#cause also a child of a life/grow deity
Majora's Mask and what it means to be grown up
(aka my collected analysis of the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask)
I will say that generally I don't think Termina is purgatory, or a dream, or anything like that. To me, Termina is kind of like a Silent Hill type parallel world, where you face your deepest traumas.
First, the parallels between Majora's Mask, and the child section of Ocarina of Time.
The first dungeon for both games is in a vast wooded area, there are woodland races inhabiting both areas, the Kokiri for Ocarina of Time, and the Deku for Majora's mask. The second dungeon is in a great mountain, inhabited by the Gorons. The third dungeon is in a vast body of water, inhabited by the Zora.
Then, things split. After Jabu Jabu, Link becomes an adult. After Great Bay, there's Ikana Canyon. A land of nothing but Death.
Who caused the death of Ikana? Who else but the king, Igo Du Ikana. Ikana was plunged into disrepair, after Igos started a war with a clan of Ninjas, to receive a powerful artifact, in a great and mysterious temple. Sound familiar? It should, this is exactly what Ganondorf did, after Link was sealed away for seven years. But Ganondorf was successful.
But Ikana isn't completely occupied by the dead, no. Pamela remains, with her father, turned into an undead monster. Much like Sheik, the last Sheikah, who is revealed to be Zelda. And her father? He's never seen, but I'd imagine it would be easy enough for Ganondorf to become king, if the other one was no longer around. From a man, to a corpse.
So, if Ganondorf is a parallel to Igos, and Zelda is a parallel to Pamela, what about Link? He's a little different. I believe that, along with Kafei and Tingle, all three of the transformation masks are a representation of Link, and his feelings towards being forced to grow up.
Tingle is, as we know, a 35 year old man who thinks he's a fairy boy. Similar to how link was a 10 year old boy, who thought he was a fairy boy. I believe Tingle is a reflection of what Link could have been if he never left Kokiri Forest. An adult hylian man, thinking he's a Kokiri.
On the contrary, Kafei is distraught at the idea of becoming a child again. He's weaker, he can't marry his fiancee, and everyone treats him like well, a child, despite his maturity. I believe this is how Link feels after becoming a child again. He used to be a strong adult, and even if he's not as mature as Kafei, he still went through a lot, and knows a lot more about life now. Kafei even reuses Link's model and animations.
There's a reoccurring theme in Ocarina of Time where Link just doesn't belong anywhere he goes. He's an outsider to the other races, because he's a hylian, but he's also an outsider to the hylians, because he was raised as a Kokiri. I think the transformation masks reflect that.
The Deku Butler's Son is what he could have been as a Kokiri. He could have been a happy little boy, living with his father, and his community. But Link and the Deku butler's son both left home to explore, and as far as both the Kokiri and the Deku are concerned, neither came back.
Darmani is what he could have been as a Goron. A powerful hero to the Gorons, celebrated by them for clearing Dodongo's Cavern. A close link between the goron elder, Darunia, and their sons. Both him and Link remain after death, lamenting on their histories as heros.
Mikau is what he could have been as a Zora. Maybe not a cool as hell guitarist, but a husband to Ruto, and Prince of the Zora Who would stop at nothing to keep her happy and safe, like infiltrating a fortress, or climbing inside of a whale.
Even the Fierce Deity is just Link, but back as an adult. As if so much changed so rapidly, he felt like he transformed into something less like himself, and more like a powerful god. He could have continued being strong, and powerful, the defeater of Ganon, but he had to become a child again. He has to stay as a small, and unknown child.
The ages of the masks even match the human life cycle. According to the debug menu (and if you subscribe to the theory that Link and DBS's ages were swapped), DBS is 5, Link is 12, Darmani is 30, Mikau is 78, and, Fierce Deity is 17, likely due to his model being recycled from adult Link's. Link starts the game in the body of a 5 year old, then a 12 year old, then a 30 year old, then a 72 year old, and finally, a God.
We don't exactly know how Link feels. But I can't imagine it would be easy to go from a child, with no concept of death, to be thrust into a position where he's forced to fight and kill an adult man so much stronger than he is. And then everything was just reversed. Like that. As if it never happened. And only Link remembers the impending doom he faced. All he can do is remember Ganondorf's reign. Almost like he's reliving the same few days, again, and again, and again.
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yinyuedijun · 1 month
bofurin trio in feudal japan | youkai au
inuyasha-esque au featuring the wbk characters as youkai and other feudal era figures. I watched too much inuyasha as a child and you can tell lol
kitsune!suo x fem!reader hcs here
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sakura haruka | nekomata-possessed human
→ a nekomata possessed him while he was still in the womb. its memories are gone, but its powers remained. consequently, sakura was born as a human with nekomata features (including his black & white hair, superhuman strength, and a tendency to severely misbehave).
→ he can switch completely between forms. he cannot shift into the form of another human or radically change his human appearance, however.
→ he tends to prefer existing in his human form. (If he spends too long in his nekomata form, he becomes afraid that he'll forget how to be a human and permanently stay a monster.)
→ when he gets embarrassed or very emotional, his ears and two tails come out.
→ suo teases him a lot for this and will try to provoke it as much as possible lmao. he likes to offer sakura towels and ask him to dance whenever his tails are out. (the first time this happened, sakura tried to maul him lol)
→ growing up, sakura was referred to as a "demon child" and ostracized his whole life. after a demon attack on their village, sakura was blamed and his parents were killed for having given birth to him. he escaped to the mountains (where nekomata tend to hide) and lived mostly as a cat for some time before re-entering human society due to nirei.
→ this is why he's so poorly socialized and literally has feral cat energy btw lol
→ misses and longs for human connection, but is also afraid of it!
→ hates vegetables because he is a cat, likes meat because he is a cat, and likes eggs because his mom used to cook them a lot.
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art by yoshitaka amano
nirei akihiro | human onmyouji
→ an onmyouji related by blood to the abe clan. originally a young and talented officer working at the bureau of onmyou, he became frustrated (frightened) with its politics and left for the private sector. he loses the court official hat, but he keeps the clothes because I think they're pretty 👍
→ his talents mainly lie in astronomy, divination, and calendar-making. very analytical stuff!
→ due to his family having been affected by disease spirits when he was younger, he has a strong wish to become skilled in exorcisms and always attempts to engage with evil spirits and demons to build experience.
→ chronicles his encounters with the supernatural, at first for his own learning, but now because he wants to put together a publication to help others interested in recognising supernatural phenomena and understanding common exorcism practices.
→ at some point, nirei was privately contracted to perform a purification ritual at a small mountain village. he heard stories about a boar demon that had been causing problems, so he went to go search for it, and it nearly killed him. sakura (living in his nekomata form) happened to be nearby at this time and saved him. he expected nirei to try to attack him or run at this point, but nirei instead tried to communicate with sakura, despite his monstrous appearance.
→ upon realising that sakura could actually adopt a human form, nirei convinced him to go back to the mountain village with him by offering to treat him to oyakodon.
→ the villagers were somewhat frightened by his appearance, but warmed up when nirei explained that sakura had killed the boar.
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pictured above are japanese works depicting kitsune, which suo would be considered, but some of the below is influenced by lore regarding the related chinese myth of the huli jing
suo hayato | nine-tailed fox spirit
→ a nine-tailed fox spirit who was originally quite powerful; however, his hoshi no tama was stolen in a fight with a demon, which left him weak and nearly dead.
→ after these events, took refuge in a village with an inari shrine and acted as their guardian deity for some time as an act of gratitude.
→ having lost his hoshi no tama, suo's powers are now limited but still substantial. notably, he can still shapeshift freely between a number of forms—his original form of the common fox, different human appearances, etc.—but he cannot adopt his true form of a giant nine-tailed fox.
→ in his typical disguise, he is indistinguishable from regular humans. however, if you manage to catch his shadow in the light of a full moon, it reveals his true ears and nine tails. (based on this art!)
→ his disguises are otherwise so skilled that even other youkai and animals have difficulty recognising him. however, all dogs can sense fox spirits and are consequently terrified of suo. suo, himself, prefers not to interact with dogs.
→ while sakura did not immediately recognize suo as a youkai, he correctly identified him as a shitty person at his core (lol) and was later unsurprised to learn that suo was a kitsune. ("oh, the worst kind of demon.")
→ on the other hand, suo immediately recognized that sakura was a nekomata lol
→ being a fox spirit, suo is quite skilled in jujutsu and eventually trains nirei in exorcisms and/or demon extermination techniques.
→ sakura has a preference to travel and hunt demons at night, partly because there are fewer people around to make a spectacle of him, and partly because it's just his inclination as a cat. since nirei is a human and cannot see well in the dark (unlike his two youkai companions), suo lights up mountain pathways with kitsunebi to allow nirei to see.
→ in addition to enjoying tea and sweets, suo likes aburaage (since he is a fox spirit). if you offer aburaage to the kami at a shrine, there's a 9/10 chance that suo will come by and eat it before any of inari's actual messengers can visit.
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quetzalpapalotl · 3 months
For my like 10 followers that aren't into Transformers, here is a list of things that are totally canon for the IDW Transformers comics (2005-2018):
Two guys had a meetcute in the morgue of an euthanasia clinic because one guy wanted to kill himself and the other was looking for his dissappeared husband among the corpses. They get married. They seemingly don't talk about what they're going to do once they find the second guy's husband that they're still looking for. The suicidal guy has had other 3 husbands but he erased his memory of that because he's bad at dealing with grief.
The suicidal guy's ex (not one of his dead husbands) is the Autobot second-in-command and had a pet mad scientists that made him war crime machines. They ended up invented the concept of having a child, but then the Autobot SIC had the scientist thrown into the torment nexus because he felt bad about doing war crimes and wahted to stop. He didn't actually stop doing war crimes.
Optimus Prime annexes Earth.
A guy invents time travel to save his unrequited crush's life
God is a real person but he's not actually a deity and is currently a therapist whose license was revoked for getting unprofessionally close to his patients. Everyone who knew his license was revoked died so he just kept on practicing.
Optimus Prime pretends to be havig divinely-inspired visions to get out of situations.
Tumblr exists in-universe.
There's a guy named Centurion who was made to think he's Bumblebee because when his ship crashed a scientist brainwashed them into thinking they were classic Transformers characters to see what happens. Thousands of years later he gets involved in human wars and remembers he's not Bumblebee. He develops a self hatred so great he lets a G.I. Joe villian use him for his schemes. Centurion then has his consciousness fused with a human named Mike Power and lives perpetually with the biggest identity crisis of history.
Another guy also had his memories messed with and has lived multiple human lives (he may be Gilgamesh) when he's actually a Transformer secret agent. He's overcoming his own identity crisis through the power of sheer vanity. He also owns the in-universe equivalent of Facebook and Apple.
On at least 3 occasions Transformers used another Transformer's corpse as a vehicle. And on 1 occasion they used a corpse as a replacement limb (the guys alternate mode was a leg)
The Transformers on planet Cybertron at some point forgot that gender is a thing. There are lost colonies from before this so gender is still a thing in those.
One of those cybertronian colonies sends a delegate after millennia of absence and her bodyguard hates the place so much she causes a terrorist attack just as an excuse to go home, people die. The delegate was like "that was bad but we can move past this" and forgives her.
The Decepticons rewired their own soldiers into bombs and dropped them on people.
The Decepticons also rewired Autobots into anti-personnel live mines that would explode when they good too stressed and needed to be handled by people that could defuse them while keeping them calm.
Transformers are allergic to magic.
A guy has a fanzine dedicated to the Autobot Black-ops where he writes fanfiction. It's so popular multiple people are on a mailing list to have it downloaded directly to their brains when a new issue comes out.
A Decepticon's plan to deal with population decline is to make a bunch of organic babies, have them grow up and make more babies and then transplant their souls to Transformers bodies. He got as far as growing one (1) baby. Tbh, you could erase this whole plot and the story wouldn't suffer much.
Starscream who is a backstabbing liar who cares only for himself becomes president. He routinely neglects and endangers the population for his own ends. He was the best leader Cybertron ever had at the time.
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talonabraxas · 29 days
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Lord Surya ☀️ Talon Abraxas
Lord Surya is the chief of the Navagraha, the nine Indian Classical planets and important elements of Hindu astrology. He is often depicted riding a chariot harnessed by seven horses which might represent the seven colors of the rainbow or the seven chakras in the human body. He is also the presiding deity of Sunday. Surya is regarded as the Supreme Deity by Saura sect and Smartas worship him as one of the five primary forms of God.
Surya or the sun, often identified with Aditya, Savitr and Pusan, is another important Vedic deity. He is compared to a bird that flies in the sky and is described as the jewel of the sky. He gives light, produces day and night, gives power and strength to the living beings, makes them active and destroys their laziness and disease.
Surya had three wives, namely, Sharanya (also called Saraniya, Saranyu, Sanjana or Sangya), Ragyi and Prabha. Saranyu was the mother of Vaivasvata Manu (the seventh, i.e., present Manu) and the twins Yama (the Lord of Death) and his sister Yami. She also bore him the twins known as the Ashvins, divine horsemen and physicians to the Devas. Saranyu, being unable to bear the extreme radiance of Surya, created a superficial entity from her shadow called Chhaya and instructed her to act as Surya’s wife in her absence. Chhaya mothered two sons Savarni Manu (the eighth, i.e., next Manu) and Shani (the planet Saturn), and two daughters, Tapti and Vishti. He has two more sons, Revanta or Raivata with Ragyi, and Prabhata with Prabha. Surya is the father of the famous tragic hero Karna, described in the Indian epic Mahabharata, by a human princess named Kunti.
Surya’s sons, Shani and Yama, are responsible for the judgment of human life. Shani provides the results of one’s deeds during one’s life through appropriate punishments and rewards while Yama grants the results of one’s deeds after death.
Karna from the Mahabharata is also believed to be a son of Lord Surya.
Different Names Of Lord Surya
Lord Surya is hailed by 108 names – Surya Ashtottara Shatnamavali. The commonest among them are Aditya, Adideva, Angaraka, Arka, Bhaga, Brahma, Dhanwantari, Dharmadhwaja, Dhatri, Dhumaketu, Indra, Jaya, Maitreya, Prabhakara, Ravi, Rudra, Savitri, Soma, Teja, Vaisravana, Vanhi, Varun and Vishnu.
Lord Surya in Hindu Scriptures
In the Ramayana, Surya is described as father of the King Sugriva, who helped Rama and Lakshmana in defeating the demon king Ravana. He also trains Hanuman. The Suryavanshi dynasty of kings, Rama being one of them, also claims descent from Surya.
In the Mahabharata, Princess Kunti receives instruction for a mantra from the sage Durvasa; by reciting which, she would be able to summon any god and bear a child by him. Incredulous of the power of this mantra, Kunti unwittingly tests it on Surya, but when Surya appears, she gets scared and requests him to go back. However, Surya has an obligation to fulfill the mantra before returning. Surya miraculously causes Kunti to bear the child immediately whilst retaining her virginity so that she, as an unmarried princess, need not face any embarrassment or be subjected to questions from society. Kunti feels compelled to abandon the child, Karna, who grows up to become one of the central characters in the great battle of Kurukshetra.
In astrology
In Vedic astrology Surya is considered a mild malefic on account of his hot, dry nature. Surya represents soul, will-power, fame, the eyes, general vitality, courage, kingship, father, highly placed persons and authority. He is exalted in the sign Mesha, is in mulatrikona in the sign Simha and is in debilitation in the sign Tula. Surya is lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha. Surya has the following associations: the colors – copper or red, the metals – gold or brass, the gemstone – ruby, the direction – east and the season of summer. The food grain associated with him is wheat.
Surya Mantra
Surya mantra in Vedic astrology is the ultimate mantra to please Surya Deva. It helps people get rid of all kinds of diseases and gain mental and physical strength along with happiness and well-being. Chanting Surya Mantra daily shall also help the people attain prosperity and abundance. Not only does it develop a sense of assurance in the people, but also, helps overcome self-doubts and other mental distress.
The Surya mantra is:
।। नमः सूर्याय शान्ताय सर्वरोग निवारिणे आयुररोग्य मैस्वैर्यं देहि देवः जगत्पते ।।
Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine, Ayurarogya Maisvairyam Dehi Devah Jagatpate
Meaning- Surya Deva, ruler of the Universe, you are the remover of all diseases, the repository of peace. I bow to you, and please bless your devotees with long life, health, and wealth.
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nunezs-stuff · 6 months
Sister Rosa/Athena
also big thanks to to my friend at cypriathus for the help
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She was a child born in the times before modern technology and when the radio was created
Unfortunately she was born into a heavily sheltered and religious cult
Her father unfortunately forced himself onto his wife which resulted in an unwanted birth which made Athena
They named her that after Zeus's daughter since they were told by The Cult that their daughter would be spared from the sins they committed
During her time in the Colt she was often forced into meetings with families in the cold that wanted to possibly marry her off to their sons she declined each and everyone of them
But unfortunately her mother found a boy that she really liked and wanted her daughter to marry no matter what she said she was forced into the marriage at a young age like her father the boy was rather abusive he would grab her hair and try to touch her even though she didn't like to be touched and even if she told her parents she would often be told boys will be boys which pissed her off the one snowy night she ended up running off into the snowy Woods on the night before her wedding while she was
running through the woods while she was running in the woods she ended up being chased down by a wolf that tried to eat her out of starvation it ended up tearing some flesh off of her leg which caused her to scream and push the wolf away before the wolf tried again she managed to get her hands on a big rock and hit it on the head and kill it she ended up passing out from blood loss just to wake up in a pink bed with walls that had roses engraved on it and that was the day she found her true home and father
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She's a no-nosense kind of gal
She strongly dislikes pranks and crude jokes
She worried about the well-being of Father Demaryius
She constantly ensures that her father is mentally well and she's not afraid to drag him by the leg to get him to rest and
She despises Traders and people that blatantly support the deities who betrayed father Demaryius
She can be quite tender compassionate and motherly especially towards the children with the most trauma but she's not afraid to act cruel and ruthless for her family and to get a mission done
Any child that father Demaryius brings home she welcome stem with open arms
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She knows the black puppets are the ones who take care of the children since but she wanted to have them grow independency with the teenagers and the 12-year-olds on Homeworld she taught them how to clean cook and rely on themselves even Demaryius instilled that ideology and because of her poor experience with men she make sure that both girls and boys are raised right and respect each and with the older adults like her they also help out around Homeworld she also taught all the children how to plant and grow food
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When Rosa was growing up on Homeworld Demaryius changed her name because she was named after the daughter of Zeus and he didn't like that name at all so he changed her name to Rosa both because of her birthmark on her stomach and because the name fit her better and when she was still little
she actually ended up getting a fatal illness that had no cure and so father Demaryius gave her some of his blood which
But it's physical defects and made her skin sickly pale
It made her birthmark that was once pink into a maroon color
It also changed her once red hair to blonde
And her eyes to a yellowish brown color and gave her any more to life and
She doesn't know how old she was when she was brought to Homeworld but she knew she was a child now she is an adult
And she looks around the ages to 20 to 21
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When she leaves Homeworld
It's either for Missions or to pick up some supplies
When it isn't for either of those it's just for her personal fun
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What if Time’s child grew up with an…‘imaginary friend.’ A friend who took the form of a huge white wolf with eyes as milky as the moon’s surface and strangely familiar red and blue markings.
Time didn’t know why his infant would be giggling in their crib, arms out stretched to the cloud filled sky, as if playing with the rays of moonlight filtered through the dark clouds. He, being the paranoid man he was, got unsettled by this and was quick to add shutters to the window that hung over his child’s crib in hopes…in hopes his child wouldnt be playing with the moon?
Malon gently teased him for his protectiveness, reassuring him that it was normal for children to come up with imaginary friends to play with.
And while that did calm Time’s restless mind for awhile, he soon began to question how and why an infant was making such concepts. Imaginary friends were made out of loneliness or boredom, but his child wasn’t even old enough to walk yet!
But as his child grew and grew and their…nightly habit of giggling with the moon didn’t go away, Time was positive something had taken an interest in his child. The idea made his blood run hot and cold at the same time, causing a shiver to run down his spine.
As Time works out to find what dared to latch onto his child, that ‘imaginary wolf’ sits with the hero’s child and keeps them save.
Just because his physical form was stuck within that mask did not mean the deity couldn’t extend his aura. And how couldn’t he at the cries of a newborn, at the joyful tears of his wielder, at the sounds of a family he never had.
The wolf watches the hero pace back and forth, tome in hand with tiny reading glasses resting again his strong nose. He knows his wielder will find out eventually. The deity can only hope he’ll be understanding.
my addition is beneath the cut
So like, what are the dreams like😭😭😭
Because I’m imagining Time’s kid riding on the back of Fierce’s wolf like a cowboy-
The image is actually amazing🥰🥰🥰
I’m going to name the kid Elias because saying “the kid” over and over again suck(it also might become my preferred name soon but I didn’t say that)
Let’s say that Elias goes into depth about those dreams when they are a teenager. Like full detail
And Time is sitting there, listening, like 🤨
And so Elias is like, “Well, we like going on adventures. He said that those adventures were actually his memories, which I think is cool…I did get to fight gods in the moon once”
And so Time freezes and is like 😤🙂 and like trying to keep his cool, but he is flipping the fuck out
And Time ends the conversation with, “Let me know if you two go on any more…adventures, yeah?”
Then Elias continues on with their life. They keep having the dreams and Time learns, through Elias’s descriptions of the dreams, the Fierce is holding the team on his shoulders because Elias is just watching Fierce fight the whole time.
Cut to the inevitable “I wanna be a knight when I grow up” and so, Time decides that he’d train his child swordsmanship.
He isn’t really surprised when he finds that Elias appears to be fairly trained enough to judo flip his own father.
Time lost the sparring match and swears that it’s because he’s old.
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h-nger · 6 days
FIG. ¹ㅤㅤ* MODERN V: ETC . . .
AGE ) 59
though he is a bit consistently off his rocker, he's made a normal life for himself. being the only child of his family to put himself through school and become accomplished. having written an entire book on his theories and finding whilst exploring.
born as the second child in his own family he naturally was born with a drive . he was naturally gifted in his youth, studious . with the strides being taken towards space travel simon took on the noble mission of discovering the losg history of his home town . though his childhood was normal, sometime november after finishing freshman year he left his home to assist his grandfather with an exhibit he own . the man whomst also shared his love of ancient artifacts.
as much as he loved the town, simon had noticed the eeriness to it + briefly investigated , though found it to be a waste of time . that was , until more hotel guests , campers , town residents went missin. though it wasn't supposed to be his main focus, his obsession with uncovering the truth overtook his life. causing his graduation progress to become momentarily derailed.
months of investigation uncovers evidence that the town itself held more stories of artifacts then any other place in the world. furthering suspicions uncovered a conspiracy of the police alongside the town’s mayor + secretary , + many townsfolk + business owners all in cahoots within a cult that worshipped a god named golb . a god similar to the zoroastrian anti-god angra mainyu in that he is a deity - like figure symbolizing evil and chaos as well as essentially idiotic . any person in a place of power was within this cult .
he meets a girl named betty grof, someone who's father was inheritantly involved heavily with the cult . it takes months, collecting evidence before the people involved are promptly taken care of. eventually simon is able to move back home, finishing school and throwing himself into archeology fully . he graduates with his degree two years early writing his book a little after that . though everyone assumes he's insane, all except betty who actually bought his book. meeting him again during one of his lectures asking for him to sign it.
the two grow closer overtime, their expeditions of actually known artifacts and research papers being well regarded . after proposing at 35 years old, the couple wanted to celebrate with the one thing they both enjoy . they travel to that town again in search of the the ice king's crown which is said to be a magical artifact crafted by the ice deity urgence evergreen with the function to grant its wearer their deepest wish .
but it goes wrong, they did successfully find it but the ex deity had cursed it . unbelieving and humans were worthy the wearer no matter who would be consider3 full of greed causing them to become fused for all eternity with the previously mentioned golb . before he could think she'd already put the crown on, and that's all he remembers .
he throws himself into his research . a way to be summoned before the god to hopefully revert her back to herself . during one of his expeditions he meets a girl, marceline . abandoned after her parents whom were highly involved in the previous cult were apprehended . he took it upon himself to adopt her, becoming a surrogate father to her in the process .
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immersilly · 5 months
摸門釘 [Ena Sekiro Lore]
Please do NOT heavily reference your own works using mine :)!
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Tbhk oc lore made by me, i might alter it again idk. enjoy i guess, i dont know why anyone would want to read this lol
background/ lore information for Ena Sekiro and 'The Mother of Supernaturals' Suzuna
Background info-
Birth place: Kokuren village/clan
• Village that follows 'olden ways' and did not modernize with society
• In far mountains
Old folk lore speaks of a demon who had plagued their village for centuries, consuming and devouring its people, people could not leave the town, out of fear. One day an "angel" falls from the heavens to Kokuren village the angel and the demon fight and in the end, both die
• Their fight leads to the growth of black lotus flowers.
• Rumor has it that one day a child of sin would be born and the demon would reincarnate from that child and ruin the village once more
• The angel would be worshiped like a deity
• While the village no longer was isolated/ unable to explore, it was still taboo to leave or explore the world
• Had connections to surrounding clans including Minamoto clan
• Black lotus would be experimented and used for rituals or spiritual/religious things relating to the angel and the demon
Black lotus info:
• They cannot be grown artificially; they only grow in the village, how they keep spreading is unknown
• Only grow naturally around the village, grow in big cluster where it was assumed the demon and angel had died together
• The flowers seem to live forever, or a really long time
• The black lotus is extremely poisonous, simply touching it can cause irritation to the skin. Consuming it could altogether just kill a person. But mainly dulls/ weakens consumer's senses
Family background-
-(Ena's Mom)
A married woman and her husband live together in Kokuren village.
        • The wife happens to study the black lotus. Also happened to often assist the uses of black lotus in         rituals etc.
        • Considered important woman who is respected by others
        • One day she meets an injured fangxiangshi (chinese excorsist)
        • He is a wanderer who does as he pleases, originally going to Japan to meet with a Japanese excorsist         (assumed to be head of minamoto clan) but gets into a complication with a apparition and ends up         dragged near the village
        • He's a womanizer 💀 very bad.
        • She is cautious if him since he's an outsider, but she helps him none the less.
        • The two end up having an affair and he ends up leaving
-(Ena's Dad)
A fangxiangshi of an honorable family who decided to travel the world for a sense of freedom, leaving all his responsibilities behind.
        •despite his layed back, womanizing behavior, he is still in fact a powerful exorcist
When Hiromu was born, he looked exactly like his father, the same brown hair and greyish purple eyes, traits neither his mother or his mother's husband had.  With Kokuren's traditional customs, the idea of affairs were frowned upon, especially from someone with her reputation as scientist (studying the black lotus).
To save face, his mother claims that the rumors of the reincarnation of the demon are true and she is a victim of it all. 
Hiromu is promptly caged and isolated from other children and citizens as a whole. His mother take the position of 'studying' him since she studied the black lotus. For the first few years of Hiromu's life his mother would briefly care for him whenever it was necessary and spend the rest of her time with her black lotus study. The whole reincarnation ploy was a ruse of course-
It would not stay that way. There was of course suspicion from other villagers that the baby was actually the result of an affair, but those rumors were originally rare due to Hiromu's mother's position, there was no reason for her to lie. Seeing how she was willing to spare the child and study it instead of immediately killing it made people suspicious. 
Hiromu's mother tried her hardest to refute these rumors the harsher and more popular this rumor of her affair got. She cared deeply for her position and her reputation. If she was shamed and found out what she did she would no longer be allowed her job of studying lotus along with the tarnished reputation. She would become so committed to denying the affair claims she started to genuinely believing she didn't have an affair. 
Eventually a psychic would be hired to examine Hiromu when he turned 5. By then he was locked up in an isolated shed. The Psychic confirms that there is something wrong with his energy. She says there is a dark spiritual energy that emanates from him that would be difficult for low level exorcists to expel or even sense. After her vision, she take her money for the job and leaves. 
With this now confirmed Hiromu's mother, who already begun believing her own delusions full on believed it was not her fault at all. Her son was cursed by the legend of a demon and she was the poor victim. 
Soon after she left, sightings of supernatural creatures and occurrences begun on the rise. Hiromu's 'awakening demon presence' was to blame according to the villagers. 
Little did the village know, the psychic was a fraud/scammer who only spoke what would benefit her. She assumed eventually she would be called back to exorcize the child herself after her claim that weaklings couldn't sense the dark aura and planting a supernatural charm on him to attract supernatural to him, causing more of a stir. Her hopes of being called back for another job for the village failed. 
With the confirmation that Hiromu is in fact the incarnate of the demon who destroyed their village that chief takes matters into his own hands. Hiromu's identity is announced to the whole village (reminder he is still just a child). Instead of immediately killing him, they use his body as a sacrifice/tool for their rituals, giving to the angel who protecting them centuries ago. 
Hiromu had his canines' shaves flat and nails partially removed in order 'to disarm the demon' he was to be locked away and only let out when he was needed in a ceremony, ritual or any event giving to the angel. He was forced to drink a liquid made of the black lotus his mother was in charge of studying daily. While not shown, Hiromu would describe the ceremonies and rituals as painful ripping and tearing apart of his limbs into the bleeding was no more. The Black lotus liquid itself tasting detestable, it pained his organs and every movement, but the pain overtook any other feeling. 
Other than the ceremonies, early on, while he was more able bodied, he would attempt to escape many times. All attempts would fail and end with him being dragged back to where he started. When he was locked up he would spend his time counting, the only thing he really knew how to do. 
Eventually a woman in the village had enough of the treatment of the child and attempted to help him escape. Letting him out of his cell, she ran with him into the forest, hoping to find a way out, somewhere he would be safe from the hell he knew as home-. She would fail and die, being slaughtered by an apparition attracted to the charm tagged to Hiromu himself. Hiromu on the other hand would survive. After watching the woman be eaten, he would be saved by a Minamoto child, Teru Minamoto. 
Taken back home, nothing would come of this interaction. Teru's visits would increase with the number of apparitions. Kokuren would be used as a sort of warming up training ground with the increased amount of apparitions it summoned. The chief would not inform Teru nor his instructor of the 'demon' and the villagers were ordered not to say a word. (Minamoto clan would eventually stop their training visits and offer talisman that would protect the village. without knowledge of the shed, it would not be protected) 
Hiromu's attempts to escape would come to a stop after the woman's death. 
One day after a ceremony left him in severe condition he would be left lying on the ground in his shed. The effect of every ceremony, ritual, event had worsened his body to a nauseating degree. Parts of his skin were left with dark purple coloration from all the black lotus he had drank, he no longer could taste, or feel anything but that concoction and pain, his sight was degrading and overall might as well have been dead and decomposing. 
After news of a strange energy drawing supernaturals in from the area became known. Suzuna would leave the school and investigate on her own. It would not hurt to try, testing her limit as a lone floating voice would not be bad. If she wanted to gain any strength or resilience she had to start from somewhere. Upon making it to the village after a long walk, she would focus her attention on a shed. A very peculiar shed. Upon investigating she would find a boy. A scrawny, injured, out of place, unsettling to look at boy, but a normal boy in the end. What took her attention was not his horrible state or condition, not even the building. It was his face. He looked strikingly similar to a child she once loved and cared for dearly. 
Horimu is offered help from a mysterious voice coming from a woman. She gives him the choice of rotting away like a corpse, or following her as her assistant. In his eyes she is his savior, the one who will be able to save him. He is desperate for the pain and numbness to end. When he accepts, she 'puts him back together' and helps him escape. 
"you will needs me and me alone, no one else with harm you this way again as long as you obey my every orders. No one else will save you, child" 
From that day forward the rise of supernaturals around Kokuren with cease. 
Suzuna renames Horimu, Ena, after the first child she favored. WHile unable to remove the purple marks on his body or his taste, she was able to remove a majority of his fatigue and physical injuries, she cures his eyesight and makes him able bodied once more.   
Ena would stubble his way out of the forest before passing out. unable to carrying him or anything as only a voice, she could only watch over him. 
A girl passing by on her walk home is alarmed, seeing the passed out boy just laying in the dirt. She picks him up and takes him home. From there she nurses him back to full health. Ena, who cannot speak, read or write, learns most of his academics from the girl. She takes care of him out of worry, he doesn't look from around the city in his attire, and he couldn't even speak to her properly to begin with. Ena is untrusting of her and starts off uncomfortable and cold to her (he literally cannot communicate with her). As time goes on, he begins warming up to her, Suzuna on the other hand urges him to leave. Ena is wary of leaving though, finding comfort in the girl who he was under the care of. This would end poorly, with Suzuna luring a supernatural to her home effectively killing her and her family.  Suzuna blames Ena for the girl's death and urges him to follow orders better or more will die. 
Suzuna guides him back to Kamome Academy, where her real form is able to reside...
currently Ena is Suzuna's asistant; he works to care adn protect the apparitions of Kamome academy in Suzuna's place
Suzuna lore:
"Despite not being an official School Wonder, Suzuna (鈴奈) [known as Lady Suzu or Suzu, or 'The Mother of Supernaturals'] has the respect of most supernatural and other wonders of the school. It's thought that she has been residing here for a long time. She is unofficially titled "Wonder number 0" Suzu sometimes speaks of a time where she once had a body (she's a disembodied voice currently, she is only able to form a false body for herself in a certain small part of the school). No one is sure how it happened, but rumor has it, god had taken away her body as divine punishment."
Suzuna was once a well loved priestess of a shrine (that would later be built over and turned into Kamome Academy). She often watched over the children who visited and aided the elderly. Anyone in her care was surely to feel better. She wore a warm smile and she was always covered or had cherry blossom petals on her uniform and in her hair. She remembered everyone who visited and was sure to greet them is she ever saw them. She acted as a caring warming mother to everyone. She seemed to be an untouchable flawless being who blessed any who came into contact with her. Her favorite was a little girl named Ena who frequently visited her, giving her trinkets and gifts whenever she visited. She treated her Ena as if she were her own daughter. She would give the world for her. They would talk for hours about whatever Ena wanted. 
That is until Ena started drifting away from her one day, she begun to visit less frequently and speak with Suzuna much less. Unknown to Suzuna, Ena was Planning a surprise party for Suzuna's birthday. The thought of losing Ena drove Suzuna mad, during one of Ena's visits leading up to Suzuna's birthday, Suzuna would kill Ena in a fit of frustration. This would quickly be found out by the community and Suzuna would be turned against. She would be dragged out of the shrine she spent her whole life in and burned alive by her favorite cherry blossom tree. 
From this day forward she curses god for the cruel punishment he placed on her for her actions. She hopes for a day where she will be able to enact revenge. 
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It seems our little adventure has come to an end...
What the... Am I dreaming?
Not quite. You are in stasis. An immobile object in a realm incomprehensible to the human mind.
Uh... Ok?
While we are here, what about we chat for a bit? I can tell you some stories. After all, you must be bored, being in an empty space of nothingness after such an adrenaline-filled adventure.
You have met quite a peculiar fate, which could have easily led you to a terrible, terrible demise. But I do not regret sending you to Hisui. After all, if it were not for me it would have just been from someone else. I guess what I am trying to say is life goes on. Well... Well for everyone else life goes on. Not for you... You technically do not exist right now. That is neither here nor there.
It reminds me of one summer day. I was having just a delightful picnic with my child Dialga, and I said to it "Dialga, I have a story."
And it said to me "What's the significance of the story?" and...
I said to him "Child of mine, not every story has to have significance, you know? Sometimes, a story is just a story. You try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says you will just drive yourself crazy. Saw this man from Hisui do it once - Was not pretty. We talked about it for years. And not only that, but you will likely end up believing something you should not believe, thinking something you should not think, or assuming something you should not assume."
Sometimes I said "A story is just a story, so just be quiet for one second in life and eat your sandwich, okay?" Of course, it was only then I realized I had made sandwiches.
Poor Dialga was... having such difficulty eating it. It has no hands, do you recall? It is all feet! And I could not imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet.
But aren't you also a quadruped?
I have thousands of arms.
Now, if I recall correctly there was a bakery nearby. I said to it, "Dialga, let me go get you some rye bread." Now, you must be unsure if the literal deity in control of times enjoys rye bread, but I assure you that Dialga does.
Now this was on a Tuesday, which was good because rye bread was always fresh on Tuesday. They made sourdough bread on Monday, and threw it out Wednesday... or rather they sold it at a discount for people wanting to feed the Pokémon, and probably at the end of the day finally they threw it all out - I do not recall.
I do remember a man who would bring his son to the bakery every Wednesday and go feed the wild Pokémon. He would buy all of the sourdough bread. Of course, you are not supposed to feed the wild ones sourdough bread at all. They are not adapted to such a diet and may grow reliant on humans. You know I have saw this happen myself, and some cases caused a noticeable decrease in population over the course of a few years. I just never thought to stop the man and tell him that he was killing the Pokémon by feeding them sourdough bread! And if you want my opinion on the matter, and I told Dialga this as well - "If you want to feed wild Pokémon,it's best to buy seed and just sneak it into their habitats while they are not looking, preferably in places they would actually look for food."
I mean, when you think about it, breads of any sort do not occur in nature. They do not grow on trees, or spring up from the bushes. I do not think they know what to do with bread. What was I saying?
Oh-oh, yes yes.
So I bought Dialga some rye bread. What a fine day it was.
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
Back to ask for a character ramble! Character of your choice~! (And feel free to let this message sit until you feel like it :) )
OK HI HELLO YOU ARE AWESOME !! I’m taking this card to talk about my oc for the game Touchestarved, Eleanore
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First off I gonna start by saying that a lot of things about her as a character in terms of story or design will depend on the canon of the story. I am taking a lot of liberty and her character will for sure be changed once the game is fully out and we get to learn more about the world-building and the backstories.
Starting with her symbolism: Eleanore is a metaphor for reincarnation and rebirth. One of her associations with reincarnation is her design linked to spring.
Her name Eleanore originates from Ray of light / shining light but her surname Eostre is a direct reference to the deity of reincarnation but also the deity of spring and light.
Her original design was inspired by paintings of medieval maidens mainly those:
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You can sort of see it in her hairstyle when I take the time to draw her well.
Eleanore being associated with spring can also be noticed in the color palette of her design: Green and orange. Green is both a color associated with life and death nevertheless it’s a spring color, the color of a new nature, of grass and trees. However, green is also associated with the concept of jealousy, toxicity, and envy.
Orange is a warm color associated with energy and positivity, it’s also a color you’ll see associated with fruits or flowers. However orange is also a warning color, it grab your attention and can lead you to signs to be alert, it’s a warning. A red flag is here to stop you, an orange flag will warn you of a danger approaching.
She is also inspired by a parasite, the Cuscuta, an orange parasite flower that grow over other plants and drain them. This parasite is referenced with the shape of her marks taking over her body but also the dual color green and orange of the parasite on the host. This is the same reference as another parasite the Aphidoidea.
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I think you can already start seing it from here, but her design is based on a lot of contradiction : in danger but safe / toxique nature.
Her backstory :
This part can be skipped but is really important to understand her as a character and some of her design choices
This part contain trigger such as child abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms, ptsd
Eleanore never got to see what genuine affection is. As far as she can remember her life started when she was already a child, living with her teacher. She knew she was to be studied and so she was, her teacher knew what was best.
She wanted to impress her, make her proud by reading all the books she had in the basement, by being grateful for every minute she was allowed in the garden, not crying when she was stabbed with needles, not being too noisy, not complaining, not refusing. All was for the best, even if she cried and begged to be let out, it was childish tantrums, the days she spent in the cage were simply deserved for all the mess she could cause. Her body was for science, her mind was for knowledge and her feelings were worthless.
Her teacher could be as cruel as she was kind, warmly smiling, dressing her up, taking good care of her. She was so good she even found a way to lift the curse of the young child, or so she was told. It was partially lifted, she was still ill, she still needed to be fixed.
“Tomorrow you’ll be free” “Soon i’ll let you out”, she counted the days with excitement. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months faded into years, so many years that her hope died with what used to be her childhood.
She had let it happen for so long, passive to her feelings, to the pain in her wrists and the rotting of her body. Her beautiful green hair slowly growing with a golden light of orange, everything was changing and looking at what she left herself became hurted. All the magic she had supported changed her, influenced her curse and slowly grew alongside her body.
Marks started to appear on her body and her eyes hurt for so long she thought she was turning blind until it all calmed and she could observe a reflective glow of orange settling on her pupil.
All of this changement scared her, but it couldn’t compare to the fright she felt toward her pleased teacher. When she begged for reassurance all she got was lies she heard thousands of times before. Eleanore realized that she would die in that basement. If she stayed here her curse would never be lifted, worse it would be increased. So for the first time she listened to herself and tried to save her life, Eleanore escaped.
Outside she was like a newborn taking her first steps, failing to grasp the reality she was in, incapable of doing anything by herself. She met people there and there, some kinder than others, toying with the naive girl.
One night she was asked to spend her night with a nice man charmed by her looks. She felt special, never in her life did she experience so much pleasure, so much love and adoration. It was all new and to her standart it was all she could ever ask, be special to someone. She tried to run after the feeling, obsessing with how she could silence the void of her worries when someone was next to her. Why look after yourself when someone else can do much more, when they can make you forget and give you the pleasing affection you cried so much for. Sadly her intensity was not met, it was scary, unhinged, it made love slip like sand between her fingers. She tried, she desperately tried, she felt like death was less painful than being abandoned again. So she continued, running after people to earn crumbs of affection, kneeling, begging for even an instance of love, she took everything she was given, she didn’t deserve it after all.
Love was painful and she would stab herself if it meant she could be loved.
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Still with me ? Yay good !
Deep dive into her design then !
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As stated before her marks are inspired by the thing orange plant parasite that is the Cusuta but some of the shapes are insect-inspired. The lower back shape is inspired by stag beetle horns, where the shape on her shoulder is a visual reference to a beetle opening its wings.
Her eyes are of two separate colors to show she has tapetum lucidum, the layer of the eye that some animal specie which helps them see in the dark but also have a phosphorescent effect that makes the eyes shine in the dark when facing light.
About her hair :
Eleanore’s natural color is green, she realized very late that her green hair will never grow back and this terrifies her. She is scared of letting it go and dosen’t cut her hair anymore wich resulted to the absurd length of her hair. Cutting it would mean letting the past go and she’s too afraid to do it, so she avoid it by improvising. She has a layer of braid under behind her neck to make the volume of hair lighter and more manageable. The green hair that never turned orange are worn in a half crown braid with multiple knots inspired by European medieval folklore hairstyles.
About her clothes :
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The belt is here to make the silhouette of her top looks like the torso of a beetle with a clear separation of the two side, the up and the down. It has a butterfly design at it’s center and beetle design on the top. She wears a blouse inspired by old medical blouse that covered from the tip of the arms to the up of the neck. Her little cape is shaped as to fall like two butterfly wings. She has a perfectly symmetrical design again referencing a beetle top. She wears earthy tones and as much closes possible to hide her marks and limit contact due to her curse.
In conclusion :
Eleanore’s design is entierly based on being a symbole of reincarnation while also being stuck. Just like a butterfly she went trough a long process of physical change that hurted ( caterpillars body melt inside the cocon so they can reconstruct their body as butterfly ), sadly she’s still in her shell.
Incapable of moving on, on accepting the process of moving forward and starting new, she dosen’t let go of the past and still hold into it without confronting it ( keeping her green hair, chasing people’s affection, fall in abusive relationships ).
She has the potential of being the stray of light that will open the new season of spring, but her light is kept hiden under all the suffering she refuse to admit, creating a word of désillusion where she believes her way of acting is normal.
FeW that was long-
Thanks you for taking the time to read all of character explanation about Eleanore. I tried my best to explain the complexity i aimed when working on her, she was based of the concept of life draining parasite and this is how the idea got developed. I am very exited for the game to come out so i can apply all of this into the word building and or adapt my lore, and until then i will play with my little blorbo.
Lot of love ! Hope you’ll have a good day ✨
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aphrodisianbaby · 1 year
Aphrodite April
1. share the origin story of your relationship with Aphrodite
when I first began exploring alternative religions, Dionysos was the Deity leading the way. as my eyes opened to the possibility of worshipping Deities from ancient religions, i immediately knew that I wanted to explore Aphrodite as well
love and intimacy have been an integral part of my life, ever since I could conceptualize what it meant to be in love with another person. as a child I always had crushes on my classmates, I would constantly dream about meeting my "one true love", and I was deeply invested in the love lives of the people around me. at one point, I even designed an entire wedding for my older sibling and their new partner (they did end up getting married years later)
as Dionysos aided me on my path of discovery, i erected a shrine to Aphrodite as well. it was impulsive and Dionysos had advised against it, but I went forward with it anyways. i gave offerings and decorated Her shrine, but I noticed a lack of connection. I was very disappointed by this due to how sure I was previously that we would grow close. as time went on, Apollon made Himself known and Aphrodite was pushed to the back of my mind. i even took down the shrine at one point in order to make room for Apollon
around 4 months into worshipping Dionysos, Apollon, and Hermes (who showed up within that time), I felt a surge of admiration towards Aphrodite again. suddenly, I had the Three Brother™ on one side telling me that I needed to focus my time on Their teachings and Aphrodite on the other side asking me to include Her in my practice. i was also very new still, and juggling the research and worship of 4 Deities was overwhelming to me. finally, we compromised and I said goodbye to Apollon in order to include Aphrodite in my life
the shift was almost immediate. the disconnect I had experienced before had been completely washed away in favor of a doting, motherly energy that flooded my space. I had known all along that I wanted to come back to Her someday and we were both ecstatic that the time had come. I've had unbroken worship of Her ever since then and She has maintained great significance since the moment I returned Her shrine to my bedside.
I learned that Dionysos had been enforcing the 3 Brother's influence over Aphrodite's, causing that feeling of disconnect between Her and i. at the time, I was really shocked to hear Him admit this but looking back i completely understand why. Dionysos and Apollon were an essential duality that helped me ease years of paranoia and anxiety issues. had Aphrodite been there, I'm sure I would have been very distracted by Her loving presence
I don't see this conflict between the Brothers and Aphrodite as fighting or an argument, but moreso a passionate Goddess and a love-starved teenager having a hard time being patient. it touches me deeply today that I had found my way to Her before our time had even come because i personally believe Aphrodite has been with me for a lot of my life. it also taught me to not fear conflicts between Divinities or project anger onto the Gods. overall, a situation I look back on very fondly and it allowed me to connect with Aphrodite very deeply. I'm thankful for Dionysos's willingness to act in my best interest and the way Aphrodite stood Her ground for influence in my early practice. i certainly wouldn't have survived the rest of that year without Her.
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Transformers - Energon
Code Name: Energon
Object Class: Thaumiel/ Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFD-1 is created by front companies: Star Child Powerhouse; Suzan, Charlie, and Philip's energy service; and many others. Mobile Task Force Hermes-4 "Cargo Hold" is responsible for getting processed SCP-AFD-1 form these companies to wherever in the Foundation they are needed. 
Mobile Task Force Poseidon-4 "Rock Candy" is in charge of finding natural deposits of SCP-AFD-1 on earth and protection Foundation staff in charge of harvesting it. They are also in charge of safely disposing any found SCP-AFD-2 deposits as well as safely containing any found SCP-AFD-3 so that they can later be used for weaponry purposes. 
Mobile Task Force Hephaestus-1 "Legion Crafters" is in charge of all experimentation, manufacturing, and harvesting of any and all variations of SCP-AFD-4 on both Earth and other planets in our solar system. They do this under the guide and orders of the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Containment, delivery, discontinuing, and distribution is controlled entirely by this Department. Any requests to testing or utilization of any SCP-AFD-4 variant must be approved Department Director Malcom Wyllt. 
Description: SCP-AFD is an extremely powerful fuel source created and used by Species of Interest: Cybertronians. It's a fuel source that is supposedly the blood of their home world/ deity known as Primus, thought weather this is true or not is unknown. SCP-AFD is not only an efficient fuel source but can also be quite unstable and has the potential to appear in variations both naturally and unnaturally. 
SCP-AFD-1 is the most natural form of SCP-AFD, it exists in both a raw crystal form and a refined liquid form. When in its raw crystal form it is very explosive and if ever hit with energy or an explosion directly it will burst into a massive explosion. However, when refined into a liquid form it can be used as a power source for not only Cybertronians but also any form of technology. SCP-AFD-1 has a measurement of [data expunged] energy per unit, making it three times more effective of a fuel source than energy produced by Nuclear Reactors. SCP-AFD-1 weather in crystal or liquid from has a glowing blue texture to it. 
It's because of SCP-AFD-1, as well as other instances, that has allowed the Foundation and its allies as well as its enemies to not only build but also maintain the advanced technology that exist today. It was even thanks to the development of producing SCP-AFD-1 through renewable resources that the Foundation was able to create Mobile Task Force Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt" in 1947 and allowed it to expand into the massive powerhouse it is today. 
SCP-AFD-2 is another natural form of SCP-AFD it is able to not only boost the power of technology and Cybertronians that use it but can also keep it running even after receiving extensive amounts of damage. However, SCP-AFD-2 is extremely hazardous and corruptive turning Cybertronians insane and can make machines into mechanical monsters. Furthermore SCP-AFD-2 can make SCP-AFD-1 drain faster essentially eating it like as if it's a predator eating prey. Why or how this works is entirely unknown. 
SCP-AFD-2 is said to be the life blood of the evil counterpart of Primus, Unicron the anti-Cybertronian. Unicron is said to be a being of pure evil, chaos, and death; his one true goal is to fill the universe with his blood making all Cybertronians into evil undead beings like him and all other life extinct. As such, though SCP-AFD-2 is seemingly more effective, and everlasting compared to SCP-AFD-1 it still has the side effects of causing mechanical mutations, it has been deemed extremely hazardous as a result. Instead by order of the O5 Council, found instances of SCP-AFD-2 are to be destroyed in a process known only by the DTASMW. Unfortunately, SCP-AFD-2 can naturally grow from certain volcanoes around the world thus SCP-AFD-2 must constantly be searched for to be destroyed so civilians and hostiles Groups of Interest do not obtain it. 
SCP-AFD-3 is a toxic form to all over variants of SCP-AFD. When exposed to SCP-AFD-1, or any fuel source for that matter, it will immediately start to drain it quickly and eventually leave nothing left. SCP-AFD-3 is also able to cause metal alloys to rush and wither much faster than they normally would otherwise. This makes SCP-AFD-3 is highly hazardous and dangerous to synthetic and cybernetic entities like AFA units, A.I., and Cybertronians. 
Thankfully SCP-AFD-3 is extremely rare to find, only found in large deposits of SCP-AFD-1 and SCP-AFD-2. Furthermore, the DTASMW have found that SCP-AFD-3 can be used in anti-Mekhanite weapons, more specifically explosives. Obviously, this also means that they are effective against Group of Interest: The Decepticons. But because of its obvious hazards it must be used with caution as to not cause a misfire toward allied Groups of Interest such as, The Autobots, Church of Maxwellism, and Eight Wings of Mekhane. 
SCP-AFD-4 is a collection of artificial variants of SCP-AFD that are either need to be synthesized to exist or are so rare that they can only be synthesized to become common.
SCP-AFD-4.1, also known as Red Energon, is actually a naturally occurring form of SCP-AFD in both crystal and liquid form but as stated earlier it's so very rare that it's almost impossible to find. In order for it to exist commonly within the Foundation it must be synthesized which has been proven possible thanks to the DTASMW. Top researchers of DTASMW found that SCP-AFD-4.1 can be created by introducing SCP-AFD-1 particles into the atmosphere of Jupiter, they will eventually grow into clods of SCP-AFD-4.1. These clods can easily be harvested by SEHAECD-41 "Jellyfish" which are the same space drones used to introduce the SCP-AFD-1 particles, to start the self-cultivation process. Currently SCP-AFD-4.1 is used as a fuel source for Foundation super computers, machines and engines that requires massive amounts of power, power suits used by MTF Tau-5, and as emergency reserves for Group of Interest: The Autobots. 
SCP-AFD-4.2, also known as Green Energon, is an artificial version of SCP-AFD-1 that exist only in liquid form with a glowing green texture. SCP-AFD-4.2 is created by via an extremely complex chemical equation known only by the most trusted units of MTF Hephaestus-1. Not only is SCP-AFD-4.2 easy to synthesize but it can also increase the power of technology and the strength of Cybertronians. However, it has the side effect of becoming addictive to Cybertronians and when used to fuel technology it can easily cause said technology to overload even if only a small portion of SCP-AFD-4.2 is used. As such production of SCP-AFD-4.2 has been discontinued. Only in extremely desperate X Class scenarios will SCP-AFD-4.2 production be approved again.
SCP-AFD-4.3, also known as Mana, created by spreading SCP-AFD-1 particles over the surface of mars. Originally an experiment to create an instance similar to SCP-AFD-4.1; instead, the end result was much more promising. SCP-AFD-4.3 strangely forms naturally in liquid form in underground pockets of the crust in Mars. Why or how this is possible is unknown. It was originally thought to be extremely unstable, unable to be utilized as a fuel source, and therefore useless. However, Dr. Alvik risked his life to see if SCP-AFD-4.3 could be utilized differently and surprisingly after SCP-AFD-4.3 is injected into humans it gives them the ability to produce magical energy. 
Quite similar to SCP-ADK-3 it is able to allow humans to manifest elements, alter their physical characteristics such as strength, speed, and agility, and or allow the user to manipulate small degrees of energy. The more SCP-AFD-4.3 is injected into their bodies the more control they have and the longer it lasts. SCP-AFD-4.3 is actually the sole reason as to why Mobile Task Force Hecate-A "Real Magic" was established in 1995, After its predecessor Mobile Task Force Delta-3 "Solomon's Hands" was disbanded. Without SCP-AFD-4.3 MTF Hecate-A would not be able to function and thrive the way it does today. As such the O5 Council has approved to have the DTASMW to have full rights and authority over the harvesting of SCP-AFD-4.3 on mars and its deployment to MTF recon bases that house MTF Hecate-A units. 
SCP-AFD-4.4, Also known as Spectral Energon, Created by SCP-AFD-1 particles onto the rings of Saturn. Another experiment to see if what kind of Energon can be produced in a different environment, which unfortunately ended in failure. SCP-AFD-4.4 is highly unstable in both crystal form and liquid form when introduced to technology it will cause said technology to overload in the best-case scenario, in the worst-case scenario it will shift into another dimension leading to unpredictable and disastrous effects. When a Cybertronian or any other synthetic life form like A.I. or AFA's use SCP-AFD-4.4 they will become equivalent to a Reality Hopper. They will start jumping into different realities, in different times, and into our reality via different dimensions. Thus, SCP-AFD-4.4 has been deemed extremely volatile and its production has been discontinued. 
SCP-AFD-4.5, Also known as Yellow Energon, Created by SCP-AFD-1 particles onto the atmosphere of Saturn. Has a glowing yellow texture but only exists in crystal form which surprisingly is not an issue as it can fuse with technology and synthetic life and becomes fuel extremely easily. When used on technology SCP-AFD-4.5 is no different to SCP-AFD-1 but when used on Cybertronians as well as other synthetic life, it gives them the ability to manifest hard light contractions such as tools and weapons. These tools and/ or weapons are typically limited to who is given the SCP-AFD-4.5 but when they receive excessive SCP-AFD-4.5 their abilities with it become only limited to their imagination. However, for obvious reasons SCP-AFD-4.5 can be dangerous if found by hostile Mekhanite or if it lands in the hands of Group of Interest: the Decepticons. Though it is still cultivated and harvested heavily it is used sparingly and guarded by MTF Hephaestus-1 tightly. 
SCP-AFD-4.6, Also known as Upgrade-E, Created by SCP-AFD-1 particles onto the atmosphere of Uranus. Unlike other variations of SCP-AFD-4, SCP-AFD-4.6 takes much longer to cultivate regardless of what is done and therefore is extremely rare. SCP-AFD-4.6 has a prism like reflective texture giving it a rainbow-like shine to both its crystal and liquid form. Surprisingly neither form is more unstable than the other and both can withstand massive amounts of shock, energy, and explosive force without the risk of damage or combustion. Furthermore SCP-AFD-4.6 has the anomalous ability to repair and even upgrade whatever machine it fuels, but at the cost of draining twice as fast as SCP-AFD-1. SCP-AFD-4.6 is extremely useful to Cybertronians and other synthetic life, even though the upgrades for them are temporary, it still gives a massive advantage in completing tasks and fighting in combat. As such, most if not all SCP-AFD-4.6 produced is given to our allies GoI: the Autobots
SCP-AFD-4.7, Also known as Elixualite, created by the DTASMW via having large amounts of SCP-AFD-1 an artificial spatial chamber synthesizing the gravitational pressure of a blackhole. A strong and durable metal able to generate its own power source and could possibly be programmed to manipulate the energy of said power source in different ways. Unfortunately, is extremely difficult to forge or and it takes [data expunged] kilograms of SCP-AFD-1 to create a single gram of SCP-AFD4.7. Furthermore, it takes a month to accumulate the power needed to even start the process. As of 2023 the Foundation has only accomplished in creating [data expunged] Kilograms of SCP-AFD-4.7. A request from DTASMW was sent to the O5 Council have the slowly growing amounts of SCP-AFD-4.7 forged into a Thamiuel Class Anomaly to be utilized by the Foundation, the request was quickly denied. SCP-AFD-4.7 is still being manufactured but is not utilized for anything and is instead heavily guarded at Site-[data expunged].
SCP-AFD-4.8, Also known as Possession Steel, created by the DTASMW via having large amounts of SCP-AFD-2 an artificial spatial chamber synthesizing the gravitational pressure of a blackhole. Though the manufacturing process is similar to SCP-AFD-4.7, the result is vastly different due to the amount produced being equivalent to the amount of SCP-AFD-2 that was started with. The resulting material much stronger and has a more powerful energy output than SCP-AFD-4.7 however the material also the ability to possess organic and synthetic life with the insatiable desire to spread death and destruction over time. Because of this, production has been discontinued in due to its hazardous nature. 
SCP-AFD-4.9 Also known as Pink Energon, created by the DTASMW via having large amounts of SCP-AFD-2 an artificial spatial chamber synthesizing direct exposure to solar radiation from the sun. Extremely unpredictable in turning random organic, non-organic, and even non-metalic objects and materials into artificial Cybertronians. Has been deemed a possible species overpopulation hazard and thus has been discontinued of production. 
Currently no other experiments to create further instances of SCP-AFD-4.9 have been approved or planned by the DTASMW. 
SCP-AFD was actually discovered in [data expunged] by the [data expunged], [data expunged], and the Illuminati, all of which are predecessors of both the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition. It is believed that SCP-AFD variants have existed and have grown on earth since [data expunged] B.C.E. and possibly even during the [data expunged] era. It was thanks to SCP-AFD that the Foundation as well as its future allies of the ACPA were not only created but thrive the way they do. It's also because of SCP-AFD that the Foundation has decided to be less restrictive and actually allow anomalies that could benefit the Foundation to do so. 
"SCP-AFD was honestly one of those god sends anomalies that we are so lucky to have in our possession because if it fell into someone else hands it most certainly would spell doom or domination over humanity. Still thought, there are those that argue because of SCP-AFD the Foundation both started off and has recently been growing too powerful. More specifically the DTASMW those guys hold complete capital over all our weapons, resources, experiments, and have even created magic, like actual magic thanks to this stuff! I am grateful but I don't blame those who are getting concerned. I think Dr. Zeek might be right, if we keep growing in power, what if we end up being the next big threat... then who will be strong enough to stop us?" -MTF High Commander Parker
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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lollybliz · 1 year
Hello I have questions about ocarina of time/ Majora's mask Link and the story of those games.
Or rather , I wanna know about this Link in particular.
Cause I'm vaguely familiar with the other Links and their stories. Ooc link not so much.
The only thing I know about ooc is that Ganon does bad stuff and Link is very small.
Majora's mask I know a bit more about, with Link using the masks to use different abilities and defeat Majora . Also there's there's something with Majora and the fierce deity, which I know very little about at all , I just think fierce deity looks really cool.
That's all I know, my question is what actually happens in those games to that Link?
aaaaaAAAAAAA so this is a case of game I own but haven't gotten very far in and game I do not own and am desperate to get my grubby paws on- so I'm not the best person to ask 😭 that being said I Can And Will use this as an excuse to link you to my favorite Zelda video essay in the history of ever
God it's such a good video and it definitely hits some of the major points you're looking for answers to.
And this is my favorite essay on Majora's Mask, personally, although Good Blood has promised that he's making one too, eventually, and I'm sure that'll top it chdjdkdk
In the meantime if I were to try to summarize... Ocarina of Time is why the timeline split, because time fuckery has Consequences. A version of Link dies, a version of Link stays an adult, and a version of Link returns to the past as a child alone.
Ocarina of Time is about loss, and sacrifice, and learning to hold on anyway. Enduring. Making the world better, through all the pain of trying. The pain of growing up, of finding that the light you saw in the world the optimism the purity was something of a curtain over your eyes, cruelly torn away. Discovering, in the end, that no, actually, much of that light is still there, you need only work to find and uncover it. Ocarina is about self exploration, and the growth and loss that comes with it. It's about finding that you are not anymore who you once were. It's about giving everything you have to make a difference, and making that difference, and the world is saved- but in giving everything you have nothing left, and where do you go from there? Hm.
Majora's Mask is about futility, And Yet Nothing Is Ever Truly Futile. Majora's Mask is about the beauty of small kindnesses, of making choices to make someone's life better even if that's all it will ever do, of the value of hope, of as much as things change things stay the same, of moving on, of holding fast. Of endless endless endless endless failure just for that one glowing beacon of success. Of something mattering because you make it matter. Of small moments. Of hope buried deep in the pit of loss, and how while the loss is not beautiful, it too is respected. Majora's Mask is about people.
I'm Fiercely tempted to @ one of my mutuals who might be able to answer this better than I did ngl- melonsap if you see this go ham
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daebelly · 1 year
using this questions list and linking rather than reblogging because i do not like jumpscaring people with kink out of nowhere
What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant) Generally, blue margarita with salt rim. Otherwise, something fruity. Preference towards less expensive stuff; she's not really into making herself look good with fancy drinks she'd have to choke down.
What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private) She's a deity, so she has a small entourage that she calls in now and then to help her with basic stuff. Hygiene is important, and while she can just magic away the grime most of the time, it's nice to have a bunch of people handle your rather tricky fur care routine for you. Feels good too.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (Gets you thinking about socio-economic class, values, and how they spend their leisure time) Most expensive purchase was Pantheon Registration, a process most gods use their followers' money for. She had to save up.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? (good way to get into literal backstory) One scar, under her fur, above her right eyebrow. It's a bit of an embarrassing story that she generally avoids telling.
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) She finds it difficult to cry for a variety of reasons, but stress was the cause of the most recent iteration of this.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? (This one might be a me thing, because I LOVE writing/reading about family dynamics, but knowing what kinds of things were ‘normal’ for them growing up is important.) Gods do not have blood family, generally speaking, due to the nature of their formation. In Dae's universe, gods are formed from magic by a very long process, and generally manifest their bodies as an adult.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. (This is a big catch all, gets into money, taste, practicality, level of wear, level of repair, literally what kind of shoes they require to live their life.) She tends towards digitigrade-friendly sockshoes or canvas shoes. Nothing expensive unless it's necessary for an outfit that her followers really want to see her in.
Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.) It's a rather small room onboard a Worldship, with a bed she only really makes before getting under the covers and a computer nearby. She had drains installed along the sides of the walls and the carpeting replaced with a unique carpet material that passes fluids through it as if they did not come in contact for reasons you all can probably guess. She doesn't put a lot of decorations up--it's very function over form, and her computer station is cluttered.
What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) A holiday celebrated aboard the Worldship she lives on, Carnalia, is a favorite. She doesn't often participate in person due to not particularly enjoying huge groups of people, but the revelry, especially sexual, gives her a pretty good power boost, especially since it counts as worship.
What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) When out of the house, she typically brings a shoulderbag with most of her essentials in it. Sometimes she skips this and only brings her phone.
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nimy1234 · 2 years
Chennai To Release A New Residential Project On Pongal
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In the state of Tamil Nadu, the Pongal festival is observed with considerable splendour and pomp. One of the most significant occasions of the year for the locals is a festival that honours the harvest season. People are immersed in the four-day celebrations, doing everything from decorating their homes to buying new attire, making festive fare, and exchanging Tamil Pongal wishes.
As a result, if you're interested in learning more about Pongal. Here is a little introduction to the world of Pongal.
Pongal Festival
One of the largest celebrations for local farmers. They commemorate all of their labour in the fields during Pongal. A single day of celebration is insufficient. As a result, a Pongal festival is a four-day event, with each day having a distinct meaning.
It is only fitting that the first day of the Pongal festival be set aside to show reverence to Lord Indra, the God of rain and the ruler of the clouds in Hindu mythology, as the rain gods are to be praised first and foremost for a prosperous harvest season.
People make sure to clean and maintain the cleanliness of their homes on this day. This not only gives your surroundings a thorough cleansing, but it also purges any negative energies that might be building up in your home.
In the evening, families perform the Bhogi Mantalu ritual, and homes frequently have intriguingly created rangoli for the Pongal kolam at the door. Young girls participate in a special rite that involves dancing around a bonfire while singing hymns to Lord Indra and expressing gratitude for the springtime and, more importantly, for their current harvest.
Auspicious Day In Chennai
Pongal is a traditional event that dates back to the Sangam period, which spans 200 BC to 300 AD. Pongal was originally a Dravidian harvest festival, and it is recorded in several Sanskrit Puranas and other holy writings. On the other hand, historians associate Pongal with Thai Un and Thai Niradal, which were reportedly observed during the Sangam Period. Numerous legends are connected to Pongal festivals.
The Shiva Legend
According to mythology, Lord Shiva is said to have once sent his bull, Basava, to visit Earth and subsequently instructed the locals to take daily baths and oil massages. Basava instructed the inhabitants of Earth to eat regularly and take an oil bath just once a month due to a communication breakdown. 
When Lord Shiva learned about this error, he became very enraged. In a frenzy of rage, Lord Shiva cursed Basava and consigned him to Earth for all time. He spent his entire life helping people grow more and more food because of the curse, which required him to plough the fields.
The Lord Indra Legend
Another tale holds that when Lord Krishna was still a little child, he decided to teach Lord Indra a lesson. This happened as a result of Lord Indra's growing conceit after ascending to the position of a supreme deity. So, by Lord Krishna's plan, he commanded the village's cowherds to quit fully worshipping Lord Indra. And when Lord Indra learned about this, he was indignant. He brought clouds to the village to cause a storm, pouring rain, and other mayhem in a fit of fury. 
When Lord Krishna noticed the never-ending downpour, he devised a strategy and lifted the entire Mount Govardhan. Lord Indra quickly recognised his error and corrected it by putting an end to the storm. Lord Krishna asked the followers to observe the day in honour of Lord Indra after realising that the latter was sorry for his actions. Because of this, Lord Indra is honoured during Pongal.
Mega Launch Of New Project In Chennai
S.I.S Cape Town
S. I. S. Capetown is a beautifully planned project of Chennai, located in a prominent Surapet area. Prices for this meticulously planned S. I. S. Capetown project range from Rs. 29. 1 Lac to Rs. 67. 1 Lac. It has a 22 Acre area and is well-maintained. Over 358 residential units make up the total project. 
The cleverly constructed flats in this residential complex are sure to enchant most buyers. Each unit is prepared for moving. Residential Plot units are available; they were designed to meet all requirements. Residential Plot The wide and well-ventilated property units range in size from (827. 0 sq. Ft. - 1458. 0 sq. Ft. ). 
The major project will begin on January 1, 2023. This carefully thought-out project has been granted the certificate of commencement. This planned project has been granted an occupancy certificate. South India Shelters Pvt. Ltd.'s S. I. S. Cape Town residential development offers premium housing at competitive prices. 
Join S. I. S. Cape Town to enjoy services like Park, Security, and Vaastu Compliance. At 115/1A1, Mettur Main Road, Surapet, Ambattur, Chennai North, Chennai, you can get in touch with this project. The Pincode for this project is 600062. S. I. S. Cape Town will make sure you have a high-quality living experience by providing you with all contemporary amenities.
Sai Everest Apartment 
Kundrathur, a Western Chennai suburb that is located around 30 kilometres from Chennai, has been developed into a sought-after residential area. Due to its excellent access to the Sriperumbudur temple, the Thirumudivakkam industrial area, and the Porur IT hub, Kundrathur is flourishing as a popular place for people to live. 
It is bordered by several communities, including Reddy Nagar, Mangadu, Thandalam, and Kannadapalayam. 
Due to the great demand for Kundrathur, numerous well-known builders, including Sumathi Homes & Developers, Teamwork Developers, Vettri Builders, and Bhavani Builders, have established themselves in this region. There are several different types of residential projects, including independent houses, residential plots, and apartments.
Casagrand Aria
Tambaram is a residential neighbourhood in Southern Chennai that is close to the highway that connects Chennai and Trichy. A major development is a horizontal settlement made up of low- to mid-rise residences and builder's floors. 
Localities including Mandabakkam, Sembakkam, and Selaiyur surround Tambaram. The affordability of the homes is what drives Tambaram's need for housing. Steps Stone Promoters, VIP Housing and Properties, and Evocon Pvt Ltd. are prominent developers in the area.
Urbano Gaiety
Urbando Gaiety is a well-planned complex that is conveniently located in Chennai's Anna Nagar West Extension. The affordable residential apartments in the upscale Urbando Gaiety project are priced between Rs. 85. 8 Lac and Rs. 1. 28 Cr. The project takes up a sizable 10 Ground area. This project includes 53 total units.
It is a well-constructed home that is sure to wow you. The wonderful building with the roomy apartments is currently being constructed. Given that the project offers a variety of Builder Floor configurations, this could be where you locate your sanctuary.
The property units are spacious and range in size from 2 BHK Builder Floor to 3 BHK Builder Floor (1200 square feet to 1575 square feet) (1042. 0 sq. Ft. - 1045. 0 sq. Ft. ). The project's architecture allows it to be divided into 1 tower. The project will begin on December 1, 2022. It will become yours on August 1, 2024.
AR Nagar
AR Nagar is ideally situated in Mambakkam and has excellent access to all of Chennai's important neighbourhoods. The price range for this affordable AR Nagar project is between Rs. 15.4 lac and Rs. 39.2 lac. The project is an established one and is spread out over a considerable area of 2 Acres. The project includes a total of 29 units that were created with the modern lifestyle in mind.
The apartment building provides first-rate amenities that are ideal for inhabitants of all ages. The property's apartments are all ongoing. Considering that the project offers several Residential Plot options, you might find your ideal haven here. 
These housing units, created to provide a joyful lifestyle, are offered by Residential Plot (669. 0 sq. Ft. - 1704. 0 sq. Ft. ). The project will begin on December 1, 2022. As of February 1, 2023, this innovative project is ready for occupancy.
Also Read: Posh Areas to Live in - Chennai |Times Property
Also Read: Why is Chennai Considered the Best Place to Live in India? |Times Property
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ss3890 · 2 years
20-Day Deity Challenge courtesy of @broomsick: LINK
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I’ve been thinking about this one for a day or so now, listening through my expansive pagan playlist for one that clicked. This one came on and I was like Ooh, yeah. This one feels right:
Bergatrollets Friari by Cesair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajCsa2XTGxY
Thing is, I couldn’t understand a damn thing they’re singing about. I had no idea what the title meant - I just knew that the sounds they were making felt amazing and hit me in all the right ways. The drum beat, the tempo, the melody, the climaxes...it makes me feel powerful and want to dance - which is something I tend to do when I’m feeling particularly spiritual.
So I investigated the lyrics, translated them, and felt a little...conflicted? Because the sound felt so good, but the lyrics and the story they told gave me pause. Was this really what I wanted to devote to Hecate?
So I kept listening to it. I gave it some serious thought throughout the day yesterday, and I realized that yes...this song is actually very fitting for my experience with, and relationship to, Hecate.
 Bergatrollets Friari, also known as Herr Mannelig, is a Swedish folk ballad telling the story of a female mountain troll trying to who a young human male. She offers him many fine and beautiful gifts, but he refuses because she is not a Christian woman: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herr_Mannelig.
It can be implied here that the mountain troll is symbolic of a woman who is pagan, heathen, a ‘wild woman’ - she is not Christian and therefore not of the current mainstream...and in spite of the wealth she can offer, the man rejects her.
A lot of us who identify as pagan, heathen, and wild women have experienced rejection for our nature many times over. I know I have, and while this ballad is in regard to a romantic love, I think it can apply to other and all types of relationships as well. Familial, Social, Platonic - right along with the Romantic. 
The rejection hurts. It’s painful. It makes us angry and sad and separates us from the rest - pushes us to the fringes of society - or causes us to subdue ourselves and what we are to blend in and get by. Thing is, though? Hecate LOVES people like us, and we love her in return - because she is our champion and reflects what we are as good and right, when society at large tells us we are wrong.
I had the privilege of growing up in a rural town, without close neighbors, with access to forest when the internet was in its infancy. I practically LIVED outside - running around barefoot, crawling on my hand and knees, climbing trees and wading through muddy brooks and cool mosses. My brother and I would be off playing in the woods for hours and our parents never cared because they knew we were around somewhere and would come back when we were tired or hungry. We never felt afraid, were never threatened, and always, always, felt comfortable in those wild places around the home.
There were old skidder trails that ran behind the house. We had a ‘road’ we would follow in order to find our sacred place - The Mossy Grove. We always followed this path and no other - even when there were other options to take. At the first fork (crossroads), we would go right and never left. Never left, for reasons we did not know. 
The one time I did go left, later in life when I was no longer a small child, just to see what was there. I didn’t get very far before something felt wrong. My whole body responded to something I could not see and for the first time in my life, I understood what it felt like to be frightened of the woods. I knew what it was to feel vulnerable...and promptly got the fuck out of there and never, ever, went back that way again. There was something watching over us as children, keeping us safe and secure, and there was something watching over me then - warning me of something I needed to avoid.
We’d walk through a glade of beeches and come to a grove of evergreens that closed in tightly around the trail. They always freaked me out a little bit. Couldn’t see around you at all, just had to tip your head up and move through them with a blind faith that you’d come out on the other side. 
And when you did, you were met with the most beautiful moss-and-mushroom filled glade I have ever seen. This was our secret eden, a sacred wild ground that we cherished with our whole being. We were as much a part of the forest as it was a part of us.
But we would often get pulled from the mosses and the water and the trees and be forced to sit in someone else’s sacred space, made up of rigid pews and rules and strangers that wanted us to be something we were not. 
No matter how many times they tried to make us fall in line, we never did. We didn’t care about their Christian stories or their rules or their sacred book. It never resonated, never took root in us, and both of us are still inherently heathen to this day. The wild was in our hearts from the very beginning, and it refused to be snuffed out.
At that time, resources on paganism were hard for a young person like me to find and there was no guidance from any family members or friends. I just knew I was different, other - though it took me many, many years to fully understand why and find communities and resources that solidified and supported that knowing. 
Still, I embraced what I was. When I began to express my otherness in conversation, I was met with resistance and judgment. I’ve had once-loving people stop talking to me entirely. I have constantly been criticized for being too stubborn, head-strong, and aggressive - untamable. Traits that would be applauded if I had a phallus between my legs. 
I was never an obedient, demure christian woman, and a lot of people have taken issue with that at various points in my life. It’s an interesting thing, to be considered too much and not enough all at once. But that rejection only served to make me fierce and angry and more self-assured - because I knew all the amazing things had to offer to the world and to those who could appreciate my nature. I inherently knew my worth in spite of everything. 
I soon discovered Hecate and recognized myself in her - that dark, powerful, and wild feminine - and if those traits could be embraced within a goddess, then they could be embraced within myself as well. 
I realized I had always walked in her wild realm, along her crossroads, and liminal spaces - it just took me a little while to recognize it in a world that has tried very hard to snuff her out. And through all those little underworlds of pain, trauma, and rejection I moved through, she was there beside me to help me realize my own power. That’s what Hecate does for us - she helps us find our power by facing and owning the deep wounds within us.
Today, I am loud and proud. I show off my symbols, post to social media without fear of criticism, speak honestly, and carve out a place for myself in wider society whether they want me to or not - and in doing so, I have seen other wild women come out from the shadows and reveal themselves to me, bolstered by my own shameless confidence to embrace their true selves in turn. In good Hecatean fashion, I am happy to act as a guiding light for others to find their way.
Because in the way Cesair has composed this rendition, it is deeply powerful in spite of singing of rejection. Those drum beats drive me to get up and dance. The tempo and twirling of voices and notes charges my blood and makes me feel solid in my power, and I face the fact that in spite of the many gifts I can give to someone, sometimes it is simply not enough in the face of my wild nature - but I stay wild all the same, embracing that scorn and rejection like a badge of honor, because I refuse to make myself lesser to in order to take the easier route in life. 
Herr Mannelig and his ilk can go fuck themselves, because someone like my husband is inevitably going to come along and appreciate all those fine gifts I can give him, all while knowing full well I’m a half-feral mountain troll and loving me all the same - if not more so.
So I devote this song, and those feelings it evokes, to my goddess - because she is the one who has helped me understand that what I am and the inner power I hold is rooted in her divinity and it is something to be uplifted and celebrated, even when the world at large often refuses to do so.
Power through pain, my friends. Power through pain. 🤘🏻
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