#us meeting Childe was basically this! he saves Traveller from being arrested to gain their trust. that's what Fatui do! it's their thing!
vervainvoyage · 2 years
Oof. This event is making me dislike Yoimiya.
I know lots of players like Childe, and you have every right to like whoever you want! This is not about his personality at all. But from the in-game perspective, he's a Fatui Harbringer- of the same Fatui that routinely kidnap children (Dottore's experiments on Collei and the attempted kidnappings of Vimara Village children, to name the in-game cases, and in the manga they also demand a tribute of children to be delivered from Mondstadt). And Yoimiya invites this guy to an outing with children, fully knowing that he's Fatui? Girl. Girl what the fuck. "Ah yes, General McSpy of the Yakuzalike Organisation, I'm sure he's a great babysitter for this school trip"
Traveller tries to warn her and she goes "oh but he was nice once, and hasn't hurt me personally, so clearly it can't be true that the Fatui are so dangerous" GIRL. I SWEAR TO THE ARCHONS.
Soooo yeah I do not have a high opinion of Yoimiya now. Regardless of how interesting a character is from the players' perspective, once you estabilish certain things about them, they have consequences. Childe being a known Fatui operative carries its weight, and when Yoimiya disregards it like that around the children she claims to be caring for, it just shows her in a very bad light. Oh she says "Don't worry I won't let my guard down" - as if she's so certain she can singlehandedly take down a Harbringer. Whatever the gameplay shows, plot-wise a fireworks seller should not be able to last against a Harbringer (because I'm sure someone out there beat Childe's boss fight with only Yoimiya already, but then again according to the game a theatre dancer is a 5star but the Tianquan of Liyue is not, so lets focus on the plot here and not the gameplay). So here's one of the big bosses of an organisation known for using lies, subtrefuge and trickery, who just so happened to save a child from danger... and now the children trust him... what a coincidence?
In conclusion Yoimiya, not knowing Childe well at all, is taking huge risks here that threaten not just her but the kids under her care, and she should never date, since she has too much of an inclination to ignore red flags. And when the Traveller tries to warn her, based on their own experience with Childe, and of how Fatui basically work on false pretenses and trickery, she ignores it.
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enevi · 5 years
Shirogane no Oka, Kuro no Tsuki - Volume One
Welcome to Tai Kingdom where terror and hunger reign. The winter is coming and this time many more than before may not survive the cold season for granaries are empty and outsiders are not welcome anywhere. The country is dying slow and painful death.
 Enshi was born in Jou Province and married at eighteen. Had two children. Three years ago her hometown, like many other places, was burned down for harboring the fugitive and many did not survive. Among them was her husband. Survivors were taken in for the winter by the neighboring village but later they had to fend for themselves. So the young widow left with two children to roam the country in hope to find a new place to call home. Last winter she lost her four year old daughter to the cold and hunger and couldn't even bury the girl herself because the frozen ground was too hard to dig into. The one to help her was the man named Kouryou, the wanderer like herself.
 It was almost one year ago and now the three of them: Kouryou, Enshi and her three year old son, Ritsu are roaming the Ten County in Kou Province formerly known for many beautiful temples. Most of them were destroyed for going against the new government, the most famous of them being Zui'un Temple, burned down for questioning the mysterious disappearance of their liege.
 As the night is falling three weary travelers try to find a place to stay in for the night in the small village of Touka, along the county highway but are driven away by the young shepherd as many villages close their gates for the outsiders not wanting extra mouths to feed. Disappointed but relatively calm the wanderers go on to find the place good enough to camp.
  Then in the nearby forest they are suddenly attacked by unknown assailants. Kouryou tells Enshi to run and starts to fight the attackers. She does but slips in the dark and almost falls down the cliff just to be saved by the young man hiding there. Meanwhile the mysterious woman with a flying beast comes to Kouryou's aid and together they are able to win the fight but not for long as the shepherd lurking in the dark takes the young man hostage trying to save his fallen comrades.
  Unexpectedly it turns out that Kouryou knows their savior and it's General Risai, meaning that the one being threatened is Taiki, the Kingdom's missing kirin. Enshi is shocked that her companion not only is used to fighting but just a few years ago was part of the Royal Army. Also, the young shepherd's name is Kyoshi and he's one of the surviving priests that were taken in by Touka's residents after Zui'un Temple massacre. Later it is explained that Enshi and Kouryou were mistakenly attacked because one of the villagers saw two people of flying beasts and they panicked thinking that the government officials discovered survivors whereabouts and were trying to silence the alleged spies.
  Misunderstanding cleared up everyone goes back to the village to rest and talk about everything that happened till now. Kouryou and Kyoshi find out how Risai and Taiki returned to Tai and made to the one provincial palace but as it was too tightly guarded they never made it inside and had to look for the place to get under the Sea of Clouds. Then Risai remembered about the abandoned mountain in Kou Province and so they came here trying to make it to the part of Bun Province where Gyousou was last seen. In turn Kouryou tells them about his last meeting with the King in the city of Rin'u and how he disappeared after he and twenty five of his personal guards left his troops to do 'something' and never met with the troops that were later going the same way. And how he and his superior decided to go dark after getting Risai's message about Asen's betrayal and then getting order to pursue her as the alleged regicide. They made their arrangements but somewhere along the way their communication network broke and Kouryou was left to roam the countryside without any information about his allies. Kyoshi also tells his story about the escape and coming to the Touka village. And how Zui'un survivors never have stopped believing and praying for the safe return of their rightful lieges as the government under Asen's rule almost destroyed the country that is barely hanging on. Their hope doesn't wane even when Taiki admits to having no kirin powers as his horn was cut off, basically being powerless and defenseless. He also tells them that the easiest way to deal with the problem is to kill him as it will result in Gyousou's death (wherever he is) and the birth of the new Tai kirin. Of course no one wants to hear that and everyone assures Taiki that his return alone is miracle itself and will give people the hope they desperately need.
  After planning their next steps and getting enough rest Taiki and Risai leave Touka for Bun Province accompanied by their flying beast (Hi'en and unnamed suugu) and Kouryou and Kyoshi. Just before their departure Enshi and Ritsu come to say good-bye to Kouryou. She know she's supposed to be happy because after years of roaming around the country they finally found new place to live, but deep down she grieves the loss of the companion and protector whom she came to love so dearly during their journey.
  Meanwhile somewhere in the hidden cellar in Bun Province the orphaned boy takes care of the man who tried to but couldn't save the boy's father from wandering youma and after man's death took the poor lad in. Thus the boy became his son. His warrior. Now the man lies ill, barely conscious and always singing the old and creepy song about the tragic fate of the foot soldier, whose ultimate fate is to be left to crows after dying on the battlefield.
    As Taiki and his companions travel to Rin'u they meet their guide Houto, whose everyday job is to deliver special medicine made by Temple priests and other goods to every citizen in need. Thanks to his wide connections the group can travel undercover and doesn't have to worry about places to sleep. As they make their way to Bun Province Risai and Taiki come face to face with the dire state their homeland fell into and how hopeless their own situation seems to be. Asen rules with iron fist and every resistance no matter how small is punished by death. The people abandoned by their ruler struggle every day just trying to survive and have no time to worry about the king said to be death, let alone thinking about rising against the new government.
  One morning as Risai prepares to leave the city of Sekijou, she discovers that Taiki is gone. Confused and terrified she confronts Kyoshi who tells her that kirin woke him just before the sunrise and announced that he has no time and that Heaven is telling him 'to go'. Doesn't know where to, but feels that it's his duty to obey the will of Gods. And that the others have to continue to search for any clues about Gyousou's whereabouts. Taiki had wanted to go alone knowing Risai would never let him go but Kyoshi begged him to at least let Kouryou accompany him as a guard. Kirin agreed and together they left. At first Risai feels hurt and betrayed but then admits that Taiki was right, because even as knows that the kirin is all grown up, in her heart he still is a child she remembers him to be. And that she has to make peace with the thought that a the envoy of Gods sometimes he has to do the things that others don't understand. But then she starts to worry as Taiki left behind the travel pass (passport?) provided by Youko and has no way to prove his false identity.
    After a few days of silent treatment Kouryou works up the courage to finally confront Taiki about their destination as they're clearly heading toward the capital city of Kouki. And that's not a good place to be. As they rest in the inn after dinner kirin finally admits that the story about the 'will of Heaven' was I lie and yes, Taiki wants not only to go to Kouki but to gain access to Hakkei Palace. And he plans to tell a lie. Lie about Asen being the new King of Tai to regain his position as King's Advisor and use his influence to aid struggling subjects before the winter comes. Taiki also warns Kouryou that the only way to stop him is to tie him up because if left alone he would just mount his suugu and go without his guard, so Kouryou surrenders and so the next day they leave for the capital. When his companion asks how are they suppose to get in, to which Taiki answers "through the Front Gate". Which tells a lot as there are five city gates and the main one is reserved only for the King and his kirin. And so they do.
  As they get arrested and are escorted by the guards Kouryou notices that surprisingly the city hasn't change a lot during his long absence but he still feels that something's not right. His suspicions get confirmed when they do get into the palace but are placed in a prison cell-like room but slightly better furnished. At first Taiki is calm and reassures Kouryou that he expected this kind of treatment as no one sane would just believe just like that that suspicious black-haired lad is the kirin himself. But after a few days of no information he starts to worry. And when they finally convince the servant taking care of them (man named Heichuu) to tell them something they find out that situation in the Palace is much more complicated than any of them suspected.
  First of all, Asen is not running the show and nowadays he spends his time holed up deep within the Inner Palace and rarely shows up. And that in practice the real person in power is chousai Chouun (former Minister of Spring) and his comrades. What's more strange is the fact that no one among the servants knows anything as it's not clear who gives what orders, which are frequently contradicting and so on. The good example being Heichuu himself - getting suddenly transferred and being told to 'take care of the person claiming to be Saiho' with no further instructions.
  As Heichuu describes it "everything is divided and the Court lost its unity". Which comes as no surprise as we see how worked up the courtiers became after Taiki's arrival. No one knows how to check the validity of the visitor's claim as most of the people who knew him before his disappearance are no longer part of the Palace staff. Finally after the long search they find one person - servant named Shouwa, who was one of the maids taking care of Saiho. And after meeting with Taiki she confirms that indeed the young man is the missing kirin of Tai. Unfortunately, the council suspects that either Taiki himself is lying or someone tries to use him against Asen, thus they make no effort to inform him about his new 'position'.
    As courtiers are debating what to do the young girl named Yari sends courier bird to someone and then walks up to the man sitting in stable in front of the stall which Keito - Gyousou's mount is in. The man turns out to be Ganchou who was presumed to be missing. There she informs him about Taiki's return and the revelation he brought with him. Ganchou is shocked and doesn't want to believe it but at the same fears the worst - that the rightful King is really dead.
  The others wondering about the current situation are two of Asen's subordinates - Kisen and Hinken. The former was always proud to be the General's man and is worried that Asen withdrawing from others' company is his way of saying that they failed him. Also he always thought that it was Asen who was meant to be the King. Hinken being sort of older brother figure tries to console him.
 When Risai and her companions finally make it to the Rin'u they head over to the local temple where the priest already knows the purpose of their visit, so they make it their temporary base. At least in the beginning, because it turns out that formerly renowned and beautiful temple transformed into the refugee camp housing the large numbers of people with no place to go. And as any sort of gathering is strictly forbidden the head priest doesn't want to invite unwanted attention from the province officials, therefore he warns Risai about proceeding cautiously because the safety of the people depending on them is temple's main priority. So the group finds the other place to stay as not to be associated with the Temple just in case something went wrong. And in spite of warnings, the young priest who was appointed as their guide, Kiitsu, starts bringing over them some of the refugees that may know something about King's disappearance. As it turns out he's right, because one of them, the young man, tells them the story of his and his brother pursue to see the marching army during the uprising in the Bun Province that took place six years ago.
 As the men climbed the rocks at night to get to the place with a good view they lost their way and accidentally saw Gyousou riding the narrow mountain pass with his guards only for the guards to come back some time later but in less numbers, some of them clearly wounded and with no King in sight. After hearing man's story Risai and other debate about going after their only the only evidence of Gyousou's presence - the bloodstained belt that was supposedly dropped in the vicinity of Mt. Kan'you where precious gemstones could once be found before the source ran dry...
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99sshithouse · 5 years
Chiara Alunnil
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Crystal Reed
Age : 30
Alias(es) : Chiara, Alunni, Ma'am
Place of Birth : Florence, Italy
Eye & Hair Color : Hazel | Dark Brown
Height & Weight : 5'10 | 165lbs
Sex & Gender : Female and Identifies as Such
Orientation : Perceived Heterosexual | Closeted Queer
Marital Status : Single
Everyone's A Gangster, Till A Real Gangster Walks In The Room
Chiara has been a name in the Sicilian Mob for a while now. In their conversations they spoke of a girl with her father's eyes and her mother's beauty. But the thing that got people most was her fire to become involved with her father's business. She had to fight and claw her way into being respected, kill men who were traitors, hire hits on the ones who were deemed too dangerous to keep alive, speak to those who doubted her and scare them into understanding that she wasn't the one who will play games with their old ways. And surprisingly enough, her father backed her the whole way, wanting to see his brightest and less disappointing child take the reigns from him one day. It was all about seeing if she was ready. Which is why she finds herself her in Dalitica, ready to prove her worth.
Chiara is a harsh personality most days. She doesn't indulge in pleasantries, has no times for jokes and games, uninterested in romance, uninterested in people in general. She usually spends her time on the phone with foreign businesses, taking about giving out loans or collecting them. She has ties to at least one person on every continent except Antarctica, ready to seek out runaway debts. And when it comes to her money, she's serious. She will collect one way or another. Doesn't matter if it's cash or blood, the money will be returned or an example will be set. Period. She surrounds herself with the best people that money can buy. If she is going to make a name for herself, is going to bring the people who can make it happen up with her.
Chiara is extremely well spoken. She has an extensive vocabulary that she uses in her everyday conversation, making her seem like a know-it-all or snobby. Not that she cares if people think that of her. She's traveled the world by this point. Meeting people all around it and learning as much as she can from people like her. Most of the people she admires are people of different gangs in different countries. It's a healthy admiration, one to where if she ever found herself on the other side of their gun, she would be honored to kill them.
She isn't one to really boast about her talents at what she is. She lets her actions speak miles for her. But one thing is clear when working with her: You are working with a gangster. She talks like a mobster, because she is a mobster. She was raised in the Mafia, she exists to serve it like her father does. She may seem cold and heartless, but that is the job. Friends are good, but respect is better. Flattery is good, but fear is better. She doesn't have time meander, she only knows to go straight to the point. Disappoint her? There is punishment. Disrespect her? There is punishment. Break her heart? There will be hurt and pain. Things will not be different because she is a woman, in fact things will only be more difficult. Make her proud though? Then there is true praise and treasure beyond the imagination.
Employment : Heiress
What's the best way to cover all the hats one can wear? Put a crown on top of it. Chiara puts on a front that she simply acts as a figure head for a wealthy fortune. She buys expensive things, donates money to charity, funds buildings and business, acts as if Dalitica is her greatest sort of joy.
Criminal Specialty : Loan Shark | Debt Collector [For Herself and Others If They Need Assistance] | Problem Solver | Intimidation
Skills & Abilities
Unbelievable Wealth | She basically has the funds to do whatever she wanted | Well-Traveled | Expressive Interest In Learning All She Can | Extremely Intelligent With Math & Philosophy | Multilingual : Speaks Italian, English, French, and Hindi fluently
A Woman Of Action | Chiara is not a woman who will wait to be rescued, or let older men figure speak to her out of turn. She has made an example of more Sicilian mobsters than she can count. She is best to he remembered as an iron hand with a silk glove. She solves problems that may arise if she feels that others would bumble around the issue. She isn't afraid to shoot a gun or kill someone if she needs to, but she pays hired guns a lot of money and expects them to be worth every cent.
Talented Businesswoman | She controls her finances, investments, stocks, and cadence with a steel grip. She protects her assets as if they were a lifeline. Failure is always a factor of life, but it isn't a factor she wishes to see consistently. She puts her blood, sweat, and bones in the building of her name.
Not Sentimental | She doesn't have things with any special value to them and doesn't put much stock in keepstakes or people. That's just a good way to get her heart broken.
Resourceful | Being a daughter of a wanted man has made her life no easier than anyone else's she's been in tough situations and dangerous events because of her last name. She even bares a bullet scar from one. But on each occasion, she got herself out of it, without really much help or aid. She's good at taking matters into her own hands and turning them so they benefit herself in the end. Life or Death matters are no different.
Talented Violinist | Still Practices everyday.
Comfortable With Fighting and Weapons | Trained Marksmen
Disabilities & Disorders
Shallow Emotions | Lack of Remorse | Chiara has always been one for numbers, facts, and results. She didn't have much room to be bothered with the people she stepped on to get to where she is, nor the reality that what she is doing could be considered wrong. Most of her emotions only run skin deep, allowing her to shrug off things like care and affection and hope. She sticks with reality and likely outcomes.
Heart Break | In a world filled with liars and thieves, it can be hard for someone to gain her trust. And when they do, she's still extremely cautious of them. But if she trusts them fully, loves them, considers them her family and they betray her? If you make her cry? Be prepared for something that truly does rival hell's fury. Heart break is her only weakness, something that she shares deeply with her father.
Closeted Sexuality | She feels closest to her father in more ways she would readily admit. He knows almost everything about her, save that her sexual preferences don't follow what he believes they should. He wants her to have a family, a good Italian family. Her biggest fear is that if she ever does decide to share herself, and her interest is peaked in someone that would disappoint her father.
Solitude | Chiara often keeps herself in solitude, unable to really see any point in wasting her time on others. It has made her cold upon meeting, but also lonely most days.
Enjoys alcohol every night, but does it usually to relax before bed.
Known History
The only real trouble with the law she had was when she was 14 and got into a fight with an older boy. She won the fight but got arrested for it. With some easy bargaining she didn't even spend more than 30 minutes at the police station.
Gang Initiation She moved to Dalitica to show the family back home that she can handle herself and make a name for herself. And to do that, she needs to be in a gang. For her, it was easy math.
Known Affiliations
Alessandro Alunni - Father [Sicily, Italy]
Freda Alunni - Mother [Florence, Italy]
Mattia Alunni - Older Brother [Unknown Location]
Lorenzo Alunni - Little Brother [Florence, Italy]
Too Many To List. Cousins in her family could be either blood or work tied. Typically, both are treated as if they are blood either way.
Dex Montague - Work Acquaintance [Dragon]
Affiliation | Dragon
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naartjielegal-blog · 5 years
Gunpowder| Treason and Plot | Naartjie Legal
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I wonder who of you knows about the 5th November and what it stands for. I’ve asked many people in South Africa and they’ve all given me strange but untrue descriptions of who Guy Fawkes was and what he was celebrated for! So, clearly, my task is to set the record straight once and for all.
For example, did you know that he really was born in York in Yorkshire, UK, in April, 1570 – I was quite surprised when I learned that. He was Protestant, the exact date of Guy Fawkes’s birth is unknown, yet there are records that he was baptised on 16 April 1570 at St Michael le Belfrey Church in York. He was initially raised as a Protestant but Guy’s father died when he was a child, and after that his mother remarried a man named Dionis Bainbrigge; and Guy became influenced by his stepfather’s Catholic practices.
Despite a person being considered a criminal if they were a Catholic during the reign of Elizabeth 1; Guy still converted to Catholicism during his teenage years, yet he was raised a Catholic by his stepfather. He died on 31st January 1606 in Westminster, London. They tried to hang him, but he had another idea and he failed to hang, but was killed in another way. He was desperate that he shouldn’t be hung, drawn, and quartered because that was a traitor’s death – yet he was a traitor.
Treason: The reason was that he was conspiring against James I and VI and planning to blow up the House of Lords. Every year on 5th November people marked the anniversary of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot.
Let me explain quickly here, two things which could be confusing otherwise.
Firstly the reason was that he was conspiring against James I and VI and planning to blow up the House of Lords was that James VI and I was King of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 was King of England and Ireland as James I from the Union of the Scottish and English Crowns on 24 March 1603 until his death in 1625.
13 people started off this rebellion including Robert Catesby and his cousin Thomas Wintour. Guy was basically chosen for his anonymity – strange then that Guy Fawkes name has reached notoriety and is celebrated all over the world on 5th November. He was intent on not having a traitor’s death but whatever death he had, had no bearing on his life, and life hereafter!!
Secondly, many people of those times and especially nowadays are very confused and think they are celebrating the success of the Gunpowder Plot. But the Houses of Parliament, and therefore the House of Lords were not blown up and thus Guy Fawkes’ plan failed and he was caught. Therefore, the two reason for celebration were; The Church of England won! and also, the House of Lords and the Houses of Parliament!
Guy attended St Peter’s School in York. After leaving school, he found a position in the household of Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu, and his successor Anthony-Maria Browne, 2nd Viscount Montagu.
In 1592, Guy sailed overseas to join the Catholic Spanish army, which was fighting the Protestant Dutch forces over the control of the Netherlands. By 1603, Guy had risen through the ranks of the Spanish military and was recommended for a promotion to captain.
It was during his time abroad that Guy adopted the Italian name ‘Guido’, and he developed a great knowledge of the use of gunpowder.
Guy travelled to Spain and petitioned the Catholic King, Philip III, in 1603, to wage war against England and the new Protestant King, James I and VI. However, Philip declined Guy’s petition.
Whilst fighting in Flanders for the Spanish in around 1604, Guy met Thomas Wintour, a fellow disgruntled English Catholic. Wintour encouraged Guy to join a group of conspirators in a plot to assassinate the king.
For 18 months, Guy and 12 others calculated a plan to blow up the House of Lords, kill the King, and replace him with a Catholic alternative. In order to do this, the group transported 36 barrels of gunpowder to the cellar below Parliament, and planned to set the gunpowder alight when James I opened Parliament in Westminster on 5 November 1605.
On 4 November 1605, Guy Fawkes was caught guarding gunpowder in a cellar beneath the Houses of Parliament. He was arrested and later imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he was continuously tortured for two days.
Plot: The plot was foiled by Robert Cecil – James I’s dedicated minister. On 4 November 1605, Guy was caught in the cellar while guarding the gunpowder, and was arrested for his involvement in the plot.
During his confinement in the Tower of London, Guy was continuously tortured for two days. Finally, Guy admitted his involvement in the plot and signed a confession. He signed his name ‘Guido Fawkes’. After his confession, Guy apparently remarked that he had collected so much gunpowder there was enough to blow all of the people from Scotland back to Scotland and further.
Despite attempting to kill the new king of England; he, James I, apparently praised Guy for being dedicated to his cause and for having a “Roman resolution”. It didn’t save him from the gallows however, and Guy was sentenced to death by being hanged, drawn and quartered – a typical 'traitor's death' at the time. On 31 January 1606, Guy took to the scaffold in Westminster in London. It has been suggested that after the noose had been placed over his head, Guy purposely jumped from the scaffold in order to break his neck.
As he awaited his grisly punishment on the gallows, Fawkes leapt to his death - to avoid the horrors of having his testicles cut off, his stomach opened and his guts spilled out before his eyes. He died from a broken neck. By doing this, he avoided being cut down after being hanged and having his organs cut from his body while still alive.
Unfortunately, it was unavoidable that Guy’s dead body was cut into quarters and sent to different parts of the country, where they were put on display for the public to see: this is what happens to a traitor!
The story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot has continued to be told ever since, and in the 19th century it became customary to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes on a bonfire every year on 5 November to mark the failure of the plot.
Fawkes may have been the man charged with lighting the fuse to the gunpowder in the Palace of Westminster but he wasn’t the leader of the plot – and was far from a lone wolf. There were 13 plotters in all – many drawn from elite English families – and the conspiracy’s masterminds were Robert Catesby and his cousin Thomas Wintour.
Catesby was already under suspicion, as a Catholic and a supporter of the Earl of Essex’s failed rebellion against Elizabeth I in 1601. Fawkes, on the other hand, was unknown to the authorities, and that’s one of the main reasons he was given such a critical role in the plot. Posing as a servant, he was able to gain access to the Palace of Westminster and, with the help of his co-conspirators, cart in the 36 barrels of gunpowder that he intended to explode under King James VI and I’s feet.
The great irony of Fawkes’s life is that it began in a conventional and respected Protestant family – he was the son of a Church of England official – but ended with an infamous attempt to take out the political establishment in the name of the Catholic faith.
Fawkes was born in York in 1570, in a house a stone’s throw from York Minster. He might have become a merchant like his grandfather, but when his father died in 1579, Fawkes went to live with his mother’s new husband, a committed Catholic. On reaching adulthood, he sold his small inheritance and went to fight on the continent for the forces of Catholic Spain.
A school friend, who became a Jesuit priest, described Fawkes as religiously devout, loyal to his friends, and “highly skilled in matters of war” – exactly what the gunpowder plotters were looking for.
The conspirators in the gunpowder plot of 1605 meet in a house in London. Amongst them are Guy Fawkes (1570 – 1606) and ringleader Robert Catesby (1573 – 1605).
Bonfire Night, is also known as Guy Fawkes Night, yet although its main conspirators were Robert Catesby takes place every year on 5 November. It marks the anniversary of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, in which 13 men including Guy Fawkes plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. But how have people marked the occasion through history? Historian Justin Pollard brings us the facts
No one was more delighted by the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot than James VI and I, who had narrowly avoided becoming the first King to sit on a rocket-propelled throne. So, he allowed bonfires to be lit to celebrate, provided they were “without any danger or disorder”.
As you can see people took this literally and across the world many people observed this. However, it was rather an English celebration and should have been left to the British to celebrate this event as only they can!
They would have celebrated the win for the Church of England! Also, for James V! & 1st and also for the House of Lords and the Houses of Parliament.
A few months later Parliament passed the Observance of November 5th Act, effectively making the celebration compulsory. How you celebrated remained up to you as long as you went to Church.
The Naartjie Legal CRM system which was specifically designed for the legal profession, cloud based and incredibly brilliant and stable doesn’t allow for the kind of bad behaviour described above. As stated before – with Naartjie you either are or you aren’t; you’re right or you’re wrong and there are no in-betweens. With Naartjie there are so many checks and balances that it is impossible for you to state one thing and be another. Furthermore, we don’t even insist you attend Church!  
Just become a Nice Naartjie Nominee and you can join the Nartjie Nation and understand what it’s all about.
The Inside Story: We British obviously all knew the real truths and the facts behind the scam. We understood that we had two celebration days. One day was on the 4th November and called Mischief Night (the night before Guy Fawkes night), the 4th November; we would all go out into the village with mill rope slowly smouldering; with a tin of treacle; a packet of rice. The lit mill rope was for the purpose of lighting any fireworks we found and so on; the rice was for slamming a door and simultaneously throw rice hard at the window; and the treacle was for spreading on houses front doors handles, outside toilet handles and outside toilet seats.
Most people had outside toilets in those days; even the posh, and very posh, yet have their own money and are well off; and the landed gentry; very posh with titles handed down many acres of land constituting the family seat – Now that’s one hell of an obstacle course if you’re in a hurry because nature has taken you short! You can just imagine a person making all haste to comply with the needs of nature then finding themselves with treacly hands and treacly thighs and…..it doesn’t bear talking about!!!!! The second night was 5 November – Guy Fawkes Night.
I have been known to indulge in this sort of thing in the past but, I was older now – about 9 years old - when I thought of my Grandparents I decided to stop- and I did so quite successfully – except for one house, which I couldn’t resist.
On the 4th of November I told Mama what I had given up for Mischief Night and she was very pleased to hear it. I told her I just had to run out quickly before dinner and attend to something. I took my treacle tin, and I know that she saw me spread it liberally all across the toilet seat and the door handle.
When I came back, we all sat and had dinner together as a family should. Then; predictably my stepfather was moving his weight from one foot to the other and you could see he was in a bit of a hurry. Mama was talking and no-one dare interrupt her. I said “Mama, I think one of us needs to be excused – and it isn’t me!” she looked at my stepfather and realising the situation she promptly shut up. Stepfather ran out of the room quickly and outside to the toilet. Mother and I both stifled our amusement at his inconvenience.
We could hear all sorts of Ouch, and Sod it, and What the Hell? And so on…..and then eventually a red faced, hair hurricane blown, Stepfather deflated returned  looking very unsettled and went straight to wash himself.
Mother and I shared glances during this time and she raised one eyebrow and gave me the nod. She was not displeased with me and I would not be punished for that ‘slip’ of determination.
Whilst all this was going on I thought, Wow, we’ re surrounded by and talking about some very famous people and yet the one ultra-famous, uber famous person  here about whom no-one had ever heard of before, was, Guy Fawkes; who seems to became notorious for blowing up the Houses of Parliament (he didn’t do that) he just because infamous overnight for trying and failing to do something.
Th Stepfather ran back in the house and to the sink to go to clean himself up but he had treacle everywhere and it had spoiled a perfectly good suit. Mother showed him how displeased she was and by picking up the car keys and driving off somewhere. The stepfather asked me if I knew someone who would want to cause him so much trouble. I looked up to the skies, shook my head and said “if only we knew”. He gave me a hug and told me how glad he was that I was so trustworthy and loyal – I disengaged myself and felt distinctly nauseous.
What I’m trying to say, but my thoughts keep interrupting me. Mischief Night is 4th November and that’s the night they caught Guy Fawkes, imprisoned him, and stopped him from blowing up the houses of Parliament and the House of Lords. This man who was used by everyone because of his anonymity; suddenly became a favourite throughout the word people pay homage to him for blowing up the Houses of Parliament once a year. Now we know he did now blow up the Houses of Parliament, it was the night before on the 4th November – Mischief Night – that he was caught and received the death sentence.
Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night is when you burn favour the huge fires and with the effigy of Guy Fawkes on top of the fire to celebrate that Guy Fawkes was not successful and the Church of England won and not the Catholics.
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