#v; konoha's wild dog (chunin)
daybreakrising · 11 months
@senbonz | continued
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"You don't look alright." Kiba points out, rather obviously. He's wary - he knows better than to trust in appearances, injured or not - but Akamaru doesn't seem to be particularly on edge, and he will always trust in his companion's instincts.
The kid - they seem to be of an age with him, he guesses, though it's not easy to tell - has a peculiar maturity to them, something he's only ever seen in those who have lived a hard life and seen too much for their limited years. Given the way they're dealing with their current situation, this is definitely not someone inexperienced. He needs to be careful.
But he can't just walk away, not when he can do something to help. "Here, let me help..." He takes a few steps closer, carefully, trying to both respect the boundaries of a stranger and maintain a healthy dose of wariness regarding an unknown person. "Two hands are better than one, after all. And I've got some supplies..."
He reaches into the pouch at his waist, keeping his movements slow and easy to follow or predict, just in case this injured teen misunderstands and reacts accordingly. He pulls out one of the medical kits Hinata prepared for him prior to his leaving Konoha, and tosses it down between them. "What happened to you, anyway?"
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising sent: you know, you’re getting weirder. (( shikamaru 2 kiba ))
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He's upside down, legs thrown over Akamaru's back where the nindog lays in the grass beside them. He's spent the last ten minutes entirely focused on balancing a stick on the end of his nose, his brows furrowed in deep concentration. The comment from the other shifts that focus, with an immediate and inevitable consequence.
The stick topples and smacks him in the face.
Luckily, Kiba's been hit in the face with worse. As the stick bounces away into the grass, he merely scrunches up his nose and slides his gaze sidelong to where Shikamaru lies - the right way up - next to him.
"Mm, am I weird, though, or are you just boring?" He shoots back, lips curving into a teasing grin. "All you wanna do is lie here looking at clouds. I gotta make my own fun."
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising sent: so… we’ll talk later. (( hana to kiba :] ))
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Nothing has incited fear in Kiba's heart faster.
Well, that's not true. His mother terrifies him on the daily. But it's different when it comes from a sibling - an older sibling - and delivered in a tone he can't fully discern. Instantly, he's scouring his recent memories for something he's done (or not done) or said (or not said) that might warrant trouble.
Coming up empty, he has no choice but to face his sister, plastering on his most winning smile. "We will?" He laughs, only slightly nervously. "Uh, sure, okay. What... what about, again?" He looks to Akamaru at his side, but his canine pal seems as bewildered as he is. If a dog could shrug...
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daybreakrising · 2 years
@fightingdreamcrs​ liked for a starter | Kiba & Kurenai
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Kiba was, by his own admission, not the brightest spark on his team, but he was by no means an idiot. Well... maybe sometimes. Regardless, a few things definitely hadn’t slipped his attention in the recent weeks, and whilst his teammates opted for polite silence, he wasn’t going to let this one lie.
As Shino aided Hinata in some training, he sidled up to where his sensei sat beneath the shade of a tree, plonking himself down beside her unceremoniously. Akamaru circled them a couple of times, padding lightly through the grass, until he settled in a comfortable curl with his head resting against Kurenai’s leg. He’d noticed, too, after all.
“So, sensei.” The grin on his face was one his sensei would know well - or should, anyway, given the number of times it had led to mischief in the past. His gaze slid sideways to peer slyly at her, his elbow giving a gentle nudge to her arm. “Is there something you wanna tell us?”
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daybreakrising · 3 years
@resolutepath liked for a starter | Kiba (and co) & Bakugou (and co)
Kiba bounded on, ahead of his teammates, both he and Akamaru following a scent that was unfamiliar to them. According to Sai, who had scouted ahead minutes earlier, they were fast approaching the arranged meeting point for the two teams, and although he hadn't seen anything suspicious - and indeed there was little reason for suspicion in general - it was always better to be safe.
Neji had sensed three individuals in the area, which were almost certainly the three Iwa nin they would be joining up with, and probably the source of the unfamiliar scent. He could pick up on something similar to the crackle of lightning chakra, and a sort of smoky, ashy scent that usually accompanied Asuma-sensei, but not quite the same. Interesting.
As soon as the scent grew stronger, he slowed Akamaru to a walk and signalled for his teammates to catch up. It didn't take Sai and Neji long to reach him. At a nod to each other, they approached the meeting point at a careful, cautious pace, ready for anything.
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daybreakrising · 3 years
@soliskage liked for a starter | Kiba & Kankuro
Whenever a particular Sand sibling visited Konoha, providing he was free, Kiba always made a point to seek him out and, at the very least, catch up. Whilst he might not have thought much of Kankuro when they first met, he would forever be grateful to him for saving his life - and saving Akamaru's.
Of the two, he valued the latter much more. That made Kankuro a friend for life.
"Hey." He'd waited to catch the other young man as soon as he was free, falling into step alongside him. Akamaru padded along on Kankuro's other side, giving a warm and wet greeting of his own with a quick and deliberate lick of the puppet master's hand. "You know, I could smell the desert from across the village." He teased, grinning.
With his usual oblivious disregard of personal space, he flung an arm around Kankuro's shoulders, dragging him in closer. "It's been a while, huh?" He peered at Kankuro's face, eyes narrowing as he concentrated. "New paint? I like it."
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daybreakrising · 3 years
@nightgaled liked for a starter | Kiba & Ino
Sneaking up on a sensor was always going to be an impossible task, even without the addition of a lumbering canine who, when he chose to, could have all the subtlety of a hurtling boulder. That, of course, would never stop the likes of Inuzuka Kiba.
A grin on his face, he spotted Ino amongst the crowd on the street, outside her family's flower shop. Target aquired. With Akamaru padding along at his side, he inched forward carefully, weaving between people (and Akamaru barging through), steadily closing the distance between them.
With an enthusiastic howl, his arms encircled her waist from behind and he lifted her with ease, spinning her around with a laugh, Akamaru barking his own enthusiastic greeting. Setting her on her feet, he turned her to face him and planted a kiss on her lips before she could utter a word.
Pulling back, he gave her another grin. "Hi."
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@fightingdreamcrs​ asked:  ❛ i’ll survive . somehow i always do . ❜ [ naruto to kiba ] from this prompt meme
Kiba flashed a toothy grin, one hand reaching for the furry head at his side. “Yeah...” He gave Naruto a nod. “That’s true enough.” Beside him, Akamaru gave a single woof of affirmation. Both of them had witnessed enough of Naruto’s often impossible feats of strength, resilience and determination to not have any doubts as to the truth of that statement.
“Still, we’re a team now, eh?” His brow furrowed with a flash of his own determination, his grin now a challenge in itself. “You don’t have to just survive, Naruto. Akamaru and I have got your back, right, Akamaru?” The large dog barked again, two deep woofs in confirmation. “So, let’s go get those guys, hm?”
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@fatethreaded​ sent:  “ you’re different, aren’t you?” [ hinata @ kiba ] | Meme
He glanced up, mid-play with Akamaru, no doubt acquiring fresh grass stains on his clothes and not caring even for a second. Mud and grass stains were commonplace in the Inuzuka household. A grin instantly brightened his face as he sat back in the grass, leaning back on his hands so he could more easily hold her gaze.
“You’re only just noticing?” He teased, leaning away slightly as Akamaru deigned to bathe his face with his tongue. It wasn’t the first time he’d been called different. Frequently, when he was younger, it had been said with a deliberately cruel edge. Dog boy, they’d called him, both to his face and behind his back. It had never bothered him, of course, because he had a lifetime best friend that they could never understand. A partner they’d never have the opportunity to experience - and that, to him, was very sad indeed.
There wasn’t any cruelty in Hinata’s tone. Only fondness. Affection. “We’re all a bit different, aren’t we? Guess that’s what makes us work so well, huh? It’s like... we were meant to be together.” He could be referring to the team as a whole - and he is, partly - but there’s another meaning behind his words. Kiba isn’t usually one for subtext, but it happens from time to time. “Who wants to be like anyone else, anyway? Different is so much better, right?”
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@ameagaari​ asked:  You’re mine ( ino @ kiba bring it ) from this meme
“You’re mine.”
As far as Kiba had been aware, he’d been having a perfectly pleasant conversation with this stranger who, admittedly, seemed a little too interested in him than might be considered normal. He’d realised his error when she’d leaned in closer, her hand resting on his arm in a distinctly familiar manner. 
Like some sixth sense had activated, Ino had been immediately at his side - or, more accurately, glued to his side - her arms draped intimately around his neck. Kiba found his attention thoroughly taken up by the kiss she gave him, his own hands automatically pressing to her back. He forgot entirely about the woman he’d been talking to, and she was gone by the time he parted from the kiss.
There was a fierceness in Ino’s eyes that he hadn’t seen before, a fire that he recognised as soon as she uttered those two simple words. How many times had he thought that, felt that fire, when a man dared get too close to her? His lips lifted into a grin, his hand catching her chin gently. He leaned in to lightly bump their noses together, his voice a murmur between them. “Mm... I like the sound of that.”
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@seizasa​ asked: ( word prompts // hinata @ kiba ! ) [ nap ] 
for your muse to fall asleep against mine
There was something so refreshing about the kind of weariness born of a day of training. It was different to the exhaustion of a difficult mission or a dangerous battle. The ache in his muscles was good, a physical reminder of the hard work he’d put in, a sign that he’d been doing something right. You didn’t improve yourself without a little pain and sweat. 
He dropped down beside Hinata, Akamaru padding around them in slow, lazy circles before he flopped down to roll in the grass. He gave her a sidelong glance, noting the subtle signs of weariness in her own face, and smiled. He wasn’t the only one chasing improvement. It was something he found himself admiring more and more about her - that drive, that determination to prove everyone wrong.
“I think we’ve just about nailed it, huh?” He breathed out, lifting a hand to swipe back the hair drooping down over his forehead. “Put in a few more hours, and I reckon we’ll have it.” He felt a weight press against his shoulder. Turning his head he quickly found his nose almost buried in a head of dark blue hair, her familiar scent engulfing his senses immediately.  
He pulled back, a fond smile curving his lips at the sight of her closed lids, the sound of her soft breaths. “Long day, huh?” He murmured. “Alright.” Taking great care to keep her as still as possible, so as not to disturb her, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and drew in her close against his side. “We can just sit here for a while.” He tipped his head back against the wall behind them, and closed his own eyes. 
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daybreakrising · 4 years
STARTER CALL | @ameagaari (Ino)
“I’m telling you, Ino...” Kiba gave a loud, unrestrained sigh of bliss, stretching his arms above his head before falling back to rest against Akamaru’s side. He sank comfortably into the thick, soft fur, closing his eyes to the sunlight streaming down through the canopy of trees. “Nothing beats a truly good walk.” Akamaru barked his agreement, his tail sweeping back and forth lazily through the grass, his head then coming to rest between his paws.
Kiba cracked open an eye, glancing in Ino’s direction. He flashed her a grin, patting the empty space beside him. “Sit down and relax, would you? Akamaru won’t mind.” His canine companion was more than used to acting as a pillow to Team 8, after all. He stretched out his legs, truly getting comfortable, feeling the steady rise and fall of Akamaru’s flank at his back. “It’s important to take a breather now and then, y’know? Life’s too short not to appreciate the little things.”
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@weaponwield​ sent:  "kiba." straight faced, but sweating ( nerves or the blistering heat? ), kankuro grabs for the other boy's arm. the leaf shinobi are leaving - kiba is leaving. it's been a few short weeks, a diplomatic mission but, well, kankuro has begun to feel closer to him than he ever imagined possible. he can't come right out and ask him not to leave, that would be ridiculous, but the urge is there. "don't forget to write, okay?" idiot, idiot, he's an idiot!
He turned at the call of his name, a grin flashing on his face the instant his gaze landed on Kankuro. He’d liked the other boy even before he’d come to Suna, of course, given their history of saving each other’s backs, but during the weeks he’d spent here, he definitely felt like he’d grown closer to him. 
“Huh?” He looked down to the hand on his arm, and then back to Kankuro’s face. “Oh, sure!” The grin was back, brighter than ever. Beside him, Akamaru barked agreement, tail lazily waving back and forth as a wet nose pushed into Kankuro’s other hand. “What, did you think this was it?” He laughed easily, stepping forward to sling an arm around the other boy’s shoulders, pulling him in flush against him. “Not a chance, Kank’. Once you’re in the pack, there’s no escape.”
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@naatsukashii​ sent: “ if this is your idea of fun, i don’t know what to say to you. ” (hana for kiba tho)
Her words stopped him in his tracks, a head of wild hair popping up over the enormous flank of a once-white dog. Teeth flashed in a grin as Kiba promptly draped himself over Akamaru’s back, looking up at his darling older sister. “What’s not fun about it, huh?” The rainstorm was a blessing after a long and hot summer, and what better way to celebrate than to run wild in it? “C’mon. I know you’ve got more than a little wild in you, sis.”
Of course, he already knew he’d have to hose them both down in the kennel yard before they’d be allowed back in the house. A few muddy prints on the floor now and then was one thing, but there was a firm line drawn under mud baths. He never intended on getting this muddy but... well, it was wet, and slippery, and wrestling with your canine pal in the rain was something you just couldn’t beat. 
“You can’t stand there and tell me this isn’t fun.” With a gleam of mischief in his eyes, the younger Inuzuka swiped fingers through the slick mud beneath him and promptly flicked it at his sister. Signing his own death warrant, probably, but it would be worth it. Maybe.
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@reviresco​ asked:  “ damned if i do and bored if i don’t ” [ ino @ kiba!! ] from this prompt meme
Slitted pupils slid in the direction of the blonde, a dark brow arcing up at her choice of words. Briefly, he exchanged a look with Akamaru, his canine companion merely cocking his head to the side by way of response. Kiba gave him the barest shrug of his shoulders. This really wasn’t his area of expertise. It didn’t help that Ino wasn’t someone he had much experience with, either. Hinata, however... Hinata was easy for him. Mostly.
“Uh...” One hand lifted, idly scratching the back of his neck. Both Ino and Sakura had a temper, usually on a hair-trigger, and he really didn’t want to be on the receiving end of it by saying the wrong thing. “Is everything okay, Ino?” He’d detected a slight sigh to her tone, as though something was on her mind. Please don’t be about a boy. He wasn’t exactly the right person for that kind of advice. Anything else, sure, he’d give it a go, but that? Never that.
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@seizasa​ asked: ( misc memes // hinata @ kiba uwu ) “ you make me happy. ”
Her words took him by surprise.
Not because he didn’t believe or expect them. Not because he didn’t already assume he had some kind of positive influence on her. No, he was caught off guard by her gentle statement simply because he was, currently, covered almost head-to-toe in mud and attempting to wrestle an equally filthy Akamaru into the bath. 
Half pinning the enormous dog to the - thoroughly soaked and filthy - floor, he looked up at her where she stood at what he hoped was outside of the splash zone, and blinked a few times before a grin stretched across his face. “Yeah?” He even had mud in his mouth, going by the taste, and he would definitely have bruises by the morning, but he didn’t care.
He let go of Akamaru - he’d probably regret it when he had to chase the mutt down again in five minutes - and scrambled to his feet, wincing when Akamaru shook himself deliberately, painting Kiba with even more spatters of mud and water. Laughing, he rubbed at the back of his head and turned another brilliant smile in Hinata’s direction. “You make me happy too, y’know.” His grin turned sly. “Hey, you wanna give me a hug?”
He opened out his arms, mischief gleaming in his eyes as he advanced on her with a playful laugh. Well, it was always more fun to drag others into his literal messes, after all.
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