthering his skills in Mirror Magic and developed a machine in secret that allowed him to easily monitor, control and alter matter using the Mirror Ability and a giant kaleidoscope within.
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The day Ultra Knight disappeared marked the day Ume got to know the Dark Matterborn known as Eon-Eon Dutch, who would finally allow him to dabble into the research of dark matter. Dutch may have been an adult, but he was still very naive and immature. It was very easy for Ume to take advantage of him. Needless to say, Dutch would not look back on his time with Ume fondly.
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Ume’s research into matter was published as a series of books he boldly named “Mind over Matter”, many of which were banned both for the cruelties described and for fear of replication of these experiments. Dutch had to learn the hard way that Ume didn’t stop at working with matter as is, he regularly created Matterborn and charged them with either positive or negative energy documenting the results.
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Initially Dutch attempted to stop him, yet that only left the Dark Matterborn with scars that mark him to this day. He reluctantly complied with Ume’s orders until his family caught wind of what was happening. Upon being presented with an exit out of the situation Dutch confronted Ume one last time to announce his departure, an event that lead into a fierce battle between the two, resulting in Ume getting to know first hand how it is like to transform into a negatively charged Matterborn, after being struck by an immensely powerful form of dream magic. Thus Ume ended and Dark Mind began.
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gethoce · 1 year
I’m sorta curious on what your ocs would think of gizmo but sorta scared since I know the answer for the most part. SO! 👏
Five Star Fury Gizmo! He got all Wishing Star Fragments and is READY to prove everyone in Popstar wrong! How do the others react to this?
Alright, let's see here…
Heiadoze: Whether she likes someone or not solely depends on how much fun they are to her on a scale between fun, not fun and unfun. Gizmo seems like he'd at least be entertaining for her to watch at this point. I say she'd like him a little!
Xandos: He likes very very few people. Whoever gets along with Meta Knight he tolerates. That he got along with Meta Knight at one point scores Gizmo some points, but as soon as that is no longer the case those points are back to zero.
Pitchion/Blood Knight: He'd be very sympathetic towards Gizmo given that he too struggled with similar issues and be the most supportive. He'd be rooting for him the whole way through!
Eon-Eon Dutch: They do have the whole thing in common in being "another Kirby", but Dutch would be much more hesitant to ever battle against Kirby in a serious manner. Kirby's enemies are pretty much all his enemies as well automatically.
Valfrey: She'd be so so interested in watching him! Valfrey would be very curious about him as a Mock Matterborn and happily observe his new abilities. She would be a fan!
Ultra Knight: It primarily only likes those who worship it or are at least somewhat useful to it, but as a creator itself it'll have some respect towards Gizmo for his gadgets and how he managed to gain power despite his disadvantages. Also the whole conflict between him and the Star Allies is a very welcome distraction from its own evil deeds!
Gatteka: He doesn't like conflict at all, therefore any sympathy he might have had towards Gizmo would have faded away upon seeing him turn against the Star Allies. It reminds him of very bad things.
Ume: Similar to Valfrey, Ume would be extremely interested in the Mock Matterborn and his abilities, but in a more cold-hearted scientist kind of way. He would like him in the worst way possible.
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