#uuuuuuuuuuuuh good enough
come-down-that-tree · 8 months
Prologue Previous
Warning: Geno being loopy for a while and discutable editing choices
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter 15: Audio, sed terra cur non plana est?
Geno wakes up not feeling quite all there.
His arm didn’t hurt anymore and he felt rested.
Something is amiss but who cares? Life is fun!
He felt very giddy for no apparent reason. The air seemed to vibrate.
He sits. Oh, he sits alright. With his butt on the ground. His back against the bark. His hands politely wait on his legs.
Geno felt like the universe rewrote itself slightly to the left just to mess with him.
Something makes a soft noise right to his left and he is suddenly very aware of a weight loafed against him.
It was Nightmare who was still asleep.
He shakes his arm to remove the weight.
The other started to stir awake, sleepiness still very present in his gaze.
Why does he wear so much purple? Like his eyes? He wears them prettily.
He moved around and watched Nightmare’s mouth articulate.
“Are you feeling okay? Your eyelight is big…?”
It is? He needs to see that.
Geno tried to reach his eye socket with his left arm but Nightmare stopped him for some reason.
“I know it doesn’t feel painful right now but it is still injured so try to avoid using it?”
Nightmare is too long of a name and Geno says so to him. He thinks.
“Oh your enunciation… It’s alright, the bigger side effects should fade out soon! It did for me…even if you don’t seem to react quite like me then… If Nightmare is too hard to say, you can shorten it to “Night” or anything that you prefer?”
He gazed into the two pale purple moons and attempted to test his balance by standing up straight. He failed.
The ground is green and he is floating above it.
He fell on the other.
“AH! Try to stay still for a moment, will you?”
Moonlight is so loud.
“I’ll try to be more quiet… If I dare to point that out, “Moonlight” is in no way shorter than “Nightmare”...”
The sound he makes is funny.
Geno flayed a bit to get back to sit against the tree without crushing anyone.
Moon is there but where is the other?
“Dream is down the village, you slept for a while.”
Mind Reading, what a powerful and useful magic…
He stared at him and the way his hands were freezed in the air, as if hesitant -he glanced at his face- and lost.
“You’re not aware you’re talking out loud, are you?”
Aware is certainly not the word here.
“We should get you out of these clothes… Dream went to seek some for you, it must be uncomfortable for you… wearing something that wet and heavy…?”
His sleeves make satisfying sounds when shaken.
The monster was drenched. Unlike Nightmare who seemed already dry and back in his usual purple trousers.
Geno knows a funny way to get dry much faster.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
With a firm but clumsy hand, he carries out his plan.
And soon, one giant animalistic skull was floating in front of both of them.
“GENO, please tell me you know what you’re doing with that terrifying thing!”
Feeling like some marbles were back into place, he answered the question truthfully.
“I don’t know what I am doing but I am doing it.”
Somehow, it did not seem to reassure the other who looked ready to leap at the first sign of something going wrong. The monster couldn’t care less at the moment and gestured for his blaster to open its maw…and charge a blast.
Somehow, once again, it seemed to inflict more stress on his companion. He then ignored all the pleading babbles that were just plain grating.
The inside of the blaster started lighting up with a fierce heat and he carefully sat between two sharp teeth.
“The’e, I will b’ dry inno time”, he announced to his gobsmacked-looking spectator.
Nightmare stayed where he was -even after he patted the space beside him in a silent offer- therefore he elected to ignore him, focusing on the almost scaling heat against his back. Why did he never do that before? It was quite a great way to accelerate things.
“Are you sure this is safe? Have you done that before?”
“I have never been lass sure of anything in me life but it seems to work a’right!”
The other scrunched his face in an expression Geno couldn’t decipher, not like he was that interested in trying but still.
After a moment of silence, the not-monster scooted slightly closer. He remained fairly far however.
“What is it?”
“mmmh m’blaster.”
“What? Can you repeat that?”
He giggled at the other’s ignorance.
“Big thing thaaat shoots and.. and bites!”
“Very helpful, thanks.”
He bowed, almost fell out of his seat, then miraculously balanced himself back up.
“M’pleasure to help, aways.”
“I thought you were starting to sound cognizant again but I see I was wrong there.”
“Always the bug words with you, eh”, he shrugged.
“Seriously, what is this thing? It was so impressive and -honestly- scary last time and now it just sits there, floating and warming your back without mauling you for sitting right next to its sharp and huge canine.”
Geno shook his head a few times to try once again to realign the realities. If the endeavor was any conclusive, he didn’t have a clue. He would have to continue riding the wave until it fully went away, he guessed.
“I use magic and fwoop big puppy here comes.”
He really couldn’t explain it any better.
“...Your magic seems far more powerful and advanced from anything I saw from monsters so far.”
“Is that so?”
“What can you do besides turning into a nightlight at will?”
Nightmare grabbed his knees and started softly rocking back and forth.
“Not much… I can slightly worsen feelings on the bad side but I hate doing that. I’ve been told I turn the mood sour just by standing there so I might do it unconsciously sometimes.”
A frigid feeling finished chasing the daze away, leaving only a slight light-headedness and a dull pain in his left arm.
“Did the villagers tell you that?”
“Then I wouldn’t trust that source.”
“Geno…They’re not all that bad.”
“Don’t give me that crap. It’s not about me there, they’re obviously mistreating you.”
The purple-clad skeleton hid his head in his knees and hummed, neither confirming or denying his accusation.
“Did you talk about that with Dream?”
Nightmare shook his head but stayed buried there.
“You don’t have to answer that but allow me to put an hypothesis out. The villagers don’t like you because they think your little guardianship here is neatly devised between “good and bad” and they’d be better off with only the positive and none of the negative emotions?”
A timid nod was all he got in exchange but it was enough for him to continue.
“1-I honestly don’t fully understand the whole tree and apples thing but aren’t you just a guardian and the sources of the feelings are the apples?
2-They’re plain stupid if they think they can live with only one side of their emotions. What are they, 5???”
To that, Nightmare lifted his head to look at him.
“Emotions are not a coin you can flip! They aren’t even always positive or negative? Some are neutral or mixed and why are they oversimplifying such a vague concept.”
“I don’t think I ever heard that way of thinking before.”
“You’re surrounded by idiots, no offense to Dream since I guess you didn’t broach the subject with him. Which is strange when you’re so fixated on “your duties as guardians of feelings”?”
“I’m starting to think I prefer you loopy.”
“How dare!??”
He let himself fall forwards, colliding with the other for the second time today but this time on his own volition. The blaster dissolved into the air as the air grew thick with shrieks and laughter as they play-fought on the ground. It ended very fast when something brushed weird against his arm and he all but hissed of pain.
“Oh no, did the pain come back? Are you feeling fine?”
The pain receded without fully vanishing so he answered it was alright enough.
They both laid down for a moment, looking at the clouds.
The faraway white puffs were a fascinating phenomenon to observe and he idly wondered if he would ever get used to it.
“I still think you should talk about it to your brother.”
“If I do that, he’s gonna want to help. We can’t just move the tree elsewhere if worse comes to worse. I don’t want them to hate him too.”
“You’re afraid he would get hurt for you? Or are you scared he wouldn’t do anything if he knew?”
“NO! I know he would- He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met. Of course, he would help or try to at least.”
“I see, you should still try to talk to him in my opinion.”
“...and what if you minded your own business?”
“Ha, I could.”
“Any particular reason you don’t?”
Geno sighed, a deep and heavy sigh that dragged for what seemed like an eternity.
“You somehow remind me of myself, just a bit, and a… situation… I went through. It’s a very, and I mean it, very different situation but I didn’t want to talk to my brother about it either. I did in the end, but let’s say it didn’t really stick, so just forget that.
Nightmare responded with a delay.
“You have a brother…”
“A little brother and despite everything, I’ll keep him close in my heart. Always...”
“Do you miss him?”
The answer was easy but somehow complicated.
“I do. Thankfully Papyrus does not.”
A long silence stretched after that.
A timid question stopped it just as steps approaching made their presence known.
“Would you mind talking to me about Papyrus more later?”
And strangely, Geno found he truly didn’t.
End of chapter 15! Go to chapter 16?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies
Nightmare and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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Hi there, happy monday to you,trust this meets you well! I'm a victim of abuse from my grandmother and dad, I don't want to go too much into detail, as it's highly triggering, i worked on getting some evidence to press charge agaist them(going well so far) but i need to move out of the house of my abusers as soon as possible and seek justice. I need all the help i can get (please see my pinned post for my frequently updated "beg-post"). I beseech(beg of) you to donate towards my moving/getting justice if you can. Also, if you can, please consider boosting my pinned post (a detailed beg-post)(if you have already seen my post somehow before now, there's been a recent development/progress)- that will help reach more potential helpers. please don't ignore me, please!. I'm open to suggestions/corrections, you can send an inbox/ direct message if you have concerns/questions, and i will answer in no time. Thank you for hearing me out.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuh unsure if fake or not because it was such a random thing to get in my inbox
But if it's true then good luck, I hope you find all the support you need, hope this is enough boost
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kidrat · 4 years
thoughts on... hamsters. and gerbils. i know you like rats but give me all your rodent opinions
(ok it didnt occur to me to have normal opinions on this til i wrote like three paragraphs on the evils of pet shops so let’s take it back and uuuh. i’ll insert some thoughts on the animals as animals briefly. ahem)
hamsters are fat and a bit stupid and like in general i prefer mice. and i will say that I remember reading that mice are hardier and generally less agressive?? but i do respect hamster people. your hamsters are nice and plump and a good chill alternative to mice whomst can be high energy and need more climbing space. one day mayhaps i will own one. i liked jenna marbles’ hamster.
Gerbils I have even less knowledge of and the Vibes gerbil ppl give me is confusing because they are less common than hamsters I think, but I don’t get the ‘ah, a Rodent Person’ energy I get if I meet anyone who has kept rats, mice or ferrets. Basically idk if gerbil people are part of the exotic pet community. If i meet someone with a snake or whatever i know they are kin. gerbil people please tell me what you’re like. Anyway gerbils have cute tails and they’re a weird shape but I appreciate that they like to dig.
(and here we have the spicy onions)
there is no! such! thing! as an ‘easy’ or ‘starter’ pet!!!! lots of animals get this rep and then get so mistreated bc they’re owned by kids who don’t know any better who were given them by parents who don’t realise that literally every animal has particular needs and in the worst case by parents who want to teach their kids a lesson about responsibility :) using living creatures :)
like the shit i see marked as a good cage for ANY small animal makes me. yikes. (generally u gotta go an animal up, so like my mice got a ‘gerbil’ cage, my rats had a ‘ferret’ cage etc. bc that’s how bad the sizes are compared to the actual minimum space requirements)
and don’t even get me fucking started on the tubes. hamsters im so sorry about the tube cages :( They smell and are hard to clean and don’t have enough ventilation as they’re just straight plastic instead of bars bc. its a tube (rats especially but all small pets like that are Very susceptible to respiratory issues. and no one would like being in an enclosed space with the fumes of their own urine.) they’re also tricky to get the animal out of which means pets kept in that kind of space are unlikely to get handled as often as they need to be and will probably be skittish won’t get enough exercise.
And this stuff along with those exercise balls (bad ventilation, holes for air are a foot trap), wheels that are too small and will bend the animal’s spine, and other things are sold in error for all small animals, including gerbils, but I think hamsters get the brunt of it.
and i feel really bad about assuming that most hamsters especially are accidentally neglected, bc I’m sure mostly their young kid owners love them? but like shit i didn’t give the mice i had as a little kid as much space and toys as they needed bc i wasnt old enough to understand that the pet industry is corrupt and cares less about animal welfare and more about profit. One of my mice was literally sexed wrong which. if you’ve seen a male rodent you know how hard that is to do?? but I hadn’t so as far as I knew I had a male mouse who didn’t need companionship. 
And in retrospect that’s funny and my first mouse Philly was a trans guy icon with the tuxedo fur to match and he did live a very long life and was happy and bonded with me well. BUT I didn’t have all the info provided to give him what he needed. And hamsters I think just have an even worse time because of the rep they’ve developed as The starter pet to teach ur barely self aware infant about the consequences of uuuuuuuuuuuuh owning a thing that can die :)
and im gonna calm down now but uh. sorry abt that thanks for asking sxhbsadj
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deepsixsquid · 5 years
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With the Final Fest, a battle between the forces of Chaos and Order, on the horizon, two squids, Nocchan (Right), and Doppel (Left), prepare for a confrontation to settle things... Or, so they think...
*The sun sets on Moray Towers. Nocchan, having finished her solo training for the day, lays back to watch the helicopters fly by with her Inkbrush at her side. However, as she slowly drifts off for a nap, she senses a presence nearby that quickly catches her attention*
*Doppel, a squid who came to be after a fateful incident involving a powerful identity crisis, the charged energy of a booyah bomb, and Nocchan’s, at the time, distorted mind. The two have clashed once before in the past, when Doppel’s desperate search for answers, to questions that surround her very existence. lead to an all-out fight between the two that practically destroyed a section of Wahoo World in the middle of the night. Although the battle ended in a stalemate, Nocchan’s words “You make a good *other*” have stuck with her since then.*
*The skull-faced squid takes a deep breath as thoughts of their last encounter float through her mind.* “Ya know, I probably don’t have to say this but, I know you’re there. C’mon, no sense in hidin’ Don’t worry though, I’m not really in the mood to fight right now.”
*Doppel adjusts her headphones before making her, slightly nervous, approach. Resting her Dynamo roller in her lap, she takes a seat next to her counterpart. A few moments of tense silence fills the air before Nocchan speaks up* “Somethin’s on your mind.... can’t exactly say what but, I can feel it. You alright, there?” “I...I was just thinking...It’s almost time, right? For the next one, the LAST one...and I just can’t shake this feeling that something’s going to... Something MIGHT happen. To you, to me, to...all of us, when it’s all over. And...I.. I don’t know, it’s weird.” *After a sigh, Nocchan can’t help but chuckle* “Heh, maybe. With the way things are goin’ you think this might be the end of the world, or somethin’! Chaos? Order? Man, who woulda guessed it? After all the silly little things we fought for? THIS is how it all goes down! The big finish! Not too sure who’s pickin’ these things but, I’m really feelin’ this one!” *Doppel looks towards the setting sun, choosing her words carefully* “About that... I know this is probably a dumb question but...You’re going for Chaos, right?” *Nocchan lowers her skull bandana to reveal a smug grin* “I know I don’t need to say it but, uuuuuuuuuuuuh, yeah. It was an easy choice~!” *Doppel lovers her headphones, letting them rest around her neck* “Heh, thought so.... But, I gotta ask, why? After everything you’ve been through...wouldn’t you be tired of all that? The things you’ve seen, the things you’ve DONE would probably drive most people crazy. I mean, even THINKING about those things would probably give anyone chills!” *Nocchan proudly rises to her feet, facing the sunset, with her arms folded* “Well, you’d know better than anyone around here, I’m like like ‘most people’ Hell, I don’t think there’s anyone in Inkopolis who comes close to me~! And I could never get tired of it~! Everything I’ve been through, heh, it only made me stronger! I’m still here, still kickin’, nothin’ can take me down!” *With a deep sigh, Doppel picks herself up* “I guess...that’s true. But, there’s something that’s kinda getting to me. All the Chaos you’ve been through...I can see it, sometimes. I can FEEL it. There were those moments where...even you would have to admit that you were-” “Hold it right there... Okay, so maybe there were one or two times where I MIGHT have been a little over my head. BUT, I still won, didn’t I? Still here, ain’t I? ...I’ve got nothing to be afraid of!” “But, think about it, think about those times. One wrong move...and that could’ve been it for you. Sure, you won but...those were REALLY close calls. You can’t push your luck like that... Not forever” *Nocchan’s bravado visibly fades, and her voice takes on a more serious tone* “...Soon, I won’t need luck. Maybe, just maybe, I never did. I overcame everything in my way with my own power, my own skills. Luck? Pft, I don’t need it.” “Are you crazy? I-I don’t even know where to begin! Th-the things you’ve seen, the people you fought!? Some of those things were too much...even for you! Remember the statue? NILS?” *Doppel clenches her fists, grits her teeth, and braces herself* “...Remember Riza?” *Nocchan’s eyes widen at the mere mention of that name. Riza, aka Agent 3, was someone Nocchan looked up to as one of the strongest in the world. Riza would ultimately become Nocchan’s greatest rival after being the first person the skull faced fighter ever lost too in a brutal one-on-one fight. After dismissing her, Nocchan vowed to become someone Riza couldn’t ignore, a mission she took very seriously. After training for years, Nocchan caught wind of, and chased, Riza through the shady underground, through a series of deadly chambers and obstacles, which lead to their last encounter, atop the NILS statue that was about to wipe out the entire planet. There, after a climactic battle, Nocchan unleashed the strongest splashdown she could muster, a move that she called “Apocalypse Splash” that pushed her body far beyond its limits, obliterating the weapon, and almost destroying herself, in the process.* “I am not scared of her. You should know that. I’m stronger than her, and I have PROVED that. Why would I have to be afraid, huh? If she wants a rematch, I’ll be happy to take her on! And if anyone else wants a piece of me, they’re welcome to try too.” *With closed eyes, Doppel turns her head* “But, you almost.... you almost lost too much just to prove that though. You can’t... You can’t do that again. You can’t put yourself on the line just to prove your own strength. What would happen if you mess up? What if... what if you find something that you can’t handle on your own? You fight for Chaos but, what if, one day, Chaos throws you against something that’s too strong for you?” *Nocchan picks up her inkbrush, grips it tightly, and rests it on her shoulder* “Then I’ll fight it. That’s how I got this far, right? I’ve fought everything so far, why stop now? I can handle it, and I WILL handle it. I haven’t slowed down yet, and I don’t plan on it now.” *A small tear forms in Doppel’s eye as she reaches for her Dynamo roller* “I... I can’t let you do that. I WON’T let you do that. If talking sense into won’t work then... Then I’ll have to-” *Nocchan lifts her skull bandana over her face and points her inkbrush at Doppel* “Fight me? Again? Fine...But you better give it everything you’ve got” *Doppel adjusts her headphones back on top of her head. Tears beginning to run down her face, as energy gathers in her right hand, forming a booyah bomb* “One day, you’ll go too far. Either you realize this... or I’ll stop you, one way or another. Besides...I still have questions for you” *Nocchan’s right arm starts to glow, slowly building energy for a charged splashdown* “I’m not one for Orders...” *Once again, silence fills the air, only to be broken by the sound of the two fighters rushing towards each other. Each ready to strike the other down in one move. In a moment of hesitation, they both stop in front of each other, Doppel’s bomb and Nocchan’s fist, two devastating attacks mere inches from their target’s hearts. In an instant, both combatants let their energies fade, only to begin swinging their weapons at each other.* *In a flurry of vicious attacks, Nocchan and Doppel’s duel takes them all over Moray Towers, each looking to get the upper hand and deal a decisive blow. In the midst of it all, their battle has left trails of ink and destruction that go in all directions, signs of clashing swings, remnants of detonated splat bombs and trashed sprinklers, all leading to the center of Moray Towers, where the two stand in a very heated deadlock, now underneath a bright full moon* *Despite how much time has passed, neither Nocchan, nor Doppel, show signs of fatigue. only rising aggression and determination. With their weapons locked, Doppel makes one more attempt to appeal to Nocchan’s sanity* “There has to be some part of you that knows...that you can’t go on like this! There has to be! Just listen to me!” *However, her pleas only strengthen Nocchan’s resolve as she starts to push Doppel and her Dynamo back by one step* “I promised myself that I wouldn’t quit, no matter what! And NOTHING is going to make me go back on that! You hear me?!* *Seeing no other option, a spark ignites in Doppel’s eyes, a pale purple aura envelopes her body and her weapon, giving her the strength to push Nocchan back a few steps* “If you won’t listen to reason, then-” *A turquoise energy, akin to lighting, begins to arc around Nocchan’s body, causing her to glow* “I’ll do what I have to-” *Both step back from each other, charging their respective specials in an instant, and dash towards one another, looking to end this battle, here and now. The resulting clash of energies, a tremendous, and violent, explosion, is enough to knock out power for a few city blocks for a few minutes. In the darkness. Nocchan and Doppel struggle to their feet, both needing to lean on their weapons to remain upright. The surrounding lights flicker back to life and shine down upon them as they use what little energy they have to walk past each other and quietly declare...* “We’ll finish this...at the Final Fest...”
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arledrone · 7 years
Dazai, Ango, Odasaku
First impression: Honestly - I thought he was bland and my distinterest in him nearly made me skip the entire Dark Era arc of the anime.
Impression now: I still think Kafka overdid his lethargic personality.  I get it probably stems from a long life being a hitman but uhhhhhhhh he’s still kinda.  He needed more variation, at least in his expressions.  Let him smile gdi.  This is mostly the anime’s fault (once again haha).  Like it completely glosses over his weird-ass figurative language, how grim he was against Gide later on, how he picked up smoking again, not to mention all the emphasis that actually went into his understanding of Dazai.  
Favorite moment: Okay leave me alone but uh.  That Scene.  When he actually expresses a shitload of intense and overwhelming emotions.  It was good.  
Idea for a story: n/a
Unpopular opinion: People take his “you don’t care about good and bad” quote way too literally.  It was four years ago.  Emphasis on “don’t”, not “can’t”.  If he couldn’t care, there wouldn’t be any point in him literally using his energy to tell Dazai that he had to get his shit together.
Not really unpopular but “14 year old hitman” is a bullshit set-up kafka but age was never real in BSD honestly.
Favorite relationship: Him and the kids!!!! He was a good dad!!!!
Favorite headcanon: His hair was dyed and he just.  Never thought about going to his natural hair colour.  Red Was His Colour Now.  
First impression: Initially I never really thought much of Ango.  Compared to Odasaku and Dazai his presence and personality in Dark Era are very subtle.
Impression now: Let This Man Take A Vacation.  
Favorite moment: In the novel, he goes real in-depth over the deceased mafiosi he records the deaths of.  He even takes care to make sure one of their families never find out about the mafia’s ties to them.  He just really values life and he feels so strongly about I love him.
Idea for a story: His hot bodyguards are his ability!  Make it happen Kafka!  He’d be a great character to utilise a similar mechanic to Mori’s ability with Elise on!
Unpopular opinion: See it’s near impossible to avoid Bad Fanons about Dazai but Ango isn’t.  So like.  I’m not balls deep enough in this fandom (thank god) to have seen anything I strongly go against.  I just think he needs more proper screen time in the main story.  
Favorite relationship: Him and Dazai.  Dazai’s pretty much the antithesis to everything Ango worked over for in PM relating to valuing life.  But at the same time it’s because of that he was so adamant on Dazai getting a better ‘hobby’ than his intense suicidal idealisation issues.  I have more thoughts but I’m saving them for Dazai’s section.
Favorite headcanon: Discourse on Decadence are his two hot bodyguards.  The entire essay focuses on criticising the emphasis of (nationalistic/war-based) honour and beauty.  What better way to emphasise that than with his bodyguards.  The woman could easily be Honour with her sword, like a warrior, and the man beauty.  Just for juxtaposition. 
Dazai is under readmore bc I went Off.
 First impression: Relateable motherfucker.
Impression now: Boy I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Osamu Dazai and his development since Dark Era.  Boy Do I.  I feel very strongly about Osamu Dazai.  Very strongly he’s very personal a character to me.  I could go on and on about his good and bad qualities.
Favorite moment: When he’s comforting Kyoka during the Guild Arc like that is some of the best shit Dazai’s done so far in the story.  ALSO in the Entrance Exam novel when he comforts a child and talks about candy to calm her down lmao.
Idea for a story: hey what if kafka chilled out on the chessmaster trope for dazai for one second
Unpopular opinion:  Just one? JUST ONE?
Hey uuuuuuuuuuuuh can the edgelords saying Dazai hasn’t/can’t truly change shut the fuck up kthnxbai y’all’re some boring motherfuckers.  I’ve literally seen someone overanalyse his fucking Dead Apple outfit saying the black shirt symbolises that he’s still dark and evil in his core or some bullshit it’s not that deep sis!!!!  Let him live!!!!! Let him change!!!!!!!!!  Goddamn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
um also him being the centre of Chuya’s entire character is fucking lazy im sorry but it is and Double Black doesn’t deserve the attention it gets because at its core it is shallow and lacking in genuine varied development.  and im sorry but ditching chuya after folding his clothes isn’t some funny cute thing he’s literally mocking this man that risked his entire well-being because of a lot of blind trust in dazai and he just.  procrastinates on stopping Corruption solely because he wants to without good reason.
Also yes he has no impulse control over his suicidal urges when does that stop… being a source of humour everyone depends on so much like.  why we overlooking how dark a place his mind gets when he actually goes through with these attempts?  the Dark Era anime really fucked up a lot of Dazai’s character hoenstly.  ESPECIALLY during the “Shoot me, come on!  Come on!” scene with the Mimic member.
GOD I hate 80% of fandom’s interpretation of Dazai don’t fucking get me started owo
Favorite relationship: Him and Ango.  Ango’s pretty much the only person Dazai has any outlet over Odasaku with (even if his outlet is Questionable) but it’s still like.  The One Person he’s a bit more likely to let down his chipper facade around and Ango is just like “Yeah Fair Enough But Fucking Chill”
Favorite headcanon: Constantly cold man who is the douchebag that presses his cold hands on anyone around him
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oh-beyond · 8 years
Saviour AU - Part 4
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He wasn’t rich like the others, he didn’t really fit, but he was part of the group, the rich boys that had investments in one of the biggest companies in the country, they were powerful and handsome and they could get anything the wanted, money had corrupted their every day actions, money that Byun Baekhyun didn’t have, to what extent was he like them?
You were lucky enough to be delivering the coffee every morning, you just wanted to see him, and to see him meant seeing the others too…
You had faith that he was different… just don’t trust him too much he might surprise you, and not in a good way.
Business AU/Angst/Smut in future parts.
Baekhyun x Reader ft. Chanyeol, Chen, Kai & Lay (Mentions of EXO OT12)
Saviour Masterpost
< Part 3 - Part 5 >
Summary: Baekhyun was very confused at his dearest friend’s behaviour, what was Chanyeol trying to prove? He felt protective of you all of a sudden... not even guilty anymore for getting your confession out of you...
“Chanyeol? What are you saying? Guys stop it, this is getting dangerous, Xiumin hyung? Suho hyung please say something” Baekhyun pleaded extremely worried watching Chanyeol’s face expressions and the way his body shook, this wasn’t his friend.
“A bet? What kind of bet? Alright Chanyeol whatever bet you are going to get in with Kai you know you will lose if it’s girls related that is, besides ___? She’s mine” said Xiumin proudly making Chanyeol’s eyes double in side “no don’t look at me like that, I just mean that if getting ___ is the bet I would for sure win, not that I’m interested, Saehyo is more my type” he added touching his lips.
“Hyung~~~!” whined Suho “you are not making things better, stop this nonsense please" Suho scrunching his nose.
“No let him, I will prove you all wrong, she’s different, she will fall for me and only me, do whatever you need to do I am absolutely fine, I am confident of my choice, this is the real deal and I can bet you all that ___ is a decent girl that will fall in love with me” added Chanyeol his voice cracked tears almost falling.
The room went completely silent as the 7 guys watched Chanyeol suppress his tears his hands over his hips looking away.
“Let’s go home Chanyeol” said Baekhyun tapping on his dear friend’s back.
“Wait...” he said looking at them “I mean it, as from now you are all in this bet”
“I am not interested thanks I pass” said D.O coldly going back to his phone.
“Well make an effort hyung, I am going to prove you my point, if you really appreciate me or you give a damn, I am betting you all that no matter what you do or offer ‘my girl’ won’t accept and she will come to me”
“Chanyeol-ah~~~ what makes you think that anyways? I mean yes you might have a valid point, she could be one of those women that actually have self respect, I mean we are always looking in the wrong places, none of us ever thought about a real relationship before, what you are proposing is that you already know she has feelings for you and she won’t cheat on you, are we missing something?” asked Suho trying to reason with Chanyeol.
“No she has zero feelings for me, but she will chose me because I am the only one that is not a fuckboy among us except for Baekhyun and Lay hyung who isn’t here” replied Chanyeol looking at all of them.
“Not a fuckboy? Since when tho hyung, maybe not a fuckboy cuz you can’t get any, but your principles are those of fuckboys, just like anyone of us, and as for Baekhyun hyung... he is not exactly a virgin” said Kai in a serious tone.
Baekhyun felt horrible, he understood exactly what Chanyeol meant, and he also knew that you will never accept him, Baekhyun felt the way you genuinely liked him, he was in the biggest shit hole.
“I still think is not a decent way, Chanyeol forget about all this and get your girl properly” said Suho tapping on his shoulders “she will go to you because she will know it’s real feelings, that you are not trying to toy with her”
“Nah ah ah, I am up for this challenge, she’ll be in my bed... multiple times, I will enjoy that a lot, I’ll make her scream ‘Jongdae’ harder than any girl ever had, decent my ass”
Xiumin punched Chen on his shoulder lightly as Suho shot him a death glare. 
Chanyeol run his hand through his hair and exhaled calming himself down “we’ll see about that” is all he could muster.
Baekhyun drove the car to Chanyeol’s condo, he could hear every annoyed breath his friend took, he rubbed his head and kicked with his feet, Baekhyun couldn’t say anything, he felt just as disgusted, he felt like he should probably tell him about you liking him to end all this ordeal...
“Don’t tell her”
“Hm?” Baekhyun was awoken from his thoughts “tell what? Who?”
“I know you must be thinking I’m filth, but I have a point”
Filth is what Baekhyun felt like at the moment...
“Why are you doing this Chanyeol-ah?”
“I love her”
“No you don’t, you wouldn’t do this to the girl you love”
“I know she’s different”
“What if she likes someone else, someone from the guys? You would be throwing her his way, it wouldn’t mean she’s bad, she would be accepting the dude she likes, didn’t this cross your mind?”
“Then it’s her loss, no one is good enough for her except you Baekhyun or Lay hyung, you are the only decent guys”
Baekhyun choked in his spit when he heard that “me?”
“Yes you, you are not a player, you never played with a girl before”
“So if she falls for me you would be OK with it?”
Chanyeol fell silent for a moment before turning his head to Baekhyun “I would kill you my friend, you wouldn’t go that low would you?”
Baekhyun gulped “no no man! OMG I mean what if she falls for me? I have no interest in my brother’s girl, what the actual fuck Chanyeol? How could you even ask me something like that?”
“I’m sorry man, I’m just... I’m... I don’t know I never experienced this before, I swear if she would of taken me back in high school I’d probably be married to her by now and have a bunch of kids”
“I didn’t know you liked her that much”
“Yes you did”
“I guess I did ha? I am sorry for not acknowledging this before Chanyeol, I will do anything to make her see you the way you see her”
“Nevertheless - I want you to be in the bet too” said Chanyeol with a firm tone not joking around.
That was yet the most outrageous request, was it because as Chanyeol said that he was a decent guy? Was it to prove to himself that even with a guy like Baekhyun you would still want Chanyeol? Why was Chanyeol acting so blundering? All this was a mess, but Baekhyun couldn’t ever refuse anything to Chanyeol, just this once he would... Chanyeol didn’t have to know that Baekhyun wasn’t trying with you because simply you were in love with him and he didn’t need to try anything, he just wished you would open your eyes and give Chanyeol a chance...
But why did that thought sting him a little...?
The rules of the bet were set as each one having a full day to persuade you into getting physical, the moment you gave in for a kiss would be 1 point for the one who kissed you, by the end in day 10 whoever gets a second kiss would be the winner, no one was allowed to try to do anything on a day that didn’t correspond him, just in day 10 it would be the final battle.
No forcing was allowed, the rules also mentioned that as soon as you felt uncomfortable and any word of discomfort was mentioned they would assume defeat and let you go, besides that anything else was allowed, fake promises, all the lies they could muster to make you sway, all the presents and propositions were allowed. 
Suho, D.O and of course Baekhyun were the only ones that didn’t want to play this game, each one for a reason, Suho thought that it was ethically wrong, D.O simply wasn’t into this shit and you didn’t attract him one bit, just the thought of having to kiss you made him want to puke, and Baekhyun... his dear friend... and something else he couldn’t put his finger on yet. Xiumin just wished that you wouldn’t tell Saehyo because he really was into this girl and when Xiumin had a girl in mind not getting her would ruin his mood, not very often he had this kind of hormonal attacks unlike Kai who was basically a man-slut, but when Xiumin set his eyes on something he had to get it.
Day 1: Encounter with Sehun
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“Right bitches look at the kid winning this thing from day 1, I don’t put much effort like Kai, but when I do... poor souls, I’m going to make you all cry”
“Yeah shut up Sehun and go” said Chen with a smirk.
“Just before I go, Chanyeol hyung are you sure you are alright with this? I really don’t want to upset you”
“Fuck off Sehun-ah, I already said I have nothing to fear”
Sehun took the phone and dialled the extension of the cafe.
“Hi ___! Can you please bring me an iced drink to my office in exactly an hour?”
“Yes Oh Sehun-ssi, what falvour would you like, any specific request?”
“Anything of your choice, surprise me, I just like something cold after I work out, you know where is Jongin’s and my office right?”
“Perfect so, see you in an hour”
“Uuuuuuuuuuuuh, exercise! You fucker, gonna show her some skin are you?” teased Kai.
“He knows his forte, still you are too plain pretty boy” added Chen.
“We’ll see how it goes” he said satisfied getting up already unbuttoning his shirt at his wrists.
“Don’t over do it Sehun-ah, be a gentleman, please we don’t want trouble, I still can’t believe I agreed to this” said Suho frowning.
Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who’s nostrils were flaring, he couldn’t hide how annoyed he was, yet he had faith in you, altho Sehun did really have an impressive body...
You knocked on the door to Kai’s and Sehun’s office.
“Come in” you heard Kai saying.
You opened the door and Kai just closed his laptop getting up taking his car keys “he’s inside” he said winking at you.
You kind of were glad that he left because this human being was a born flirt, and man he could, he was a master at it.
You knocked a second door inside the spacious office.
“If you are not ___ leave because I’m busy”
“I am Sehun-ssi”
“Well come in then girl”
You slowly opened the door carefully not to drop the tray with the drink in your other hand, you were met with Sehun in low baggy black shorts and a very sweaty baby blue tank top, his shoulders... ethereal, they were impossibly broad, like you blinked a few times to adjust to them, his collarbones... deep... the view... was he a hologram? 
“Come closer please, what did you get me?”
“It’s Piña Colada smoothie” you said coming closer offering him the drink.
He sat in the bench putting the dumbles on the floor “come sit with me for a moment”
“I really have to get going”
“Just sit for a moment” he pulled at your wrist making you sit next to him, his sweaty knee rubbing on yours.
He placed his lips on the straw and sucked closing his eyes making a satisfied noise as the cold drink went down his throat “it’s very nice, what does it have?”
“The regular, pineapple, orange juice, coconut milk and frozen yogurt”
“I love it” he added flicking his hair to the side, but this guy was gorgeous, a greek sculpture...
“I’m glad Sehun-ssi, I better go” you said standing up heading back to the door.
“Ouch aaaah” you heard him Sehun’s pain pleads, you turned around and saw him rubbing his work of art shoulder “it’s so sore”
“You need help with anything?”
“Could you maybe rub my shoulder?”
“I don’t-”
“Is Jongin still here? If he is ask him to come he will do it”
“No he actually left when I came... what is that you need me to do?”
“Just press here, come I’ll show you how, sit on the bench”
You innocently sat on the bench not expecting Sehun to take off his tank top, he revealed yet what was even better, his body was not real, that much you knew, he wasn’t just a regular built guy with muscles, he was a mix between that and a swimmer’s body, just perfection.
But the assault kept going when he leaned his head on your lap, you gasped in surprise when his warm sweat seeped through your pants and hit your skin.
“Sehun-ssi? I-”
“Here” he said taking your hand placing it on his enormous shoulder “please it’s killing me”
You rubbed him skeptical, this looked horrible, if anyone opened the door right now you would look like shit, what if Baekhyun came in, the thought alarmed you, you stood up in panic.
“Sorry Sehun-ssi, I think you should call someone else, this doesn’t look good”
Sehun stood up also facing you closely, he was very tall and intimidating, his sharp factions and his bare torso made it even more intimidating.
“But I want you to do it, your hands will make me fell better” he took your hands on his and rubbed circles at the back of both.
You pulled them and took the tray shielding yourself from him “I really need to go”
You opened the door but he slammed it close again his face coming at your eye level.
“Would you? Would you leave me in pain? All I’m asking you is to give me a massage, I could shower if the sweat is bothering you babygirl”
Babygirl??? OK this sounded horrible, where is the panic button? You needed to get out of there... NOW.
“I’d like to go back to my work place Sehun-ssi”
“Such a pity, but I guess I can’t force you”
He opened the door for you and watched you sprint out stumbling on Kai who wore a nice teasy smile, you bowed and left the office.
“___ 1 - Sehun 0! Puhahahaha, nice job bro, she’s fucking terrified, them shoulders didn’t work ha?”
“Shut up Kai, she must be lesbian, otherwise explain to me how?”
“Man you have no touch, you are so new to this business”
“I don’t need this business unlike you who works for it, usually girls run after me”
“That’s not always satisfying, working for it also tastes good bro”
“Yeah whatever, we’ll see what you got when it’s your turn” added Sehun taking his phone dialling a number.
“Who are you calling? Arranging a date to pump you ego?” asked Kai.
“Two dates, because I can”
Your breath was audible, your chest heaved heavily, Saehyo brought you a glass of water and asked you to sit, she tried getting out of you what happened but all you wanted was to forget.
You fixed your ponytail and went back behind the counter meeting Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they had already heard the news and Chanyeol was the happiest you’d ever seen him, if you only knew why.
“Are you alright ___?” he asked with a proud smile.
“I am now that I saw you” you blurted out facing both Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
Baekhyun’s heart stung...
A/N: Encounters will happen with each member and she will go through some deep shit...
Thanks for reading, feedback always welcomed ^_^
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chaoscheebs · 8 years
RULES - Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status – deliberately a cat lady and not looking
Lipstick or Chapstick – Technically neither?  Sometimes I do something with a tint, but mostly go with novelty flavored lip things or fancier beeswax ones, no in between.
Last Song I Listened To – “With Me”, Crush 40.
Last Movie I Watched – Probably something on an MST3K episode. “Outlaw of Gor” being made fun of by a guy and some puppets, maybe?  Or was the last one I saw  “Mittens” “Mitchell”...?
Top 3 Characters – Princess Peach, Amy Rose, Bayonetta.  The theme: be kind, be femme, and absolutely take no shit.
Top Three Ships – ... uuuuuuuuuuuuh...  That’s a damn hard one. The ones that I will ship in hell are all furry ones (Amy/Shadow, Bunnie/Antoine).  
The ones probably most relevant because someone in the FFVII fandom tagged me for this is however, are Aerith/Cloud/Zack (together or broken down into smaller ships where the third person is still friendly with ‘em), Cloud/Genesis because they could have a really fun as hell dynamic if they ever met, and the ship I had as a teenager that still refuses to sink, Vincent/Yuffie.  >.>;;;;
(Also many ships that involve Cloud because I like to imagine him as an awkward poly bi who loves everyone too damn much and everyone knows he is not a good enough liar to fake the sincerity of his love.)
tagged by: @up-sideand-down tagging: I am bad at this do what you like?????
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poselyssvibz · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 people~ (I’ll try 😂)
Also sorry for being late with this it’s just that I tried to do it 3 times and every time I would kind of delete it 😂 So there you go I was tagged by @moonchilddust
Nickname: Maï (by close friends) Maïmaï (by family members)
Zodiac sign: Aries 🐑 ✌🏻
Height: 163 cm
Last Thing You Googled: um wait a sec…….. “Long story Fanfiction” cause The game Longstory is awesome~ and I love Marcel so I wanted to see if there was something about him
Favorite music artist: okay be ready for people/groups you probably don’t know and some that are overly famous sooo: AC⚡️DC, Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Hayley Kiyoko, Sia, Three Days Grace, Emmanuel Moire, Panic ! At The disco, Breaking Benjamin, Pentatonix, Starset, Utada Hikaru, Nano, EXO, BTS, Girl’s Generation, and others
Song stuck in my head: a Ace Attorney theme song that I don’t know the name of 😅
Last Movie you watched: THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES ❤️😍 Watched them again but this time with my friends, still cried at Sirius’s death tough 😕 I had watched them with my mom before
What are you wearing right now: uh my pajamas since it’s 10:42 PM 😂
What do you post: random shit…..well I mostly repost things from fandoms that I’m in, Things that I like you know
Why did you choose your URL: well “Queen” because…..actually I don’t when I made my Twitter I just wanted something different from my usual “Maimaiar” or whatever and So I was like “Yeah Queen is good actually since I’m the queen of Pandas and all that” also I’ve been in love with the Queen songs lately soooo ❤️ and “Strife” well the people from the Final Fantasy Fandom will understand 😂 but well I’ll explain, I discovered the FF world trough final Fantasy VII I never played the game (but You can be sure I’m gonna get the remake), anyways my first ever real serious fictional crush was Cloud Strife like OMG HE’S SO CUTE ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕 so yeah that’s why 😂 (I need more NSFW fic of him)
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You:…….If you’re talking about a romantic one I never had one I’m single since my birth, buuuut if you’re talking about friendship just don’t trust people right away, if you feel like they’re suspicious be friendly but like don’t get involved with them to much, also you’re kinda friends with someone don’t tell them everything about you’re fucking life make sure they’re not a backstabbing or attention seeking little bitch, and for that let me tell you a story, I was a naive 15 almost 16 years old girl I was getting close to a girl that we’re gonna call…mmmmmh, Amber (yes I’m using MCL Amber got a problem with that??? 😂) Because we took the same curricular activity (If we can even call it that ) and I was dumb enough to tell Amber about my crush on a boy that was her friend we’re gonna call him mmmmmmmh….. La'gan (yes YJ season 2 😂) everything was good until the day before my birthday, I was on skype and a guy that I know just wanted to wish me a happy birthday, so we talked and at one point he had to leave but before that he told me “wish you good luck with La'gan” and really I was confused like “I don’t even talk to him how the fuck does he know???” So I interrogated him and asked who told him and obviously it was Amber he also told me that everybody in our year knew, so that pretty much made me dread the next day which was my birthday if I might add, thankfully nothing happened, the day went as usual (minus the P.E teacher singing me a happy birthday like he does with everybody IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL) but really I felt really salty I could even say betrayed, so whenever something happens to her And somebody tells me, I take the pop corn and Watch LIKE it’s a fucking awesome comedy movie so that was story time 😂😂😂 sorry about the rant (also the boy didn’t like me back so since then I’m pretty much looking even lower at the way I look (mostly my weight) and at my personality, like I’m not beautiful/ good enough for everybody that I can't even get a relationship when REALLY he was fuckboy like what in the hell was I thinking????)
Religious Or Spiritual: um well I did my whole catholic things, but I’m not really religious I’m more into spiritual things
Favorite Color: does rainbow count???? I can’t chose okay?
Average Hours Of Sleep: uuuuuh I dunno maybe 7?
Lucky Number: I don’t have one
Favorite character: I…..have…….too……much
How Many Blankets do you sleep with?: 1
Dream Job: lately I’m feeling something about creating plots for stories games you know , but not author since I’m pretty bad I mean the things that I write are shit
Board games, video games or tabletop games?: video games, even if I play a lot of board games with friends (mostly Cluedo I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Cluedo even if I never won, I also like battleship as a kid I would play it with my dad)
Do you have any OCs? If yes, talk about a couple of them!: ooooh boy, well I’ll give the blogs of some of them instead: ~ @ffxv-swordwoman ~ @crazy-yandere-cupcake ~ @darling-chinese-snow ~ @kyliuarialoo
One thing you wish was canon in a fiction story/fandom?: uuuuuuuuuuuuh really I don’t know maybe Kentin X Alexy in MCL but that won’t happen since Kentin is a LOVE interest and well other than that I don’t know
Favourite thing to draw/ write about/ think about?: the role of my character in a show/book/game……, storys that I could write, NSFW things in general ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The strangest song you like (and a link to it if possible!): uuuuuuuuh let me think for a moment here……..the Baka trio or something from Miku, Teito and was it Neku??? Not sure
A book/story/fanfiction you read recently and would recommend (doesn’t have to be fiction): uuuuuuuh well there’s a lot that I like but well the Kaido Kurahana’s books on wattpad (mostly the DC comics related ones) I’m always exited about having a new chapter to read~ 😍. And well there are a lot of really talented people that I read the books of but I don’t remember they’re name 😕, also there’s a book that we had to read for school that I actually enjoyed for a change it’s Bel-ami from Maupassant and also le combat d'hiver by Jean-Claude Mourlevat which is getting a movie~
And now people to tag, people to tag meh: - @chelseyjohnsonconceptdesign - @too-many-goddamn-fandoms - @brocolli-butler - @pinebrittany - @venuspisces90 - @cantchoosejustonefandom - @bluefwoosh - @indigopurpure
Meh and people that wanna do it? 😀
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