theunfairfolk · 11 months
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thor hitting the magic drinking horn in utgarda x
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illwynd · 5 months
fuck, it is so much fun writing in bastard kalevala metre
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machinespirited · 9 days
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BEHOLD! The Paladin Knight Questoris Utgarda-Loki of House Jötnar, Defender of Sanctum Novis! (And my entry into a local game store's pride contest)
There's some grey spots I couldn't reach, but you would only see them if you were going for the detail shot lol
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mannazandwyrd · 2 years
The Old Norse skalds treated dad-puns as high art.
No, seriously. Look at this incomplete list of possible etymologies for Old Norse ‘Loki’:
(PIE = reconstructed proto-Indo-European, PG = reconstructed proto-Germanic)
1. PIE *lok-, descendant forms include PG *lahaną, Old Norse lá; p. láðí, AngloSaxon leán
to blame, to accuse
Sayers’ main hypothesis: Loki ‘The Blamer’, an echo of the archaic PIE “poet of praise and blame”
2. PIE *lewg- (updated from *leug-)
to break
Past scholarship summarized by Bonnetain (quoted by Sayers), including by Pokorny. Loki ‘The Destroyer’
3. PIE *leu-, descendant forms include Norwegian lokk
to sound, to sing, to declaim
Pokorny and Kobler’s suggested root for Lóðurr, if like Hveðrungr it translates as “roarer” (mentioned by Sayers, but Wikipedia lists the etymologies of Lóðurr as Old Norse lóð "fruit, land", ljóðar "people", or laða "to attract"). (See Dronke or Þorgeirsson for evidence Loki and Lodurr are the same entity.). Lokk (in both forms of modern Norwegian) is, among other meanings, a special type of song used to call the animals home from their pastures; a herding call song. This ties in nicely with Loki-as-herder, mentioned by Heide: ganga sem [Loki]/[lok] yfir afra (Old Norse), ‘to walk like Loki over the fields’, driving [fleeing men]/[sheep].
4. Old Norse loca, possibly cognate with Old English loca (‘locked enclosure’), from PG *lukô, related to *lūkaną (“to shut”).
unenclosed piece of ground, cave
Past scholarship summarized by Bonnetain (quoted by Sayers). Loki bound in the cave.
5. Logi (and likely not Loki, according to current scholarship), from Old Norse loga
Fire, flame, to blaze, to burn
Past scholarship, originating with Grimm, summarized by Bonnetain (quoted by Sayers). Loki as fire itself.
6. Loptr, from Old Norse lopt, PG *luftuz. (PIE root uncertain)
Air, atmosphere, sky
Used to refer to Loki in both Prose & Poetic Eddas. Past scholarship summarized by Bonnetain (quoted by Sayers). Loki as the invisible man, a breeze, or wearing a Freya’s falcon-shape cloak.
7. PIE *lewk- probably via Pre-Germanic *lowkís and PG *laugiz (flame, blaze)
light, brightness, shining, to see
Past scholarship from multiple angles. *lewk- is probably the PIE root for: the names of Celtic Lugos, Lugh & Llew; Scandinavian Lucia/Lussi; Roman Lucifer (light-bringer, in devotee UPG Loki’s “brother from another mother”; Sophus Bugge’s theory that Loki derives *from* Lucifer has been discarded by current scholarship); Pre-Germanic *lowkís and PG *laugiz (flame, blaze); and words meaning ‘a clearing’ or ‘sacred grove’ in Latinate, Celtic, and Germanic languages including Old Norse ló (clearing, meadow, as in Oslo). Lokke lejemand (Zealand, Denmark) = ‘a reflected spot of light’ (Heide) may be evidence in favour. Loki appears to have been associated with the star Sirius (Lokabrenna), with fire or hearths (Heide), and his mother may have been an Earth goddess associated with a sacred birch grove.
8. PG lugô, from PIE *lewgʰ- (“to lie, tell a lie”)
to lie, deceive
Walde (1927-32) and Carnoy (1955) in a comparison with Odysseus, eviscerated by Liberman (1996). Loki as untrustworthy trickster.
9. Old Norse lúka (with dative lokit, past participle lokinn)... derives from PG *lūkaną (“to turn or bend”) or PG *luką (a lock or key-hole or knot-hole), both from PIE *lewg- (“to bend; turn”).
to shut, close, end, finish, conclude, settle (with a sense of negotiation and agreement)
Jacob Grimm first proposed; Liberman (1992, reprinted 1994, summarized by him 1996) uses Utgarda-Loki and lúka ‘close, lock up, bolt’ to say Loki meant ‘enclosure’ and he was a chthonic deity. Past scholarship (summarized by Bonnetain) is quoted by Sayers, then explored at length; he thinks these connotations of Loki ‘the Closer’, ‘Fixer’ or ‘Negotiator’ were added to later. Lokki (Faroe Islands), Lokke (Denmark; Hamar, Norway; and Sweden), Lokkemand (Jutland, Denmark), Loke, Luki, and Luku(r) (Telemark, Norway; Dalarna, Sweden; Swedish Finland) are linguistically related to Germanic *luk-, and Heide suggests these show Loki as ‘the Tangler’.
10. English luck, West Frisian lok, from Middle Low German (ge)lucke, from PG *galukją, from PG *lūkaną (“to close”), from PIE *lewg- (“to bend; turn”).
‘luck, fortune’
See previous table entry. Loki as lucky.
11. Old Norse laukr, from Proto-Norse ᛚᚨᚢᚲᚨᛉ (laukaz), from PG *laukaz.
Leek, onion
The above-ground parts of the leek appears to have represented rapid growth and fertility - see the alu-laukaz runic inscriptions - and was likely also used as slang for an erect penis. Loki as (chthonic?) fertility deity.
Presumably Loki began his career as only one of these, then started collecting. Which came first is a matter of open debate, and some of this list is a Real Stretch (tm). However, what all these options tell me is that the Old Norse skalds and their predecessors loved a good pun and gradually incorporated many sound-alike words into the stories of the gods. Like Loki flying through a key-hole to steal Freyja’s necklace for Odin. Or Loki hanging from Thor’s belt like a leaden plumb-bob measuring the water’s depth as Thor fords the river. I have a feeling Loki would delight in all that wordplay.
Heide, Eldar. Loki, the Vatte, and the Ash Lad: A Study Combining Old Scandinavian and Late Material. Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 7 (2011): pp. 63–106.
Liberman, Anatoly. Ten Scandinavian and North English Etymologies. alvíssmál 6 (1996): pp. 63–98. (Note: his etymological analysis of ON Loki was first published 1992, reprinted 1994, summarized by him 1996, and is likely also in his 2016 book.)
Sayers, William. Norse ‘Loki’ As Praxonym. Journal of Literary Onomastics 5 (2016): pp. 17-28. (Heavily cites Yvonne S. Bonnetain’s German-language thesis dissertation.)
Wiktionary, primarily in turn citing Guus Kroonen’s Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Germanic.
(Apologies, friends, my pretty table with all the cited etymologies linked and non-English words italicized didn’t survive copy-pasting into Tumblr.)(30 Aug ‘22 update: added links and fixed the date typo on Liberman’s book, additional information added to 2 and 4)
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
until the view changes
Ever since chapter 84 that saw Genos taken on Elder Centipede, Genos’s struggles have been reminding me of Thor.  There’s a story in which Thor and his traveling companions are hosted by the giant Utgarda-Loki and do really badly at the friendly challenges their host sets them.  In particular, I’m reminded of Thor thinking himself really weak for only being able lift one paw of the housecat, and was later told it was the Earth-girdling Midgard serpent in disguise.
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I feel Genos has that same lack of perspective, only there's no one debriefing him afterwards.
If ONE is playing a game of 'what does it take to stop Demon Cyborg', right now the answer is 'God has to send an agent. A strong one'.  Hobos with oversized balls need not apply.
Both the monster-fusion that forced him to damage himself holding it at bay (the only way Genos could keep fighting was to drastically ratchet down his power output) and our dear Cosmic Garou were already terrifyingly strong in their own rights before they got supernaturally blessed. That's fucking scary.
It's scary that Genos can still stand and fight in environments so hostile other heroes just die. They don’t get to show their stuff. They just die. I don't think many readers noticed that he stuck his entire arm into Gums' super-corrosive guts and suffered not the slightest harm -- and we know how devastating that corrosive was when applied to the other S-Class heroes.
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the alleged glass cannon
The horror of Psykos-Orochi, the cadre piling on, Cosmic Garou, and of course, the total insanity that is Saitama, that's what ONE does to continue convincing Genos he's weak.
Since ONE is kinda out of non-blessed monsters that can keep up the pressure, I wonder what new evils he's got coming Genos's way? I bet he's going to open up an entirely new line of attack. If monsters won't do it, will Kuseno running out of money do? A falling out with Saitama? Difficult moral choices? Are the Organization of the manga going to make the ones in the webcomic look like amateurs?
Maybe the most powerful challenge will come from within. The reason Genos has striven so hard to be as strong as possible as a hero has been because he recognises that no matter how strong any hero may be, they can only be in one place at one time so one has to be able to handle as much as possible. If you’re the hero on the spot, standing there wringing your hands is not an option.
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With Saitama now able to ignore causality and be anywhere at any time, that’s no longer the case. Genos recognises that Saitama can always save the day, and with that understanding, a lot of the urgency goes out of the situation. Is there truly any need to suffer as obscenely as he has striving to become the symbol of strength? Hasn’t he got enough, no, more than enough, for what he needs? If he leaves the God-bothering to Saitama, he can consolidate what he has and have a comfortable career in the upper ranks of Class S while being alert to the mad cyborg showing up again. And of course, living with Saitama is a fine prize in and of itself.
I hope the story at least has us see Genos questioning himself and either making his peace with the way things are or finding a reason to keep pushing.  The only thing that’s certain is that if he keeps pushing forward, more horrors will await him.
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the rest of generaiders. They are all named after famous beings or myths from Norse mythology. They all have human forms
First up Hela and Frodi
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Frodi is a spirit of warriors and swords. He is an ability known as mystical armory (blade). The best way to describe it as Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon or a bunch of sword will try to hit you in all angles. Hel has an ability to basically drag someone into hell basically. She can use the people who have a grudge with the target who happens to be dead and magnify it. She also has necromancy and the ability to see and control ghosts. Frodi is the God of warriors and swords. Hela is the goddess of death.
These are their human forms
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They both hide them selves as a member of the church. They even use utgarda as the church building. The reason why Hela has a veil covering her head cause the horns. (From left to right the character is called Sessyion Kiara from Fate grand order and Fate Extella. The picture is from a craft essence known "Heroic Spirit Festive Wear: Sessyion Kiara." The character on the right is called Amakusa Shiro from Fate grand order and Fate Apocrypha. The Craft Essence/ CE is called "The One who Desires Salvation")
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Finally nidhogg and nagalfar.
Nidhogg and naglfar get into fights very often. Usually it involves loptr framing one of the two with the other's troubles. Nidhogg has the ability absoulte zero (body). Absolute Zero (body) can be used to freeze any thing that has water in the thing or is currently in contact with water. Naglfar has the opposite. Anything that has heat on the positive side can be used to set it on fire. Naglfar can make someone spontaneously combust.
These are their human forms
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This is nidhogg's human form. (the character is called Sigurd from Fate grand order. This is a costume in Fate Grand order called memories with my lover.) This is Naglfar human form and yes, if you boop the gem on his forehead. He can sent his hair on fire it does not hurt him just his clothes are gone. (The character is called Ashavatthaman from Fate grand order. The image is from a CE known as Heroic Spirit Tour: Ashavatthaman)
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Finally Utgarda and Loptr.
These two are the total opposites. Utgarda is the most patient out of the others and dislikes causing problems. Loptr is and will cause trouble for no reason and is very impatient. He is also the reason why the splights cause more mischief and also why they have a mischievous personality. Utgarda is the God of Stone. Utgarda has an ability to control metal or stone by any means. Loptr has the ability illusion divine. This is an ability to make illusions so real people don't know it was an illusion.
They both don't need a human form. Utgarda can hide some of their parts to become a church while loptr looks relatively human.
Here are the myths they represent from Norse mythology
Frodi - Light Elves and the God Frodi
Naglfar - Naglfar
Nidhogg - Nidhogg
Utgarda - Utgaroar (some letters are accented but can't type it.)
Loptr - Loki
Here is some funny headcanons that have happened involving them.
Hel sometimes smokes so she makes a pipe and uses naglfar's body to light said pipe. Loptr has a fear of slippers cause when Loptr shapeshifted as a child he was with a strict mother and he was beaten by a slipper. Frodi uses Utgarda to store his sword collection. The lovely couple are one of the few people who they have a trust with.
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stukagoggles · 1 day
shoutout to Faxe beer for designing so many scenes from the eddas
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this time i got Thor struggling to lift up Jormungandr in cat form from the story where he was facing off Utgarda-Loki (featured in the Prose Edda)
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alcafrach · 2 months
Listen, guys, I have an insane theory
I was reading a book of Nordic myths and came across one interesting and quite well known legend. It is about Thor's journey to Utgard.
Thor and Loki (with two of their companions) were on their way to Utgard, a fortress in Jotunheim, when they met a giant, Skrymir. They continued their journey together and put their bags with food into Skrymir's. In the evening, when the travellers wanted to make something to eat, they couldn't untie giant's bag and Thor in a fit of irritation hit Skrymir with his magic hammer, Mjolnir. The giant only snored and continued to sleep peacefully. That was the first strange event on their way.
In Utgard the king of the frost giants, Utgarda-Loki, insisted that every and each guest of the fortress must show his best skills and talants. Long story short, Thir and co seemed helpless in front of the giants. I should remind that Thor spent veeeeery long time in battles with giants and smashed their heads with Mjolnir. He was known as one of the strongest (the STRONGEST, I must say) gods if Asgard. But he couldn't even raise a cat from the floor!
I immediately remembered the very beginning of the second season of "Attack on Titan" where the Beast Titan appeared. You remember that the old castle outside the wall Rose was called Utgard? The first thing to notice for me) Then the loss of the Survey Corps because of very strange titans, who seemed to be conscious (in the legend giants from Utgard were bigger than other Jotuns). Also the fact that Zeke was of royal blood (and Utgarda-Loki was the king of the Utgard's giants). And, finally, the fact that this story show us some external force beyond the control of asgardian laws. And it seemed to me sooo familiar as even id the titans are just transformed eldians from beyond-the-sea world... for soldiers who are stuck in the old fortress these titans are uncommon and more dangerous than their previous enemies
Maybe I'm just overthinking... but I'm glad to think that Isayama pur this parallel knowingly for these 10-15% of fans who will understand his ref)))
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amphibifish · 9 months
ok thoughts so far
im glad a more major plot is here !!!!! spica is also interesting to me, especially her connection with the moon. she seems to be familiar with utgarda loki ? speaking of him i'm assuming that part in the end of chapter 6 was either spica or him, both make sense i feel but after finishing both im assuming it was utgarda only because spica was the one who went looking for loki. im also assuming she's the one who left utgarda/loki (it was either a prophetic fever dream loki was having or she was leaving utgarda) since she did immediately pass out afterwards
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cardarchive · 11 months
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You can only control 1 "Utgarda, Generaider Boss of Delusion". (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 2 "Generaider" monsters and/or Rock monsters, then target 1 card on the field; banish it. You can only use this effect of "Utgarda, Generaider Boss of Delusion" once per turn.
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Utgarda Loki
art by @phantomas99​
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illwynd · 5 months
i'm gonna start a rumor that Utgarda Loki is actually Vainamoinen
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machinespirited · 17 days
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Paladin Knight Questoris subassembly COMPLETE
Gonna prime her after dinner :3
Rn she's Utgarda-Loki but I might also name her Skrymir bc those are the same Jötnar BUT! I haven't decided which name to use. Skrymir is gonna be easier to paint bc theres less letters. (ᛊᚲᚱᛁᛗᛁᚱ as opposed to ᚢᛏᚷᚨᚱᛞᚨ-ᛚᛟᚲᛁ)
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readersmagnet · 3 years
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Love reading adventure books that are set in the past? Then we highly recommend for you to check out the creations of Joab Stieglitz in The Utgarda Trilogy. 
Joab channeled his role-playing experiences in The Utgarda Series: The Old Man’s Request, The Missing Medium, and The Other Realm, which are thriller adventure novels with Lovecraftian influences in the 1920s. 
Check these books out and order your copy now through this link - www.joabstieglitzbooks.com/order.
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magentasoul369 · 4 years
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