#utc woofie
mysteriousbp · 25 days
What were Clover and Kanako’s reactions to Zenith Martlet?
On that note, how would they react if she made an appearance in the current timeline?
(I'm just putting the reactions of seeing Zenith Martlet for the first time. Because there's a lot to unpack in this fight, and I want to take a step at a time.)
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Since it was in geno. Clover was just annoyed. He just saw it as another roadblock in his way.
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Kanako was just confused. To her, Zenith Martlet just breaks everything that she thought she knew about how Alphy's determination serum worked.
(Okay. So you guys know that in my AU, Kanako, after fusing with Clover, starts to relive Clover's memories from his runs in her sleep. But I never mention that she can't control herself in those dreams. She's reliving memories. So it means that she will do every movement that Clover did, even if she doesn't want to. She isn't forced to say the things that Clover said, though. She can say anything in those dreams. But no one will react differently to them because... they are memories. She can't change them. Also, Kanako just looks like her kid self in those dreams, despite having those dreams during her teen years. Why? To be the same size has Clover in those memories.)
And how would they react if Zenith Martlet appeared in the current timeline? Well, that would be a what if situation because that would be impossible in the current timeline. But if somehow it did happen...
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Panic. Their reaction would be panic.
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unlimitedshoutouts · 6 years
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mysteriousbp · 4 months
When I was making this post I decided to give the fallen monsters that have family members that we personally meet in Undertale (Snowdrake’s mother, Shyren’s sister and the dogs parents) their “unique” designs.
But the ones that I got most attached were the designs for the dog parents.
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(Why no Lesser Dog parent? Because he isn’t with the others when they reunite with Endogeny. Probably meaning that he doesn’t have any relatives that got turned into an Amalgamate.)
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Anyway. When I created Woofie’s design I got struck with many ideas at the same time.
That lead me to create the other dogs designs and create this idea:
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The dogs being the “Friendly Snowdin monsters that help the main character.” (Like Papyrus and Martlet.)
The main focus is between Woofie and Bark. While Muttler and Greatest Dog are more secondary monsters (like the Feisty Four) that’s why their designs are more simple.
Muttler serves more of a dialogue and character more than anything after befriending him. He appears around Snowdin Forest and he will give more background information about the others when talking to him (I kind of already have a dialogue idea that he talks about how he thinks that he should had named his son Junior because every year he looks like him more and more. To kind of make fun of how my design is so simple). He also interacts with the others dogs in cutscenes but he’s not supposed to be the main focus despite being the leader of the dog division.
Greatest Dog is kinda the same but rather than dialogue its interactions. Helping some puzzles and clearing the way with her strength and size. They would be more like scripted events than anything.
Woofie is where things start to get more interesting. Woofie mission is to protect Patience because she’s a child. She doesn’t actually fight Patience in any way in pacifist. Which would be explained why in a dialogue with her which she’s says that sometimes the king would ask some of the royal guard to take care of his children. Which means that Woofie took care of Chara in some occasions meaning that she knows how a human child would look like. Woofie helps Patience travel through Snowdin Forest and the second half of Waterfall before dropping Patience with the royal scientist because she knows that he would be also against the idea of a child dying to the king’s hands and that he’s the only one that would be able to talk some sense to the king. And later appearing with the other dogs before Patience goes to the throne room to say their goodbyes if the situation that the confrontation with Asgore doesn’t go well. Her final words to Patience would be “I hope to see you walk out the throne room alive… Little pup…”
Bark is the second main focus on this group. He spends most of Snowdin Forest trying to actually follow orders and take Patience soul. Which Woofie would object saying that Patience is only a child and Bark would object back saying that she’s a human and humans are dangerous and Patience should be kill because that’s orders. Woofie and Bark spend all Snowdin Forest going against each other’s because of what they think what’s right. Bark would actually get an opportunity to fight Patience before the entrance to Waterfall. After sparring him, Bark would gain your trust and he would wish you good luck in your travels before going back to town. He would appear later when Captain Gerson tries to start a fight with Patience. He gets in the way and tells Woofie who he came with to take Patience away while he keeps Gerson busy. He would later appear with the other dogs before the throne room to say his goodbye’s in the situation that things don’t go well. He does mention that he was able to convince Gerson to not go after Patience but admits that he and Woofie will be doing cleanup work for the next’s weeks for disobeying orders despite doing it to protect a kid.
In genocide things would be different. Woofie first meets Patience when she’s looking for the dangerous human killing monsters. She doesn’t believe that Patience is the one killing the monsters because she’s a child and believes that there must be a second human around. She tells Patience to not get in trouble before leaving to look for another human. But Woofie realizes at the end of Snowdin that Patience is the human that is killing all the monsters. She can’t believe that a child would be able to kill monsters but she can’t ignore the facts. She then fights Patience replacing Bark has the boss of Snowdin.
In genocide Bark would actually avoid attacking Patience during Snowdin, deciding to make Patience travels more difficult by causing road blocks to give the evacuation monsters more time to escape. After Snowdin he would only come back before the throne room to fight you. He would be the final boss before Asgore. He would use all the death royal guard weapons against Patience. Using his and Muttler’s axes to block Patience attacks by crossing the axes in front of him. The point of the fight is to keep attacking until the axes break to stop Bark from blocking before killing him.
Don’t ask me about neutral because there’s a lot of events to considerate.
Here’s some lore behind them that I came up:
In a conversation Woofie would mention that she never actually wanted to be a royal guard. She would explain that she only got the job to get enough money to help her son because he was born with very bad vision. She also explains despite her son already being a young adult she still helps him a lot saying that the underground is a nightmare for people with bad vision because of all the cliffs.
In a conversation Mutter would tell that Bark is a very protective father to his daughter and makes a comment to how Bark told her if someone broke her heart that she should break that person neck… And admits that he hopes that his son doesn’t break her heart because they dating. Patience then asks if Muttler and Bark are related and Muttler admits that they are very distant cousins, to the point that they are barely related.
Here’s my ideas at this point. I hope you guys enjoy this…
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mysteriousbp · 4 months
I wonder how does Endogeny react to seeing Lila again? and how long does it take her to recognize who endogeny is? How does her relationship with the canine unit family's develop on the surface?
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About Lila's relationship with the with the canine unit family's. They all have an extended family-type relationship. She is close to them, and she visits them from time to time. Except for Greater Dog. He lives with Lila and her family... After convincing Toriel to let him stay...
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Since there no more royal guard, Greater Dog doesn't need to use his armor anymore. So he can't do a lot on his own. (And also having a dog with giant armor that mostly acts like a normal dog it's just a recipe for disaster on the surface.)
(If you wondering Endogeny lives with Doggo.)
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unlimitedshoutouts · 8 years
See this Instagram photo by @dogwoofies https://t.co/YdBPKOiaYz
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unlimitedshoutouts · 8 years
See this Instagram photo by @dogwoofies • 2 likes https://t.co/10bZnanM91
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