#uranium fanblog
sabakos · 10 months
Vita Radium Suppositories (ca.1930)
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From the ORAU Museum of Radiation and Radioactivity:
Produced by the Home Products Company of Denver, Colorado, these suppositories were guaranteed to contain real radium. Size: 2 3/4" x 1 3/4" x 1 1/2" Donated by Joel Lubenau (the box was empty). From the company's literature: Weak Discouraged Men! Now Bubble Over with Joyous Vitality Through the Use of Glands and Radium “If YOU are showing signs of “slowing up” in your actions and duties, perhaps long before you should—if you have begun to lose your charm, your personality, your normal manly vigor—certainly you want to stage a “comeback.” The man who has lost these precious attributes of youth knows how to appreciate their value. He realizes that happiness depends on his ability to perform the duties of a REAL MAN. Sweet, glorious pleasures of life. Nature intended that you should enjoy them.” “Now is the time to act! Today! RIGHT NOW! Tomorrow may never come.” And if you needed further convincing, the Home Products Company literature included a letter from an assistant cashier at the American National Bank describing the men behind the company (E. P. Gurley and R. T. Nash) as “valued clients” who were “honest, trustworthy and financially responsible.” It might be hard to believe, but despite such assurances, there were naysayers. Take, for example, the answer Dr. W. A. Evans gave to a question in his “Your Health” newspaper column (Canton Daily News. Dec. 29, 1925): QUESTION “A.H.B. writes: Will you kindly state what value you consider radium suppositories to reduce size and hardening of prostate gland? REPLY: None.”
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irradiate-space · 1 year
New US nuclear power legislation dropped:
Reduces fees for experimental reactors on DOD or DOE sites
Nuclear Regulatory Commission has 18 months to develop regulations for "micro-reactors" (undefined) taking into account their size and risk levels relative to standard large fixed-location Light Water Reactors.
Expedites licenses for building additional reactors at currently- or formerly-licensed nuclear power plants using already-licensed designs
Allows the DOE to enter into long-term power purchase agreements, which stabilizes financing for new reactor builds and thereby lowers costs to build.
Here's the list of current sponsors in the Senate; call your Senators to get them to back this bill!
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gcu-sovereign · 1 year
Tom Scott makes me mad at Austrians
Anyone know if it has come out that Russian operatives were dictating energy policy in Austria like they did jn Germany?
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schizophrenology · 2 years
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Uranium Catboys
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thahxa · 2 years
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remember what they took from you
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sabakos · 2 years
I think the thing that uraniumpilled me for good though was using a geiger counter in physics lab and learning that walls are radioactive.
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