onlinephyarmacy · 1 day
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psatalk · 7 months
Awareness, technology can help counter counterfeit products
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The packaging industry has reached an alarming situation where on the one hand new technology facilitates an improved consumer experience and on the other, it enables counterfeiters to make near replicas of a product. The concerns have now reached a point where the active participation of the provider and the consumer attains much more significance, say industry stakeholders.
Packaging machine OEMs are experimenting with advanced technology to tackle this problem. With efficiency and quality assuming higher significance than ever before, the packaging industry is now focusing on scalable, high-performance automation solutions to deal with counterfeits.
Sudeep Goenka, director of Goldiee Group, a spice maker, said, “Awareness must be created among the consumers as well as the solution providers. The problem with counterfeit products is that it is possible to replicate packaging. Enhancement in traceability is a solution — QR codes, monograms, labels, and barcodes.”
The Hindu reported about counterfeit medicines of leading manufacturers such as Sun Pharmaceutical, Alkem, Cipla, Glenmark, GSK, Abbott, Novartis, Dr. Reddy’s and Aristo. The fake drugs that included Augmentin, Pan-D, Pantocid DSR, Urimax-D, Clavam were seized from unlicensed premises in Kolkata in August.
In June, five people were arrested for allegedly making and selling counterfeit dairy products of Amul. Police recovered materials that included ghee, butter, and packaging items from Noida Sector 70, media reports said.
Sanjay Gupta, vice-president of FMCG conglomerate DS Group, which has a presence in food and beverage, confectionery, hospitality, agri, luxury retail, etc, said reacting when counterfeit products are found is of little value.
“Industry professionals need to act beforehand to influence a better brand impact – safeguarding the trust of the consumer. A counterfeit department needs to be established in all segments of the industry. It has to be functional at every step, right from transit to when the product reaches the end consumer,” Gupta said.
An advanced ecosystem to prevent counterfeits is the need of the hour, said Sanket Randive, head of corporate quality assurance of leading multinational Marico. “A behavioral change needs to be implemented. The option of tracing the product by scanning a QR or a bar code has been there for ages. Being a consumer myself, I don’t scan the codes. If I purchase a pack of Surf, I am simply assured that I have a pack of Surf when needed. That would need to change. The profit margins dwindle due to counterfeits and delayed reaction adds to the waste of time and money.”
Counterfeit goods are made widely in Russia, North Korea, Taiwan, Bulgaria, and Turkey. Turkey is responsible for 3.3% of the world's counterfeit goods, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Some counterfeits are allegedly produced in the same factory that produces the original, authentic product, using inferior materials.
A United States Senate Committee on Armed Services report regarding counterfeit electronic parts in the defense supply chain highlighted in an investigation in March 2011 that 1,800 cases of suspected counterfeit components were in use in over one million individual products". A 2012 report found that counterfeit parts came overwhelmingly from China.
According to Yogesh Kapur, executive vice-president of the holography business of Noida-based packaging giant Uflex, technology can be the answer.
The company, Kapur says, provides services and solutions by leveraging the best technology, in-house production, and an R&D division for each of UFlex’s processes. India is becoming a preferred supplier for global buyers of products, including anti-counterfeiting and brand-building solutions, he said.
“India is at the cusp of growth. From what we can see, a lot of global companies are trying to be a part of it. UFlex is well-positioned to tap this growing market with its country-wide footprint, by providing the latest technology for anti-counterfeiting, and brand recognition,” Kapur said in an interaction with Packaging South Asia.
“Global providers, when they come to India, are concerned about their IP because of counterfeiting. This is where UFlex holography anti-counterfeiting and branding solutions come in and ensure that their IP is protected and genuine products reach their (brand owners’) customers.”
In fact, traceability and authentication were the key focus of The Authentication Solutions Providers Association (ASPA) meeting in Delhi in July, where members and all stakeholders gathered to gain first-hand collaborative knowledge of anti-counterfeiting and traceability technologies, solutions, and systems.
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totalpharmamed · 1 year
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adrashshahaabah07 · 4 years
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The Rhino products are one example of many sexual enhancement supplements containing unapproved, hidden ingredients that are the same as or chemically similar to the active ingredients in prescription medication. David R. McElwee suffered from a drop in blood pressure that led to a fatal heart attack two days after taking a male sexual enhancement product sold under the name Stiff Nights, according to the Star. Enter your name and email address to receive your free savings card. While legal prescription erectile dysfunction medication is popular all over the world and is readily available in South Africa, counterfeit production and consumption in the country is rampant. Its not always easy to let everyone know that you are using a medication for erectile dysfunction. Did you know that three-fourths of hunger pains are actually thirst pains? All drug companies have assistance programs to ensure that you get medications they are generating. In 2007, following the report of several case studies potentially linking PDE-5i use and sudden hearing loss, the Food and Drug Administration announced labeling changes for PDE-5i medications so that the risk of hearing problems was more prominently displayed. McGwin said one important consideration in evaluating the nature of the relationship between the drugs and hearing is the existence of a plausible biological mechanism of how these drugs might cause hearing loss. One should, however, bear in mind that the consult with a specialist before administering the drug is recommended if the best results are sought after. Nux vomica can cause dangerous drug interactions, especially with antipsychotics. This fast acting drug can show its effect within 24 to 36 hours. With early detection, doctors can suggest preventive measures like statins, blood pressure meds, revamping eating habits and getting more exercise. Due to growing age blood flow to reproductive parts of male slow down drastically and nerves and tissues get slow and lethargic in their responses to cause lack of stiffening of male reproductive organ to cause this problem. It actually works by inhibiting the actions of the PDE-5 proteins which are known to damage the muscles of the blood vessels and thus to cause them function improperly. After analyzing 28 previous studies on the link between ED and heart disease, the researchers found a connection between erectile dysfunction and poor endothelial function. Now that researchers have found this biochemical loop, new treatments targeting phosphorylation can help "intervene earlier in the arousal process than current medicines approved to treat erectile dysfunction," the release stated. If she is an older woman, this can also help to repair the fertility of a woman. No matter the cause of your erectile dysfunction, there is a strong probability that your doctor can deal with it, but you have to give him the opportunity. However, there are many good reasons why you should get a prescription to buy Viagra or Cialis. With the same ingredients in the same proportions, there is no difference in quality and a man will experience the same reaction with either choice. In fact this is certainly an important to get diabetic man or women. The fact that an herbal supplement is labeled "natural" does not mean it is safe or without any harmful effects. Take a look at 5 nutrition tips to begin your natural treatment for male impotence (erectile dysfunction). These words have allowed Joe Barton and Barton Publishing to help thousands of impotent men with an Erectile Impotence Remedy. Urimax 0.4 mg Capsule is an Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonist which is used in men to decrease the urine outflow resistance due to an enlarged prostate gland. Most men test their masculinity when they spend time with their partner in bed. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is not a comfortable subject to discuss for most men. Chemicals Co. Ltd., Meda Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Vivus, Inc. The industry for branded erectile dysfunction drugs is consolidated with key players involved in intense competition and rivalry. However, the industry is estimated to witness a decline in revenue over the forecast period owing to the patent expiration of key drugs in 2019. Moreover, reported side effects from the existing drugs are negatively affecting the industry growth. Brand loyalty and high acceptance levels of well-recognized brands, namely Viagra (sildenafil citrate), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra/Staxyn (vardenafil) are estimated to be the factors responsible for the wide establishment of erectile dysfunction drugs market in this region. PDE-5i drugs were originally designed to treat pulmonary hypertension and are now used extensively in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Viagra, the well-known erectile dysfunction drug, just got a huge price cut in the U.S. Reversing Diabetes Erectile Dysfunction 2 Sobenin IA et al. Eat foods like oysters, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, wheat germ, veal liver, dark chocolate, sesame seeds and peanuts as these are good sources of zinc. A balanced diet plan tells you what foods you must eat, the time you must eat, the amount of food you must eat, online pharmacy and also consists of healthy snacks. Ideally you should check your sugar level every quantity of hours. Rising adoption of a sedentary lifestyle and increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases are further anticipated to fuel growth. In addition, medications like Viagra are also helpful. 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personalcare-nheal · 2 years
Hence, it is advisable to talk to your doctor if you are already consuming any medicines before consuming Urimax D tablets.
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veonoticia · 6 years
Canasta Alimentaria aumentó un 47.9% en enero
Para el primer mes del 2018 el precio de la Canasta Alimentaria Familiar (CAF) fue de Bs. 24.402.767,10, en relación al mes de diciembre, donde sufrió un aumento Bs. 7901.404,32, es decir, 47,9% y 3828,9% entre enero de 2017 y enero de 2018.
Fuente: La Patilla 
El informe mensual del Centro de Documentación y Análisis Social (Cendas) de la Federación Venezolana de Maestros revela que se requieren 98.2 salarios mínimos (Bs. 248.510,41) para adquirir la canasta referida a una familia de cinco miembros: Es decir, 813,425,57 bolívares diarios, más de tres salarios mínimos al día.
Los rubros subieron de precio en su totalidad
Los rubros pertenecientes a la canasta alimentaria aumentaron de precio: café 145,9%; raíces, tubérculos y otros, 84,0%; pescados y mariscos, 74,1%; carnes y sus preparados, 61,3%; frutas y hortalizas, 50,6%; granos, 49,1%; cereales y productos derivados, 45,1%; leche, quesos y huevos, 32,0%; grasas y aceites, 17,2%; azúcar y sal 12,1%; y salsa y mayonesa, 1,3%.
La diferencia entre los precios controlados y los precios de mercado es de 179.174,5%.
Para enero, 18 productos estuvieron escasos: leche en polvo, pollo, carne de res, margarina, avena, azúcar, aceite de maíz, arvejas, lentejas, arroz, harina de trigo, pastas alimenticias, salsa de tomate, harina de maíz, café, mayonesa, pan, queso amarillo. Esto representa el 31,03% de los 58 productos que contiene la canasta.
Adicionalmente, se observó la escasez de otros productos básicos como: jabón de baño, cera para pisos, papel tualé, pañales, toallas sanitarias, toallines, toallitas húmedas, leche condensada, suavizante, desodorante, afeitadora desechable, jabón Las Llaves y medicamentos como: Atamel, Losartán Potásico, Amlodipina, Aspirinas, Omeprazol, Lansoprazol, Dilantin, Di-Eudrin, Glibenclamida, Glidan, Biofit; anticonceptivos, Belara y Trental; Tamsulon, Zyloric, Tamsulosina, Heprox, Secotex, Urimax, Clopidogrel, antialérgicos, y otros insumos médicos, como lo es el caso de inyectadoras. En total, escasean al menos 52 productos en este registro.
Un almuerzo costó 76.000,00 bolívares en promedio
El costo promedio de un almuerzo para un trabajador rondó Bs. 76.000,00. El monto del ticket de alimentación es de Bs. 18.3000,00 diarios, 61 veces el valor de la unidad tributaria vigente de Bs. 300,000: Es decir, 549.000,00 bolívares mensuales.
Asamblea Nacional responde
Ante esto, la presidenta de la Comisión Permanente (CP) de Familia de la Asamblea Nacional (AN), diputada Mariela Magallanes, denunció que las zonas más populares, barriadas y venezolanos más vulnerables hacen un mercado de 189,000 bolívares y cuestionó con qué control sanitario se procesan esos alimentos.
Denunció que desde el segundo semestre del 2017 se han reportado pérdidas de vidas por ingesta de alimentos no aptos para consumo humano.
La parlamentaria señaló que el escenario es consecuencia de la ausencia de control sanitario por parte de los entes competentes y la hambruna que padecen los venezolanos a diario.
Por otra parte, la vicepresidenta de la CP de Familia de la AN, diputada Karín Salanova, solicitó al Ministerio Público en el estado Aragua, iniciar una investigación para esclarecer qué causó la intoxicación, en la que fallecieron seis niños, y por ende, exigió que se instalen controles sanitarios con el fin de evitar la venta al público de alimentos no aptos para el consumo humano.
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ovofertility-blog · 4 years
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totalpharmamed · 1 year
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teresabrew141-blog · 6 years
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herretes · 7 years
El precio de la Canasta Básica Familiar -CBF- de mayo de 2017 se ubicó en Bs. 1.426.363,38 aumentando Bs. 212.343,18 (3.3 salarios mínimos), con respecto al mes de abril de 2017 lo que equivale a un incremento del 17,5%. Se necesitaban 47.545,44 bolívares diarios para cubrir su costo. Así lo reseña elimpulso.com La variación anualizada para el período mayo 2017 / mayo 2016 es 369,8%, Bs. 1.122.747,79, 17.3 salarios mínimos (Bs. 65.021,04).
Todos los rubros subieron
La variación mensual de la Canasta Básica Familiar se debe al incremento de precios de todos los grupos que la integran.
En primer lugar, el rubro de servicios públicos básicos subió de 21.336,26 a 30.136,26 bolívares, 41,2%, debido al incremento de la tarifa del transporte interurbano en 66,66%, que subió de 300,00 a 500,00 bolívares en la línea de transporte de Charallave – Yare.
Salud aumentó 35,1%, de 5.600,67 a 7.564,00 bolívares, debido al incremento de precio del Gengimiel –adulto y pediátrico- que subió de 2.003,33 a 2.916,67 bolívares, 45,6%. El analgésico Atamel Forte aumentó de 823,33 a 960,00 bolívares, 16,6%.
El rubro de vestido y calzado aumentó 27.761,11 bolívares, de 81.377,78 a 109.138,89 bolívares, como promedio mensual, 34,1%.
Los artículos de higiene personal y limpieza del hogar subieron de Bs. 111.040,84 a Bs. 138.866,67, 27.825,83 bolívares más, 25,1%. La crema dental, de Bs. 2.091,67 a Bs. 4.700,00, 124,7%; el papel toilet, de Bs. 2.245,83 a Bs. 4.666,67, 107,8%; la espuma de afeitar, de Bs. 5.383,33 a Bs. 6.333,33, 17,6%; el champú, de Bs. 3.183,33 a Bs. 3.666,67, 15,2%; el jabón azul, de Bs. 2.391,67 a Bs. 2.700,00, 12,9%; el detergente, de Bs. 4.933,33 a Bs. 5.466,67, 10,8%; el jabón de baño, de Bs. 1.658,33 a Bs. 1.833,33, 10,6%; el desodorante, de Bs. 6.391,67 a Bs. 6.933,33, 8,5%; la esponja, de Bs. 1.149,17 a Bs. 1.233,33, 7,3% y la afeitadora desechable, de Bs. 4.041,67 a Bs. 4.166,67, 3,1%.
Educación subió 22,7%, de 91.892,60 a 112.738,64 bolívares.
Los alimentos subieron 123.146,87 bolívares, de 867.772,05 a 990.918,92 bolívares, 14,2%. Todos los rubros de la canasta alimentaria aumentaron de precio: carnes y sus preparados, 32,0%; pescados y mariscos, 21,0%; raíces, tubérculos y otros, 17,2%; salsa y mayonesa, 14,3%; cereales y productos derivados, 13,9; frutas y hortalizas, 8,8%; azúcar y sal, 7,6%; leche, quesos y huevos, 7,2%; El café, 4,7%; granos, 4,6% y grasas y aceites, 3,9%.
La diferencia entre los precios controlados y los precios de mercado es de 7.824,1%. Escasez
Diecisiete productos presentaron problemas de escasez: leche en polvo, carne de res, margarina, azúcar, aceite de maíz, queso blanco duro Santa Bárbara, queso amarillo, arvejas, lentejas, caraotas, arroz, harina de trigo, avena, pan, pastas alimenticias, harina de maíz y café: el 29,31% de los 58 productos que contiene la canasta.
Adicionalmente, escasean otros productos básicos como: jabón de baño, detergente, lavaplatos, cera para pisos, compotas, Nenerina, papel tualé, pañales, toallas sanitarias, toallines, toallitas, servilletas, leche condesada, leche líquida de un litro, suavizante, desodorante, afeitadora desechable, crema dental, champú, jabón Las Llaves, insecticidas y medicamentos como Atamel, Losartán Potásico, Amlodipina, Aspirinas, Omeprazol, Lansoprazol, Dilantin, Di-Eudrin, Glibenclamida, Glidan, Biofit, anticonceptivo Belara, Trental, Tamsulon, Zyloric, Tamsulosina, Heprox, Secotex, Urimax, Clopidogrel y antialérgicos, entre otros, e inyectadoras. En total, escasean al menos 60 productos en este registro.
El alquiler de vivienda aumentó 5,7%, de 35.000,00 a 37.000,00 bolívares.
Un almuerzo cuesta 6.500,00 bolívares en promedio
El costo promedio de un almuerzo para un trabajador es de 6.500,00 bolívares. El monto del ticket de alimentación es de 4.500,00 bolívares diarios, 15 veces el valor de la unidad tributaria vigente, de 300 bolívares: 135.000,00 bolívares mensu
  La Patilla
La entrada Precio de la canasta básica subió a 1.426.363,38 bolívares en mayo aparece primero en Noticias Diarias de Venezuela.
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veonoticia · 6 years
16 millones y medio la Canasta Alimentaria… y Maduro se quiere reelegir
El presidente Nicolás Maduro, busca reelegirse como primer mandatario de Venezuela, pero sus políticas económicas y sociales dejan mucho que desear.
Fuente: La Patilla
Aunque, la “revolución bonita” se vanagloria de haber aumentado seis veces el salario mínimo en 2017, solo para comprar la Canasta Alimentaria de diciembre del año pasado se necesitan NOVENTA Y TRES salarios mínimos para una familia de cinco miembros: 550.045,42 bolívares diarios, más de tres salarios mínimos diarios.
Según el informe del Cendas, el precio de la Canasta Alimentaria Familiar –CAF– de diciembre de 2017 se ubicó en 16.501.362,78 bolívares, aumentando Bs. 9.311.203,80, 52.5 salarios mínimos, 129,5% con respecto al mes de noviembre de 2017 y 2.927,8% entre diciembre de 2016 y diciembre de 2017.
Todos los rubros subieron de precio
Todos los rubros de la canasta alimentaria aumentaron de precio: granos, 228,6%; leche, quesos y huevos, 180,9%; salsa y mayonesa, 168,1%; carnes y sus preparados, 141,5%; cereales y productos derivados, 132,8; pescados y mariscos, 103,7%; café, 100,6%; frutas y hortalizas, 90,7%; azúcar y sal, 78,7%; raíces, tubérculos y otros, 69,2% y grasas y aceites, 56,9%.
La diferencia entre los precios controlados y los precios de mercado es de 140.433,4%.
Dieciocho productos presentaron problemas de escasez: leche en polvo, pollo, carne de res, margarina, avena, azúcar, aceite de maíz, arvejas, lentejas, arroz, harina de trigo, pastas alimenticias, salsa de tomate, harina de maíz, café, mayonesa, pan, queso amarillo: el 31,03% de los 58 productos que contiene la canasta.
Adicionalmente, escasean otros productos básicos como: jabón de baño, cera para pisos, papel tualé, pañales, toallas sanitarias, toallines, toallitas, leche condesada, suavizante, desodorante, afeitadora desechable, jabón Las Llaves y medicamentos como Atamel, Losartán Potásico, Amlodipina, Aspirinas, Omeprazol, Lansoprazol, Dilantin, Di-Eudrin, Glibenclamida, Glidan, Biofit; anticonceptivos Belara y Trental; Tamsulon, Zyloric, Tamsulosina, Heprox, Secotex, Urimax, Clopidogrel y antialérgicos, entre otros, e inyectadoras. En total, escasean al menos 52 productos en este registro.
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