#us admiral south china sea
beardedmrbean · 8 months
Rare footage obtained by BBC Korean shows North Korea publicly sentencing two teenage boys to 12 years of hard labour for watching K-dramas.
The footage, which appears to have been filmed in 2022, shows two 16-year-old boys handcuffed in front of hundreds of students at an outdoor stadium.
It also shows uniformed officers reprimanding the boys for not "deeply reflecting on their mistakes".
South Korean entertainment, including TV, is banned in the North.
Despite that, some are prepared to risk severe punishment to access K-dramas, which have a huge global audience.
Footage such as this is rare, because North Korea forbids photos, videos and other evidence of life in the country from being leaked to the outside world.
This video was provided to the BBC by the South and North Development (Sand), a research institute that works with defectors from the North.
It suggests authorities are coming down harder on such incidents. The clip has reportedly been distributed in North Korea for ideology education and to warn citizens not to watch "decadent recordings".
The video includes a narrator who is repeating state propaganda. "The rotten puppet regime's culture has spread even to teenagers," says the voice, in an apparent reference to South Korea. "They are just 16 years old, but they ruined their own future," it adds.
The boys were also named by officers and had their addresses revealed.
In the past, minors who broke the law in this way would be sent to youth labour camps rather than put behind bars, and the punishment was usually less than five years.
North Koreans tell of neighbours starving to death
A family's escape from North Korea through a minefield and stormy seas
In 2020, however, Pyongyang enacted a law to make watching or distributing South Korean entertainment punishable by death.
A defector previously told the BBC that he was forced to watch a 22-year-old man shot to death. He said the man was accused of listening to South Korean music and had shared films from the South with his friend.
Sand CEO Choi Kyong-hui said Pyongyang sees the spread of K-dramas and K-pop as a danger to its ideology.
"Admiration for South Korean society can soon lead to a weakening of the system... This goes against the monolithic ideology that makes North Koreans revere the Kim family," she said.
North Koreans started getting a taste of South Korean entertainment in the 2000s, during the years of the South's "sunshine policy" which saw it offering unconditional economic and humanitarian aid to the North.
Seoul ended the policy in 2010, saying it found the aid did not reach the ordinary North Koreans it was intended for, and that it had not resulted in any "positive changes" to Pyongyang's behaviour.
But South Korean entertainment continued to reach North Korea through China.
"If you get caught watching an American drama, you can get away with a bribe, but if you watch a Korean drama, you get shot," a North Korean defector told BBC Korean on Thursday.
"For North Korean people, Korean dramas are a 'drug' that helps them forget their difficult reality," the defector said.
"In North Korea, we learn that South Korea lives much worse than us, but when you watch South Korean dramas, it's a completely different world. It seems like the North Korean authorities are wary of that," said another North Korean defector in her 20s.
Additional reporting by Kelly Ng in Singapore
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kimyoonmiauthor · 1 month
I thought it might be fun to list "Best cultures for", imo, BTW, doesn't include SK in most cases.
So using my Anthro degree for something. This is Academic interest. I'm only giving the loose reasons why. I'm not particularly promoting fetishization here. I'm saying, do the research into this specific culture for this specific cultural aspect. rather than blind worship.
Of the three major regions, (West Asia, Southern China-ish, Meso America/Northern South America) hands down, The Americas.
I mean, if you look at the genetics and origin of the potato, that itself is super impressive. Through domestication alone, they managed to make the potato grow in all environments, AND changed the amount of genes the potato has. !@#$ What? Really? And then you have things like Amaranth, corn, squash, beans of different kinds, quinoa, tomatoes which is related to nightshade, which is used more than eggplant worldwide, and Sweet Potatoes which they gave to Polynesians. Also single handedly through the Potato and Sweet Potato saved China, Korea, Ireland, and several other places from famine, thus also helping to end the slavery cycle in Korea, China and Japan. I mean... who are you going to rank the highest in that case?
Second place ranking I have to give to Western Asia. Daaaaamn, you have wheat, oats, barley, sheep, goats, cows, horses (supposedly), pigs. That's pretty impressive.
Third place Southern China—rice production, most of the world's commercial flowers, soybeans, a lot of the fruits including citrus. You also get honey.
Honorable mention to South Asia for Chickens. (Indonesia and India specifically)
Despite this, apples are my favorite fruit. lol I need to eat a Courtland apple please. I can eat them by the bushel.
Sea navigation
Hands down, Polynesians, beats the pants off of everyone else by a nautical league. When you can feel sea currents with your hands, be able to get your people first to the South Pacific from China, and then navigate ALLLLL the way to the Americas and beat Europeans, Yes, definitely they get the crown several times over. I mean... think hard about it. When you memorize stick charts, casually and then don't have them at sea and sometimes your tattoos are only brief reminders, FLOORED.
Make Europeans in the same time period look terrible.
House design
I'm looking at passive solar, specifically rather than aesthetics. For me, this is kinda toss up. Indigenous peoples rocked it pretty hard, especially in the South West US into Mexico region. They were exceptionally good at regulating air flow. But Koreans invented underfloor heating. And Chinese figured out Feng Shui which is just Passive solar+ a bunch of other stuff that's practical. (Such as your bathroom shouldn't be above your kitchen). But I have to admit I also admire some of the Indian Passive solar efforts (subcontinent). This one is hard to decide. But if you're researching, I'd look there.
My favorite to point to is Bugis people of Indonesia. 5 different genders. Freaking awesome. Of course it's a bit disciplined these days by the government, but it's worth investigating.
As I wrote before East Asian gender systems of the past were often more fluid and flexible and still are compared to European ideologues.
No one has impressed me that much, tbh. It's a pick and choose. I can choose the most impractical, but not the one that wins my heart for inventiveness.
Crakows, though, crack me up every single last time. Especially for the Phallic nature and that they were associated with men. But that's on the impractical list. That's also why I submitted it for review on History Hit's fashion list. I haven't gotten over it since I first saw it, I think it was on a Dan Snow documentary about British kings. I mean look at them and resist laughing your butt off.
I personally think that real Voudoun is much cooler than what's in the movies, which is really racist 98% of the time. It is a Synchronized religion, and it is Christian-based in some ways, but c'mon, look it up and be impressed.
BTW, I really dislike the conflation of zombies with Voudou, granted as an outsider, since it belongs to Bokor and is a warning against *becoming a slave* not about white people trying to shoot zombies with grey and darker faces because OMG, slave uprising psychology.
Zonbis, are cooler than zombies since it's about overcoming and resisting masters, rather than about masters mass killing their slaves, which is what the later meaning seems to say. Ad Zombie movies are at their best when they symbolically get the original concept and meaning. So like becoming a work drone.
^^ I still have a soft spot for Muism as a Korean, but ya know, Korean. I lean towards liking shamanism, probably because of the historical acceptance of LGBTQIA and disability.
Shamanism is also appealing in some ways because often shamanism says that if everything in your life is going wrong, then that might be a sign of powers or spirits calling to you, rather than saying in the old Christian ideology that you've sinned deeply, so you need to repent.
But this is usually not what people are asking about when they are thinking about religions. They usually want the polytheistic, Jade Emperor, Greek, Roman, Egyptians, Norse route. Or Monotheism. Kinda dull, really. Where are the other types in fiction. I mean, Druids?
Give me some totemism for once.
Government System
Look up Wigan Council. I might also be biased towards it because of Gaya, but it's a way to play with things and also allow for more LGBTQIA royalty. Royalty without autocracy?
Hands down, no doubt, Islamic Empire. I mean, when you have Automatons without electricity, you're winning without question. When your people are inventing surgery, calculating the size of the Earth, allowing women to read, learn and write, inventing the lens, which is the cornerstone of so many inventions, and you got Europe's Bacon by inventing the Scientific Method first, historical crush does't cut it. I mean, when you can calculate a pointed arch, do geometric mosaics with mathematical principles, I am floored beyond reason.
This isn't to say I'm not impressed by specific things from other cultures as well, but this is broad strokes. Vedanta Hinduism, for me, is impressive from India. And I really like the practicality of Hanbok. (Why hanbok over hanfu is a long, long post) And I've raved over kimchi before multiple, multiple times, more than you know (quora... I think I have the most answers and I also answer with the food science of Kimchi down to the bacteria.) BTW, dumplings are damned clever.
What are your favorite culture for specific things from those cultures? Would you choose different cultures for each of these things? If so, why? What impressive things have I missed that have floored you?
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Westward Journey Online II (2002) 大话西游2经典版
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Date: August 15, 2001 / August 07, 2015 Uncoded test Platform: PC Developer: NetEase Publisher: NetEase Genre: Turn-Based Theme: Fantasy Franchises: Westward Journey Online Aliases: New Westward Journey 2 / Westward Journey 2 Classic Edition / Westward Journey Online / Westward Journey Online III Type: Reimanging
Since Pangu opened up the world, the heavens are divided into three realms, and the earth is divided into four continents. All ethnic groups coexist in Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, and Beijuluzhou, thus determining the pattern of heaven and earth. All species originally coexisted peacefully: The immortal clan ruled and dominated everything from above, the human race admired the brilliance of the gods and reproduced endlessly, the demon clan was always sealed in the darkness and lived stubbornly but arrogantly, the ghost clan continued the cycle of yin and yang, and lived freely in the underworld... all things in the cycle of reincarnated endlessly, and tens of thousands of years of time flow like water.
However, an accident 13,000 years ago caused the Demon Race to invade the Immortal Race, disrupting the order of the entire world, and the Ghost Race gradually became stronger. According to the historical records of the Heavenly Court: On the day when the demons slaughtered the immortals, the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon were dimmed, the terrain of the invasion was like a broken bamboo, and the guards of the Heavenly Court were like fallen leaves in a strong wind... It can be seen that the degree of tragedy is extraordinary. After this battle, the dominance of the fairy clan was also shaken, and the sealed demon clan began to wait for an opportunity to come out. Wrathful ghosts and wild ghosts were everywhere in the land of Shenzhou, monsters are reborn, and it is even more difficult for mortals to resist the demons in their hearts as hate and killing fill the world. In the human world and the underworld, ghosts gathered for a while, and the ghost clan gradually awakened in the chaos of war and came to the Three Realms.
In a blink of an eye, it was the Tang Dynasty. It is said that one day, the Tathagata Buddha summoned all the Buddhas, Arrows, Jiedi, Bodhisattvas, arhats, monks, and nuns in the Daleiyin Temple of Lingshan to give lectures on the Dharma. He talked about the great numbers of the world and the good and evil of all living beings. Immediately, his compassion arose, so he summoned Guanshiyin Bodhisattva from the South China Sea, saying that there is a Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism, which can transcend the souls of the dead, free them from suffering, and make life and body invincible. However, those who have a predestined relationship with Buddha need to pray sincerely and overcome ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. Only by getting rid of the shackles of the physical body can he retrieve it; then he uses this scripture to pass on to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and it can relieve the calamity between heaven and earth. So Guanyin enlightened the Buddhist monks to go west to learn Buddhist scriptures. Helplessly, the world has been determined, and the path to learn from the scriptures is doomed to be full of hardships.
At this time when the world is full of numbers, when immortals, humans, demons, and ghosts coexist in the world, you were born in a fishing village on the shore of the East China Sea that gathers the essence of heaven and earth, the aura of mountains and rivers, and talented people come forth in large numbers. People in the village say those who are born here are the people of destiny who shoulder the important task of resolving the great numbers in the world. So, you are on your way.
Source: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A4%A7%E8%AF%9D%E8%A5%BF%E6%B8%B82%E7%BB%8F%E5%85%B8%E7%89%88?fromModule=lemma_search-box
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNeQlXej8YE&ab_channel=thitramy https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aN4y177F5/ https://xy2.163.com/
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drmajalis · 1 year
Every now and then I think about how a game with the plot of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory could NEVER be made today
I felt like talking about this in light of some recent news in East Asia. TL;DR but Chaos Theory, despite being a game ostensibly inspired by the writings of Tom Clancy, is essentially a political thriller where a rogue American PMC company and Japanese Admiral try to start WWIII, and where China and NORTH KOREA are kind of presented as the good guys in the conflict?! Here's a general plot summary: Japan has just created a new warfare branch, the "Information Self-Defence Force" or ISDF, headed by Admiral Toshiro Otomo. The role of the ISDF is to conduct and intercept electronic warfare, which many in Asia feel is a violation of Japan's post war constitution forbidding them from maintaining a military force capable of striking outside its borders. In response, China and North Korea mobilize a naval blockade in the Yellow Sea to intercept and search all Japanese shipping, so America sends their newest electronics warfare ship, the USS Clarence E. Walsh to the area as a show of force, carrying the NSA's top operative (and player character) Sam Fisher. While on the way, Sam is sent to Peru to rescue kidnapped American computer programmer Bruce Morgenholt, who was part of a two-man United Nations to decipher a cyber warfare weapon called the "Masse Kernels" which were part of a previous game. Sam unfortunately finds Morgenholt dead, and pursues the kidnappers to sea, where he finds they were paid for their services using a Panamanian bank as a proxy. Sam is then sent to Panama, where he finds evidence that the payment was went by the other member of the UN task force, computer programmer Abrahim Zherkezhi (and also steals $50 million in French bearer bonds in the process, best level in the game). Further implicating Zherkezhi is that both New York and Japan are hit with a Masse Kernel attack that shuts off their entire electricity grids,so Sam is sent to his Penthouse in New York to investigate, where he finds out that he has a protection detail from American PMC outfit Displace International, headed by his best friend and former war buddy, Douglas Shetland, who were also supposedly protecting Morgenholt. Reluctantly, Fisher infiltrates the offices of Displace and learns that Zherkezhi was relocated to Hokkaido for his protection, so he is sent there, meeting up with Shetland along the way, and the two watch on the news in the bar that the USS Walsh was just hit and sunk by a North Korean anti-ship missile. North Korean officials, backed by China, claim they did not intentionally fire the missile, and the Secretary of Defence claims that the Walsh's cyber warfare systems were way too advanced to be tracked and hit by a fifty year old Chinese-manufactured missile, but Sam's boss, Irving Lambert, believes that before the attack, the Walsh was hit by a Masse Kernel attack disabling it's defence systems. Fisher is sent to Hokkaido to bring Zherkezhi in for questioning, but as he witnesses a meeting between him and Shetland, the latter reveals his intentions to start a war in Asia before murdering Zherkezhi.
Fisher wants to go after Shetland, but with diplomacy rapidly deteriorating after the sinking of the Walsh, war in Korea seems inevitable, so he is instead sent to the North Korean missile battery that sank the Walsh to find proof of the North Korean claims. Fisher finds evidence of the Masse Kernals being used to force launch the missile, but before the information can be sent, North Korea crosses the DMZ and invades the South.
After a stop in Seoul to gather information from a data routing centre, Fisher learns that Shetland is meeting a third party at a bathhouse in Tokyo, which turns out to be the ISDF, who are revealed to be collaborating with Shetland to start a war. Fisher catches and kills Shetland, and is then sent to the Japanese Ministry of Defence to find out if the Japanese government itself is involved. There, Fisher eavesdrops a meeting between high ranking SDF members and finds out that it was Admiral Otomo acting alone, wishing to use the pretext of a war to restart Japanese Imperialism. The GSDF attempt to apprehend Otomo, but fail, and in retaliation, he uses the Mass Kernels to launch a North Korean missile aimed at Japan, knowing that if it hits, World War III will truly be inevitable.
Fisher stops the attack by destroying the ISDF's servers, and apprehends Otomo as he tries to commit seppuku. Otomo confesses to his actions, North Korea withdraws its forces, Displace and the ISDF are disbanded, and the Chinese Ambassador to the United States wins the noble peace prize for his efforts in trying to mediate peace in Asia. Job finished, game over. So, you can probably see why this would never be made today, right? Anything that even remotely positively portrays China, let alone North Korea in a positive light nowadays would get torn to shreds, not to mention the game makes the taboo of bringing light to how the Japanese government has never really owned up to the crimes they committed during WWII because of Cold War politics, as well as showing how Japan rebuilding its military has created lots of tensions in East Asia.
No other real point to this, I just wish we had more complex stories like this where the stereotypical "good and bad guys" don't automatically fill their roles.
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asexual-spongebob · 6 months
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 27 - The Discovery.
The waves that lap the shore
Chapter Management
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Chapter 27: The Discovery
Y’all learn some stuff in this one. :) Anyway um. I’ve been binge watching Saberspark and Danny Gonzalez so that’s why Paani and Kwazii were watching Saberspark and Danny Gonzalez. also don’t ask why they were watching sharkboy and Lavagirl. I thought it’d be funny if peso and shell were watching power rangers cuz I used to that show as a child <3
Chapter Text
“I want to know more about this whole Edda thing.” Kwazii meowed, the other three nodded in response.
“Well… if she sailed the sea’s of South America it’s probably best we check there.” Peso pointed out, the other three nodded in agreement.
The four were swimming in South America. The two of them had spilt up. Kwazii and Paani went to the sea in Mexico, Peso and Shellington went to the Amazon river in Brazil.
Shellington and Peso swam together, holding hands.
Shellington noticed something strange in the distance.
“Hey Peso, look.” Shellington directed “Oh! It looks like a tunnel. Maybe we should go see what’s in there?” Peso suggested, Shellington nodded.
Shellington and Peso swam inside “I think there’s something above.” Shellington whispered “me too” Peso whispered back. 
Shellington and Peso went up, they were a cave!
The water was the same strange sapphire blue shade that the Moon Pool and Irish Sea Caves were!
Shellington glanced at Peso “I think we just discovered something.” Shellington remarked, Peso nodded in agreement, Peso then looked down at the bottom “Hey what’s that thing?” Peso questioned, pointing to something at the bottom.
“Hm… not sure?” Shellington mumbled, the two the took a dive.
Shellington and Peso took a closer look. A half of a locket! “I bet it’s connected to that compass!” Shellington bet “yeah!” Peso agreed.
Shellington put it in his satchel for safe keeping.
“How about we tell the others what we found after we eat.” Peso said Shellington nodded in agreement. 
Kwazii went exploring, him and Paani had split up. He noticed a shipwreck. “Hey pancake. Take a look at that!” Kwazii pointed out. 
“Oh! A ship wreck!” Paani said as he glanced over Kwazii’s shoulder. 
Kwazii then grabbed Paani’s hand and dragged them towards it. 
The two of swam into an opening on the side. 
The two of them glanced around the abandoned, sunken ship. Kwazii admired Paani’s colorful tail as they floated in the water.
“Hey carrotcake! Take a look at that!” Paani pointed out, gesturing to a treasure chest with their tail. 
“Shiver me whiskers! A treasure chest!” Kwazii beamed, swimming towards it, then carefully opening it.
In there lied a map. An old one. 
“Shiver me whiskers! A map!” Kwazii beamed, carefully taking out the old map.
Kwazii carefully unfolded it “Shiver me whiskers! Look!” Kwazii directed, grabbing Paani’s attention.
The two of them stared at it for a moment 
There was two other Moon Pool’s listed on the map. Not just the Irish Sea Caves or Mako Island. 
“There’s two other Moon Pools?” Paani gasped “Looks like it! Kwazii meowed.
“We need to tell Shellington and Peso!” Paani insisted “yeah!” Kwazii agreed, calling the otter and the penguin from his Octo-Watch.
Peso and Shellington were eating sandwiches. 
“Ahoy mateys! We found some stuff!” Kwazii explained “oh? What did you find?” Shellington asked.
“A map!” Paani answered “With more information on the Moon Pools! There’s one in Brazil and one in China!” Kwazii explained “We must be in the one in Brazil then!” Shellington smiled, digging around in his satchel “We stumbled upon this locket at the bottom! We think it may be connected to the compass.” Shellington adds.
“Hm… you’re onto something Shellington.” Paani remarked as he fiddled with his bangs, Kwazii nodded in agreement.
“Well… me and Peso should be gettin’ home now. We’ll be headin’ back to the Gup-E now.” Shellington said “and Peso’s drivin’” he adds, glancing at Peso. “Me and Paani are going be at his house” Kwazii smirked, glancing at Paani who was smirking back at it.
“Oh okay have fun! don’t do anything stupid!“ Peso said before hanging up.
“I hope they don’t do anything dumb…” Shellington hoped “same…” Peso agreed, the two of them swam out of the cave and back to the gup.
Peso started driving “what do you think we should do when we get home?” Peso asked “hm… maybe we can watch something? How about you chose.” Shellington suggested “hm… are you fine with watching Power Rangers?” Peso asked “Yeah that’s fine.” Shellington answered with a smile. 
Peso and Shellington got back home, they went to Peso’s room, Shellington ripped off his lab coat and shirt and kicked off his shoes, he put on his night cap and pajama pants. He didn’t feel like wearing a shirt.
Peso put on its pajamas before it and Shellington cuddled up in bed together. 
After watching at least six episodes of Power Rangers, Peso began to fall asleep, he let out a yawn, crashing onto Shellington’s chest. 
“Hey Shellie… I don’t think I can keep my eyes open for much longer.” Peso yawned “alright then, good night. Get some good sleep.” Shellington purred, giving Peso a kiss on the head and cuddling him close.
I might also well get to bed to… Shellington thought as he gently stroked Peso’s feathers, the Vegimals came running into the lab and hopped into bed.
Shellington tucked Peso and the Vegimals into bed, “Goodnight love, night kiddos. Nighty night, don’t let the sharks bite.” Shellington said softly before drifting off to sleep. 
Kwazii and Paani were lying on Paani’s couch “Wanna pull an all nighter??” Paani asked as he gently stroked his  partner’s back “yeah” Kwazii smirked “should we… go for a swim… maybe? Kwazii suggested “yeah” Paani agreed, the two got off the couch.
Kwazii jumped in the water, they felt a tingling sensation, their shark tail appeared before their eyes.
“Paani, me hearty, are ya coming?” Kwazii questioned as they glanced at Paani “y-yeah… coming..” Paani said hesitantly, looking down at his feet. “What’s wrong matey? You seem anxious.” Kwazii asked. 
“I’m scared… what if I form a storm again?” Paani stammered.
“It’ll be fine matey! You were moonstruck, that’s why the storm formed.” Kwazii assured, holding out a paw, Paani reluctantly grabbed it.
Paani jumped in the water with a huge splash. She then felt a tingling sensation, her angelfish tail appearing before her eyes.
Kwazii held Paani close, tails intertwined, Paani rested his head on Kwazii’s shoulder as the two of them swished around in the water “I would call this merperson style ballroom dancing.” Paani said  “yeah” Kwazii agreed.
“I love ya pancake” Kwazii whispered softly “I love you too, carrotcake” Paani whispered back, however the two noticed it was getting dark.
“How about we head back in? Maybe we can watch Danny Gonzalez?” Paani suggested “and I can cook you spaghetti with some oregano.” Kwazii smiled “Don’t burn down my kitchen. And don’t cook raw pasta in the air fryer.” Paani adds. 
“Don’t cook pasta in the air fryer” says the person who cooked their pasta in the microwave” Kwazii mocked playfully “I surprised that that actually worked out fine though-“ he adds.
“Anyway let’s get inside-“ Paani said “please no tail please no tail” Kwazii and Paani said in unison.
Their tails disappeared, they then climbed out of the water.
Kwazii and Paani went inside and changed. Paani put on one of her fancy looking nightgowns with white socks and Kwazii put on his pajamas.
“You look wonderful” Kwazii complemented, Paani started blushing with a smile. It’s the only person who gets me.. only person who isn’t weirded out by me wearing girly clothes.. Paani thought.
Paani stood in the kitchen, hovering over Kwazii’s shoulder to make sure It wasn’t burning anything.
Once the spaghetti was finished, the two ate, wheezing at Danny Gonzalez in between bites.
“CHOWCOLEETS-“ Kwazii laughed, nearly falling out of his chair, Paani started laughing as well.
Once they finished the spaghetti, they put the dishes in the sink.
Kwazii was in the freezer searching for some pistachio ice cream “Hey Kwazii, can you pass me some of that Pista ice cream?” Paani asked “Yeah sure!” Kwazii answered with a giggle.
“You were referencing Danny Gonzalez” Kwazii giggled. 
“Yes, but it also means “pistachio” in my language. Just like how chai means “tea” in my language.” Paani explained “remember when you were confused when Dashi was talking about chai tea?” Kwazii recalled, Paani nodded. 
“Wanna watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl again?” Paani asked “Yeah.” Kwazii answered with a smirk, the two took their bowls of pistachio ice cream over to the couch. 
Paani rested his head on Kwazii’s shoulder as they watched the movie and ate ice cream together. Once the movie ended Paani got off the couch and started rummaging through his closet.
“Whatcha lookin’ for matey?” Kwazii asked “My PlayStation 2. I swear it’s somewhere in here.” Paani replied, “Aha!” He remarked “I thought that maybe we could play Guitar Hero together?” Paani suggested “oh I like that idea. Haven’t played that game in forever.” Kwazii agreed.
Paani then got everything set up, they started playing “Heart Shaped Box”.
“Damn this is hard.” Kwazii remarked, Paani nodded understandingly. 
After playing some rounds of Guitar Hero the of them grew bored of it.
“Hey pancake, wanna watch more Danny Gonzalez?” Kwazii asked “sure!” Paani replied, then putting some Danny Gonzalez on the TV with their Fire stick remote.
“HELP MY BONES ARE GETTING SQUISHY-“ Kwazii wheezed, laughing so much that he almost fell on the floor. 
After hours of bingeing Danny Gonzalez and Saberspark, the sun began to rise. 
“Hey carrotcake…I’m getting sleepy… I kind of want to get to bed.” Paani yawned, desperately trying to keep their eyes open. “Me too pancake. How about I turn off the game and take you to the bedroom.” Kwazii said, Paani nodded.
Kwazii got up and turned off the PlayStation and scooped Paani up into his arms and took them upstairs.
“Alrighty here we go.” Kwazii purred as they put Paani in bed, then joining them. 
Kwazii pulled the blanket and fitted sheet over the two of them “Goodnight pancake. I love you.” Kwazii purred, then giving Paani a kiss. “Love you to, carrotcake. Get some good sleep.” Paani whispered softly as she pulled Kwazii closer.
With Kwazii purring as if it was a lawnmower, the two soon drifted off into a nice, good sleep.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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IMAGES: US accuses China of conducting a "centralized and concerted" campaign of harassment of aircraft
U.S. officials claim China's coordinated campaign to disrupt international airspace and waters.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/19/2023 - 09:04am Interceptions, Military, War Zones
At a press conference held on October 17 at the Pentagon, senior U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) officials raised concerns about a series of unsafe interceptions of U.S. and allied aircraft in international airspace carried out by Chinese military aircraft. The U.S. has released a series of videos and images of these unsafe encounters.
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U.S. Department of Defense officials believe that unsafe interceptions of U.S. aircraft and allied aircraft in international airspace are “a centralized and concerted campaign” by Chinese officials to “coerce a change in U.S. legal operational activity,” said Ely Ratner, assistant defense secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs.
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A Chinese fighter approaches a U.S. military plane in the South China Sea. This is one of many images released on Tuesday by the Pentagon documenting Chinese fighters conducting what the Pentagon calls "a coercive and risky interception against a U.S. asset legally operating in the East China Sea, including approaching a distance of only 12 meters before repeatedly flying above and below the U.S. aircraft." (Photo: Department of Defense)
Ratner and Navy Admiral John Aquilino, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, spoke at the Pentagon about the dangers that these Chinese interceptions pose to peace in the region.
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Chinese interceptions are not limited to the skies of international airspace. Ratner said that this is only part of a broader pattern of behavior of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) “ throughout the region, in all domains and in all geographies.”
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Chinese ships are harassing U.S. warships and allies in the waters of the East China Sea in the South China Sea. “We are seeing this on land against our Indian partners,” he said. "This is part of a much broader picture."
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Ratner predicted some information from the Chinese Military Power Report, which will be released soon, saying that Chinese fighters are increasingly involved in coercive and risky operational behavior.
“Since the fall of 2021, we have seen more than 180 incidents of this type: more in the last two years than in the previous decade,” Ratner said. "There are almost 200 cases in which PLA operators performed reckless maneuvers, or released chaffs, or fired flares, or approached too quickly or too close to U.S. aircraft."
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These maneuvers are part of an effort to interfere in the ability of American forces to operate safely “in places where we and all countries in the world have every right to be under international law,” he said. "And when you take into account the cases of coercive and risky interceptions of the PLA against other states, the number increases to almost 300 cases against U.S. aircraft, allies and partners in the last two years."
The Department of Defense released images of some of these interceptions. This includes a PLA jet fighter crossing in front of a U.S. aircraft legally operating at only 100 meters. “In May of this year,... Indo-Pacom released a video of a PLA aircraft accelerating alongside a U.S. aircraft before passing in front of it,” Ratner said. "You can even see the physical effects of the resulting turbulence on the aircraft on the crew."
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Meanwhile, Chinese military authorities refuse repeated U.S. requests to open lines of communication between the two countries. "These images and videos speak for themselves," Ratner said. "U.S. planes are operating safely, responsibly and in accordance with international law. In fact, the skill and professionalism of the U.S. military should not be the only thing that separates PLA fighter pilots and a dangerous, even fatal accident."
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Aquilino said that these accidents caused by this risk behavior can lead to miscalculation. “Let me be clear: interceptions happen every day around the world, and the vast majority are conducted safely and without incidents,” said the admiral. "There is no reason why the interceptions with China in the Indo-Pacific region should be different."
Aquilino asked to speak to his Chinese counterparts for two and a half years. “I haven't had one of these requests accepted yet,” he said. "I'm looking forward to talking to my counterparts. I think that developing this relationship would be fundamental to maintaining peace and stability in the region."
Chinese behavior is worrying, he said. “What we have seen since 2021 is a set of actions that have brought the planes much closer than it is comfortable for those in the cabin,” Aquilino said. “In other words, flying near my wing at 5 meters for 45 minutes has a lot of chance of causing an accident. We have seen an increase in these interceptions and activities very close to our planes since the fall of 2021.”
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There is no need for this behavior. “For decades, the United States has operated in the region safely, responsibly and in accordance with international law and we will continue to do so,” Ratner said. “Our allies and partners welcome our military presence because it promotes our shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.
"This vision is characterized by respect for sovereignty, adherence to international law, belief in transparency and openness, freedom of trade and navigation, equal rights for all crew members and the resolution of disputes through peaceful means, not through coercion or conquest."
(Click here to access the Pentagon page containing all 37 photos and videos released on Tuesday.)
Tags: Military AviationInterceptionsPLAAF - China Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air ForceWar Zones - Indo-Asia-Pacific
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 6/7/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 6/7/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The State Department has falsely accused rock legend, Roger Waters, a co-founder of Pink Floyd, of antisemitism over a recent performance in Germany. AWC
The Treasury Department announced sanctions on two members of a Mexican cartel. UPI
The New York Times reported Tuesday that the Biden administration has “shrugged off” Ukrainian attacks inside Russia as US officials are no longer as concerned about escalation as they were earlier in the war. AWC
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said Monday that his government is asking Ukraine if Belgian rifles were used by pro-Kyiv fighters in a recent attack on Russia’s Belgorod region. AWC
US officials confirmed to The Washington Post that US and other NATO equipment was used in a cross-border attack in Russia’s Belgorod region that was launched on May 22. AWC
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The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the US received intelligence in June 2022 about a Ukrainian plot to bomb the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline that connects Russia to Germany. AWC
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday that Moscow must keep in mind that American-made F-16 fighter jets are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. AWC
CIA Director William Burns held “clandestine” meetings with Chinese intel agencies during an unannounced trip to Beijing last month, US officials told the Financial Times, suggesting the visit was intended to “stabilize” deteriorating relations with the People’s Republic. The Institute
The White House on Monday accused the Chinese military of being more “aggressive” in waters near China’s coast following two encounters between the US and Chinese militaries in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. AWC
French President Emmanuel Macron objects to NATO’s plans to open a liaison office in Japan and thinks the alliance should stay in the North Atlantic, Financial Times reported on Monday. AWC
The US, Japan and Australia announced a joint plan to build undersea cables. The project will cost about $100 million and viewed by the nations as a counter to China. Fox News
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chair of the House Armed Services Committee, said Tuesday that he wants Congress to pass a supplemental spending bill this year to address so-called threats from China, Defense News reported. AWC
The commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral John Aquilino, highlighted the military’s threatening posture towards China, speaking at the annual meeting of the National Committee on US-China Relations last month. The group is known for encouraging engagement between the world’s two largest economies. The Institute
Middle East
Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Summit on Monday and pledged Washington’s “ironclad” support for Tel Aviv. Part of the White House’s plan to strengthen Israel’s security would be to push Saudi Arabia into a normalization agreement with Israel. The Institute
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ramped up his threats of war against Iran and slammed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog, for cooperating with Tehran on Sunday. The Institute
On Tuesday, Iran reopened its embassy in Saudi Arabia after a seven-year closure, the result of the normalization deal between Tehran and Riyadh that was brokered by China. AWC
The Treasury Department placed sanctions on seven people and six entities for supporting Iran missile program. UPI
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xtruss · 2 years
China’s Greatest Naval Explorer Sailed His Treasure Fleets as Far as East Africa
Spreading Chinese goods and prestige, Zheng He commanded seven voyages that established China as Asia's strongest naval power in the 1400s.
— By Dolors Folch | 7 May 2020
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Against a backdrop of the mighty treasure ships under his command, Zheng He stands dressed in white in Hongnian Zhang’s modern oil painting of China’s greatest naval hero. The two main goods traded during his seven great voyages (1405-1433) were silk and porcelain. Photograph By Hong Nian Zhang
Perhaps it is odd that China’s greatest seafarer was raised in the mountains. The future admiral Zheng He was born around 1371 to a family of prosperous Muslims. Then known as Ma He, he spent his childhood in Mongol-controlled, landlocked Yunnan Province, located several months’ journey from the closest port. When Ma He was about 10 years old, Chinese forces invaded and overthrew the Mongols; his father was killed, and Ma He was taken prisoner. It marked the beginning of a remarkable journey of shifting identities that this remarkable man would navigate.
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Sponsor to Zheng He, the Ming emperor Yongle—pictured in a 20th-century illustration— moved his capital to Beijing and built the Forbidden City, seat of imperial power. Photograph By AKG, Album
Many young boys taken from the province were ritually castrated and then brought to serve in the court of Zhu Di, the future Ming emperor or Yongle. Over the next decade, Ma He would distinguish himself in the prince’s service and rise to become one of his most trusted advisers. Skilled in the arts of war, strategy, and diplomacy, the young man cut an imposing figure: Some described him as seven feet tall with a deep, booming voice. Ma He burnished his reputation as a military commander with his feats at the battle of Zhenglunba, near Beijing. After Zhu Di became the Yongle emperor in 1402, Ma He was renamed Zheng He in honour of that battle. He continued to serve alongside the emperor and became the commander of China’s most important asset: its great naval fleet, which he would command seven times.
China on the High Seas
Zheng He’s voyages followed in the wake of many centuries of Chinese seamanship. Chinese ships had set sail from the ports near present-day Shanghai, crossing the East China Sea, bound for Japan. The vessels’ cargo included material goods, such as rice, tea, and bronze, as well as intellectual ones: a writing system, the art of calligraphy, Confucianism, and Buddhism.
As far back as the 11th century, multi-sailed Chinese junks boasted fixed rudders and watertight compartments—an innovation that allowed partially damaged ships to be repaired at sea. Chinese sailors were using compasses to navigate their way across the South China Sea. Setting off from the coast of eastern China with colossal cargoes, they soon ventured farther afield, crossing the Strait of Malacca while seeking to rival the Arab ships that dominated the trade routes in luxury goods across the Indian Ocean—or the Western Ocean, as the Chinese called it.
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A port map from Zheng He's travels details features that served to position his ships. Photograph By White Images, Scala, Florence
While a well-equipped navy had been built up during the early years of the Song dynasty (960- 1279), it was in the 12th century that the Chinese became a truly formidable naval power. The Song lost control of northern China in 1127, and with it, access to the Silk Road and the wealth of Persia and the Islamic world. The forced withdrawal to the south prompted a new capital to be established at Hangzhou, a port strategically situated at the mouth of the Qiantang River, and which Marco Polo described in the course of his famous adventures in the 1200s. (See pictures from along Marco Polo's journey through Asia.)
For centuries, the Song had been embroiled in battles along inland waterways and had become indisputable masters of river navigation. Now, they applied their experience to building up a naval fleet. Alas, the Song’s newfound naval mastery was not enough to withstand the invasion of the mighty Mongol emperor Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan achieved what Genghis could not: conquering China.
The Mongols and the Ming
Having toppled the Song and ascended to the Chinese imperial throne in 1279, Kublai built up a truly fearsome naval force. Millions of trees were planted and new shipyards created. Soon, Kublai commanded a force numbering thousands of ships, which he deployed to attack Japan, Vietnam, and Java. And while these naval offensives failed to gain territory, China did win control over the sea-lanes from Japan to Southeast Asia. The Mongols gave a new preeminence to merchants, and maritime trade flourished as never before.
On land, however, they failed to establish a settled form of government and win the allegiance of the peoples they had conquered. In 1368, after decades of internal rebellion throughout China, the Mongol dynasty fell and was replaced by the Ming (meaning “bright”) dynasty. Its first emperor, Hongwu, was as determined as the Mongol and Song emperors before him to maintain China as a naval power. However, the new emperor limited overseas contact to naval ambassadors who were charged with securing tribute from an increasingly long list of China’s vassal states, among them, Brunei, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines, thus ensuring that lucrative profits did not fall into private hands. Hongwu also decreed that no oceangoing vessels could have more than three masts, a dictate punishable by death.
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Ming vase from 1431, of the type traded during Zheng He’s seven voyages. Photograph By Granger, AGE Fotostock
Yongle was the third Ming emperor, and he took this restrictive maritime policy even further, banning private trade while pushing hard for Chinese control of the southern seas and the Indian Ocean. The beginning of his reign saw the conquest of Vietnam and the foundation of Malacca as a new sultanate controlling the entry point to the Indian Ocean, a supremely strategic location for China to control. In order to dominate the trade routes that united China with Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, the emperor decided to assemble an impressive fleet, whose huge treasure ships could have as many masts as necessary. The man he chose as its commander was Zheng He.
Epic Voyages
Although he is often described as an explorer, Zheng He did not set out primarily on voyages of discovery. During the Song dynasty, the Chinese had already reached as far as India, the Persian Gulf, and Africa. Rather, his voyages were designed as a display of Chinese might, as well as a way of rekindling trade with vassal states and guaranteeing the flow of vital provisions, including medicines, pepper, sulfur, tin, and horses.
The fleets that Zheng He commanded on his seven great expeditions between 1405 and 1433 were suitably ostentatious. On the first voyage, the fleet numbered 255 ships, 62 of which were vast treasure ships, or baochuan. There were also mid-size ships such as the machuan, used for transporting horses, and a multitude of other vessels carrying soldiers, sailors, and assorted personnel. Some 600 officials made the voyage, among them doctors, astrologers, and cartographers.
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This version of the “Kangnido Map” is a 1470 copy of an original produced in Korea shortly before Zheng He’s first voyage in 1405. It shows the extent of geographical information compiled by cartographers of the Chinese court during the 1300s. Photograph By AKG, Album
The ships left Nanjing (Nanking), Hangzhou, and other major ports, from there veering south to Fujian, where they swelled their crews with expert sailors. They then made a show of force by anchoring in Quy Nhon, Vietnam, which China had recently conquered. None of the seven expeditions headed north; most made their way to Java and Sumatra, resting for a spell in Malacca, where they waited for the winter monsoon winds that blow toward the west.
They then proceeded to Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) and Calicut in southern India, where the first three expeditions terminated. The fourth expedition reached Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, and the final voyages expanded westward, entering the waters of the Red Sea, then turning and sailing as far as Kenya, and perhaps farther still. A caption on a copy of the Fra Mauro map—the original, now lost, was completed in Venice in 1459, more than 25 years after Zheng He’s final voyage—implies that Chinese ships rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1420 before being forced to turn back for lack of wind.
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Treasure ships were the largest vessels in Zheng He’s fleet. A description of them appears in adventure novel by Luo Maodeng, The Three-Treasure Eunuch’s Travels to the Western Ocean (1597). The author writes that the ships had nine masts and measured 460 feet long and 180 feet wide. It is hard to believe that the ships would have been quite so vast. Authorities on Zheng He’s maritime expeditions believe the vessels more likely had five or six masts and measured 250 to 300 feet long. Photograph By Sol 90, Album
Chinese ships had always been noted for their size. More than a century before Zheng He, explorer Marco Polo described their awesome dimensions: Between four and six masts, a crew of up to 300 sailors, 60 cabins, and a deck for the merchants. Chinese vessels with five masts are shown on the 14th-century “Catalan Atlas” from the island of Mallorca. Still, claims in a 1597 adventure tale that Zheng He’s treasure ships reached 460 feet long do sound exaggerated. Most marine archaeological finds suggest that Chinese ships of the 14th and 15th centuries usually were not longer than 100 feet. Even so, a recent discovery by archaeologists of a 36-foot-long rudder raises the possibility that some ships may have been as large as claimed.
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At the Tay Kak Sie Chinese Taoist temple in Semarang on the island of Java, Indonesia, a statue of Zheng He shows how far his legacy stretches across Asia. Photograph By Arterra Picture, Alamy, ACI
End of an Odyssey
Zheng He’s voyages ended abruptly in 1433 on the command of Emperor Xuande. Historians have long speculated as to why the Ming would have abandoned the naval power that China had nurtured since the Song. The problems were certainly not economic: China was collecting enormous tax revenues, and the voyages likely cost a fraction of that income.
The problem, it seems, was political. The Ming victory over the Mongols caused the empire’s focus to shift from the ports of the south to deal with tensions in the north. The voyages were also viewed with suspicion by the very powerful bureaucratic class, who worried about the influence of the military. This fear had reared its head before: In 1424, between the sixth and seventh voyages, the expedition program was briefly suspended, and Zheng He was temporarily appointed defender of the co-capital Nanjing, where he oversaw construction of the famous Bao’en Pagoda, built with porcelain bricks.
The great admiral died either during, or shortly after, the seventh and last of the historic expeditions, and with the great mariner’s death his fleet was largely dismantled. China’s naval power would recede until the 21st century. With the nation’s current resurgence, it is no surprise that the figure of Zheng He stands once again at the center of China’s maritime ambitions. Today the country’s highly disputed “nine-dash line”— which China claims demarcates its control of the South China Sea—almost exactly maps the route taken six centuries ago by Zheng He and his remarkable fleet.
Dolors Folch is Professor Emeritus of Chinese History at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
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darkmaga-retard · 5 days
German warships have not passed through the Taiwan Strait in over two decades, but reports are circulating that Berlin plans to defy Bejing by permitting warships to pass through the Strait later this month. Germany is showing solidarity with NATO nations like Canada and the United States who have recently provoked tensions by making their maritime presence in the sensitive area known.
German Rear Admiral Axel Schulz told reporters that such a move would show Germany’s adherence to the world order and plans to “peacefully” resolve disagreements. Yet, China believes it can “peacefully” reunite with Taiwan if there is no interference. China is not concerned with Russia or other conflicts as it attempts to remain as neutral as possible despite being criticized for assisting Moscow. No, the primary issue China has with the West is its insistence on ending the One China policy with Taiwan.
While Germany will not make an official announcement before embarking on the Strait, they are giving China enough time to respond. The stated primary purpose of this military exercise is to remind China that no one has control over the South China Sea or Taiwan Strait. “We are reinforcing the freedom of navigation and stability in a strategically important region for us,” Bundestag member Michael Roth posted on X. “We stand for peace and security in the Taiwan Strait and oppose any unilateral and violent changes to the status quo by China. It is a misconception to think that leniency will lead China to reconsider,” he added while saying the move was not meant to provoke China.
Yet, Roth also said that he is concerned that “China is tightening its grip and changing the status quo daily.” Passing through the Strait will somehow de-escalate tensions and reduce the prospect of war. “A military conflict in the Taiwan Strait would have catastrophic consequences for Germany and the global economy, potentially even worse than the COVID-19 pandemic,” Roth added. True, a large portion of world trade travels through this passage but there could be no war between Taiwan and China unless Taiwan were backed by powerful allies.
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xnewsinfo · 22 days
USINDOPACOM chief Adm. Samuel Paparo, left, with Philippine navy chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. in Baguio on Aug. 29, 2024. | Picture credit score: AP U.S. forces are ready with a “vary of choices” to counter escalating acts of aggression within the disputed South China Sea if ordered to take action collectively and after session with the treaty ally the Philippines, a U.S. admiral mentioned Thursday. The pinnacle of the US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), Admiral Samuel Paparo, which instructions the most important variety of fight forces outdoors the continental United States, declined to supply particulars of contingency choices. Admiral Paparo's feedback got here when he was requested at a information convention what former treaty allies may do to take care of China's so-called gray zone techniques within the disputed waters. Grey zone techniques check with varieties of assault, akin to water cannon fireplace and blocking and ramming rival ships in disputed waters, that fall under the brink of an precise armed assault and wouldn't enable the Philippines to invoke its 1951 Mutual Protection Treaty with the U.S. The treaty obligates every nation to help the opposite within the occasion of an armed exterior assault. “We have now definitely ready a variety of choices and USINDOPACOM stands prepared, if requested, following consultations pursuant to the treaty, to execute them shoulder to shoulder with our ally,” Admiral Paparo mentioned. Detailing these U.S. navy choices would enable a “potential adversary” to “construct a countermeasure to them,” he mentioned. Admiral Paparo held a joint press convention with Philippine Armed Forces Chief Gen. Romero Brawner Jr. after the 2 led an annual assembly within the mountainous northern Philippine metropolis of Baguio to debate safety challenges and navy plans, together with Balikatan (Shoulder to Shoulder), the treaty allies’ largest fight workout routines, which in April concerned greater than 16,000 U.S. and Philippine troops and was held partly within the South China Sea. In response to a query, Admiral Paparo repeated that the US navy is open, after treaty consultations with the Philippines, to escorting Philippine ships within the South China Sea amid heightened hostilities between Beijing and Manila within the disputed waters. Such a prospect may put US Navy ships on direct collision course with these of China. Washington and Beijing have been in a standoff over China's more and more assertive actions to defend its territorial claims within the South China Sea and Beijing's said purpose of annexing Taiwan, by power if mandatory. Basic Brawner mentioned the Philippines can nonetheless stand by itself two ft within the disputed waters, the place hostilities with the Chinese language coast guard, navy and suspected militia boats have escalated alarmingly since final 12 months. Final resort “If we exhaust all choices and nothing works, then that's the time to ask for assist,” Basic Brawner advised reporters. When Philippine forces within the disputed waters “are getting ready to loss of life” as a result of Chinese language forces are blocking meals provides, “then that's the time to hunt assist from the US,” Basic Brawner mentioned, however added that “we nonetheless have many choices.” China has angered the Philippines by repeatedly harassing its navy and coast guard ships with highly effective water cannons, a military-grade laser, blocking actions and different harmful maneuvers on the excessive seas close to two disputed sandbanks within the South China Sea. These maneuvers have led to minor collisions which have injured a number of Philippine navy personnel and broken provide ships.
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sa7abnews · 24 days
US admiral says American ships could sail into a South China Sea standoff to shield an ally amid tensions with China
New Post has been published on Sa7ab News
US admiral says American ships could sail into a South China Sea standoff to shield an ally amid tensions with China
Tensions are high in the South China Sea after a string of maritime and air clashes between China and the Philippines.
... read more !
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nawapon17 · 24 days
US Ships Could Protect Pacific Ally's Ships From China: Admiral - Business Insider
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radio-charlie · 1 month
I'm not some kind of unconditional BRICShead. This isn't like cheering for football teams lol. If some weird shit is going on I'd rather just say it. Probably a lot of people have noticed but are frightened (understandably) and therefore not free to speak their minds.
Out of all the major BRICS powers I trust Russia the least. It doesn't help, how much they pander to the far-right. Maybe they saw it as an expedient means to counter the soft-power 'human rights' guise for cruel and unusual interference strat of "The West". All I know is that people are fucking insane now and the rightists echo a lot of points pushed by influential Russian socmed accs who make a career of talking about politics.
They were doing some brazen shit with Western christofascists that implied they were going to utterly sandbag China anyway. What to do. Too good to fuck around with the Global South. Barely concealed admiration of the rich white man's club across the sea.
The problem is that the US might try to draw China away from Russia, weaken the alliance further and then secure its own hegemony forever. People say I'm very pro-China but I do have my own criticisms of and resentment towards it. I just frankly do not think it is even half as terrible as many of the other world powers.
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ebelal56-blog · 2 months
How Muslim Travelers Created The Silk Road (Storytime)
The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected the East and West from China to the Mediterranean Sea, facilitating not only the exchange of goods but also culture, religion, and knowledge. Muslim travelers played a significant role in the development and prosperity of the Silk Road, particularly during the Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th centuries). Muslim Travelers Along the Silk Road Trade and Commerce: Muslim merchants were among the most prominent traders on the Silk Road. They traded goods such as silk, spices, textiles, and precious metals. Their trade activities helped spread Islamic culture and influence across Central Asia and beyond. Cultural Exchange: Muslim travelers brought with them not only goods but also their culture, science, and technology. They introduced innovations in various fields such as medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and architecture. Religious Influence: The spread of Islam along the Silk Road was facilitated by Muslim traders and missionaries (Sufis). Cities along the Silk Road became centers of Islamic learning and culture. The religion's spread was often peaceful, facilitated by trade relationships and the establishment of Islamic educational institutions. Notable Travelers: Ibn Battuta: A Moroccan scholar and traveler who embarked on a journey through the Silk Road in the 14th century. His travels covered large parts of the Islamic world, extending into Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and China. Zheng He: A Chinese Muslim admiral who led seven voyages from China to the Indian Ocean, demonstrating the maritime dimension of the Silk Road during the Ming Dynasty. Building Cities Along the Silk Road Strategic Locations: Cities were often established at strategic points along the Silk Road, such as caravanserais (roadside inns) and oases, which provided rest and resupply points for traders and their caravans. Urban Development: Muslim rulers and traders contributed to the urban development of many cities along the Silk Road. They built mosques, madrasas (educational institutions), and markets, turning these cities into vibrant centers of trade and culture. Notable Cities: Samarkand: Located in present-day Uzbekistan, Samarkand was one of the most important cities along the Silk Road. It flourished under the Timurids and became a major center of Islamic learning and culture. Bukhara: Another key city in Uzbekistan, Bukhara was known for its mosques, madrasas, and as a hub of Islamic scholarship. Kashgar: Situated in the Xinjiang region of China, Kashgar was a crucial trading post and cultural melting pot, blending Islamic, Chinese, and Central Asian influences. Architectural Contributions: Muslim architects introduced various styles and techniques, such as the use of intricate tile work, domes, and minarets. These architectural contributions can be seen in the structures that still stand in many Silk Road cities today.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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USS Nimitz records 350,000 hooked landings
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 04/23/23 - 10:23 am in Military
The USS Nimitz (CVN 68), the oldest U.S. commissioned nuclear aircraft carrier in the world, successfully completed its 350,000th hooked aircraft landing while sailing in the South China Sea, a milestone that took almost 48 years to achieve.
The Nimitz is the first active U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in the fleet to reach this milestone. USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) has the next largest total of hooked landings, currently at 326,600.
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Captain Craig Sicola, commander of the Nimitz, and Commander Luke Edwards, commander of the Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 22 "Fighting Redcocks" piloted the landing of the F/A-18F Super Hornet of the VFA 22 on the morning of April 22.
“I am honored and proud to land this historic landmark for our ship. I dedicate this landing to the numerous naval aviators who flew before me, and it is a privilege to promote the proud tradition of service that this distinguished aircraft carrier incorporates," said Sicola. "For the shipyard maintenance teams who dedicate countless hours to prepare this warship for the sea, for the thousands of dedicated sailors on board who sacrifice themselves for their country and for the families at home who support us along the way - 'teamwork is a tradition' at Nimitz and we could not have fulfilled this mission without the unwavering commitment to this historic ship."
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As the first in its class, the Nimitz is the namesake of all the aircraft carriers of the Nimitz class of the Fleet. Over the decades, tens of thousands of sailors have embarked on the Nimitz to fulfill missions around the world. Since commissioning almost 50 years ago, Nimitz has sailed in 30 deployments and served in numerous operations and missions.
Nimitz serves as the flagship of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (NIMCSG). NIMCSG is currently in a regular deployment in the U.S. 7th Fleet operations area.
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“As we sail the South China Sea, we celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime achievement, 350,000 hooked landings, more than a hundred years of innovation on the U.S. aircraft carrier and the determination, sacrifice and winning spirit of all naval airmen of the past and present and our sailors,” said Rear Admiral Christopher Sweeney, commander of Carrier Strike "This milestone is proof of the nation's commitment to fly, sail and operate around the world, promoting peace and security, just as "Old Salt - the NIMITZ" has done for the last 48 years."
The 350,000th catrapo represents a significant moment in the history of the ship. The first hooked landing of the Nimitz was made in 1975, the same year as the ship's commissioning. Captain Bryan Compton, Nimitz's first commanding officer, made history by completing the first landing.
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Although the ship has sailed in several oceans and docked in several locations, the constant over the decades has been the tenacity of the ship's crew day after day - without which not a single landing would have been possible.
"Although aircraft are critical to our mission, the aviators and maintainers who fly and operate our aircraft are truly the reason for our success," said Captain Christopher Hurst, commander of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17. "This milestone shows the accuracy and operational excellence of our sailors to perform hundreds of thousands of landings in Nimitz."
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Nimitz's aircraft launch and recovery equipment division (ALRE) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's catapults and stopping equipment.
"We have been looking forward to reaching this milestone for a long time," said Robert Reed, companion of the aviation foreman (equipment), Robert Reed, chief non-commissioned officer of the ALRE division. "The sailors made all this possible by garrisoning our equipment and ensuring the proper execution of our mission. Your dedication and determination are inspiring and I am proud to be part of the Nimitz team. This landing could not have been made without their commitment to the ship."
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Before celebrating the historic 350,000th landing hooked aboard the Nimitz, the cockpit personnel quickly returned to work. The sailors redefined the detention cable, taxied aircraft out of the landing area and redefined the deck - there were still more aircraft to land. The powerful Nimitz had to prepare for catrapo number 351,001.
Tags: Military Aviationaircraft carrierUSN - United States Navy/US NavyUSS Nimitz
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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