#user:kazu sun
sohyuki · 2 years
you are the ‘you scare me’ BUT IN A GOOD WAY BC YOU’RE SO COOL!! with a bit of talkative hehe <3
thank you for saying i'm cool because i literally cringe at myself sometimes 😔👍 and i'm sorry that i scare you 😭😭😭
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sohyuki · 2 years
dont worry, mint. childe was my first genshin crush (i am ashamed of myself yeah)
so here’s a hug for you!! 🤗💗 also how have you been? i hope life’s been treating you kindly <3
no hori you don't get it ;;-;; i held on for ONE YEAR. i held onto my childe dissing badge like it was a lifeline. and now 😔
sending you hugs tooooo!! <3 i've been okay! i had covid until about last week so i'm so happy to be out of my room and well again but now i'm missing some clothes cause my dad took my suitcase and washed everything but some of my nicer skirts got lost in the wash 😭 so i have to hunt those down. other than that, i'm starting a new job on friday!! it's just a temporary gig until i move away for uni in oct (crying 👍) so i am RUSHING to finish my series (behold the sun) before that happens JKSDH
how are you though!! i hope life is going good <3
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