#v:don't look down 'cause we're still rising
itsagentzero · 7 months
Open to: anyone. Supernaturals welcome. Concept: your muse was driving back to town and finds Chris hitchhiking in the highway. Upon stopping, they realize Chris is battered and bruised, some of his clothes torn.
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"Hey," he greeted, definitely too calm for how terrible his situation seemed to be. Despite the wounds and bruises, his blue eyes were sharp and awake as he leaned over the window to get a good look at the person that stopped for him.
"I know how this looks like, but this isn't some set up. I lost my phone and I just need a ride back to town. I can pay for it if needed be."
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itsagentzero · 8 months
@magneticrage liked this for a starter
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"Yeah, I'm a mutant," he stated simply in response to the other. Granted, the more accurate answer would be to say he was the clone of a mutant, but he doubted his company would care too much for technicalities.
"The real question, though, is why do you know that? And even more importantly, why would you care?"
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itsagentzero · 8 months
@havsofpleasvre liked this for a starter
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"Look, if you don't wanna go, you can just say so. I can't read minds and I'm certainly not the kind to play games. So what's really the matter here?"
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itsagentzero · 2 months
@arcanescholxr gets a starter
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Chris walks into the bookstore with confident steps, making his presence known by the decided pace in which he makes his way to the counter. Blue, sharp eyes were quick to study the room and make a mental map of the place, preparing for trouble that might not come.
But he never knew, not when dealing with magic.
"Hi- I was told I could find something rather peculiar here. Are you the owner?"
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itsagentzero · 2 months
@neonbitemarks liked this for a starter
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"Dude, I brought you a cursed item once," he groaned. "ONCE. Am I never gonna live that down?"
He wasn't as frustrated as he sounded like, but it was mostly amusing to find the level of inconvenience he could cause by actually acting on his good intentions. His makers had created him to be a weapon, and sometimes it was hard to be anything but.
"I tell you, I have no way of knowing when something is cursed. My powers block that kind of shit-- And I can't even trace magic on my own or anything."
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itsagentzero · 7 months
@neonbitemarks liked this for a starter
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"Like I've already told you quite a couple of times before," he started, tired blue eyes looking up at the taller man. "I had no way of knowing that ring was cursed, but it didn't worry me too much because my power blocks that kind of magic anyway..."
"Besides, the heirloom I bring today isn't cursed! I think."
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itsagentzero · 2 years
@bleedtheneonfromthebitemarks​ gets a supernatural starter
Chris had always enjoyed a fun luck. He seemed to always be in the right place to meet other supernaturals like himself. Wylie had been no exception, although he had to be one of the most powerful he had ever met. Good thing the Underworld was no longer a problem, because that meant Chris didn’t have to worry about trying to befriend a witch.
Today, for instance, he had been lucky enough to run into Wylie and actually block his powers for a moment before they went out of control. Not that he blamed the other, of course... Running from crazy police officers was all kinds of stressful.
It wasn’t until they were finally safe in one of those abandoned buildings, far from the police, that he dared speak again.
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“You know-- I could help you train those powers of yours,” Chris offered in a whisper as he was catching his breath. “They’re magnificent... But kinda wild, if you ask me.”
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itsagentzero · 2 years
@taiinted gets a Chris starter
Vacation. The whole concept of it was so foreign to Chris. He had been an overachiever ever since he could remember, always on the move, always with something going on. It was, perhaps, the first time in his entire life that he actually took some time off for himself... And for Morgan too. He wouldn’t have kidnapped the hybrid on a long trip through Europe if he didn’t think this was something they both needed.
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“Alright, that’s it!” he muttered out of the blue, starting to take his jacket off. “I didn’t come all the way to Italy not to have a good time!”
They had been on the road for a week already, exploring places without any particular destination in mind. That’s how they came across that perfect looking lake in the woods, with nobody else in sight. Chris was usually the guy with a plan, at all times, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be spontaneous and mischievous.
“I’m going in. I highly suggest you join me. The water looks delicious.”
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itsagentzero · 2 years
@holygroundscafe​ gets a starter
Throughout the years Chris worked for the Underworld, he made sure to keep tabs on every subject of interest that came across his desk. Not only did he try to keep them as far from the organization’s claws as possible, but he also recruited a lot of them for the eventual uprising that led to the organization’s downfall.
He made a lot of allies for that purpose. He also lost a lot of allies trying to fulfill it. Now, with the Underworld gone and nothing but a few loose ends that needed some tying up, he was starting to rebuild... To re-create his own squad in order to finish off the remnants and, as his mother would say, “keep fighting the good fight”. Hence why he made his way to Cavanagh, a special individual he had helped escape a few years prior who could be exactly what he needed to get the new operation going.
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“Good evening, Cavanagh. Remember me?”
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itsagentzero · 2 months
@thegreywolfwalking gets a starter
Needless to say, it hadn't been the easiest year in Chris' life. Not that he could complain about living through the extermination of his makers, for it had given him his freedom... Sort of. As the different Underworld agents were scattered and relocated around the world, Chris found himself walking in danish soil. It wasn't like him to feel anxious, but he was certainly curious about what the future had in store for him, especially now that he seemed to be in line to become a Jaeger.
So he stayed on his best behavior and ran the drills and exercises until the Corp decided to assign him a tutor.
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"Good morning, sir. I was told to report to 'Ulf' this morning. I believe the higher ups sent word beforehand. I'm Christopher Laverty. A pleasure."
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itsagentzero · 7 months
"Oh it's you. I had hoped I wouldn't see you again. Have you come to start a argument?" He strides over to him just to intimidate him with his six foot four inches height.
Was he outmatched? Probably. Was he intimidated? Absolutely not. He had already sworn an oath in high school never to bend the knee to bullies, and he was not about to start now. If his pride was going to be his undoing, he would at least perish standing tall.
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"Lupin, this is quite literally my apartment. Do you go to the sea and expect not to find any water?" he fired back, looking up at the man who was almost a good 5 inches taller than him.
"What do you want? Are you looking for Morgan or did you just decide to be a pain when you woke up this morning?"
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itsagentzero · 8 months
@capteverypowerjr liked this for a starter
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"Nope," Chris offered bluntly as they walked down the street, his blue eyes set on their destination. "I wouldn't call myself a hero. If you want my help, I'm gonna need a better reason than 'it's the right thing to do'."
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itsagentzero · 11 months
Truth be told, it was pretty easy to tell special people from regular people in the face of danger. Whenever something went off, everyone panicked and ran away from peril... Those who ran towards it were the special kind.
So, when some deluded metahuman decided to wreak havoc in the middle of the plaza near midnight, Chris knew he had just found someone way out of the ordinary. Not that getting rid of the enemy was a challenge, considering he could block his powers and whoever this other dude in a cape was seemed to be incredibly powerful. The kind of flashy powerful that made the young soldier jealous.
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"Well, damn..." he started as the fight died down, the police sirens barely audible in the distance. They had a few minutes before they needed to make their escape. If they wanted to avoid an excruciating interrogation, that is.
"That is some mighty power at your command right there."
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