#legal tools
aitree-io · 1 year
Legal AI Tools: Legal Support for Busy Professionals-aiTree.io
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aiTree.io has a legal AI tools that simplifies compliance and helps legal professionals stay up to date with immediate regulatory changes. The tool provides a way for legal professionals to follow and monitor changes to rules, analyze tens of thousands of pages of updates, and get personalized notifications based on their company's requirements. One of the key features of aiTree.io is its AI-generated summaries, which make complicated legislation easy to understand.
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nationallawreview · 2 years
Episode 3: How Law Firms Can Benefit From CRM Technology With Chris Fritsch of CLIENTSFirst Consulting [PODCAST]
Episode 3: How Law Firms Can Benefit From CRM Technology With Chris Fritsch of CLIENTSFirst Consulting [PODCAST]
Welcome to Season 2, Episode 3 of Legal News Reach! NLR Managing Director Jennifer Schaller speaks with Chris Fritsch, Founder of CLIENTSFirst Consulting, about how law firms can thoughtfully and successfully integrate customer relationship management systems, or CRMs, into their daily operations—boosting contact management, business development, and client service in the process. We’ve included…
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rorotoru · 2 months
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2015 - 2024
The official Wii U and 3DS servers are currently shutting down. See you soon on fan servers :)
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gender-trash · 2 years
incredibly funny how a bunch of people interpreted “ao3 was almost certainly scraped as part of the gpt training dataset because it’s a big easily accessible body of english language text, so you can prompt gpt with surprisingly vague stuff and it will autocomplete with snarry underage or wangxian a/b/o” as “elon musk Personally is Currently scraping ao3 and training an ai to plagiarize fic, going to go lock ALL my works on ao3 IMMEDIATELY”
its. its already in the dataset. how do you think these things work. “locking my works to registered users only until after the scraping stops!” my dude the ao3 team just needs to like add a robots.txt and check the useragent and stuff to prevent this from happening in the future*, and theyre already on it, but not only is the existing body of work presumably In the Dataset, the model has ALREADY BEEN TRAINED. that omelet isnt going to get unscrambled
(*im assuming that everyone gathering datasets for large language models is being reasonably Polite about it bc these are both very simple to circumvent — if this assumption is false then ao3 might need to graduate to Offensive Measures but also we would definitely need to bully the culprits off of hacker news)
anyway im not taking any Stance one way or the other on the “ai art debate” (other than maybe “none of you know what the hell you’re talking about”) but we’re definitely going to see a whole new world of copyright claims against the big art models and ml researchers developing new tools for “removing” stuff from a trained model, and i for one think that it will be SO entertaining to watch
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spockandawe · 3 months
i ate'nt dead
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Here's a VERY mediocre midnight picture where i managed to lose the reflection on the foil i was photographing while catching it for every other book on the table, but! BUT! I haven't forgotten this all exists. All the binderary books are ready to photograph, as soon as I can scrub the green paint from my fingers, apply new polish to the nails, clean a table, and find a few minutes when I'm not running late for a meeting. This year has been.... so tired and lethargic, but simultaneously, so overstuffed and frantic. Honestly not super into it!!!!
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
One of my starred book reviews got chosen as a SFF pick of the month. Further validation that my tastes are objectively correct
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cvctuslesbian · 1 year
“queerness is about being outside the box of rigidly defined sexuality” no the fuck it isn’t. this idea that “queerness” can be a coherent concept (i.e. being outside the box) is patently wrong and you’re dumb for thinking so, actually.
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demonzoro · 4 months
okay the red mist has cleared from my eyes LOL re: prev post, obviously this is talking abt people who don't empathise with why artists are mad abt their art being used to train models.
i think it IS really interesting to think abt a better world where the development of ai art was started in collaboration with artists - sort of like a, hey! would you allow your art to be used to develop this cool thing we're making? or maybe work in collaboration with developers, to draw art for the model to use. almost like a wikipedia "moderated public collaboration" approach? of course, in this ideal world, traditional artists would only feel comfortable to do this with proper labor laws preceding any agreement, which would provide us with dignity and security.
back in the real imperfect world, i do want to seriously consider next steps into how we can adapt to this developing technology and to push for labor/data privacy laws. as well as try understand and maybe work with programmers who do want to develop generative ai in collaboration with artists.
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askagamedev · 1 year
Is your workplace/industry buzzing about (what companies would like us to call) "AI"? What's the buzz, if so?
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We're not thinking about AI too much - it's too far away on the horizon to seriously consider while we're busy focusing on getting the game into alpha, beta, and doing our cert submission prep. Some of the more senior leadership have talked about it in that kind of long-term planning sort of way and there's been some preliminary evaluation on that front, but the general attitude from my studio leadership (and the leadership of the franchise I'm currently working on) is that AI is interesting but the potential legal pitfalls from using AI trained on large internet-scraped data sets for things like asset generation have yet to be addressed... and we're far too well-known and visible a franchise to risk that kind of legal trouble knowingly.
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Our primary goal in evaluating AI as a development tool is for the same reason we develop tools and automated assistance to help artists create assets - anything that helps automate the annoying and busy work that artists have to do frees up more dev time for them to do the creative stuff that we want them to do. Instead of having to create normal and spec maps by hand, maybe we can automate and improve the process so that the artists can spend their time creating more cool assets and not have to handle the fiddly busy work. If an AI can help by pre-filling in values and setting things up for them to review and adjust, that's a lot faster than having to do it by hand. A large portion of our tool engineering is targeted at those kinds of problems.
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wittyworm · 1 year
applied for the bike tech job. fingers crossed 🍀🤞
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passionatememes · 11 days
here's the crux of the ai art issue that everyone is freaking out talking about right now (mostly on instagram)
uploading your art to the internet just like. inherently has these types of risks to it. just like your art being reposted by someone else is always a possibility when you upload, getting your art scraped is always a possibility, and that's just something that is borderline inevitable now. if your art exists online in 2023/2024, it's almost certainly been scraped, there are things you can do to discourage it, but short of not posting at all, its always a possibility
so like. seeing my instagram feed be a bunch of people acting as if it's a new thing rather than just something that was happening without necessarily being disclosed is wild to me, like i thought this was an assumption we were all working under,,,,,,,
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dykelawlight · 8 months
2. job headcanon
for mikami or light?? so interested in ur law experience here!
Oh love this!! I think Mikami is exceptionally good at his job and probably a good guy to have as a coworker. Passionate about the work, keeps his head down, in it because he genuinely wants change (which is about as good as you can ask for from a prosecutor, even though the "change" isn't reform lmfao 🙄) etc. etc. He's on the young end for an attorney, having passed the bar right out of college (though I believe it's more common in Japan to go directly to law school from college rather than returning as an adult, since many people don't go at all and rather take the preliminary qualifying exam for the bar, which does not require a law degree ⁠— Mikami may or may not [depending on whether you go by the manga or anime timeline] have attended law school as a graduate program anyway bc the law school system was not instituted in Japan until 2004), which means he might have to work a little harder to be respected by his colleagues as a whippersnapper fresh out of the year-long prosecutor training program. However, I think his colleagues probably admire his work ethic, even if he's unlikely to join the rest of the office for drinks ⁠— so, respected and liked well enough by the people he works with, but still kind of socially unpopular just because of his own standoffish tendencies. He maybe has freaked somebody out individually by saying some surprisingly aggressive shit about the nature of good and evil and how evil deeds should be punished but frankly dudes like that are a dime a dozen in prosecutorial and police offices so it's probably whatever.
He's a total fucking pit bull in court and imo probably really good at telling a compelling story to the judge since his passion for obtaining what he views as justice for victims is so real and close to his heart. I imagine him as a real firebrand who almost transforms from this solemn, mild-mannered guy to this vibrant, angry advocate who's very capable of swaying a jury and really demonstrates the emotional basis for his Kira fanaticism. But he's not purely an emotional performer ⁠— his arguments are airtight from a legal perspective, even though his written voice is probably kind of dry and lacking in any particular linguistic flair. People who have only met him in a courtroom context are often surprised at what he's like in his day-to-day life, but they wouldn't be if they'd ever read his legal briefs, lmao.
I like to imagine Light in a non- or post-Kira AU going on to join a Japanese intelligence agency like the Public Security Bureau of either the NPA or the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, specifically in a line of work like the TMPD PSB's Fourth Foreign Affairs Division handling global counterterrorism efforts. I imagine this because I think it would be funny. I also think he would be well-qualified for a role of that type (The Global Terrorism Is Coming From Inside The House) and would have the nepotism bonus from his dad lmfao, and would additionally probably really enjoy it when it was exciting and politely tolerate the boring parts. I think he'd be well-liked and admired by his peers, as usual ⁠— we can see the way the task force treats him for evidence of this. He's a hard, competent worker and a friendly guy, so I imagine he moves up the ranks relatively quickly. (Also, the PSB building is right by the Tokyo Public Prosecutors Office, so if Mikami ever moves out of Kyoto and gets a job over there, I know they're making out in the courtyard and shit.)
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sharpestsatire · 2 months
i think what drives me nuts most about ai is it's not actually creating anything. i write stories out of passion from inside and inspiration from around me. but ai just gets its 'feelings' from everyone it can find online, summarizes it, and spits out a middling version of the creativity of others. ai compiles a version of emotions and events from what the prompt is. it'll never look at a cherry tree blooming in spring and be inspired to write a poem on its own. it can only write a poem based on past poems in its data and spit out that version of all of them and even then it's "creativity" is curtailed by whatever boundaries the prompt gave. there is no feeling or passion or life there. there's no soul. it's a slap to the face of those who create when you say ai 'created' something. no. it's just mimicking what it can't do on it's own by taking others ideas.
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
Hey now that Good Luck Jake! is completed I can share the fucking Matt Murdock backstory that I mentioned really really want to establish. I mentioned some joke headcanons/elements of the AU (there are very little differences.) here but I can go into detail without spoiling now.
The Marvel Universe is weird and insane things constantly happen and there's entire magic civilizations. Although the superhero thing and the insane quantity of apocalypses is mostly new, a lot of stuff that is bonkers to us is probably normal to them even before superhero stuff starts happening.
Therefore, I think there's a ninja industrial complex.
Matt is a victim of this ninja industrial complex.
Recruited as part of an urban outreach program serving/exploiting underprivileged youth (turning them into ninjas), he was recruited by Stick and joined ninja ROTC. Although he was a real whiz kid in the business and showed a lot of potential for career mobility, Matt wanted to escape this ninja-to-cultist pipeline.
Matt believes in choices! As a young kid he was railroaded into academics and as a teenager he's railroaded into the ninja thing. Everybody who raised him instilled in him a very strong passion for justice, righteousness, and ethics, but as he gets older he begins to believe that there's a better way than vanquishing rival ninja clans. He's insanely morally aggressive because he was raised highly moralistically with an intense sense of right and wrong, but he believes that God showed him his own path into crusading for right and wrong. Since he was fifteen, his life dream was to become an ordinary person. A law abiding member of society. Someone who does the right thing without murder and fights for the weak instead of against the strong.
A lawyer.
Matt really really wants to be Just A Dude. He begs Stick to let him go to law school ("Ninjahood isn't my dream, Dad, it's yours!"). He is aggressively normal. He insists that he is normal. Yes he's a ninja but he's just some guy and ninjas have exploitive business practices anyway. Ignore all the batshit stuff I do I am a normal member of your study group. He is a man without fear because he has no idea what is normal in society or not.
The ninja thing is common knowledge, so Matt does more 'hide his extra-sensory superpowers' than 'pretend to be ordinarily and 100% blind'. This isn't weird because there are a lot of blind kung fu masters. Matt insists that blind kung fu masters are a dime a dozen. Foggy thinks that Matt is objectively the coolest person alive but that they don't teach you social skills at ninja school.
Of course, this never raises any suspicions about him being Daredevil. Daredevil is, obviously, a boxer.
If you were to ask him about any of this he'd just go 'can't help being a Libra' and backflip away.
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mothmvn · 10 months
i wish i could feel like ukrainian language was truly something mine i wanted to reclaim. it'll never be 100% authentic or genuine; i'm a grown enough man to admit that i dont feel a drive to speak ukrainian over russian, i rather feel embarrassed to even bring up speaking russian in front of "proper" ukrainians who do feel this Ukrainian Desire to speak ukrainian or whatever, which is a hell of a way to feel about the place you grew up and the language you grew up speaking in that place. even though russian is just a fucking language, and has been passed from parent to child in my family for 3+ generations, NOT first and foremost from State to Servant. if i spit at russian the language, it doesn't land on russia, it lands on my grandparents, my parents, my aunties and uncles, my friends. and the rhetoric around adopting ukrainian is often abandoning russian, often with a lot of hatred and anger (duh), and i dont want my parents or grandparents to feel that im giving up the vessel they've only ever used to love me. i DON'T want to walk away from the tools they've always used to love me — i wish it were only bullies or putin and I could make it out to be a foreign aggressor language to me, but it's the fabric of my family and I'll never not love it in my mum's voice or in my grandma's letters. there's no closer language for me.
maybe ill switch at a time when it feels different, less high-stakes (especially because my family and non-family aunties and uncles to me — who are generally russian speakers — keep fucking dying lately). I recognise this is a me problem to therapise away. for now it just feels like a sad truth that i won't feel fully comfortable in UA until this gets resolved inside, because i dont want to stop speaking russian to start speaking ukrainian, but that's kinda how it shakes out, innit, if everyone (except me who is broken) discovers an innate Ukrainian Desire to switch to ukrainian.
I'll never be a truly native speaker in my home country again. that's a thought
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Not to be like a crotchety old grandpa waving my cane at middle school hooligans but I do wish (especially) young, very online queer folks would take a sec to learn a little more about like political movements and social change
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