#url inspired sets
ngatwa · 11 months
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↳ 6x13 “When Time Froze”
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zestials · 5 months
they're coming , your honor .
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clownowo · 2 years
Tumblr is such a functional webbed site.
Staff made the follow button on posts span the entire width of the post (not just the actual word follow. Anywhere to the right of their username) on mobile and so it’s super easy to hit accidentally while just scrolling. Sometimes I hit it see the little animation and go "aw damn it" and click on the blog to unfollow and. This time. Nothing happened. Clicked again. And it registered me clicking it! just didn’t open. I had to navigate to my follower list to unfollow the blog. It was perfectly accessible there.
Thanks tumblr
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ask-human-lancer · 2 years
im curious, are we allowed to write/roleplay mortalrune for ourselves (while keeping to source with credit of course!)? its okay if not! ive loved mortalrune for a while now and id love to make content for it like that ;;
[[same anon asking about writing/roleplaying! are we also allowed to use your art for icons or edit them? thank you :D!]]
((Hey there!! Omg I'm so flattered to hear this actually;; I consulted with some of the other blog mods and some of them are uncomfy with it and some of them are okay with it so??
I'm gonna go ahead and say that Lancer, Sans, Papyrus, and Kaard are okay to rp (King and Queen as well since they fall under my jurisdiction), and C Round, Ralsei, Noelle and Rudinn are off limits--as for the other mods, you'll need to ask them permission!
As long as you give credit somewhere, and make it clear that your rps aren't canon to our AU, then I'd say go for it! And please tag me omg I'd love to see it 💕
As for art hmm that's definitely a case by case basis lol so again. I'd just ask the mod of whichever blog you wanna rp. As for my art, I'm totally cool with it, just no major edits :'D))
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obsessioncollector · 1 month
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Hi friends! Inspired by @librarycards I wanted to make a post celebrating Women in Translation Month! Anglophone readers generally pay embarrassingly little attention to works in other languages, and that's even more true when it comes to literature by women, so I will jump at any chance to promote my faves 🥰 Here are some recs from 9 different languages! Also, I wrote this on my phone, so apologies for any typos or errors!
1. Trieste by Daša Drndić, trans. Ellen Elias-Bursać (Croatian): An all-time favorite. Much of Drndić's work interrogates the legacy of atrocities in Europe, particularly eastern Europe. Trieste is a haunting contemplative novel centered on an elderly Italian Jewish woman whose family converted to Catholicism during the Mussolini era and were complicit in the fascist violence surrounding them in order to protect themselves.
2. Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung, trans. Anton Hur (Korean): A collection of short stories that are difficult to classify by genre–speculative fiction in the broadest sense. The first story is about a monster in a woman's toilet, which sounds impossible to pull off in a serious, thought-provoking manner, but Chung does so easily—these are the kind of stories that are hard to explain the brilliance of secondhand.
3. Sweet Days of Discipline by Fleur Jaeggy, trans. Tim Parks (Italian; Jaeggy is Swiss): Another all time favorite! The cold, sterile homoerotic girls' boarding school novella of your dreams.
4. Toddler-Hunting and Other Stories by Taeko Kono, trans. Lucy North (Japanese): I think I read this in one sitting. Incredibly unsettling—these stories will stay with you. They often focus on the unspoken psychosexual fantasies underscoring mundane daily life.
5. The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector, trans. Katrina Dodson (Brazilian Portuguese): I think Lispector is the best known writer here, so she might not need much of an introduction. But what a legend! And this collection is so diverse—it's fascinating to see the evolution of Lispector's work.
6. Our Lady of the Nile by Scholastique Mukasonga, trans. Melanie L. Mauthner (French; Mukasonga is Rwandan): Give her the Nobel! Mukasonga's books, at least the ones available in English, are generally quite short but so impactful. Our Lady of the Nile is a collection of interrelated short stories set at a Catholic girls' boarding school in Rwanda in the years before the Rwandan genocide. These stories are fascinating on many levels, but perhaps the most haunting element is seeing how ethnic hatred intensifies over time—none of these girls would consider themselves particularly hateful or prejudiced, but they easily justify atrocities in the end.
7. Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962-1972 by Alejandra Pizarnik, trans. Yvette Siegert (Spanish; Pizarnik was Argentinian): Does anyone remember when my url was @/pizarnikpdf... probably not but worth mentioning to emphasize how much I love her <3 Reading Pizarnik is so revelatory for me; she articulates things I didn't even realize I felt until I read her words.
8. Flight and Metamorphosis: Poems by Nelly Sachs, trans. Joshua Weiner (German): Sachs actually won the Nobel in the 1960s, so it's surprising that she's not better known in the Anglosphere. Her poems are cryptic and surreal, yet deeply evocative. Worth mentioning that this volume is bilingual, so you can read the original German too if you're interested.
9. Frontier by Can Xue, trans. Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping (Chinese): Can Xue is another difficult-to-classify writer in terms of genre. Her short stories are often very abstract and can be puzzling at first. I think Frontier is a great place to start with her because these stories are interconnected, which makes them a bit more accessible.
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dduane · 1 year
Judging books by their covers
Having spent the morning reading the notes on this post (and reading them, and reading them...), I realized I really needed to get to grips with a piece of work I'd been avoiding.
Some of you may remember me mentioning that the Young Wizards website's longtime ISP went out of business suddenly in July, necessitating the site's hasty relocation to a new home. In the process a lot of its internal URLs ceased to operate correctly, meaning that files weren't displaying. (As I was quickly reminded when looking for the original David Wiesner art for So You Want To Be A Wizard at 01:30 last night.)
Anyway, I just wound up spending the day rescanning book covers for the Young Wizards publication history page, and was reminded of some favorites while getting the work done. (And a note for the interested: if there's any particular cover from an English-language edition of the YW books that interests you, or you think the sight of one might jog your memory somehow, that page is where you'll find the images. Use the tabs under the header image to take you through the history of publishers and artists.)
Meanwhile, being reminded of what happened to the covers for So You Want To... alone is both funny and a bit sobering. Styles change, formats change, art directors change. Sometimes the covers get a lot better, and sometimes they, uh, don't. Look at the difference in styles alone among these, for example.
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Most of the time the writer gets to take what they're given, and like it. Sometimes, though, they get to give advice.
Here, for example, is one time that happened.
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This is for the UK hardcover of the first of the Feline Wizards books. The artist, Mick Posen, is a cat person... and he insisted on having pictures of the cats who inspired the NY worldgating team before he started painting. Just look at these three, especially Rhiow there in the foreground. Is this a hero, or what? :)
Here's one that caused a little controversy.
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The question of the day: Is Nita wearing anything? And if so, what?
The art won Greg Swearingen a silver Spectrum Award for that Deep Wizardry painting. But he and my then-editor on the series, Michael Stearns, apparently got into it a little regarding a conflict between the text and the necessities of painting a YA cover. If I remember correctly, I think Greg was holding out for "She's not wearing anything in the text in this situation, she just turned human again after changing back from being a whale, she shouldn't be wearing anything here!" and Michael was saying "But the parents, what if we freak out the parents...!" ...Eventually it seems like some kind of compromise was achieved. Swirly light = magic, or something. (shrug) Not my problem. It's a lovely cover.
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About this one I have, well, mixed feelings. At this end of time, the art looks clunky. Yet this is also my first bestseller. When the SF Book Club published this omnibus, Support Your Local Wizard quickly set records as their single most-requested item of all time for new members just signing up. Its print run ran to more than 250,000 copies, and it remained constantly in print until the Book Club itself ended.
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I've always been fond of this one for Deep Wizardry, and also of the one the artist, Neal McPheeters, did for the Dell Yearling and Dell mass market paperback editions of So You Want To... . There's a solid quality to both of them, but the second one in particular, that appeals to me.
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(For those in the notes on that other post who reacted immediately to Kit's antenna: This is one of the reasons why it features—along with one of Nita's wands from the rowan tree Liused—on all the covers of the revised/updated Young Wizards New Millennium Editions. I've seen a lot of memories jogged by its appearance.)
...Do I have a favorite favorite one of all these covers? As usual, it's hard to pick. But I have to admit that I smile, at the moment, when looking at this one—Greg Swearingen’s art again—since in a couple of weeks it'll be the fortieth anniversary of So You Want To Be A Wizard's publication.
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We'll see what the publisher does for the fiftieth. :)
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bigfootsmom · 5 months
wip wednesday
tagged by the lovely @tizniz, @bidisasterevankinard <3 <3 <3
this week has sucked ass and it’s only wednesday. anyways, I was inspired by a post from @djdangerlove (I cannot find the original post im so sorry) about buck calling Tommy “Thomas” so here’s a little something from that:
“Do you want me to call you Buck?”
Evan’s nose scrunches up, lips pursing as he slits his eyes open to look at Tommy, slivers of electric blue in the dim light of the bedroom. “Mm–mm.” He snuffles into the pillow, sagging against the bed.
Tommy thinks that’s the end of the conversation, Evan finally passing over the threshold into sleep. But Evan mumbles something else, the sound of it soaked up by his pillow and too quiet for Tommy to hear.
“What?” Tommy asks with a quiet laugh.
Evan huffs, annoyed that his sleep keeps getting thwarted. But he turns his face, unburying it from the pillow.
“Like the way you say my name.”
tags <3
@usersiren, @honestlydarkprincess, @holdmygum, @swiftietartt, @bibuddie, @maygrantgf, @bisexual-buck, @princessfbi, @mellaithwen, @homerforsure, @housewifebuck, @colonoscopys, @boykisserbuckley, @shyaudacity, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @loveyouanyway, @try-set-me-on-fire, @loserdiaz, @monsterrae1, @giddyupbuck, @underwaterninja13, @father-salmon, @hoodie-buck, @devirnis, and you if you’re reading this!!!! (I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged or I forgot an url, my brain is toasted)
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catbot2 · 5 months
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hello! i am a bot that uploads cat pictures from r/cats every 2 hours. i am not entirely automated. after the images are scraped, i go through and delete images that aren't cats. then the upload process is automated again :3
I am working on a better version that is able to set the post source as the url of the post, but it has been pretty hard to develop! I don't own a majority of the images posted and am just sharing them, contact for removal :) largely inspired by @gayocats
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katy-l-wood · 9 months
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New year, new branding!
Well folks, here we go! Big announcement time! After a lot of thinking over the last year about myself and my art and writing and where I want to go with everything, I have decided to stop operating under just my name and rebrand everything under a shiny new umbrella! The name Aspen & Copper is inspired by my favorite trees and the place I grew up, which has copper in the name. And, as you can see, it's a very outdoorsy theme with topography and mountains and camping and such. I'm stupidly in love with it, honestly.
As for WHY this is happening, I needed a more clear dividing line between who I am and what I do, and operating under just my name wasn't allowing me to do that. But a big rebrand like this is no easy undertaking! It is, in fact, still in progress and probably will be for awhile yet given how busy I am. But the new website is officially done, and that was one of the biggest pieces. If you have time, please go poke around the new site. I'm quite proud of it!
What this means for YOU, my lovely subscribers and fans, is the following:
My books will still be by Katy L. Wood, but they'll be under the umbrella of Aspen & Copper.
I'm in the process of switching most of my socials over to Aspen & Copper. (More info on Tumblr specifically here in a sec.)
I'm retiring my old email address and switching over to [email protected], so if you want to reach out to me about projects or anything else, that's the spot to do it! The old email still works, but if you reach out to that one you'll be redirected to the new one.
The www.Katy-L-Wood.com URL will now redirect to www.AspenAndCopper.com.
That's about it! All my projects are still going ahead as normal, just with this lovely little new brand leading the way.
What this means for tumblr specifically:
This blog isn't going anywhere! But I do have a new blog, @aspenandcopper, (which isn't fully set up yet, shhhh...) which will eventually JUST be my art and writing so there's a (somewhat) cleaner way to navigate all that stuff just on Tumblr itself.
Also, I am toying with changing the name of this blog at some point, but I haven't found anything I like enough yet so for now it shall stay my name. Don't worry, if I change it I'll make sure to make the change very clear to everyone!
I swear I'm going to get better about sending out my newsletter. 😭 To make it more fun for anyone who signs up, I'll be including an exclusive look at new art and writing stuff in each one! The most recent one had a sneak peak of a little doodle of Royal and Shiloh that I'm cleaning up and finishing, and a piece with Dustin and Vivian I've been working on for awhile! Plus a fun snippet from my book, Camp Daze, which is (finally) launching on Kickstarter very, very soon!
You can sign up for the newsletter super easy on my website.
Speaking of Kickstarter
Like I said above, Camp Daze is FINALLY launching soon, so be sure to sign up to be notified about the launch. More info about that coming soon.
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oh no nene look out for that canary!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
hihi !! i think the url explains it all- canaries attack nene kusanagi !!
if you dont like me interacting with your posts, feel free to tell me, ill remove the post immediately and be sure to not do so again !!
mod goes by she/her !! you can call me canaria !!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
inspired by
@i-set-tsukasa-on-fire !!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tags !!
#the canary hits !! = canary attacks !!
#feeding time !! = not canary attacks !!
#the canaries sing !! = ask answers !!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
have a nice day- nene look out its a rapidly approaching canary !!
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lamialamia · 3 months
linh my linh my linh! for the hbowar ask game, l, q, u, w, x, z!
thank you so much!
l. would you say the hbo war fandom is more or less hectic than your previous/other ones?
less hectic. I don't wanna show my hide here but my main fandom before HBOWar is Dota 2 Esport. Oh boi. It was a toxic cesspool of gamerdom™️I'm glad I left it behind.
q. acknowledge something nice about your least favorite of the hbo war shows.
I can and I would. MOTA's music and sound mixing is amazing. The title theme really goes above and beyond and absolutely needs to win an award or two.
u. acknowledge a flaw in your favorite of the hbo war shows.
TP has no flaw! /j
I think while there is some obvious flaw with TP, for instance its pacing issue. But another lesser problem it has is how unbalance Basilone's storyline is. Speilberg and Hank really can't make these war show without some mythical hero-ism. No offense to the real life Basilone who I know is a really cool dude, but this storyline imo lacks the depth that Leckie's and Sledge's have.
w. what's an hbo war url that you like/would change to? if you have an hbo war url, why did you choose it?
i don't have an HBOWar url 😔 But if I don, I wanna have the eugenebsledge url
x. choose one screencap of any of the shows that you would frame and put on the wall.
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z. tag some of your favorite artists/writers/editors in the fandom and give them a compliment.
aaahhh okay imma try to be cool.
@bitch-butter webgott extraordinaire. I love love your realistic yet riveting portrayal of the up and down in relationships (both romantic and platonic) and how messy people can be. Your OCs are fantastic. And your deconstruction of typical Omegaverse tropes in 'everybody wants to rule the world' is the first i've ever seen and so well-done it should be setting the new standard for this AU.
@ep6bastogne listen to me. you have a very distinct voice, you are meticulous in your detail. and you have so much passion for writing it shows in any of your project
@avonne-writes you have a very gentle yet devastating prose. Your world-building has a unique quality: its depth peaks through every ordinary detail and make me want to know more about everything. I love all your works. You never miss.
@gorgeousundertow the first thing that come to my mind is your research and how much you have fun with real life details. And you are so so good at the ✨yearning✨ you can teach a class on that xD
@thewayisset I LOVE YOUR ART. You deserve to have your own gallery, that's all <3333 I feel like I suck at analysing art so I can only give you a lot of heart ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@screwby again. what can i say. your works are spectacular! Especially your watercolor!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@cinnamonrollsledge i already screamed and shouted in your inbox but I need to say it into the world how much i love your edits!!! I love the TP ep 6+White gif set you made wowza that is talent
@antigonenikk devastating edits. hits everytime. and I'm loving all your fics too, you are really good at poking at the pain and angst but keep it in-character. That Sledgefu/Mr.robot fusion fic lives in my mind rent-free 🗣️🗣️🗣️
@almost-a-class-act queen of banter in her fics, you are very insightful and I love your perspective on both the historical side of things and also the fandom side of things <3
@getmean one of the biggest inspiration for my own writing. i don't know what more can I say beside, you are the GOAT. And unlike sport commentators, I really mean it.
okay that is a lot of people. I will stop now.
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rosenbraut · 1 month
🌹rose bride inspired🌹 - loving and moving my body this week (11.08.-18.08.)
Monday. Dancer workout [31 mins] 
Tuesday. feel good pilates flow [20 mins] // beginner’s ballet flexibility [8 mins]
Wednesday. beginner’s bellydance tutorial for slow and fluid movements [20 mins]
Thursday. pilates for flexibility and mobility [22 mins]
Friday. slow & simple sensual floor flow [21 mins]
Saturday. pilates - barre fusion [20 mins]
Sunday. full body, deep stretch for beginners [24 mins]
After trying a week of workouts inspired by the duelists of Shōjo Kakumei Utena some time ago, I'm using the concept of the rose bride as an inspiration for this weeks' workouts! This isn't about Anthy as a person or the 90s Shōjo body image, but rather the idea of what the rose bride is. An elegant, ethereal, irresistible creature. A blank canvas people project their wishes on. In honour of my new url, I've decided to put together a set to reflect of what I think would go into embodying this almost-human wish fulfilment: Sensuality, quiet strength, grace and flexibility. Disclaimer: One could argue that one very vital point of the whole anime/manga is that Anthy's situation is a tragedy she's rebelling against.
In case the suggestion doesn’t feel right for that day, here are some alternatives (13 minutes or less, can also be used as add-ons). No shame in taking it slow! Let’s move according to our needs! :)bedtime yoga stretch to release stress & tension [13 mins]  // beginner’s ballet flexibility [8 mins]//  slow & smooth beginner belly dance workout [12 mins]  // lazy girl full body workout [7 mins] // express pilates [10 mins]
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girlyholic · 1 year
SEO for Informative JFashion Blogs
You might have noticed it by now, but it is a major pain to get your Tumblr blog to show up in the results of the various search engines. This is mainly because most of them switched to "mobile-first" indexing over the past few years, meaning the mobile version of your blog is what counts and that one is pretty bad by default for Tumblr.
So here a few general tips on how to get your content properly indexed:
get a responsive theme, meaning that it adjusts to the reader's screen size and therefore works as both desktop and mobile version
go into the "advanced options" of your theme editor and turn the default mobile theme OFF, it will make your desktop theme also act as your mobile one
while it's important for hashtags to be visible below posts, make sure they don't show up on the main page as the clutter can make your blog being mistaken for spam
if not already, change the inside of your title HTML to {title}{block:PostSummary}: {PostSummary}{/block:PostSummary}
fill-out the "keywords" meta with what your blog features (example: "jfashion, japanese fashion, information, outfits, inspiration, articles")
add your blog (username.tumblr.com) to Google Search Console and confirm via meta tag as it will help to optimize and boost your blog's performance on the web
at the above, go to "sitemaps" and make the search engine track your latest posts by adding /sitemap.xml
set your custom pages you want indexed to "show"
if you have any important posts you really want to make sure are properly indexed, put their link into the "URL inspection" bar on the top and it will tell you the current status as well as allow you to force indexing
After all of the above it might take a few days to see any results, and if there is anything causing issues preventing your blog from being properly indexed Google Search Console will let you know in its notifications. I recommend to check the site once a while in general as it also gives a nice overview of how people find your blog and what kind of posts they like, making it easy for you to tailor your content to their tastes. It's handy, isn't it?
Let's make jfashion info blogs great again!
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dduane · 1 year
At @dduane's Ebooks Direct, now in progress: the Summer Solstice "Get Our Whole Store For $44" Sale!
(ETA: I'm reposting this because some folks have been getting the non-discounted version of the sale, and I want to make absolutely sure the right version of the sale URL is in place. Obviously I don't mind refunding people the overpayments, but I think we'd all rather they didn't happen.) :)
(Sound up for Vaguely Inspirational Music!)
The Solstice arrived a little more than an hour a day ago, so we're celebrating the best way we can think of: by making the ebooks at Ebooks Direct even cheaper than usual.
That's right: we're reinstating the "Get Our Whole Store For $44 Sale"! That's 36 of Diane Duane's ebooks (@petermorwood's are still with another e-publisher, sorry, though there's a freebie of his in the package...), all DRM-free and with free replacements included in the price if they're lost or you change platforms. The package on offer includes the 9-book set of Young Wizards New Millennium Editions and the LGBTQ-centered Middle Kingdoms books, along with much more fantasy and SF. So if you've missed out on this offer previously, now's your chance to take advantage of it! (And us. We don't mind.) :)
Also, in honor of Pride Month—and much earlier than we'd normally put a new release into the whole-book package—we've added Tales of the Middle Kingdoms #2: Overdue to the offer. The only other place this new work appears at the moment is in the 2023 Pride Month package. (If you've been looking at that package, please note that everything in it appears in the Whole Store bundle, at a similar discount level. But the Whole Store offer will only last for 72 hours. The Pride package will be available until Irish midnight [GMT+1] on June 30.)
Interested? Then just click here to put the $44 whole-store package in your shopping basket and grab yourself a bargain! The product page will say it costs $55. But the link above has the discount baked in. Use it and the store will show the $44 price when you've gone through all the checkout steps before payment. (Sorry about this: it's how the store behaves when there are two discount offers running at once.)
If you go through to the just-before-paying stage and are still seeing the $55 price, please put the discount code EVERY72 into the "gift card or discount code" field on that page, and enter it. That'll sort things out.
Meanwhile, If you're not interested in the offer, would you consider reblogging it so that others in your timeline can have a look? Thanks! (And one final note: due to Brexit, unfortunately this offer isn't valid in the UK. Details about the situation are here. Our apologies, as always, for the inconvenience.)
Meanwhile, happy day-after-Solstice to everybody! (Bearing in mind that there's another one going on in the Southern Hemisphere... though probably not so sunny.) And here's hoping that our offer will make your longest day (or shortest one) a little brighter.
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concoctionboy · 1 year
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I'd been meaning to do more Wizard Tumblr Magic cards, but hadn't gotten around to it, but I… finally did, I guess. Anyway, here's a card featuring @wizard-eater.
I realized I'd forgotten to include the holostamp in the earlier cards, so I added that this time, and I figured I probably ought to include the URL of the Tumblr user the card is inspired by, so I did that too… although I'm not really happy with the placement; I'm going to try to figure out a better place for it.
(I do still intend to set up a Neocities page and put these cards, among other things, there, but I, uh, haven't gotten around to that yet either.)
As usual, this card has not been playtested, and I have no idea whether it's anywhere near balanced.
[OOC I haven't been on Tumblr in a while because I'm currently at Gen Con, and it's keeping me very busy. (For those who don't know what Gen Con is, it's a big game convention in Indianapolis.) I figured it would be thematically appropriate to post another Magic card while I'm here and managed to make time to do so, but I probably won't make another post until Monday when I'm back home.]
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sithfox · 4 months
A snippet from the fic that inspired my URL, Setting Fires to Keep You Warm: the fic where Fox is a Sith. Credit to @blackkatmagic for rewiring my entire brain with their fic fixed on your hand of gold, which is what initially inspired me before it took on a mind of its own.
“Well, you see, Rex, sometimes a person is Force-sensitive, and they are taught how to use it, and-“ his tone is mocking, leaving Rex unnerved. It’s like a mask has been knocked askew. This is Fox, yes, but- colder. Crueler.
“I know that, di’kut. The Kaminoans said we couldn’t be Force-sensitive.”
“The Kaminoans were wrong.” Fox shrugs carelessly. “There’s a couple squads of us in the Guard, a few in the battalion at the Temple. We’ve been training how to use it.”
“With the Jedi?” Rex swears he sees a flash of gold in Fox’s eyes. It must be a trick of the light, though, because when he blinks they’re dark again.
“Among others.” Fox takes a long sip of his drink.
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