#v; we've long believed that the hero would appear as a divine beast (zelda au)
wolfvirago · 1 year
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Robin's position in her TOTK verse of the Zelda AU depends on the partner. If allowed to, she can act as that generation's hero rather than Link, to be the protagonist and interact in ways different from Link himself.
However the default is that Robin is still from the same period as Link and Zelda, sent forward in time thanks to the intervention of the sun goddess. She had returned briefly to her home in the Great Hyrule Forest amongst the Koroks, eventually discovering there that she was to be the Sage of (Sunlit) Forest.
Her in game ability is to allow Link to command solidified light as claws for a very brief, very powerful attack that can slice everything around him and apply burning to Malice/Gloom. Her avatar appears as her wolf form, and can be like a replacement for Wolf Link in BOTW where she can lead Link to shrines, hunt enemies and game, and alert him to treasure.
Her Sacred Stone (I refuse to say Secret Stone bc it's silly sounding) is placed on her hand.
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wolfvirago · 1 year
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Robin’s Legend of Zelda AU/fantasy AU appearance reference sheet
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wolfvirago · 1 year
‘  i  have  never  seen  a  more  tragic  creature.  how  might  i  help  you  ?  ’ (Happy Mask Salesman)
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↬   OF  FAIRYTALES,  FOLKLORE  AND  FAEKIND. [accepting] [x]
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The forest had eaten her whole. The woods she had grown up in, the trees and mists that had led her to bright sunny patches to bask in, flowers to weave into crowns, grass to nap in... All of it. Every perfect childhood memory amongst the fog of death and destruction had come to bite her.
Even now, the swordswoman wasn't sure how a tree had led her to a world parallel to Hyrule. A town she didn't recognize, a clock tower acting as her only guidepost to finding answers.
What's worse- the trauma of falling from such a height into a strange world had affected her shapeshifting. It was far harder to keep her lupine features hidden under human mask; claws pricking from once blunt fingernails, sharpened fangs uncomfortable in her mouth, and a strange gleam to her blue eyes.
He-- @npcharacters -- the strange scent she had gathered earlier when opening the heavy door to the clocktower... He had spoken. Robin worked her sore jaw, tongue feeling swollen and numb.
"I don't know where I am." A croak, as tears came to her eyes. (How childish.)
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wolfvirago · 1 year
@vigilantdesert - loz au s.c.
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"Lady Urbosa!" The recognition of a familiar face amongst the dunes fills her wolf heart with joy and relief in equal measure. Gerudo Desert was almost completely barren, and at times, it became impossible to see thanks to raging sandstorms.
Despite that, her nose had led her to a familiar face, a Champion she was tasked with aiding in whatever was needed- whether reading nature's terrain for clues, or battling monsters that cropped up.
Walking around in the sands in regular old boots was painful and difficult...
And of course, embarrassing, as in her haste to get to the larger woman-- Robin's foot sank into the ground too quickly, and she yelped, falling forward and crashing face first.
What a great impression.
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wolfvirago · 1 year
@archaictunic - loz au s.c.
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A wince, as her hand traces over the wound delivered by a very crafty Lizalfos. Those boomerangs were incredibly sharp, but what had injured her was a manufactured, strung together spear. She was lucky the saw-tooth edges hadn't buried themselves into her body.
If the other swordsman hadn't shown up, she probably would have been monster food. Not probably- surely.
Her breathing is hollow, heavy. Everything hurts, and it becomes all the more apparent she needed a potion of some kind... Just... She had to get into her pouch.
Robin's hand, bloody, reaches out, before she can't help but cry at the way the flesh at her abdomen screams from the slightest tug.
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wolfvirago · 2 years
@twilitae - from this
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She tries to be gentle, quick. It was always painful pulling burrs from her fur, she could only imagine how it felt for the other to be going through such discomfort.
What's more, she could sense how intensely he was hating this. His muscles pulled taut, a spring being wound back, ready to explode. She couldn't take her time, for fear of unleashing some sort of fearful or irritated reaction.
Robin finally manages to pull the last burr from Link's pelt, lightly smoothing the dark gray-green fur back down. Then, carefully, she takes a step back, remaining on her knees so to not seem overbearing in his presence. She's just another wolf in the Faron Woods... Link had authority here, she wouldn't overstep it.
"I think I got them all. Maybe I should go and collect the burrs so other animals don't get them stuck." Robin mused quietly.
Nature had a reason for shedding such nuisances, but she still wanted to be considerate.
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wolfvirago · 1 year
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changed the z.elda tag:
v; we've long believed that the Hero would appear as a divine beast (zelda au)
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wolfvirago · 2 years
@crownshattered / @crownshattered-moved- midna and robin - from this.
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Even if Robin wanted to reveal her true feelings, she didn't exactly know what they even were yet. She knew, deep down, that she wanted Midna safe and sound. It just felt like she was being stupid by envisioning that end goal as the three of them together in Hyrule.
This world had nearly killed the Twilight Princess before. Robin had run through the chill of rain trying to save her friend, aiding her brother by slaying the monsters that impeded their path to the castle tower. But that had been back then.
The shifter snorted at Midna's little comment. Right. Even if she was going to be genuine and bare her heart out to the princess, she was going to get the usual sass in return. It should have been expected.
"The night time has always been easier for you to handle, yeah?" Robin changed the subject softly, looking from imp to the sky, watching the stars dazzle and shimmer.
Just then... A light. Streaking across the night. Robin gasped quietly, and like a child, beamed as she looked to Midna again.
"A shooting star! C'mon, make a wish."
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wolfvirago · 1 year
❝ i think you do look weird. so there, chew on that. ❞ - ayrin either evil verse or the whole “ went through cia’s portal and popped out in robins loz verse
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tloz: tears of the kingdom starters [accepting] [x]
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A sigh, as her fingers pinch the bridge of her nose. Robin knew the creature before her, @dullweapons , was most likely a child, but still. Somebody had to speak to them, make sure they knew they couldn't just say such things to people.
Though to be fair, she had sort of asked.
"At least I don't have a creepy smile." The shifter muttered under her breath.
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wolfvirago · 1 year
😘 a wittle kiss from vaati
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It's international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse. [accepting]
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Cheeks flush, red and ever present against the fairness of her skin. Robin hadn't expected affection, especially in the middle of her laughing fit. Vaati had done something cute, and it had made the wolf girl collapse into giggles, then barking laughs.
Then mid laugh... A little peck. And she just stared, completely shocked, with her hand hovering over her cheek.
Before that blush got so much worse, and she grabbed the pillow next her on the couch and hurled it right at the other's face.
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wolfvirago · 1 year
@oocca (vaati) - s.c.
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The crowds cheers erupted from the plaza, from children to adults, everyone was astounded. Dancing on the stage was a masked young lady. Her movements flowed like water, smooth and graceful. Each step was performed with elegance as if she had been dancing her whole life. Her long silky black hair was tied in a neat ponytail, an intricate moon ornament keeping her hair in place.
Before long, the music slows down into soft and more romantic ambiance. Couples started getting on the impromptu stage and dancing to the rhythm of the music.
Robin didn’t mind not having a partner, although envy filled her upon seeing the happy couples. She was intrigued by the dancer that was in the kingdom with her troupe, and while the wolf wanted to go and dance too, why go alone?
A long sigh. Robin rubbed her eyes and started to walk away, before remembering that the strange soul that had appeared in her forest had come along her little errand.
"You coming?" The wolf stopped to ask, wondering if there was something wrong.
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wolfvirago · 2 years
@ritohonour​  - s.c.
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She’s not supposed to be alive. No, she was supposed to be dead, whether it was because of the Great Calamity, or from old age, no Hylian was able to live past 100 years. 
Robin wasn’t a ghost. But she felt more like one than the one that haunted the Divine Beast, perched on the very top of Mount Hebra, watching over Rito Village and sending its powerful beam onto Hyrule Castle to aid in weakening Ganon.
“Revali? Are you there?” Her voice calls into the night, her arms wrapped around herself, trying to push the thick coat and its down lining closer to her body, to salvage any bit of warmth she could up here.
“My old friend, if you are... Please. I have so many questions.”
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wolfvirago · 2 years
@crownshattered​ - kira (b.otw au) - s.c.
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“Ah...” Softly, an utterance of surprise comes from the wolf as she looks over the interior of the shrine. The star constellation lights flicker and glow, blue cascaded along the dark and ancient materials that made up the ground floor. 
The puzzle to get through the shrine was a relatively simple one, but still, Robin wasn’t quiet sure how to go about it in an easy way, as well as in a fashion that would allow Kira to advance forward with her. 
As the holder of the Sheikah Slate, the once-heroine had a lot weighing on her shoulders. Keeping her companion and partner in researching the Sheikah shrines safe was just an added straw to the camel’s back.
“I think I hear Guardians walking around. We have to be careful. Even if they’re not those damn Stalkers, they still hurt when they hit.”
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wolfvirago · 2 years
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unprompted asks [always accepting]
@crownshattered​ said:  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth before," Midna admitted as she looked down at the ground. She really did feel terrible for the trouble she caused Link and Robin. The Twili had already spoken to Link about this, but Robin... "I used you two in an effort to save my people without even regarding your own personal feelings... If you want to go home and stop helping me, I'd understand. But...the Twilight Realm still needs our help."
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The Gerudo desert is overbearing in its heat, the sun casting a ray over all who had come to this desolate, forgotten place. Once, she had read that during her father’s time, a great race of women warriors had lived here. But they had all been killed during the war, their heritage slowly covered by the sands that were cruel to all.
The view of Arbiter’s Grounds stands like a hazy, wiggling monument to those extinguished people, but it stands also as a warning to the quest to come for the two Heroes. 
Despite all of this, Robin isn’t afraid. No, she just smiles, watching her brother scout ahead for a place to set up camp later in the evening. Perhaps a ruin would provide shelter from the sands.
“You kidding?” The wolf grins, looking at her close friend. “I’m not leaving you now. After everything we’ve been through, we have to keep going. Not just for Hyrule, but for your people too. They were effected by Zant too.” 
Robin lifted her gloved hand, resting it against Midna’s cheek. Her cool skin is a blessing against her hot hand, and the Triforce mark sewn into the glove seems to glimmer under the sun.
“What’s more... I care about you too much. Even if I was used, I guess... I’m foolish for letting my heart get this far with you. Too late now. I’d like to think... Link and I are stronger because of you, Midna.”
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wolfvirago · 3 years
@bransles​ -  s.c
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“Did I ever tell you about my brother?” The question comes suddenly, her hands busy with dicing the mushrooms needed for their dinner. The merry crackling of the fire under the pot was a familiar sound, soothing her enough to delve into previously uncharted, emotional waters.
“I have an older brother...” (Had.) “His name was Haruki... He was older than me, 4 years.’
For awhile, she was quiet, before smiling a little.
“I think you would’ve been his type.”
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wolfvirago · 3 years
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Nudity Roleplay Starters [accepting selectively] [x]
@legendarylullaby​ said:  ♨ zelda catches robin o.o
♨ For your muse to come across my muse naked in a hot spring ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
Robin jolted, not expecting to hear Zelda’s voice from over the horizon line of the earth. She had just slipped into the hot springs, thinking she had been alone here. Only the spirit of the spring was around, and even then, they slept, content in the presence of the one born from loins of heroes.
The shifter had grown up used to getting in the nude to swim with Zelda when they were growing up, but now that they were both adults, with blossoming feelings, it became much harder for the two to do something like that so casually.
Robin blushed, but didn’t make much move to cover her entire form, instead pushing her front half against the bank. Her rear was still in the water, visibly breaching the warm steamy waters, tinged pink.
“G-Goldie... I was just getting in for a quick nighttime soak, I’m sorry if I woke you when I left the tents...”
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