#v: galarian vacation
schattenfanger · 2 years
in his attempt at the galar gym challenge, michael lost to every gym leader at least once. but every time he came back with a greater determination and new tactics to win
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“that not-mareep. it’s so fluffy. i want to hug it.” he’s pointing at a wooloo. in his defense, this is his first time in galar. no one warned him about soft and fluffy pokemon. “will it let me hug it or will i get electrocuted.”
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Mmm. How about kid fan reader for some of the Galar Gym Leaders? (Milo, Kabu, Allister) Probably from a different region and became a fan from watching their battles. Kid finally gets the chance to meet their idols so they show the gym leaders their ace partner. Sceptile for Milo, Heatmor for Kabu, and Alolan Marowak for Allister. Maybe the fan even asks for a battle?
(Dunno if you do requests for Milo and Allister, I’m kinda new to your tumblr. If not that’s fine. Could you please do Kabu at least?)
awww, cute little kiddo fans!!! the best kind of fans!!!
All your life, you had wanted to meet Milo. After seeing videos of the various Galar gym leaders on the internet, you and your Sceptile, then a Treeko, were both hooked. You liked Milo from the get go, as he specialized in grass types, like your favorite ace at your side. He inspired you both to do your best, despite grass types having so many type disadvantages. You become stronger together, and for your birthday, your parents surprise you with tickets to Galar to witness the Galarian Star Tournament
You fly to Galar with Sceptile and your parents, and attend the tournament together. It's incredible, everything you wanted it to be. You have a blast cheering Milo on, even if he doesn't win the tournament. And as you're winding down from the excitement, your parents surprise you yet again with VIP tickets to actually meet Milo. And you nearly faint.
Milo, honestly, is a tad surprised by how wound up you are by meeting him. Your eyes shine with stars as you shake his hands, shyly introducing yourself and your Sceptile before falling into a rambling mess of telling him how he's your hero. Milo laughs, touched and endeared by your cute adoration, and lifts you up onto his arm for a picture. You look so happy, and you hug his neck so tight, giving Milo a high to ride for the next month. He loves meeting little fans like you
Kabu has always been your favorite gym leader, ever since you understood what a gym leader was. You saw how cool and calm and confident he was, despite being older than most everyone that took on the Galar gym challenge, and you wanted to be just like him as an adult. And now, as you nervously wait for the chance to meet the man himself, you worry about annoying him by being too enthusiastic or annoying. Heatmor is the only one keeping you from folding under the anticipation of meeting your hero
As Kabu approaches the small crowd of people waiting to meet and take pictures, he notices you cower behind your guardian, your Heatmor trying to soothe you. He goes through the other people there first, waiting to see if you'll approach on your own, but you only seem to grow more shy. So, once you become the last to remain, Kabu approaches you himself
He introduces himself, and you quietly do the same, telling Kabu that you and your Heatmor really look up to Kabu and his skills. Kabu kneels before you, and asks if you want to battle him, one v one. The shock on your face is cute, but you sheepishly agree as Heatmor shoots a burst of fire in excitement. The battle is intense, and you nearly explode from the joy and giddiness, racing to hug Kabu in the rush of your emotions. And Kabu cradles the back of your head, smiling down at you, glad he got the chance to meet you
You've admired Allister since he became a gym leader not too long ago. He's your age, and he's a gym leader! You think he's super cool, as does your partner Pokémon, Marowak. You both are desperate to meet Allister, battle him and get ideas on how to become stronger yourselves. So when your parents reveal that your next vacation will be to Galar, you and Marowak have a celebration, planning on how to meet Allister
You meet him unintentionally. Marowak wants to visit the nearby graveyard to dance beneath the moonlight and mourn the fallen comrades he knew before he met and joined you. But as you approach, you see various Gastly and Haunters floating about, snickering. The closer you get, the more evident it gets that they're surrounding a person. Allister.
You're both surprised to see the other, but you take advantage of the happy accident. Allister jolts from your excited introduction, flustered by your endless stream of praise and admiration. He's meek at first, but your Marowak intrigues him. So with the encouragement of his ghost Pokémon, he sits with you and shyly talks with you, so overwhelmed by the fact he has a fan, and one his age! Maybe you both could be. . . friends?
ta da! i hope i did your request justice!!
have a great night!!
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schattenfanger · 2 years
swsh verse: he’s absolutely an underdog in the competition - not just because he’s from out of region, but because he actually loses his first few gym matches. he’s having to adapt to a region he doesn’t know and a battle style that doesn’t match what he’s used to. but once he’s got it, he’s a force to be reckoned with, even though he loses in the championship cup to hop.
he also 100% got lost in the wild area and needed to be led out to the right spot.
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schattenfanger · 2 years
Michael’s endorsement to enter the Galar League came from Professor Magnolia - as a favor to Professor Krane. He got his very first Pokedex from her too - though he received it directly from Sonia.
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schattenfanger · 2 years
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“. . .”
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schattenfanger · 2 years
presses his face into wooloo
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“so soft.”
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schattenfanger · 2 years
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he lost to allister. he would like to stop losing to gym leaders.
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schattenfanger · 2 years
michael involved himself in the events around the darkest day. how could he not, when it came down to it? he’d been happy to watch the final match and just enjoy the day but when everything went down, he was among the people fighting the macro cosmos workers to buy time for the people stopping the actual crisis.
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schattenfanger · 2 years
michael’s swsh verse!!!
michael was sent on an extended vacation to relax for the first time in ages. professor krane had messaged a contact and got him an endorsement to join the gym challenge. he only brought eevee with him. it took him a while to adjust to single battles, but it was a nice having a chance to change up his style. he made it up to the champion’s cup before being defeated in the first round. still - it got him away and having fun for the first time in a long time without worrying about anything related to shadow pokemon.
he never remembers to dynamax though.
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michael’s swsh verse!!!
michael was sent on an extended vacation to relax for the first time in ages. professor krane had messaged a contact and got him an endorsement to join the gym challenge. he only brought eevee with him. it took him a while to adjust to single battles, but it was a nice having a chance to change up his style. he made it up to the champion’s cup before being defeated in the first round. still - it got him away and having fun for the first time in a long time without worrying about anything related to shadow pokemon.
he never remembers to dynamax though.
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Michael’s endorsement to enter the Galar League came from Professor Magnolia - as a favor to Professor Krane. He got his very first Pokedex from her too - though he received it directly from Sonia.
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i want to write swsh verse michael so. starter call for that!
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more thoughts on swsh verse michael because he’s living rent free in my head! while he takes the gym challenge seriously, he’s also probably one of the people having the most fun with it. his goal isn’t to become champion, he doesn’t expect to get to that point, and so he can just. relax. away from orre, away from his search for shadow pokemon and the remnants of cipher that’s been his entire life since he was ten.
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