#uuh not all of these answers are going to be this in depth lol
mixelation · 1 year
"I wish you would write a fic where" Karin ends up in the Founders era (location up to you) and causes Problems
"I wish you would write a fic where..."
Okay, bullet point fic:
Karin is like 20-22. slightly matured from canon but still Silly, has confronted the fact that sasuke and her aren't going to happen, and looking for fun new employment opportunities but for now stuck in mom's basement oto
[insert generic jutsu accident for time travel]
karin doesn't know what the fuck is happening but she's 1000% sure there's not a chakra signature she knows and also there's no.... plumbing. is this hell? she hasn't done anything wrong in her LIFE
she goes to bother the uchiha clan because Beautiful Men. duh. also blah blah old school social rules about hospitality mean that big clans will take on unaffiliated wandering-nin. like in an old novel. what the fuck
it HAS occurred to her she could go to uzushio and claim she's a bastard or something and they'd probably take her in-- but that's far away and she'd have to dodge through multiple battle zones and like. what if she took a break and looked at pretty men? there's so many of them. *-*
hashirama and madara are both young sexy new clan leaders and the clans are at a temporary standstill while they try to negotiate an actual peace agreement and also maybe. a union? into a village? where they invite OTHER clans????
madara is experiencing Insane Feelings about hashirama 24/7 which range from "i should put his head on a pike because this is STUPID" to "if only he were a woman and then we could just unify our clans by getting married--"
anyway hashirama announces he's engaged to uzumaki mito and this triggers Extreme Jealousy in Madara except Madara will never admit this but also HE MUST MAKE HASHIRAMA JEALOUS BACK
madara and karin have had like three conversations but she dedicates a lot of time mooning over izuna because Duh. so like. madara's seen her scuttling around, fluttering her eyelashes and just HAPPENING to be there when izuna comes home or comes out of the bathhouse. he knows she's uzumaki because Hair.
anyway madara announces he is now engaged to karin in an insane LOOK I'VE GOT ONE TOO move. no he hasn't talked to anyone about it, least of all karin
(mito: uzumaki w h o m s t?)
all of the uchiha elders are like, "it's not an alliance unless we've actually TALKED TO her family??" and when pressed karin deflects by throwing a fit that she can't be engaged to izuna. it's mostly her playing up dramatics to distract from the fact that she came out of nowhere and no one can vouch for her identity, but also she's like 20% serious. izuna pretty!!!
here i also want to introduce a plot mechanism we'll revisit later, where uchiha engagement rituals involve one or both sides (non-ninja don't have to do this) going out and completing some sort of task to show off their ninja prowess. in peacetimes it's usually like grabbing an object from a difficult location or bringing home a very deadly animal. during wartimes it might be killing an enemy or stealing something from them. the more insane the thing, the more fortuitous it is for the future marriage
madara hasn't ACTUALLY done this because he doesn't ACTUALLY want to marry karin. he gives her something stupid he already has and she's like. kind of annoyed about it. hello if you're forcing her into engagement, at LEAST be romantic about it!!!!
anyway the surprise engagement doesn't phase hashirama and now madara is stuck engaged to someone he doesn't even LIKE and the uzumaki are confused but there's a bunch around for mito's wedding and so they're like "idk who this is but she's obviously one of us" and so madara has created a stupid situation where he'll offend them if he breaks off the engagement but also she's not actually important to them and therefore isn't politically useful??
also. and madara cannot stress this enough. she's horrible. she acts like a ditzy flirt on purpose but then turns around and is MEAN TO HIM and she talks back and stop looking at his brother like that
here is my vision for how they resolve the stupid situation. okay. madara is like "you have to give me a Reason to break up with you" and karin is like "okay but only if you let me marry izuna" and madara goes away and sets several things on fire and then comes back and is like. fine. if you do this, AND you can get izuna to agree, i'll let you marry him.
karin cracks her knuckles and reviews the oto playbook of how to be the most dramatic bitch in the room. it will be really hard to outshine madara, but she was trained by orochimaru himself--
here is the vision. karin, standing on the back of the kyuubi, using her chains like reigns, crashing the hashirama-mito wedding
karin can't actually control the kyuubi with her chains, so all hell breaks loose immediately. madara and hashirama can both individually take the kyuubi so no one actually gets hurt, mito seal it into herself a decade early, etc. overall the senju-uzumaki guests are freaked out but hashirama laughs it off as a weird wedding gift. karin is 100% sure that if madara were like "she's a lunatic, take her back" then the uzumaki clan would accept. maybe she can hitch a ride back to uzushio. she never got izuna to fall madly in love with her but maybe madara will let her take him with her--
unfortunately now the uchiha elders are like. holy shit. you H A V E to marry her now
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nanashi1869 · 6 years
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Tagged by: @kondo-hijikata <3 <3 <3
Three Fandoms:
Uuh, predictable but I pick: Nirvana in Fire, Bleach and Shinsengumi!
The First Character You Loved:
NIF: MCS, no doubt. Everything about him screams my favorite tropes. 
Bleach: This is tough because I actually don’t remember, but I’ll go with Uryu. I know for a fact I always liked him from the start.  
Shinsengumi!: Hijikata. Just. It’s always Hijikata. 
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
NIF: I’m pretty sure I love all the people I expected I would love, but...Lin Chen. Dammit.   L I N   C H E N. *I’m bitter though, bc IRL*
Bleach: Maybe Shinji and Gin? 
Shinsengumi!: Hands down, it has got to be Kusaka. The Choshu episode scarred me. 
The Character You Relate To The Most:
NIF: Idk, but I wish I was as loved as MCS (hahaha). 
Bleach: I’d say Rukia. For the shy and no friends part of it. 
Shinsengumi!: Hijikata. (I wish that was my alter ego. *somewhere in the depth of my mind the part of me that loves Edmond Dantes is screaming betrayal*)
The Character You’d Slap:
NIF: MCS. (We all know why.)
Bleach: This won’t count but I’d like to slap Kubo. 
Shinsengumi!: Kondo for the whole Miyuki/Tsune drama. *shakes fist*
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
(I’m assuming this is 3 for each fandom.)
Also this will be hard because my preferences shifted recently. 
NIF:  MCS and/or LC, Meng and/or Jinghuan, Consort Jing.
Bleach: Jushiro, Shunsui, Uryu and/or Rukia. 
Shinsengumi!: Hijikata, Yamanami, Ito. 
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
NIF:  Can’t think of any. 
Bleach: I still like him, but Kenpachi. That asteroid thing was a no-no. 
Shinsengumi!: Can’t think of any. 
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
NIF: Dadperor? Lol. No, I don’t know actually. 
Bleach: Unohana. (The front braid bothered the hell out of me until I realized the significance of it and found out the backstory). 
Shinsengumi!: Ito and Suteske. 
Three OTPs:
NIF: I actually don't have shipping preferences for Nif, funny as that is. 
Bleach: Ichiruki, Shunuki, Uryu x everything he deserves.
Shinsengumi!: Konhiji, Yamanami x Akesato, Souji x Hide.
@freudhood, @orangememory, @liuet, @angel-lolita (got to get you active sometime XD), @aozu, @heukheuk, @whumpmyworld, @shut-up-murdoc, @blackrainbowblade, @dameofnodelicacy
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ramadannotes · 7 years
I’m Terrified of the Police
My brother and father left halfway through iftar this evening to take my brother to the airport. Two minutes later, my brother came back. He had forgotten a suhoor container my mother had packed for him. We repeated our goodbyes as he dashed back down the stairs and out the door to the garage. 
Five minutes later, we heard the alarm door go off as the door leading to the garage creaked open. My six year old niece, who was nursing the last few bites of her dinner, said, “Wow, they're back? They're so forgetful!” I chuckled and nodded in agreement, waiting for my brother to dart up the stairs and scramble for whatever it is he forgot. 
But no one came up. And I didn’t notice, not until my niece said, “What are they doing down there?” I looked up from my phone, “Yeah, what are they doing down there?” I got up from the table and walked behind me to the stairs that led down. I saw a figure standing by the front door, his hand pressed to the garage door. It was dark, and I couldn’t see clearly. For some reason, I didn't say anything. The figure turned to me and said, “Please, I came in here...”
It wasn’t my brother’s voice. The figure reached for the light switch, and there stood a young man, probably in his twenties, in a grey t-shirt and matching shorts, one hand against the garage door, one hand palm-up facing me. “There are some people chasing me, I need you to call the police.”
“Ummmm, hello?!” was my reaction. “I’m really sorry, there are some people after me, can you call the police?” I was confused, my brain was still trying to process that this wasn’t my brother at the foot of the stairs. “How did you get in here?”, I asked. “The garage door was open.”
“Who is it, Auntie Sara?” My niece’s voice snapped me out of my trance. I walked over to the table to grab my phone and send my niece to her room, still not sure what was happening. I stepped back onto the stairs, and found him sitting on the ground. He looked up at me with big eyes filled with fear, and I felt myself dial 9-1-1. 
“Hello, what’s your emergency?.....Hello?” “Umm, yeah, hi, there’s a guy in my house? He said he’s being chased by some people and asked me to call the police, so uuh, I’m calling.” “There’s a man in your house?” “Yup” “Are you okay??” “Yeah. He says he’s being chased and asked me to call the police. Do you want to talk to him?” “NO! Ma’am, do NOT walk over to him. Can you describe him? Is he White, Black, Hispanic?” “Uuuh I’m not sure ---- what’s your ethnicity, sir?” “Ma’am, I need you to just tell me what he looks like, you don’t have to ask him.  Is he Black, White, Hispanic?” “I really don’t know... Hispanic, I guess?” “How old is he?” “LOL! I have no clue -- sir, how old are you?” “UGH, Ma'am, I just need you to guess! How old does he look?”  “I don’t know, in his twenties?” “How tall is he? What’s his build?”
I looked down at the man piled in a scared heap on our floor and laughed out loud at how absurd it was to be talking about him like he’s not there -- also, at how bad I am at determining precisely the very things that this 911 dispatcher on the other end needed. 
“I don’t know - 5′9 I guess? Thin” 
The more answers I gave, the more I could hear in her voice that I shouldn’t be as calm as I was. 
“The people chasing him, are they male or female? Are they armed? Does he know if they’re still looking for him?”  “Sir, do you think they’re still looking for you? Also, did they have guns?” “Yes. They have 2 guns.” “He says they have guns.” “Does he know them? What color clothes were they wearing?” “Do you know them? Can you describe them?”
The man’s eyes got wider, he lifted a finger to his lips and pointed at the door. I fell silent. 
I looked at the front door, where two red spots had suddenly appeared. “Umm, I think he’s bleeding?” “Was he hit??” “Where are you hurt, sir?” “The back of my head. They hit me.” “Is he bleeding a lot? Does he need medical?” “No, it’s not a lot of blood. He seems fine.”
 Should I ask for an ambulance? I was way out of my depth.
“Ma’am, the police are almost there. Can you tell me which corner of the complex your apartment is located? So the police can find you sooner”
I burst out laughing. I am terrible at directions. “I’m the wrong person to ask, I don’t even really live here, I’m just visiting.”
“Ma’am, the police should be outside. Can you go check?” “Did they tell you they were outside? I don’t see anyone, and I’m not about to open the door, this guy says there are men with guns looking for him.” “They’re at the complex, I can’t tell you if they’re at your door or not, you have to check.”
Then, a knock at the front door. We both heard it. The man flinched, and I looked at the door. We don’t have a peephole, but there are frosted glass panes by the door. I walked over and looked through the glass. Nothing. No one. 
“Umm, there’s no one here. I mean, there was a knock but I can’t see anyone.” “Ma'am, if there’s a knock you should open it. It’s the police. They’re gonna be coming through the garage door.”
I slowly opened the door leading to the garage and peered out. “They must be at a different garage because there’s no one here.” As I closed the door, the man jumped up and reached for the lock. I gave him a look that said, “Don’t worry, dude, I’m not going to leave this door unlocked anymore for the rest of my life”, and turned the lock.
And so we waited, the man sitting in his spot on the floor, and me sitting a few steps up. Two minutes later, another knock, this time much more forceful and on the door leading to the garage. A violent knock like that, this must be the police, I thought. I opened the door and saw a flashlight pointed at me. “Did you call?” “Yeah”
Two officers walked into the tiny foyer, completely ignoring me, and headed straight for the man. “Stand up, empty your pockets. Do you have any weapons?” I walked up a few steps to give them some room while the young man silently obliged. 
“What are you doing in here, huh? Put your hands on your head.” “What are you doing?” The officer twisted one arm behind his back as he readied the handcuffs. “Put your hand on your head! Be a good boy.” “Why are you doing this?” “Put your hand on your head! You’re escalating things. You don’t want to escalate things, or you’re gonna get fucked up. You’re gonna get fucked. up.”
The man wasn’t resisting. He wasn’t even moving. He was just asking them why they were cuffing him when he was the one who asked for them to come. 
The police officer’s attitude seemed unnecessarily aggressive. The man had done nothing to threaten me during this entire time, and here was this cop accusing him of escalating a situation he was barely even participating in. This was the first moment that I actually felt afraid. I was afraid of what the police were going to do to the man, I wanted to stand up for him, but I was afraid of what the police might do to me. I wondered if I should start filming on my phone, just in case. But in my fear, all that came out of my mouth was “Sir!”
Just as they had when they walked in, the two officers ignored my pathetic cry, and escorted the man out through the garage. As the young man stepped through the threshold, he turned back and looked at me with his big, scared eyes, and said, “Thank you.”
I began shaking like a leaf. I followed them all the way out, and was intercepted by another officer who had pulled up in a police car. He asked me for my information as I watched the two officers disappear around the corner with the man.  
“He came in and told me he was being chased and asked me to call the police.” “Okay. So what would you like us to do today?” “Excuse me?” “Do you want to press charges?” “What?! No! I want you to find the men who were chasing him!” “Oh, so you think his story is legit?” “His blood is on our door!”
I took the officer back in the house to show him, he promised to “get him the help that he needs” and left. I locked all the doors and went back up the stairs. Three minutes later, my father came back, knocking loudly, surprised that the door was locked. 
I filled my dad in on what happened. “Why did the police have to treat him that way?”, my mother asked. “He wasn’t doing anything. He was scared. He needed their help.” I was still shaking, scared and disappointed that I hadn’t done more to clear up the situation for the two officers who had apprehended the man. “I should have said something else, something more.”
I took my place on the mat to pray isha when my mother said, “If he wanted to rob us or hurt us or do something bad, he wouldn’t have asked us to call the police. Why didn’t they think of that?” 
I cried the whole way through prayer. 
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