stayliquid · 7 months
closed starter for @mccntower muse. bailey rollings, maddie phillips fc.
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"I'm sorry, who are you again? Have we met?" The blonde raised her voice loud enough to be heard over the sounds of the club goers in the background. Bailey did enjoy playing games, especially since she was still mad after their last encounter. "I'm gonna keep acting like I don't know you until you've finished groveling."
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xaviermattthews · 2 months
x 📲 gideon.
x: i'm not going to be able to make the meeting on wednesday. x: thursday work for you?
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nomadjones · 2 months
dallas 📲 angel.
Dallas: You want in on this betting pool for whether we'll see any flower-theme catastrophes this week?
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ulyflynn · 6 days
uly 📲 edie.
Uly: Can I see you @edietello
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bazhowletts · 4 months
baz 📲 pete.
Baz: Heard someone talking about you at the gym
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luckylewis · 6 months
lucky 📲 mac.
Lucky: Hey Lucky: Are you going to the masquerade?
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grapefruitey · 6 months
open to all ; it's another zombie thing merhaps
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Oliver closed the door and locked it, then leaned against the heavy wood. Getting home was a challenge as the city began to gridlock. He avoided the subway, instead relied on his two feet to be as nimble as possible to get from the office to home. Things weren't bad yet, judging by the lack of sirens. It was getting bad. Going to be bad beyond expectations. "Uh, you here?" Oliver called, the shock still numbing his body. The bodies that laid on his cold metal table usually remained there. His world of florescent lights, autopsy forms, and court evidence was always regulated within the comfortable realm of conventional science. Now that things were not falling within those boundaries, he felt unmoored. And scared. "We need to go."
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rafaelmoldonado · 26 days
CLOSED STARTER; set at Caffélicious
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Rafael sat back down with a sigh. The feud between the two cafes was growing steadily and there was a point where he worried whether it would reach a boiling point. It was like the Stephen King book, Needful Things. Soon enough, something would break. Of course he took it upon himself to intervene whenever he was around. He'd just diffused what was shaping up to be a tense conversation while his cappuccino cooled at the small table he had been sitting at before sensing something bad. "Sorry, you were saying something." He took a sip of his coffee then folded his hands in front of him. Rafael liked to give his full attention to whoever he was speaking to. It was just difficult when he felt like a war may break out and ruin his favorite places to get coffee.
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silascody · 2 months
silas 📲 madison.
Silas: Yo Silas: U Madison? Silas: Got ur # from Uly at flower thing @madiiscn
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sookiestackhcuse · 2 months
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PISSED WAS THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR to describe how she felt when her father pulled her into his office to tell her the news. She was given absolutely no choice in the matter, TOLD WHAT TO DO without compromise. That was Corbett Stackhouse for you; a man that laid out orders and expected you to follow them no matter how it effected your life, as long as he was making money. She had tried protesting but he didn't budge so there was only one other person who would have to hear about it — the new fiancé. Hoping that he was at his club to get an earful, she didn't even bother waiting around for a driver to take her there, instead, she hoped in her own car and broke speed limits to get there on her own.
Sookie barged into the club, brown eyes flickering around her immediate surroundings trying to spot him but he must have been elsewhere. Security intervened her from getting further into the establishment and she demanded to see Kirk Bradshaw. She was told to sit and wait for him, but defiant like a child would, she insisted she'd stand and wait for him while one of the security members went to tell him that Stackhouse's daughter was here to see him, and she wasn't happy.
✞ ───── @deathsfollow !
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mackmontgomery · 9 months
mack 📲 fiona.
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stayliquid · 7 months
closed starter for @mccntower muse. hayden lutz, christopher briney fc.
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"You know I'm not good with ultimatums." For as much as his father had tried to push him away from growing up the same way he did, Hayden still ended up exactly like him. "So if you have to walk away cause I can't give you what you need, then that's what you gotta do."
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jjongribo · 3 months
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The last few weeks of Jinsang's life had been a mess of confusion and disappointment. After being released from the hospital, having suffered a head injury which resulted in amnesia, he found himself trying to survive a world that was almost entirely unfamiliar. All he really knew was his name and the occasional face. Nothing much else.
It was frustrating at times, trying to remember things that were out of reach. He often wandered and tried to find anything that could be the key to unlocking everything. Today was one such occasion, his feet carrying him down a street that he might have frequented. Or, maybe he'd never been there. It wasn't as though it would make a difference anyway– he was beginning to lose hope that he would ever get his previous life back.
Sighing, he turned a corner only to bump into someone. "Sorry," he quickly apologized, dark hues slowly looking up the form of who he'd run into. Something seemed familiar. He knew this person, somehow. "We've met before. I'm sure of it. Do you know who I am?"
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fcmalerage · 2 months
starter for @pomegrnate ♡
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a few dates in and kayla may or may have finally gave her heart to taehui. uncertain of where things are going, she yet found her comfort in his company. the moon was dimlit, however, enough to see every detail of his face with her head on his lap. what a romantic way to show affection in a middle of late night picnic by the beach, they both for sure thought. she ran her fingers ran through his cheek, admiration was evident on the female's lips. "who would have thought, huh?"
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ulyflynn · 27 days
closed for: @edietello
where: aiden's house, nora and aiden's birthday party
"Move." Uly practically barked at two partygoers who were trying to take a selfie in the hallway he was making his way down, leaving both Nora and the bathroom they had occupied in his rearview as he sought out another drink.
The pair parted for him easily and he pushed passed with a deliberate shove, inhaling through his nose sharply to counteract the irksome tickle in his nostrils that usually indicated to him that he should lay off the lines for the rest of the night.
He wastes no time to take the bottle of Belvedere he sees left unoccupied by the neck and pour himself a measure into a red solo cup that appeared clean enough, glancing to his side as he catches sight of blonde in his peripheral with a face that made him double take.
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"What the fuck are you doing here?"
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buddywellls · 4 months
buddy 📲 edie.
Buddy: Hey Buddy: Been a while Buddy: You doing alright?
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