#also thanks for liking the starter call
itsagentzero · 8 months
@magneticrage liked this for a starter
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"Yeah, I'm a mutant," he stated simply in response to the other. Granted, the more accurate answer would be to say he was the clone of a mutant, but he doubted his company would care too much for technicalities.
"The real question, though, is why do you know that? And even more importantly, why would you care?"
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gunsandaprons · 6 months
The ask box is temporarily closed!
We got a lot of questions (Over 10 ask!! Wow!!), so the ask box is now closed to catch up on all those questions! It may be opened again when the current questions begin posting!
Thank you for the support!
-Mod RK
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ofhope · 8 months
“You haven't been to Fontaine?!”
Astonishment-laden features spelled her surprise. In truth, only recently had she been made aware of its vast beauties, only recently had the smell of seafoam in her hair and salt in her 'brows.
“You'd love it! There's a ton of areas to search for treasure, and plenty of peaks to stand at the top of! Speaking of that: they have these jellyfish things you can bounce on, kind of like in Sumeru! -- except those were mushrooms, not jellyfish things. And! Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to mention, you can breathe underwater! I was a little skeptical at first, since I'm from Inazuma, and I figured that maybe that was just a Fontainian thing... but once I took a big gulp, instead of a mouthful of seawater, it was like a fresh breath of oxygen.”
The actual descriptor slipped her mind, but it wasn't everyday you had to explain such a process... even someone with the proper credentials would lose some of the wording in-translation. There's a breath of realization before Yoimiya grasped Bao'er's hands in her own!
“We should visit together!”
@mysticallities // starter!
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
this was supposed to be an ask response but well :' )) it went off the rails, so @1punch gets a separate thing instead!!
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chiyo doesn't see saitama for a few weeks after her recovery.
she doesn't see anyone for a few weeks, too busy with work and pretending as if she isn't purposely taking on a heavier load to keep it that way. the more chiyo works, the less time she has to think, the less time she has to remember. the more chiyo works, the less likely it is that someone close to her will ask how she's doing when they must know she can't be doing well. they just want her to admit it and confide in them; they just want to be the ones to save her from the storm cloud that hangs above her head.
well, chiyo doesn't want to be saved. she doesn't think she particularly deserves it. anyone might say she did all she could, that she saved lives in the end, and she shouldn't allow the death of a villain to weigh upon her, but it doesn't change what happened. chiyo failed her friend, and she failed her long before her death. no one understands that, only thinks of the wounds she suffered. she's sick of it, sick of their reassurance, sick of---
she's sick of being in the hospital.
a stern doctor chiyo is all too familiar with leaves her with strict instructions to rest and a huffy, " you're lucky i didn't call your parents. " saitama makes eye contact with her briefly before she's resting her face in her hands. she is lucky that they called her friend at her request rather than her family, even if it isn't much better to make saitama worry. the first time he sees her in weeks, and it's in the hospital, looking as if she's been chewed up and spat out. that isn't fair to him.
when she intentionally worked herself ragged, chiyo didn't consider how it would affect her job or the people around her. she didn't expect to pass out, and new guilt rests heavily in the pit of her stomach, settling uncomfortably with what she's felt the last month.
this could have been much worse. she could have passed out during a fight, jeopardized someone's safety. she can't keep doing this.
" 'm sorry, saitama, " chiyo mutters behind her hands before she's running them through her hair and allowing them to drop to the edge of the mattress she sits on. she can't meet his eyes again, can't manage a convincing smile. " i shouldn't be troublin' you with this, but the doc wasn't gonna let me go without callin' someone, and my parents... well, they're already a bit much to handle right now. " she should give them a break -- they nearly lost their daughter. a pause, heavy with hesitation and words she doesn't know how to say, and chiyo sighs.
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" thank you for this. "
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@h-osborn​ liked this for a starter from Peter Parker (tasm)
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“I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?”
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bronzebtch · 1 year
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caving in to my own impulsive ideas: would anybody like ( a possibly mini-para ) completely unhinged starter ?
¹ multimuses please specify, ² if you'd like me to approach for plotting first, please feel free to comment the 🐑 emoji <3
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revengesworn · 8 months
Senju doesn't know much about Ryusei Sato, but the one thing she does know - is that he's close to one Baji Keisuke. That alone is enough to catch her interest. While Senju herself suspects she's never someone Baji would call a childhood friend in the same way as he would Haruchiyo and Mikey, she still knew him in his childhood, and he was someone she always looked up to; always trying to reach...
She still thinks about him sometimes. And because of that, she's interested in the people that Baji calls his friends, too.
Obviously, that's not enough reason to just approach Ryusei out of the blue, but... she is curious about the rumors she's heard - of his connections to the gang Yotsuya Kaiden specifically. Apparently, he left that gang in order to join Toman in the past... and for some reason that even she can't quite identify - part of her wants to know why.
But running into him here really was a coincidence. And it's impulse that gets her to talk to him, approaching him boldly and asking with a glint in her eyes-
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"Hey. You're Baji's friend, aren't you?"
@protectivemuses ( starter for ryusei! )
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ragedagainst · 9 months
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polishing off the rest of her drink with a single swallow, she leans back in her chair as the other woman approaches the tables in the back of the bar, gaze half-lidded. but for all her pretenses of relaxation, her hand strays just within reach of the pistol holstered at her waist. upon first observation, the stranger appears capable enough, even if she does seem a bit out of her depth. ( are those caps she hears jingling in her pockets ? ) rather than comment, however, jyn waits. if she's here for a hired gun, she'll find her way over. eventually.
@atcmbmb liked for a small starter !
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wisheswagered · 8 months
Anne knows better than to trust this man.
She knows better, but... there's something about him. It's not just his face - the same one she's seen in her nightmares-turned-hallucinations, achingly familiar and yet just out of reach from recognition... No, she feels like something in her wants to be there for him. Something in her trusts him, and it's bitterly that she forces herself to remember her truth - no adults can be trusted.
She won't be betrayed again. It's not like there aren't good people in the world, Anne knows... or maybe that's not the case, and everyone really is a monster? It doesn't really matter, you see, because there's no way to know for sure - so she'll protect herself by staying distant from them all. Anne is no longer a puppet to be used and thrown away - no, she's a toy with wooden wings, flying free; far away from those who would want to hurt her.
"Welcome!" she says with a smile. It's the same smile as ever, a friendly and warm one, a smile that speaks - 'I'm harmless', it says, 'and I trust you, really, I do.' At the very least, she's happy to have a visitor to her store, one who might see her beloved toys and adore them, even if she'd rather they go to a child in need.
"I've never seen your face here before. I do hope you enjoy my little store."
@celestiialnotes ( starter! )
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tvrningout · 10 months
don't get sleepy after an hour of social interaction challenge
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ir0nheir · 1 year
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@oceansfirst liked for a starter !
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"Okay but...in my defense." He huffed and shrugged, trying to seem casual about it all. Looking up at Pepper though it was obvious that he had no defense. "Nevermind...I got nothin."
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ofhope · 7 months
Oh was the lightly-polluted air of Penacony enlightening. Winter-stiff muscles grew warm beneath lamplight, the smell of fried foods coalesced his senses, and last but not least: more precious faces to lovingly swindle out of hard-earned cash, trade secrets. It wasn't malice that inspired Sampo, no, not quite curiosity either; but for every step, drive. Never life-shattering, at least not directly so, and few times did Sampo charge any-which-place bearing a blade of any sort... what good were knives, spears, whenever you had secrets?
Once rumblings of mishandled paperwork met his eager ears, Sampo would be a fool not to indulge — bonus benefits? A pretty face, but Sampo wasn't one to complain... simply: many such people focus best on their work when aided by visual, or auditory appeal.
Sampo was neither, but maybe, just maybe, this could be his good deed of the week.
“Say, I hear you're hurting for paperwork! What say you - how's about I lend you a contact of mine? I can't guarantee her prices, economy ever fluctuating, the price for kidneys always in that uncomfortable, rocky middle of not worth enough to stomach the itchy stitches, but enough to pay for a month's worth of rent. I'm kidding, buuut ~ she does require some cash up-front for her services. 'Least you, or I, can do, given the... questionable legality of the situation.”
Evering a new world did have its caveats. So many forms to fill out, so many things to sign up for, so much life insurance to invest... so, if Sampo could lend a helping hand... why not?
@crimsontwins // starter!
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unladielike · 1 year
STARTER CALL ( @antiprotag​ ) — 𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕞 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕒 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚𝕤 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤, 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕒𝕟.
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    “Jeez... did you forget your umbrella again, Addie-kins?” Though her tone was gently chastising, Vivian would still lift the black canopy from her own gamp to shield his damp, ashen white locks from the relentless onslaught of pouring rain. Unfortunately, Vancouver wasn’t known for it’s sunny weather, so she doesn’t doubt his time in the city must have been rather... rough. “Or did you somehow accidentally destroy it like last time?”Sure enough, she’ll then edge closer towards him until their shoulders almost brushed before peering up at him rather curiously.
    “Welp, whatever the case... do you maybe wanna head back inside with me? The campus’ Starbucks should still be open at this hour, so I could at least buy you a warm drink. What do you say?”
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ tell me -- what's your most fond memory? surely you have at least one, given all of you life experience. ❞
@starludes gets a starter for ANY of the muses you listed!
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inardescere · 1 year
@delusionaid liked for a short(?) starter!
Flower petals showered the city with the soft breeze. Windblume was always a season where people showed love and passion, the scent of flora wafting gently everywhere you go. It was also the season when most people got hurt, trying to climb rough mountains to pick Cecilias for their loved ones, only to trip and nearly fall to their death. Or, it was simply a case of some broken hearts. Some would call them foolish. Most would assume Diluc to believe so too, with his lack of interest in his own and another's love life.
But the truth was, he thought it was as romantic as the next person.
He enjoyed the happiness of others, content to watch as people spent their days in simple bliss and deal with meaningless disturbances. This peace was the ideal he strived for; a normal life where one had the freedom to worry and laugh and love.
Those were the thought he had as he walked through the main gates into the city. However, his attention is strayed by the sight of a card slipping out of someone's pocket, picking it up to return it to it's owner-- only to find them gone. When he flips it over, he sees the familiar design. Again, it was that game of Genius Invocation TCG.
Diluc makes a face, then sighs as he walks in the direction of where he saw the two men go, turning his gaze side-to-side in order to find the owner. He had seen it fall out of the pocket of a man with clothing designs from Sumeru's deserts, walking hurriedly with another. The only thing he remembered about the man was what he saw from behind. A long tail, long ears... Which he spots easily in the crowd, but all alone.
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"Sir," he walks up to them, and noticed oh, he had such an interesting eye color. "Your companion dropped this near the gate." He holds the card out for the man to take.
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marklikely · 2 years
took offense to the part in scrim 6 where 2 characters judge each others movie taste by comparing favorite friday the 13ths and neither of these alleged slasher experts pick an actually good answer
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