#v:the power of three
adventurepunks · 2 years
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For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
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⭐️ Nick and John
It’s Nick’s fault John relapsed, he should have seen the signs during their spirit walks.
⭐️ ⭐️ Nick and d-John
Demon John’s terrible posture is partly to blame on the fact he is taller than Nick but refuses to be.
During every argument with the demon there’s always the smallest hint of fear that John might lash out against him by hurting Samantha.
⭐️ Zatanna and John
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During their apprenticeship together their prank wars got so bad it took a hospital trip, a broken window and a disgruntled Nick to get them to call temporary truce. Said truce never lasted, they merely reigned it in to not have Nick catch wind of them again.
⭐️ Zatanna and Jack
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If Jack was to ever look under his living room rug he’d find a discarded earring purposely lost in case he got in trouble again and she needed to get to him in a jiffy to help him go on the run again.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
A Brooklyn night affair
never got to say goodbye to you i will always love you please...don’t leave me
It was two nights where Nick could not stop his connection, meditation, counter spells even more meditation but the whispers never seized. Even now as the sun started to set Nick would wake up after falling asleep in his study.
SHUT UP! Nick’s magic exploded to rattle the study.
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“Is it just the wind or is it furious vexation” there among the mess he just created the Lady Persphone herself whispered him awake setting two red apples on his desk. She never stayed, she barely spoke to him- and yet that in itself was an answer to his pleas for silence.
Nick took a breath and knocked on John’s door.
“I uh- I have to leave but I wondered if you could help me” Nick asked and offered John one of the apples. “Can we talk?” he asked and it showed in the dark circles in his eyes that he was tired. Something was bothering him.
Reaching out for help wasn’t in his nature, too used to being self reliant.
“I had every intention in resting and preparing for a quiet valentine’s tomorrow but the voices- something has disturbed the Other side I don’t know how to explain it. As if the veil is thinner than ever. You know how it is, everything has it’s cost...and I am not sure I can handle doing this by myself this time”
“So I am asking if you want to come with me and help me tonight to hopefully be done by dawn.”
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Cordially invited
@thedemonconstantine​ + nick nolan
“It has been an honor to host you”. Nick hated guests usually but with owning a home on a leyline Nexus as an Adept and harnessing it came the duty to accommodate those that repaired and maintained the leylines of the city. Everything has a cost and the bill always comes due Nick often droned into his apprentices so for 72 hours Nick forfeited his master bedroom to their guest and slept on the couch, tutor and apprentices received praises for how well looked after their nexus point was and even aided the man. Nick thought it an important lesson for John to witness the word that leylines required. The man thanked them both for their help and into the nexus point he went to his next destination...that should have been it but fffffssssssssst an envelope had flown through the focal point and narrowly missed hitting Nick right upside the forehead. Nick thought the Magefair more trouble than it was worth but the way John had looked at the invitation and how excited he was did not go a miss.
- end of prelude.
Three days had passed since then and the sorcerer had been in thought. He had kept the letter just in case reading:
To Mr Nicholas Nolan,
Myrddin’s Magisters cordially invites you to the 1515h Annual Magefair of the Spring Equinox.
Tour our State-of-the-Art Facility, meet fellow Adepts, attend Magic TED-ED, enjoy our Feast Halls, Lucky Draw and Arcane Entertainment.
A long list of regulations and instructions as well as guidelines for the under 16′s that required a shaperone which was irrelevant so Nick tossed those in the trash.
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“I noticed the other day how enthusiastic you seemed over this” Nick remarked sliding the invitation over to John. “It sounded far more exciting than it is, it’s always crowded and full of know-it-alls but you have been progressing well and if you treat it as a field trip on observation of adept society I will take you. Know that as my guest I expect you to carry yourself appropriately- you can have fun and enjoy yourself but there are rules which you will have to memorize and comply. I will not be your babysitter” Nick remarked and somehow had anticipated the reaction of course John would want to go thus with a shake of his hand the guest invitation changed to read John Constantine in beautiful lettering.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Let it snow
@misfitxbeggars​ & @thedemonconstantine​ + nick nolan
New York turned cold once more but only rain and howling winds in sight would they be deprived of a white Christmas the morning tv show questioned as Nick finished putting together his veggie breakfast tacos serving two more plates for it was his turn to cook today and Nick more often took the cooking duties finding it oddly calming. Roasted veggies and scrambled eggs added to premade tortilas with a side of tomato salsa.
They would be hit with one of the worst blizzards in history that particular Christmas.
It had been nice to slow down a little near the holidays. To have Zatanna around more, to spend more time involved with them as their partner rather than their mentor. He kept glancing at Zatanna reading her book by the kitchen island and steps coming down the stairs drew his attention.
“Morning-” Nick wished and grabbed his plate, it was supposed to be a working breakfast for him. A kiss to Zatanna’s cheek, one to John’s forehead. Nick was supposed to go to the study but last minute on the third step decided against it to return to the kitchen and spend actual time with them . To be more present.
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President Barack Obama makes a surprise visit to United States armed forces based in Afghanistan the morning news announced and Nick turned off the TV taking a seat at the kitchen island.
“I will have breakfast with you be more present but then you two have to help me prep the study” Nick spoke tucking into his breakfast. “I want us to be ready to do the moment the rain eases.”
“Are you spending Christmas with your dad Zatanna?” he asked salting his vegetables more. “I was thinking perhaps if you were open to seeing your dad for just lunch you can make yourself available for the evening? Nothing elaborate, perhaps have something nicer for dinner, a few drinks, a silly movie. Assuming you’re not going back to London, John?” he asked for it was three weeks away.
“Maybe roasted duck..”
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Morning roses
@thedemonconstantine + nick nolan
As fresh as morning roses freshly washed with dew a famous writer once composed and that is exactly how John looked peacefully asleep in his cot either the dreamcatcher was working it’s magic or he was dreaming of something kind of once.
Nick had to try his hardest to navigate the dark room for all the mess on the floor threatened his balance and yet somehow he pulled it off.
John would wake to a single black rose one that was impossibly black to be natural on his pillow with a label of good morning.
A note was left on the fridge of meet me at the study wear your sweater with a heart drawn over the you.
In the study a runic circle where normally the desk sat and a piece of paper of instructions for the last rune missing to teleport him to where Nick would wait for him.
Magic had a price and some bills were worth paying.
The portal would bring John straight to Nick near a pond in Charleston where the cold de-swayed a fair few people from going even though the sun still sort of shined and the place was romantic. Just office workers picking up their breakfast from the nearby van with the four little tables and red chairs and Nick Nolan sat near the water reading.
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“Good morning” Nick wished looking up from his When all the World Sleeps book turning it upside down as to try to hide which book exactly he was reading from John reaching up to lure him down for a kiss and in fact grabbed the youth into his embrace down to the ground.
So many little kisses were pressed into John’s face sloppily as if John was some sort of salt lick.
“Breakfast by the lake?” he offered with a beaming smile pressing one more kiss to John’s cheek.
His and only his...and Zatanna’s if you wanted to be categorical about it.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
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Send 💋 for a kiss from my character! (inbox clear out) // @thedemonconstantine
“Sh, sh you’re okay” Nick had been woken up by the sounds of distress from John’s room and quickly rushed to him although finding it just being a nightmare was an odd relief. After the incident with Norfulthing he couldn’t help but to worry that John was more susceptible to psyonic attacks, all the sigyls and protective spells in the world couldn’t keep you 100 % safe.
“Just a bad dream..you’re okay Johnny” he softly promised pushing John’s hair off his sweaty brow and kissed him softly getting into his bed to hold him for a little while..just until John would fall asleep again.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Once upon a time in Hong Kong
@thedemonconstantine​ + Nick Nolan
The dead could always roam among them if they so wished and they had unfinished business but it was the belief that invited them to show themselves. The invitation, the energy that belief held, the words that were chanted and sung, the food that was offered to the, that drew those behind the veil to be more active.
Like being the guest of honor at a garden party, sure you could always sit in someone’s garden but you’re probably more sneaky and quiet when you’re not invited. It was a beautiful evening aglow with candle lights and lanterns setting such a warm orange tone everywhere you looked. 
Long necked ghosts as well as the normal garden variety ones were out in force finding comfort in being entertained and remembered. “Play a song!” Nick demanded to his companion offering him the cheap acoustic guitar on offer for anyone wishing to offer amusement to the crowd and dearly departed.
A pair of ghostly girls so thin you’d think they were dolls abandoned a plate of food to run towards the blond young man wanting to hear music. Even with his arcane pool nearly drained Nick could still see those that drifted.
“You don’t want to disappoint your audience,John” Nick insisted as four more ghosts gathered waiting to be appeased.
The ghosts started clapping their hands much like a normal audience demanding an encore.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
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Always meant to be together                                       but never meant to be
a silly dumb moodboard to celebrate with my wifey our three month anniversary writing these disaster humans.
@thedemonconstantine I am still in awe of your writing and I can’t believe you put up with me. You’re the Satan to my Lilith , my shake to my bake and I adore you <3. I will make us something decent next month when I have photoshop again.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Foul is fair
A solitary figure stood among the stripped out wreckage of his former home whether it was John himself or the abandoned home a victim of mundane looters a lot of his possessions were gone. Some of his most prized magical talismans he had hidden in pocket dimensions but still books were gone, his ornate desk and with a sigh he would pick up the pieces of half a decade gone.
He stared at the picture on the floor one of John looking like a silly twat and threw it in the waste bin sweeping up remnants of his past to burn in the fireplace.
Who ever he was this wasn’t him anymore. Nick Nolan had died long ago and only Nick Necro would remain.
Quietly he emptied the bin into the fire watching it burn all the memories.
“You found who you were looking for?” Nick asked being joined one evening,he couldn’t even have one evening to himself to tidy up.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Next to you
@thedemonconstantine + Nick Nolan
His return would mark the start of an ascend into untapped power that would lead to a rapid descend just as the peak would be in sight. No one had escaped the realm of the Ones in centuries and just this lunar year two souls left it. One that was born from it’s aether and one that was a mere mortal human. A mere mortal human that did not come back whole. It was the cost of his escape, a tiny piece of him stayed behind and he was all too happy to tear it off and return home. So be it, everything had a cost.
Nick did not even realize when he next woke up that someone had been curled up around him on the floor. The rain and stormy weather stirred him, the crackle of lighting sending him on edge only to have a soothing whisper lull him back into sleep.
He did even memorize what happened the full day after his return. He would awaken again the day after to John’s face so close to his own despite his breath reeking of vomit and scruffy appearance.
“I’m just gonna go bathe-” Nick tried to pry John’s arm off him and was so weak his own legs could not support him weight and sent him tumbling to the floor clinging to the edge of the bed.
The storm outside persisted, the orange cat yawned awake and licked Nick’s hand as if to attempt to groom him.
Worse for wear did not begin to cover how he looked.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
Games of Sorrow
@thedemonconstantine​ + nick nolan
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“At least she had love that mattered” Samantha Nolan was near inconsolable a shadow of the bubbly self she portrayed just a few days ago for the sake of her friends and neighbors, today when she was to lay her husband to rest her whole world was collapsing. Forty two years they had been together and still she hurt this much to lose him. 
“I just wish it wasn’t such a large affair-” Nick grunted headbutting John’s shoulder out of tiredness and clearly he was no mood to deal with the friends of the family and their polite condolences. “Don’t leave me alone with these Bible bashers later or I will pipe up” he warned his apprentice with another sigh. 
“Right, time to make my father into a spectacle I guess. I’ll find you inside, find a place at the back” and in a orderly line leading into the church the Nolan family congregated to receive polite condolences Samantha breaking into tears three times during the whole procedure, she even hugged John when he offered his condolences and her heavy tears stained his garment.
As Nick walked his mother into the church John would overhear the end of their conversation where Samantha pleaded to her son to behave in the house of the Lord.
One look into the order of service and he rolled his eyes. “Great, it’s the long version.”
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adventurepunks · 4 years
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Injured/Bleeding Sentence Starters // @misfitxbeggars​
It wasn’t the easiest thing to be detached from someone you grown to care about intimately but it wasn’t a difficult task either. Yes, Zatanna in pain wasn’t pleasant but as her tutor first and everything else second he pushed her to near breaking limit, the only way for her to learn and explore her true potential was for her limit to be pushed.
“Focus.” he calmly answered as the arcane poured out of her on the nexus point. “You are in control so control it.”  Only if her life was in true danger he would intervene all the while icy blue eyes remained on her watchfully. “You are in control Zatanna pull it back.”
Cut your power off, stop the nexus from draining you, take it’s power instead and nourish yourself on it.
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adventurepunks · 4 years
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“It was. Before second rate charlatans turned it into a show.A magical excuse for a party, let’s bang some drums together, gather the foolish masses and ply them full of wine. Chant some words, that will be three hundred dollars to speak to your dead husband,all the while the peacefully departed are then condemned to never rest again.”
“It was shamanistic ,spiritual and religious. Full of tradition and rules. Seeking guidance from the dead, guiding them to find peace, missunderstood by the outsiders sure but the Shamans that used to practise it up until the 18th century understood to show respect. But it’s been bastardized and moneytisised by those that either don’t understand it, or don’t care about the consequences.”
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“I don’t take issue with the branch I take issue with the practisioners that drag souls out of the Afterlife and then they attach themselves to their loved ones, feed off their pain and melancholy and bodies start dropping.”
“Grief is a powerful emotion. Necromancy in any form takes detachment.Serve your goal, show respect to the Power and spirit you weild and absolutely don’t attach the lifeforce of a living grieving person to bring them here. You summon them , you have to pay their price-”
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adventurepunks · 4 years
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Send me a ship and I’ll tell you… 
Who asks the other on dates: Nick is the planner of the three but it’s more ‘let’s do this and this’ as they all already live together. Who is the bigger cuddler:  John because he’s needy, Zee a close second/ Who initiates holding hands more often: Who remembers anniversaries: Zatanna actually remembers, Nick just has a good diary Who is more possessive: Nick by miles, what is his is fucking his and only fucking his! Who gets more jealous: John? Who is more protective: Zatanna of her disaster gremlins Who is more likely to cheat: None Who initiates sexy times the most: I almost said pass, imma say John but they are all pretty equal on this? Who dislikes PDA the most: None, for their own reasons. Who kills the spider: All of them have killed far worse than a spider. Zatanna is the designated spider eliminator as she will just shoo them to the garden. Who asks the the other to marry them: Nick have them commitment tattoos (protection runes) and that’s as closed to marriage as they can get. Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Because you said buy Zatanna. Nick’s presents tend to not come from a shop and John steals what he gifts them. Who would bring up possibly having kids: The Arcane needs mastering kids are complications at this point of time Who is more nervous to meet the parents: That’s a very long and complicated answer * Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: crossed out cause they all have their own bedroom so moot point but John for some reason still sleeps on the couch Who tries to make up first after arguments: Zatanna tends to be the mediator when all three of them argue that tries to get everyone to talk rather than shout and the most patient one. Who tells the other they love them more often: Zatanna but mostly to remind her gremlins that she loves them when she leaves for a show and knowing they’re both the jealous type she needs to remind them it’s them she loves.
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