#us oc storytellers gotta stick together yknow?
saturno-sol · 1 year
Hello Saturno-sol,
I saw your post about Codex and I just wanted to let you know your not just screaming into the void. I know for one that I love your fic and I can't wait to keep reading and learning about your characters. When it comes to responses, I was literally thinking about going back and re-reading Codex again so I can give some proper comments on the chapters - the first two times I was just so wrapped up in the story I forgot comments were a thing😅
I'm writing an oc-centric fic too, and I found that it is pretty hard to get reception for it. It may just be because I'm new to writing fanfic, or that I'm just new to social media in general, but yeah, it's hard not having any response to something you work so hard on. You and Codex have actually been a huge inspiration and source of comfort for me, knowing that I'm not the only one writing about my bugs instead of canon characters.
I know that you said to just ignore the post, but it's true - a little bit of validation goes a long way, especially for something that you put so much effort and creativity into. So here's my little bit of that, and a thank you for sharing and putting effort into something so unique and fun.
Hoping that this is the right place to put this, Tiger Lily
Looking over your response and I will admit I teared up just a bit haha. Thank you, it really means a lot to hear.
But don’t worry about me! I get into funks like this sometimes, its a double edged sword where the problem is in the solution so I end up just flopping onto the floor like a fainting lady haha. Its nice to see that Codex has inspired you! It makes me even more determined to see it through and make sure I tell their story justice.
Its hard getting reception for these kinds of things yeah, but that doesn’t make our work any less impressive or important than others. And also know that you or anyone else aren’t obligated to do anything! This means more than enough thank you.
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