ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Hello! I just read through your post on Mating Systems in Hallownest and thought it was really cool! Everything is really detailed and thought-out, and it was really neat to see the differences and similarities between the different tribes/species.
Reading your post got me a bit curious about how mating systems would work between other bugs, specifically parasitoids. Also, how do you think paraitisum would work in Hallownest? Spiders and mantises do eat other sentient bugs, but they live outside of the main kingdom so entering their territories would mean one was fair game to get eaten. Maybe the kingdom would have some sort of structure to substitute what parasitoids use for feeding their young with non-sentient bugs? I saw another post suggesting booflies for this purpose.
Your worldbuilding and headcanons are always really thought-out and fun to read, so I wanted to ask your opinion on the practices of parasitiods in Hallownest. Thank you for sharing your cool interpretations/headcanons about Hollow Knight, and for inspiring me with my own ideas as well.
Ooh, that's a good question! I have thought of parasites/parasitoid species in Hallownest, but not in too much detail. IIRC, none of the species in Hallownest are parasitoids (flukes might be free-living parasites but i already made a post on that), so I sort of mentally chalked them up as being either individual wanderers (which seems likely), or shunned from Hallownest (also likely). I do have a headcanon that the Moth Tribe used to suffer their attacks more often than others because they lived on the surface, and that the Radiance herself would brood over the hatchlings so that she could sense and burn out the eggs/larvae of an afflicted caterpillar, something that PK would never do. Which, now that I think about it, might be a valid reason why the Moth Tribe declined...ew.
Anyways, for how parasitoid species reproduce, my guess would be that they're lone wanderers who either spend a lifetime flitting from one society to the next, or find a job where nobody would blink if their brood killed someone, like an assassin. The main reason I think this is partially because of the inherent horror of dying in such a manner, which would of course cause one to be shunned from society, but also because parasitoids tend to have specific host species that they target to carry their brood. That means that they would be on the lookout for communities that fit their targets, and that settling down next to said communities would eventually lead to some form of conflict as the host villages tried their best to either repel or kill them. Hell, I can also see parasitioid species being the bug equivalent of vampires or demons to civilized races, except instead of having a weird affinity for virgins, they simply target different types of people.
Which is why I don't think that the boofly thing would work: not only do parasitoid species tend to have specific hosts, booflies also strike me as a livestock animal that's run feral after the fall of Hallownest, so its unlikely that anyone would be willing to contribute them for incubation purposes (unless the parasitoid individual bought them out for a fat stack of geo). There's always a demand for more food, especially in societies with lots of omnivorous/carnivorous species, so if they're a subpar food source for the babies then it wouldn't be worth the cost of buying one just because you want to reproduce.
[Also on a tangent about bug livestock, I headcanon that vengeflies were a poultry equivilant, gruzzers were pigs, and booflies were cattle to the bugs of Hallownest, and that they're abundant in specific areas because they've gone feral post-fall. It's fine, though, they're native species that got semi-tamed down over the millenia, so they aren't wreaking too much havoc on the ecosystem other than simply overpopulating.]
There is, of course, the idea of trying to find ethical alternatives, and/or having willing hosts for your eggs. Especially in the peak of Hallownest, I can see there being rich freaks that wanted to magically freeze their bodies on the precipice of death so that they can be brought back later (much like cryogenics) that had that spell taken and then used as an ethical host for parasitoid species, so that the brain is dead and can't feel pain but the body is still alive and kept that way for the hatchlings. There's also the option of attempting to artificially recreate the conditions of a living body in specialized incubators + feeding the young meat scraps that are close enough to the host's species that they get all the nutrients they need, or by injecting the eggs into willing participants who offered themselves up to be brood chambers for the babies, because we know that weirdos with fetishes like that would probably exist in the world. Or maybe its something that bugs with terminal diseases might sign up for, because then they can die knowing that the body that failed them would be used unselfishly by creatures that need it. Which is a morbid thought, but it's one that I can see the appeal of.
So yeah- pretty cool idea, but I think that parasitoid species probably wouldn't stick around in civilized areas for long. Most people don't really enjoy being eaten by the inside-out by another person's children, but on the other hand, that makes for a great idea for bug boogiemen ocs!
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saturno-sol · 11 months
Since it is almost Spooky Season, what would your ocs like about Halloween? Who would go all-out on their costume?
Also, does the Provinces of Sarjo have a Halloween-adjacent holiday? If not, what holidays are celebrated there?
I hope you feel better soon!
Hey! Ty for the question!
Just assume this is like, human au lol
I think generally they would all love Halloween :3 I think the most enthusiastic would be Fuego and the prospects of all the sugary sweets.
Chantilly would be the parent to go all out for a Halloween party, decorations and themed food and party games abound. He would also be the one to go all out on the costumes being a seamster and makes all the costumes for the family (without pushback, because he can work a sewing machine like a pro)
Quezal is less enthusiastic, but she does appreciate all the yummy treats. Plus the costumes Chantilly tries to match for them make her smile.
Lune out of all of them is less inclined to participate, not because they hate it, only because it can be kind of loud and in your face. Chantilly and Quezal always make sure they have a calm night in with lots of good snacks or going to the calmer neighborhoods if they do want to trick or treat!
As for Codexverse they would have a Halloween adjacent holiday! The Scorpions have a festival akin to Day of the Dead while in the Province of Lago de Sangre the Mosquitos also host a holiday based on the bloodcorn they eat, almost like a Harvest Celebration.
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graphic-ginger · 2 months
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Sorry for my absence! I've been getting DESTROYED by Art Fight and uni but now that Art Fight is done I'm gonna be back on that grind 💪💪💪💪 Here's some of my attacks from the fight this year! (I did 38 total it was madness)
Pic 1: Ginger(Alien) - Me, Terry(fish) - tunafeeshh(IG) , Morb(cow) - marshamallow(IG) Pic 2: Calypso - @hkdreamrealm Pic 3: Mono - yghern(Art Fight) Pic 4: Vestige(moth) - Me, Rosa(caterpillar) - tunafeeshh(IG) Pic 5: Ardentia - Me, Wintr - @plagued-nurse Pic 6: Pale King - @alaskaartz Pic 7: Beryl - @tiger-lily-55555 Pic 8: Ether - @intistone Pic 9: Cera - @vintagefrog Pic 10: Alma - @fluffymuffincentral
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flame-shadow · 3 months
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Hello, Little One Beryl for @tiger-lily-55555 [Attack #22]
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vulturereyy · 11 months
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oc doodles from tonight for @cordycepsbian, @tiger-lily-55555, and @ruthlesslistener, plus a few of my own that got requested when instructions unclear :)
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voidsiblings · 9 months
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Gift exchange art for @tiger-lily-55555 of her vessel OC Brzzz!
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saturno-sol · 1 year
I have a question about Wisper of the Wastes: what's Thieves End like? Is it the name of Ivory & Co's base/camp, or is it a small town with the group being some of the people living there?
Also, once Ivory and Rueby get re-introduced to society after their time in the Wastes, was there any hiccups/learning curves? I'm guessing communication might have been difficult at first. Also, is there any hobbies or activities they like to when they're at home? Any their new friends taught them?
I hope you feel better soon!
Hello! And thank you! Things are kind pf tumultuous but currently I’m ok.
As your your ask, Thieves End was a settlement, actually Im thinking it was the first settlement Ivory and Rueby showed up in. It was a small and dusty hamlet and named something else (im thinking something along the lines of Dustcliff or something), with maybe only a handful of people living there.
And with the beginnings of Ivory’s bounty hunting and the others joining it becomes a bustling hub and due to their notoriety of being nearly 100% successful with their jobs the place is known as Thieves End, which sticks as the official name.
And talking about them, absolutely there were some learning curves when it came to transitioning from pure wilds to interacting with other sentient bugs. For one the language that the two utilize is something uniquely suited for their own purposes, with the lack of spoken words meaning that Rueby regressed a bit in vocal language. And Ivory themself does not know sign and ofc can’t speak so their first meetings with the residents of Dustcliff were rocky at best.
As for Hobbies hmm, I think Ivory is less of a hobby person and more thinking that their work around the village is a hobby kdkfs. Though they do enjoy taking souvenirs from their various hunts, some that they display and some that they patch into their clothing, so they would call that a hobby. Though Knoriq has tried to teach them to dance to various degrees of success.
Rueby of course loves patrolling Thieves End with the little nail she was gifted by Ivory. She’s still fairly young when the Hunters are at their peak. (Around 3 when she left Hallownest, and around 10 at Thieves End)
She also enjoys playing cards thanks to Shrub and Bush, and has a small collection of handmade dolls and plushes that Ivory either tried to make or bought from a merchant for her.
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saturno-sol · 1 year
For the WIP ask game, I'm curious about both Soledad WIPs - I really enjoy your characterization of Grimm and Jr. in your mer au.
Also, I love learning about your ocs, so a third ask option from me is your Chantilly WIP!
Jsjdjs aww thank youu I love Grimm and Junior too
Uhh lets see
For chap 4 its what it says on the tin but ill give you a lil snippet
Everything was silent, and that unnerved him immensely. Junior wasn’t that quiet, and from the bathroom came no chirps or trills from the mer. Grimm waited for a sound, anything really to alert him that the house did in fact have living beings in it. The silence was beginning to press on his head, the sound of it deafening his hearing until he could bear it no longer.
For Soledad Shit its basically any blurb that doesn’t yet fit into a chapter or will be inspo for a future chapter, and it’s mostly filled with Grimm and Hornet family bonding.
“What are you doing?” Hornet said as a deadpan expression morphed her usual hard set mouth to a frown.
“I!” Grimm started before he cursed under his breath as the fishing line tangled again, “Am fishing.”
Well, fishing was probably a generous statement. He hadn’t caught anything yet, nor had he successfully cast out the line further than a few feet away from the dock but he was trying.
He was trying and slowly getting more irritated at the fact that he was horrible at fishing.
As for the Chantilly wip! I actually forgor whats in there but sjfjks
In his nightmare, could he call it that if it was all he ever knew, he was back in that cell.
Golden filigree decorated the bars, a gilded cage for Pharloom’s prized captive. Silk adorned the floor in heaps of pure white fabric, Weaver made.
His head was bowed and his eyes refused to open. To open and see.
See the carved sigils shining golden on his chest, see the cold-almost-burning threads of pure soul digging into his body and immobilizing him. Everything burned, everything hurt and yet Chantilly could not move
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saturno-sol · 2 years
Hello! For the oc ask game, how about Fuego and Jaune-dar for Texture?
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Fuego grew up with the scorpion nomads so most fabrics were made of woven plant fibers or fur from Dune Stags, but after his mom’s establishment of the Empire they gain access to a lot more different fabrics (i.e silk and linens) so he’ll tend to favor those more. But he’ll still wear Scorpion made clothing sometimes for the nostalgia of it :3
As for Jaune-dar its the same deal save for the fact that they still prefer the plant fiber ponchos and cloaks, though for special occasions they will wear some more fancier fabrics.
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saturno-sol · 1 year
Hello Saturno-sol,
I saw your post about Codex and I just wanted to let you know your not just screaming into the void. I know for one that I love your fic and I can't wait to keep reading and learning about your characters. When it comes to responses, I was literally thinking about going back and re-reading Codex again so I can give some proper comments on the chapters - the first two times I was just so wrapped up in the story I forgot comments were a thing😅
I'm writing an oc-centric fic too, and I found that it is pretty hard to get reception for it. It may just be because I'm new to writing fanfic, or that I'm just new to social media in general, but yeah, it's hard not having any response to something you work so hard on. You and Codex have actually been a huge inspiration and source of comfort for me, knowing that I'm not the only one writing about my bugs instead of canon characters.
I know that you said to just ignore the post, but it's true - a little bit of validation goes a long way, especially for something that you put so much effort and creativity into. So here's my little bit of that, and a thank you for sharing and putting effort into something so unique and fun.
Hoping that this is the right place to put this, Tiger Lily
Looking over your response and I will admit I teared up just a bit haha. Thank you, it really means a lot to hear.
But don’t worry about me! I get into funks like this sometimes, its a double edged sword where the problem is in the solution so I end up just flopping onto the floor like a fainting lady haha. Its nice to see that Codex has inspired you! It makes me even more determined to see it through and make sure I tell their story justice.
Its hard getting reception for these kinds of things yeah, but that doesn’t make our work any less impressive or important than others. And also know that you or anyone else aren’t obligated to do anything! This means more than enough thank you.
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saturno-sol · 2 years
Hello! For the writing ask game: 💎why is writing important to you? 📡why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
I hope two questions are alright!
Hi! And no sweat these are great :3
💎why is writing important to you?
Writing is important to me because it was the first medium I could express myself in! I was a p bad artist when I was younger so writing translated that need to show off what I had to say.
📡 why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
If this is like, a general question Id say it’s important to write and share your stories in fandom because thats what fandom is about. It’s about coming together and sharing how the source has inspired you!
As for me, I dont really think my stuff is all that important in the fandom lol. Im just kinda here and throwing my stuff into the abyss
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Happy Birthday!
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