#uruk OCs
cclumsyart · 9 months
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Uruk prince sketches
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boozy-dwarf · 10 months
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For @mara-xx217 ♡ ( Check out the character's owner, full art will be there soon! )
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aliciabell · 1 month
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Isthar Sacred Priestess
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heyhopperart · 8 months
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Our dashing neighborhood Orc Bard 🖤
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pug-the-torturer · 1 year
Putting this here coz I love Lord of the Rings and the Middle Earth.
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goodbye goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky
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nighttimepatrons · 5 months
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Henry and Fingon and Fingon and Henry and Henry and Fingon and-
A fast doodle from the latest snippet from LordGrimwing. Fingon do be catching feelings for one of his fellow cowboys oops
(traced from the twink boutta pounce meme)
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shadowofwar-goober · 9 months
How Pushkrimp and Horza First Met
They are my OCs and a new favourite couple between me and @space-arsonist. I love them so much 🥺
Warnings: Slavery, Living Sacrifice, Typical Uruk Violence
It was no secret as to why he was purchased from his previous master. Horza struggled to understand what the black-clad uruks were speaking about, but he really didn’t need to in order to know what was about to happen to him. 
He was small in his cage, but an orc couldn’t possibly be big when uruks were involved. His body was still chilled from the icy bath that his new masters had given him the moment he was dragged into their little coven. It was hostile but quick and they didn’t linger on his body any longer than they had to. If he wasn’t due to be sacrificed, Horza could have been overjoyed about being clean for the first time in years, perhaps even happier that a robe had been thrown over his head, as ill fitting as it was. But he couldn’t feel anything, not even terror or revulsion that he was about to be sacrificed in the name of their Dark Lord. He felt nothing. 
Already, the thin white linens that he wore were covered in dirt. Horza stared at his knees and rested his cheeks against them. His wrists were sore from the chains he wore daily, even though the Mystics had removed them before he was shoved into his new cage. He didn’t want to listen but his ears picked up on what they were saying. Their dialect was nearly incomprehensible but he could manage a few words even though he was hardly paying attention to begin with. 
“...something, something Dark Lord.”
“...something, something hunting- no, killing-”
“....something about food or being hungry-”
It all blurred into white noise. Horza buried his bruised face into his knees, thankful that he had at least a small amount of his once bountiful hair left. It provided him the comfort of hiding his crying face… He knew he was pathetic but a part of him didn’t want the uruks to see his sorrow or fear, even if it was futile. Maybe he should put up one last fight just so he could die a true orc’s death. Maybe he’ll just let it happen though… Horza was tired and knew long ago that his life was forfeit. It was from the day his village was razed and he was captured and sold into slavery. If he could just manage one more slight against them- 
There was a commotion on the other side of the coven that pulled Horza out of his fantasy. Someone was shouting, which led to others shouting, though what really got his attention was the caragors that ran past his cage. His heart skipped a beat. Wild beasts? No, that’s not it. These beasts were starved and mangy… caragors take much better care of themselves out in the wild. One caragor skidded to a halt as it passed the orc and turned to sniff in his direction. Horza immediately threw himself to the ground and froze. If the beast decides that he’s worth it, there’s nothing that will stop it… A flimsy cage will do nothing to stop a starving caragor, but the beast's own survival instincts did. It ran off in the same direction of the other two that had passed Horza moments ago. 
Shouting continued, though it was joined by something akin to a roar. Horza was shocked and didn’t move from his prone position on the ground. What is this?! A raid?! He feared the unknown and he feared changing hands to new masters again, regardless of the fact that he would die either way should the Mystics have their way with him. 
It can always be worse… It can always be worse- 
Horza again became numb to his surroundings. He could hear shouting, no, screaming, and the crackle and brightness of a fire that was spreading through the coven. He closed his eyes reflexively in response to the bright light, but quickly reopened them when he heard a strangled cry and the thud of a body hitting the ground. A spear was lodged in his back and in spite of his dark clothing, Horza could clearly see a dark patch of blood spreading underneath the cloth. That weapon was longer than Horza was tall… The Mystic was dead before he hit the ground, something vital was hit, his heart or a lung. Horza’s stomach twisted into knots. 
He still isn’t used to it… How can a slave not be used to the sight and stench of death? His heart stuttered in his chest when the spear’s owner approached to reclaim his spear. 
Though he was flat on the ground, Horza was sure that this was the tallest uruk he’s ever seen. He was taller than the cage he was imprisoned in, as was the shield he wore on his left arm. With one foot on the Mystic’s back, he removed the weapon with little effort. He flicked his wrist and wet blood shocked Horza’s face. He jumped and gasped, which got the attention of the uruk that was only a few feet away from him. No. No, no-! 
His eyes were as intense as the fires that engulfed the Mystic coven. Horza shrank even further, whimpering softly as his eyes narrowed. For a brief moment, Horza could swear he saw the uruk’s brows falter, but as quickly as he noticed, his face was stone again and he couldn’t gauge what he was feeling. Disgust? He hoped it wasn’t anger… Another uruk, one similar in dress to him, asked in the common tongue-
“Are we takin’ prisoners?” The other uruk’s gaze drifted over to Horza then snapped back to the bigger uruk. He scoffed and bared his teeth. He barked something that Horza couldn’t understand, seeming almost offended by his subordinate’s question. And when the other uruk nodded towards him-
“‘im too?” His stomach dropped. The intense uruk looked him over then grabbed a hold of the cage door, ripping it off its worn and rusted hinges with such little difficulty that Horza nearly fainted. 
Whatever he said, he said it over his shoulder as he walked away. The other uruk shrugged and walked towards Horza. The orc instinctively tensed and held his breath as the back of his collar was grabbed and he was forced to his feet. He was all but dragged through the coven and he held witness to the horrors that the raiders had inflicted onto the Mystics in the minutes their ambush had taken place. 
Slaughtered, butchered, tongues removed and throats slit… Perhaps it was a mockery of the ritual that would have taken place with him in their place. Horza felt himself fading fast and he had to look away, gulping down the bile that threatened to surge up from his empty stomach. He was picked up, again by his collar, and dragged towards a group of saddled caragor. There was one uruk standing there, looking annoyed and bored. Horza was practically thrown at him and he fell onto the ground and remained there out of fear. 
“‘ere, boss said this ‘un’s going with us.” The other uruk curled his lip.
“Eh? Why?” He looked down at Horza with disgust. The uruk that threw him shrugged.
“Dunno. Wanna be the one to ask him?”
He shook his head ‘hell no’. 
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fauzer0-blog · 1 year
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Okay, the role-playing lord of the rings for the orcs turned out to be too interesting. This orc is especially funny. Do not look at the fact that he is so handsome, his life is far from easy))
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thanksatt · 5 months
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Gogat expression studies :)
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heyhopperart · 1 year
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Finally drawing more Orcs again 🖤
Rival clans, featuring an artist friend's orc 'Long Smile' and my Orc Obrin EmberFang.
I adore the diversity in both size an appearances of the Orcs, and the differences in temperament and character!
They're all good, bad bois 💚
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holykhepri · 2 years
Mr pushkrimp, I am pleased to tell you that your uruk boobs hypnotize me
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Like that? Heh. I wasn't aware hypnotization was within my skillset. nice.
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shadowofwar-goober · 1 year
A Chance Meeting (for dirtymeanuruk)
I really like Crane and her brothers, so I wanted to write a little something for them involving my Hûra. It's purely self indulgent fluff but I hope you like it @dirtymeanuruk 💕
Crane and her Brothers belong to @dirtymeanuruk and Hûra belongs to me~
On one of the many well traveled roads of Mordor, Crane and her brothers have met many different Uruks in their bid to spread the word of Zog the Eternal’s cult. Many look at them with disdain, many avert their eyes- perhaps in fear or disgust. Few show interest in what the greatest cult in Mordor has to offer. And even fewer still simply pass them by, paying them no heed as they continue on their own journey. 
But to meet an uruk like him… 
A simple, humble traveler, they thought, in a plain, well-covering garb that didn’t show much of anything to his physical appearance. Even the lower portion of his face was covered and his hood pulled over his head, though there was a harsh wind that could chill even the most hardy of the uruk-hai to the bone. He seemed as though he would pass them without incident and without giving them much acknowledgment. That was until they were mere steps away from one another, and the stranger glanced their way and gave a curt nod. 
Something about him was nagging Crane. She couldn’t quite place the why, but she quickly turned on her heel and rapidly walked towards the uruk with her brothers looking uncomfortable and hissing their concerns to her under their breath. 
“What are you doing?!”
“Sister, wait-!“
“Um-“ The taller Uruk’s steps faltered and Crane was overcome with a feeling of dread and awkwardness as he turned to face her. 
‘Um’? Really? That’s how you start a dialogue with a stranger? 
Crane suddenly felt small as he stood a few feet away, not saying a word and only partially facing her. One of her brothers elbowed her in the ribs and she instinctively elbowed him back, which initiated a shoving match between her younger brothers when they bumped into the other. 
The stranger raised a hand, which caused the three young Uruks to bristle and to fall silent and still. What was he going to do? Strike them? Wave them off? Something else? They didn’t know why, but they felt as though they were suddenly struck by something unknown that was piercing them to their core. The stranger pulled down his mask with his thumb and forefinger as he shook off his hood. 
“Yes? Whatever is the matter, little pups? Lost, are we? Or, perhaps, you wish to discuss a matter, hmm?” His voice was soft but it wasn’t weak. He sounds like a captain… Crane and her brothers were taken aback as long, black locks tied back into a braid fell from his hood, though what really caught their attention were his eyes. 
Not terribly unusual for an uruk, sharp pupils that focus on them intently and irises reminiscent of every story, description and song composed in the glory of the Dark Lord’s visage. Intimidating and also alluring, it felt as though he was looking into them, searching for something hidden to the average uruk. He blinked at them, turning to face them fully, shoulders relaxed but legs tensed as he waited for their response. Crane stuttered, flustered and unsure of what she was even going to say to him in the first place. 
“Erm- S-Sir? Haa… Have- Are y-you a- er- in- t-the-?” What was she even trying to say?! Her brothers would have laughed if they didn’t share the exact feelings their sister felt. If they’re lucky, they’ll all laugh about this later… 
The stranger looked them up and down, face neutral. His eyes lingered on the amulet that was around Crane’s neck before they focused back onto her face. What was he thinking? She couldn’t tell, he was tactfully blank in his expression and it was making her nervous. Though… he hasn’t done anything yet. His greeting was even… cordial? Crane shifted from foot to foot, uncomfortable with the silence. 
“Hrmm… Acolytes of Zog, are we?” The three uruks were taken aback. He knew of Zog? They still couldn’t see any sort of expression on his face, as though it was simply a declarative, neutral statement, a fact and nothing more. 
“Wha-? Y-Yes… h-how did you-?” The stranger’s eyes flicked down at Crane’s amulet once more and this time she followed his gaze. 
“The cult of Zog grows every day…” Long, painted claws gingerly pluck the amulet from Crane’s collar bone. She sucks in a breath, unsure of what to expect. Zog has many enemies and she and her brothers could have very well ran directly into one. No… 
She ran directly into one… Her brothers were unwilling tagalongs. Her heart skipped a beat as she weighed her options. Can she fight him? No, likely not… Can she at least slow him down…? She had to try… Crane bristled as her amulet slipped from his fingers and gently landed back on her chest. 
“To have such fine, young uruks under his wing…” His amber eyes studied her brothers behind her, and Crane shuffled back a little, uncomfortable. He smiled a little.
“The greatest necromancer in Mordor is truly lucky, though I doubt very much he is privy to this fact.” The uruk took a step back as he looked over them once more. Crane could only blink in surprise as she dared to look back at her brothers, who shared her look of bewilderment. 
He not only knows of Zog, but he also speaks highly of him…? Who exactly is this uruk? Crane had a question on the tip of her tongue but she swallowed it when a cry of a crow pierced her ears. One of her brothers cried out in surprise as the bird flew directly over his head, slowing its flight so it could land delicately on the stranger’s shoulder. 
The three watched awkwardly as the uruk conversed with the bird, quietly enough that they couldn’t quite make out what he was saying as the distance between him and they grew with each step he took. 
Crane and her brothers waited for what must have been hours (though it was likely only a few minutes) for that uruk to get a head start on them so they (hopefully) wouldn’t see or run into him again while they were traveling. At first they remained silent, paranoid as to exactly who they ran into on the road and what he could or would do to them should their paths cross again. But they couldn’t stay quiet for long. Not after how bizarre that encounter was.
“Who was he?!”
“Was he another acolyte?”
“Nah, no way! He’s talking about Zog like he’s an other!”
“But he talked highly of him!”
“What’s with that damn bird that nearly hit me though?!”
“With how wide open your jaw was, I can’t believe it didn’t fly right into your mouth!”
They laughed then, but it wasn’t until much, much later that they learned exactly who they met on the road that day. It was just a few casual conversations at an outpost that they weren’t even a part of, but one of Crane’s brothers picked up on the subject of those conversations. And he couldn’t believe what he was hearing!
“Listen!! Remember that weirdo we met on the road way back? With the eyes and the bird- the crow?!”
Crane rolled her eyes. “Yeah? How could I forget? I’m still looking over my shoulder whenever we-” Her brother cut her off.
“Yeah, yeah- Look! That uruk?! It was the Bone Shaman!!” Crane opened her mouth but quickly blinked and did a double take. 
“What?! No! It- REALLY?!” She couldn't believe it. Her other brother couldn’t believe it, either, but the other bounced on his heels and nodded, excitedly.
“It was him!! The eyes, the hair, the crow!!” The other brother spoke up.
“But… where’s his bones at?” Crane jabbed him in the ribs.
“He’s gotta have them in his bags you glob!” His eyes widened as the colour rose to his cheeks.
“We… We met the Bone Shaman…! WE MET THE BONE SHAMAN-! OWW!” His brother elbowed him as he hissed for him to keep his voice down and he shoved him back. Crane didn’t even care that they were acting like fools and embarrassing her, for once. 
The Bone Shaman… 
The Bone Shaman talked to her! He touched her!! A famous shaman associated himself with her… Even if it was for a brief moment… Crane couldn’t believe it! She felt giddy and lightheaded. No one is going to believe this! She can’t wait to rub this in the other acolytes’ faces! She met a famous uruk!! 
Crane only wishes that she knew this at the time so she could have asked him a few more questions… like how he knew of Zog and what he thought of their master. Maybe someday she’d get that chance… or maybe not. Mordor is such a big and wild place she’s likely never to meet him again….
@space-arsonist @sinick @elvenmoans @boozy-dwarf
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the-husbando · 2 years
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thanksatt · 1 year
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I wanted these two to interact more, so here they are: Crane (belongs to @dirtymeanuruk) and Gogat (belongs to me).
Both are Zog’s acolytes and both are taking some time off to gossip. 
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