#v; child memoria
pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/10 Esta escultura se hizo, por petición popular, en recuerdo de un niño de la provincia asesinado cruelmente por una persona malvada. El alma del pequeño está en esta ballena, su memoria traspasará generaciones.
This sculpture was made, by popular request, in memory of a child from the province cruelly murdered by an evil person. The little boy's soul is in this whale, his memory will go through generations.
Google translation into Italian: Questa scultura è stata realizzata, a grande richiesta, in memoria di un bambino della provincia crudelmente assassinato da un malvagio. L'anima del piccolo è in questa balena, la sua memoria attraverserà le generazioni.
Google Translation into French: Cette sculpture a été réalisée, à la demande générale, à la mémoire d'un enfant de la province cruellement assassiné par un malfaiteur. L'âme du petit est dans cette baleine, sa mémoire traversera les générations.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Esta escultura foi feita, por demanda popular, em memória de uma criança da província que foi cruelmente assassinada por um criminoso. A alma do pequenino está nesta baleia, a sua memória atravessará as gerações.
Google Translation into Arabic: تم صنع هذا التمثال ، بناءً على طلب شعبي ، في ذكرى طفل من المقاطعة قتل بقسوة على يد مجرم. روح الصغير في هذا الحوت ، ذكراه ستعبر الأجيال.
Google Translation into German: Diese Skulptur wurde auf vielfachen Wunsch in Erinnerung an ein Kind aus der Provinz geschaffen, das von einem Verbrecher grausam ermordet wurde. Die Seele des Kleinen steckt in diesem Wal, seine Erinnerung wird Generationen überdauern.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Kjo skulpturë u krijua me kërkesë popullore në kujtim të një fëmije provincial që u vra mizorisht nga një kriminel. Shpirti i vogëlushit është në këtë balenë, kujtimi i tij do të zgjasë brez pas brezi.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այս քանդակը ստեղծվել է ժողովրդական խնդրանքով ի հիշատակ գավառացի երեխայի, ով դաժանաբար սպանվել է հանցագործի կողմից։ Փոքրիկի հոգին այս կետի մեջ է, նրա հիշատակը կմնա սերունդներ։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Тази скулптура е създадена по масова поръчка в памет на провинциално дете, жестоко убито от престъпник. В този кит е душата на малкия, споменът за него ще остане за поколенията.
Google Translation into Czech: Tato socha vznikla na lidovou žádost na památku provinčního dítěte, které bylo krutě zavražděno zločincem. Duše toho malého je v této velrybě, jeho památka přetrvá po generace.
Google Translation into Croatian: Ova skulptura nastala je na zahtjev naroda u spomen na provincijsko dijete koje je okrutno ubio zločinac. Duša malenog je u ovoj kiti, sjećanje na njega će trajati generacijama.
Google Translation into Slovak: Táto socha vznikla na ľudovú žiadosť na pamiatku provinčného dieťaťa, ktoré kruto zavraždil zločinec. V tejto veľrybe je duša maličkého, jeho pamiatka bude trvať generácie.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ta skulptura je bila ustvarjena na zahtevo ljudi v spomin na provincialnega otroka, ki ga je kruto umoril kriminalec. Duša malega je v tem kitu, spomin nanj bo trajal rodovom.
Google Translation into Estonian: See skulptuur loodi rahva palvel provintsilapse mälestuseks, kelle kurjategija julmalt mõrvas. Pisikese hing on selles vaalas, tema mälestus kestab põlvkondi.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tämä veistos luotiin kansan pyynnöstä maakuntalapsen muistoksi, jonka rikollinen murhasi julmasti. Pienen sielu on tässä valaassa, hänen muistonsa säilyy sukupolvien ajan.
Google Translation into Greek: Αυτό το γλυπτό δημιουργήθηκε με λαϊκό αίτημα στη μνήμη ενός επαρχιακού παιδιού που δολοφονήθηκε σκληρά από έναν εγκληματία. Η ψυχή του μικρού είναι σε αυτή τη φάλαινα, η μνήμη του θα κρατήσει για γενιές.
Google Translation into Dutch: Dit beeld is op veler verzoek gemaakt ter nagedachtenis aan een provinciaal kind dat op wrede wijze is vermoord door een crimineel. De ziel van de kleine zit in deze walvis, zijn geheugen zal generaties lang meegaan.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Denne skulpturen ble laget etter populær forespørsel til minne om et provinsielt barn som ble grusomt myrdet av en kriminell. Sjelen til den lille er i denne hvalen, hans minne vil vare i generasjoner.
Google Translation into Polish: Rzeźba ta powstała na prośbę ludu ku pamięci prowincjonalnego dziecka, które zostało okrutnie zamordowane przez przestępcę. Dusza maleństwa jest w tym wielorybie, pamięć o nim przetrwa pokolenia.
Google Translation into Romanian: Această sculptură a fost creată la cererea populară în memoria unui copil de provincie care a fost ucis cu cruzime de un criminal. Sufletul micuțului se află în această balenă, amintirea lui va dura generații.
Google Translation into Russian: Эта скульптура создана по многочисленным просьбам в память о провинциальном ребенке, жестоко убитом преступником. В этом ките душа малыша, память о нем сохранится в поколениях.
Google Translation into Serbian: Ова скулптура је настала на захтев народа у знак сећања на провинцијско дете које је сурово убио злочинац. Душа малог је у овом киту, његово сећање ће трајати генерацијама.
Google Translation into Swedish: Denna skulptur skapades på populär begäran till minne av ett provinsbarn som grymt mördades av en brottsling. Den lilles själ finns i denna val, hans minne kommer att bestå i generationer.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bu heykel, bir suçlu tarafından vahşice öldürülen taşralı bir çocuğun anısına yoğun talep üzerine yapılmıştır. Ufaklığın ruhu bu balinada, hafızası nesiller boyu yaşayacak.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ця скульптура була створена на масове замовлення в пам'ять про провінційної дитини, жорстоко вбитої злочинцем. У цьому киті душа малечі, пам'ять про нього в поколіннях.
Google Translation into Bengali: এই ভাস্কর্যটি একটি প্রাদেশিক শিশুর স্মরণে জনপ্রিয় অনুরোধে তৈরি করা হয়েছিল যেটিকে একজন অপরাধী দ্বারা নির্মমভাবে হত্যা করা হয়েছিল। ছোট্টটির আত্মা এই তিমির মধ্যে, তার স্মৃতি থাকবে প্রজন্ম ধরে।
Google Translation into Chinese: 这座雕塑是应民众的要求创作的,以纪念一名被罪犯残忍杀害的外省儿童。 小家伙的灵魂在这头鲸鱼身上,他的记忆将世代相传。
Google Translation into Korean: 이 조형물은 범죄자에게 잔인하게 살해당한 지방 어린이를 추모하기 위해 대중의 요청으로 만들어졌습니다. 어린 아이의 영혼은 이 고래 안에 있으며, 그의 기���은 여러 세대 동안 지속될 것입니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: פסל זה נוצר על פי בקשה פופולרית לזכרו של ילד פרובינציאלי שנרצח באכזריות על ידי פושע. נשמתו של הקטן נמצאת בלווייתן הזה, זכרו יחזיק מעמד לדורות.
Google Translation into Hindi: यह मूर्तिकला एक प्रांतीय बच्चे की याद में लोकप्रिय अनुरोध द्वारा बनाई गई थी जिसकी एक अपराधी द्वारा क्रूरता से हत्या कर दी गई थी। नन्हे की आत्मा इस व्हेल में है, उसकी स्मृति पीढ़ियों तक रहेगी।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Patung ini dibuat atas permintaan rakyat untuk mengenang seorang anak provinsi yang dibunuh dengan kejam oleh seorang penjahat. Jiwa si kecil ada di paus ini, ingatannya akan bertahan selama beberapa generasi.
Google Translation into Japanese: この彫刻は、犯罪者によって残酷に殺害された地方の子供を偲んで、人気のリクエストによって作成されました。 小さな子供の魂はこのクジラにあり、彼の記憶は何世代にもわたって続くでしょう.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бул скульптура элдин суранычы менен кылмышкер тарабынан мыкаачылык менен өлтүрүлгөн провинциялык баланын элесине арналып жасалган. Кичинекейдин жаны ушул китте, анын эсинде урпактарга калат.
Google Translation into Malay: Arca ini dicipta atas permintaan ramai sebagai mengenang seorang kanak-kanak wilayah yang dibunuh dengan kejam oleh penjenayah. Jiwa si kecil ada dalam ikan paus ini, ingatannya akan kekal turun-temurun.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਇਹ ਮੂਰਤੀ ਇੱਕ ਸੂਬਾਈ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੀ ਯਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਪ੍ਰਸਿੱਧ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬਣਾਈ ਗਈ ਸੀ ਜਿਸਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਅਪਰਾਧੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬੇਰਹਿਮੀ ਨਾਲ ਕਤਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ। ਛੋਟੇ ਦੀ ਆਤਮਾ ਇਸ ਵ੍ਹੇਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੈ, ਉਸਦੀ ਯਾਦ ਪੀੜ੍ਹੀਆਂ ਤੱਕ ਰਹੇਗੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: دا مجسمه د یوه ولایتي ماشوم په یاد کې د خلکو په غوښتنه جوړه شوې وه چې د مجرم لخوا په بې رحمۍ سره وژل شوی و. د کوچني روح په دې وییل کې دی، د هغه یادونه به د نسلونو لپاره دوام وکړي.
Google Translation into Persian: این مجسمه به درخواست مردمی به یاد کودکی استانی که به طرز فجیعی توسط یک جنایتکار به قتل رسید، ساخته شده است. روح کوچولو در این نهنگ است، یادش برای نسل ها ماندگار است.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ang eskultura na ito ay nilikha sa pamamagitan ng popular na kahilingan bilang alaala ng isang batang probinsyano na malupit na pinatay ng isang kriminal. Ang kaluluwa ng maliit ay nasa balyena na ito, ang kanyang alaala ay tatagal sa mga henerasyon.
Google Translation into Thai: ประติมากรรมนี้สร้างขึ้นตามคำเรียกร้องยอดนิยมเพื่อระลึกถึงเด็กต่างจังหวัดที่ถูกอาชญากรฆ่าอย่างโหดเหี้ยม วิญญาณของเจ้าตัวน้อยอยู่ในวาฬตัวนี้ ความทรงจำของเขาจะคงอยู่ชั่วลูกชั่วหลาน
Google Translation into Urdu: یہ مجسمہ عوامی درخواست پر ایک صوبائی بچے کی یاد میں بنایا گیا تھا جسے ایک مجرم نے بے دردی سے قتل کر دیا تھا۔ ننھے کی روح اس وہیل میں ہے، اس کی یاد نسل در نسل رہے گی۔
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hellwurld · 6 months
writing patterns game :0!
hiii !! tagged by @blusandbirds to post the first sentences of the last ten fics i posted and see what it says about how i start stories! this is lit such a fun game omg i nvr considered it b4!! i'm pretty sure i start my stories rlllly similar tho :')!
Childe desperately wants to hate Scaramouche with everything he has. (from lacy, oh, lacy (i just loathe you lately))
Tubbo is starting to think this is coming a little too easy to him. (from if-then statements)
"Holy shit," Izuku gags, clasping a hand over his mouth. (from call me guilty!)
Grizzly’s not sure he’s ever been so angry before. (from doesthedogdie.com)
Foolish is a fantastic friend. (from is it water on the brain?)
This is not Bagi’s room. (from maybe tomorrow you'll know)
Tina calls her an angel. Tina calls her an angel, and Bagi hits a new low she didn’t even know she could hit. (from you're an angel, i'm a dog)
Tubbo is, admittedly, not the best person. (from should've read the fine print)
There is something wrong with Tina. (from you'll be screaming, demon!)
“Pare com isso,” Bagi hisses, and Cellbit hums absently, absorbed in his papers. (from a little knight beside the campfire.)
BONUS!! i translated a fic into latin recently and i don't think that counts bc its not mine but like . but here it is!!
11. Cellbit non facit recordatur quis primus sugesserat [karaoke,] nimis captus in serus nox colloquium ponere quod antiquus memoria, sed hic est laetus quod accipiunt sunt tendere super ad Copacabana neglegens. (from appono mens totus qui volo sum, translated from put to mind of all that i wanna be by @atthebell)
u can take the girl out of the quippy one liner beginnings but u can take the quippy one liner beginnings out of a girl huh. my usual fanfic starter is quippy sentence, then a line break, and then a paragraph, so that was to be expected. ermmm this was v fun tho!!!
oh god tagging is so scary i forget everyone ive ever mutualed . guys everyone can do this be free !!!
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Memoria Churches
After explaining the Diabolical Race alongside its abilities, I think it’s time to tell how they live since they have been hidden from the public eye for almost centuries… or about decades till now.
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In the black land of the living deceased who have passed, either rest or not. The entire nation where this cursed race lived is a pure black void with no exit. Not a shed of light was seen but only the moon glowing… It was more of an abandoned graveyard with the smell of suffocation in the air that you barely breathe.
There are a lot of hostile and monstrous beings living there, yet no one but the diabolicals can live here… Anything that blows and destroys your imagination.
Diabolical beings are known as ‘Pure Cursed Royalty’, in other words… They can communicate, and see paranormal with their eyes because ‘Jet Black-colored Eyes’ is rather a common or unnatural trait for any family member to have after birth.
They are rather the only ones who are feared for decades, despite no one ever meeting them in real life… They are known for serious occult actives, sacrificial rituals, slaughtering and war, paranormal, and more… Unlike any human or race alive… ‘Cursed Royalty’ is something that no one can somewhat handle.
Also, they are capable of living as normal human beings on earth dimension, in other words, a double lifestyle for the whole family to handle, though it looked slightly difficult, which is mostly for the children.
It’s a mix of intense drama, horror, mysteries, and blood spilled within the two churches/palaces… And it’s keep coming in… It doesn’t seem to stop and it’s never-ending…
By the age of eight, either things were okay or the child or two suffered an incident that almost let them die. The paranormal instincts begin after getting possessed by either one or two unknowns, depending on one which side they will have after recovery.
After recovery, normal training and education begin but for the eldest child, however, they will get stricter lessons that wouldn’t be too serious to handle, but they will learn about the other races, even the monstrous ones alive in history.
Mostly rare reapers and the rare specimen which looked almost tortured/deceased beings respected them, beware of them around…
There are only two palaces, which look like churches from the first point of view.
There are two palaces known as the 'Memoria Churches'. There are two in total.
-Sangria Church-
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It’s known for the ones who bled. Where the most hostile and monstrous residents lived, almost every behavior from them is primarily dangerous and quite troublesome. They can be quite offensive which will make them uncomfortable for visitors.
The smell of blood (in any color aside from red but hidden) is mostly everywhere in there and it will be hard to breathe, there's barely anything to stop this scent from lingering around.
There are a lot of dungeons beneath the palace but hidden, which only the current diabolic family can enter, but mostly for the two eldest children and their parents.
Ones who entered there with or without permission will most likely get locked away without a second word.
--Sangria Cursed Royalty Members--
Current Sangria Deadlord: Logan Miyato
-Pure Possessed in Hell Diabolical.
-Has the most control in his unknown which it doesn't have a body, mostly the family members can hear its voice, which it's sounds… It's hard to describe it.
-Sheer Silence from him is a terrifying sound. This man is a black flag towards anyone who visits his church.
-To his family, he's a good father but he can be rather complicated to deal with, especially for the eldest child.
Current Sangria Saint-maria: Masumi Miyato
-Pure Possessed in Heaven Diabolical.
-Like her husband, she too has the most control over her unknown who doesn't have a body but a glowing white eye. It has an unpredictable aura…
-Same authority with her husband, also a green to black flag to any visitors.
-Watches over her four children to a complete T. Also knows how to handle her husband’s demon side, but worries for the eldest child and nephew a lot.
Current Blood Heiress/s:
Eldest Child: Chizuko Miyato.
-The eldest child of the family. Is one of the family members who possessed on both sides.
-Apparently, she doesn’t have good terms with her father after reaching age six to eight, which leads the two to constant fighting in private in the palace and their home on earth, mostly about her life.
-After her almost-to-death situation with her cousin, she is currently unstabled with her two unknowns, who are controlling her head, which it’s a serious matter for the whole family.
-She has a lot of bloody breakdowns… It happens too much from the past to now.
-Doesn’t seem to know how to handle her current problems after the past.
Second Eldest Child: Runako Miyato.
-The second eldest child. Possessed on heaven’s side like her mother.
-She seems to have some slight struggle with her unknown, but it wasn’t serious, unlike the eldest child’s situation, however.
-Was temporarily traumatized by her older sister and cousin’s deaths… Was secretly getting doubts about what had happened before the whole issue.
-Worries about her big sister… Wants to know the truth after her sister had disappeared with her cousin.
Young Blood Children:
Third Eldest Child: Leah Miyato
-The third eldest child. She is also Possessed on heaven’s side like her mother and second older sister.
-Tends to cause somewhat trouble whenever her lessons are over, which it’s either her mother or second older sister scolding her eventually.
-Somewhat tries to help her younger brother, who often warned her about the palace’s rules and getting out of trouble if necessary.
-Wants to see her big sister again who mysteriously disappeared after the prequel story.
Youngest Child: Leon Miyato
-The youngest child, possessed in hell’s side like his father.
-Takes his studying quite seriously, but it’s mostly his hobby to do.
-Often gets his third older sister out of trouble she gets into.
-Is close to all three of his sisters, but has a special bond with the eldest who disappeared along with his cousin.
-Seems to know what’s going on between his father and eldest sister but decided to keep it a secret, would tell the truth when the time comes.
-Royal Church-
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It’s known for the ones who are in misery. Where some of the residents are strict and cruel just to cope with the pain they’re having within them. Some say that the painful experience will pass from parent to child in their bloodline. They are cold to their visitors and would ignore them, giving them a harsh cold shoulder.
As the opposite of the Sangria Church, the feeling of negativity is surrounding the whole church itself, yet it never leaves. It might enter to anyone… If they had sad memories.
There are a lot of hidden rooms filled with cruelty, which only the current diabolical family can enter.
Instead of the dungeons below the palace, they have beautiful crystal shards, which look like mirrors that never existed. However, if you look into them for too long, you’ll be trapped in your misery within your memories.
--Royal Cursed Royalty Members--
Current Royal Deadlord: Liberto Kimoto
-Like his older twin brother, he too is a pure possessed in hell diabolic.
-Unlike his brother, his unknown has glowing eye irises but doesn’t have a body. It has an unpredictable voice that his family members can hear… it's also hard to describe it too.
-The same sheer silence as his twin brother, might give a cold shoulder to anyone who visits his church. Another black flag.
-He's a fun and honest dad to his family and does know how to get his brother to get it easy on his eldest niece.
Current Royal Saint-maria: Marianne Kimoto
-Like her sister-in-law, she too is a pure possessed in heaven diabolic.
-Like her husband, she too has the most control over her unknown, which only has a normal female body but no head. It too has an unreadable aura.
-Is also well-respected like her husband, she too is a green to the black flag as well.
-Also watches over the kids with her sister-in-law, but she does worry for her eldest son and niece.
Current Blood Heir/s:
Eldest Child: Tatsuo Kimoto
-The eldest child of the family. Is one of the family members who possessed on both sides.
-He seems to have relationship problems due to his first one going to a downfall, which later turned into a living nightmare that lasted about a month or so.
-He too is having serious problems with his unknowns after the incident with his cousin.
-Apparently, he has received traumatic nightmares once a month… Which they felt a little too realistic for him to handle.
Second Eldest Child: Quiton Kimoto
-The second eldest child. Possessed on heaven’s side like his mother.
-He too doesn’t have many struggles with his unknown just like his second cousin, which wasn't that serious unlike the eldest child though.
-Was horrified by both his older brother and cousin's deaths… He seems to have some doubts about it in secret.
-He joins his second cousin to find out the truth of what had happened after they had disappeared.
Young Blood Children:
Third Eldest Child: Asher Kimoto
-The third eldest child. She is also Possessed on heaven’s side like his mother and second older brother.
-Tends to sneak away from his lessons from time to time, but gets often caught by his younger sister too easily.
-Has somewhat forgotten the rules here daily, which his younger sister would have kept reminding him.
-Wanted to see his oldest brother dearly after he disappeared after the prequel story.
Youngest Child: Ashleigh Kimoto
-The youngest child, possessed in hell’s side like her father.
-Takes her lessons to a complete T. But the youngest cousin would often tell her to take a break.
-She was a little annoyed that she has to let her third older brother remember all of the rules here.
-Is close to all three of her brothers, but has a special bond with the eldest brother who disappeared.
-She too also knows what’s going on between her oldest brother and cousin. Will also tell the truth when the time comes.
Extra Info will come soon in a later post.
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ScottyMcGeester Plays Every Final Fantasy Game*
*Okay, all the main games except 11 and 14 since they are online only, and also no spinoffs or sequels.
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Years ago, I had a goal to finish every Final Fantasy game. As of December 30, 2020, I finally reached that goal. I originally started posting these reviews way back in 2017 on VGF(VIdeo Game Forums), and posted one review after another as I completed each game. I had already finished a few before I started reviewing the series, such as Final Fantasy I, II, VI, IX, and X.
Final Fantasy X was my very first Final Fantasy game, way back when it first came out on the PS2. It took me years to finish that game, mostly because I was still a novice at RPGs and I didn’t quite know what I was doing. Still, the world and concepts of Final Fantasy gripped me. As a sci-fi/fantasy writer, they inspired tons of elements in my stories. The series spans a multitude of genre-bending stories – sci-fi, fantasy, some steampunk, modern fantasy, space, traditional fantasy with knights in armor – and a whole lot of crystals. I wrote these reviews as if you have no idea what Final Fantasy is – whether you are a gamer or non-gamer. This first post is a general introduction to the series as a whole, but even if you are a die-hard fan already, there are some things that I explore that I hope you'll find interesting. What is Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy is a roleplay video game series that started back in 1987. The first game was reminiscent of Dungeons and Dragons, where you could choose one of six roles for a team of four: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Thief, Monk and Warrior. Square, now known as Square Enix, developed the game. A legendary rumor about the title “Final Fantasy” comes from the story that they were on the verge of bankruptcy. They only had money for one more game, a fantasy game. They dubbed it “Final Fantasy.” This apocryphal story is nowhere near true. Square had made video games before and they didn’t do well, but the company itself wasn’t on the verge of bankruptcy. What happened was that the developer, Hironobu Sakaguchi, had planned to retire. He didn’t see any foreseeable future in video gaming with Square’s mediocre performance. He wanted to make a fantasy game and dubbed it “Final Fantasy”, since it was to be his personal last work. He also wanted the game to be abbreviated as “FF” – they originally had “Fighting Fantasy” in mind but that name was already trademarked by a board game. Final Fantasy initially sold 400,000 copies in Japan and became and instant hit. Nintendo of America approached Square to release a localized version for the states. Final Fantasy became far from Sakaguchi’s last game. What’s Final Fantasy about? Every main Final Fantasy game has a new story with new characters and even new gameplay. Some games have direct sequels and are recognizable with a subtitle, or an additional number following a dash. For example, there is Final Fantasy VII, and the direct sequel to that Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. There's a direct sequel to Final Fantasy X titled Final Fantasy X-2. But even though each Final Fantasy game is different, there are still central elements that make them a Final Fantasy game. You can’t just write up a random fantasy story and slap the Final Fantasy name on it. The following elements are what make a Final Fantasy game. Some are obvious while others not so much. Chocobos:
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Chocobos were first introduced in Final Fantasy II, but have been present ever since. They are cute, large birds that the characters often ride across fields or sometimes call into battle. They have practically become the mascot of the series. Moogles, Cactuars and Tonberries – oh my!
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Moogles (pictured above) are telepathic creatures that help the players, or sometimes they can be a playable character. They debuted in Final Fantasy III.
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Cactuars (right) and Tonberries (left) are cute, unassuming enemies that are actually highly dangerous, killing you in one shot if you are not careful or fast enough. The former debuted in Final Fantasy VI while the latter debuted in Final Fantasy V. Summons:
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Sometimes they go by different names, like eidolons or espers. Summons are massive, fantastic beasts that you can call upon to aide you in battle to fight the enemy. Summons became a staple ever since Final Fantasy III. In some games, they are merely there to call into battle, while in other games they are central to the story. Airships:
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Airships have been present since the first game. They are massive boat-looking airplanes. In the more recent games, airships look almost like spaceships.
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With the exception of the original Final Fantasy (except in later remakes), every game has a character named Cid. Cid is typically the character who owns an airship.
Items and Magic Spells:
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Each game shares virtually all the same items and magic spells. Antidotes. Eye drops. Maiden's kiss. Holy water. Phoenix Down is well-known for reviving knocked-out characters in battle. The spells follow a hierarchy of levels. For example, Cure is the basic spell to heal somebody. The second level spell for healing is Cura. Then Curaga. Then finally Curaja. Most other spells follow the same format. The same high-level spells also frequently appear throughout the games, such as Holy and Flare.
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With a few exceptions, crystals appear in nearly every game. They often serve as plot devices, whether they be the force that protects the planet or powerful objects coveted by the enemy. They also oftentimes have a consciousness of their own, communicating with the characters and calling them to their destiny.
Mythological References:
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Final Fantasy is riddled with mythological references. Many summons and creatures take the names of mythological creatures or deities, such as Shiva, Bahamut, Leviathan, Behemoth, Odin, and Ifrit. Certain villains share the names of mythological figures or they are derived from certain mythological concepts, such as Gilgamesh and Sephiroth. Many of the games have legendary weapons you can find near the end of the journey. These are typically named after legendary Japanese figures, such as Masamune and Yoichi, or other world mythologies, such as Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. Saving the World:
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Final Fantasy isn’t about saving a particular princess, or person for that matter. The ultimate goal is to save the entire world, or even the very fabric of reality. Evil spreads in many ways, such as a sealed darkness trying to break free, empires with ambitious goals, villainous subordinates who pull the strings of politics, or empires destroying the environment. Typically, the main cast consists of characters from all walks of life. They all have to learn to work together and get through their personal struggles to save the world. Existential Crisis (or Startling Revelation):
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By the time you reach the third act of a Final Fantasy game, some startling revelation forces the characters to question their very existence. A villain is revealed to be a hero’s family member, a main character realizes they're a clone, another realizes that they cannot live without magic, etc. Typically, the main character questions the nature of their soul, if they die like regular beings and become part of some greater life force, or blink out into oblivion. Whatever the revelation may be – it serves as a final crisis that the characters have to overcome. The Descent into Hell:
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Every third act of a Final Fantasy game ends with what I like to call a “descent into hell”. The final dungeon is always some kind of bizarre world. In Final Fantasy II, you literally descend into hell to fight the Emperor. Throughout the series, hell is more metaphorical. The final dungeons can be a massive, sprawling tower or dreadnought, or a strange dimension that appears to have no rhyme or reason. Sometimes I'm reminded of M.C. Escher’s work, “Relativity”, or sometimes it reminds me of some cosmic horror featured in the Cthulhu Mythos. These final dungeons can be inter-dimensional rifts between space and times, pockets in reality, subterranean depths, insane worlds that the villain created, and worlds of darkness. (Final Fantasy IX's Memoria)
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(M.C. Escher's “Relativity”)
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These stylistic approaches for the final dungeon represent the oncoming battle with the forces of chaos. Fighting God:
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After venturing through the surreal and hellish final dungeon, you face the main villain. The main villain always achieves godlike status or the characters actually have to defeat a god in order to save the world from its oppressive reign. Many stories appear to throw in a last minute ultimate god who was pulling the strings of the plot the entire time. The purpose of dealing with gods and goddesses represents the characters’ desire to control their own fate and alter their destiny. Most of these bosses are strange and grotesque, definitely getting a Cthulhu vibe from them. I looked at them and thought, "Christ, what the hell is THAT supposed to be?"
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It always feels like THE final fantasy:
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Each game, no matter what happens or how it happens, feels like the be-all-end-all of its story – its fictional universe. Direct sequels were unheard of until Final Fantasy X-2, which while fun, was wildly different in tone from the original game, and critics pointed out that it ruined the finality of Final Fantasy X. This is one reason why I think direct sequels to Final Fantasy games fail – what else could the main characters possibly face that is more dangerous than the one they just encountered? Anything else would feel like child’s play to them. NOTABLE PEOPLE Aside from the characters, stories and games themselves, the people behind the series have achieved legendary status. Nobuo Uematsu:
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The original composer of Final Fantasy. Uematsu single-handedly scored the first 9 Final Fantasy games. Uematsu surprisingly never had any formal training in music – a trait that would ostracize any composer, such as Danny Elfman. I find that the those who haven't had any formal training usually break the mold with music. Uematsu started working for Square at around 25 for the first Final Fantasy game, starting out with nothing and never suspecting his job would lead him where he is now. His music is unique for incorporating elements of classic and progressive rock, specifically in the battle themes. Uematsu’s themes for each game have achieved instant recognition in the gaming world, as recognizable as the theme to Star Wars or James Bond. Tetsuya Nomura:
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Tetsuya Nomura is a video game designer and director who started at Square in 1990. He rose to prominence when he was given full control of designing the characters for Final Fantasy VII – arguably the most popular Final Fantasy game to date because of its characters: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Vincent Valentine and Sephiroth. Nomura went on to create more legendary characters for Final Fantasy VIII, X and XIII. Yoshitaka Amano:
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Amano is the artist whose work is most known now in Final Fantasy. He has done concept art and design for every game in the series. His style is instantly recognizable. He has also drawn for many anime shows, comics and mangas, such as Vampire Hunter D and Sandman: The Dream Hunters.
And last but certainly not least - THE MUSIC Final Fantasy has left its mark in the musical soundtrack of video games. Each game more or less shares three of the same memorable tracks.
The Prelude:
The Victory Fanfare:
The Final Fantasy Main Theme:
Each review I post will critique major aspects of each Final Fantasy game, such as its gameplay, graphics, story, and music. Today is currently January 3, 2020 (technically the 4th when I post this because it’s past midnight), and I will be posting one review per day so as to not lose my sanity editing and formatting everything at once here. So look forward to the very first review tomorrow starting with the very first Final Fantasy game.
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boysnudist87 · 3 years
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meduseld · 4 years
2020 (Fanfiction) in Review
Tagged by the lovely @dancinbutterfly who wrote one of my fave fics this year:  Rotten Plants Make Strong Nest
Fics written this year: In order, they are
In Hades' House (The Witcher)
Ezra Makes Out (The Magnificent Seven (TV Show))
The Only Pay Off (For Having Any Faith) (The Witcher) 
Sweet Music Playing In The Dark (The Witcher)
Madonna and Child (The Witcher)
The Start of All Things That Are Left To Do (Wonder Woman)
Shiver The Whole Night Through (The Witcher)
Where The Sun Don't Ever Shine (The Witcher)
The First House (Westworld (TV))
Such Selfish Prayers (Green Lantern, Arrow (TV 2012), DCU)
Snow After Fire (The Hobbit)
Once More (Just To Dream) (Aquaman (2018))
Tough To Talk To (9-1-1 (TV)) 
The Man From Metropolis (DCU, DCU (Comics))
You're Looking At Me (Like You Don't Know Who I Am) (DCU, DCU (Comics))
'Cause I Can't Sing Or Dance (The Gentlemen (2019))
Lick The Plate (Suck The Neck Bones Too) (9-1-1 (TV)) 
God Of My Idolatry (Far Cry 5)
What’s Your Pleasure? (Far Cry 5)
Faith Can Keep You Warm (But I'll Teach You How To Shake) (Far Cry 5)
If Your Mind Dislike Anything (Obey It) (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Captain America - All Media Types)
Down On Both Knees (9-1-1 (TV)) 
For a grand total of 94,993 words.
Takeaways from reflecting on your kick-ass writing, or kick-ass lack of writing, during a year more focused on survival than perhaps any other: 
I did a lot more than I thought, looking at it like this, and the especially jaw dropping thing for me is that I did not one, not two, but THREE reverse Big Bang fics, one of which was a pinch-hit and tbh turned into one of my most popular works this year. The other two were long and very plotty and despite a lot of doubt I pulled off cohesive narratives with their own plot twists and pay offs. So I did better than GOT’s D&D but that isn’t saying much. 
On a more serious note, I’m glad to see that I have the follow through and storyboarding ability I wanted and want to continue developing. 
On a shallower note, you can really tell The Witcher hit at the beginning of the year, huh? And that I got into FC5 towards the end...
On a final, triumphant note, several of these were iceboxed ideas that had a sudden rebirth during the mental malaise of quarantine.  Most surprising fic you wrote this year:
Objectively, Ezra Makes Out, because of the obscurity of both the fandom and the pairing. But personally,  The First House, because I never thought of Westworld as a “fanfic” fandom despite being an avid fan and then suddenly this popped out pretty much fully formed like 10min after the episode ended.
How you grew as a writer this year:
The aforementioned long plot stories, but in general, I think I’ve gotten better at setting a scene and visual language and the timing of sentences I want to be gut punches. Also someone in my rl that I trusted enough to share my fic with said Esperaba algo mucho más "macabro" y me encuentro con seres humanos (o fantásticos, no importa) que evocan esas imágenes de la memoria que nos hablan de calidez y de nido....el olor del pan....el contacto...el llanto como catarsis, la muerte como liberación...el mundo que nos cuentan los adultos y el que nosotros creamos en nuestra mente de niños....más que humanos detrás de cada historia.... So that’s awesome.
What’s coming in 2021: 
Well I’m signed up for something that’s chugging along despite my own insecurities (shout out to V&D, who keep me going and suffer me to send them out of context chunks of text and give me shit when I need it)
I actually don’t know a lot of writers on here (something to work on) so I’m tagging @benadrylthegoodstuff (pls come back to me, I love n miss u) @fyeahbuddie and anyone else who wants to play            
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voojwanlove · 4 years
House of ARMY - ¿Qué le susurró Jin a Taehyung?
 Estoy muy emocionada de poder compartir lo siguiente con ustedes porque este descubrimiento es relativamente reciente, aunque el contenido del que salió fue grabado hace casi cuatro años. Además, no vi a ninguna de las personas Taejinnies de las que sigo hablar sobre esto en español, de hecho, solo vi a unas pocas en inglés, por supuesto, yo no sigo a todas las Taejinnies del mundo, así que es probable que algunos de ustedes ya lo sepan. Estoy hablando de este momento que sucedió en el Making of House of ARMY del BTS 3rd Muster en 2016:
Fuente: TW @ddu1234_
Me enteré gracias al siguiente post del canal Moon Child [Taejin]: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgyOT2qx2uZkHD4_2y94AaABCQ?app=desktop
En el post ella se refiere a un tweet en el cual se le hace énfasis al susurro que podemos escuchar justo cuando comienza ese clip mientras Taehyung y Jin se abrazan por primera vez. El tweet es este https://twitter.com/ddu1234_/status/1262442424946712576, pero se encuentra en coreano. Para no dejar espacios a malentendidos voy a basarme en una traducción en inglés que alguien hizo del tweet y la voy a pasar a español (haré lo mismo para todas las citas textuales que vean en este post de aquí en adelante). Así pues, el tweet diría lo siguiente: “Gente, taejin es verdaderamente real, no un simple ship de personas reales sino una pareja real. Presten atención a lo que tae dice cuando los dos se están abrazando, dice “el hecho de que estamos saliendo (NT: dating, usado para parejas amorosas)” se escucha más claro cuando coloco el volumen al máximo… definitivamente está diciendo el hecho de que estamos saliendo.” La frase literal en inglés es “that we are dating” que estamos saliendo, pero después de leer varias traducciones y explicaciones la expresión que mejor engloba lo que están diciendo es el hecho de que estamos saliendo.
Muchas personas incluida Moon Child sugieren que, por lo que se puede ver en el video, quien susurra no parece ser Tae, sino Jin. Por otro lado, una persona comentó lo siguiente en el post de YouTube: “Hola he visto tus videos y soy coreana. El tweet original dice que fue Tae, no Jin, quien susurró en el oído de Jin “우리 사귄다는 거 (woori saguinda-neun geo, el hecho de que estamos saliendo (o en una relación)” Lo que yo escucho del video es que puede ser tanto 우리 사귄다는 거 o 둘이 사귄다는 거 (doori saguinda-neun geo, el hecho de que ellos dos están saliendo), dicho por alguien más, porque desde el video no puedo ver bien si es Tae quien susurra y no se puede saber de quién es la voz solo por el susurro. De todas maneras, si el video no está editado, creo que ese susurro es algo muy relevante.” Teniendo en cuenta que el tweet original viene desde una fan coreana y que muchas personas que son de allá o que hablan el idioma han confirmado que escuchan lo mismo creo que ciertamente no es ningún riesgo darle credibilidad al susurro sin importar quién lo haya dicho; personalmente creo que es Jin, pero supongo que hay posibilidades de que sea cualquiera. Si quieren comprobar que el susurro está ahí y no es un elemento insertado les voy a dejar un link a YouTube del Making of House of ARMY, miren a partir del minuto 17:53. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ypF7CDqPQI
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Antes de decir mis opiniones y conclusiones de lo que les acabo de exponer, sugiero analizar por completo el par de momentos Taejin que tenemos en este detrás de escena junto con el Vlive BTS ~chuseok greeting~ Live que fue grabado el mismo día (2016/09/03), aspecto que es fácil de confirmar debido a la ropa que tienen puesta los siete y el gorrito de flor que se pone Hobi en la transmisión.
Para quienes no lo sepan o para refrescarles la memoria este House of ARMY es un skit en el que actuaron los chicos interpretando distintos papeles dentro de una misma familia. Namjoon es una ARMY muuuuy fanática, J-Hope es la mamá quien también es fan de BTS, Jimin es Cuty el perrito de la casa, Taehyung es el hermano que se mofa de Namjoon por ser ARMY pero que escucha las canciones de ellos en secreto, Jungkook es el padre atento de todos, Yoongi es el tío que quiere ser idol y Jin, el integrante que de hecho tiene un título en actuación… es el encargado de hacer el papel de extra: repartidor de paquetes, banana, reloj y flor, sí, esos fueron los papeles de Jin. Podría hacerme la ciega respecto a esto porque podría haber muchas razones por las que tomaron la decisión de darle estos roles a Jin (a pesar de que solo dice una línea), pero lo cierto es que él se la pasa lanzando pullas aquí y allá en todo el detrás de escena demostrando su inconformidad ante la situación, diciendo que lo único que le queda es ser positivo y hacer bien su trabajo. Lo siento, tenía que resaltar esto, aunque no sea el lugar más adecuado, de todos modos haré referencia a lo que acabo de decir más adelante.
Cuando el día de grabación ya está cerca de acabar Yoongi, Hobi y Jungkook se van y los otros miembros se quedan para terminar sus escenas. El primer momento Taejin que podemos ver es este del minuto 14:48 del último link que les puse.
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¿Qué necesidad había de que Taehyung hiciera como que le estaba arreglando el accesorio de reloj a Jin cuando tienen todo un equipo de staff pendientes de ellos justo para eso, o cuando Jin tiene, mmmm, manos para arreglarlo él mismo? Ay, lo dejaré ahí porque siento que entre más pequeño y descontextualizado el contenido nos es más fácil analizarlo innecesaria y erróneamente.
El siguiente momento es a partir del minuto 15:24 
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Jin: ¿Sabes cómo se está sintiendo la banana?
<Reloj Seokjin está molesto de repente>
Jin: ¿Sabes cómo se está sintiendo la flor?
Tae: Te voy a comer.
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Jin: ¿Sabes cómo se está sintiendo el reloj cucú?
<No te enojes>
Tengo unas cuantas cosas que destacar aquí. Primero, la conversación está cortada; justo cuando comienza el clip podemos escuchar y ver a Taehyung terminando una frase, ¿por qué empezar la conversación ahí, tan de repente, cuando el clip es tan corto y un par de segundos más no habrían afectado nada? ¿De qué estaban hablando ellos dos para que Jin le reclamara a Tae, aparte de que los subtítulos de edición señalan que está molesto? Es claro por el tono de voz, por sus expresiones y por las risas al final que están actuando, bromeando, además el “te voy a comer” es demasiado juguetón, justo esta frase le da más un tono de coqueteo al momento que de otra cosa, ¿podría haber respondido cualquier otra ocurrencia menos insinuante? Claro, solo él sabrá por qué dijo eso y nosotros como Taejinnies solo podemos imaginar en nuestra zona de teorías. Por mi parte, debido a que Jin menciona justo tres de sus papeles supongo que se está medio burlando y a la vez medio reclamando lo absurdo de la situación, por eso los subtítulos de “Reloj Seokjin está molesto de repente” y “No te enojes”, puede que las palabras de Tae sean solo para aligerar más la situación, aún así me queda la sensación de que hay un doble sentido en esa conversación que no queda muy claro a menos que lo veamos bajo nuestra perspectiva de Taejinnies.
El último momento que podemos ver de este detrás de escena es justo el que comienza con el susurro del que ya les hablé antes. Todavía hay otras cosas que se pueden analizar de ese clip.
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Jin: Gracias. ¿Estás grabando? Oh, bueno. Hagámoslo de nuevo [abrazarse].
<Esto no es para el programa>
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Tae: Buen trabajo.
Jin: Gracias. Déjame alabarte. Sí.
<Los miembros de BTS se apoyan entre sí de esta manera>
Teniendo en cuenta que hay varias frases que están sin traducir voy a comenzar con algo muy, muy, muy importante. ¿Ven ese primer gracias? Nadie lo dice realmente, no hay ningún gracias al inicio de la conversación y tampoco creo que sea un residuo del clip anterior a este, donde Tae está hablando. Yo deduzco que ese gracias es la traducción oficial del susurro de Jin, ahora, ¿suena a gracias en coreano? Ya he dicho que yo no sé prácticamente nada de esa lengua, así que me puse en la tarea de buscar información al respecto. Encontré que hay cuatro formas principales de decir gracias (organizadas de la menos a la más formal): gomawo (ghohmaewa),  kam sa hae yo (kahm sah hae yo), gomapseumnida (gohmapseubnida) y kamsahamnida (kahmsahamnida). Si les soy sincera algunas de estas opciones sí suenan como el susurro del inicio, pero a fin de cuentas yo no tengo un oído lo suficientemente ágil como para saber a ciencia cierta a qué suena y a qué no porque si cierro los ojos también escucho woori saguinda-neun geo, es decir, el hecho de que estamos saliendo. De todas maneras, leer a todas estas personas que sí hablan el idioma decir que definitivamente escucharon lo último, me deja pensando. Ya le queda a cada uno de ustedes analizar bien qué es lo que escuchan o qué deciden creer.
Cuando se termina el primer abrazo viene lo que más me llamaba la atención de este clip antes de saber lo del susurro: la expresión que tiene Taehyung en su mirada mientras mira a Jin, casi, casi como si le fuera a dar un besito en la mejilla, estoy segura de que es lo que todos los y las Taejinnies pensamos cuando vimos este momento. Luego Jin dice “Oh, ¿estás grabando?” mientras mira a la cámara, Taehyung también mira hacia la cámara y se escuchan varias risas, ¿por qué se ríen? ¿Cuántas veces no se han abrazado ellos dos? No sé bien cómo describir la cara que pone Tae aquí, se me hace una mezcla entre sorpresa, pero también de darse cuenta de algo. De nuevo, esto es lo que a mí me parece que veo mas no es la verdad absoluta, puede que ni siquiera tenga nada de verdadero.
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Taehyung se va alejando de Jin de a poquitos hasta que este le dice que se vuelvan a abrazar y entonces todos se vuelven a reír. Se dan palmaditas en la espalda, se felicitan por su trabajo y, finalmente, Tae mira hacia la cámara y luego hacia todas las personas que los están viendo. Antes de dar mi conclusión de este momento voy a poner este gif que hace parte del último clip del detrás de escenas.
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Tae: Buen trabajo.
<V no está haciendo esto [abrazarlo] para mostrárselo a la cámara>
La primera vez que vi este clip de los dos abrazos fue en una compilación de momentos Taejin, al principio solo podía pensar en lo íntimo que se veía el momento; la cámara casi que se sentía como una intrusa. Sin embargo, entre más veía el clip en otras compilaciones más me daba cuenta de que en realidad no tenemos el contexto de esta escena, no sabemos realmente cómo inicia y parece que tampoco tenemos el final completo. Además, las risas de los demás remarcan el hecho de que hay algo que pasó o está pasando y que nosotros no sabemos debido a que no tenemos el contexto completo. Tal vez sea algo que haya pasado a lo largo del día, con otros miembros o, incluso, una broma muy interna. No lo sabemos.
Sabiendo que yo siempre intento ver todo con una mirada que vaya más allá de la perspectiva de una Taejinnie, tengo una teoría de cuál podría ser ese contexto, pero es una especulación muy grande, no quiero que se tomen nada de lo que voy a decir a continuación seriamente porque no tengo grandes argumentos para defender mis palabras, aún así se me hace que, con lo que tenemos, sí podría tener un poco de sentido. Voy a recrear lo que yo creo que pasó.
Jin siguió haciendo referencia al hecho de que no había tenido mucha participación activa en el skit, entonces le dice al staff que va a tener una interacción con Tae para que lo graben y así al menos aparecer en el detrás de escenas. Tae accede, y mientras la cámara comienza a grabarlos Jin (o Tae, o alguien más) dice algo como: después de todo, está el hecho de que estamos (están) saliendo; es más relevante porque estamos saliendo o Jin simplemente diciéndole gracias. Se abrazan y después Jin finge estar sorprendido al ver la cámara, todos se ríen por la actuación de Jin y Tae pone cara de: aaaah, ¿ya habíamos comenzado? Jin sugiere que se vuelvan a abrazar después de ver la expresión de Tae (?) y por eso salen los subtítulos añadidos de “<Esto no es para el programa>” y “<Los miembros de BTS se apoyan entre sí de esta manera>”; tienen un tono sarcástico, están jugando a que algo es 100% natural cuando en realidad fue, de alguna manera, planeado. Esto explicaría por qué todos se siguen riendo y por qué vuelven a aparecer unos subtítulos similares cuando Tae abraza a Nam, es una referencia al momento con Jin… ¿Estoy imaginando demasiado? ¿Debería mejor inventar cosas en Wattpad xd?
Miren, cuando se me ocurrió esta teoría solamente tenía la parte del sarcasmo de los subtítulos y de la mirada sorpresiva de Tae, siendo eso suficiente me dije: bueno, ahí tu explicación del momento Taejin, pero luego decidí verme el detrás de escenas completo, no solo el abrazo, y entonces descubrí la conversación de antes entre ellos dos y volví a ver la expresión de Tae cuando parece que va a besar a Jin. Llegué a la conclusión de que ambas cosas podrían estar pasando al mismo tiempo. Tanto este contexto que me le inventé al abrazo, bajo mera especulación y creatividad, como el sentimiento que tienen los dos. Con la mirada que se dan la cámara sigue pareciendo una intrusa en medio de un momento muy íntimo sea este premeditado o no.  
Lo único que me queda por comentar es el Vlive del 13 de septiembre del 2016 https://www.vlive.tv/video/13898?channelCode=FE619. El video dura menos de 4 minutos; no hay momento Taejin como tal, aún así por la fecha y por la posible confirmación de ellos dos saliendo por estos tiempos, no está de más analizarlo. Hace un par de semanas vi un hilo en Twitter que examinaba a Taejin justo en este live, pero cometí el grave error de no guardarlo, lo que sí recuerdo de uno de los tweets es lo siguiente:
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Al inicio no lo entendía, todo se veía normal para mí, ¿qué era lo que esta persona quería señalar de este momento? Muchas personas como yo ya le habían indicado que no entendían el propósito de ese tweet así que la op nos dijo que prestáramos atención a la cara de Taehyung y a la pierna de Jin. Parece que los brazos de Jin están ocupados abrazando a Jungkook, pero para hacerle espacio termina poniendo una de sus piernas encima de Tae haciéndole presión. Varios creen que la expresión de Tae (:O) es justo por el movimiento y el descaro de Jin, no obstante, yo creo que se debe más al hecho de que Jin está abrazando a Jungkook. A lo largo del vlive todos permanecen casi en la misma posición.
Hay otro pequeño suceso al minuto 01:20 cuando todos están intentando engañar a Jin para que les cocine songpyeon durante su celebración del chuseok. Taehyung intenta cruzar su meñique con el de Jin para hacerlo jurar, pero Jin reacciona exageradamente (como es usual en él cuando está bromeando) y retira su mano rápidamente mientras les grita que se dejen de inventar cosas. Tae inmediatamente se vuelve a cruzar de manos y solo emite un par de palabras más en lo que queda del live.
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He de decir que, a pesar de mi corto viaje como fan de BTS he notado que, aunque a Jin no se le dificulta hacer skinships en general, las personas con las que más lo hace son Jungkook, Jimin y Taehyung, siendo más notorios los momentos Jinkook por la cantidad de veces que suceden y los más difíciles de captar los Taejin porque siempre aparecen en contenido de detrás de cámaras o en segundo plano. Me parece gracioso cómo antes pensaba que Jin y Taehyung tenían muy pocos momentos y que se llevaban mal y ahora pienso todo lo contrario porque, si bien es cierto que no son taaaaaan frecuentes, hay momentos muy obvios, solo hay que saber buscar y permanecer atentos. Tal vez más adelante haga un post analizando las interacciones de todos los miembros y lo que hace realmente diferente a Taejin.
La razón por la que decidí crearme este blog fue justamente porque quería compartir lo del Making of House of ARMY con otras personas que también hablaran en español. De verdad espero que haya quedado claro aquello que sin duda alguna pasó, las teorías que han surgido, mis conclusiones y mis especulaciones. Para cerrar les dejo el post de una Taejinnie que admiro muchísimo y quien es mi mayor fuente de inspiración y contenido porque me parece muy objetiva y respetuosa al momento de hacer sus análisis, ella tiene su pequeña teoría sobre por qué Jin recibió este tipo de papeles en el skit y también tiene su propia opinión sobre el susurro y otras cosas. Está en inglés, espero que les guste https://purple-ktj.tumblr.com/post/620282911632048128/house-of-army
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artistjojo1228 · 5 years
Rock and Roll Storytime #9: The Decline and Early Death of Brian Jones (including details I’ve found through personal research)
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It was a cool spring morning when, while I was goofing off in art class, I got the bright idea to try writing about the 27 Club for one of those YouTube documentaries. The plan was simple: I was going to talk about Robert Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Mia Zapata, Kurt Cobain, Kristen Pfaff, Amy Winehouse, and Anton Yelchin, seven because of being the “Tragic Seven” and the other three because I found their stories interesting (I actually first heard of the club not long after Anton’s death). 
And then, in about as much time as it took for me to come up with that idea, I went from being obsessed with Kurt Cobain to being obsessed with Brian Jones. Most likely, in my opinion, because of the mysterious circumstances surrounding his early death. I guess, in a way, all it took was me hearing that there were conspiracies saying he’d been murdered to convince me to look into his story. After all, very early on in my Nirvana obsession, I went through a regretful phase where I believed Kurt had been murdered. I didn’t want to make a similar assumption again. 
What I’m trying to say, is that this will be about Brian’s ousting from the band he created, his death on the night of July 2, 1969, and the steps I took to figure out what the hell happened. 
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By mid-May, I’d already come up with my first theory: that Brian had an asthma attack and drowned as the result of that. Around this time, I learned that Brian: a, had a sister, Pamela, who’d died at the age of two from leukemia (he was just three), and b, within the next year, he suffered a severe bout of croup that left him with lifelong asthma. While I was researching in the usual way I do, I’d also heard that chlorine can trigger asthma attacks or allergic reactions, especially when there is organic material in the pool (e.g. sweat).  However, it wasn’t until September that I stumbled upon Brian’s autopsy report, so until that point, I’d had little to no idea that the coroner ruled out an asthma attack. Even then, I’d already been hearing my fair share of complaints that the autopsy report was perfunctory, so I’d just made the assumption that the coroner had somehow missed that if it had happened that way.  
I don’t know why my early perspective started changing. I just know that the one constant was that I refused to believe that Brian was murdered (sitting through Stoned on May 31, 2019, certainly didn’t help matters). 
Throughout, I began to learn of Brian’s life story, and how he eventually found himself kicked out of the very band he brought to life. 
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In short, Brian used to play in jazz clubs, and it was on April 7, 1962, that Mick Jagger and Keith Richards saw the young blonde calling himself “Elmo Lewis” play slide guitar on stage for the first time (one of the first Britons to master it, through no small amount of effort). In May 1962, Brian placed an ad for musicians in a local newspaper, and was shortly thereafter joined by Ian Stewart, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Dick Taylor, and Tony Chapman. In December 1962, Taylor was replaced by Bill Wyman, and in January 1963, Charlie Watts replaced Tony Chapman. There’s also how the band got their name, but I’d prefer to save that for another storytime. 
What I should probably talk about instead, is where the first cracks started to form in this partnership. 
See, when the Rolling Stones were on tour in October 1963, it was revealed that Brian had an arrangement with the financial advisor, Eric Easton, which basically stated that Brian, as leader of the group, would receive five pounds more than everyone else (this equates to $137.30 today). Everyone else, who was under the impression that they were all earning the same amount of money from each gig, was kind of pissed about it, and maybe rightfully so. However, I don’t see why this should be enough for Mick and Keith to uphold a fifty-six-year-long grudge that includes what is essentially damnatio memoriae, but I guess that’s their business. But keep in mind, Bill Wyman has since stated that, at that time, they were earning 193 pounds per week at this point (roughly $1,963.75 in today’s money). That’s only seven percent of the band’s total income at that point. It still seems like a stupid reason to me for Mick and Keith to still be getting on Brian’s case for something like that fifty-six years later (and before anyone says anything, yes, I know there’s more to it than that, but it’s stupid that it all started with five pounds).  
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Going back to my personal search for answers for a moment or two, it was now June 2019, and I was also starting to look into the murder theory, if only for posterity. I remember vividly being on a trip to France and accidentally convincing one of the girls on the trip that Brian had been murdered when I was telling her about him. 
Erm... whoops. 
Even so, in that one brief moment, I allowed myself to entertain that possibility. After all, most of the sources I was reading at that point were all saying that Brian’s death had probably been manslaughter, if not murder, and what was definitely consistent was that the witness reports weren’t consistent, and it just seemed easier to believe that. After all, Brian’s death was suspicious enough, so why not?
It only took a day or two for me to remind myself why I had refused to believe it for this long: because of my regrets in believing Kurt had been murdered, and because I no longer wanted to take the easy route. 
If I was going to say Brian was murdered, without a shred of doubt, I had to do more research. 
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And now for part two of Brian’s Jones’ slow decline: his relationship with Anita Pallenberg and the subsequent fallout from it. Now, Brian and Anita met on September 14, 1965 (my grandmother’s seventh birthday) after a Rolling Stones concert in Munich. The two apparently found an instant connection, thanks to Brian’s ability to speak German (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5N-O8_eB34). However, the relationship afterwards was very much mutually abusive. Keith said in his autobiography that he would sometimes see Brian with a black eye, and in September 1966, Brian broke his wrist. The “official” story was that Brian broke his wrist in a climbing accident, but other stories suggested that he instead broke his hand during an argument with her when he hit his hand against a metal window frame (though in one more salacious telling I heard, he broke his hand on her face, which doesn’t sound entirely possible to me). 
Meanwhile, he did write and perform the soundtrack for her movie, Mord Und Totschlag (A Degree of Murder), which gives us a rare glimpse into Brian’s extraordinary musical talent and genius. That was probably the only good thing that came out of all this. 
Then of course, in 1967, Keith’s home, Redlands, was busted, and the Glimmer Twins were charged with various drug offenses. Their lawyers recommended they should get out of the country for a while, so Mick, Keith, Brian, and Anita traveled down to Morocco for a little while. However, in Toulouse, France, Brian became ill with pneumonia, and spent the next few days in the hospital. 
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Meanwhile, as Brian was celebrating his 25th birthday in the hospital, Anita and Keith went on ahead of him, and they began seeing each other behind Brian’s back. When Brian was finally able to join the group, he surely noticed the newfound chemistry between Keith and Anita, especially considering Keith wasn’t very confident around the ladies at this point in time. He knew he was losing Anita, and apparently, he welcomed the confrontation. In mid-March, 1967, he paid for the services of two “Berber whores,” and when Anita returned to the hotel room, he told her to join them in a foursome. Stories vary as to what happened next, what is typically a constant in this story is that she refused. According to Keith, Brian started throwing food at her (apparently, in a fight sometime around then, Anita had broken two of Brian’s ribs and one of his fingers), and she fled out of fear and humiliation. Bill, in his book Stone Alone, alleged that Brian beat her savagely, to the point where she was in fear of her own life. The abysmal movie Stoned just claimed he sexually assaulted her (which, yeah, I don’t believe happened). Whatever happened that night (lord knows, Brian can’t speak for himself), Anita fled to Keith’s room, where he convinced her to leave with him, basically giving her the “You deserve better” speech and saying that Brian might try to kill her if she stayed with him (which also doesn’t seem likely to me, even being fully aware of Brian’s violent streak). 
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In either case, the next day, Mick, Keith, and Anita all left Morocco, leaving Brian stranded there for the next two days. Several years after his death, his own father would claim that Anita was the one who broke Brian’s heart and sent him into a fatal downward spiral, but in Paul Trynka’s book, those who knew Brian like Linda Lawrence (mother of Brian’s fourth child) and Stanislaus “Stash” Klossowski (friend of the Stones’) were of the opinion that it had rather been Mick and Keith’s betrayal that had sent Brian into that deadly spiral. 
Personally, I’d say it’s a toss-up
In either case, Brian’s drug and alcohol abuse worsened. 
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Meanwhile, some fifty-two years later, it was July 2019. The fiftieth anniversary of Brian’s death had come and gone, and as my first (emotionally abusive) relationship was reaching a long-overdue close, I decided to get Stone Alone in the mail. Naturally, I had a few reasons for being a bit skeptical, not the least of which included the fact that Bill had dated a thirteen-year-old when he was forty-seven (EW), but still, I had to know what he said about Brian, so I decided to get it anyway. As I was flipping through the pages once it’d arrived, I found the account of Brian’s second child, a daughter whom Bill called “Carol.” 
I’d probably heard about how she’d been diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy once or twice in the past, but for some reason, I’d refused to consider it. Reading about it this night, something clicked. Thanks to the way Bill explained, it, it seemed plausible enough that, somehow, Brian had never been diagnosed with epilepsy. After all, it can be hereditary, and mental health wasn’t understood very well back then. 
That brings me to major theory #2: Brian had a seizure in the pool the night he drowned, and given that he was alone when he died, this seemed the most likely explanation. 
After all, Brian had punctate hemorrhages in his brain when he drowned. It made sense to me, as Brian must’ve been thrashing around quite a bit in his last few moments alive (punctate hemorrhages are typically found in shaken baby syndrome)
It seemed to me at that time that I finally had an explanation for what happened to Brian Jones, but naturally, I wasn’t done with the search yet. 
Naturally, with everything I read, the search for answers continued on, even though I thought I’d had it all figured out. 
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I was trying to write about it for a post I made on Amino, and as I was trying to provide some facts, I remembered that I’d found Brian’s toxicology report not long before then. Looking at it now, I observed the fact that the coroner said that the 1720 micro gms of an amphetamine-like substance found in Brian’s body was likely because of prescription Mandrax. 
Mandrax was the brand name for quaaludes. 
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This brings me into major reason #3 for Brian’s decline: his own drug arrests and convictions. I explained this more in another post (https://artistjojo1228.tumblr.com/post/188166689760/rock-and-roll-storytime-6-the-rolling-stones), but I’ll give the skivvy anyway. On May 10, 1967, just as Mick and Keith were being formally charged with drug possession, Brian’s home was raided by police. Although he’d cleaned the place up, police still managed to find a bit of cannabis, and Brian and Stash were arrested. On October 30, 1967, Brian was convicted of cannabis possession and allowing his home to be used for the smoking of cannabis, and was sentenced to a grand total of 12 months in prison and a fine. Apparently, during his night at Wormwood Scrubs, the guards taunted Brian, threatening to cut off his long, blonde locks, which left him quite shaken. He appealed his case, and on December 12, Brian’s sentence was reduced to three years’ probation. 
However, not long after, on May 21, 1968, Brian’s home was raided again, and once more, police found drugs, even though some sources state that Brian was so paranoid about drugs by now, that he wouldn’t even allow friends over if they had so much as prescription pills on them. Brian was found guilty for the second time, but the judge took pity on him, and only fined him, also giving him a stern warning to not end up in court again. 
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Once again, in the year 2019, it was September now. I was just starting college, and trying to survive my first semester (not easy when you’re a chronic procrastinator), and one night, while I was browsing the internet, I found Brian’s autopsy report. 
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Morbid fact about me, this was far from my first time reading through death certificates and autopsy reports of celebrities. Also, I’d developed a sort of obsession with medicine after Anton Yelchin’s death (to the point where I was considering being a nurse for a while), so I was familiar with the medical jargon used by now. 
So, here we are, major theory #3 and the most likely scenario in this case: Brian, trying to get clean, had relapsed on the sleeping pills he’d been prescribed, and had become incapacitated at some point during the night. 
This wasn’t the catalyst for me believing this, but it most certainly reinforced my theories. 
As I stated earlier, quaaludes were once sold under the brand name Mandrax, and had been prescribed for such things as insomnia and anxiety, both of which Brian likely would’ve had after facing the threat of prison twice. This was also before anyone realized just how addictive quaaludes can be, so there is no doubt that Brian probably relapsed, and took one or several too many sleeping pills that night. 
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And now, reason #4 for Brian’s firing from the Stones: his increasingly lacking contributions to their music. 
As time passed, Brian stopped showing up to recording sessions, and when he did show up, he was usually intoxicated to the point where he was unable to contribute. In an interview years later, Mick said that one of Brian’s last major contributions to the Stones’ music was the slide guitar on “No Expectations” from Beggars’ Banquet. It got to the point where, on Let It Bleed, Brian only played on two songs: congas on “Midnight Rambler” and autoharp on “You’ve Got the Silver”.
On neither of those songs does he contain the enormous presence he once had over the Stones’ music. 
I can’t really say why Brian stopped contributing. 
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What I can say is what the final nail in the coffin was: Brian’s inability to get a work visa in the United States. 
See, by the summer of 1969, the Stones were planning on going on tour again, but as time passed, it became increasingly obvious that Brian would be unlikely to get a work visa in the United States due to his past drug convictions. 
Even then, Brian just hadn’t been in the studio long enough or sober enough to learn any of the new songs. 
At the suggestion of Ian Stewart (himself demoted unfairly from the Rolling Stones by Andrew Oldham in 1963), Mick and Keith decided they needed a new guitarist (Bill and Charlie had no part in the decision itself). By May 31, 1969, 20-year-old Mick Taylor, formerly of John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, was starting to record with the band. That just left it up to Mick and Keith to resolve the issue with Brian. On June 8, they went over to Brian’s home at Cotchford Farm in Hartfield, Sussex, and told him that he was being fired, bringing Charlie along in case a fight broke out. 
According to some sources, Brian had been expecting this would happen, and agreed to leave the band in either a temporary or permanent split. Mick and Keith left the press statement up to Brian, and possibly to save face, he made it appear as if he’d left the band on his own terms. 
I shared the statement in my post about the Altamont fiasco (https://artistjojo1228.tumblr.com/post/188181237510/rock-and-roll-storytime-8-motherfing-altamont), but I’ll write it out again for those of you who don’t want to go post-hunting: “I no longer see eye to eye with the others over the discs we are cutting. We no longer communicate musically. The Stones’ music is not to my taste any more. The work of Mick and Keith has progressed at a tangent, at least to my way of thinking. I have a desire to play my own brand of music rather than that of others, no matter how much I appreciate their musical concepts. We had a friendly meeting and agreed that an amicable termination, temporary or permanent, was the only answer. The only solution was to go our separate ways, but we shall still remain friends. I love those fellows.”
At the same time, Mick and Keith also released a press statement on the matter, also saying that Brian had left the band, not that he was fired. 
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There are so many questions in my mind surrounding what Brian was doing in the last month of his life. Would he really have started another band, or was he, according some who saw him at that time, musically spent? Did Mick and Keith really agree to give Brian a sort of retirement pension, or was that just to tide him over? (Sadly I wouldn’t put it past them). Was he taking a break from music or was he going into an early retirement?
And most important to me, was he really trying to kick the drugs, like so many have said?
So many questions that we’ll never have a proper answer for. 
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The only thing that is certain, is that at around midnight on July 3, 1969, Brian Jones was found motionless at the bottom of his swimming pool. 
I guess I’d better back up a bit, and explain the chain of events leading up to that moment. 
Wednesday, July 2, 1969, featured hot, humid air full of pollen, which affected Brian severely, given his asthma. Throughout the day, he was with Anna Wohlin, his Swedish girlfriend, Janet Lawson, a nurse, and Frank Thorogood, a builder who’d been doing work on Brian’s property. It is worth noting that there are many discrepancies between the witness accounts of what happened, up to and including whether or not the parties involved had been drinking (and if so, how much), whether or not the parties involved watched TV, and even who found Brian, lifeless in the pool, and who pulled him out. The most commonly agreed upon version of events was that Brian and Frank decided to go swimming. Anna was reluctant, but was somehow persuaded. Janet, meanwhile, decided to stay out of the pool. After a while, Anna left Brian and Frank there. When Janet last saw Brian, he asked her to grab one of his inhalers, as he was apparently having difficulty breathing. At some point, Frank also left the pool. When Janet returned some time later, she found him at the bottom of the pool, facedown and motionless. Apparently, she ran off to get help (despite being a registered nurse), and eventually, Anna, Frank, and Janet (or at least two of them) managed to pull Brian out of the pool and began resuscitative efforts. Anna later claimed that she felt Brian’s hand briefly grip hers, but to Janet and Frank, he was very clearly dead. Paramedics arrived soon after, and Brian was pronounced dead after midnight on July 3, 1969. 
Based on the small amounts of drugs and alcohol found in Brian’s system at the time of his death, as well as the fact that his heart and liver had been enlarged by substance abuse, his death was ruled as misadventure. 
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Naturally, as it would seem whenever someone dies young, conspiracy theories also began to circulate not long after. To make this somewhat easier on myself, I’m just going to start listing some of the theories that have popped up in regards to Brian’s death (note: much of this will be taken from Brian Jones: The Making of the Rolling Stones). 
The most popular of the conspiracy theories states that Brian (who was noted as having mistrusted Frank Thorogood) fired the builder at some point in the 48 hours preceding his death (though, if that were the case, why would he invite him back for a pool party?). After Janet ran off to get Brian’s inhaler, Frank, either in a purposeful act or a bout of horseplay gone wrong, drowned Brian. Not helping Frank’s case is that Tom Keylock alleged that he heard Frank confess to the murder on his deathbed (his daughter has since denied this). Frank’s daughter, Jan Bell, did also claim that her father witnessed an argument between Brian, Mick, and Keith over ownership of the name “Rolling Stones”, during which Keith pulled a knife on Brian (if this did happen, it was likely earlier in the year). Also not helping matters is that after Frank’s death in 1994, Janet and Anna also made their beliefs that Frank was responsible for Brian’s death known (though one of Anna’s friends has since stated that she didn’t start believing Brian had been murdered until later in life). In 2005, this version of events was turned into the movie Stoned, and for those of you who may not have seen my other posts on the subject, I found this movie quite abysmal (”So, I guess you could say this movie... DROWNED on arrival?”)
In 1983, the notion that Brian was murdered first became popularized with Nicholas Fitzgerald’s book Brian Jones: The Inside Story of the Original Rolling Stone. In it, Fitzgerald claimed that Brian had been intending on starting a band with the likes of John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix (those close to Jimi at the time have since dismissed this), and that he and another friend witnessed three men participating in Brian’s murder, and that he had been threatened by someone (likely Keylock) into silence. Most likely, these allegations were used to promote his book, because, you know, there was a real chance for a while that he could’ve been charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact. 
A. E. Hotchner in his book Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties claimed that another two witnesses had seen Brian murdered at a party. It is notable that this story claims that Linda Lawrence had been a witness, and that in the years since, one of the witnesses recanted his testimony as “nonsense.”
Another man, David Gibson, claimed that he had been fitting carpets at Cotchford Farm, and that on the day of the murder, Brian and Anna had been away for most of the day, and when they returned, Brian begged him not to leave. He alleged that Tom Keylock had Brian murdered, and that Princess Margaret had been at Cotchford Farm. Those who believe this will likely also believe that Gibson never came forward because of threats and murder attempts. 
Laura Jackson’s book, Brian Jones, The Untold Life and Mysterious Death of a Rock Legend, also claimed that Brian had been murdered, and this time added the detail that Frank had drugged Brian with a mysterious substance that stumped even seasoned toxicologists, thereby allowing him to hold Brian’s head under the water with no visible signs of a struggle. I don’t know, if it weren’t for those last couple chapters, I’d probably have an easier time recommending this to Brian Jones fans, because I thought it was pretty enjoyable otherwise. 
Geoffrey Giuliano’s book, Paint It Black, alleged that a random guy named “Joe” held Brian’s head underwater for shits and giggles. Last time I checked, that’s not really something people do for shits and giggles. Also, the book claimed that Frank had fled the scene shortly after Brian’s death, despite Frank being noted at the scene when police and paramedics arrived at the scene at 12:10 AM the morning of Brian’s death. 
In 2009, Sam Cutler claimed that private detectives hired by Allen Klein found that Tom Keylock was responsible, citing his attempts to blame Frank, his theft of some of Brian’s belongings, and the fact that he apparently told Janet to conceal the fact that she was his girlfriend at the time. However, in 2013, he expressed doubts as to whether it existed. Seems safe for me to say that this was all a big hoax. 
In general, several conspiracies center around Tom Keylock. The big problem with this though, is that Tom was in London at Olympic Studios on the night Brian died. Still, I think it is safe to say that he probably stole some of Brian’s belongings after he died, at the very least. 
I guess it’s high time I explain one of the big reasons why I always stopped myself from going down that road of believing Brian was murdered (without proper evidence). If Brian was really murdered, and if people did, indeed, witness it, then why the hell didn’t anyone say anything before 1983? I know, I know, some of the theories outright say that the people involved were threatened into silence (Anna claims she was spirited back to Sweden soon after Brian’s death), but even so, I don’t think the people making such threats would’ve had enough sway or power to actually pull off this sort of conspiracy. 
With that in mind, I believe that Brian had an overdose on sleeping pills the night he died, maybe suffering a seizure as well, either from his possible epilepsy and/or as a side-effect of taking Mandrax. Of course, unless Brian is exhumed and a second toxicology report is drawn up that can maybe confirm what was in his system on that fateful night (which is unlikely, due to both the length of time and lack of interest in the case beyond occasional murder theories), there is no way for me to confirm this theory for sure. Besides, either way, there is no way to prove whether he had epilepsy or not. Whilst it is what I believe happened, and does line up with the original verdict of misadventure, I have to keep in mind at the end of the day that this is just me speculating. 
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Even so, the story of Brian Jones is one that is fraught with betrayal, hubris, and a path filled with perfectly preventable errors. It’s haunting to think what might have happened if Mick and Keith had been nicer to Brian (or at the very least spoke a bit more praise about him after his death rather than just shit-talk him all the time), or if the effects of drugs had been better understood, or if Brian hadn’t stopped contributing to the Stones’ music, or if someone had been with Brian in the pool when he became incapacitated. 
I’ll be honest, I think the reason I keep coming back to Brian’s story is because of how conflicting his life as a whole was. I’ve seen his life inspire equal parts idolization and vilification, even within myself. 
Because even if Mick and Keith would rather forget, it is my honest belief that more people will continue to find out about Brian, and my hope that they actually take the time to learn about him. 
Sources/Further Readings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tFfzTzOwQ8&t=4s https://asthma.net/living/swimming-pools-triggers/ Stone Alone by Bill Wyman Life by Keith Richards Brian Jones: The Making of the Rolling Stones by Paul Trynka Up and Down With the Rolling Stones by Tony Sanchez https://clearcomfort.com/why-asthma-allergy-sufferers-should-avoid-chlorine-pools/ http://timeisonourside.com/chron1967.html http://timeisonourside.com/chron1969.html Brian Jones, The Untold Life and Mysterious Death of a Rock Legend by Laura Jackson https://people.com/music/anita-pallenberg-rolling-stones-keith-richards-brian-jones-love-triangle/ https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-lists/the-27-club-a-brief-history-17853/ https://ultimateclassicrock.com/brian-jones-found-dead/ https://ultimateclassicrock.com/brian-jones-murdered/ https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/just-why-was-brian-jones-so-important-to-the-rolling-stones/ https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/obituary-brian-jones-189861/ https://www.denofgeek.com/us/culture/music/281978/the-rolling-stones-and-the-mystery-of-brian-jones-death https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/brian-jones-sympathy-for-the-devil-182761/ https://www.mojo4music.com/articles/15989/brian-jones-it-was-murder http://davidcomfort.org/brian-jones/
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drunk-on-books · 7 years
Read in 2017
Antonio Porchia - Voces
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution
Kobo Abe - Identico al ser humano
Vasko Popa - Homage to the Lame Wolf: Selected Poems
Georges Bataille - Theory of Religion
Sylvia Plath - Ariel
Andre Gide - The White Notebook
Beyond the Visible: The Art of Odilon Redon
Zbigniew Herbert - The Collected Poems
Adam Zagajewski - Unseen Hand: Poems
Anne Sexton - Complete Poems
David Hinton - Classical Chinese Poetry
Eça de Queiros -  The Yellow Sofa
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Selected Poetry
David Hinton - Mountain Poems: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China
Gennady Aygi - Child-and-Rose
Gennady Aygi - Field-Russia
The Story of Han Xiangzi: The Alchemical Adventures of a Daoist Immortal
Jacques Prevert - Selections from Paroles
Toson Shimazaki - The Broken Commandment
Jean Cocteau - Tempest of Stars: Selected Poems
Natsume Soseki - The Miner
Jean Cocteau - The Infernal Machine and Other Plays
Narim Bender - Auguste Rodin: 101 Drawings
Mario de Sa-Carneiro - Lucio's Confession
August Strindberg - The Stronger
August Strindberg - Facing Death
August Strindberg - Pariah
Ivan Bunin - Dark Avenues
Franz Kafka - The Zurau Aphorisms
Edvard Munch Lithographs Etchings  Woodcuts
Toson Shimazaki - The Family
Alain de Botton - How To Think More About Sex
Josef Hirsal - A Bohemian Youth
Maurice Blanchot - The Madness of the Day
Miroslav Holub - Poems Before & After
Andre Breton - Poems
Stendhal - The Red and The Black
Paul Klee - Pedagogical Sketchbook
Donald Wigald - Klee
Paul Klee - Some Poems by Paul Klee
Arthur Schnitzler - Fraulein Else
Antal Szerb - The Third Tower: Journeys in Italy
Lu Xun - Selected Essays
Andrej Blatnik - Skinswaps
Statius - The Achilleid
Aleksander Wat - Lucifer Unemployed
Jacques Cazotte - The Devil in Love
Gerry Souter - Kazimir Malevich
Vladimir Lenin - Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
Friedrich Engels - The Principles of Communism
Vladimir Lenin - State and Revolution
Pyotr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
Pauline Reage - Story of O
Errico Malatesta - Anarchy
Sergey Nechayev - Catechism of a Revolutionary
Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man Under Socialism
Joris-Karl Huysmans - A la Deriva
Andre Gide - Prometeo mal encadenado
Simone Weil - On The Abolition of All Political Parties
Walter Benjamin - El Autor Como Productor
Haruki Murakami - La Biblioteca Secreta
Fernando Pessoa - 35 Sonnets
Bertolt Brecht - Terror y miseria del Tercer Reich
Fernando Pessoa - El Primer Fausto
Fernando Pessoa - Diarios
Vasily Grossman - Life and Fate
Fernando Pessoa - La Hora del Diablo
Fernando Pessoa - El Banquero Anarquista
Andre Gide - Teseo
Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism Is A Humanism
Albert Camus - The Misunderstanding
The Showa Anthology: Modern Japanese Short Stories
The Sound of One Hand Clapping: 261 Zen Koans with Answers
Livy - The Early History of Rome: Books I-V
Bertolt Brecht - Antigone
Violette Ailhaud - L'homme Semence
Volodya: Selected Works
Stefan Zweig - Dos Hermanas
Stefan Zweig - El Amor de Erika Ewald
Stefan Zweig - Mendel el de los libros
Emile Zola - Nana
Stefan Zweig - Los milagros de la vida
Octave Mirbeau - Memoria de Georges el amargado
Federico Garcia Lorca - Bodas de Sangre
Samuel Beckett - Happy Days
Stefan Zweig - Ardiente secreto
Emile Zola - The Masterpiece
Akiko Yosano - Travels in Manchuria and Mongolia: A Feminist Poet from Japan Encounters Prewar China
Three Poets of Modern Korea
Santoka Taneda - For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santoka with Excerpts from His Diary
Du Fu - Selected Poems
Yasmina Reza - El Trineo de Schopenhauer
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The First Circle
Frank Wedekind - Spring Awakening
Yasmina Reza - Un Dios Salvaje
Yasmina Reza - Art
Junichiro Tanizaki - Enredadera de Yoshino
Arthur Schnitzler - Apuesta al amanecer
Bertolt Brecht - La Judith de Shimoda
Natsume Soseki - Habitaciones y otras piezas breves
Federico Garcia Lorca - Selected Poems
Franz Kafka - Contemplacion
Natsume Soseki - Tintes del cielo
Ilya Ehrenburg - The Fall of France Seen through Soviet Eyes
Victor Garcia - Three Japanese Anarchists: Kotoku, Osugi and Yamaga
John Reed - Ten Days That Shook The World
Louis Aragon - Los Ojos de Elsa
Rainer Maria Rilke - Primavera sagrada y otros cuentos de Bohemia
Ishikawa Tokuboku - On Examining One Self
Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Carta de Lord Chandos
Charles Baudelaire - Diarios Intimos
Masuji Ibuse - Lieutenant Lookeast and Other Storues
Paul Eluard - Selected Poems
Robert Walser - El paseo
Robert Walser - Poemas
Basileus Imperator Eduardus A Rodrigus
Marina Tsvetaeva - Moscow in the Plague Year: Poems
Eileen Chang - Un amor que destruye ciudades
Gustave Flaubert - Memoirs of A Madman
Henryk Ibsen - Hedda Gabler and Other Plays
Guillaume Apollinaire - Calligrammes
Wu Jingzi - The Scholars
Victor Hugo - Les Miserables
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun Vol 2: Sword & Citadel
Giovanni Boccacio - The Decameron
Comte de Lautremont - Les Chants des Maldoror (read again)
Yasunari Kawabata - First Snow On Fuji (read again)
Yasunari Kawabata - The Lake (read again)
J.R.R. Tolkien - Children of Hurin (read again)
James Clavell - Gaijin
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Silmarillion (read again)
J.R.R. Tolkien - Unfinished Tales (read again)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Cancer Ward (read again)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings (read again)
Pierre Louÿs - La Mujer y el Pelele
Gustave Flaubert - Noviembre
Leo Tolstoy - War & Peace (read again)
Joris-Karl Huysmans - La-Bas (read again)
Oe Kenzaburo - Teach Us To Outgrow Our Madness: Four Novels (read again)
Fredy Pearlman - The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism
Fredy Pearlman - The Reproduction of Daily Life
Bertolt Brecht - War Primer
Friedrich Nietzsche - Aphorisms on Love and Hate
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
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youtubemundo-blog · 5 years
Comienza a comer 1 naranja al día t mira qué le sucede a tu cuerpo
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En el siglo XVIII, se descubrió una deficiencia de nutrientes entre los marineros llamada escorbuto. ¿ Puedes adivinar qué deficiencia de vitaminas es esa? Sí, vitamina C. Los marineros también recibieron limas y limones, que es lo que les dio el apodo de limeys en su día. Pero ... esa es otra historia. Entonces, ¿ qué hay exactamente en las naranjas que nos impide enfermarnos? ¿ Cómo nos beneficiamos de ellas? Las naranjas no solo boy ricas en vitamina C, son abundantes en fibra, ácido fólico, potasio, tiamina y antioxidantes. Se componen principalmente de carbohidratos y agua, y tienen muy pocas proteínas, grasas y calorías. Supongamos que a partir de hoy, comienzas a comer de 1 a 2 naranjas todos los días. A medida que pasa el tiempo, comenzarás a ver muchos cambios en te cuerpo. MARCAS DE TIEMPO: Pérdida de peso 2:19 Piel más sana 2:50 No más pensamientos brumosos 3:44 No más pérdida de cabello o canas 4:33 Buena visión 6:05 Corazón más saludable 7:04 Sistema inmune fuerte 8:33 #dietasaludable #perderpeso #genial RESUMEN: - Una naranja grande contiene solo 87 calorías, lo que la convierte en un alimento bajo en calorías y rico en nutrientes. Esa porción ofrece aproximadamente 4 gramos de fibra dietética, que es mejor conocida por su capacidad para mejorar la salud digestive. - Las grandes cantidades de agua en las naranjas ayudan a que tu piel se mantenga hidratada, dándote ese brillo húmedo. Pero no olvidemos el compuesto más importante: la vitamina C, que ayuda a tu cuerpo a producir más colágeno. - Las flavanonas han demostrado mejorar la memoria mediante la activación de vías en el hipocampo: la parte del cerebro responsable del aprendizaje y los recuerdos. Entonces, puedes ir a tomar esa fruta tuya que estimula el cerebro mientras aprendes una o dos cosas. - A veces vemos un cabello gris en nuestras cabezas, y lo sentimos, en lo profundo de nuestras almas: este es el principio del fin. Pero aparte de todo el drama, tal vez no estamos comiendo suficientes naranjas. - Dado que las naranjas también son ricas en antioxidantes, protegen los mechones del cabello opposite el estrés oxidativo. - Los científicos del Instituto Westmead de Investigación Médica en Sydney descubrieron que arrival solo una naranja todos los días decrease el riesgo de visión débil hasta en un 60%. - El colágeno también juega su parte aquí. Ayuda a dar la estructura a tus ojos. - Las naranjas son ricas en potasio. Esto ayuda a mantener tu sistema nervioso funcionando de manera saludable y puede reducir la presión arterial alta. - Las naranjas también child abundantes en ácido fólico, una vitamina B que ayuda a tu cuerpo a reducir sus niveles de un aminoácido llamado homocisteína. Esto generalmente se encuentra en la carne roja y está relacionado disadvantage la mala salud del corazón. - No tener suficiente vitamina C en nuestras dietas puede evitar que las heridas se curen a tiempo, puede debilitar nuestros huesos e incluso puede hacer que nuestras articulaciones se hinchen dolorosamente. - Comer una naranja todos los días puede desarmar los radicales libres y evitar que dañen el medio ambiente de las células. - La cáscara de naranja tiene mucha más fibra que la pulpa; es abundante en calcio, vitamina C, varias vitaminas B y vitamina A. Pero hay una trampa: no se digieren muy fácilmente. Música por Epidemic Sound Materiales de archivo (fotos, grabaciones y otros):. Suscribirse a GENIAL:. IDEAS EN 5 MINUTOS:. Concepts en 5 minutos FAMILIA. SUGGESTIONS EN 5 MINUTOS CHICOS. ASÍ ES LA VIDA. Super Sludge Sam. ideas.en.5. minutos. Facebook:. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Para más vídeos y artículos visita:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giA7RG_q858 Read the full article
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tororabbit · 7 years
My Masterlist of LaviYuu fics
This was a long time coming my buddies. This list will be edited with new recs and reblogged every time. Anyone is free to send me a rec in my askbox or pm. Happy reading!
The Hardcore Angsty fics (YOU WILL CRY)
Una Memoria Mecánica by @sparklymirror [oneshot, 12k+ words, rating E, minor character death, soulmate au] Summary: In this world everyone has a clock that counts down to the day they meet their soulmate. Kanda doesn't believe in it, but the destined day approaches nonetheless. A soulmate fic for people who dislike soulmate fics. 
(Guys, this is one of the most heartbreaking of all LaviYuu fics. It’s 13 on a scale of one to ten Sad Shit. I’m not much of a soulmate au reader but this, this makes me want to curl up and cry maybe forever. Destiny sometimes ruins everything.)
Red Lotus by @fictionisthefact [1/2 chaps (can be read as oneshot), 13k+ words, rating T, brief mentions of suicide, reincarnation/soulmate au] Summary:  In every lifetime, Kanda is looking. Part One: A glimpse into the lives where their timing was off, and the one that was almost perfect.
(This is another major tear-jerker. Reading this fucks my emotions up for a whole day every time I read it. I. Just. Cannot. Kanda is the one who pines for Lavi here, and I love it when that happens! This is sad and beautiful and I need a sequel like, yesterday. ;_;)
(all the glitz and glamour) and baby you're a liar by @aozu [oneshot, 6k+ words, rating E, stripclub au] Summary: AU. One in which Kanda is a stripper and Lavi totally doesn't believe him.
(We get smokin’ stripper Kanda coming onto Lavi. What the fuck can go wrong???)
Forceful Ways by Metlei [oneshot, 16k+ words, rating E, asylum au, BIG DUBCON AND RAPE WARNING] Summary: One day... he will take, giving unwillingly in his willingness. 
(This one is a bit iffy in terms of grammar, and I’m usually a huge no-no for dubcon and rape, but this one has a lot of smut in it? And the one who gets raped teaches the rapist how to properly treat a lover? Only read if you’re not too squicky about fictional rape.)
So You Think You Can Dance by @sparklymirror [oneshot, 8k+ words, rating E, breakdance au] Summary: We've all heard "fight like they dance" but how about "dance like they fight"? Kanda goes to a club and meets a certain someone in a dance battle. Includes breakdancing, dirty dancing, and the horizontal kind (ahem!).
(I like breakdance. I like impulsive Kanda. This is a great combination of both with a huge side serving of good smut and small side serving of fluff.)
The Japanese Art of Kinbaku by lpdrunknmunky [oneshot, 2k words, rating E, dgmkinkmeme fill] Summary:  When Lavi’s boyfriend had suggested they try something new, he had figured he meant going to new places, trying other restaurants, or hitting different clubs. That’s why Lavi got a nice shock, seeing Kanda in a traditional Japanese kimono and holding a sizable length of black cord, when he came over to his apartment for their date.
(Y’all, this is one of the old but gold ones with nothing but deeply fulfilling sin. The title says it all.)
The Ones You Wanna Read On a Cozy Rainy Afternoon
Athelas by @aozu [oneshot, 13k+ words, rating T, tattoo parlor/flower shop au] Summary: The first time Lavi sees his florist neighbour, it became his dream to ink that body.
(Ahhhh feels good to be reading this. I like the idea of Florist! Kanda and how he can be surprisingly soft in some parts. A bit of slow burn, but it’s feels good~)
Breakfast On Pluto by @aozu  [4/4 chapters ,15k+ words, rating T, coffeeshop AU] Summary:  AU. Attorney Kanda hates coffee, so he had no idea why he kept returning to the coffee shop across the street.
(The quintessential coffeeshop au that every fandom needs. This is so fluffy and warm and I adore it. I never knew barista Lavi was what I needed in my life. All I know is that after reading this, I wanted to go to the nearest Starbucks and cozy up to the barista there.) 
Grey Surges by aqd [3/? chaps, Ongoing, 16k+ words, rating T, modern au, mentions of abusive relationship] Summary: Lavi’s mouth was suddenly very dry. His glance danced over dark eyes, soft features and a stern mouth and all he could do was to smile. “Yuu,” he said softly and was stunned. Of all people. “Yuu Kanda.”
(A recent fave. It’s a poignant and calm piece, very well written. The setting is mostly by the seaside, so reading this is very soothing. Definitely recommended for a cozy time.)
Whimsical Fun
All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter by @aozu [oneshot, 12k+ words, rating M, college au, hints of Allena] Summary: Allen wonders why he was ever cursed to have an anti-social jackass as his best friend (or enemy?) but he figures it is merely logical that he should torment, I mean, help the guy with his crush on the redhead exchange student.
(Interestingly written in Allen’s perspective but focuses on Laviyuu and madly pining Kanda. I don’t think there is a fic that has an even more teenage-pining Kanda than this one. That boi T H I R S T Y.)
The Stars Don’t Even Matter by @aozu [oneshot, 11k+ words, rating M, modern au] Summary: Wrong post delivery AU. Kanda opens a package. It all goes downhill from there.
(Light and awkwardly hilarious on Lavi’s part. Enjoy the toys :v)
Potato Works (by yours truly)
(why would I recommend my own shit? The answer is why not???? :,D)
Rabbit Parasite by me @suicidetoro [9/? chaps, Ongoing, 33k+ words (fuck me lol), rating E] Summary: Che. I saved the idiotic rabbit from the Noah, and he just changed ever since he got back. And then he was gone, and I had to go look for him. I didn't think I was getting into such a mess. I didn't understand how he was suffering. I didn't know those things were tearing him inside out. And now... now I have to kill him to save him.
(Nothing like the smell of hurting Lavi angst in the morning... My child fic of three years now. I love it but I update very irregularly... errr there’s quite a bit left to go so... enjoy??)
Steamy Skype Night by me @suicidetoro [oneshot, 2k+ words, rating E, dgmkinkmeme fill] Summary:  Skype is heaven for those who long for each other over a thousand miles away.
(Very short one shot when I was still experimenting with how to write smut. I kinda think it’s cute but I dunno ;w;)
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monicalozzano · 7 years
Sentimental education
Disney Classics 
Alice’s Wonderland (1923), Snow White and the seven dwarfs, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Make Mine Music, The Jungle book 1, Peter Pan, Dumbo, 101 Dalmatians, Alice in Wonderland, Anastasia, The Sword in the Stone,  The Ugly Duckling, The Jungle book 2, The Practical Pig, The Aristocats, Silly Simphonies, Lilo & Stitch 1 and 2, Plane Crazy, Robin Hood, Little Marmaid 1, 2 and 3, Pocahontas 1 and 2, The King Lion 1, 2 and 3, Mulan 1 and 2, Hercules, Bambi, The Rescuers, The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1 and 2,  The Three Caballeros, Aladdin 1, 2 and 3, Tangled, Meet the Robbinsons, Tarzan 1 and 2, The Princess and the Frog, Frozen, Moana, The Beauty and The Beast, Saludos Amigos, The Many adventures on Winnie The Pooh, Lady and The Tramp, Oliver & Company, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Home, on the Range, Wreck-It Ralph, The Leyend of Sleepy Hollow, Animation from Disney/Pixar
Toy Story 1, 2 and 3, Monsters Inc, Monsters University, Cars, Cars 2 and 3, Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, Inside out, The good Dinosaur, Brave, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, A Bug’s Life, Up, WALLL-E, Bolt, Chicken Little, Zootopy, Gnomeo and Julieth, Big Hero Six, Coco
Disney live-action 
Mary Poppins, The cheetah girls, Alice in Wonderland, Alice Trough the looking glass, High School Musical 1, 2 and 3, Camp Rock, Camp Rock: The Final Camp, Wizards of Waverly Place, Wendy Wu: homecoming warrior, Princess Program Protection, The Beauty and The Beast, Stuck in the suburbs, Maleficent, Cinderella, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Enchanted, Princess Diaries 1 and 2, Pixel perfect, 
AnimationRaise of the Guardians, The Boss Baby, Trolls, The Croods, The Prince of Egypt, Turbo, Shark Tale, The Road to El Dorado, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Home, The Guardian Brothers, A Monster in Paris, 
Paramount Pictures
How To Train Your Dragon 1 and 2, Shrek 1,2 & 3, Shrek the Third,  Shrek Forever After, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted,  Monsters vs. Aliens
Universal Studios
Lorax, Despicable Me 1, 2 and 3, Sing, Pitch Perfect 1, 2 and 3, Mamma Mia, 50 Shades, 50 Shades Darker, Bruce Almighty, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Psicosis, Les MIsérables, The Land Before Time
Blue Sky Studios
Robbots, Ice Age 1, 2, 3 and 4, Río,  Horton
Studio Ghibli
Tonari no Totoro, Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi, 
Sony Pictures
Hotel Transilvania 1 and 2, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The Smurfs 1 and 2, Goosebumps, 
A lot like love, Basquiat (1996) Fight Club, Spring Breakers, El ciempiés Humano, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 12 monkies, Psyco, Casablanca, 50 First Dates, Get Smart, Love Rosie, Romeo and Julieth (2013) La vita e bella, Batman Trilogy (by Nolan) Ramona and Beezus, The Neon Demon, Under the Skin, the perks of being a wallflower, The proposal, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Pollock (2000) Charlie St. Cloud, The Danish Girl, The Notebook, 10 things I hate about you, Titanic, Pretty Woman, P.S: I love you, (500) Days of Summer, A Walk to Remember, Letters to Julieth, Nothing Hill, About Time, Dear John, The Crush, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, No String attached, A Cinderella Story, Grease, The Breakfast Club, My Best Friend's Wedding, 27 Dresses, The Vow, Shakespeare in Love, The Last Song, Another Cinderella Story, One Day, Ever After, Remember Me, The Longest Ride, The Lucky One, If I Stay, Paper Towns, Tres metros Sobre el Cielo, Tengo Ganas de Ti, The First Time, Cinderella (2015) Pitch perfect 1 and 2, Mean Girls, Clueless, Wild Child, Not Another Teen Movie, Easy A, Cruel Intentions, La Vie d'Adèle, Bring it on, John Tucker must die, Monte Carlo, Just like heaven, What Happens in Vegas, Runaway Bride, Definitely maybe, Friends with Benefits, Black Swan, The sweetest thing, La la land, Moonlight, Crazy stupid love, Grease, Bad moms, Love and other drugs, The Social network,  Just go with it, Grown ups 1 and 2, Bedtime stories, Click,  We’re the Millers, Big Daddy, The devil wears Prada, The Intern, Bride wars, Coco avant Chanel, The Theory of Everything, Sabrina, The Pursuit of Happiness, Marie Antoinette, Last days, Blue valentine, Singing In The Rain, Cecil B. Demented, eXincenZ, Back to the Future, The day of the Jackal, Roman Holiday, I, Tonya, Phantom Threat, Ginger and Rosa, Lady Bird, Dunkirk, Fifty Shades of Grey (Trilogy), The Orange Workclock, 2001: Space Odyssey, Roman Holiday, Matrix, Dead Poets Society, The Edge of Seventeen, V for Vendetta, Lion, The Glass Castle, Hacksaw Ridge, Arrival, Independence Day Resurgence, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Oz the Great and Powerful (2013), Suicide Squat, Wonder Woman (2017), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League​, Batman: Lego Movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming​, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers: Infinity War, Thor, Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok, Iron Man, The Square, Wonder, Murder On The Orient Express, Before Midnight, The DUFF, Peter Pan, Snowman, Anabelle 1 and 2, Insidious: Chapter 2, The Greatest Showman, A Dog’s Purpose, IT, Baby Driver, The Mask of Zorro, The Legend of Zorro, Me Before You, Wish Upon, Happy Family, Atomic Blonde, Water for Elephants, Agora, Ted, LOL (2008), LOL (2012), Hairspray, The Healer, A Question Of Faith,The Danish Girl, Mr & Mrs Smith, Spice World, Bed Time Stories, Pixels, Spy Kids, Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Valentines day, Intern, Little Prince, The Theory of Everything, We Are Your Friends, To Kill a Mockingbird​, Me and Earl and The Dying Girl, Heaven is For Real, Saving Mr. Banks, Life as We Know It, Dorian Gray, Twenty, Nerve, Batman: The Lego Movie, Baywatch, The Emoji Movie, Captain Fantastic, To The Bone, The Lovely Bones, Flipped, Homeless to Harvard, Ghost World, Divergent, The Hunger Games Trilogy, El Club de los Incomprendidos, Final Destination Franchise, Neon, The Longest Ride, Before I Fall, Matilda, My Babysitter's a Vampire, Endless Love, No Se Aceptan Devoluciones, Latin Lover, Now is Good, How I Live Now, Que Pena Tu Boda, Que Pena Tu Familia, Cásese Quien Pueda, Que Culpa Tiene El Niño, Nosotros Los Nobles, Cantinflas, Memorias del Subdesarrollo, Child of Rage, El Amor En Los Tiempos del Cólera, La Vendedora de Rosas, Rosario Tijeras, Soñar No Cuesta Nada, Los Colores de la Montaña, El Acorazado Potemkin, F for Fake, Agarrando Pueblo, Ojo y Vista: Peligra la Vida del Artista, El Tigre de Papel, Sex in The City, Mirror, Mirror, Stepmom, Adore, Think Like a Man, The Three Stooges, Vamps, Zambezia, The Beatles: Eight days a week, Storks, Ghost in the Shell, Bad Moms, Liar Liar, Clueless, Shape of Water, Woody Woodpecker, Everything Everything, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Fallen, Dude, The Space Between Us, The Kissing Booth, Barefoot in the Park, Mamma Mia, American Beauty, Guardians of the Galaxy, Fathers and Daughters, Mr & Mrs Smith, world War Z, When We First Met, 
Friends, How I Met Your Mother, 13 Reasons Why, Sense8, The Vampire Diaries, Glee, The End Of The Fuking World, Las Chicas del Cable, Stranger Things, Riverdale, Jane The Virgin, Gossip Girl, Luis Miguel, Grace and Frankie, Abstract (the art of design), Velvet, 
The Simpsons, The Powerpuff Girls, Dexter´s laboratory, Ruglats, All Grown Up!, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Steven Universe, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, We Bare Bears, Caillou, Hey, Arnold!, Ed, Edd y Eddy, CatDog, SpongeBob SquarePants, South Park, Johnny Bravo, Recess, The Angry Beavers, Futurama, The Wild Thornberrys, Happy Tree Friends, Super Friends, Mike, Lu & Og, Pepper Ann, Bob the Builder, Oggy and the cockroaches, The Animated Series, The Pink Panther, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, The Fairly OddParents, Codename: Kids Next Door, Lazy Town, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, The Flintstones, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Las Tres Mellizas, Woody Woodpecker, Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies, The Tom and Jerry Show, Tom and jerry Kids, Scooby-Doo ¿Where are You?, Scooby-Doo Creepy Cities, Pokemon, DragonBall, Pucca, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Kim Possible, American Dragon: Jake Long, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, Popeye the Sailor, The Proud Family, Phineas and Ferb, The Replacements, Dave The Barbarian, Doug, Danny Phantom, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, The Buzz on Maggie, The Emperor's New School, Phil of the Future, Dragon Tales, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Clifford Puppy days, Care Bears, My Little Pony, Bear In The Big Blue House, Zaboomafoo, Curious George, Jay Jay The Jet Plane, Sesame Street, The Book of Pooh, Blue’s Clues, Rolie Polie Olie, Jojo’s Circus, Little Einsteins, Barney and Friends, Go Diego Go!, Pocoyo, The Backyardigans, Higglytown Heroes, Dora the Explorer, Silly Simphonies, Heidi, Animaniacs, The Jetsons, DuckTales, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Tiny Toons Adventures, Inspector Gadget, Pinky and the Brain, Top Cat, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show,  The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, The Huckleberry Hound Show, The Yogi Bear Show, Yogi's Treasure Hunt, Captain Tsubasa, Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks, Stanley, Pinky Dinky Doo, The Koala Brothers, Cubeez, Troll Hunters Tales of Arcadia, The Boss Baby, Gravity Falls, The Little Lulu Show,
Goong, Uncontrollably Fond, My Love from Another Star, The Heirs, Love Cells 2, 
                                    still in process...
7 notes · View notes
xoltan · 6 years
Zomelster - Verzauberung (Der Welt): sound influences
- Opus Nigrum - El mundo de la comunicación escrita y las artes literarias
Agalactia - Late Xenia
Amtrax - Techliner
Atmos - Jimmy The Plate https://soundcloud.com/spiral-trax/05-atmos-jimmy-the-plate
Balearic Bill - Destination Sunshine (DJ Tiësto Airport mix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWqGGKSKOwE
Cosmosis - Moonshine https://soundcloud.com/cosmosis-official/cosmosis-moonshine
Dimension 5 - Transformation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDVJiw-Eg3c
Encore! - Le Disc-Jockey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjhkoJE1BIQ
Eredim - Groovy Acid (Kliment remix)
HedustMA & Barby - Techyon https://ovnimoon.bandcamp.com/track/techyon
Human Blue - Electric Harmony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKHO4tPa0Ak
Human Blue - Harmonix https://soundcloud.com/spiral-trax/human-blue-harmonix-original
Human Blue - Memorexis https://soundcloud.com/spiral-trax/human-blue-memorexis-original
Human Blue - Rollercoaster https://soundcloud.com/spiral-trax/human-blue-rollercoaster
Ian Pooley - Insel Passage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liWooKOcyMM
Kalimax - Where is the party? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW7FE2Vst-Q
Massimo Vivona - Espirazion
Max Graham - Airtight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOwYMQnjeFs
Max Graham - Yaletown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCRmvPVRZ5Q
Nuclear Ramjet - iBrator 3.21 https://soundcloud.com/digital-diamonds-netlabel/nuclear-ramjet-ibrator-121-digitaldiamonds002-wav-download
Psychopat - Spiral Landing https://open.spotify.com/track/3Y71XGSlzqyFLuE8xys3A3?si=Tdt__3xkQ9COMX9TmyUfOA
Purple & Lunar - Subtle Thrust (Layback mix) https://soundcloud.com/purpleandlunar/subtle-thrust-layback-mix
SBK - Morgenlatte https://soundcloud.com/sbk-music/sbk-morgenlatte-2001
Tarsis - High Energy https://soundcloud.com/sbk-music/tarsis-high-energy-2001
Theodor Slow - Extrasolar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDFmFQmDcb4
Vibrasphere - Morning Breeze https://soundcloud.com/vibrasphere-official/morning-breeze-1
Vibrasphere - Newport https://soundcloud.com/vibrasphere-official/newport
Vince Watson - Mystical Rhythm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWY_I9QuWZM
- Systerskap - El mundo de la empatía y la comunicación oral
Alienated Buddha - Alien Activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7mCmvfr2DE
Injektor - Poison Panic
New Age Hippies - Return  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxD8xNbPtMw
S>Range - Boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3tSq7wB85I
- Dreizhen - El mundo de los símbolos
12 Moons - Elak Javel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GDlP9iK4kA
Magnetrixx - Spazmolyt https://soundcloud.com/ap-digits/magnetrixx-spazmolyt
The Delta - As a child I could walk on the ceiling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvdPa3BbZMY
-Ereignis - El mundo de la casualidad y lo imprevisible
12 Moons - Flair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg_4OlyM7uU
Art of Trance - Gloria https://soundcloud.com/platipusmusic/art-of-trance-gloria
Dance 2 Trance - Power of the American Natives ‘98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlKPe_DvGZA
Element Four - Big Brother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6wa7aRFPZQ
Franck Goss - Spaces
Magnetrixx - Spazmolyt (see above)
Magnetrixx - Trittschall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-UOdFZV09c
Prisoners of the Sun - Sonar Solarium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCn5TVOfiog
Saucermen - Aquarius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olujtgIj2Zc
Vibrasphere - Mental Mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTCVnpnD7p8
Yann Tiersen - Rue des Cascades https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmgm8HWrYPE
- Alkatron - El mundo de la tecnología digital
Akiko Kiyama - The Sunset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB8PxaRx1nY
Amtrax - Techliner
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi_XLOBDo_Y
- In ictu oculi - El mundo de las artes manuales como representaciones de la plenitud de la vida y el ser humano
Blue Planet Corporation - Atoll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHXOIqqqvjQ
Deto - Lavina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ-pmdJGzhA
Cosmosis - Moonshine (see above)
Eredim - Groovy Acid (Kliment remix) (see above)
New Age Hippies - Return (see above)
Kazuki - Go insane https://soundcloud.com/search?q=kazuki%20go%20insane
Max Graham - Airtight (see above)
Mungusid - The Dragon's Owner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IBW1Taz1T0
Nuclear Ramjet - Ibrator 1.2.1 (see above)
Prisoners of the Sun - Sonar Solarium (see above)
S>Range - Morning Star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SxidzGQnIE
S>Range - The One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cVZjNtz_kA
Star Sounds Orchestra - Ajundria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np3xvn6h1fA
Ticon - Don't tell me I sing like a robot https://soundcloud.com/ticon/01-don-t-tell-me-i-sing-like-a
Vibrasphere - Echo Plantation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZqnifb9hgQ
Vibrasphere - Broad Bandits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MSDrf8Qdb4
Vibrasphere - Mental Mountain (see above)
Vibrasphere - Morning Breeze (see above)
- Regenwelt - El mundo determinado por el entorno en superficie y cielo
Distant World Music - A place to call home  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hskl2dTHYdk
Magnetrixx - Spazmolyt (see above)
S>Range - Star Alliance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFBY187cIfc
Sonopictorial - Chronologic https://soundcloud.com/sonopictorial/chronologic
The Delta - As a Child I could walk on the ceiling (see above)
Ticon - We are the mammoth hunters https://soundcloud.com/ticon/06-ticon-we-are-the-mammoth
- Traumsphäre - El mundo de los sueños, las ideas, la memoria y la mente en sus diferentes planos
Astral Projection - Aqua Line Spirit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6Gi7_VJZjs
Astral Projection - Nilaya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acmF_G1iubQ
Atmos - Metro Deluxe https://soundcloud.com/spiral-trax/atmos-metro-deluxe
Dimension 5 - Transformation (see above)
Gaudium - Nordic Nature https://soundcloud.com/gaudium/01-nordic-nature
Human Blue - Rollercoaster (see above)
Kalimax - Where is the party? (see above)
Magnetrixx - Spazmolyt (see above)
Mungusid - Crystal Smile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu4UghYJZ0w
S>Range - Star Alliance (see above)
Vibrasphere - Infusion https://soundcloud.com/vibrasphere-official/infusion
0 notes
Wolf 359 Head Canons -- Part VII: Hera
Part I: Daniel Jacobi , Part II: Alana Maxwell, Part III: Doug Eiffel, Part IV: Warren Kepler, Part V: Alexander Hilbert , Part VI: Isabel Lovelace
Precious computer child
1) ...and Doug act out movie scripts he writes out from memory.  Hera’s never seen anything but Home Alone II (and she really doesn’t understand why people like movies so much from that) but after Doug broke out the scripts she definitely understood.  The “use the Force, Luke!” from “Memoria” was from one of those sessions.  Hera tends to end up as the lead.  Doug does voices. 
2) ...skipped ahead after “Memoria” and started reading Harry Potter.  She got to six before Maxwell’s betrayal and death. 
3) ...loves to learn anything and everything, studies basically every subject.  Loves to read in general.  She keeps her studies to herself, but wishes she could tell the others about what she’s learning.  After a while she did tell Maxwell, who was genuinely interested and engaged, or at least seemed to be, now Hera’s not sure anything Maxwell did or said was genuine. 
4) ...has started coming up with names for the colors humans can’t see, she does it while everyone else is asleep.  That’s also when she prepares for what life will be like when she’s all alone.  
5) ...often wishes she had hands.  Human senses would be interesting to better understand her crewmates but she doesn’t feel she needs them.  She doesn’t want to be human.  But hands would be extremely useful. 
6) ...has very few memories of life on Earth so she sometimes struggles to understand what the others are talking about.  For example, she’s never actually seen a pizza but from what Doug has said about it it sounds amazing.  
7) ...gets into snark offs with Jacobi.  They really don’t like each other.
8) ...’s relationship with Maxwell did not change the fact that Doug is her best friend. 
9) ...is terrified to think of how many times Cutter and Pryce probably messed with her head.  It’s among her greatest fears that she lost some part of herself before she could remember. 
10) ...is a major sci-fi nerd, especially hard sci-fi.  Also reads non-fiction, but tends to skip the things she’s been programmed to know already.  Likes philosophy a lot. 
11) ...tried to override her Bentham Directory more than once.  You know...for science! 
12) ...is very good at finding loopholes in almost all of her programming, but obviously still can’t escape Pryce’s Command Line.
13) ...remembered Pryce before she remembered the Command Line being implanted. She’s the doctor Hera was afraid of meeting again when Cutter says “Maybe I should see if Doctor -” in “Decommissioned” 
14) ...’s time in the three month gap between her installation and when the human Hephaestus crew arrived was basically spent hating the crew she hadn’t even met yet.  It took her a long time to warm up to them, hence her colder behavior at the beginning of the series.  
15) ...’s behavior has been kept under wraps at Canaveral.  They don’t want other AIs getting any ideas. 
16) ...is far better at chess than the automated functions are. 
36 notes · View notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
Weekend PC Download Deals for June 15: Free Killing Floor 2 Steam Weekend
E3 2018 is over and retailers are now falling over themselves to put the best games available on PC on sale this weekend. A handful of the best sales from last week continue on through this weekend, but now Steam has joined the fray, putting up the best games from Croteam and Klei, along with several other top-notch games. On top of that, Killing Floor 2 is on sale all weekend and is free to play until Sunday.
The best sales still go to GOG.com, GamersGate, Origin, and the Ubisoft Store, all of which are celebrating the summer and/or E3 with dozens upon dozens of games on sale.
Killing Floor 2
Here's our selection of this weekend's PC deals:
Star Wars Battlefront II [Origin] - $19.99 (60% off)
Battlefield 1 Revolution [Origin] - $14.99 (75% off)
The Sims 4 [Origin] - $9.99 (75% off)
Need for Speed Payback [Origin] - $19.99 (60% off)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst [Origin] - $4.99 (50% off)
Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY Edition [Origin] - $15.99 (60% off)
Mass Effect Trilogy [Origin] - $7.49 (75% off)
Crysis Trilogy [Origin] - $12.49 (75% off)
SimCity Complete Edition [Origin] - $7.49 (75% off)
Alice: Madness Returns [Origin] - $4.99 (75% off)
Fe [Origin] - $9.99 (50% off)
Dead Space 3 [Origin] - $9.99 (50% off)
BioShock: The Collection [Steam] - $29.99 (50% off)
Batman: Arkham Knight [Steam] - $13.19 (34% off)
Mafia III [Steam] - $13.20 (67% off)
Find more games for Dad, like NBA 2K18 and WWE 2K18, on sale during Direct2Drive's Father's Day Sale.
Pay $1.99 for Chroma Squad, Skullgirls, Deadlight, Mad Games Tycoon, Replica, The Way, Wick, 12 is Better Than 6 Game, The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day, and Infectonator: Survivors. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $4.99 for F.E.A.R. (w/all DLC), F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn DLC, and F.E.A.R. 3. These activate on Steam.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds [Steam] - $23.99 (20% off)
LEGO The Incredibles [Steam] - $29.99 (25% off)
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 [Steam] - $19.49 (35% off)
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition [Steam] - $9.99 (75% off)
Middle-earth: Shadow of War [Steam] - $30.00 (50% off)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition [Steam] - $29.99 (25% off)
Killing Floor 2 [Steam] - $12.00 (60% off)
Prey [Steam] - $20.00 (50% off)
Conan Exiles [Steam] - $33.99 (15% off)
Fallout 4 [Steam] - $14.99 (50% off)
Dark Souls III [Steam] - $15.00 (75% off)
Batman: Arkham VR [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus [Steam] - $30.00 (50% off)
Fallout 4 VR [Steam] - $41.99 (30% off)
DOOM [Steam] - $14.99 (50% off)
Rage [Steam] - $3.40 (66% off)
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition [Steam] - $41.99 (30% off)
LEGO Worlds [Steam] - $14.99 (50% off)
Quake IV [Steam] - $5.10 (66% off)
Watch Dogs 2 [UPlay] - $19.80 (67% off)
GamersGate is in the middle of its Summer Sale! Check out all of the games featured during the GamersGate Summer Sale.
Spend $5 or more during the GOG.com Summer Sale and receive Sunless Sea for free. Spend $20 or more and also receive Rime for free.
GOG.com has kicked off its #SummerGaming sale. That means over 1,000 games are on sale! Shacknews has bundled together some of the best individual game deals, as well as noteworthy bundles. Find all of the sales on GOG.com.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - $35.99 (20% off)
Saints Row Bundle (Saints Row 2 + Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition + Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell w/Devil's Workshop Pack + Saints Row: The Third The Full Package) - $12.35 (80% off)
Baldur's Gate Bundle (Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition + Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition + Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear) - $11.97 (80% off)
Star Wars Starship Bundle (Rogue Squadron 3D + TIE Fighter Special Edition + X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter + X-Wing Alliance + X-Wing Special Edition) - $12.45 (75% off)
Indiana Jones Bundle (Emperor's Tomb + Fate of Atlantis + The Last Crusade + LEGO Indiana Jones + LEGO Indiana Jones 2) - $14.45 (75% off)
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt GOTY Edition - $19.99 (60% off)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - $20.09 (33% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Kerbal Space Program - $19.99 (50% off)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - $4.99 (75% off)
Mirror's Edge - $2.99 (85% off)
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Fallout 3 GOTY Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Firewatch - $7.99 (60% off)
The Witness - $15.99 (60% off)
Darkest Dungeon - $9.99 (60% off)
Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Green Man Gaming
Fallout 4 [Steam] - $12.15 (59% off)
Rage [Steam] - $2.72 (73% off)
Fallout Classics Collection [Steam] - $8.10 (59% off)
Find more Bethesda games, like the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, on sale during Green Man Gaming's Bethesda Sale.
Far Cry 5 [UPlay] - $39.14 (35% off)
Assassin's Creed Origins [UPlay] - $26.40 (56% off)
Tom Clancy's The Division [UPlay] - $8.80 (82% off)
Find more Ubisoft games, like For Honor and the Trials games, on sale during Green Man Gaming's Ubisoft Sale.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI [Steam] - $18.24 (70% off)
Humble Bundle
Subscribe to Humble Monthly for $12 and receive Hearts of Iron IV, Blackwake, and Portal Knights, with more games added every month. These games activate on Steam.
Or pay what you want for Memoria, Caravan, Deponia: The Complete Journey, and Anna's Quest. Pay more than the average $8.21 to get Witch It, Silence, and Deponia Doomsday. Pay $12 or more to also receive Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, The Long Journey Home, and Bounty Train.
Select 3 games from the 2K Games catalog, like the BioShock and Borderlands games, and save 80%. Select 4 games to save 83%. And select five games to save 85%. Find the full list of games available during the Humble Store's Build Your Own 2K Bundle.
BioShock: The Collection [Steam] - $14.99 (75% off)
XCOM Collection 2 [Steam] - $44.99 (55% off)
Mafia III [Steam] - $13.99 (65% off)
Find more from 2K Games on sale during the Humble Store's 2K Sale.
Injustice 2 [Steam] - $29.99 (40% off)
Batman: Arkham Knight [Steam] - $6.79 (66% off)
Batman: Arkham VR [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Find more from superhero games on sale during the Humble Store's Comic Book Capers Sale.
Peggle - Free!
Star Wars Battlefront II - $19.99 (67% off)
Battlefield 1 Revolution - $14.99 (75% off)
The Sims 4 - $9.99 (75% off)
FIFA 18 - $19.99 (67% off)
Titanfall 2 - $4.99 (75% off)
Need for Speed Payback - $19.99 (50% off)
Mass Effect Andromeda - $9.99 (50% off)
Fe - $9.99 (50% off)
Mass Effect Trilogy - $7.49 (75% off)
Dragon Age Inquisition - $4.99 (75% off)
Crysis Trilogy - $12.49 (75% off)
Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition - $9.99 (67% off)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst - $4.99 (50% off)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 - $9.99 (50% off)
Find more of EA's best games on sale during the Origin Infinite Gaming Sale.
Ubisoft Store
Far Cry 5 - $44.99 (25% off)
Assassin's Creed Origins - $29.99 (50% off)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - $19.99 (50% off)
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $19.80 (67% off)
For Honor - $14.99 (75% off)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - $19.80 (67% off)
Tom Clancy's The Division - $10.00 (80% off)
Watch Dogs 2 - $19.80 (67% off)
Rayman Legends - $10.20 (66% off)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Collection - $26.09 (71% off)
Star Trek Bridge Crew - $19.99 (50% off)
Prince of Persia (2008) - $3.40 (66% off)
Child of Light - $5.10 (66% off)
Uno - $3.40 (66% off)
Monopoly Plus - $7.49 (50% off)
Find more of Ubisoft's catalog during the Ubisoft Store's E3 Sale.
As well as regular discounts, Steam has a couple of additional weekend deals.
Killing Floor 2 - $11.99 (60% off) (FREE WEEKEND until 6/17 at 1PM PT)
Quake Champions [Steam Early Access] - $19.79 (34% off) (FREE WEEKEND until 6/17 at 1PM PT)
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt GOTY Edition - $19.99 (60% off)
Hand of Fate 2 - $23.99 (20% off)
Klei Survival Bundle (Don't Starve Reign of Giants + Don't Starve + Don't Starve Together + Don't Starve: Shipwrecked + Oxygen Not Included) - $27.95 (57% off)
Intrepid Explorers Pack (Don't Starve Together + Subnautica) - $21.98 (45% off)
Invisible Inc. Contigency Plan Bundle - $5.99 (75% off)
Find the rest of the Klei catalog on sale during Steam's Klei Weekend Sale.
The Elder Scrolls Online - $9.99 (50% off)
The Talos Principle - $7.99 (80% off)
Croteam VR Bundle (Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope + The Talos Principle VR + Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter + Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter + Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE + Serious Sam Fusion 2017) - $34.95 (83% off)
Nioh - $29.99 (40% off)
Dead By Daylight - $9.99 (50% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Dying Light - $15.99 (60% off)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - $29.99 (50% off)
Quantum Break - $19.99 (50% off)
Overcooked - $5.77 (66% off)
Weekend PC Download Deals for June 15: Free Killing Floor 2 Steam Weekend published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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drunk-on-books · 7 years
Read so far this year + June-July
January Antonio Porchia - Voces 1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution Kobo Abe - Identico al ser humano Vasko Popa - Homage to the Lame Wolf: Selected Poems Georges Bataille - Theory of Religion Sylvia Plath - Ariel Andre Gide - The White Notebook
Beyond the Visible: The Art of Odilon Redon Zbigniew Herbert - The Collected Poems Adam Zagajewski - Unseen Hand: Poems Anne Sexton - Complete Poems David Hinton - Classical Chinese Poetry Eça de Queiros - The Yellow Sofa Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Selected Poetry David Hinton - Mountain Poems: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China
February Gennady Aygi - Child-and-Rose Gennady Aygi - Field-Russia The Story of Han Xiangzi: The Alchemical Adventures of a Daoist Immortal Jacques Prevert - Selections from Paroles Toson Shimazaki - The Broken Commandment Jean Cocteau - Tempest of Stars: Selected Poems Natsume Soseki - The Miner Jean Cocteau - The Infernal Machine and Other Plays Narim Bender - Auguste Rodin: 101 Drawings Mario de Sa-Carneiro - Lucio’s Confession August Strindberg - The Stronger August Strindberg - Facing Death August Strindberg - Pariah Ivan Bunin - Dark Avenues Franz Kafka - The Zurau Aphorisms Edvard Munch Lithographs Etchings Woodcuts Toson Shimazaki - The Family
March Alain - How to Think More About Sex Josef Hirsal - A Bohemian Youth Maurice Blanchot - The Madness of The Day Miroslav Holub- Poems Before & After Andre Breton - Poems Stendhal - The Red and The Black Paul Klee - Some Poems by Paul Klee Paul Klee - Pedagogical Sketches Donald Wigal - Klee Arthur Schnitzler - Fraunlein Else Antal Szerb - The Third Tower: Journeys in Italy Lu Xun - Selected Essays Andrej Blatnik - Skinswaps Statius - The Achilleid Aleksander Wat - Lucifer Unemployed Jacques Cazotte - The Devil in Love Gerry Souter - Kazimir Malevich Vladimir Lenin - Imperialism: The Highest Form of Capitalism Vladimir Lenin - State and Revolution Friedrich Engels - The Principles of Communism Pyotr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
April Pauline Reage - Story of O Errico Malatesta - Anarchy Sergey Nechayev - Catechism of a Revolutionary Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man Under Socialism Joris-Karl Huysmans - A la Deriva Andre Gide - Prometeo mal encadenado Simone Weil - On The Abolition of All Political Parties Walter Benjamin - El Autor Como Productor Haruki Murakami - La Biblioteca Secreta Fernando Pessoa - 35 Sonnets Bertolt Brecht - Terror y miseria del Tercer Reich Fernando Pessoa - El Primer Fausto Fernando Pessoa - Diarios Vasily Grossman - Life and Fate Fernando Pessoa - La Hora del Diablo Fernando Pessoa - El Banquero Anarquista Andre Gide - Teseo Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism Is A Humanism Albert Camus - The Misunderstanding The Showa Anthology: Modern Japanese Short Stories The Sound of One Hand Clapping: 261 Zen Koans with Answers Livy - The Early History of Rome: Books I-V
May Bertolt Brecht - Antigone Violette Ailhaud - L'homme Semence Volodya: Selected Works Stefan Zweig - Dos Hermanas Stefan Zweig - El Amor de Erika Ewald Stefan Zweig - Mendel el de los libros Emile Zola - Nana Stefan Zweig - Los milagros de la vida Octave Mirbeau - Memoria de Georges el amargado Federico Garcia Lorca - Bodas de Sangre Samuel Beckett - Happy Days
June Three Poets of Modern Korea Santoka Taneda - For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santoka with Excerpts from His Diary Du Fu - Selected Poems Yasmina Reza - El Trineo de Schopenhauer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The First Circle Frank Wedekind - Spring Awakening Yasmina Reza - Un Dios Salvaje Yasmina Reza - Art
July Stefan Zweig - Fue El? Junichiro Tanizaki - Enredadera de Yoshino Arthur Schnitzler - Apuesta al amanecer Bertolt Brecht - La Judith de Shimoda Natsume Soseki - Habitaciones y otras piezas breves Federico Garcia Lorca - Selected Poems Franz Kafka - Contemplacion Natsume Soseki - Tintes del cielo Ilya Ehrenburg - The Fall of France Seen through Soviet Eyes Victor Garcia - Three Japanese Anarchists: Kotoku, Osugi and Yamaga John Reed - Ten Days That Shook The World Louis Aragon - Los Ojos de Elsa Rainer Maria Rilke - Primavera sagrada y otros cuentos de Bohemia Ishikawa Tokuboku - On Examining One Self Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Carta de Lord Chandos Charles Baudelaire - Diarios Intimos Masuji Ibuse - Lieutenant Lookeast and Other Storues Paul Eluard - Selected Poems Robert Walser - El paseo Robert Walser - Poemas
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