#using up our GALLONS of frozen peaches...
meren-tario · 1 year
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broodsys · 21 days
garden updateee (long post lmao)
peach tree first:
have harvested upwards of 50 peaches from it. have invited the neighbors to freely take peaches (don't think they have tho). have given peaches to my brother. so many are getting partly eaten by critters (i don't mind this)
probably have an additional 30-40 in the worm bin (partly eaten ones, gloopy ones, ones that were seriously damaged early on, etc)
ended up with two gallon bags full - and i mean full - of frozen peach slices and a good bit of peach sauce (well, i call it that, but it's really just cooked down/pureed peaches and a bit of sugar. it's good!)
could i have been more productive with it? yeah! however! wasn't expecting this at all! i cannot stress enough how much of a surprise this has been
after all the peaches have been harvested im gonna trim this poor tree down so hard. bc at present it isn't just bowing a bit under the weight, the main trunk goes up and up... and then starts coming sharply back down. roughly like so:
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except with a lot more branches and all but yeah not actually drawing this lmao.
gonna try to espalier it a bit. there are lower branches that i'm going to be keeping and hopefully i can get some wire or something to give it some support, bc clearly during growing and harvest seasons it's gonna need that support. but i'm taking the height off... again, lmao. i've already done this!!!! it is growing so much
however, i think i know why. about midway through last year, we moved the worm bin over near it. and the worm bin has holes drilled in the bottom. so all those nutrients have been sinking into the soil and i think the peach tree was just like oh? nutrience? for me??? and went apeshit lmao
other garden news:
although i've mostly been talking about the peach tree, many things are going above and beyond. the rose bush out front is covered with rose hips that are probably about as wide as a half dollar? and it's grown to about halfway up the second floor. ridiculous. some of the canes are easily as wide as a quarter
we also have a grape. idk what type bc like the smartest person imaginable, i lost the tag. also i don't think it's ever gonna fruit but that is okay bc it is a sprawling beast and beautiful and it is sending vines up that are on the first floor roof
a lot of plants i have mostly to control temperatures indoors. so the rose bush covers the front of the house and some of the dark roof shingles, while the mystery tree and grape cover another part of the house. i was letting the peach tree get a bit taller to become a shade tree since it wasn't seeming to bear (but still not ridiculously tall!) but uh. A Mistake 😂
currently in the process of getting one of the many many manyyyy marionberry canes to root so that i can plant some in the backyard. it's very well established along the side yard and we get a ton of fruit from it, so why not just keep it going?
and we have a nectarine tree out back that's in its.... hmm. second or third year, but i think second. it's older than that, but in terms of being in our garden. so it's not bearing yet, no real surprise, and it's having some of the same issues the peach tree originally had, but the peach tree is no longer afflicted so i suspect the nectarine will end up okay as well
gonna be repositioning the metal gazebo frame (canvas top long since destroyed) into the center of the yard so that we can safely hang a new tarp from it and provide some central shade. looking forward to that, altho it'll be a lot of work. been using the water i saved up all during the rainy season and so far i still have a lot, which is nice - been doing a lot of water-wise planting and letting things get their own water and all. i've managed to keep the bucket pond going even tho the plastic is starting to crack and i'm dreading the eventual day the whole thing goes... sm life in there
but it's cracking bc the winters are getting so cold that the water freezes several inches down and expands, so it's like... rly tricky to deal with? debating about getting a solar powered water bubbler for it. just smth to keep the water moving a little bit and hopefully prevent it from freezing sm
i have mulched a tremendous amount this year, as i usually do. countless cardboard boxes - only plain ones, or ones with dyed parts removed, and always removing all the tape. forever trying to reuse stuff. there are still problem areas in the back and front yards, but some can't really be dealt with - like we have a lot of stray cats in the area and they sure do like to use yards as litter boxes 🙃like they're just gonna be here, it's a thing, but it does mean taking that into consideration wrt what/how we grow things
i keep getting frustrated and sad with how many things are dying out there but like. yeah. it's gonna happen. a) transplant shock is a thing, no matter how careful i try to be, b) it's hard to tell how heavily i should water things tbph, c) our soil is different all over the place, and the soil out front is very poor - which some things prefer! but definitely not all, and d) climate change. even hardy natives aren't necessarily hardy anymore, and over time native ranges seem to be shifting, so it's difficult
but i'm trying to not focus sm on what's dying and more on what's thriving, bc a bunch of stuff is :')
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bastardtravel · 6 years
August 11, 2018. Manchester, New Hampshire.
After seven hours on the road, pausing only to explore an Old Ones cult site, storm a terrible castle, and eat distressingly dry corned beef at a Greek diner that still advertised one of their menu items as “Michael Jackson’s favorite grinder”, we were in dire need of respite.
Establishing a forward operating base was our first priority. For my part, I can sleep anywhere. My bonfire days in the Frozen North frequently necessitated pitching a $10 K-Mart tent over gravel, then drinking bottom-shelf whiskey until you didn’t realize you were sleeping in a puddle of rainwater and broken glass. That’s not a knack you lose. It’s like riding a bike. The Girl was always more discerning, and became doubly so after our experience in Phoenix with the inept criminal front halfway house hotel. We agreed that she can veto any of the lodgings I book. Sometimes, late at night, I’ll hold a flashlight under my chin and tell her spoOoOoky stories about hostels in Ireland.
She insisted on the airport Super 8. I was hoping to stay in a quaint deep woods motel called “Unsmiling Jed’s Sleepaway”, attached to sister business “Unsmiling Jed’s Discount Plastic Surgery Silo and Chili Kitchen”.
If I can’t protect it, I don’t deserve to have it. That goes double for life.
A friendly foreign woman checked us in at the Super 8, then proceeded into utter bafflement when I asked for a first aid kid. I chewed myself up pretty good climbing Bancroft’s Castle, and I’d spent the last half hour bleeding into an oily dog blanket to avoid ruining my upholstery. I’m pretty sure that’s how plagues start.
There were no band-aids here, or antiseptics, or possibly medicine as a concept. There was a three gallon tub of hand sanitizer. I thanked her for the offer but gently declined.
We went up to the third floor. The hallways were lined with people sitting on the carpet outside their rooms, shouting and smoking cigarettes. The room itself was clean and the air conditioning worked. All my boxes were checked. The bathroom reeked of weed, which some would interpret as a bonus. I scrubbed my wounds raw in the sink, tucked away the precious cargo of wine and peaches, and set out to investigate downtown Manchester.
Streetlight technology has not yet made its way to Manchester, so we spent twenty minutes missing exits in ocean-floor darkness. It looked worryingly like Wilkes-Barre, which is not where one would choose to vacation, were one sane.
Downtown erupted from nowhere like graphic pop-in on a video game running at its lowest resolution. One second you’re in leatherface country, with nothing breaking the abyssal darkness but the occasional half-broken Jiffy Lube sign. The next, you’re on vibrant neon market strip, replete with hipsters and the homeless.
We knew we had hit downtown proper when we passed by the “craft grilled cheese bistro”.
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only programmers will understand!!!! like and reblog if u get it
Since I am an adult man, grilled cheese cannot be dinner. Both “gastropubs” we tried, despite their bitchin Greek mythology names, offered generic terrible burgers and a draft list that consisted of Coors Light.
“I’m so hungry,” the Girl told me. “I’m gonna die.”
“We all will,” I assured her. “Soon.”
Yelp claimed there was a brewery five blocks away. We walked off the only lit street, into absolute, encompassing blackness. It would’ve been spooky if I didn’t always kind of hope some Putty Patrol mook would lunge at me from the dark while I’m far away from home, having told no one where I’m going and left no paper trail.
There were no incidents. No one was murdered in self-defense. No one knows what we did last summer. The Stark Brewing Company was in the basement of a grim looking office complex, and it was vacant save for two other wanderers.
We sat at the bar and ordered a flight and an imperial stout. I was pushing for finding an actual restaurant, but the Girl ordered “Penne with vodka sauce”, which was not the right color, flavor, or texture to be anything but penne bolognese. The Girl didn’t seem to mind. I ate a pulled pork sandwich.
The beers were warm, but I didn’t care. It didn’t matter what the beers were, so long as they were beers. And not Coors Light. The brewery themed all of their beers off of dogs, for some reason, which I believe to be the ideal business model. According to the bartenders, the brewery had been open for 25 years, but hadn’t yet received their big boom. I was outraged. The beers were excellent, and would probably be even better if they weren’t room temperature, and the taps were not only named for specific dogs, but also provided pictures.
To say nothing of the bathroom, which was covered in sharpie beer lore.
The bartender and waitresses swore a lot more than you would normally expect in this context. The Girl maintains they were swearing at us. I disagreed.
“They were swearing <i>with</i> us,” I mansplained.
“We weren’t swearing,” she countered.
“But if we HAD been.”
As I’ve grown larger and more sinuous, I’ve tried to cut back on how often I cuss at strangers. Cultural relativism is the understanding that not everyone grew up among the coalcrackers, and good-natured oaths like “how the hell are you” or using the fuck-word as a conversational placeholder, while subjectively soothing, can set off fight-or-flight in the small, soft, and bourgeoisie.
I try to maintain direct proportionality between my barbarism and my well-heeledness. Neither the wait staff nor the other two customers shared my bond, and the middle-aged guy on my right proceeded to tell me how his hometown of Denver, Colorado is the greatest fuckin’ city in America, next to maybe Southern California. Which is not a city.
We talked about our homes and travels for a while, then I got my pulled pork sandwich and they left. The sandwich was slightly warmer than the beer, which beat the alternative.
An armada of children came into the bar.
“Oh, shit,” the woman tending bar said. They were visibly teenagers, and on the wrong side of it. They had that gangly awkwardness you get around fourteen or fifteen, and if they were trying to play it off, they were woefully bad at it. There were also nearly twenty of them. It looked like a field trip.
People in their twenties don’t travel in packs of more than six. It’s hard to transport a throng, unless you have a party bus, and why do you have a party bus when you’re twenty-eight? You’re twenty-eight and party buses have always been sad. Get a job. Also, it’s hard to get that many adults to agree on something.
It can be done. You can say, “Hey, adults, you want to do some drugs?” And in a sufficiently sized crowd, you’ll manage to pull twenty or so who will follow you to your house or whatever. This is called an “afterparty”. It doesn’t go to bars at 9pm.
Have you felt out the social zeitgeist recently? Look at a random handful of current memes and it’ll be pretty clear that most adults consider socialization to be a required burden, like paying emotional taxes. “Going out” is the price of living in a civilized society. You’re not going to scare up twenty people, then put them in a party bus, then take them to an abandoned bar half a mile outside of where the actual nightlife is.
“Hey, we’re just about to close,” the bartender said.
A reedy blonde in a top that seemed to consist mostly of straps screeched, “But your WEBSITE said you were open til ONE!”
The bar fell silent. Well, more silent. The Girl and I traded looks, her horror for my delight.
“Uhhhhhh,” the bartender said, but with excellent elocution, as though that were the word she had deliberately chosen. “Okay.”
They sat the itinerant mall food court in an enormous corner table, whereupon they requested shots.
The waitress who had sworn at/with us the least came back to the bar and said, “You guys said you were from Pennsylvania, right?”
We nodded.
“Can I see one of your licenses quick?”
She compared mine against the obviously fake ID one of the tweens had given her. After a moment she said, “Yeah, you can see, the font is different. And the picture looks like it’s photoshopped.”
“Yeah, no one’s license picture ever looks this good,” the Girl said, studying the fake ID.
“Except mine,” I added. They ignored me. I didn’t take it personally.
The waitresses disappeared into the back. Five minutes later, the only dude working at the place was gendered into being the bad cop. He sulked over to the teens.
“You guys gotta leave,” he said. “We know your ID’s fake. We’re not trying to get fined. You gotta go.”
For maximum accuracy, imagine this said in Toby’s voice from the Office. Shamefaced, the flash mob of children dispersed.
We paid for our room temperature beers and left the poor, foul-mouthed brewery to close at 9:30 on a Friday. The Girl and I accidentally stalked the battalion of teens through the street, but only because we were all moving back toward the only lights in the city, not unlike moths. They turned a corner and vanished, presumably to find an arcade or laser tag or some sort of large carousel.
The Girl and I followed the sounds of some obnoxious bros announcing, “It’s like a fahkin sketchy ally, dewd”.
It was, in fact, the least sketchy alley I’d ever been in. Cat Alley was the best lit venue in all of New Hampshire. It was clean and well-maintained, and it was covered less in graffiti and more in an outdoor art gallery dedicated to cats.
There were more, but they didn’t all warrant a picture.
Portland Pie Co loomed from the endless darkness like a beacon in the night, hearkening back to those days lost in Maine during the Great Lobster Drought of 2017. We split a bourbon barrel ale which did me in. It was bedtime.
On the way back, toward the end of the main drag, a man made of pure light rode by blasting EZ-Listenin from his Tron bicycle, also made of pure light.
I can’t prove he wasn’t Jesus.
Heartened, we returned to the hotel, where no one was smoking or yelling in the hallway anymore. Excellent.
Next stop, Portsmouth.
The Bastard
Into the Abyss August 11, 2018. Manchester, New Hampshire. After seven hours on the road, pausing only to explore an Old Ones cult site, storm a terrible castle, and eat distressingly dry corned beef at a Greek diner that still advertised one of their menu items as "Michael Jackson's favorite grinder", we were in dire need of respite.
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dotumblerworld · 5 years
Moonshine Recipe Drink Recipes Guide With Illustrated Images
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40 Lists Of Best Moonshine Recipe For Any Alcoholic Drink Lovers
1. Honey Moonshine Drinks
Honey moonshine tastes just as good as it sounds, especially when you do everything right. Fortunately for the novice distiller, a proper honey moonshine isn’t that hard to make. Ingredients 5 Gallons of Filtered Water 1 Gallon of Honey 1 Small Packet of Distillers Yeast 1 Tsp of Yeast NutrientEquipment - See our guide here! Boiling Pot Mixing Paddle Fermentation Bucket Auto Siphon Airlock Moonshine Still Instructions Heat 2.5 gallons of water to 120°F. Add 1 gallon of honey and stir until completely dissolved. Mix honey water with 2.5 gallons of 70°F water, the resulting temperature being around 95°F. Let mix cool to 70°F or below, transfer to fermentation bucket, then add the yeast and nutrient. Close the lid, put airlock in place, and let ferment at 70° F for at least 2 weeks. After fermentation is complete let settle for 5 to 7 days. Transfer the wash to moonshine still using siphon tube, leaving any sediment in the fermenter. Distill and collect all the cuts as you normally would. Notes Using yeast nutrient is recommended since it will help the yeast to process all the sugars in the honey into liquor. When mixing honey with water make sure that no lumps or layering takes place, everything has to be uniform for fermentation.The final proof and flavor will largely depend on the type of still you use, though we’d recommend shooting for a slightly lower proof in order to retain more delicate honey flavor.
2. Water Melon Moonshine Recipe
With so many watermelons all over the place come ripe season, it’s no wonder that you’d want to make a watermelon moonshine. The good news is that watermelon is full of simple sugars that can be used for fermentation. The not so good news is that you’ll have to work a bit to get those sweet sugars into your mash. Ingredients 10 Peaches 25 cups of Sugar (granulated) 5 gallons of Filtered Water 15 Limes 1 1/4 Large Watermelon 1 Small Packet Yeast (Wine or Distiller's Yeast) 1 1/4 Cup of Chopped RaisinsEquipment​s Boiling Pot Fermentation Bucket Airlock Siphon Tube Fine Cheesecloth Mixing Spoon Blender Moonshine Still Instructions Extract juice form watermelon and peaches making sure to save pulp. In five quarts of water, boil pulp for half an hour. Strain and add water to juice. Let cool to lukewarm and add water until you have five gallons total. Add in all ingredients to primary fermentation vessel omitting only the yeast. Cover with cloth and let sit. After one day add yeast. Let sit for one week making sure to stir daily. Strain off raisins. Next fit fermentation trap and let sit for four more weeks before bottling. Cut the peaches and the watermelon into cubes and run them through the blender. Put the resulted blend into the cheesecloth to strain the juice from the pulp. Apply pressure to maximize output. Strain the resulting juice into the boiling pot, add raisins and bring the liquid to 160°F for quick pasteurization. Mix in sugar until fully dissolved. Add water to get 5 gallons of liquid in total then let it cool to room temperature. Transfer the mixture to fermentation bucket Pitch the yeast into the bucket Close the bucket and attach the airlock, ensuring an airtight seal. Let it ferment fully until all activity in the airlock stops, then wait for at least 3-4 days more. Open the fermenter and use the siphon tube to transfer the wash off the yeast and other sediment into your still's boiler. Distill the mash as normal. Notes We’d recommend making some more peach and watermelon juice to mix with the spirit for the final drink. Freeze & Blend the fruits for a great moonshine smoothie!It is very important to discard the first 5oz or so (the foreshots) of the collected runnings as these usually contain methyl and other harmful fusel oils.Make sure to collect the liquid into glass vessels, do not use plastic, as the spirit coming out of the still is hot.It's recommended to use smaller vessels in order to observe the exact distinction between different fractions (cuts) of the moonshine.If needed, taste the spirit by mixing a small amount with an equal amount of cold drinking water.
3. Strawberry Brandy Moonshine Recipe
If you ever wondered if it’s a good idea to make a spirit while eating fresh strawberries, this strawberry brandy is exactly the confirmation you’ve been waiting for. Just make sure to have some frozen strawberries stashed in the freezer or make a trip to a local grocery store and pick something good. Hence this recipe is quite simple and easy to make, without any complex processing. Just mix things up, pitch that yeast, ferment then distill. It doesn’t get any better than this! Click here for detailed information on this moonshine recipe. Ingredients 5 lbs of Sugar5 Gallons of Drinking Water6 lbs of Frozen Strawberries1 Small Packet of Distillers or Turbo Yeast Equipment - See our guide here! Large Mixing BowlBoiling PotMixing SpoonFermentation BucketAirlockSiphon TubeMoonshine Still Instructions Put strawberries into a bowl and let thaw.Pour one gallon of water into a pot, warm to about 90°F, then add 5 pounds of sugar, mix well until fully dissolved.Once the strawberries have thawed mash them into puree, then add the sugar syrup.Dump the mix into the fermenter then add the remaining 4 gallons of water.Add yeast, close the lid, put airlock in place and let ferment completely for about 10 days at room temperature.Once the fermentation is done, strain the wash off any solids in the fermenter into the still using a siphon tube.Distill as you normally do, divide into cuts then package for storage and sippin'!
4. Sour Mash Moonshine Recipe
The truth is that sour mash is a very powerful technique from the professional distilling toolkit that lets you maintain virtually the same flavor and quality of the shine over numerous runs. This is achieved by keeping the original mash and adding backset to it, which lowers the pH of the mash and wards off any unwanted bacteria or wild yeast. Ingredients 10 lbs of Cracked white corn 5 lbs of Corn meal 2 lbs of Table Sugar (granulated) 2 lbs Malted barley 8 Gallons of Filtered Water 1 Small Packet of Distillers Yeast Equipment - See our guide here! Fermentation Bucket Boiling Pot Airlock Siphon Tube Strainer/Filter (optional) Moonshine Still Instructions Take corn out of manure and wash Roll corn to crack it Place corn into 55 gallon barrel Next add half bushel of corn meal Pour in five pounds of sugar Fill remainder of barrel with water. In about 21 days a red skim will appear. Push a hose with a stopper at the end to the bottom of the barrel. Blow out stopper. Next step is to siphon off mixture until approximately 4 inches are left at the bottom of the barrel. Strain the remainder of the liquid. Place in cooker and cook until it boils, then simmer. This should yield 1.5 gallons of 105 proof moon shine. Heat 5 gallons of water to 150°F in the boiling pot. Mix in 5 pounds pf cracked corn, 5 pounds of corn meal, 1 pound of table sugar and 2 pounds of malted barley and hold at 150°F for about 2 hours. Chill to room temperature, transfer to the fermenter, add yeast, close the lid, and place the airlock ensuring an airtight seal. Let ferment for 10-14 days until airlock activity stops completely for 1-2 days. Rack the wash off the yeast sediment into the still using the siphon and strainer. Do not discard the yeast sediment and grains from the fermenter, add about 3 gallons of warm water for the duration of the distilling run. Run the still hot and fast, collect all the runnings without making cuts, run down to 20 proof. Collect the remaining wash from the distiller (backset), mix in 1 pounds of sugar until completely dissolved, cool to room temperature then add to the fermenter with the diluted sediment from the previous fermentation. Add fresh yeast, close the lid, place airlock and let ferment for 10-14 days. When the fermentation is finished, transfer the wash with a siphon tube into the still. Do not dump the yeast sediment and grains, add 3 gallons of warm water and set the fermenter aside. Add the collected runnings from the previous distillation run into the still with the wash. Run the distillation as you normally would, in this case managing all the cuts properly. Collect the backset from the still, chill it to room temperature, mix in 1 pound of sugar and add to the fermenter. Repeat steps 9 to 14 several times to generate a proper sour mash moonshine. Notes With proper skill and grain management the sour mash cycle can be repeated almost indefinitely.It makes sense to maintain the cycle if you’re planning to distill on a regular basis with a proper schedule.Check the smell and taste of the mash after every fermentation cycle, replace the spent grains with fresh ones or restart the cycle if you feel like the quality is not as good as in the previous run.If you’re distilling only occasionally, maintaining a sour mash cycle may prove to be too much trouble.
5. Barley Corn Moonshine Recipe
The approach is really simple and doesn’t involve any sophisticated methods to get things done. Just make sure to ferment it thoroughly and manage the cuts well while distilling. If ya get it right it’ll be a splendid old-school moonshine that’ll make a great drink on a cold winter night, or just anytime you fee’like sipping on it! Ingredients 15 lbs of Barley 10 lbs of Dark Molasses 10 lbs of Cracked Corn 1 Can of Malt Syrup 6 Gallons of Filtered Water 1 Small Packet of Distillers or Bakers Yeast 1 Teaspoon of Amylase Enzyme (Optional)Equipment - See our guide here! Boiling Pot Mixing Paddle Fermentation Bucket Siphon Tube Airlock Moonshine Still Instructions Pour 6 gallons of water into a boiling pot, bring to around 90°F, then add barley, dark molasses, cracked corn and malt syrup. Mix the ingredients well, remove any grains that float on top. Transfer the mixture with all the remaining solids into a fermentation bucket, let cool to room temperature, then add yeast. Close the lid, put the airlock in place, allow to ferment completely (should take about 2 weeks). After fermentation has stopped, wait for 2 more days then use a siphon tube to transfer the wash to the moonshine still, leaving all the solids and sediment behind in the fermenter. Distill as you normally would to get optimal efficiency and proof from your still. Notes We’d suggest using amylase enzyme to ensure proper starch conversion in such a grain-heavy mash. For this, you need to add 1 teaspoon of enzyme to the mash right after transferring it to the fermenter and leave it for about an hour before pitching yeast.Simple barley can be substituted with malted barley for better efficiency and to avoid using amylase enzyme in the first place.The final flavor and proof of the moonshine depends on the type of still you’ll be using to distill it. Check out our guide to stillin' to learn more!
6. Popcorn Sutton Moonshine Recipe
This recipe is based on his renowned moonshine that uses both sugar and corn meal to make the timeless Tennessee spirit that the man used to sell from the back of his legendary truck. Ingredients 5 lbs of Sugar 4 gallons Filtered Water 2 1/2 lbs of Coarse Ground White Corn Meal 1 small packet Yeast (preferably Distiller's Yeast) 1 gallon of Malt (rye, corn or barley)Equipment - See our guide here! Boiling Pot Fermentation Bucket Airlock Siphon Tube Cheesecloth Moonshine Still Instructions Add 1 gallon of water to the pot and bring it to boil. Add cornmeal and cook, don’t forget to stir occasionally. Remove the heat and let the cornmeal cool down some, then add the remaining water, then mix in the sugar and ground malt. Transfer mixture into the fermenter, let it cool to room temperature then add yeast. Let the mash ferment completely until no visible activity can be detected. Rack the wash off the yeast sediment with a siphon tube into the still's boiler. Distill the wash as normal. Notes Classic Popcorn Sutton mash undergoes open fermentation, so just need to cover the bucket with a cheesecloth and let it ferment.More cautious folk are concerned the mash might get infected with wild yeast or bacteria. We are of that mindset and recommend using a proper fermentation bucket with an airtight seal and an airlock in place.Preferably use a copper pot still for this one in order to keep it true to the way Popcorn Sutton used to do it. Manage the cuts thoroughly, as you’re aiming for the very hearts to get that legendary moonshine flavor.Adjust recipe to size of container. Cornmeal should equal about half or less of container.
7. Applejack Moonshine Recipe
Applejack moonshine is probably as old as the USA, and it’s darn good drinkin’ if you ask us. Making this one, however, is a bit different from what you’re probably used to as a moonshiner. How to Make Applejack? Ingredients 5 gallons Unpasteurized Apple Cider 5 pounds Table or Cane Sugar (granulated) 1 packet of Yeast (preferably Cider Yeast, check out our guide on yeast)Equipment​s Boiling Pot Fermentation Bucket Mixing Spoon Airlock Siphon Tube Strainer/Filter (optional) Storage Vessel (5 gal is ideal size) Freezer w/ space for 5-gallon storage vessel Instructions Pour one gallon of apple cider into the boiling pot, heat it up to about 160°F then mix in the sugar until dissolved completely. Mix the resulting syrup with the remaining 4 gallons of apple cider in a sanitized fermentation bucket. Let mixture cool to below 75 degrees and then add yeast. Cover the bucket with an airtight lid, place the airlock and let ferment for a minimum of five days until complete stop of any activity in the fermenter. The airlock shouldn't have any movement for 1-2 days. After fermentation is complete, separate the liquid from the yeast by siphoning off the liquid into a separate storage vessel. Put the vessel with the strained cider into the freezer. Check back periodically for ice crystal formation atop of the liquid and remove them. Notes The more ice you remove, the higher the proof will be of the remaining cider.Typically, ice formation will slow significantly around 30-40% ABV.
8. Sweet Feed Moonshine Recipe
How To Make Sweet Feed Moonshine
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Print Where there's a will there's a way! Ingredients 5 lbs of Sugar 10 lbs of Sweet Feed or Similar Horse Feed 5 Gallons of Water 1 Small Packet of Distillers Yeast Equipment - See our guide here! Boiling Pot Mixing Spoon Fermentation Bucket Thermometer Airlock Siphon Tube or Cheesecloth Moonshine Still Instructions Pour one gallon of water into the boiling pot, bring to boil. Mix in 5 pounds of sugar until fully dissolved. Pour 4 gallons of water into the fermentation bucket, then add 10 pounds of sweet feed, mix well. Add the sugar syrup, let cool to room temperature, then add yeast. Close the lid tightly, put airlock in place, let ferment for about 10-14 days at room temperature. Separate the wash from the solids either by pouring through a cheesecloth or using a siphon tube, collect the was in the moonshine still. Distill as usual, manage cuts accordingly, collect the spirit, and jar for use later. (or now!) Notes Horse feed is likely to burn to the bottom of the pot of the still, so make sure to filter the wash well when transferring it from the fermenter.Distillers yeast seems to be the best pick for this type of mash, however you can experiment with other types as well. The flavor and proof of the spirit will largely depend on the type of still you’ll be using.
9. Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe
Just make sure that you’re using quality corn seeds for the mash, well-ground (but not into flour, mind you). Both the fermentation and distillation steps should be fairly simple with this moonshine recipe, so even inexperienced runners can get great results with this one. If you’re still learning how to perfect your shine, we recommend you check our guides on how to make moonshine and common distilling equipment! How To Make Corn Mash Moonshine Cocktail
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Print A timeless classic, corn mash moonshine! Ingredients 7 Pounds of Corn Seeds (cracked or milled) 7 Pounds of Table Sugar(granulated) 5 gallons of Filtered Water 1 Small Packet of Yeast (usually is 11grams) Equipment - See our guide here! Fermentation Bucket Airlock Siphon Tube Strainer/Filter (optional) Moonshine Still Instructions Heat the water to ~100F to aid with mixing Mix sugar with corn and water in the fermentation bucket by thoroughly stirring the liquid with a spoon for a couple of minutes. Add the yeast then seal the bucket with the lid. Place the airlock in the respective opening, making sure that the seal is airtight. Allow the mash to ferment completely, which should take about 2 weeks in total. Once the bubbling in the airlock stops, leave for an additional 2-3 days. Open the fermenter and rack the wash (filter off any solids and sediment) by using a siphon tube and (optional) filter. Place the collected wash inside your still's boiler and fire it up! Notes Depending on your still type you may obtain different final proof of moonshine as well as drop rate. Pot still users may require a second (or third) still run to obtain higher proof moonshine. It is very important to discard the first 5oz or so (the foreshots) of the collected runnings as these usually contain methyl and other harmful fusel oils.Make sure to collect the liquid into glass vessels, do not use plastic, as the spirit coming out of the still is hot. It's recommended to use smaller vessels in order to observe the exact distinction between different fractions (cuts) of the moonshine.If needed, taste the spirit by mixing a small amount with an equal amount of cold drinking water. Patience and restraint are a 'shiners best companions!
10. ​Grape Juice Moonshine Recipe
How To Make Grape Juice Moonshine Brandy
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Print Distilling your own brandy is a true point of pride for any shiner, master your craft! Author: MoonshineRecipe.org Ingredients 10 Cans (11.5 oz.) of Welches 100% Frozen Grape Concentrate 7 lbs of Sugar (granulated) 5 Gallons of Filtered Water 1 packet of Wine or Distillers Yeast - check out our guide here! Equipment Boiling Pot Fermentation Bucket Airlock Siphon Tube Strainer/Filter (optional) Moonshine Still Instructions Pour a gallon of water in a pot and bring to a boil. Add sugar and stir until dissolved completely. Remove from heat and then add frozen grape concentrate. Top it off with more water to get a total of 5 gallons. Chill the wort to room temperature and pour it into the fermenter. Pitch yeast, close the lid, put the airlock in place ensuring an airtight seal. Let the mixture ferment for a couple of weeks until any activity in the airlock stops for at least 1-2 days. Rack the wine off the yeast using a siphon tube directly into the still’s pot leaving any sediment in the fermenter. Fire up the still and perform the distillation as usual. Notes It is very important to discard the first 5oz or so (the foreshots) of the collected runnings as these usually contain methyl and other harmful fusel oils.Make sure to collect the liquid into glass vessels, do not use plastic, as the spirit coming out of the still is hot. It's recommended to use smaller vessels in order to observe the exact distinction between different fractions (cuts) of the moonshine.If needed, taste the spirit by mixing a small amount with an equal amount of cold drinking water.Optionally, you can put the resulting moonshine into a barrel to mature for added complexity. These barrels are made for whiskey ageing, but should suit the purpose just fine (avoid the ones with whiskey-specific spices)
11. Sugar Moonshine Recipe
How To Make Sugar Shine Alcoholic Beverage
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Print Sugar Shine: the definition of keeping it simple! Ingredients 8 lbs White Sugar 5 Gallons Filtered Water 2 Small Packets of Yeast (see our guide on great yeasts to use) 1 lb Raisins (optional) Equipment - See our guide here! Boiling Pot Fermentation Bucket Airlock Siphon Tube Strainer/Filter (optional) Moonshine Still Instructions Pour two gallons of water into a pot and heat it to no more than 120°F. When the water reaches the desired temperature start adding a few pounds of sugar at a time.Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved before adding more. Keep adding sugar until all is dissolved. Pour sugar syrup into the fermenter and add three more gallons of water. Let the temperature drop to room temperature and then add yeast. Close the fermenter, place the airlock in place and let the mash ferment. Raise temperature to about 70-80°F for faster fermentation and higher liquor yield. Once the bubbling activity in the airlock stops completely, allow 2-3 more days for complete fermentation then open the fermenter. Rack the wash off the yeast sediment into the still’s pot using a siphon tube. Fire up the still and perform the distillation run. Notes Depending on still type used you may obtain varying proof readings of the final spirit.If the proof is too low for your liking, collect all the fractions (without the foreshots) and distill again.It is very important to discard the first 5oz or so (the heads) of the collected runnings as these usually contain methyl and other harmful fusel oils.Preferably use smaller glass vessels to collect the runnings in order to better manage the resulting fractions.If necessary, taste the spirit by mixing a small amount with an equal amount of cold water.Keep in mind , that it’s best to stay sober and focused during the run!
12. Corn Whiskey Moonshine Recipe
How To Make Corn Whiskey and Moonshine
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Print A 'shiners delight! Author: MoonshineRecipe.org Ingredients 10 Lbs Cane Sugar 10 Lbs Cracked Corn 5 Gallons of Filtered Water 1 Tablespoon of Amylase Enzyme 4oz Toasted White Oak Chips 1 Small Packet of Turbo or Distillers Yeast Equipment - See our guide here! Boiling Pot Fermentation Bucket Siphon Tube Airlock Immersion chiller (optional) Moonshine Still Instructions Pour 5 gallons of water into the pot and bring to 165°F. Add 10 lbs of cracked corn, mix well, add amylase enzyme and let sit for 90 minutes. Throw away all the kernels that are left floating on top. Add sugar and stir well until sugar is completely dissolved. Use immersion chiller to cool the wort or let it cool down on its own, then transfer it to the fermenter. When the wort is at room temperature add yeast, cover the fermenter with a lid, put airlock in place. Keep the bucket at room temperature or slightly higher, in shade, let the wort ferment completely until no activity is seen in the airlock (should take about 2 weeks). Transfer the wash into the still using a siphon tube, leaving the yeast sediment and corn in the fermenter. Distill the wash as you normally would and collect all your hearts into a single jar. Add oak chips after the moonshine has cooled and let it sit a couple of days to get more color and flavor. Notes Use a hydrometer to check the potential liquor content before and after fermentation.You can substitute the siphon tube with a cheesecloth to strain the wash off the corn.Optionally, you can replace the amylase enzyme with 1.5 of ordinary brewers or distillers barley malt added together with cracked corn.The moonshine is good to drink right after distilling and cooling without the oak chips. However, to get more flavor and complexity it’s better to age the moonshine for a couple of days.
13. Potato Moonshine Recipe
How To Make Potato Moonshine Cocktail Drink
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Print A great recipe to test out your shinin' skills to achieve a high proof run! Author: Marcia Scott Ingredients 20 lbs of Potatoes 1 lb of Table Sugar (granulated) 2 lbs of Barley Malt (basic brewers or distillers, non-caramelized) 7 gallons of Filtered Water 1-2 packets of yeast (read our guide on moonshine yeast types) Equipment Boiling Pot Potato Masher Fermentation Bucket Mixing Spoon Airlock Siphon Tube Moonshine Still Instructions Peel the potatoes and cut them in small 1-inch cubes. Put the potatoes in a pot and fill it with water until it covers the potatoes. Boil the potatoes for at least 15 minutes. Mash the boiled potatoes (it doesn't need to be perfect) Transfer all of the solids and liquids from the pot into the fermentation bucket. Top it all off with at least 5 gallons of clean drinking water. Mix in the sugar with a spoon. Mix in malted barley (preferably pre-milled). Let the mixture cool to room temperature (or use a homebrew chiller to speed things up). Pitch the yeast. Close the fermenter, make sure the lid is airtight, put the airlock in place Monitor airlock activity, the fermentation should take about 2 weeks, wait until the bubbling in the airlock has stopped for at least 3-4 days. Open the fermenter, rack off any solids and sediment from the mash with a siphon tube into the still’s boiler. Fire up your still and run as normal! Notes Read the full article
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75 Tips to Reduce Food Waste
It takes about 460 gallons of water to provide 1/four pound of beef and 13 gallons of water to provide a single orange. Not to say the added gasoline, processing and packaging earlier than it even touches the cabinets.
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Tossing these outdated leftovers or moldy strawberries might not seem to be an enormous deal, however in response to a 2012 NRDC report—Americans throw away 400 lbs of meals per 12 months… per particular person!
That’s lots of wasted vitamins, assets, cash and energy—on prime of the environmental influence of all that waste going into landfills. 
By decreasing your meals waste, you’re guaranteeing on a regular basis, power and assets that went into producing that meals, just isn't wasted. You can lower your expenses AND scale back your carbon footprint by decreasing your meals waste.
So what are you able to do about all this? Start by studying our 75 tricks to scale back your meals waste from planning to purchasing to storage and extra. Start small and select a pair to begin with to cut back your meals waste at dwelling.
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75 tricks to scale back meals waste
Plan meals forward of time – This can save time and may also help preserve you on monitor. Have a plan for the whole lot you purchase.
Plan a leftovers evening – Plan one evening of the week to eat up or repurpose leftovers. Enjoy leftover meals, or get artistic with these odds and ends. 
Use what you have already got – Old carrots and wilted greens? Chop them up for pasta, frittata, or a soup or salad.
Can it – Learn easy methods to can recent produce. It’s best to begin with meals like salsas, jams and jellies. Here’s your canning 101.
Befriend your freezer – Bought too many inexperienced beans? Berries appears unhappy? Wash, lower, and freeze on a baking sheet. Once frozen, mix in a container they usually’ll final for months. Same goes for wilted spinach and herbs — even attempt creating herb and olive oil “ice cubes”. 
Revive wilted greens by inserting them in an ice tub for a pair minutes.
Eat the skins – Fruit/veggie skins include lots of nice vitamins and fiber. You can eat the skins of cucumber, potatoes, peaches, apricots, zucchini, eggplant, kiwi, and the checklist goes on.
Store tomatoes on the counter and on the vine so long as doable, vine facet down.
Save the seeds – When carving out pumpkins or squash – save these seeds for a crunchy baked snack. 
Save your scraps – Save veggie ends, cheese rinds and rooster bones for a straightforward do-it-yourself inventory. Store the whole lot in a freezer bag till you will have sufficient for inventory.
Plan to make use of delicate produce first (greens, tomatoes, peaches), whereas hearty produce can last more (beets, potatoes, cabbage).
Use clear storage containers and make a behavior of clearing out the fridge earlier than shopping for extra. 
First In, First Out  – Use your oldest meals earlier than going for the newer ones you simply purchased.
Proper produce storage – wrap greens in a towel, preserve potatoes away from onions, and separate bananas and peaches (and different ethylene-emitting fruits like apples). 
Buy much less + store extra typically – Shop sensible by solely shopping for what you want, particularly perishable meals. Plan to hit the farmer’s market or grocery retailer as soon as every week as a substitute of as soon as a month to get your recent meals.  
Buy from bulk bins – this doesn’t imply it is advisable purchase massive quantities, however you should purchase simply what you want. Also carry your individual bulk luggage! Look for bulk bins in your grocery retailer. You can even try the BulkFinder app for shops with bulk in your space. 
Write an inventory – Reduce impulse shopping for and purchase simply what you want with a easy checklist.
Buy frozen meals – Frozen fruits and veggies can have mainly the identical nutrient content material as recent, however they last more and may also help scale back meals waste, particularly you probably have bother getting by the recent variations earlier than they go dangerous. Keep in thoughts, frozen does include packaging so be aware of your purchasing habits.
Pack leftovers for lunch – Make further for dinner so you will have leftovers for a wholesome lunch. 
Turn further or mushy apples into applesauce, apple chips or scrumptious baked apples.
Use the blender – mushy berries, wilted greens, and brown avocados are all nice smoothie additions. Our newest smoothie concoction: bruised peaches with cucumber juice – you'll be able to add absolutely anything to a smoothie…
Date objects to maintain monitor of what must be used first.
Embrace ugly produce – The growing older apple, bruised banana and crooked carrot nonetheless want properties too, they usually’re nonetheless completely edible!
Regularly clear out the fridge – I’m positive you’ve heard the saying “out of sight, out of mind”? Search the entire fridge for hidden meals. Don’t let these berries tucked within the again go dangerous earlier than you notice. Prevent meals spoilage by holding issues clear and visual. 
Understand meals labels – Use by, promote by, and finest by all imply various things. Also know, these labels aren’t regulated (aside from child components)and there aren't any universally accepted descriptions used on meals labels for relationship so you should definitely use your senses.
Use your senses – Look for modifications in shade, odor and texture and use your finest judgement. Also bear in mind, when doubtful, throw it out..
Don’t end your plate when you’re full – overeating just isn't the answer for meals waste. Store further for leftovers or reassess the meal measurement for subsequent time.
Pickle it – cucumber, inexperienced beans, cauliflower, beets, carrots, radishes, garlic, mushrooms, peppers, even watermelon rinds. 
Save citrus peels – they work nice to taste water or make a pure family cleaner. 
Compost – This is an effective way to show these meals scraps into an incredible soil modification. There are plenty of methods to compost: a yard arrange, bokashi, vermicomposting, using metropolis composting, and even asking if a farmer composts and may take the meals scraps. 
Used espresso grounds make for an important hair or face masks, act as a wonderful exfoliant or can fertilize crops.
Use “past-their-prime” produce for self pampering. Use overripe avocado for a face masks or used tea luggage to cut back under-eye puffiness.  
Make an excessive amount of? Share extras with associates and neighbors.
Store grains, cereals and crackers in hermetic containers to maintain from going stale.
Make positive your fridge and freezer are set to the proper temperatures and have safe seals to maintain them on the correct temperature. (fridge 33-38 levels F, and under zero for the freezer).
Take the “Food: Too Good to Waste” problem to maintain good meals from going dangerous.
Shop out of your fridge, freezer and pantry first. If you will have any objects left from final week, be certain to plan your meals round these objects. 
Share plates when eating out – This may also help preserve portion sizes in verify. You can even get a to-go container (or carry your individual!) for straightforward leftovers.
Use the FoodKeeper app for info on storing meals correctly to take care of freshness.
Create an space in your fridge for “need-to-use” objects which might be about to go dangerous. Make some extent to eat these first. 
Follow the 2-hour rule. Don’t preserve perishable meals out at room temperature for greater than 2 hours (1 hour if it’s hotter than 90 levels F). Harmful micro organism can develop quickly at room temperature. Food poisoning just isn't enjoyable. 
Hosting a celebration? Have associates carry their very own containers to take dwelling extras. 
Serve smaller parts and have folks get seconds in the event that they’re nonetheless hungry. 
Be life like together with your meal plan – Plan for fewer days and deplete leftovers first. 
If you will have extra meals than you want, contemplate donating to a meals pantry or meals drive. 
Have a mishmash of things and don’t know what to make? Try soup, tacos, pasta, salad, stir fry, or a frittata.
Buy in bulk – It might be price efficient, however be aware of portions. It doesn’t lower your expenses if you find yourself throwing it out.A value efficient approach and simple zero waste strategy to purchasing meals.
Freeze lemon zest and juice for straightforward use later.
Keep monitor of what you throw away – then you'll be able to assess and make modifications. Do you end up throwing away full gallons of milk? Go with a smaller container. Find your bread typically moldy earlier than you'll be able to eat all of it? Store half within the freezer till you want it. 
Use the whole lot! Use the broccoli stems and cauliflower leaves. Don’t throw out these beet and carrot greens. If you peel potatoes, roast the skins for a crispy snack. And use the rooster bones in inventory.
Buy the entire merchandise – carrots with greens, the entire rooster utilizing further bits for inventory.
Keep mushrooms in a paper bag or one other breathable container.
Grow your individual meals – By rising your individual, you'll be able to seize simply what you want as a substitute of shopping for the entire bunch. Like selecting simply sufficient mint leaves as a substitute of the packages you can by no means appear to complete. 
Keep a working grocery checklist – Just ran out of rice? Write it down! Makes subsequent week’s grocery checklist that a lot simpler.
Prep objects forward of time – grab-and-go snacks and a few easy meal prep.
Use lemon juice on an opened avocado or sliced apples to sluggish browning.
Stale bread? Make the bread into croutons, crumble into bread crumbs or bread pudding.
Store sliced carrots, asparagus and celery in a jar with water to maintain them recent and crunchy.
Freeze brown bananas – you’ve obtained future banana bread, banana pancakes and banana ice cream!
Store berries and cherries with small towel, unwashed within the fridge in a sealed container to take care of freshness.
Store woody herbs like rosemary and thyme rolled up in a humid towel, sealed in a container within the fridge.
Plan meals that double up on components – use cabbage in your bun mi sandwich and within the slaw to your tacos so that you don’t find yourself with half a head of cabbage going to waste.
Don’t retailer milk and eggs within the door of the fridge – the temperature fluctuates most frequently right here. 
Store delicate herbs like basil, cilantro and parsley in a glass of water on the counter, altering the water day by day.
Create clean-out-the-fridge meals – meals like pasta, soups and buddha bowls are nice for this.
Use the customarily forgotten stems and leaves out of your produce – roast or saute kale/chard stems and use celery leaves in your salad or as a garnish.
Dry recent herbs and use them dried.
Wilty herbs? Make a pesto or chimichurri.
Buy dried mushrooms, and rehydrate to be used so that you at all times have mushrooms available with out them going dangerous.
Know your quantities. Include portions in your purchasing checklist to forestall shopping for an excessive amount of.
Dehydrate meals for longer storage, or backpacking meals!
Don’t store if you’re hungry – this usually ends in extra impulse buys.
Utilize expertise – attempt apps like foodkeeper app, waste no meals, spoiler alert. Check out these 16 apps that may assist forestall meals waste.
Learn all you'll be able to in regards to the meals system and what you are able to do to assist scale back meals waste in your neighborhood.
Start small – select one factor you can begin doing at this time to assist scale back your meals waste.
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Want some recipe concepts for utilizing up scraps? Check out our scrappy cooking recipes like Roasted Carrots with Carrot Top Pesto, Roasted Squash Seeds and Homemade Bone Broth.
How do you're employed towards decreasing your meals waste? We’d love to listen to!
We’re at all times striving to cut back our meals waste. It’s a private aim that may make a big influence. It’s not about a couple of folks being excellent, it’s about A LOT of individuals doing it fairly imperfectly. When folks collectively scale back their meals waste, we are able to make an actual influence on the world of waste. So let’s make one thing scrumptious with our so-called waste.
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75 Tips to Reduce Food Waste was first published to Weight Loss Fitness
from Weight Loss Fitness - Feed https://weightlossfitnesss.info/75-tips-to-reduce-food-waste/
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detoxnearme · 7 years
Red Alcoholic Punch
1 gallon juicy red hawaiian punch
Use tropical blend
And the movement
Eggs for safety
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Find lots of delicious recipes for punch with alcohol and over 100,000 other recipes with reviews and photos.
1 gallon juicy red hawaiian punch, ice cold; 12 oz can frozen Pink Lemonade concentrate; 46 oz Pineapple Juice; 59 oz. Orange juice (can use tropical blend if …
From holiday sippers to summer punches, find recipes for non-alcoholic party drinks that are sure to be crowd pleasers.
The Best Alcoholic Tropical Punch Recipes on Yummly | Tropical Punch, Tropical Punch With Prosecco, Tropical Punch With Fruity Tea Ice Cubes
Layered drinks in red, white, and blue- perfect for 4th of July- full tutorial and recipe and tutorial. Non-alcoholic and kid-friendly for your next party!
List of Hernia Symptoms. Commonly Known Hernia Types. Treatment of Hernia. Hernia is very painful and the movement of the part where it occurs is definitely
These festive non-alcoholic holiday drinks, from pineapple wassail to coconut eggnog, will refresh and delight your young party guests and non
This recipe is easily cut in half if this is too much. This refreshing punch is delicious, and always a hit at any summer gathering. Use a Citrus Ice Ring (recipe ...
This is a slushy combination of apple juice, fruit punch, lemonade concentrate, pink lemonade concentrate, water and red food coloring. Add more food coloring for a ...
A delicious recipe for Red Death, with vodka, Southern Comfort® peach liqueur, amaretto almond liqueur, triple sec, sloe gin, lime juice and orange juice. Also lists ...
The Best Hawaiian Punch Alcoholic Drink Recipes on Yummly | Hawaiian Punch Slush For Adults, Wedding Sangria, Copycat Hawaiian Punch
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The featured post Red Alcoholic Punch See more on: DetoxNear.me
from DetoxNear.me - Feed https://www.detoxnear.me/red-alcoholic-punch/
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Best and Coolest 21 Fruits
Gourmia GSI180 Automatic Healthy Frozen Dessert Maker, Makes Sorbet, Soft-Serve Sherbet & Frozen Fruit Treats, Includes Free Recipe Book
Gourmia GSI180 Automatic Healthy Frozen Dessert Maker, Makes Sorbet, Soft-Serve Sherbet & Frozen Fruit Treats, Includes Free Recipe Book -Includes recipe book make delicious frozen treats just like in the ice cream shoppe with our included bonus cookbook also includes easy read manual to get you started. Healthy & delicious now you can create delicious frozen treats with a texture that is similar to ice-cream, without the worry of fats, sugar, additives or preservatives. Quick & easy this frozen fruit dessert maker is quick & easy to use simply pop any frozen fruit in & let it work its magic in no time youll have a tasty treat for the whole family to enjoy. Etl listed we, at gourmia, take the quality of our products seriously we are etl certified so you can be confident that youre receiving safe, efficient, high quality appliances. Easy to clean this soft-serve frozen fruit maker is easy to clean all of the parts are removable making it easy for you to see what needs to be wiped down for thorough clean up.
Big Boss 9249 Swirlio Frozen Fruit Dessert Maker, Red/Silver
Big Boss 9249 Swirlio Frozen Fruit Dessert Maker, Red/Silver -The big boss swirlio makes your favorite fruits into a soft serve frozen dessert in seconds peel, cut and freeze the fruits- insert them into the chute and voila, a delicious and healthy dessert is served use only with ingredients you consider best for you and your family. No more throwing out the extra fruit freeze it and turn it into a healthy frozen dessert.
Seville Classics Fruit Tree with Banana Hook and Large Wavy Bamboo Bowl
Seville Classics Fruit Tree with Banana Hook and Large Wavy Bamboo Bowl -Use the removable bamboo bowl for more than holding fruit serve salad and soups from the kitchen to the dinner table, place it around the house as a decorative centerpiece bowl, or fill it with potpourri as an instant air freshener in bathrooms and living rooms. Banana hook features a smooth, espresso epoxy finish that looks good anywhere on your countertop and is easy to wipe clean with soap and water air dry and do not submerge. Fruit tree with bowl measures 13 l x 1063 w x 173 h. Solid-steel, double-hook fruit tree is designed to hold more than bananas store bunches of grapes, garlic, plantains and tomatoes or use it to hang plastic bags, dishwashing gloves, oven mitts, kitchen towels and dish cloths. Features two-tone 100% bamboo bowl with contrasting base constructed with multiple layers of natural bamboo.
Crystal Light Drink Mix, Fruit Punch, Pitcher Packets, 6 Count (Pack of 12 Canisters)
Crystal Light Drink Mix, Fruit Punch, Pitcher Packets, 6 Count (Pack of 12 Canisters) -To make, mix 1 packet with 2 quarts (8 cups) of cold water in a large pitcher and stir. Each individual packet makes 2 quarts (8 servings). Sugar-free and just 5 calories per serving crystal light has 90% fewer calories than leading beverages. Gluten-free kosher-certified. 12 canisters, each containing 6 individual packets (totaling 72 packets).
Greenhilltea natural herbs for health and wellness, Asian Herb Nourishing Lungs Dried Luo Han Guo/ Monk Fruit 12 PCS Ship From USA
Greenhilltea natural herbs for health and wellness, Asian Herb Nourishing Lungs Dried Luo Han Guo/ Monk Fruit 12 PCS Ship From USA -It is reputedly good for treating sore throats, coughs, clearing internal heat and gastrointestinal problems. Nature, all natural dried, sweet in taste and cold in nature. Serve, can used to make tea or soup brew with boiling water. Efficacy, effectively remove excess heat in the body. It has been shown in animal studies to decrease blood sugar, total cholesterol, and improve liver function.
Large 32oz Fruit Infuser Water Bottle by Danum New Full Length Infusion Basket, Leak-proof, Flip-Top, Dual Hand Grips, made of BPA-Free Eastman Tritan with Multiple Color Options & Free Recipe Ebook
Large 32oz Fruit Infuser Water Bottle by Danum New Full Length Infusion Basket, Leak-proof, Flip-Top, Dual Hand Grips, made of BPA-Free Eastman Tritan with Multiple Color Options & Free Recipe Ebook -Designed for infusing danum bottles are so well designed & durable, youll use it every day youll love how much fruit & water this large 32 oz bottle holds, yet still fits in most car cup holders the rubber grip on one side & molded thumb grip opposite ensures a secure grip easy to carry using the large finger loop one hand operation, push the button & the lid pops open the flat bottom-full length infuser basket makes it easy to add lots of fruit and a large opening for easy cleaning. 100% bpa-free danum bottles are made of premium eastman tritan youll love drinking from this bottle, its not like other plastic bottles youve used before the eastman tritan material is bpa free so its safe to use, odorless & has no plastic aftertaste premium eastman tritan is very durable, yet looks like glass the danum bottle has all of the benefits of glass bottle with the safety & lighter weight of a plastic bottle. Live healthier are you trying to drink more water, lose weight & live healthier the danum fruit infuser bottle is your answer, simple, easy & fast in 2 minutes you can make great tasting, healthy water get all the hydration your body needs with all the flavors you love why put sugar & chemicals in your body that are keeping you over weight & feeling bad give your body the hydration, vitamins & minerals it needs, the natural & organic way choose to live healthier & feel better today. Lifetime warranty were so confident in the design & craftsmanship of our bottles, we back it up with a lifetime warranty you will absolutely love your danum fruit infuser water bottle, or well buy it back if it breaks, well replace it you have nothing to lose we have made changes to our bottle based upon customers feedback, improving an already great design, its near perfect now & were sure youll feel the same theres nothing to lose & everything to gain, get yours today. Free recipe ebook do you like free gifts when you buy a danum fruit infuser water bottle you get more than just a great infusion bottle, you also get an awesome fruit infusing recipe ebook, free we have selected the very best infusion recipes out there & put them into an attractive & easy to read ebook youre going to love all of the great tasting & healthy recipes its all here, great bottle & great recipe book make the choice to start living healthier today, you deserve it.
Weston Apple and Fruit Crusher (05-0201), Cast Iron Construction, Stainless Steel Chute & Crushing Blades
Weston Apple and Fruit Crusher (05-0201), Cast Iron Construction, Stainless Steel Chute & Crushing Blades -Horizontal table mount or vertical wall corner mount options available. Heavy-duty cast iron construction. Wood drum with stainless steel crushing blades. Stainless steel chute and hardware. Easy to turn handle makes crushing large quantities of fruit quick an easy. Stainless steel chute and hardware. Wooden hopper available for easy loading. Horizontal table mount or vertical corner wall mount options available. Easy to turn handle makes crushing large quantities of fruit quick and easy. Simply place the crusher above the press, load it with fruit, and spin the handle to drop a perfect pulp into the wine press prior to pressing. Essential for prepping apples, pears, peaches, pineapples and other hard fruits in the weston fruit & wine press. Includes wood mounting base (10 inch x 175 inch x 1 inch). Includes wood mounting base (10 x 175 x 08) and two c-clamps for table mounting. Heavy-duty cast iron construction. This heavy duty tool works well for making as little as 5 gallons or as many as 50 gallons of juice for wine & cider.
Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, Fruit Tea Sampler, 18 Count (Pack of 6)
Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, Fruit Tea Sampler, 18 Count (Pack of 6) -Our lively fruit tea collection includes five of our most beloved teas brimming with fruit flavor. From the sweet, simple flavor of black cherry berry to the sophisticated tang of wild berry zinger tea, each of these herbal blends is satisfying when hot and invigorating over ice.
SimpleHouseware Fruit Basket Bowl with Banana Tree Hanger, Bronze
SimpleHouseware Fruit Basket Bowl with Banana Tree Hanger, Bronze -13 x 5 inches fruit bowl to hold variable size fruits. Removable hanger provides capability to hang bananas and grapes. Classic bronze coating to increase the value of your decor.
OMorc 32oz/900ml Sport Fruit Infuser Water Bottle, Toxin-Free, Shatter-Resistant and Impact-Resistant with Cleaning Brush, Ideal for Your Office and Home
OMorc 32oz/900ml Sport Fruit Infuser Water Bottle, Toxin-Free, Shatter-Resistant and Impact-Resistant with Cleaning Brush, Ideal for Your Office and Home -Dual anti-slip grips the rubber grip and the thumb grip on the 2 sides are ideal for holding a large water bottle as this one this large fruit infuser water bottle is great for home, school, office, travel and picnics etc. Leak-proof design the robust o-ring is designed for leak-proof experience the small metal latching loop above the single push button keeps the lid well in place to assure the lid not pop out. A cleaning brush included a cleaning foam brush is included for easy and complete cleaning this fitness infuser water bottle enjoys 45 days money-back and 12-month worry-free warranty. Food-grade material this sports fruit infuser water bottle is made of toxin-free, shatter-resistant and impact-resistant tritan copolyester to guarantee safety and durability. Large 32oz capacity with a large capacity of 32oz, this updated fruit infuser water bottle can contain everything you want the full-length infuser rod ensures your water is infused to the very last drop, providing the best flavor possible.
Primula Flavor-It Beverage System Includes Fruit Infusion Core, Tea Infusion Core, and Chill Core Dishwasher Safe 2.9 Qt. Red
Primula Flavor-It Beverage System Includes Fruit Infusion Core, Tea Infusion Core, and Chill Core Dishwasher Safe 2.9 Qt. Red -3-in-1 core system flavor infuser core large capacity flavor infuser to create delicious, personalized and healthy beverages add your favorite fruits, veggies and herbs the healthy combinations are endless and a great alternative to high sugar beverages we include some of our favorite recipes from strawberry lemon water, cucumber melon, raspberry lime, white peach sangria and more tea infuser core enjoy hot or cold brewed tea with either loose leaf tea or tea bags incorporate your favorite herbs and spices to create your own personal flavors after brewing you can also use the flavor infuser core to make flavorful, fruity tea chill core this non-toxic, permanently sealed tube will keep your flavor-it pitcher cold without diluting your favorite drink store it in your freezer and it will always be available to use whenever you need it, keeping your beverages cold for hours. Great for gifting a thoughtful gift for a housewarming, hostess, birthday, mothers day or any gift giving occasion. Quality design the last pitcher youll ever need for crafting your own impressive, delicious and healthy drinks, the primula flavor-it beverage system includes 3 different cores for various infusing and brewing purposes the bpa free tritantm pitcher is odor and stain resistant, and was masterfully designed with a perfect pour spout, a leak proof and keep-fresh airtight lid, and a soft touch inset silicone handle it was thoughtfully designed to fit in most refrigerator doors for easy storage the primula flavor-it beverage system was awarded the good design award by the chicago athenaeum for most innovative and cutting-edge product design. Specifications package includes (1) red 29 qt primula flavor-it beverage system pitcher, (1) fruit infusion core, (1) tea infusion core, and (1) chill core. Use and care first, insert the flavor infuser into the pitcher and place your desired ingredients into the infuser fill the pitcher with water, and infuse fruits for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator water may be added as it is consumed fruits with strong flavors, such as lemon, pineapple and oranges are best for multiple infusions both the pitcher and the lid are top rack dishwasher safe, although it is recommended that you hand wash the pitcher both the tea and fruit infuser cores are dishwasher safe, while the chill core is hand wash only.
Fruit & Tea Infusion Water Pitcher The PERFECT Gift Free Ice Ball Maker Free Infused Water Recipe Booklet Includes Shatterproof Jug, Fruit Infuser, and Tea Infuser Great for weight loss
Fruit & Tea Infusion Water Pitcher The PERFECT Gift Free Ice Ball Maker Free Infused Water Recipe Booklet Includes Shatterproof Jug, Fruit Infuser, and Tea Infuser Great for weight loss - Hot tea & iced tea this fruit infusion pitcher can do it all the solid tritantm body and the stainless steel herbs infuser, allow you to use hot water you can make yourself hot infused tea and cool it in the fridge for later the possibilities with this set are endless which makes it the perfect birthday gift. risk-free purchase we are totally confident you will be impressed with the quality of our infuser pitcher that we offer a 100% lifetime guarantee with proof of purchase grab your infusion set now and enhance your lifestyle. So why mami wata our fruit infuser pitcher is made of a thick and durable tritantm, not acrylic plastic or glass so it is heat resistant, dishwasher safe and shatterproof it has a hermetic seal mechanism that makes the pitcher odor resistant it also fits the refrigerator door need more reasons why check out your bonuses. Your bonuses you also get a green matching silicone ice ball maker the slow melting ice balls are the best way to cool your beverages when serving, your guests will love it you can also make a perfect, round & fruity popsicles for your kids we will send you our exclusive infused water recipes bookelt, with many combinations and recipes that will help you getting started. Your healthy lifestyle gateway, be that person that offers his family & friends a sugar-free alternative keep your children away from sugary vitamin waters infused water makes the act of drinking water more enjoyable our infusion set is a perfect choice as you will find out ).
Ahmad Tea Peach & Passion Fruit Black Tea, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)
Ahmad Tea Peach & Passion Fruit Black Tea, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6) -Case of six boxes, each containing 20 foil-wrapped tea bags (120 total tea bags). Ships in certified frustration-free packaging. A blend of ceylon and other origin teas with peach and passion fruit flavoring. Enjoy the rare pleasure of a fine english tea. Stimulating tea with a resonant, fruity aroma.
Ball Golden Harvest Regular Mouth Vintage Fruit Design Mason Jelly Jars (12 Pack), 8 oz, Clear
Ball Golden Harvest Regular Mouth Vintage Fruit Design Mason Jelly Jars (12 Pack), 8 oz, Clear -Custom time tested ceiling compound help ensure a quality seal with each lid. Ideal for preserving jams, jellies sauces, mustard & flavored vinegar. Regular mouth 8 ounce jelly jar. Refrigerate up to 3 weeks, freeze up to 1 year, fresh preserve and store up to 1 year. Retro gold on the outside lid matches kitchen designs.
Davidsons Tea Herbal Chamomile and Fruit, 100-Count Tea Bags
Davidsons Tea Herbal Chamomile and Fruit, 100-Count Tea Bags -Tea as good for you as you expect it to be. Delicious hot, served with lemon and a touch of honey, or iced, garnished with slices of citrus fruit. Chamomile and fruit herbal tea combines the natural sweet character of premium organic egyptian chamomile with the fresh fruit flavors of orange, lemon and the sweet tartness of rosehips. Uncompromisingly healthy and delicious teas.
China Mist, Passion Fruit Black Tea Bags for Iced Tea, (3 Pack)
China Mist, Passion Fruit Black Tea Bags for Iced Tea, (3 Pack) -The exotic flavor and fragrance of fresh, ripe passion fruit complements premium, whole-leaf black tea for an indulgent, tropical flavor experience with a clean crisp finish.
Sagler 3 Tier Fruit basket Stainless steel fruit bowl large fruit bowl useful for fruit storage basket
Sagler 3 Tier Fruit basket Stainless steel fruit bowl large fruit bowl useful for fruit storage basket -Price is a limited time offer, and this is 100% satisfaction guarantee. Fruit bowl centerpiece chrome metal construction for durability and sophisticated looks ideal kitchen storage solution or an eye-catching centerpiece for your counter top also makes a perfect gift. 14 w, 23h, 12 d sturdy steel construction. Fruit bowls for the counters bowls can easily be removed to use as separate serving pieces. Fruit bowl 3 level triple hammock design to artfully display your fresh produce.
Lipper International 294 Cherry Finished Wavy Rim Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Matte, Large, 13 x 12.5 x 5, Single Bowl
Lipper International 294 Cherry Finished Wavy Rim Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Matte, Large, 13 x 12.5 x 5, Single Bowl -Beautifully shaped bowl has wave rim. Generously sized large bowl is perfect for salads, fruit, or even as a centerpiece bowl. Made from durable and eco-friendly rubberwood that is easy to care for, hand wash only. Stained with a food-safe, deep, rich cherry color, which complements any decor. 1 large cherry finished wavy rim bowl, measures 13 x 12 1/2 x 5.
Lipper International 274 Cherry Finished Footed Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Large, 13.75 Diameter x 5 Height, Single Bowl
Lipper International 274 Cherry Finished Footed Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Large, 13.75 Diameter x 5 Height, Single Bowl -Stained with a food-safe, deep, rich cherry colormade from durable and eco-friendly rubberwood. Dimensions 13-3/4-inch by 5-inch. Beautiful shape complements any decor. Individual-sized small bowls match the larger serving bowl, and are perfect for salads, fruit, or even cereal. Generously sized large bowl is perfect for serving salad or fruit, or even as a centerpiece bowl. One cherry footed salad bowl. Made from durable and eco-friendly rubberwood. Hand wash with a mild soap and cool water do not soak do not put in the dishwasher, microwave or refrigerator extreme changes in temperature will cause the material to crack over time dry thoroughly occasional use of mineral oil on the inside will help maintain its appearance.
Prodyne Fruit Infusion Flavor
Prodyne Fruit Infusion Flavor -High style design with easy grip handle. Crystal clear acrylic pitcher features a generous 35 quart (112 ounce) capacity. Pitcher may be continually refilled as you use the contents without having to replace the fruit. Infuse water, tea, spirits and more with natural fruit flavors. Large fruit infusion rod that screws into the lid.
Water Infuser Pitcher & Gourmet Recipe eBook (Emailed) | BPA Free Fruit Infusion Pitcher with Glass Like Appearance and Largest 3+ Liter Capacity for Amazing Spa Water (Clear)
Water Infuser Pitcher & Gourmet Recipe eBook (Emailed) | BPA Free Fruit Infusion Pitcher with Glass Like Appearance and Largest 3+ Liter Capacity for Amazing Spa Water (Clear) -Ebook with dozens of gourmet recipes, amazon default settings may stop the ebook from being delivered to you please adjust your settings or you may also reach out to us directly if you do not receive it you will love your beautiful, gourmet recipe ebook with dozens of recipes, some may even surprise you you will be able to have the good infused into your life the moment your new infuser arrives. Beautiful & elegant infused pitcher, do you want to just infuse or do you want to infuse in style you will be proud to use this infuser for any occasion the design is simple yet elegant this water infuser pitcher is perfect for any gathering including holidays, birthdays, dinner parties, swimming parties, and other events you will be the star of the dinner party with this serving piece and will have your family and friends talking about your beautiful, new water infuser pitcher. 100% satisfaction, we love and appreciate our customers and want you to be excited about this special product and your infused creations we wanted to offer this as a perfect way for you to share this water pitcher infuser with all of your friends and family with world-class customer serviceif you arent 100% satisfied with this product, we will refund your money with no questions asked click add to cart and buy today. Perfect gift, make water exciting again your friends and family will love their new carafe infuser this gorgeous carafe infuser is the perfect gift for any housewarming, back to school, wedding, christmas, holiday, or birthday celebration your favorite flavors can be infused into water, tea, lemonade, and other delicious drinks you can create refreshing, healthy infused beverages with your new water infuser pitcher the perfect substitute to other low-nutrition options. High-quality & smart design, you have found a water pitcher infuser that is well-built and easy to use unlike the other infuser pitchers, you wont have to unscrew the lid to use it or worry that the fruit will fall out when you pour this infuser is dishwasher safe, high-quality bpa-free acrylic that is stain resistant it is also well-balanced and ergonomic possibly a few dollars higher, but you will be happy that you decided to buy this quality product backed by a quality company. Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/xbebkmN4qCg/best-and-coolest-21-fruits
0 notes
finallement · 5 years
What I buy
Consumption and Materialism  Part 1      
  Normally, I am not a big consumer - I would say I’m somewhat of a snob about NOT being a big consumer. But my dependency on first-world creature comforts became a sobering realization during the power outage. It’s only when you don’t have something that you realize how much of a consumer you really are. Food, water, utilities, information sources - and most of all, the extra cognitive processing energy consumption as I scrambled to arrange for my parents’ and my basic needs during the outage. It’s not like I haven’t dealt with power outages before - I lived on the Long Island Sound and hurricanes happened - but I wasn’t taking care of elders. 
Here is what the village wharf looked like during the storm. You don’t have to watch for very long to get the idea:
 Being on the phone with Hydro-Quebec’s automated message, I couldn’t help but think of the Eubanks & Schaeffer (2008) article that refers to Laura Penny’s book, Your Call is Important to Us. It makes you want to shake them by their virtual shoulders to have to listen to an endless stream of useless information such as HQ touting their phone app for power outages (what if my phone battery is dead?) or to go online to their website (fat chance with no internet). That is, if they were even accepting calls. At one point, I had to call 911 because the powerline across the street had snapped, spiralling and sparking, into the woods, road, and neighbour’s driveway. I knew it was pointless to try calling HQ. 
  Our entire village was out of power but fortunately, our community centre has a generator so I could go there to charge my cell phone, computers, lanterns, and to cook food. There is a generator available for our home’s use but the owner of the generator was tag-teaming it around to 3 other locations and besides, it didn’t help with our heat. Simultaneously, my father had a severe attack of vertigo and was bedridden. Seeing our neighbours at the community centre was heartening in the way that a crisis can bring everyone together. Perhaps this will be the way affluenza can be tamed, by really learning first hand “the rewards that come from community involvement” (Mattison, 2012). 
My consumption journal. 
 I shop for three people.  My consumerism is mostly based on optimum healthy food choices for the parents, and also what I call ‘mood-food’ - things they like to eat that help keep their weight up. It is a fairly prosaic list. * by an item means a commentary will follow. The commentaries are to illustrate what is going on in my head as a consumer.
Oct. 26. The usual stuff. Groceries: Milk, soy milk, tofu, ham, BBQ chicken *, carrots, onion, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, lettuce, parsley, bananas, pears, chips (potato and nacho, whole grain) cheetos, cookies, graham crackers, ice cream, tartar sauce, horseradish sauce, applesauce, peaches, white beans, soup, canned pumpkin, canned cherries, corn meal, brown rice flour.
*BBQ chicken. I resort to buying these now and then, but I feel guilty every time because (1) the idea of mass-produced chicken is too depressing - “nasty, brutish and short” (Hobbes, 1651) are their lives (2) the packaging. I wash it and put it in recycle but I would wager that for every one that gets recycled, three get put in the trash. It gets the fast-consumption treatment from start to finish. (3) the food quality. Although they taste good, there is a lot of salt and a lot of fat.
Unusual stuff: 2 bottles of white wine (one for home, one for Jacques) The aforementioned reusable produce bags, 3 shirts (Jacques’ birthday present) a pair of shoes for Dad.*
*The bags, shirts and shoes were purchased through Amazon. This company makes it way too easy to shop there and they are very, very good at staying in touch and getting you your stuff fast, but it still makes me uncomfortable. I was brought up by children of the Depression (one a New England Yankee; renown for, and proud of, their frugality). My sister and I wore lots of clothes purchased at church rummage sales. But see how the mighty have fallen - now I shop online. Amazon specializes in immediate gratification. While you shop, they suggest other things you might like and so help me, I have ended up buying more stuff that way. My weakness is event clothes, especially costumes for plays. 
Oct. 28. (Canadian Tire)* Gallon of grey paint, toilet paper, paper towels, baking soda, Mrs. Meyers’ all-purpose cleaning fluid, batteries., gas for car.
* I like Canadian Tire, although the excessive merchandise annoys me. The commentator for the video, “The Story of Stuff,” reminds me of the inner monologue that runs in my head while I’m shopping. For example, looking at those awful Keurig coffee single serving containers makes me furious. But I like CT because they have a decent website that actually tells you what aisle something is in, so that if you’re not the type of shopper to linger and hang out (I’m not) you can get in and get out in fairly short order. The other thing I like about them is that you can apply your points at the checkout (they show on the screen) and as they also have a gas station, I get my gas there, too. About the car - yes, it uses gas. It is my father’s former car, which I took over when he stopped driving and after I sent my dear Fit back to the States because (1) no point in having 2 cars, since I’m the only one driving, and (2) too expensive and time-consuming to bring it over the border permanently.  I talk to my car and keep him reasonably clean - I think things like buildings and cars, while not being exactly sentient, absorb the energy we put towards them and ‘know’ that they are cared for. Ironically, this is what builds an image for advertising. The history of the ‘relationship’ someone has with a certain brand of car is carried forward and burnished to a high nostalgic sheen to keep you loyal to that brand. The following link is to show what I mean, NOT because I drive a Mustang!
(Jean Coutu Pharmacy)* Prescription drugs for the household. My parents don’t take too many, but nevertheless I am still going to the pharmacy 1-2x a week. I order prescriptions over the phone via their automated service, but I usually have to wait in line for them. There are large and scary photos of women’s faces with fake eyelashes and pink lips that I try not to look at while I’m waiting. I have nothing against makeup -I wear it - and decorating one’s face and body is as old as humankind - but the advertising is appalling. It’s not artistic, it’s depressing and vapid and completely negates any sense of human-ness. And what the labels say -! My sister claims to have seen a bottle of foundation with ‘resurfacing’ written on it. Great, just what I want to be told, that my face needs to be resurfaced.
Here is the view from the pharmacy:
Groceries: Halloween candy*, flour, mango salsa,* grapeseed oil, eggs, cheese, yogourt, apples, bread.
*Halloween candy: we had no trick-or-treaters because of the weather, so we ate it instead. Holiday-sanctioned junk food! * Mango salsa was strictly an impulse buy, as what I really wanted was lemon yogourt but realized I couldn’t have it then as it would interfere with my synthroid rx (calcium blocks a lot of meds) - so, I was a primed sitting duck for the salsa in the next aisle, justifying my purchase because it was ‘on sale!’
Nov. 2. Been without power for 12h. 
Groceries: Napkins, pickles, cookies, tea, maple syrup, chicken broth, graham crackers, canned cherries, peanut butter, buckwheat flour, orange juice, milk, eggs, cheese, soy milk, grapes, apples, chicken, deli sandwiches,* cotton squares.
* Deli sandwiches were a concession to the storm so I didn’t have to cook. I don’t visit the deli much because it’s an expensive way to buy meat. I did cook the chicken at the community centre, and I think I blew a fuse with the skillet. 
Canadian Tire: Gas for the car. Camp stove and fluid. Definitely an unusual purchase, but desperate times call for desperate (expensive) measures. Financial conscience assuaged by more CT points. 
Pharmacy: More prescriptions. Cetaphil cream (a must for keeping my mother’s paper-thin skin hydrated), latex biodegradable gloves (I use these one-use gloves for applying my mother’s skin medications - she has a rare genetic skin condition.) I don’t like using single-use anything, but I need to protect my hands. When the CLSC nurses come, they throw  away everything they use - gloves, tweezers, scissors, saline bottles. They have to. I used to rinse off the tweezers and scissors and save them with the extra bandages the nurses leave.
Razor blade replacements for Dad’s electric razor.
Nov. 3. Power restored late in the day. I went into consumer overdrive: rushed around using every appliance in sight - three loads of laundry, the dishwasher, the vacuum cleaner, and I went to the store, too. Threw away everything in the refrigerator, just to be on the safe side with my parents. I hate the waste, as so many go without - and although there wasn’t a lot to throw out, it’s still a financial loss. I read somewhere that most food waste is from households, not restaurants - I have not researched this but if this is accurate, it’s a frightening indictment against us wasteful Westerners.
Groceries: Water,* mayonnaise, tartar sauce, beef and chicken broth, chips, butter, one beer, cheese, deli meat.
*Water was purchased mainly for the container. Jacques had given us a huge water container with hand pump but the smaller gallon containers are easier for the parents to pick up. 
Nov. 4. Groceries: Peanuts, baked beans, ice cream, frozen fish, tofu, grapes, bananas, celery, hummus, bacon, chicken, veggie burgers. 
Nov. 5. Haircut and highlight, 2x a year. I am not clever about cutting /highlighting my hair and have learned it’s best to leave it to a professional. Justified by only going twice a year.
Pharmacy (next to hairdresser) more batteries. I return used batteries and ink cartridges to Bureau en Gros recycle in Magog.
To sum up my consumer patterns: in the plus column, I coordinate my errands so I am not making several trips to Magog (10m. From Georgeville). During the summer, there is a nice farmer’s market in the village where I can buy vegetables and eggs. There is a village market, but it is expensive so I don’t go there often. I take my parents out for breakfast once in a while to the village restaurant. They make their own bread and use locally sourced food. I realize that it is a privilege to live in a place like Georgeville. It gives me a deep sense of serenity that people would spend a great deal of money to replicate in a vacation.
In the negative column: if I were not as happy with where I lived, or felt that my social life was missing something special, or if I was lonely - and if I had the money -  I would consume a lot more. Almost all of the readings point to people spending money they don’t have to buy things to fill that void inside. That would not be my situation, but I would spend money for things like nicer art supplies, going out and traveling. I am aware that I have consumer weaknesses but I try not to give in to them too often. 
Behaviour Shift: Part 2
 My pivotal moment was actually a thought on the back burner that got moved to the front burner; this thought being, I/we have got to get off the grid. That slender thread that brings power into this house is something I have no control over if it breaks, and I have to be in a position to take care of the folks. This is a project that needs to be carefully planned, but the time to start planning is now. Working on the solar curricula really got me thinking about it.
 My one concrete behavioural shift was to purchase reusable produce bags so that I won’t be taking the single-use plastic bags in the store anymore. I have been thinking about it, but finally decided to do it, motivated in part by this assignment. It is embarrassing to admit that it took this long to make the change, as I had written a paper in 2014 on the effects of plastic in the oceans.
 Another shift was away from plastic water bottles. They have been banned from the community centre in the village and it was my dad who said he wanted metal bottles for us - and now we have them.
 Challenges with changes - any new behaviour takes some time for adjustment. For example, I finally stopped chewing gum about 4 years ago. It took awhile, but I finally did it. Such a waste of money! I also stopped drinking carbonated water, but I still crave it now and then. I am trying to improve my recycling habits. Starting a compost this coming spring will be my next venture.
A small postscript: Some of my notes from Trevor Norris, from authors he cites
Arthur Brittan: “Advertisers sell privatization - individuals isolate themselves from demands and obligations of political and social relationships.” It sounds like the advertisers are implying that dependency on a community makes you weak. This is really disturbing. 
Zygmunt Bauman: “quick-fix world of consumerism.” Spending time in the pharmacy has me dwelling on the quick-fix world of pharmaceuticals - that, and living near Pfizer headquarters in Connecticut. The way pharmaceutical companies advertise their wares is its own creepshow; the barrage on TV relentless. My parents watch a lot of news, and as the viewing public at that time of day are generally retirees, the pharmaceutical ads are prolific. Serious-looking actors in white lab coats touting pills galore.
Barber: “McWorld in tandem with the global market economy has globalized many of our vices and almost none of our virtues” - “Consumerism as imperial project of global expansion of cultural uniformity” - In 2006, I went to a rural part of Bulgaria for a month on an artist exchange program - photos of Rocky, Madonna and J-Lo abounded, among other American pop culture icons. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Ivan Illich - “Schools are the reproductive organ of a consumer society” - my mother was really into Illich in the 1960s and his views, considered radical then, turned out to be most prescient. Consumerism indoctrination starts in earlier grade levels now, however. The tweens market comes to mind - pre-teenage girls being forced to think about their looks way too soon. 
Eubanks, P., Schaeffer, J.D. (2008). A kind word for bullshit: the problem of academic 
writing. CCC[College Composition and Communication] 59:3
Horsfall, C. (2019). Video from Georgeville. Retrieved on November 4, 2019, from 
Klavitter, J. (2012). Discarded plastics distress albatross chicks. [U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service, 
Open Spaces: A talk on the wild side]. Retrieved from 
Mattison, M. (2012). “Emancipation from Affluenza: Leading Social Change in the 
Classroom.” Dissertations & Theses. Paper 116. http://aura.antioch.edu/etds/116
Norris, T. (2011). Consuming schools: commercialism and the end of politics.  Toronto: University 
of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division. eBook.
The Phrase Finder. (n.d.). The meaning and origin of the expression: nasty, brutish and short. 
Retrieved November 9, 2019, from https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/nasty-brutish-and-short.html
Warren, T. (2018). The return of Ford Mustang Bullitt tugs at auto lovers’ heart strings. 
Something new, in the spirit of something old. Retrieved from 
0 notes
themanuelruello · 5 years
Flavoring Kombucha When You’re Making it at Home
I’m not a cookie-cutter kinda gal.
When Jill asked me to share some details with you last week about how to make your own kombucha (& why), I was all in, because I’m pretty passionate about this amazing fermented drink. Of course, why wouldn’t I be? It’s a delicious way to improve gut health, and making it yourself saves a ginormous amount of money!
But the thing I love the most about making my own kombucha? I can customize it, flavoring kombucha I make at home to fit my family’s tastes exactly. I can change my flavors based on what I’m in the mood for, what fruit is on sale at the market, what’s growing in my garden, or what friends will be coming for dinner this week. (Yes, my friends do have flavor requests.)
I mean who wants a cookie-cutter drink when you can have new excitement every time you open a bottle? I’m not a cookie-cutter kinda gal in any area of my life, but especially not in the kitchen. So I’m here today to help you brew up some amazing carbonated kombucha that’s totally original to you and made just the way you like it!
What’s the difference between first and second ferment?
When I started making this wonderful carbonated drink at home, the idea of first and second ferments confused me. I didn’t understand what the difference was. But it turns out it’s super simple.
The first ferment gives you a fermented tea. This is the part where all those wonderful health benefits (some I explain here) build up.
The second ferment adds flavor and carbonation. This step is optional. But, honestly, it’s never optional in this house, because coming up with new varieties of flavors, as well as recreating our favorites, is our favorite thing about making kombucha.
How do you know when the first ferment is done?
After you’ve walked through the steps for the first ferment (outlined here), then comes the only really hard thing about kombucha, in my opinion—the wait.
I wish I could tell you an exact formula for how long you wait, but it doesn’t work that way. There are so many variables that impact the speed of the fermentation that the best thing I can tell you is to start tasting a sip of it daily around the 2nd or 3rd day if it’s warm in your home. Or give it 4 or 5 days if it’s cooler in your kitchen, because the fermenting process slows down in cooler temperatures.
If your home is cool, either because it’s winter or you have the air conditioning on, your first ferment could take a week or even two to get to the right taste.
For optimum fermenting, try to keep your kombucha around 70°F. These handy stick-on thermometers work really well if you’d like to monitor your kombucha temperature.
When it tastes good to you—when it’s not too sweet but not vinegary tasting—the first ferment is ready. Like I mentioned, you can drink and enjoy your kombucha right then. Or, if your patience can handle one more wait, you can move on to the really fun part–flavoring kombucha.
How do you go about flavoring kombucha?
Flavoring kombucha is super simple. Or, it can be as complicated as you’d like to make it.
Setting up your second ferment
When your first ferment of kombucha is ready by your taste standards, move your scoby to a bowl (or I just move it to a clean 1/2-gallon jar, which will serve as my fermenting vessel for my next batch). Stir the liquid well. If it’s nicely fermented, the lactic acid will get fizzy as you stir. Don’t worry if it’s not fizzy yet, more carbonation will occur in the next ferment as well.
After stirring, pour 1 cup of that fermented tea in with the scoby, to reserve it to make your next batch.
Use a funnel to pour remaining amounts in tightly sealable bottles for a second ferment. I recommend flip-top bottles because they’re great at building up your carbonation easily and quickly. If you’re using a 1/2-gallon mason jar to make your first ferment (directions for making first ferment are right here), you will need one 33-ounce flip-top bottle and one 16-ounce flip-top bottle for your second ferment, or 3 of the 16-ounce bottles.
Choosing your flavors
You have lots of options for flavoring your kombucha, from fruit juice to frozen fruit to flavored teas. I share recipes for my family’s favorite flavors over here–ones like Maple Apple Pie and Blueberry Ginger. 
For inspiration, consider any combination of any wonderful flavor option on this list. But I assure you this barely scratches the surface of possibilities:
Fruits to Use for Flavoring Kombucha
Herbs to Use for Flavoring Kombucha
Other Ingredients for Flavoring Kombucha
Ginger (ginger not only adds wonderful flavor, it also speeds up your carbonation in your second ferment)
Maple syrup (this maple syrup is my favorite)
Pear-infused maple syrup
Floral syrups like lilac syrup you can make yourself
Flavored loose leaf teas like these, which Ceanne makes over at Farmhouse Teas specifically for flavoring kombucha. 
If you create a concoction that you love, please leave a comment and let us know! Jill & I are both always looking for our next favorite kombucha flavor!
How do you know when your second ferment is done?
Honestly, the only judge of “done” is you. When it tastes “done” to you, well that’s all that matters in a perfect DIY drink, no? In general, I try to give it at least a couple of days to let the flavors infuse and the carbonation to build up. On the other hand, you can let them sit as long as you want before drinking, just know that over time the taste will turn more vinegary and less sweet.
When you’re ready to drink your amazing, originally flavored kombucha, simply strain out your fruits and/or herbs, pour, and enjoy. When I’m using a 1/2-gallon mason jar for my fermenting vessel I love using this stainless steel filter for super easy straining. Yes, I know it’s intended for making cold-brew coffee, and yes I know I use a quart-size filter in my 1/2 gallon jar. I’ve been straining my kombucha with this handy-dandy option for years, and I think the manufacturer is missing out on a great opportunity by not marketing this filter to kombucha brewers. But hey, I guess it’s just fine if it’s just our little secret.
Of course I’ll often use a strainer like this one as well.
Michelle Visser is a member of The Prairie Homestead team who also writes over on SoulyRested.com. Her family grows some of their own food, raises a few farm animals, and makes their own all-natural maple sugar in rural New England. Michelle has been featured in Whole Foods Magazine, Capper’s Farmer, and Mother Earth News. She’s the author of Sweet Maple (affiliate link) and Simple DIY Kombucha.
Notes on making and flavoring your own kombucha:
If you’d like to strive for that optimal fermenting temperature there are ways to keep your fermenting vessel at a consistent, rather warm temperature. Some folks set their fermenting jar on a regular old heating pad. Others swear by something called a “brew belt,” which you can wrap around your fermenting vessel or set underneath it (bonus, in the spring it serves as a great seedling starter heat pad). I’m usually a simple kinda gal, and I find a strand of twinkle lights, wrapped around my brewing vessel, works well for me. 
If you’re looking to dive right into kombucha making without any effort, the folks over at Kombucha Artisan have gathered all the necessary items for you in this nice starter kit. Then I highly recommend this organic scoby, which you can get BOGO for a limited time, just for The Prairie Homestead tribe, just order here and use coupon code BOGOSCOBY.  Read this post for more specific ideas, if you’d like to pull together a totally unique starter kit to gift to a friend or for yourself.
The tea you use to make your first ferment will, of course, have a huge impact on your final taste, no matter what you use for flavoring your second ferment. This blend from Farmhouse Teas is a perfect one if you’d like a wonderful, robust kombucha. This specialty blend that you will find only at Kombucha Artisan is an original mixture of black, green, and white teas that makes for a more mild first ferment, letting your second-ferment flavors shine a little bit more. And I love using loose-leaf rooibos (that link is the best I’ve found anywhere). Rooibos is a naturally sweet tea that is so yummy it is delicious if you want to simply make and drink a first ferment, but it also pairs wonderfully with everything I’ve ever added in when flavoring kombucha.
Kombucha is a great choice for your gut and a totally customizable DIY carbonated drink. Enjoy the fact that there are so many variables and that every time you work on flavoring kombucha you may stumble onto your new favorite. So don’t hesitate to try something new. And share in the comments when you hit on ones you love the most!
More tutorials that will make your gut happy:
How to make kimchi.
How to make sauerkraut.
Homemade fermented pickles.
Homemade fermented ketchup.
The post Flavoring Kombucha When You’re Making it at Home appeared first on The Prairie Homestead.
from Gardening https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2019/10/flavoring-kombucha-at-home.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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emilyfrreeman · 5 years
Should I Eat Fruit? The Ultimate Guide for Determining “Is Fruit Good for You?”
Want to know how fruit fits into a healthy diet?
It’s a valid question! After all, it’s absolutely possible to lose weight eating fruit…and GAIN weight eating fruit! 
This is an area of focus for our 1-on-1 Coaching clients, but we’re gonna tell you everything you need to know below too.
How much fruit should you be eating? Let us help you decide!
Today we’ll help you determine how much fruit, and what kind of fruit, you should be eating. 
Here’s what we’ll cover to answer the question, “Is eating Fruit healthy?”
Is fruit good for you?
Is the sugar in fruit bad for you?
Is eating fruit good for weight loss?
Is fruit juice healthy? 
Should I eat dried fruit?
Is canned fruit healthy?
Calorie content of the most popular fruit.
Building a healthy plate (next steps). 
If you’re curious about where fruits and other foods such as potatoes fall on the “healthy eating” spectrum, you should check out the Nerd Fitness Diet guide and cheat sheet. It’s a level up system designed for you to adopt new healthy habits that will stick, by slowly progressing you from a newbie to an expert.
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Is Fruit Good for you?
As we lay out in our “Healthy Eating” guide, fruit is absolutely healthy and can help you reach your goals – in the right quantities.[1] 
Eating fruit is great because it’s:
Full of nutrients.[2]
Packed with fiber.[3]
A great snack option or it can be part of a protein-focused breakfast!
That’s why eating fruit is “universally promoted” as being good for you.[4]
Which makes inquiries of “is fruit healthy?” perplexing. 
What’s with the controversy?
For that, we need to talk about the calorie and sugar content of fruit.
Is the Sugar in Fruit Bad for You?
If anyone tells you not to eat fruit, it’s most likely because they’re afraid of the sugar content of the produce.
With the rise of low-carb diets like Keto, many people are turning away from fruit entirely.
So what’s going on here?
A couple of things:
There is A LOT of evidence that the excessive intake of added sugar is indeed harmful to human health. Study[5] after study[6] after study[7] shows the adverse effects of added sugar into the diet. Fruit contains fructose, which is a sugar. 
Sugar is a carbohydrate. If you’re following the Keto Diet, the Paleo Diet, or any other low-carb plan, you need to limit the number of carbs you eat – which includes sugar.
If you’re not doing Keto, you don’t need to worry about that second point, because you aren’t eliminating carbs.
But how about the first one? Is the sugar in fruit harmful for us?
In one word: no.
Fruits are loaded with fiber and water, so it’s not strictly composed of fructose. 
It also takes a decent amount of effort to chew an actual piece of fruit. 
All of this slows down the absorption of fructose from the fruit. 
According to Dr. Ludwig of Harvard Medical School, if you eat a whole fruit, it’s difficult to consume enough fructose to be harmful.[8]
Notice that caveat “whole fruit.” This is critical and deserves its own section.
But first…
Is Eating Fruit Good for Weight Loss?
We’ve established that fruit is good for you. 
That news shocks exactly no one. 
But is fruit good for weight loss?
To answer that question, let’s consider two points:
#1) Fruit can be generally low in calories.
Here is 200 calories worth of an apple (thanks to WiseGEEK): 
Compare that to 200 calories worth of a bagel:
#2) Fruit can be satiating.
Fruit can help kill hunger or scratch that “I WANT SUGAR” itch. When you eat 200 calories worth of an apple, it can help make you feel fairly full. 
When you eat 200 calories worth of bread, you haven’t even finished a single bagel yet.
Studies done on the satiating power of different foods have shown fruit to be some of the most satisfying food studied. People feel more full from eating an apple or an orange than from eating beef or eggs.[9]
In summary: Fruit can be high in nutrients, low in calories, and can help us feel full.
As we discuss in our Guide to Healthy Eating, this is a great recipe for successful weight loss. 
So yes, fruit can indeed be part of a meal plan to lose weight.
We need to stop and make a point here: fruit, like every other food, obeys the laws of thermodynamics. Meaning the calories in fruit will still contribute to your total daily calorie goal. 
Why does this matter?
Weight loss comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn. 
Yes, there’s nuance, hormones messing with our hunger signals, and so on. But successful weight loss depends on consuming fewer calories than you expend consistently. 
If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to establish calorie goals. Fruit can factor into those goals and the calories should be accounted for.
This means that even with all the nutrients and fiber, eating all of your meals along with 30 bananas a day will result in you wondering “Why can’t I lose weight?” 
Save that for Donkey Kong:
Where fruit can really get you into trouble is if you start to move in the direction of “fruit-like.” We’ll jump to that with our next section.
First, if you are trying to lose weight and wondering where fruit fits into the equation, I want you to know you’re on the right track. 
Lots of our coaching clients come to us with all sorts of different fitness questions, like what to eat and how to exercise, proving we all start from unique situations. The important thing is that you’re beginning to ask questions and looking for answers. 
If you want help on your journey, we’re here for you. Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program partners busy people just like you with a coach who will get to know you better than you know yourself.
  A Nerd Fitness Coach can guide your weight loss and answer all your fitness questions! Learn more here.
Is Fruit Juice Healthy?
While fruit can 100% be part of a healthy diet, “fruit like things” don’t get our stamp of approval.
Without the fiber, water, and intact cell walls of the fruit, your body will absorb the fructose very quickly.[10]
Not good.
Let’s chat specifically about “drinkable” fruit first:
#1) Fruit juices (cranberry juice, orange juice, grape juice): these are high calorie, sugar-filled beverages. 
For example, here are the calories in one 8 oz  serving of: 
Apple Juice: 103 calories, 22 g of sugar
Orange Juice: 103 calories, 18 g of sugar
Grape Juice: 136 calories, 32 g of sugar
For reference, an 8 ounce glass of Coca-Cola would have about 26 grams of sugar.
2) Fruit Smoothies: Just because it’s a fruit smoothie doesn’t mean it won’t make you fat! Have you seen the calorie count and sugar content of smoothies and ‘green drinks’? Yikes.
Green Machine Naked Juice (15.2 oz or 450 ml bottle): 270 calories, 53 g of sugar.
Smoothie King Banana Boat (20 oz or 591 ml smoothie): 450 calories, 70 g of sugar.
Yeah…which is why we made this:
Should I Eat Dried Fruit?
Another “fruit like thing” we need to talk about is dried fruit.
Dried fruits are notoriously easy to overeat because they are so small. Since the water has been taken out, all that’s left is the sugar and fiber. 
Here’s 1 serving of raisins, which is 108 calories and 21 g of sugar:
If you are saying “oh man, I eat 5x that many raisins when I eat them…” then multiply those calorie and sugar numbers by 5!
Per weight, all dried fruit will be higher in calories and sugar than its “whole fruit” counterpart.
The other thing to consider is that sugar is often ADDED to dried fruit to make it even sweeter. 
Consider these banana chips:
Second ingredient after dried banana? “Organic sugar.”
An ounce of these banana chips is going to run you about 147 calories and 10 grams of sugar (17g for total carbs).
For comparison, an ounce of a regular banana is about 25 calories.
You really have to be careful with dried fruit because it’s so easy to overeat.
However, this isn’t the only place where sugar is added to fruit.
Is Canned Fruit Healthy?
The big concern with canned fruit is the syrup that is often included with it.
What’s in the syrup? Sugar. Of course it’s sugar. 
Let’s take a look at Del Monte’s canned peaches:
The syrup here is composed of “high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, and sugar.”
Let’s compare the canned fruit to a normal peach you’d pick from a tree:
Del Monte’s Canned Peaches (in heavy syrup):
Serving size: 256g
Calories: 200
Total Sugar: 42g
Total Carbohydrates: 50g
Extra Large Peach
Serving size: 224g
Calories: 88 
Total Sugar: 19g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
When you package peaches this way you DOUBLE the calories and the sugar content.
This is why you should always read the nutrition label when purchasing canned fruit (although it’s a good habit in general).
To summarize the last few sections: fruit is healthy, provided you stick to fresh or frozen and not fruit-like food, dried fruit, or canned fruit packed in syrup. 
If you enjoy a small glass of orange juice occasionally, or you pack a serving of raisins in your lunch and it makes life worth living, by all means! 
Just don’t chug OJ by the gallon, drink a 64 oz “real fruit smoothie,” and eat raisins by the handful and then wonder why you’re not losing weight.
The best way to paint a picture of sugar and calorie content of fruit is with some actual serving sizes.
So let’s do that.
We’ll also share carb content and fiber content, in case you are following a ketogenic or low-carb diet.
Serving size: 1 medium-size apple (182g)
Calories: 95
Protein: .5g
Total Carbohydrates: 25g
Dietary Fiber: 4.4g
Sugar: 19g
Net Carbs 20.6g
Serving size: 1 medium-size banana (118g)
Calories: 105
Protein: 1.3g
Total Carbohydrates: 27g
Dietary Fiber: 3.1g
Sugar: 14g
Net Carbs 23.9g
Serving size: 1 cup (148g)
Calories: 85
Protein: 1.1g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
Dietary Fiber: 3.6g
Sugar: 15g
Net Carbs 17.4g
Serving size: 1 cup (92g)
Calories: 62
Protein: .6g
Total Carbohydrates: 16g
Dietary Fiber: .8g
Sugar: 15g
Net Carbs 15.2g
Serving size: 1 small orange (96g)
Calories: 45
Protein: .9g
Total Carbohydrates: 11g
Dietary Fiber: 2.3g
Sugar: 9g
Net Carbs 8.7g
Serving size: 1 cup (123g)
Calories: 65
Protein: 1.5g
Total Carbohydrates: 15g
Dietary Fiber: 8g
Sugar: 5g
Net Carbs: 7g
Serving size: 280g
Calories: 85
Protein: 1.7g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
Dietary Fiber: 1.1g
Sugar: 17g
Net Carbs: 20.9g
As we mentioned earlier, understanding how many calories you’re consuming is a key component of weight loss.
If you’re targeting 2,500 calories a day, and your meals are bringing you up to about 2,300 calories, you know you can fit in a couple of bananas for a snack.
If you’re following a low-carb diet, and you have about 10 net carbs left in your daily allowance, you know you can eat a handful of raspberries and still meet your goals.
Building a Healthy Plate (Next Steps)
Like anything else, Nerd Fitness recommends fresh fruit in moderation.
Except for awesomeness.
You can have as much of that as you want.
Back to fruit! We recommend eating a healthy combination of vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.
It ends up looking like this Healthy Plate (taken from our Healthy Eating guide):
Your “healthy carb” could 100% be a serving of fruit.
Of any type of fruit!
The different colors of fruit will correspond to different nutrients, so go wild![11] Try different fruits and experiment with new kinds. Keep rotating to ensure you give lots of different vitamins and minerals. 
If you’re trying to lose weight, just remember to watch your overall calorie intake (fruit included).
You got this!
Still here? Want some more help starting your fitness journey?
Alright, I’ll give you my favorite next steps. But only caused you asked nicely.
#1) Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching program: a coaching program for busy people to help them make better food choices, stay accountable, and get healthier, permanently.
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you. Just click on the image below for more details:
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#2) The Nerd Fitness Academy – This self-paced online course has helped 50,000 people get results permanently. 
There’s a 10-level nutrition system, boss battles, 20+ workouts, and the most supportive community in the galaxy!
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#3) Join The Rebellion! We have a free email newsletter that we send out twice per week, full of tips and tricks to help you get healthy, get strong, and have fun doing so. 
I’ll also send you tons of free guides that you can use to start leveling up your life too:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Okay enough about me, let’s talk about you: 
Do you LOVE fruit?
How do you compose a healthy plate?
Any great snack or recipe ideas?
For the Rebellion!
PS: Make sure you read our Full Guide on Healthy Eating if you are just starting to level up your nutrition game. 
Photo source: Fruit Ninja, Mandarin, Berry Hard Work, Watermelon Dude, Juice Boxes, Raspberry Harvesting Squad, Breakfast Fruit Plate, Watermelon, Raspberries, Oranges, Grapes, Blueberries, Bananas, Apple, Raisins, Dried Mango Spears, Banana Chips, Canned Peaches, Plate of Peaches. 
GIF Source: Dancing Watermelon, Belle, Thumbs Up, Donkey Kong, Spit, Cat on Carpet, Wayne, Batman.
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
More on this last point later.
Read “Health-Promoting Components of Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet.” Source, PubMed.
Read “Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects.” Source, PubMed.
Read “Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Adverse metabolic effects of dietary fructose: results from the recent epidemiological, clinical, and mechanistic studies.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Potential role of sugar (fructose) in the epidemic of hypertension, obesity and the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Examining the Health Effects of Fructose.” Source, JAMA.
Read, “A satiety index of common foods.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Examining the Health Effects of Fructose.” Source, JAMA.
This article has a great explanation of different colors and the nutrients they contain.
from Fitness News By James https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/is-fruit-healthy-for-you/
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
How to Tell If You Have a Healthy SCOBY
Of all the things that couples argue about, I’ll bet the last one you’d ever think of is whether or not you have a healthy SCOBY in your kombucha jug. Yet that’s exactly what my husband and I were debating not too long ago after my first attempt at learning how to make kombucha from a healthy SCOBY given to me by a dear friend. I carried that little jar home from yoga class, excited by the idea of all the kombucha I could make and the flavors I could use … and then I forgot the poor little thing in my car. Overnight. In November. In upstate New York.
When we removed the SCOBY from the little jar, we saw some brown and black streaks on it. “Look at this,” my husband said. He assumed that those brown and black streaks meant we had a moldy SCOBY. I thought that those colors were normal, and probably just leftover from the last brew my friend had made. My husband was ready to call it quits even before we started, but I insisted on making up a brew of sweet tea. After we brought the SCOBY back to room temperature and let the sweet tea cool, we poured it all into a half gallon jar and covered it. Then we set it aside in a warm, darkish place and said a prayer. (Well, I said a prayer, anyway.)
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The next couple of days, my husband was not encouraged. After 20 years of brewing his own beer and wine, and plenty of experience in using other food preservation fermentation techniques, he noted that there were still no bubbles rising to the top of the fermentation vessel. “It’s probably not a healthy SCOBY,” he said. “We should just dump it and get another one from somewhere else.”
But I insisted that the lack of bubbles after a few days didn’t mean anything. Brewing kombucha isn’t anything like brewing beer, I told him. I kept the SCOBY warm and covered, and just watched. And waited.
Then … about 2 weeks later, my son and I were cleaning up the house and my husband asked if we were going to get rid of that jar of “failed” kombucha. I picked up the jar and looked inside, and to my surprise — there was a baby SCOBY floating on top! Turns out, I did have a healthy SCOBY and it was so healthy that not only had it fermented that half-gallon of green tea, it made a baby SCOBY so that I could start a second batch of kombucha. Success! I was elated.
So, the question I hear now from lots of people who want to make their own kombucha is, how do I know if I have a healthy SCOBY? Turns out, a SCOBY is really, really hard to kill. Outside of mold and deep freezing, there really aren’t too many ways you can kill a SCOBY.
Signs of a Healthy SCOBY
So, how do you know if your SCOBY is healthy before you start a new batch of kombucha? For the new brewer, this can be confusing. Learning how to tell if a SCOBY is healthy or not is a whole new set of skills.
What Color Should a SCOBY be? A healthy SCOBY is always white or light tan, or some shade in between. A darker brown SCOBY might just mean that the SCOBY is older, and probably won’t work to brew kombucha. A SCOBY can have streaks of brown or black on it – this is just leftover remnants of tea from the last brew. You can tell if a SCOBY is moldy by the presence of mold. And mold does NOT look like leftover tea bits. A moldy SCOBY has white or gray fuzzy growths on it. You’ll know what it is just by touching it. If, for whatever reason, your SCOBY has turned moldy, pitch it and start with a new SCOBY.
How Should My SCOBY be? A healthy SCOBY mat is about ¼ to ½ inch thick. It might float at the top of the brewing vessel. It might sink to the bottom. It might slide off to one side at an angle. It might even float right in the middle of the brewing vessel. It doesn’t really matter where your SCOBY decides to hang out, as long as it’s not moldy and otherwise looks healthy. You can also check the health of your SCOBY by giving it a little pinch between your thumb and first finger — if you can tear it apart with a pinch, then it most likely won’t give you a very good brew.
How Strong Was the Starter Liquid? If you really want to get into it, check the pH of your starter liquid. A pH of 3.5 or lower is best for preventing mold and creating an inhospitable environment for potentially harmful bacteria in your kombucha brew.
Does a SCOBY Make a New SCOBY? A healthy SCOBY will always make a new baby SCOBY when you set it out to brew. Yeast strands fall off the SCOBY and float to the bottom (or float up to the top, if your SCOBY has taken a deep dive to the bottom of the fermentation vessel) and create a new yummy biological mat. No matter where the original SCOBY is hanging out in the brewing vessel, the new baby SCOBY will float to the top. Even if the original and baby SCOBY are attached at the time you decant and pour off the kombucha, you should be able to easily remove the two.
Healthy SCOBY Tips:
Don’t let your SCOBY get dehydrated. Always keep any unused SCOBYs in at least two cups of good, strong starter liquid. If the SCOBY gets dried out, it might start to grow mold at worst, or at best, is ineffective for brewing. (But these dehydrated SCOBYs make great dog chew toys.)
Don’t refrigerate or freeze the SCOBY. When you chill the SCOBY for more than a few days, it will kill off all the healthy bacteria and yeast needed to brew kombucha. At best, you can expect a moldy brew with a formerly frozen SCOBY.
Don’t skimp on size. Yes, size does matter when it comes to your SCOBY. A tiny little thumb-sized piece of SCOBY isn’t going to do much in a half gallon brewing vessel. When you start a new batch of kombucha, the bigger the SCOBY, the better. You can’t really ferment with an itty bitty SCOBY, and at best, you’ll end up with some kind of vinegar that doesn’t have all the great kombucha benefits you’re after.
And if you’re wondering … that first batch of kombucha that I brewed from my “unhealthy” SCOBY turned out delicious. I flavored it with some fresh ginger and organic peach jam. I even had enough to share with a friend!
What are your experiences in keeping your SCOBY healthy? When you’re given a new SCOBY, what do you look for? Leave a comment here and share your tips and recommendations with us!
How to Tell If You Have a Healthy SCOBY was originally posted by All About Chickens
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livingthelifemedia · 7 years
25 Wine Making Tips
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Have you ever wished you had an experienced winemaker looking over your shoulder as you prepared to harvest your first crop of grapes or tested acid levels? How about as you scratched your head over how to clarify a cloudy wine or tried fermenting fresh peach juice? We know what that’s like, so we asked some of our most trusted winemaking authorities to share a few of their personal tricks and tips they use for their own wines. Their combined years of knowledge revealed everything from the practical (pick the ‘jack stems’ out of your grapes) to the tactical (move a heavy carboy with a plant dolly). Help yourself to a few ideas and tackle your next winemaking endeavor like an expert. Grape Growing and Harvesting *Wes Hagen, WineMaker’s “Backyard Vines” columnist and vineyard manager-winemaker at Clos Pepe Vineyards in Lompoc, California.* - *Keep it cool* Harvest grapes cool and never let them get hot or sit in the sun after picking. Use food-grade dry ice to cool down must in the fermenter to extend cold soak. This is also a great idea for grapes picked on a hot day, or grapes that are hot from transport. - *Do the legwork* Spend some time picking ‘jack stems’ out of your must to avoid stemmy or vegetal character. *Blending, Clarifying and Testing* *Dan Mouer, contributor to WineMaker and 27-year winemaker from Richmond, Virginia.* - *Take a taste (or two!)* Don’t be afraid to poke a (sanitized) wine thief into a carboy and draw a sample periodically. Make tasting notes in your cellar book or wine log. Taste it shortly after fermentation, then again routinely as it bulk ages. Then set aside a bit of the bottled stuff for occasional formal taste-tests. Don’t forget to top up your carboy after taking your sample. *John Peragine, contributor to WineMaker and avid home winemaker from Taylorsville, North Carolina.* - *Easy fining (gelatin)* If you’re in a pinch for a fining agent, try unflavored gelatin. Keep in mind, however, that it will have an effect on tannins. *Jack Keller, creator of The Home Winemaking Page (http:winemaking.jackkeller.net ) and WineMaker writer.* - *Easy fining (egg white)* Egg white is one of the best general-purpose clarifying agents. It will also improve a too-tannic wine. Gently beat a separated white with a small amount of unclarified wine and a pinch of salt. Use half a white for each five-gallon (19 L) carboy and use by adding the mixture to the wine and stirring with a long, sterilized rod. Refit the airlock and set aside for at least ten days. - *Easy tannin remedy* Add two or three drops of whole milk per gallon (3.8 L) of wine for overly tannic white wines. The proteins in the milk precipitate the tannins in the wine and the result is a fine coating of lees. - *If you can’t test – taste* If you don’t have an acid test kit to measure and calculate additions to a wine you think is acid-deficient, pour a 380 ml sample and adjust it to taste in measured increments. Multiply the amount added by ten times the number of gallons to be treated. You can also use fractions of a teaspoon and multiply. *David Salaba, wine expert at Keystone Homebrew Supply of Montgomeryville & Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (www.keystonehomebrew.com ) and graduate of UC-Davis. * - *Get a clean juice sample* After thoroughly stirring the must in the open-top fermenter, take a large kitchen strainer and place it on top of the must. Slowly press the strainer into the must with both hands, being careful not to push too fast. A clean puddle of juice will slowly fill the basket – without all of the gunk! You can also use this method for a sample to check the fermentation progress. Just remember that the cap must be broken up and stirred thoroughly or else the ongoing fermentation will change the characteristics of the juice in the cap vs. the juice at the bottom of the fermenter. *Bottling and Aging * *Walt Huber, frequent contributor to WineMaker, and winemaking instructor specializing in sparkling wine from Maineville, Ohio.* - *Prevent overflowing carboys* When racking from one carboy to another, rack the first cup or so into a wine glass. This gives you a small sample to smell and taste while the racking finishes, and also ensures that the receiving carboy doesn’t overflow. All carboys are not exactly the same. If the first one is a little bigger than the second, it won’t overflow. When the racking is complete, use the wine in the glass to top up the receiving carboy. *Wayne Stitzer, winemaking consultant and professional member of the American Wine Society.* - *Keep a library of your wines* Put away a couple bottles of each vintage and variety for future reference and to monitor for aging potential and shelf life. This is also a gauge for improving skills and styles. The only way to know if you are getting better is to have something to compare. This is often overlooked because when a few bottles are produced they tend to all get consumed. *David Salaba, wine expert at Keystone Homebrew Supply of Montgomeryville & Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (www.keystonehomebrew.com ) and graduate of UC-Davis. * - *Label everything (part 1 - chemicals)* Many chemicals and ingredients degrade over time, losing (or even gaining) potency, neither of which can be good for your wine. As soon as you buy a product, take a permanent marker and write the date on the lid and the label, just in case the container gets reused. It takes only a second or two to do, and can help avoid the, “golly, I wonder if this stuff is still good?” or, “What the heck, I’ll use it anyway” syndromes. *Chris Colby, Editor of WineMaker and Brew Your Own magazines.* - *Label everything (part 2 - carboys)* When you first start making wine, you’ll know that the carboy full of red wine is your Cabernet and the carboy full of white contains your Chardonnay. However, a couple years down the road, when you have multiple carboys and jugs filled – it’s easy to lose track of what vessel contains what wine. Tape an index card to each container and note all the relevant information (type of wine, initial Brix and acid, skin contact time, when the wine was fined – and with what agent, oak treatments, when it was racked, etc.). Every time you rack to a new container, transfer the index card as well. *Wine Kits* *Tim Vandergrift, WineMaker’s “Wine Kits” columnist and technical services manager at Winexpert Ltd.* - *Find your fermenter’s fill line* The best way to hit the right volume in your primary fermenter is by filling the carboy up to the neck with cool water. Rack or pour the water into the primary and draw a line with permanent marker at the water level. This will be the fill level. - *Have patience* Just because your wine kit is ready to drink in six weeks doesn’t mean that it’s ready to drink! Try a bottle in three months, another at six, then decide if it’s ready. *Walt Huber, frequent contributor to WineMaker, and winemaking instructor specializing in sparkling wine from Maineville, Ohio.* - *Watch out for water* Always use distilled or reverse osmosis water if you’re adding it to your wine, especially in kits. City, spring and well water may have minerals or chemicals that can cause off flavors. *Temperature and Fermentation* *Jack Keller, creator of The Home Winemaking Page and WineMaker writer.* - *Start a starter* A balanced yeast starter solution begun 20 hours before needed will significantly increase the amount of live cells you start with. Use a cup of water, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of yeast nutrient dissolved in it. After four hours, add 1/4 cup of must or orange, apple or grape juice. Add another 1/4 cup of must or juice every four hours. For periods beyond 20 hours, begin with a pint of starter solution instead of a cup. - *Check your calibrations* If you purchase (or are given) a used hydrometer, always calibrate it before using it. Very old hydrometers were calibrated at 4 °C (39 °F). Then calibration changed to 15 °C (59 °F) and stayed that way for half a century. These days, most hydrometers are calibrated to 20 °C (68 °F) at which temperature distilled water should measure a specific gravity of exactly 1.000 (0 °Brix). *Jim Harrington, Harrington Press Winemaking & Homebrew Supplies (www.harringtonpress.com ), Peoria, Illinois.* - *Modify your plastic fermenter* Drill a hole in the lid big enough to fit a #10 stopper where the grommet hole is. This makes stirring, taking readings and sampling much easier than having to remove the lid. *Country Wines* *Alexis Hartung, WineMaker’s “Varietal Focus” columnist and owner of Country Wines winemaking supply (www.countrywines.com ), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. * - *Freshness is key* It’s best to use ripe fruit but overripe fruit can bear potential problems (bacteria, off-flavors). Also, cut away and discard bruised sections. For fresh, fruity flavors rack the wine three to six weeks after the fermentation stops. - *Choose the right additives* Use potassium metabisulfite, not sodium metabisulfite to avoid a possible salty taste. Also be sure to carefully measure sulfite to be sure you don’t use too much. *Jack Keller, creator of The Home Winemaking Page (http:winemaking.jackkeller.net ) and WineMaker writer.* - *Save your peelings* If you have a peach tree and make lots of pies or freeze peeled wedges, remember that one and a quarter pound of peelings, with sugar, acid blend, etc., makes an excellent gallon of peach wine. Peelings can be frozen in bags until you have enough to make a batch. - *Skip the juicer* Use a paring knife to cut a slit, crosswise to the axis of a lemon, past the center to a depth of about 2/3 through. Place the lemon in a microwave oven with the slit facing up and cook on high for 20 – 25 seconds. Squeeze the juice out through the slit. This method saves a lot of hand strength. *Techniques* *Chris Farley of Northern Brewer homebrew supply (www.northernbrewer.com ), St. Paul, Minnesota * - *Draining your carboys* When you’re emptying a carboy filled with cleaning solution, try inserting a small (one foot length or so) tube while the carboy is upside-down so part of it sticks above the water line. Air will exit out of the tube allowing the liquid to come out fast, which speeds up your cleaning time. *Daniel Goodman, of The Good Brewer homebrew and wine supply, Livermore, California. * - *Storing carboys* After you clean and sanitize your carboy, you can put it up for long-term storage (or short-term if you turn over wine quickly enough) by putting in a pint or two of water and three or four campden tablets. Place a solid stopper on the carboy and turn it upside down (use a carboy holder if you have one). As the tablets dissolve, they create SO2. Since the carboy is upside down it creates a seal so the gas doesn’t escape. When you’re ready, just empty it out and fill – no prep! - *Moving carboys* To move heavy carboys, use a plant dolly like the ones used for large potted plants. They are only a few inches high, which makes it much easier to get them on the dolly and wheel them to wherever you want them. Read the full article
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Best and Coolest 21 Fruits
Gourmia GSI180 Automatic Healthy Frozen Dessert Maker, Makes Sorbet, Soft-Serve Sherbet & Frozen Fruit Treats, Includes Free Recipe Book
Gourmia GSI180 Automatic Healthy Frozen Dessert Maker, Makes Sorbet, Soft-Serve Sherbet & Frozen Fruit Treats, Includes Free Recipe Book -Includes recipe book make delicious frozen treats just like in the ice cream shoppe with our included bonus cookbook also includes easy read manual to get you started. Healthy & delicious now you can create delicious frozen treats with a texture that is similar to ice-cream, without the worry of fats, sugar, additives or preservatives. Quick & easy this frozen fruit dessert maker is quick & easy to use simply pop any frozen fruit in & let it work its magic in no time youll have a tasty treat for the whole family to enjoy. Etl listed we, at gourmia, take the quality of our products seriously we are etl certified so you can be confident that youre receiving safe, efficient, high quality appliances. Easy to clean this soft-serve frozen fruit maker is easy to clean all of the parts are removable making it easy for you to see what needs to be wiped down for thorough clean up.
Big Boss 9249 Swirlio Frozen Fruit Dessert Maker, Red/Silver
Big Boss 9249 Swirlio Frozen Fruit Dessert Maker, Red/Silver -The big boss swirlio makes your favorite fruits into a soft serve frozen dessert in seconds peel, cut and freeze the fruits- insert them into the chute and voila, a delicious and healthy dessert is served use only with ingredients you consider best for you and your family. No more throwing out the extra fruit freeze it and turn it into a healthy frozen dessert.
Seville Classics Fruit Tree with Banana Hook and Large Wavy Bamboo Bowl
Seville Classics Fruit Tree with Banana Hook and Large Wavy Bamboo Bowl -Use the removable bamboo bowl for more than holding fruit serve salad and soups from the kitchen to the dinner table, place it around the house as a decorative centerpiece bowl, or fill it with potpourri as an instant air freshener in bathrooms and living rooms. Banana hook features a smooth, espresso epoxy finish that looks good anywhere on your countertop and is easy to wipe clean with soap and water air dry and do not submerge. Fruit tree with bowl measures 13 l x 1063 w x 173 h. Solid-steel, double-hook fruit tree is designed to hold more than bananas store bunches of grapes, garlic, plantains and tomatoes or use it to hang plastic bags, dishwashing gloves, oven mitts, kitchen towels and dish cloths. Features two-tone 100% bamboo bowl with contrasting base constructed with multiple layers of natural bamboo.
Crystal Light Drink Mix, Fruit Punch, Pitcher Packets, 6 Count (Pack of 12 Canisters)
Crystal Light Drink Mix, Fruit Punch, Pitcher Packets, 6 Count (Pack of 12 Canisters) -To make, mix 1 packet with 2 quarts (8 cups) of cold water in a large pitcher and stir. Each individual packet makes 2 quarts (8 servings). Sugar-free and just 5 calories per serving crystal light has 90% fewer calories than leading beverages. Gluten-free kosher-certified. 12 canisters, each containing 6 individual packets (totaling 72 packets).
Greenhilltea natural herbs for health and wellness, Asian Herb Nourishing Lungs Dried Luo Han Guo/ Monk Fruit 12 PCS Ship From USA
Greenhilltea natural herbs for health and wellness, Asian Herb Nourishing Lungs Dried Luo Han Guo/ Monk Fruit 12 PCS Ship From USA -It is reputedly good for treating sore throats, coughs, clearing internal heat and gastrointestinal problems. Nature, all natural dried, sweet in taste and cold in nature. Serve, can used to make tea or soup brew with boiling water. Efficacy, effectively remove excess heat in the body. It has been shown in animal studies to decrease blood sugar, total cholesterol, and improve liver function.
Large 32oz Fruit Infuser Water Bottle by Danum New Full Length Infusion Basket, Leak-proof, Flip-Top, Dual Hand Grips, made of BPA-Free Eastman Tritan with Multiple Color Options & Free Recipe Ebook
Large 32oz Fruit Infuser Water Bottle by Danum New Full Length Infusion Basket, Leak-proof, Flip-Top, Dual Hand Grips, made of BPA-Free Eastman Tritan with Multiple Color Options & Free Recipe Ebook -Designed for infusing danum bottles are so well designed & durable, youll use it every day youll love how much fruit & water this large 32 oz bottle holds, yet still fits in most car cup holders the rubber grip on one side & molded thumb grip opposite ensures a secure grip easy to carry using the large finger loop one hand operation, push the button & the lid pops open the flat bottom-full length infuser basket makes it easy to add lots of fruit and a large opening for easy cleaning. 100% bpa-free danum bottles are made of premium eastman tritan youll love drinking from this bottle, its not like other plastic bottles youve used before the eastman tritan material is bpa free so its safe to use, odorless & has no plastic aftertaste premium eastman tritan is very durable, yet looks like glass the danum bottle has all of the benefits of glass bottle with the safety & lighter weight of a plastic bottle. Live healthier are you trying to drink more water, lose weight & live healthier the danum fruit infuser bottle is your answer, simple, easy & fast in 2 minutes you can make great tasting, healthy water get all the hydration your body needs with all the flavors you love why put sugar & chemicals in your body that are keeping you over weight & feeling bad give your body the hydration, vitamins & minerals it needs, the natural & organic way choose to live healthier & feel better today. Lifetime warranty were so confident in the design & craftsmanship of our bottles, we back it up with a lifetime warranty you will absolutely love your danum fruit infuser water bottle, or well buy it back if it breaks, well replace it you have nothing to lose we have made changes to our bottle based upon customers feedback, improving an already great design, its near perfect now & were sure youll feel the same theres nothing to lose & everything to gain, get yours today. Free recipe ebook do you like free gifts when you buy a danum fruit infuser water bottle you get more than just a great infusion bottle, you also get an awesome fruit infusing recipe ebook, free we have selected the very best infusion recipes out there & put them into an attractive & easy to read ebook youre going to love all of the great tasting & healthy recipes its all here, great bottle & great recipe book make the choice to start living healthier today, you deserve it.
Weston Apple and Fruit Crusher (05-0201), Cast Iron Construction, Stainless Steel Chute & Crushing Blades
Weston Apple and Fruit Crusher (05-0201), Cast Iron Construction, Stainless Steel Chute & Crushing Blades -Horizontal table mount or vertical wall corner mount options available. Heavy-duty cast iron construction. Wood drum with stainless steel crushing blades. Stainless steel chute and hardware. Easy to turn handle makes crushing large quantities of fruit quick an easy. Stainless steel chute and hardware. Wooden hopper available for easy loading. Horizontal table mount or vertical corner wall mount options available. Easy to turn handle makes crushing large quantities of fruit quick and easy. Simply place the crusher above the press, load it with fruit, and spin the handle to drop a perfect pulp into the wine press prior to pressing. Essential for prepping apples, pears, peaches, pineapples and other hard fruits in the weston fruit & wine press. Includes wood mounting base (10 inch x 175 inch x 1 inch). Includes wood mounting base (10 x 175 x 08) and two c-clamps for table mounting. Heavy-duty cast iron construction. This heavy duty tool works well for making as little as 5 gallons or as many as 50 gallons of juice for wine & cider.
Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, Fruit Tea Sampler, 18 Count (Pack of 6)
Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, Fruit Tea Sampler, 18 Count (Pack of 6) -Our lively fruit tea collection includes five of our most beloved teas brimming with fruit flavor. From the sweet, simple flavor of black cherry berry to the sophisticated tang of wild berry zinger tea, each of these herbal blends is satisfying when hot and invigorating over ice.
SimpleHouseware Fruit Basket Bowl with Banana Tree Hanger, Bronze
SimpleHouseware Fruit Basket Bowl with Banana Tree Hanger, Bronze -13 x 5 inches fruit bowl to hold variable size fruits. Removable hanger provides capability to hang bananas and grapes. Classic bronze coating to increase the value of your decor.
OMorc 32oz/900ml Sport Fruit Infuser Water Bottle, Toxin-Free, Shatter-Resistant and Impact-Resistant with Cleaning Brush, Ideal for Your Office and Home
OMorc 32oz/900ml Sport Fruit Infuser Water Bottle, Toxin-Free, Shatter-Resistant and Impact-Resistant with Cleaning Brush, Ideal for Your Office and Home -Dual anti-slip grips the rubber grip and the thumb grip on the 2 sides are ideal for holding a large water bottle as this one this large fruit infuser water bottle is great for home, school, office, travel and picnics etc. Leak-proof design the robust o-ring is designed for leak-proof experience the small metal latching loop above the single push button keeps the lid well in place to assure the lid not pop out. A cleaning brush included a cleaning foam brush is included for easy and complete cleaning this fitness infuser water bottle enjoys 45 days money-back and 12-month worry-free warranty. Food-grade material this sports fruit infuser water bottle is made of toxin-free, shatter-resistant and impact-resistant tritan copolyester to guarantee safety and durability. Large 32oz capacity with a large capacity of 32oz, this updated fruit infuser water bottle can contain everything you want the full-length infuser rod ensures your water is infused to the very last drop, providing the best flavor possible.
Primula Flavor-It Beverage System Includes Fruit Infusion Core, Tea Infusion Core, and Chill Core Dishwasher Safe 2.9 Qt. Red
Primula Flavor-It Beverage System Includes Fruit Infusion Core, Tea Infusion Core, and Chill Core Dishwasher Safe 2.9 Qt. Red -3-in-1 core system flavor infuser core large capacity flavor infuser to create delicious, personalized and healthy beverages add your favorite fruits, veggies and herbs the healthy combinations are endless and a great alternative to high sugar beverages we include some of our favorite recipes from strawberry lemon water, cucumber melon, raspberry lime, white peach sangria and more tea infuser core enjoy hot or cold brewed tea with either loose leaf tea or tea bags incorporate your favorite herbs and spices to create your own personal flavors after brewing you can also use the flavor infuser core to make flavorful, fruity tea chill core this non-toxic, permanently sealed tube will keep your flavor-it pitcher cold without diluting your favorite drink store it in your freezer and it will always be available to use whenever you need it, keeping your beverages cold for hours. Great for gifting a thoughtful gift for a housewarming, hostess, birthday, mothers day or any gift giving occasion. Quality design the last pitcher youll ever need for crafting your own impressive, delicious and healthy drinks, the primula flavor-it beverage system includes 3 different cores for various infusing and brewing purposes the bpa free tritantm pitcher is odor and stain resistant, and was masterfully designed with a perfect pour spout, a leak proof and keep-fresh airtight lid, and a soft touch inset silicone handle it was thoughtfully designed to fit in most refrigerator doors for easy storage the primula flavor-it beverage system was awarded the good design award by the chicago athenaeum for most innovative and cutting-edge product design. Specifications package includes (1) red 29 qt primula flavor-it beverage system pitcher, (1) fruit infusion core, (1) tea infusion core, and (1) chill core. Use and care first, insert the flavor infuser into the pitcher and place your desired ingredients into the infuser fill the pitcher with water, and infuse fruits for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator water may be added as it is consumed fruits with strong flavors, such as lemon, pineapple and oranges are best for multiple infusions both the pitcher and the lid are top rack dishwasher safe, although it is recommended that you hand wash the pitcher both the tea and fruit infuser cores are dishwasher safe, while the chill core is hand wash only.
Fruit & Tea Infusion Water Pitcher The PERFECT Gift Free Ice Ball Maker Free Infused Water Recipe Booklet Includes Shatterproof Jug, Fruit Infuser, and Tea Infuser Great for weight loss
Fruit & Tea Infusion Water Pitcher The PERFECT Gift Free Ice Ball Maker Free Infused Water Recipe Booklet Includes Shatterproof Jug, Fruit Infuser, and Tea Infuser Great for weight loss - Hot tea & iced tea this fruit infusion pitcher can do it all the solid tritantm body and the stainless steel herbs infuser, allow you to use hot water you can make yourself hot infused tea and cool it in the fridge for later the possibilities with this set are endless which makes it the perfect birthday gift. risk-free purchase we are totally confident you will be impressed with the quality of our infuser pitcher that we offer a 100% lifetime guarantee with proof of purchase grab your infusion set now and enhance your lifestyle. So why mami wata our fruit infuser pitcher is made of a thick and durable tritantm, not acrylic plastic or glass so it is heat resistant, dishwasher safe and shatterproof it has a hermetic seal mechanism that makes the pitcher odor resistant it also fits the refrigerator door need more reasons why check out your bonuses. Your bonuses you also get a green matching silicone ice ball maker the slow melting ice balls are the best way to cool your beverages when serving, your guests will love it you can also make a perfect, round & fruity popsicles for your kids we will send you our exclusive infused water recipes bookelt, with many combinations and recipes that will help you getting started. Your healthy lifestyle gateway, be that person that offers his family & friends a sugar-free alternative keep your children away from sugary vitamin waters infused water makes the act of drinking water more enjoyable our infusion set is a perfect choice as you will find out ).
Ahmad Tea Peach & Passion Fruit Black Tea, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)
Ahmad Tea Peach & Passion Fruit Black Tea, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6) -Case of six boxes, each containing 20 foil-wrapped tea bags (120 total tea bags). Ships in certified frustration-free packaging. A blend of ceylon and other origin teas with peach and passion fruit flavoring. Enjoy the rare pleasure of a fine english tea. Stimulating tea with a resonant, fruity aroma.
Ball Golden Harvest Regular Mouth Vintage Fruit Design Mason Jelly Jars (12 Pack), 8 oz, Clear
Ball Golden Harvest Regular Mouth Vintage Fruit Design Mason Jelly Jars (12 Pack), 8 oz, Clear -Custom time tested ceiling compound help ensure a quality seal with each lid. Ideal for preserving jams, jellies sauces, mustard & flavored vinegar. Regular mouth 8 ounce jelly jar. Refrigerate up to 3 weeks, freeze up to 1 year, fresh preserve and store up to 1 year. Retro gold on the outside lid matches kitchen designs.
Davidsons Tea Herbal Chamomile and Fruit, 100-Count Tea Bags
Davidsons Tea Herbal Chamomile and Fruit, 100-Count Tea Bags -Tea as good for you as you expect it to be. Delicious hot, served with lemon and a touch of honey, or iced, garnished with slices of citrus fruit. Chamomile and fruit herbal tea combines the natural sweet character of premium organic egyptian chamomile with the fresh fruit flavors of orange, lemon and the sweet tartness of rosehips. Uncompromisingly healthy and delicious teas.
China Mist, Passion Fruit Black Tea Bags for Iced Tea, (3 Pack)
China Mist, Passion Fruit Black Tea Bags for Iced Tea, (3 Pack) -The exotic flavor and fragrance of fresh, ripe passion fruit complements premium, whole-leaf black tea for an indulgent, tropical flavor experience with a clean crisp finish.
Sagler 3 Tier Fruit basket Stainless steel fruit bowl large fruit bowl useful for fruit storage basket
Sagler 3 Tier Fruit basket Stainless steel fruit bowl large fruit bowl useful for fruit storage basket -Price is a limited time offer, and this is 100% satisfaction guarantee. Fruit bowl centerpiece chrome metal construction for durability and sophisticated looks ideal kitchen storage solution or an eye-catching centerpiece for your counter top also makes a perfect gift. 14 w, 23h, 12 d sturdy steel construction. Fruit bowls for the counters bowls can easily be removed to use as separate serving pieces. Fruit bowl 3 level triple hammock design to artfully display your fresh produce.
Lipper International 294 Cherry Finished Wavy Rim Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Matte, Large, 13 x 12.5 x 5, Single Bowl
Lipper International 294 Cherry Finished Wavy Rim Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Matte, Large, 13 x 12.5 x 5, Single Bowl -Beautifully shaped bowl has wave rim. Generously sized large bowl is perfect for salads, fruit, or even as a centerpiece bowl. Made from durable and eco-friendly rubberwood that is easy to care for, hand wash only. Stained with a food-safe, deep, rich cherry color, which complements any decor. 1 large cherry finished wavy rim bowl, measures 13 x 12 1/2 x 5.
Lipper International 274 Cherry Finished Footed Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Large, 13.75 Diameter x 5 Height, Single Bowl
Lipper International 274 Cherry Finished Footed Serving Bowl for Fruits or Salads, Large, 13.75 Diameter x 5 Height, Single Bowl -Stained with a food-safe, deep, rich cherry colormade from durable and eco-friendly rubberwood. Dimensions 13-3/4-inch by 5-inch. Beautiful shape complements any decor. Individual-sized small bowls match the larger serving bowl, and are perfect for salads, fruit, or even cereal. Generously sized large bowl is perfect for serving salad or fruit, or even as a centerpiece bowl. One cherry footed salad bowl. Made from durable and eco-friendly rubberwood. Hand wash with a mild soap and cool water do not soak do not put in the dishwasher, microwave or refrigerator extreme changes in temperature will cause the material to crack over time dry thoroughly occasional use of mineral oil on the inside will help maintain its appearance.
Prodyne Fruit Infusion Flavor
Prodyne Fruit Infusion Flavor -High style design with easy grip handle. Crystal clear acrylic pitcher features a generous 35 quart (112 ounce) capacity. Pitcher may be continually refilled as you use the contents without having to replace the fruit. Infuse water, tea, spirits and more with natural fruit flavors. Large fruit infusion rod that screws into the lid.
Water Infuser Pitcher & Gourmet Recipe eBook (Emailed) | BPA Free Fruit Infusion Pitcher with Glass Like Appearance and Largest 3+ Liter Capacity for Amazing Spa Water (Clear)
Water Infuser Pitcher & Gourmet Recipe eBook (Emailed) | BPA Free Fruit Infusion Pitcher with Glass Like Appearance and Largest 3+ Liter Capacity for Amazing Spa Water (Clear) -Ebook with dozens of gourmet recipes, amazon default settings may stop the ebook from being delivered to you please adjust your settings or you may also reach out to us directly if you do not receive it you will love your beautiful, gourmet recipe ebook with dozens of recipes, some may even surprise you you will be able to have the good infused into your life the moment your new infuser arrives. Beautiful & elegant infused pitcher, do you want to just infuse or do you want to infuse in style you will be proud to use this infuser for any occasion the design is simple yet elegant this water infuser pitcher is perfect for any gathering including holidays, birthdays, dinner parties, swimming parties, and other events you will be the star of the dinner party with this serving piece and will have your family and friends talking about your beautiful, new water infuser pitcher. 100% satisfaction, we love and appreciate our customers and want you to be excited about this special product and your infused creations we wanted to offer this as a perfect way for you to share this water pitcher infuser with all of your friends and family with world-class customer serviceif you arent 100% satisfied with this product, we will refund your money with no questions asked click add to cart and buy today. Perfect gift, make water exciting again your friends and family will love their new carafe infuser this gorgeous carafe infuser is the perfect gift for any housewarming, back to school, wedding, christmas, holiday, or birthday celebration your favorite flavors can be infused into water, tea, lemonade, and other delicious drinks you can create refreshing, healthy infused beverages with your new water infuser pitcher the perfect substitute to other low-nutrition options. High-quality & smart design, you have found a water pitcher infuser that is well-built and easy to use unlike the other infuser pitchers, you wont have to unscrew the lid to use it or worry that the fruit will fall out when you pour this infuser is dishwasher safe, high-quality bpa-free acrylic that is stain resistant it is also well-balanced and ergonomic possibly a few dollars higher, but you will be happy that you decided to buy this quality product backed by a quality company. Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/best-and-coolest-21-fruits
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lindafrancois · 5 years
Should I Eat Fruit? The Ultimate Guide for Determining “Is Fruit Good for You?”
Want to know how fruit fits into a healthy diet?
It’s a valid question! After all, it’s absolutely possible to lose weight eating fruit…and GAIN weight eating fruit! 
This is an area of focus for our 1-on-1 Coaching clients, but we’re gonna tell you everything you need to know below too.
How much fruit should you be eating? Let us help you decide!
Today we’ll help you determine how much fruit, and what kind of fruit, you should be eating. 
Here’s what we’ll cover to answer the question, “Is eating Fruit healthy?”
Is fruit good for you?
Is the sugar in fruit bad for you?
Is eating fruit good for weight loss?
Is fruit juice healthy? 
Should I eat dried fruit?
Is canned fruit healthy?
Calorie content of the most popular fruit.
Building a healthy plate (next steps). 
If you’re curious about where fruits and other foods such as potatoes fall on the “healthy eating” spectrum, you should check out the Nerd Fitness Diet guide and cheat sheet. It’s a level up system designed for you to adopt new healthy habits that will stick, by slowly progressing you from a newbie to an expert.
You can check it out for free when you join the Rebellion!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Is Fruit Good for you?
As we lay out in our “Healthy Eating” guide, fruit is absolutely healthy and can help you reach your goals – in the right quantities.[1] 
Eating fruit is great because it’s:
Full of nutrients.[2]
Packed with fiber.[3]
A great snack option or it can be part of a protein-focused breakfast!
That’s why eating fruit is “universally promoted” as being good for you.[4]
Which makes inquiries of “is fruit healthy?” perplexing. 
What’s with the controversy?
For that, we need to talk about the calorie and sugar content of fruit.
Is the Sugar in Fruit Bad for You?
If anyone tells you not to eat fruit, it’s most likely because they’re afraid of the sugar content of the produce.
With the rise of low-carb diets like Keto, many people are turning away from fruit entirely.
So what’s going on here?
A couple of things:
There is A LOT of evidence that the excessive intake of added sugar is indeed harmful to human health. Study[5] after study[6] after study[7] shows the adverse effects of added sugar into the diet. Fruit contains fructose, which is a sugar. 
Sugar is a carbohydrate. If you’re following the Keto Diet, the Paleo Diet, or any other low-carb plan, you need to limit the number of carbs you eat – which includes sugar.
If you’re not doing Keto, you don’t need to worry about that second point, because you aren’t eliminating carbs.
But how about the first one? Is the sugar in fruit harmful for us?
In one word: no.
Fruits are loaded with fiber and water, so it’s not strictly composed of fructose. 
It also takes a decent amount of effort to chew an actual piece of fruit. 
All of this slows down the absorption of fructose from the fruit. 
According to Dr. Ludwig of Harvard Medical School, if you eat a whole fruit, it’s difficult to consume enough fructose to be harmful.[8]
Notice that caveat “whole fruit.” This is critical and deserves its own section.
But first…
Is Eating Fruit Good for Weight Loss?
We’ve established that fruit is good for you. 
That news shocks exactly no one. 
But is fruit good for weight loss?
To answer that question, let’s consider two points:
#1) Fruit can be generally low in calories.
Here is 200 calories worth of an apple (thanks to WiseGEEK): 
Compare that to 200 calories worth of a bagel:
#2) Fruit can be satiating.
Fruit can help kill hunger or scratch that “I WANT SUGAR” itch. When you eat 200 calories worth of an apple, it can help make you feel fairly full. 
When you eat 200 calories worth of bread, you haven’t even finished a single bagel yet.
Studies done on the satiating power of different foods have shown fruit to be some of the most satisfying food studied. People feel more full from eating an apple or an orange than from eating beef or eggs.[9]
In summary: Fruit can be high in nutrients, low in calories, and can help us feel full.
As we discuss in our Guide to Healthy Eating, this is a great recipe for successful weight loss. 
So yes, fruit can indeed be part of a meal plan to lose weight.
We need to stop and make a point here: fruit, like every other food, obeys the laws of thermodynamics. Meaning the calories in fruit will still contribute to your total daily calorie goal. 
Why does this matter?
Weight loss comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn. 
Yes, there’s nuance, hormones messing with our hunger signals, and so on. But successful weight loss depends on consuming fewer calories than you expend consistently. 
If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to establish calorie goals. Fruit can factor into those goals and the calories should be accounted for.
This means that even with all the nutrients and fiber, eating all of your meals along with 30 bananas a day will result in you wondering “Why can’t I lose weight?” 
Save that for Donkey Kong:
Where fruit can really get you into trouble is if you start to move in the direction of “fruit-like.” We’ll jump to that with our next section.
First, if you are trying to lose weight and wondering where fruit fits into the equation, I want you to know you’re on the right track. 
Lots of our coaching clients come to us with all sorts of different fitness questions, like what to eat and how to exercise, proving we all start from unique situations. The important thing is that you’re beginning to ask questions and looking for answers. 
If you want help on your journey, we’re here for you. Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program partners busy people just like you with a coach who will get to know you better than you know yourself.
  A Nerd Fitness Coach can guide your weight loss and answer all your fitness questions! Learn more here.
Is Fruit Juice Healthy?
While fruit can 100% be part of a healthy diet, “fruit like things” don’t get our stamp of approval.
Without the fiber, water, and intact cell walls of the fruit, your body will absorb the fructose very quickly.[10]
Not good.
Let’s chat specifically about “drinkable” fruit first:
#1) Fruit juices (cranberry juice, orange juice, grape juice): these are high calorie, sugar-filled beverages. 
For example, here are the calories in one 8 oz  serving of: 
Apple Juice: 103 calories, 22 g of sugar
Orange Juice: 103 calories, 18 g of sugar
Grape Juice: 136 calories, 32 g of sugar
For reference, an 8 ounce glass of Coca-Cola would have about 26 grams of sugar.
2) Fruit Smoothies: Just because it’s a fruit smoothie doesn’t mean it won’t make you fat! Have you seen the calorie count and sugar content of smoothies and ‘green drinks’? Yikes.
Green Machine Naked Juice (15.2 oz or 450 ml bottle): 270 calories, 53 g of sugar.
Smoothie King Banana Boat (20 oz or 591 ml smoothie): 450 calories, 70 g of sugar.
Yeah…which is why we made this:
Should I Eat Dried Fruit?
Another “fruit like thing” we need to talk about is dried fruit.
Dried fruits are notoriously easy to overeat because they are so small. Since the water has been taken out, all that’s left is the sugar and fiber. 
Here’s 1 serving of raisins, which is 108 calories and 21 g of sugar:
If you are saying “oh man, I eat 5x that many raisins when I eat them…” then multiply those calorie and sugar numbers by 5!
Per weight, all dried fruit will be higher in calories and sugar than its “whole fruit” counterpart.
The other thing to consider is that sugar is often ADDED to dried fruit to make it even sweeter. 
Consider these banana chips:
Second ingredient after dried banana? “Organic sugar.”
An ounce of these banana chips is going to run you about 147 calories and 10 grams of sugar (17g for total carbs).
For comparison, an ounce of a regular banana is about 25 calories.
You really have to be careful with dried fruit because it’s so easy to overeat.
However, this isn’t the only place where sugar is added to fruit.
Is Canned Fruit Healthy?
The big concern with canned fruit is the syrup that is often included with it.
What’s in the syrup? Sugar. Of course it’s sugar. 
Let’s take a look at Del Monte’s canned peaches:
The syrup here is composed of “high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, and sugar.”
Let’s compare the canned fruit to a normal peach you’d pick from a tree:
Del Monte’s Canned Peaches (in heavy syrup):
Serving size: 256g
Calories: 200
Total Sugar: 42g
Total Carbohydrates: 50g
Extra Large Peach
Serving size: 224g
Calories: 88 
Total Sugar: 19g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
When you package peaches this way you DOUBLE the calories and the sugar content.
This is why you should always read the nutrition label when purchasing canned fruit (although it’s a good habit in general).
To summarize the last few sections: fruit is healthy, provided you stick to fresh or frozen and not fruit-like food, dried fruit, or canned fruit packed in syrup. 
If you enjoy a small glass of orange juice occasionally, or you pack a serving of raisins in your lunch and it makes life worth living, by all means! 
Just don’t chug OJ by the gallon, drink a 64 oz “real fruit smoothie,” and eat raisins by the handful and then wonder why you’re not losing weight.
The best way to paint a picture of sugar and calorie content of fruit is with some actual serving sizes.
So let’s do that.
We’ll also share carb content and fiber content, in case you are following a ketogenic or low-carb diet.
Serving size: 1 medium-size apple (182g)
Calories: 95
Protein: .5g
Total Carbohydrates: 25g
Dietary Fiber: 4.4g
Sugar: 19g
Net Carbs 20.6g
Serving size: 1 medium-size banana (118g)
Calories: 105
Protein: 1.3g
Total Carbohydrates: 27g
Dietary Fiber: 3.1g
Sugar: 14g
Net Carbs 23.9g
Serving size: 1 cup (148g)
Calories: 85
Protein: 1.1g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
Dietary Fiber: 3.6g
Sugar: 15g
Net Carbs 17.4g
Serving size: 1 cup (92g)
Calories: 62
Protein: .6g
Total Carbohydrates: 16g
Dietary Fiber: .8g
Sugar: 15g
Net Carbs 15.2g
Serving size: 1 small orange (96g)
Calories: 45
Protein: .9g
Total Carbohydrates: 11g
Dietary Fiber: 2.3g
Sugar: 9g
Net Carbs 8.7g
Serving size: 1 cup (123g)
Calories: 65
Protein: 1.5g
Total Carbohydrates: 15g
Dietary Fiber: 8g
Sugar: 5g
Net Carbs: 7g
Serving size: 280g
Calories: 85
Protein: 1.7g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
Dietary Fiber: 1.1g
Sugar: 17g
Net Carbs: 20.9g
As we mentioned earlier, understanding how many calories you’re consuming is a key component of weight loss.
If you’re targeting 2,500 calories a day, and your meals are bringing you up to about 2,300 calories, you know you can fit in a couple of bananas for a snack.
If you’re following a low-carb diet, and you have about 10 net carbs left in your daily allowance, you know you can eat a handful of raspberries and still meet your goals.
Building a Healthy Plate (Next Steps)
Like anything else, Nerd Fitness recommends fresh fruit in moderation.
Except for awesomeness.
You can have as much of that as you want.
Back to fruit! We recommend eating a healthy combination of vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.
It ends up looking like this Healthy Plate (taken from our Healthy Eating guide):
Your “healthy carb” could 100% be a serving of fruit.
Of any type of fruit!
The different colors of fruit will correspond to different nutrients, so go wild![11] Try different fruits and experiment with new kinds. Keep rotating to ensure you give lots of different vitamins and minerals. 
If you’re trying to lose weight, just remember to watch your overall calorie intake (fruit included).
You got this!
Still here? Want some more help starting your fitness journey?
Alright, I’ll give you my favorite next steps. But only caused you asked nicely.
#1) Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching program: a coaching program for busy people to help them make better food choices, stay accountable, and get healthier, permanently.
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you. Just click on the image below for more details:
Our Coaching program changes lives. Learn more here!
#2) The Nerd Fitness Academy – This self-paced online course has helped 50,000 people get results permanently. 
There’s a 10-level nutrition system, boss battles, 20+ workouts, and the most supportive community in the galaxy!
Join the NF Academy! One payment, lifetime access.
#3) Join The Rebellion! We have a free email newsletter that we send out twice per week, full of tips and tricks to help you get healthy, get strong, and have fun doing so. 
I’ll also send you tons of free guides that you can use to start leveling up your life too:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Okay enough about me, let’s talk about you: 
Do you LOVE fruit?
How do you compose a healthy plate?
Any great snack or recipe ideas?
For the Rebellion!
PS: Make sure you read our Full Guide on Healthy Eating if you are just starting to level up your nutrition game. 
Photo source: Fruit Ninja, Mandarin, Berry Hard Work, Watermelon Dude, Juice Boxes, Raspberry Harvesting Squad, Breakfast Fruit Plate, Watermelon, Raspberries, Oranges, Grapes, Blueberries, Bananas, Apple, Raisins, Dried Mango Spears, Banana Chips, Canned Peaches, Plate of Peaches. 
GIF Source: Dancing Watermelon, Belle, Thumbs Up, Donkey Kong, Spit, Cat on Carpet, Wayne, Batman.
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
More on this last point later.
Read “Health-Promoting Components of Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet.” Source, PubMed.
Read “Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects.” Source, PubMed.
Read “Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Adverse metabolic effects of dietary fructose: results from the recent epidemiological, clinical, and mechanistic studies.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Potential role of sugar (fructose) in the epidemic of hypertension, obesity and the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Examining the Health Effects of Fructose.” Source, JAMA.
Read, “A satiety index of common foods.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Examining the Health Effects of Fructose.” Source, JAMA.
This article has a great explanation of different colors and the nutrients they contain.
Should I Eat Fruit? The Ultimate Guide for Determining “Is Fruit Good for You?” published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
lindafrancois · 5 years
Should I Eat Fruit? The Ultimate Guide for Determining “Is Fruit Good for You?”
Want to know how fruit fits into a healthy diet?
It’s a valid question! After all, it’s absolutely possible to lose weight eating fruit…and GAIN weight eating fruit! 
This is an area of focus for our 1-on-1 Coaching clients, but we’re gonna tell you everything you need to know below too.
How much fruit should you be eating? Let us help you decide!
Today we’ll help you determine how much fruit, and what kind of fruit, you should be eating. 
Here’s what we’ll cover to answer the question, “Is eating Fruit healthy?”
Is fruit good for you?
Is the sugar in fruit bad for you?
Is eating fruit good for weight loss?
Is fruit juice healthy? 
Should I eat dried fruit?
Is canned fruit healthy?
Calorie content of the most popular fruit.
Building a healthy plate (next steps). 
If you’re curious about where fruits and other foods such as potatoes fall on the “healthy eating” spectrum, you should check out the Nerd Fitness Diet guide and cheat sheet. It’s a level up system designed for you to adopt new healthy habits that will stick, by slowly progressing you from a newbie to an expert.
You can check it out for free when you join the Rebellion!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Is Fruit Good for you?
As we lay out in our “Healthy Eating” guide, fruit is absolutely healthy and can help you reach your goals – in the right quantities.[1] 
Eating fruit is great because it’s:
Full of nutrients.[2]
Packed with fiber.[3]
A great snack option or it can be part of a protein-focused breakfast!
That’s why eating fruit is “universally promoted” as being good for you.[4]
Which makes inquiries of “is fruit healthy?” perplexing. 
What’s with the controversy?
For that, we need to talk about the calorie and sugar content of fruit.
Is the Sugar in Fruit Bad for You?
If anyone tells you not to eat fruit, it’s most likely because they’re afraid of the sugar content of the produce.
With the rise of low-carb diets like Keto, many people are turning away from fruit entirely.
So what’s going on here?
A couple of things:
There is A LOT of evidence that the excessive intake of added sugar is indeed harmful to human health. Study[5] after study[6] after study[7] shows the adverse effects of added sugar into the diet. Fruit contains fructose, which is a sugar. 
Sugar is a carbohydrate. If you’re following the Keto Diet, the Paleo Diet, or any other low-carb plan, you need to limit the number of carbs you eat – which includes sugar.
If you’re not doing Keto, you don’t need to worry about that second point, because you aren’t eliminating carbs.
But how about the first one? Is the sugar in fruit harmful for us?
In one word: no.
Fruits are loaded with fiber and water, so it’s not strictly composed of fructose. 
It also takes a decent amount of effort to chew an actual piece of fruit. 
All of this slows down the absorption of fructose from the fruit. 
According to Dr. Ludwig of Harvard Medical School, if you eat a whole fruit, it’s difficult to consume enough fructose to be harmful.[8]
Notice that caveat “whole fruit.” This is critical and deserves its own section.
But first…
Is Eating Fruit Good for Weight Loss?
We’ve established that fruit is good for you. 
That news shocks exactly no one. 
But is fruit good for weight loss?
To answer that question, let’s consider two points:
#1) Fruit can be generally low in calories.
Here is 200 calories worth of an apple (thanks to WiseGEEK): 
Compare that to 200 calories worth of a bagel:
#2) Fruit can be satiating.
Fruit can help kill hunger or scratch that “I WANT SUGAR” itch. When you eat 200 calories worth of an apple, it can help make you feel fairly full. 
When you eat 200 calories worth of bread, you haven’t even finished a single bagel yet.
Studies done on the satiating power of different foods have shown fruit to be some of the most satisfying food studied. People feel more full from eating an apple or an orange than from eating beef or eggs.[9]
In summary: Fruit can be high in nutrients, low in calories, and can help us feel full.
As we discuss in our Guide to Healthy Eating, this is a great recipe for successful weight loss. 
So yes, fruit can indeed be part of a meal plan to lose weight.
We need to stop and make a point here: fruit, like every other food, obeys the laws of thermodynamics. Meaning the calories in fruit will still contribute to your total daily calorie goal. 
Why does this matter?
Weight loss comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn. 
Yes, there’s nuance, hormones messing with our hunger signals, and so on. But successful weight loss depends on consuming fewer calories than you expend consistently. 
If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to establish calorie goals. Fruit can factor into those goals and the calories should be accounted for.
This means that even with all the nutrients and fiber, eating all of your meals along with 30 bananas a day will result in you wondering “Why can’t I lose weight?” 
Save that for Donkey Kong:
Where fruit can really get you into trouble is if you start to move in the direction of “fruit-like.” We’ll jump to that with our next section.
First, if you are trying to lose weight and wondering where fruit fits into the equation, I want you to know you’re on the right track. 
Lots of our coaching clients come to us with all sorts of different fitness questions, like what to eat and how to exercise, proving we all start from unique situations. The important thing is that you’re beginning to ask questions and looking for answers. 
If you want help on your journey, we’re here for you. Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program partners busy people just like you with a coach who will get to know you better than you know yourself.
  A Nerd Fitness Coach can guide your weight loss and answer all your fitness questions! Learn more here.
Is Fruit Juice Healthy?
While fruit can 100% be part of a healthy diet, “fruit like things” don’t get our stamp of approval.
Without the fiber, water, and intact cell walls of the fruit, your body will absorb the fructose very quickly.[10]
Not good.
Let’s chat specifically about “drinkable” fruit first:
#1) Fruit juices (cranberry juice, orange juice, grape juice): these are high calorie, sugar-filled beverages. 
For example, here are the calories in one 8 oz  serving of: 
Apple Juice: 103 calories, 22 g of sugar
Orange Juice: 103 calories, 18 g of sugar
Grape Juice: 136 calories, 32 g of sugar
For reference, an 8 ounce glass of Coca-Cola would have about 26 grams of sugar.
2) Fruit Smoothies: Just because it’s a fruit smoothie doesn’t mean it won’t make you fat! Have you seen the calorie count and sugar content of smoothies and ‘green drinks’? Yikes.
Green Machine Naked Juice (15.2 oz or 450 ml bottle): 270 calories, 53 g of sugar.
Smoothie King Banana Boat (20 oz or 591 ml smoothie): 450 calories, 70 g of sugar.
Yeah…which is why we made this:
Should I Eat Dried Fruit?
Another “fruit like thing” we need to talk about is dried fruit.
Dried fruits are notoriously easy to overeat because they are so small. Since the water has been taken out, all that’s left is the sugar and fiber. 
Here’s 1 serving of raisins, which is 108 calories and 21 g of sugar:
If you are saying “oh man, I eat 5x that many raisins when I eat them…” then multiply those calorie and sugar numbers by 5!
Per weight, all dried fruit will be higher in calories and sugar than its “whole fruit” counterpart.
The other thing to consider is that sugar is often ADDED to dried fruit to make it even sweeter. 
Consider these banana chips:
Second ingredient after dried banana? “Organic sugar.”
An ounce of these banana chips is going to run you about 147 calories and 10 grams of sugar (17g for total carbs).
For comparison, an ounce of a regular banana is about 25 calories.
You really have to be careful with dried fruit because it’s so easy to overeat.
However, this isn’t the only place where sugar is added to fruit.
Is Canned Fruit Healthy?
The big concern with canned fruit is the syrup that is often included with it.
What’s in the syrup? Sugar. Of course it’s sugar. 
Let’s take a look at Del Monte’s canned peaches:
The syrup here is composed of “high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, and sugar.”
Let’s compare the canned fruit to a normal peach you’d pick from a tree:
Del Monte’s Canned Peaches (in heavy syrup):
Serving size: 256g
Calories: 200
Total Sugar: 42g
Total Carbohydrates: 50g
Extra Large Peach
Serving size: 224g
Calories: 88 
Total Sugar: 19g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
When you package peaches this way you DOUBLE the calories and the sugar content.
This is why you should always read the nutrition label when purchasing canned fruit (although it’s a good habit in general).
To summarize the last few sections: fruit is healthy, provided you stick to fresh or frozen and not fruit-like food, dried fruit, or canned fruit packed in syrup. 
If you enjoy a small glass of orange juice occasionally, or you pack a serving of raisins in your lunch and it makes life worth living, by all means! 
Just don’t chug OJ by the gallon, drink a 64 oz “real fruit smoothie,” and eat raisins by the handful and then wonder why you’re not losing weight.
The best way to paint a picture of sugar and calorie content of fruit is with some actual serving sizes.
So let��s do that.
We’ll also share carb content and fiber content, in case you are following a ketogenic or low-carb diet.
Serving size: 1 medium-size apple (182g)
Calories: 95
Protein: .5g
Total Carbohydrates: 25g
Dietary Fiber: 4.4g
Sugar: 19g
Net Carbs 20.6g
Serving size: 1 medium-size banana (118g)
Calories: 105
Protein: 1.3g
Total Carbohydrates: 27g
Dietary Fiber: 3.1g
Sugar: 14g
Net Carbs 23.9g
Serving size: 1 cup (148g)
Calories: 85
Protein: 1.1g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
Dietary Fiber: 3.6g
Sugar: 15g
Net Carbs 17.4g
Serving size: 1 cup (92g)
Calories: 62
Protein: .6g
Total Carbohydrates: 16g
Dietary Fiber: .8g
Sugar: 15g
Net Carbs 15.2g
Serving size: 1 small orange (96g)
Calories: 45
Protein: .9g
Total Carbohydrates: 11g
Dietary Fiber: 2.3g
Sugar: 9g
Net Carbs 8.7g
Serving size: 1 cup (123g)
Calories: 65
Protein: 1.5g
Total Carbohydrates: 15g
Dietary Fiber: 8g
Sugar: 5g
Net Carbs: 7g
Serving size: 280g
Calories: 85
Protein: 1.7g
Total Carbohydrates: 21g
Dietary Fiber: 1.1g
Sugar: 17g
Net Carbs: 20.9g
As we mentioned earlier, understanding how many calories you’re consuming is a key component of weight loss.
If you’re targeting 2,500 calories a day, and your meals are bringing you up to about 2,300 calories, you know you can fit in a couple of bananas for a snack.
If you’re following a low-carb diet, and you have about 10 net carbs left in your daily allowance, you know you can eat a handful of raspberries and still meet your goals.
Building a Healthy Plate (Next Steps)
Like anything else, Nerd Fitness recommends fresh fruit in moderation.
Except for awesomeness.
You can have as much of that as you want.
Back to fruit! We recommend eating a healthy combination of vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.
It ends up looking like this Healthy Plate (taken from our Healthy Eating guide):
Your “healthy carb” could 100% be a serving of fruit.
Of any type of fruit!
The different colors of fruit will correspond to different nutrients, so go wild![11] Try different fruits and experiment with new kinds. Keep rotating to ensure you give lots of different vitamins and minerals. 
If you’re trying to lose weight, just remember to watch your overall calorie intake (fruit included).
You got this!
Still here? Want some more help starting your fitness journey?
Alright, I’ll give you my favorite next steps. But only caused you asked nicely.
#1) Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching program: a coaching program for busy people to help them make better food choices, stay accountable, and get healthier, permanently.
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you. Just click on the image below for more details:
Our Coaching program changes lives. Learn more here!
#2) The Nerd Fitness Academy – This self-paced online course has helped 50,000 people get results permanently. 
There’s a 10-level nutrition system, boss battles, 20+ workouts, and the most supportive community in the galaxy!
Join the NF Academy! One payment, lifetime access.
#3) Join The Rebellion! We have a free email newsletter that we send out twice per week, full of tips and tricks to help you get healthy, get strong, and have fun doing so. 
I’ll also send you tons of free guides that you can use to start leveling up your life too:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Okay enough about me, let’s talk about you: 
Do you LOVE fruit?
How do you compose a healthy plate?
Any great snack or recipe ideas?
For the Rebellion!
PS: Make sure you read our Full Guide on Healthy Eating if you are just starting to level up your nutrition game. 
Photo source: Fruit Ninja, Mandarin, Berry Hard Work, Watermelon Dude, Juice Boxes, Raspberry Harvesting Squad, Breakfast Fruit Plate, Watermelon, Raspberries, Oranges, Grapes, Blueberries, Bananas, Apple, Raisins, Dried Mango Spears, Banana Chips, Canned Peaches, Plate of Peaches. 
GIF Source: Dancing Watermelon, Belle, Thumbs Up, Donkey Kong, Spit, Cat on Carpet, Wayne, Batman.
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
More on this last point later.
Read “Health-Promoting Components of Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet.” Source, PubMed.
Read “Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects.” Source, PubMed.
Read “Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Adverse metabolic effects of dietary fructose: results from the recent epidemiological, clinical, and mechanistic studies.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Potential role of sugar (fructose) in the epidemic of hypertension, obesity and the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Examining the Health Effects of Fructose.” Source, JAMA.
Read, “A satiety index of common foods.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Examining the Health Effects of Fructose.” Source, JAMA.
This article has a great explanation of different colors and the nutrients they contain.
Should I Eat Fruit? The Ultimate Guide for Determining “Is Fruit Good for You?” published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Food Preservation Examples: A Guide to Food Storage
I tell my friends there are two types of people: preppers and those who laugh at preppers. Why is preparing for a rainy day such a laughable concept? Is it outrageous to think the misfortunes that happen to millions of people could happen to you? In this article, we’ll discuss food preservation examples. And we’ll do it simply, by answering seven questions: who, what, when, where, how, why, and to what extent?
Who Should Store Food?
Everyone who eats food and wants to eat it in the future. Those that want to save money. People who have enough money now but realize they might not have as much if situations change.
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In November of 2011, fierce winds toppled power lines, igniting drought-stricken grass and brush in a residential area of Reno, Nevada. Within twelve hours the fire destroyed thirty homes. School was canceled as police, fire, and paramedic units struggled to contain the blaze. One person died, over 10,000 people were evacuated, 4,100 homes were without power and the governor declared a state of emergency. The fire came within two miles of my house. As I entered my neighborhood supermarket I encountered enraged customers. Frustrated managers and cashiers explained that the store had depended on emergency generators since midnight and couldn’t power the freezers and coolers. All cold or frozen food was discarded per health code. Angered that they had nothing to cook for dinner, the customers blamed the store instead of the current emergency.
Anyone can be left without power for hours or even weeks. Blizzards can confine people for days and it’s been claimed that a local supermarket can only sustain a community for 72 hours. Sustenance declines if the supermarket has to discard half of its stock.
What Exactly is Food Preservation?
The basic answer to what is food preservation; extending your food beyond its natural life through freezing, dehydrating, root cellars, canning, freeze-drying or dehydrating, or converting into products which last longer.
My mother preserved food from her garden. She didn’t know how to freeze dry food, and freeze drying food at home wasn’t the option that it is now with modern equipment. She grew it herself and bottled it in mason jars through water bath and pressure canning. The meat we raised ourselves sat within freezers. We consumed the food through the winter and in the spring she planted again. It was what her pioneering great-grandmothers had done. And now that I have the opportunity to garden my own yard, it’s what I do.
But you don’t have to be the one preserving the food to take advantage of it. Canned food allows consumers to enjoy meals without from-scratch preparation and to keep food for a long time. Some companies specialize in ready-to-eat meals such as pasta and chili while others market for emergency preparation. You can dehydrate fresh produce or purchase it already dehydrated. Developments in vacuum-packing systems allow dried and frozen products to last at least twice as long. Freeze-dried food can be purchased in bulk or small quantities, or you can purchase appliances for freeze drying food at home. And though frozen products have a limited life, especially in disaster situations, they can help with shorter-term needs.
What Foods Should You Store?
Store the foods you eat.
My friend Danielle spent all summer bottling fruit from the local gleaning project. She made applesauce, jalapeno and habanero jams, and prickly pear syrup. Her apartment cupboards overflowed with mason jars. And though her three young children loved the peaches and pears, they weren’t fond of hot pepper jam. Then a series of thunderstorms and flash floods struck. When the power outage continued through dinner time, she realized she had stored the wrong food. Her hungry children could not go to bed on just prickly pear syrup and Danielle did not have a working stove until the electricity came back on. What she needed was dry cereal, canned meals and vegetables, and bottled water. After that incident she slowly stockpiled nonperishable food as she could, buying extra cans of pasta or bottles of juice when she had spare cash.
If you don’t own a grain mill and don’t sprout grains, don’t stock your pantry with wheat. If your aging parent cannot consume much sodium, don’t rely on soups and canned vegetables. Without a wood stove or a yard where you can build a fire, dry beans might be difficult to consume in long-term power outages. And certainly, don’t break your budget acquiring a year’s worth of food at once when you could spend $50 per month at sales.
For a week or two, record what your family eats and how much it costs. Out of that list, consider what can be stored through available methods. Now add in items to replace your favorite perishable products. Use that as your guide for building your supply.
One prepper website advises storing soft grains, beans, pastas and mixes, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, powdered milk, canned meat/tuna/vegetables/fruits, peanut butter, tea and coffee, ramen noodles, and herbs and spices. Another website lists canned salmon, dried beans, brown rice, bulk nuts, peanut butter, trail bars, energy and chocolate bars, beef jerky, coffee/tea, and sea vegetables or powdered super greens. And Business Insider lists ten foods that would survive an apocalypse as honey, pemmican jerky, MREs (military-style meals ready to eat), hard liquor, peanut butter, Twinkies, rice, powdered milk, and ramen noodles.
Don’t forget to store what you enjoy, such as desserts and hard candy. Most situations where you need that food will be dismal and something sweet gives you a moment of indulgence during a hard time.
And especially don’t forget clean drinking water plus a way to acquire more.
When Should You Preserve Food?
Gardeners advise friends that they will be busy from August through October for food storage season. That’s when my garden pushes out the tomatoes, peppers, and squash. I harvest livestock year-round, with a lull in summer since 100-degree weather is bad for hatching chicks and pregnant rabbits.
But the best time to preserve food is when you can get the food.
Tactic #1: Grow the food yourself or align with local gardeners. When it’s ripe and ready, preserve it ASAP. If your tomatoes ripen slowly and you want to make a big batch of sauce, simply wash the fruit and stash it in freezer bags. Once the season is over you can thaw and cook down to a delightful marinara then bottle or freeze it.
Tactic #2: Buy seasonal produce and can, freeze or dry it yourself. This takes advantage of fruits and vegetables at their tastiest, cheapest, and most nutritious. In my section of the world that is usually June for strawberries, July for peppers, peaches, and corn, August for pears and tomatoes, and September for potatoes and onions as warehouses clear out last year’s stock in preparation for this year’s harvest. During holidays I can find sweet potatoes, winter squash, and cranberries at lower prices than the rest of the season. Instead of buying enough sweet potatoes to roast with butter and marshmallows I’ll stock up with twenty pounds and keep them in a cool, dry place for several months. If they start to go bad I’ll roast them then freeze.
Tactic #3: Hit sales and clearance racks. These happen year round and the trick is knowing where to go. Watch local ads for case lot sales. Scout out discount shelves. Since stores cannot sell spoiled goods or anything past the sell-by date, most food is still okay to use if frozen or dehydrated right away. Whenever I visit the supermarket I make my rounds and pick up items I can store and use. Bread reduced to a dollar per loaf resides in the freezer and comes out as the family needs it. Using this tactic we’ve enjoyed portobello stuffed ravioli with Parmesan cheese and artisan sausage for two dollars per plate.
Tactic #4: Purchase from food storage companies. Though some distributors offer 5-gallon buckets containing a month of dried goods, you don’t have to purchase all at once. As your budget allows, order fifty pounds of rice or a #10 can of flour. Gradually build your supply.
Where Do You Store Food?
I live in a two-bedroom Depression Era house. We have no pantry, garage, or basement. My home canning decorates bookshelves built into the wall. I converted a half-bath into a storage room by closing the toilet, setting shelves over it, and placing lightweight products atop. One freezer sits at the end of the breezeway, blocking a door we never used anyway, and another rests beside the dining room table.
If you don’t want a pantry in your living room, convert a closet or just put the food wherever you can. One friend built a platform from boxes of #10 cans in his family room, draped a rug over it, and set the sofa on top. My sister stacked bottled water in her apartment’s coat closet, set her shoes on top, and let her coats dangle over. Another friend stacks boxes, sets plywood atop, then drapes an attractive cloth to make an end table.
Winter squash, apples, and root vegetables should be kept in a cool, dark place. Chest or upright freezers can stay outside if sheltered from wet or extreme weather; a covered porch or carport is perfect if you trust your neighbors. Home canning withstands most temperatures above freezing, but remember that heat can decrease shelf life. Aluminum cans take the most abuse and dented products are still good as long as they haven’t been opened and are used before the “best before” date. Keep in mind factors like rodents, insects, humidity, dishonest neighbors and possible problems with weather.
How Do You Preserve Food?
Find the food preservation method that works best for you.
Home Canning: This method is best for homesteaders, gardeners and those with special diets. My friend Kathy pressure-cans soups because her elderly father cannot consume much sodium. When her father travels, he takes jars of soup so he doesn’t endanger his health with commercial food. If you want to can your own food, first educate yourself on safe methods. Home canning can save money but the initial cost is steep. New jars, lids, pots, and pressure cookers can quickly reach hundreds of dollars. Earthquakes or relocating to new homes can be hard on glass jars. For reliable instructions on how to can food at home, trust the Ball website.
Freezing: Probably the quickest and easiest method, this involves buying foods and stashing them at 0 degrees in freezer-safe containers. Frozen food is quickly thawed and can take minimal preparation, often without heating. Foods that are not safely home canned can be frozen. But though a fully stocked freezer can last up to a week in a power outage if the freezer isn’t opened, each moment without electricity compromises the food. If you want long-term and dependable storage, do not rely on freezers, especially if you live in hurricane-prone areas or anywhere with sketchy power service. Find out how to freeze different foods at Stilltasty.com.
Dehydrating: Home dehydrators cost between $20 and $300. Herbs, green vegetables, fruits, and some meats are safe to dehydrate then either consume dry or rehydrate later. Dried food weighs much less and packs into smaller spaces than foods preserved through any other method. But eggs are not safe to dehydrate at home and milk takes special care. Also, since no water remains in the food, consuming requires additional stored water to either rehydrate or to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated. Pickyourown.com has great tips for dehydrating.
Freeze Drying: Often freeze-dried food tastes better and lasts longer than dehydrated. And it weighs even less. You may wonder how to freeze dry food. But freeze drying at home requires either purchasing special equipment or following specific instructions using vacuum chambers and calcium chloride. If you want to learn how to freeze dry food, follow this link.
Canned Goods: If you spend more time at work than in the kitchen you’d probably benefit from buying food others have canned. Don’t feel guilty because your friend bottles her own tomatoes but you’re stuck paying the bills. It’s getting easier to find healthy canned products. They weigh more but survive the toughest conditions. In a true survival situation, you can acquire all the nutrients you need and even some water from canned foods. And remember to collect bottled water, either in single bottles, gallons, or huge containers.
Cold Storage: Though this is the shortest-term option, it can retain the most nutrients by keeping foods fresh and enzymes alive. Root cellars or basements prolong autumn produce for months. Some cheeses are cured in the same ambient conditions that keep potatoes from sprouting. Foods appropriate for cool, dry storage are root vegetables such as onions, beets, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and garlic. Also appropriate are winter squash such as butternut or pumpkins. Apples last weeks to months in the same space though peaches and pears will go bad fast. If your potatoes sprout, cut off the sprouts and green parts. Do not use any food that is withered or weeps moisture. And trust your nose: if it smells bad, it is bad. If your food is starting age but is not yet inedible you can cook it then store it in the freezer.
Brining, Pickling, Fermentation: Often converting foods from one form to another unlocks additional benefits. Fermenting wine into vinegar makes it last years longer as long as the process is completed correctly. Though the lives of yogurt and kombucha aren’t significantly lengthened, the probiotics enhance digestive and immune systems.
Smoking Meats: A millennia-old method of preserving meat hasn’t lost popularity. Our methods have just gotten easier and tastier. Smoked meat won’t last years, but it’ll extend the life a little and in a delicious way. You can learn how to smoke meats at home.
There are even more food preservation methods such as vacuum sealing and reusable lids. Use whichever methods best fit your life.
Very important: Use and rotate your food so it’s always safe and nutritious when you need it. This is easy to do if you store what you like to eat. Buy a case of canned tuna, push the old case forward and place the new one behind. Some commercial racks rotate your cans as you place the new ones in the top of a chute and grab the bottom cans for dinner.
Why Should You Store Food?
Not all of us are preparing for manure to hit the fan. We know we might need this food even if the zombies never arrive.
Preserving the Harvest: You worked this hard to grow or raise the food. Don’t let any go to waste. Surplus cucumbers become pickles and a bounty of apples becomes sauce.
Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, floods, blizzards, hurricanes, fires. Weather so cold the town shuts down and the air hurts your face. Flooding that blocks the road.
Disruption of Food Supply: This can be a drought which raises the cost of food or a strike within the transport system bringing food to the grocery store. Problems within the store itself can cause food to sell out or spoil leaving insufficient supplies for the community.
Short-term Emergencies: Maybe you need to leave home fast and either you don’t have spending money or can’t use a credit card. A 72-hour supply in a portable container can alleviate at least one worry.
Lack of Mobility: Perhaps you live in a remote area and the price of gas just skyrocketed. Or maybe you’ve broken your leg and have nobody to drive you to the store.
Unemployment: I’ve known professionals who have been unemployed for over a year because they couldn’t relocate and their skill set wasn’t hiring. Unemployment benefits only pay a portion of what you previously made, and if you struggled to make ends meet in the first place simply not needing to budget in food can make a big difference.
Disability or Untimely Death: What happens if the main breadwinner in the family suddenly can’t earn bread and the secondary adult doesn’t have the skills or education to meet the cost of living? Food storage can help that adult until he or she acquires the necessary career or education.
Budgeting: Red bell peppers can be 4/$1 in the summer and $5.99 per pound in the winter. If you know you’ll need bell peppers, freeze or can them when they’re cheap. If a store has a closeout sale on a specific pasta brand, buy it in bulk. Plus, based on a proven history of inflation, it’s reasonable to acknowledge that foods will never be cheaper than they are right now.
Healthy Eating: We all know healthy ingredients can cost more than processed food. Often we don’t have time to prepare meals that meet health requirements. Cooking in large batches and preserving can save time and ensure we have what we need for optimal health.
Sharing: Maybe you’re not the one that needs the food. If a loved one hits rock-bottom and you have a good supply of food, you can help them out without spending additional money.
Personal Convenience: If you know you’ll use chicken broth often, keep a supply so you won’t have to run to the store if unexpected guests drop by for dinner. Meals are easier to plan if you already have the ingredients.
To What Extent?
72-hour-kits, also known as bug-out bags, take care of a single person’s need for three days. But hard times can last longer than that. Most prepper or self-reliant groups advocate keeping at least three months of food, including water and medications. Having a year’s worth is optimal for enduring long-term situations like unemployment or disability.
Preserve what you can. Do it when you can and however you can. And while others might laugh at you and accuse you of preparing for doomsday, laugh back as you remind yourself that, whether fire sweeps through your town or you have specific dietary needs, you’re secure. At least, your food source is.
What are your favorite foods to preserve and which method works best for you?
Originally published in 2015 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
Food Preservation Examples: A Guide to Food Storage was originally posted by All About Chickens
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