#Hii!! thanks for liking the starter call. I hope this is okay
heirofhermes · 10 months
@lcbcshcart liked this for a starter
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"Mr. Reinhart?" Sebastián greeted, poking his head through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. It wasn't every day that he visited the FBI, but it always seemed to be memorable... Perhaps today wouldn't be the exception.
"I'm Sebastián Atehortúa, the Skadden lawyer who first came across the russian mob involvement with our mayor... I was told to come find you."
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immortalxdreamers · 6 years
liked for a starter || @rosevois
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“Bow.” She’d snuck up on him, vanishing and appearing as was so natural to her. Small hands clasped on both his shoulders, as she gazed into his eyes with that familiar look of determination. “I overheard the guards talking about a Horde attack on the east side of the Whispering Woods. We HAVE to check it out! And since my mom hasn’t actually told me not to go, I’m not technically disobeying her, right? Let’s go!”
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atlafan · 4 years
Hii ok u dont have to write this if it doesnt inspire u but I’ve been watching Selling Sunset on Netflix & I’ve been waiting impatiently for the 3rd season cuz it’s just so good lol but i was wondering if u could write something about rich real estate agent H? Maybe helping the MC buy her first home and they hit it off? Ur the only 1 who writes these diverse Harry’s & I can’t stop thinking about real estate H showing her expensive houses & like doing NaughtyStuff with her in an empty 1 lol xx HC
a/n: this has been in my inbox for a while and I’ve been wanting to get to it, so here it is! there is smut, but it’s more tame than you requested. Hope you still like it! 
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You weren’t sure how you were able to do it, but you finally had enough money for a down payment on a home. You scrimped and saved for years as best you could, you paid off the majority of your student loans, you built up your credit, and now you felt ready for this very adult step. 
Your parents weren’t sure why you weren’t content with just renting. “What if you meet someone?” They’d ask you. “Then they could just move in with me, or we’d find another place. It’s an investment!” You’d reply. They had this vision in their head that you’re supposed to buy a home with a partner. It was the twenty-first century, you didn’t need anyone to help you...or so you thought. 
The pre-approval process at the bank was lengthy, but thorough. They’d need to see your W2′s from two years prior, they needed to know how long you’ve been at your current job, and basically just how much money you had altogether. The mortgage specialist at the bank was very kind. 
“So, you’re doing this all on your own?” 
“I am.” You smile.
“Have you got real estate agent yet?”
“No.” You shrug. “You don’t really need when you’re the one buying do you? I can just call whoever’s showing the house and work with them.”
“Maybe in small towns, but in larger areas like this you’ll want a realtor, trust me. It doesn’t cost you anything either way. They can top shop, help you negotiate, all those kinds of things.”
“They also like to show you houses out of your price range.” You scoff. 
“Not the honest ones. I get it, at the end of the day, they’re out there to make a quick buck, and the more the house is, the larger the cut they get. But I know a guy, he actually helped my son buy his first home. He was absolutely wonderful, and he’s a shark.” She goes through the many business cards on her desk. “Ah! Here it is, Harry Styles, he works for Greenfield Real Estate.” 
You take the card from her and scan it over.
“Don’t they sell, like, really nice homes? They work with people looking for mansions.” 
“Just give him a call, and tell him I sent you. You won’t regret it, trust me. Your pre-approval is only good for ninety days, so you’ll want to contact him soon.” 
Your head was swimming, but you knew she had a point. Half the houses you favorited on realtor.com or zillow were sold already. It was a seller’s market for sure. Maybe you would need someone to help you negotiate...but did it have to be a man? Couldn’t you find a female realtor? You spent years becoming the strong, independent woman you came to be, and now it felt like you’d be surrendering to some stereotype. 
However, after perusing on the Greenfield website, you see a picture of Harry. You bite your bottom lip, swallow some pride, and dial his number. 
“Greenfield Real Estate, this is Harry.” You weren’t expecting the British accent, or the deep voice and drawl that came with it. “Hello?”
“Um, hi! Yeah, Doris at Hills Bank gave me your card...I’m a first time home buyer.” You want to smack yourself for how stupid you sound. 
“Oh, I love Doris! I’ve worked with her a bunch. I actually helped her son buy his first home last year.”
“That’s what she told me.” 
“Right, so, picking a realtor is sort of like dating, you wanna make sure you pick the right one. Why don’t we meet up for coffee somewhere locally so we can get to know each other a bit.” 
Pushy, he was already wanting to meet you. Probably to have you sign your life away to be his client. 
“Sure, we could do that.”
“Are you local? There’s a place on Bleaker Street that has great coffee.” 
“Is it Monte Alto?”
“Yeah! That’s the one. When are you free?”
“I could meet you Friday during lunch my break.”
“Sounds great, I’m assuming noon?”
“By the way, you didn’t tell me your name.”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Alright, Y/N, I’ll see you Friday at noon at Monte Alto.” 
You take a huge breath after you hang up. 
Friday rolled around, and you weren’t able to step out of the office until nearly 11:50. It would take a little more than ten minutes to get there, and you hated being late. You were happy you had at least looked up what Harry looked like so you’d be able to spot him once you were there. 
Once you’re there, you see a man sitting on one of the cushioned chairs, looking out the window. It had to be him. 
He looks over at you and smiles. He stands up to shake your hand.
“Yes, hi, sorry I’m late, I’ve had meeting after meeting this morning. Fridays aren’t usually this busy.”
“No worries at all. Tell me, what’s your order?” 
“Oh, I can get it myself. I’m gonna grab a bagel too.”
“Good idea, I’ll do the same. Now, what’ll you have?” 
“Really...I can-”
“I know you can, but I invited you here, it would be rude to have you pay. Do this with all my perspective clients.” 
“Well, don’t I feel special.” You say sarcastically. He chuckles softly as you both get in line. 
You both order your drinks and food, and wait awkwardly for your names to be called, then you sit back down. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re more than welcome. So, tell me, what’s your dream home?”
“Oh god, um, nice big kitchen, I love to cook when I actually have time. A room for entertaining. I’m usually the one to host friends. Two stories, a garage, three bedrooms would be ideal, but I’ll settle for two-”
“No settling.” He smirks. “Go on.” 
“Um...well, so, three bedrooms, ideally I’d like a master with an en suite, but who doesn’t?” You watch as he makes notes on a little pad of paper. “I’d like a yard, but it doesn’t need to be huge. Bonus points if there’s a deck or patio, maybe even a pool, but I can live without those things.”
“And you’re buying this just for yourself, correct? No husbands or boyfriends I need to know about?” 
“You know, I could have a girlfriend.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry you’re right, um-”
“Relax, I’m teasing.” You chuckle. “But to answer your question, I am doing this alone. I feel like I’m ready for a house, so I want one.” 
“Thought I put my foot in my mouth for a second there. I need to learn to just say partner.” He picks up his drink to take a sip, and that’s when you notice he has perfectly manicured nails. Interesting. “So it seems like you know how to be realistic about what you want, and you also have a dream list. What about projects, do they scare you?”
“I’m good with painting or even having to put new flooring in, but I’d like to stay away from any major reno.” 
“Gotcha.” He makes another note. “And what price range are we working with here?” 
“Let me just make a note on my phone, I’d rather not say out loud in case someone tries to rob me.” 
He smiles and nods. He squints at your screen and makes a note. 
“Great, good for you. What do you do for work?” 
“I’m a physician, I work at a doctor’s office not too far from here. I’ve been there for two years, and I love what I do.”
“That’s great. So, Doris talked with you about balancing a mortgage and paying down your student loans?”
“They’re mostly paid for, actually. I got a lot of scholarships for my undergrad, and during med school I was awarded a pretty decent grant.” 
“Perfect.” He scribbles some more notes and then puts his pad and pen down. “What do you want to know about me?” 
“How long have you been a realtor for?” 
“Six years, been with Greenfield since I started.”
“What made you get into it?”
“Love seeing people happy.” 
“What about when someone buys below the asking price?”
“Doesn’t happen with me, not when I’m selling anyways. However, when I’m helping someone buy a home, well, let’s just say I’m pretty good at negotiating.” He smirks. “You’d be in good hands with me, but if you wanna shop around some more I’ll understand.” 
“Do you work with first time buyers a lot?”
“Sometimes, it depends. I know a lot of them like to work with me. They’re usually young, I’m young. Makes for a more relatable experience.”
“Okay.” You look outside and think for a moment. “I think I’d like to work with you.”
He smiles big at you.
“Are there any homes you’ve had in mind that you’d like to start looking at? I can definitely see what open houses are out there too. People tend to make offers fast, but don’t let that scare you. The home has to feel right, if you want it, I’ll make sure you get it.” 
“There were a few I’ve seen on realtor...” You take your phone out to show him. “I’d like to not have a super long commute either if I can help it.” 
“Are you looking to grow into this home or is it more of a starter space for you?” You give him a funny look. “I just mean, like, would you be open to a condo or something like that.”
“Only if it was detached and didn’t have a high HOA.” 
He nods and looks at some of the other homes you had favorited.
“So what I’m gonna do is go back to my office and run a few searched. Then I’ll text you a link to the home I find, and you can tell me which ones you like. Don’t be afraid to tell me you hate them either. Then if there’s a couple you wanna see, we’ll set up a time that works for you, and then I’ll contact the other realtor, sound good?”
“Sounds great.” 
You shake hands again before leaving. As you make your way back to the office, you feel relieved. You had someone you could ask questions to, and someone basically on your side. Harry was nice, a salesman at heart, but nice.
Saturday morning you get a text from Harry.
Harry Styles - Hi Y/N, it was great meeting you yesterday. Here are some places I think you might like. Let me know what you think! 
You liked how formal he was. You tap the link he sent you. The first couple were duds, but there were a few on here that actually peaked your interest. 
You - Could we three of the home? The bottom three on the list. 
Harry Styles - Sure! When would work for you? 
You - I don’t work on Mondays, so that would be easiest. Timing doesn’t matter. 
Harry Styles - I’ll contact the realtors and see what we can put together. 
You - Thanks so much!
You felt really excited. You wondered if maybe you should invite your parents to come look at the houses with you, but maybe you would save that for a second look through once you actually find something. A house can look much different in pictures than it does in person. 
Monday morning, around 9:30, you meet Harry at the first location. His car was parked in the driveway. He gets out when he sees you pull in. He had two coffees in hand. 
“Morning.” He says to you. “Got you a coffee, I remembered your order.” 
“Oh! Um, thanks.” You take it from him. 
“I’ve already gone in and unlocked the doors and turned the lights on. The other realtor isn’t here, which is perfectly fine. Take your time, feel free to walk around outside before heading in too.” 
You smile and nod. The front was beautifully landscaped, and there was a gate leading to the backyard. He follows you out that way. You listen as he explains when the home was built and why the people were selling it. There a nice deck that had been recently put on, no pool though, but there was room for one. You go up the stairs of the deck and go in through the sliding glass door. 
“Kitchen was recently renovated within the last five years. All appliances come with the place.” 
“It’s beautiful.” You run your fingers over the nice granite counter tops. 
As you scope out the rest of the house, you’re not as impressed as you were with it when you first walked in. The bedrooms were small, and barely had any storage. The basement wasn’t in the best condition either. 
“Definitely a no, but a good first experience nonetheless.” 
Harry looks down at his watch as he nods. 
“Wanna follow me to the next place then?”
Same thing happened at house number two and three. You just weren’t wowed. You sigh heavily as you lean against your car. 
“Don’t get discouraged, Y/N. It’s better to know what you don’t like. We can keep looking. When I go into the office tomorrow I can run another search. Maybe we can look at some condos.” 
“That might be good. Maybe somewhere with people my age? It would be cool to be in a little community.”
“Thanks...I hope I haven’t been a pain with the things I don’t like.”
“Not at all. This is a really big purchase, you should get what you want.” 
It took three more weeks of meeting up with Harry on various days to find a place you liked. On a Saturday evening, he brought you over to a condo that was detached, had a garage, a community gym and pool. It had three bedrooms, and two and a half baths. One being an en suite for the master bedroom.The kitchen was gorgeous and flowed into a dining/living area. You were thrilled. 
“Harry...” You look at him. “It’s perfect.” 
“Really, you like it?”
“I love it!” You squeal and hug him without thinking. “Sorry.” You blush.
“It’s fine, it’s exciting.” 
“I’d like to put an offer in. The price is rate and the HOA is reasonable. It’s not too far from work. I’d be able to entertain, the backyard is fenced in. There was even security at the gate! This is my home, I can feel it.” 
“Fantastic. The paperwork can take some time. Would you wanna fill everything out over dinner?” 
“Plus, it gives you a chance to see what places nearby are like. We passed some nice restaurants on the way here.” 
You follow him to a nice pizza place a couple of miles away. He bring a large packet of paper and a couple of pens in with him.
“On the way here I called the other realtor to let him know an offer was coming their way.”
You both get seated and are given some water. He takes the papers out and explains what you would need to sign, and what your offer would mean. Harry said you could definitely low ball the sellers, so you asked for about $15K less than the asking price. 
“They probably won’t accept, but most people don’t on the first offer. This just gives us a good starting point.”
“And you think the six grand in closing costs is good?”
“Yeah, totally reasonable. That’ll be about half of it. Sometimes, you can get more money off after the home inspection. Once a price is settled, you’ll want to schedule that right away. I have some names of some great home inspectors.”
“Would you be there for that?”
“I would. I’m there for all of it. The other realtor will be there too.” 
“Okay good. I’d feel better with you there.” 
As you begin to sign the documents, a waiter comes over. 
“Good evening folks, can I start you off with anything to drink?”
“I’d love a glass of rose please.” You say. 
“Just a Corona for me, thanks.” 
The waiter nods and leaves you be. 
“Did you want to just split a pizza?” Harry asks looking down at the menu. 
“Sure, what do you like? I usually just get green peppers and mushrooms.”
“Works for me. Would you mind this cauliflower crust?”
“Not at all! I prefer that, actually.” 
‘Perfect.” He smiles. 
When the waiter comes back, Harry orders your pizza. He watches as you finish up all the paperwork. He checks over everything to make sure you signed everything. 
“I’ll get this all scanned and sent over tomorrow.”
“Do you ever take a day off?”
“Yes and no. The realtor world is funny. Sometimes I’m in the office all day and then I wont hear from a client until 8PM. I’m not helping someone buy, I’m helping someone sell. I’m always busy.”
“Sorry to take up your Saturday night...”
“No, don’t be. I’d just be home working.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his beer. “It’s your Saturday night I’m more worried about.” 
“Oh please.” You laugh. “My friends know I’ve been busy with this, they understand. Besides when I showed them who you were...” You stop yourself from finishing the sentence. 
“No, please, go on.” He smirks.
“They just, they saw your picture on the Greenfield website, that’s all.” You blush. 
The waiter comes over with the pizza, and thankfully it breaks a bit of the tension. You each take a slice and dig in. 
“This is delicious.” You say. 
“Yeah, never been here before, I’ll definitely have to come back.” He takes another sip of his beer. “Once that condo is yours, I fully expect an invite to your house warming, by the way. I like to know my clients are good to go.”
“I definitely won’t be a stranger.” 
When you and Harry are done, he walks you out to your car. He gives you a small hug goodbye as well. You felt like you just had a date, but there was no way you did. 
After going back and forth twice, your offer was accepted. You set up a home inspection with one of the names Harry had given you. He meets you at the house when it’s time, and you’re able to meet the other realtor. A woman, who was a little too delighted to see Harry. You felt jealous when they hugged. However, he stayed close to you and took notes while the inspector was talking. 
You made sure to ask a lot of questions. There were no major things that alarmed you. All of the information was just a lot to take in, and you were feeling slightly overwhelmed. You should have brought your parents, or another friend. Was Harry a friend at this point? As the inspector was putting together a full report for you, and getting your email, the other realtor was talking to Harry.
“So, I thought you were only in the selling game right now.” She smirks at him.
“Once in a while I take on a buyer.” He shrugs. “It’s good commission.”
“Yeah, thanks, can’t wait to split it with you.” She rolls her eyes. “But I do love when our paths cross.”
“Mhm.” He looks over at you and then back to the realtor. “The previous owners took great care of this place.”
“Yeah, they did. The only reason they moved is because they’re daughter had a baby and they wanted to be closer to her.”
“Ah, classic.”
“Are you doing anything later?”
“Um…well…Y/N is probably going to have questions and stuff, so I’ll probably be busy with her for a bit.”
“Okay, but, like, tonight, are you free? We could grab a drink.”
“Harry?” You say, walking over to them. “Everything’s all set. He said I should have the radon and water tests by next week.”
“Perfect. You’ll be able to make a final decision and add anything to an addendum then.”
“It was nice to meet you.” You shake the woman’s hand.
“Same to you. Look forward to hearing from you soon.”
“Y/N, I took a lot of notes, is there anything you want to go over?”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“See ya Margaret, we’ll be in touch.” He shakes her hand and leaves her standing there, shocked.
Harry walks with you outside, and you agree on a bar to meet up at. You both grab drinks and Harry goes over his notes with you. He gives you the name of a good plumber since you mentioned you’d want to update a few fixtures.
“What about a painter? Know of anyone that can help with that?”
“You don’t need to waste your money on a professional. Painting’s not that hard.” He chuckles.
“Well, I am not very skilled when it comes to that kind of stuff. Plus, I won’t really have the time to do it myself, and I’d wanna get it done before I move.”
“You could get all done in a couple of weekends no problem, you just need some friends that know how to paint.” He puts a toothpick in his mouth and fiddles with it. “I know how to paint.”
“You do?”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “Sometimes sellers need to fix up their houses quickly. I’ve come to the rescue on more than one occasion.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“I don’t make any money if I don’t. No one wants to be an ugly house.” He takes a sip of his drink. “I guess what I’m saying is, I could help you paint. You’re about to have a mortgage payment on your hands.”
“Pending the inspection report.” You smirk.
“Right.” He smiles.
“Did you offer up the same service for Doris’ son?”
“No.” He says smugly. “He already knew how to paint.”
“That other woman before, what was her name? Margaret?”
“Yeah, what about her?”
“I heard her ask you out…”
“She didn’t, she wasn’t…uh…” He scratches the back of his neck. “Sometimes we go for drinks if we end of working on the same house. Nothing more than that really.”
“So, you’re not, like, seeing her.”
“God, no. That would be a major conflict of interest.”
“Do you always go out for drinks with your clients?”
“Sometimes…I know some people have clients over to their home to do paperwork, but I didn’t think you’d feel super comfortable coming over to some guy’s house you barely know.”
“How considerate of you.” You giggle.
“Did it bother you that she asked me out tonight?”
You nearly choke on your drink.
“What? No, why, uh, why would it have bothered me?”
“Because…if someone had done the same to you in front of me I would have been bothered, but to be fair, I’m a pretty jealous guy.” He finishes his drink and orders another one.
“How many times does this happen?”
“You hitting on your clients.”
“Is that what I’m doing?” He fake gasps. “And no, I don’t usually do this. I’m a little embarrassed, actually. Not very professional of me to have a crush on your client.” Your eyes widen and your jaw drops slightly. “Sorry, I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable.”
“No! I…I’m just a little surprised that you’re into me, is all.”
“Why? You’ve got a great career, you’re super independent, and you’re really funny.”
“How do you not already have a girlfriend?”
“I’m really busy, like, all the time. I’m able to take vacations here and there, but you see how much I work. Any time I date it doesn’t last because people don’t understand the job. You’re a doctor, you get it. You must be busy going to classes trying to stay up to date on everything.”
“I am, I’m definitely busy a lot…but I make time for friends.”
“So do I. My friends don’t get offended if I have to cancel or reschedule, or they at least don’t take it personally.”
“I get what you’re saying…dating is hard when you have a demanding job.”
“So…are you going to ask me out?”
“Can’t, not until this is all done at least. Conflict of interest.”
“But when I do, are you saying you’ll say yes?”
“I guess we’ll find out when you ask, won’t we?”
Harry helped you go over the inspection report once you got it. You asked for some money towards getting the furnace serviced, and the previous owners thought it was a reasonable request. You were able to close a couple of weeks later. Typically the realtor comes to the bank with the buyer on the big day.
“Harry!” Doris squeals as she hugs him. “Great to see you.”
“Same to you.”
“Love when we get to see each other like this.”
“Same here, how’s your son?”
“Oh, he’s great. Y/N, have a seat. We have lots of things to sign.”
You sign what you need to. Doris gives you a gift bag with some wine glasses. Harry hands over a bottle of champagne to you as well. It was very exciting. You were officially a home owner.
“Thank you so much.” You shake Doris’ hand before leaving the bank.
Harry grabs your wrist once you’re both outside.
“Thanks, I literally couldn’t have done it without you.” You give him a quick hug. “My parents are gonna meet me there soon so they can check it out. I think they wanna take me out to eat to celebrate.”
“That’s great.” He clears his throat. “What, uh, what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Continuing to pack.” You laugh. “But, um, I could make myself available in the evening.” You smile.
“I’m having a little pool party tomorrow. Bunch of my friends are coming over, I’d love to have you over too, if you felt comfortable.”
“That sounds amazing! Can I bring anything?”
“Just your beautiful self.”
Your parents were very impressed with your new purchase. You did well. Saturday morning you continued your packing adventure, trying to make sure you properly labeled your boxes. You needed to make sure none of your medical journals got lost.
Even though Harry had offered over and over to teach you how to paint, your parents offered to pay for a painting crew for you, just to make things go faster. Once that was done you’d be able to move. You search your dresser for a suitable bathing suit. You weren’t sure how much skin to actually show.
“Ah ha!” You find your green, strapless one-piece that had a cute cut out in the upper part of the stomach. You’re also able to find a cute cover up dress to throw on over it.
In the latter part of the afternoon, you drive over to Harry’s. You were impressed by the neighborhood he was able to live in. All of the houses were huge. When you pull up to his house you wonder what he needed such a big house for. Maybe he entertained a lot too, just like you did.
You – just pulled up!
Harry Styles - come right around back!
You walk around to where you can hear music playing and people laughing. There were plenty of people already in Harry’s large in-ground pool.
“Y/N!” Harry waves over to you.
Damn, he has a lot of tattoos. You think to yourself.
“Hi, Harry!”
He comes over to you and kisses you on the cheek without really thinking.
“Glad you could make it. Make yourself comfortable. Plenty of food, plenty of pool.” He chuckles.
Harry’s friends were really nice and welcoming, you didn’t feel too out of place. His eyes couldn’t help but scan over your body the second you took your coverup off. Turns out Harry was a master on the grill. He made sure to pay attention to while still being a good host to his friends. It was a fun party. As the night dwindled you wanted to make some sort of move.
“You know, I’ve seen your entire backyard, but I’ve yet to be given a your of your home.”
“You’d like that?”
“It’s only fair, you’ve seen mine.” You wink at him.
He leads you inside.
“Well, you’ve seen the kitchen, obviously.”
He takes you through the first floor and then leads you upstairs. He explains that he has all the extra rooms so his family has their own space for when they come to visit.
“And this is my room, but you don’t have to-“
“No, let’s see it.” You smile.
He smiles back and opens the door. Your jaw drops when you see how much space there is. There were two closets, both filled with nice clothes.
“Come check out the bathroom. I had some work done to it last year.”
“Why do you have a double vanity?”
“For guests.” He blushes. “My last girlfriend actually, she liked having her own sink. Apparently I have too many products and they can get in the way.” He clears his throat. “Anyways, I had everything redone last year. I know a great bathroom guy if you ever wanna update anything.”
“You have a guy for everything.” You giggle. “And you do have a lot of products, two sinks makes sense.” You walk out and back into the bedroom. “So…”
“What date number would you consider this to be?”
“Legally, the first…not legally…” He grins. “Think I’ve lost track.” He steps closer to you. “My friends liked you.”
“I liked them.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “And I like you.”
“I like you too.” His hands move to your hips. “And I really like this bathing suit. Haven’t been able to take my eyes off you all day.”
You both smile and continue to make eye contact. Harry looks down at your lips and leans in. He presses his lips to yours, and you find yourself grasping at him to pull him closer. You couldn’t remember the last time you were intimate with someone, but it had definitely been too long. You were ravenous. You open your mouth him and he groans into you. You both shuffle back to the bed and fall on top of it.
“If this feels too fast, just let me know.” He breathes as you move to straddle him.
“Harry, I want you.” You cup his cheek and he moves to kiss your palm. “But, if it feels too fast for you, we can cool it.”  
“I want you too, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel pressured or anything.”
“I don’t, but thank you.”
You lean down to kiss him again. His hands move to the back of your bathing suit.
“Gotta get this off you.” He grunts.
You get off him to stand up.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“Seems to be our little theme.” He smirks.
Harry stands up and takes his trunks off. Your eyes grow wide when you look down at his hard cock. He steps towards you and helps you out of your swim suit.
“I have a fun idea.” He says as he kisses down your neck. “We’ve been in the sun all day, let’s go hop in the shower.”
You smile at him and nod. He leads you into the bathroom and gets the water in the shower going. He yanks you inside and gets you under the warm water. He backs you up to the wall and press you against it. His hands roam your body as his lips find yours again.
“I’ve thought about this so many times.” He says.
“You have?”
“Mhm, there were so many times in the houses I showed you that I just wanted to take you right then and there.”
He nips at your jaw as his hands knead your breasts. You wrap your arms back around his neck. You feel his hard cock press against your hip and it makes you whimper. One of his hands slides down your stomach. He looks at you to make sure it’s alright and you nod yes.
Your head rolls back against the tile as his fingers slips between your legs. His thumb works your clit while he works two of his fingers inside you.
“Oh my god.” You gasp and grind your hips toward his hand. You reach for his length and start to pump him.
You both were panting. You have to let go of him to clutch onto his shoulders as you release around his fingers.
“Please.” You moan. “Fuck me. I have an IUD.”
Harry kisses you and hooks one of his arms under one of your legs so he can push in at a better angle. You bite down on his bottom lip, causing him to groan loudly.
“You’re so fucking sexy.” He says into your ear as he thrusts in and out of you.
“You feel so good, Harry, fuck.”
He pulls out of you, turns you around, and presses back inside. His chest was flush with your back. You claw at the tile as he rocks in and out of you. One of his hands snakes around to rub your clit and the other works one of your breasts.
You feel a flood of things wash over you, but mostly it was another incredible orgasm. You could get used to this.
“Shit, I’m gonna come. Where do you want it?” He grunts.
“Inside me.”
“Jesus.” He groans and releases inside you. You moan out at the warm feeling.
“This is the softest robe in the world.”
“Glad you like it. You can wear it anytime.”
You both were cuddled up in his bed, munching on some fruit while watching TV.
“Do you have parties like this often?”
“Only when I’ve finally told a tougher home.”
“You were working with someone while working with me? How did you find the time?”
“Babe, I was working with like six other people.” He smirks.
“Doris was right, you are a shark.” You laugh.
“Gotta be able to afford this place, right?” He tucks some hair behind your ear. “You’ll stay tonight? I’m a cuddler.”
“Of course.” You giggle. “I’ll have to have you over for my next game night, you can meet all of my friends.”
“Like I said, I fully expect to be invited to your house warming.”
“That too.”
“But I’d be happy to meet your friends. Are they doctors too?”
“A couple of them are, yeah. We met in med school. Wouldn’t have made it through without them.”
You two stay up for hours, legs tangled in each other, telling each lots of things about one another. It was easy to talk to Harry, it had been since you met. He felt the same about you too. You both knew it wouldn’t be so easy to just get together. Harry’s schedule was unpredictable, and your days were long and tiring. But, neither of you really cared because you both felt like you found your person.
Harry loved game nights with your friends. He was a tad competitive, but it just made for more laughs. You both liked having your separate spaces, but you enjoyed when he could actually spend the night, or when you could spend the night at his place. Neither of you took it personally when the other was too busy or too tired either. Once you felt truly settled, you wrote Doris a thank you note for setting you up with the best realtor and the love of your life.
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bobohoney · 4 years
dulce de leche (M)
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A/N: hii!! my name is cori and i want to write: fluff, angst or smut. i would appreciate y'all reading this 🥺 thank you so much! hope you enjoy. feedback is always appreciated!
Warning: this contains mature content !! you had been warned.
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Have you ever perceive someone as a color? If you think about them the color will appear in your mind and surround you like a filter, make you see everything that color. Well, you do. You view Byun Baekhyun as honey yellow and it gives you the warm taste of dulce de leche inside your mouth. His tiny giggles are explosions of color inside your brain, everything about him is vibrant. He is light in your life and you are happy that you get to have him…as a friend. Not everything is warm colors in your life because sometimes you feel shallow; sometimes you believed you had nothing special to be adored by him. It hurts you to watch him hold her hand, to watch kiss her cheek and those little inside jokes that you will never have. Baekhyun was your friend, not your best friend, just your friend.
Daydreaming about Baekhyun was easy, everything that it came to him was but living your life…not so much. Not that you had big troubles but today, your birthday, is not being the best day as it should be. For starters everyone, even your roommate, forgot about your special day but it doesn’t matter right?
You just tried to shove off the tight feeling of sadness and disappointment inside your chest. Today was blue.
You opened the door to the corridor with your head down, embracing the rainy cloud that followed you- on your birthday- You didn’t realize until your books and papers were all on the floor that you had crashed into firm chest. Looking up you saw that cheeky smile handing your things to you. Oh Byun Baekhyun WHY. You thought.
“Here you go!!” He said with the cutest smile but before you got to say anything he continued. “Oh and happy birthday!”
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 Tonight was your first college party that your roommate convinced you to go. You dressed yourself simple with just a casual black top and black jeans, not to forget your combat boots. You always wore those; they were your lucky pair of shoes.
You smiled awkwardly while he waved at you leaving for his next class. You couldn’t believe that of all people he would remember your birthday. That’s how you decided that Byun Baekhyun wasn’t like everyone else. He cared, he deeply did.
Entering the party to your surprise you found out Baekhyun was the host; you listened to the RNB music that was playing in the background as you saw colors dancing inside your brain. It wasn´t the first time your synesthesia acted. You found it curious that every time Baekhyun was related to something it seemed to increase. Speaking of which Baekhyun was heading to your direction but your roommate, Baekhyun´s best friend, wasn’t anywhere to be found. You looked at him in awe, as everything screamed in colors. Hoping your face didn´t look as dumbstruck as you felt but the color honey yellow was present all over his warm smile and his figure. He looked so handsome; his hair slicked back almost as if he was Johnny Depp´s character in Cry baby. You really felt like a school girl who had the biggest infatuation in her life.
“Hi! You look good, wanna come to the kitchen and drink something?” He asked with his smooth voice. Not to mention he complimented you who made you blush deeply.
“Y-yeah that would be awesome!” You screamed for him to hear your voice with the loud music.
Taking you by surprise he grabbed your hand and suddenly you felt as if you were chewing dulce de leche candy. Byun Baekhyun really drove your senses mad. Your heart was feeling so heavy in your chest, why was he doing that? Being nice to you and making you feel special even with the smallest things.
When you two got to the kitchen he poured you orange juice with the tiniest bit of vodka meanwhile his drink had a lot of vodka and nothing of orange juice. He gave you your cup, not abandoning your side and you really asked yourself why Baekhyun on his own party would be by your side.
“Why are you here with me…? I mean it’s your own party and i don’t wanna ruin the fun…”
“Joy said this was your first party, so i felt like it was my duty as a host to be by your side.” He said with the sweetest tone, smiling down at you. Baekhyun wasn’t very tall but your head reached his lips so to talk to him you had to look up. “I´m not going to leave your side until you have a little bit of fun with me.”
So the night carried on while Baekhyun and you talked in the kitchen until your stomachs hurt from drinking and laughing. It surprised you how funny you were when drunk; it was like your awkward aura went away. You suddenly felt hot and the whole room shone on red lights, the music suddenly becoming louder in your ears and slow bass making your body vibrate.
“Want to dance?” Baekhyun looked at you with a glint of mischievousness in his eyes, his face red. He handed you his hand to go to the dance floor. You grabbed his hand and giggled.
He stood behind you grabbing you by the waist directing your movements, his hot breath hitting your nape. Baekhyun felt intoxicated with your perfume the proximity of your bodies while you two danced. He closed his eyes letting you dance in front in him, he pushed his hair to the back feeling suddenly your hands around his nape. He opened his eyes; looking directly at your eyes. Fuck, were you always this pretty? His hands flew to your hips bringing your body closer and closer as if he needed you. It had been a while since Baekhyun danced this close to a girl but you weren´t just a girl. Something about you made him want to be closer and intrigued him. He knew he had to take care of you tonight but he just wanted to let loose.
“Baekhyun?” You asked, softly yawning. He nodded at your question too lost in the sensation of being close to you to answer. “Take me to your room, ´m sleepy.”
You laid on Baekhyun´s bed looking at the ceiling; drinking too much made you sleepy and your senses were all over the place too. Baekhyun was next to you, looking at the ceiling as well. Your eyes felt heavy and your drunken mind decided it was good to cuddle Baekhyun as you fell asleep.
 You woke up with the feeling of a headache that was killing your brain, you didn´t know where you were. Until you remembered that this was Baekhyun´s bedroom….WAIT! Did the two of you drunk had s-sex? You didn’t want to have your first time like this and nononono this was such a mistake; that was probably why Baekhyun wasn’t next to you because he didn’t want you around. What if he hated you now?
You had to get out of there as soon as you could; you opened the door to peek if someone was there but lucky for you there was no one around.
Back into your house you got into your and closed the door because how could you look at Joy´s eyes and tell her yeah I had sex with Byun Baekhyun, your best friend. You felt dirty because you remembered how close Baekhyun and you were while dancing. How his hands danced across your stomach making you feel butterflies.
The back pocket of your jean started to vibrate; startled you took it out of there and saw who was calling.
You decided to decline the call, too nervous to answer and besides you didn’t trust your voice.
 After classes you opened the door of the house Joy and you shared. Breathing in the usual clean smell your house had, you felt relaxed until you saw who was sitting on the couch.
“What are you doing here?”
 “Joy said the house will be alone because you had classes till afternoon…” Baekhyun answered while looking at the game he was playing on your console.
“Well i´m here you can go.” The harsh tone surprised Baekhyun and the tension was palpable in the air.
“Is there something wrong…You seemed okay yesterday and now you are treating me coldly?” He sounded kind of hurt with the tone that you were using.
You didn’t answer him and went to your room closing the door with a loud thud. You hated how hurt he sounded but you didn’t want to talk to him because you didn’t want to have your first time drunk. Hot tears were building in your eyes, threatening to spill and your heart squeezed at the sound of Baekhyun´s voice behind the door.
“Hey, are you alright? Has the day been hard? You know you can count on me.”
“Why are you being nice to me now when yesterday we fucked and not even a goodbye? I´m not one of your whores, Baekhyun.”
“What are you talking about? We never fucked; i wouldn’t take advantage of you… I wouldn’t…”
You opened the door, relieved to find a very ashamed Baekhyun. His puppy eyes looked at you and with a pout he said. “I would never do that to you.”
You wanted to kiss him so bad, he looked so cute and your heart squeezed at the sight of Baekhyun´s pouty lips.
“I didn’t want to have my first time like that, drunk, you know…”
“Y-your first time?” He stuttered and you nodded.
Baekhyun started to feel hot and he didn´t know what to say or what to do. He always thought you were so pretty but his shy ass didn´t know what to do or how to get close to you. When you two danced that night he thought he was going to die if he didn’t kiss you but he wasn’t going to take advantage of you specially when you were drunk and he was too. Suddenly he looked at you and he thought his heart was going to leap out of his chest, the tension had change into a sexual one and everything had slowed down.
“Fuck it.” Muttered Baekhyun under his breath before grabbing you by your cheeks and kissing you softly.
You opened your eyes watching Baekhyun with his eyes closed and pouty lips kissing you but before you could respond the kiss was over. He was looking at you with his hands still on your cheeks when you kissed him again grabbing his thin cotton shirt bringing him closer to you. You felt butterflies wait no you felt a whole zoo inside your tummy. The desire was running through your veins as well as the adrenaline making your brain excited and your panties damp because you never wanted anyone like this in your whole life. You never saw anyone as honey yellow or tasted dulce de leche when you touched them. He made you go wild with only a touch.
His hands traveled from your cheeks to your waist to bring you closer while his teeth nibbled at your bottom lip because his tongue wanted to enter your mouth so you complied, you opened your mouth letting him caress the insides of it. His tongue was warm making you moan and wet yourself even more. You had never been touched like this by anyone but Baekhyun, he was special. He was the boy that was always there, your ultimate crush. Your heart squeezed when you felt his hard on poking at your thigh.
“Make me yours, Baek. Please” You whispered separating yourself from the kiss and he opened his eyes wide. He couldn’t wait to make you feel good.
His fingers gently touched your belly and you shivered in response to his touch. He looked at you for permission and you nodded. Baekhyun dropped to his knees and opened your jeans lowering them till they hit the floor. He saw your wet black panties, touching your covered slit with his two fingers.
“Y-you are wet…so wet.” He muttered as if he was speaking to your pussy instead of you. He kissed your covered pussy and watched your reaction. You trembled when Baek lowered your panties and gasped when he saw your pussy lips. He couldn’t wait anymore and licked between your folds. His tongue felt so warm between your pussy lips. He was at first given kitten licks then Baekhyun decided to suck your clit so harsh that your hands flew to his hair. Threading your hands between his hair you brought his head closer to your womanhood, he moaned while invested on giving you the best head you would ever get. His fingers gripped your thighs to not let you fall because they felt like jelly. Your breath came in uneven pants, the coil in your stomach getting so tight that it was time for you to release. Chasing the feeling you whimpered Baekhyun ´s name and came all over his face.
“i´m s-sorry…” You said shy after the first orgasm of your life.
“No need to be sorry, you taste really sweet almost like dulce de leche.”
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