#verse drop
cupcaketrickster · 6 months
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having lived most of her life on the outskirts baldur's gate near the shore, hidden away within the brothel owned and staring her mother called the ruby's retreat, jester has tried her very best to stay hidden, but peruse small acts of chaos alongside her fey patron ( most of the time with intentions of causing joy... or fucking with asshole nobility who had wandered into town ). after a prank gone wrong, both exposing who she is and getting into a bit too much trouble, jester is forced to flee home, leaving only a note behind for her mother to find. she barely steps outside of the city borders when she is taken on the nautiloid. since has been struggling to get in contact with her patron due to the mind-flayer parasite, but is trying still, desperate to help her new companions find a cure and return home.
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wolfvirago · 1 year
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Robin's position in her TOTK verse of the Zelda AU depends on the partner. If allowed to, she can act as that generation's hero rather than Link, to be the protagonist and interact in ways different from Link himself.
However the default is that Robin is still from the same period as Link and Zelda, sent forward in time thanks to the intervention of the sun goddess. She had returned briefly to her home in the Great Hyrule Forest amongst the Koroks, eventually discovering there that she was to be the Sage of (Sunlit) Forest.
Her in game ability is to allow Link to command solidified light as claws for a very brief, very powerful attack that can slice everything around him and apply burning to Malice/Gloom. Her avatar appears as her wolf form, and can be like a replacement for Wolf Link in BOTW where she can lead Link to shrines, hunt enemies and game, and alert him to treasure.
Her Sacred Stone (I refuse to say Secret Stone bc it's silly sounding) is placed on her hand.
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multi-royalty-arc · 1 year
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A scream/the vampire diaries cross over - canon divergent AU based in season 1 and 2 of TVD.
Have you ever lost someone?
Everyone deals with grief differently, especially the kind where someone has been lost. Jenna never thought she'd lose Miranda so soon, they weren't kids anymore, but Jenna defiantly wasn't ready to step up the way she had to. The return to Mystic Falls was dark, everywhere she turned were echo's of old memories, flashes to her past that had been locked away within the towns history.
They called it an accident- the night the car submerged, though the number of times the event was played over and over in her mind, slowly driving herself to insanity- there had to be someone to blame. While Jenna helped her niece and nephew heal from the pain, there was only one thing on her mind.
R E V E N G E.
She'd heard about the Woodsboro murders, A popular topic of conversation among the students at her college. How the killer kept coming back with a new face. The further into the research she got, the deeper the details become and a striking though on how easy a replication would be.
Who would suspect Mystic Falls to have a murderer, the council being so heavily focussed on 'animal attacks' to which Jenna was wise on what that was a code word for. It would make for a superior cover up story.
Unless there was no longer a council to cover the story.
Richard Lockwood had been the first- but certainly not the last. With a fever to kill and avenge her family, Jenna was leading a double life.. but for how long?
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A study in: how overlooked trauma can effect the people that seem the most fine and seeking revenge.
open: feel free to approach me in regards to this verse for plotting!!
affiliated with the wonderful @tarnishedbrandgale
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munsontm · 2 years
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Orphaned at a young age, Eddie was mostly raised by his uncle in a cabin in Hawkin's woods. People didn't really bother them there, which was good, because they had a secret to hide. Eddie was born and raised as part of a wolf pack until the age of 5, when his pack was ambushed by poachers, and only he survived, being taken in by his lone wolf uncle as a result.
A further result of the pack loss is that Eddie lost his special ability. Every member of the pack has a special ability formed through their bonds and connections, once that is broken via something like death. That special ability gifted to a wolf by their pack is broken. Eddie's was inhuman speed. And when he howls at the moon...no one comes anymore.
He still remembers being able to feel them die one by one, it haunts him in his dreams. Once upon a time, Eddie could connect with his pack psychically, both verbally and visually. But now there is just darkness in that psychic plane and he is lonely. He yearns to be part of a pack again, but it feels hopeless.
He can shift between a black wolf form and his human form. Though on full moons, changing back to a human form is much harder because of the moon's power over creatures of the night. Furthermore, if a werewolf is taken by fire, they don't die. They become something worse, violent, uncontrollable, and full of blood lust. It's hard to come back from that...but not impossible.
Eddie tries to be a "normal" person aka he masks the wolf side of him from humans, but it doesn't really help. People still treat him like a weirdo and an outcast, so he just rolls with it, trying to survive in a human world as an inhuman creature.
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Going forward, any threads not specifically tagged/plotted/stated will be in Steve's new default verse. I'll post it below a cut. If any mutuals would like CA Steve or any of my other verses, please drop a comment to let me know!
All old threads and asks that were sent BEFORE today will be tagged with Steve as CA.
Betrayed by the American government, Steve Rogers leaves his role as Captain America and operates under the alias of Nomad. He continues to fight crime and protect the city but he does so without the restraints of Captain America. He's more willing to torture and kill to prevent bad men from continuing their work.
While operating under this new alias, he stumbles across a young woman name Elena, running for her life. When he swoops in to save her, Rogers uncovers a sinister plot to turn humans into some sort of hybrid. Taking Elena under his wing, he helps her control her powers and become a hero/vigilante like himself.
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goldpetriichor · 1 year
little drop for giselle's supernatural/teen wolf/etc verse;
born in the countryside of france to a wealthy family of socialites, giselle is clued in pretty quickly to the fact that she's no ordinary girl, and that her family is no ordinary family. giselle's mother hails from a matriarchy of witches whose powers have been passed down for the past several hundred years, since the day that their originating ancestor had successfully bound her soul to several elemental spirits. unlike tiffany, whose powers stem from having done the same; binding herself to a spirit at the nemeton, giselle's powers are innate, and cost her nothing. aka, she's one of the lucky ones. also, because her ancestor had bound several different elemental spirits to her own energy signature, technically speaking, giselle can use a much wider range of magic than tiffany. despite that, when she reaches adulthood, she chooses to use frost magic above all else  —  much like tiffany.
origins of power aside, giselle became disgusted pretty quickly by how her parents operated. how her mother especially used the family powers, to stay rich and to stay on top, using her magic to lie, cheat, and subjugate those that she deemed a threat to the dumont family legacy. she tried to get giselle to do the same, teaching her dark spellcasting and other methods of black, malevolent magic that giselle has tried since to forget (she can't. no matter how hard she tries, she can't). she'd watched her mother suck the life out of someone's body to heal her own, and that night she'd gotten so sick she'd thrown up until her esophagus was bleeding and raw. 
needless to say, giselle is eager to get out, and the day she turns eighteen, she can't get away fast enough. her first attempt is thwarted rather quickly when her mother finds her in london two weeks into her escape. thankfully, she comes up with a lie quickly enough, something about a incompetent PA having been instructed to inform her parents of her travels, then having failed to do so. she fakes a couple of emails, even, and her mother is none the wiser. when she arrives back in annecy, it's apparent to her that she's going to have to be much, much more thorough about this. and she's going to have to go much farther away—across the ocean farther away.
north america is a good start, she figures, and suddenly, all of her plans from when she was 16 until then are finally coming into fruition. it takes time, of course, she starts by stashing away money in a bank account neither of her parents have access to, putting a down payment on a house in the vast wilderness of northern california  —  beacon hills, it's called  —  and teaching herself how to use her magic to erase the traces of herself, cover up her own tracks. this plan is about a year in the making, and a few months after her nineteenth birthday, she takes a flight to northern california, never to be seen in france again. 
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sculless · 2 years
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— - Sam never quit hunting. It’s in his blood and he’s accepted that. However, he did start taking select cases, ones that would challenge him and teach him more about the supernatural without so much risk to his major money maker. Drug dealing.        
Sam found out how lucrative dealing could be and started doing it almost full time. Orders got bigger, important people wanted to meet with the man that could sell a hair brush to a bald man, not to mention a guy that had a client list the length of most of their rap sheets. Now he’s got enough reputation that he has connections in Mexico and doesn’t rely on his hookups through any of the MC’s he knows in the western US to do business.
        It’s unlikely that anyone will know his real name, but if you mention the Desert Eagle people can point you in the right direction. He lives modestly enough not to raise any red flags, but nice enough that he doesn’t worry about security or anyone shooting him up while he’s in the shower or stealing the product he does keep on hand.
        Sam is not at all picky about clientele, but he does have runners that handle medium to large deliveries, usually has one or two people hanging out at his house just for someone to shoot the shit with, and while his front door isn’t necessarily a revolving one, he has his fair share of foot traffic throughout the day, unless he closes down shop and has to head out on a hunt. 
     Got an itch that needs scratched? He’s your man. Don’t have the money right now? Work out a deal with him. Don’t pay him when you say you will? Go ahead and kiss your mama goodbye, because she probably won’t see you again.
( I am actively looking for people to interact with in this verse. If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to let me know and we’ll see what we can come up with! )
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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#They really did it
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rebelliousfamily · 3 months
Rachel Amber ~ Stranger Things Verse
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Rachel was a student at Hawkins High, she was part of the cheer squad and got good grades through everything. She also did Drama and was well liked by most people. She had a little bit of a crush on Billy Hargrove when he came along but, she never pursued anything. Rachel had noticed weird things happening and she had wanted to do something to try and investigate.
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monsterhunt · 1 year
v1. this version is highly plotted with @tiamatfcrged's characters un navy lieutenant who was on eros at the time the protomolecule was released on the station. manages to hitch a ride with the rocinante. becomes part of a protomolecule task force. married to @melodiesfcrged
v2. tbd but with the base of him being a un navy lieutenant.
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cupcaketrickster · 2 years
au setting verse drop
{[ v.  an amalgamation waltz ]} ~~~~ bridgerton / regency :  the diamond of her season, viscountess lavorre, only child to the famed ruby of the sea, has a lot to prove, but is more than up for the task, determined to find her love match as well as marry well so to ensure the woman who raised her needs not worry for anything … and maybe spark some chaos on the way. ( will go by and be known by genevieve - confidants are the ones who know the nickname, jester ) 
{[ v. it’s all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view ]} ~~~ alt.brigerton / regency / medieval : same as above but jessie is a princess because it’s what she deserves.  ( will go by and be known by genevieve - confidants are the ones who know the nickname, jester )
{[ v. the sea is my song ]} ~~~~ mermaid : have you heard of the story that says that all of those who are merfolks are individuals who who have drowned? jester lavorre, the night after having to leave her mother’s home, decided to take a moment to take in everything, decided to take a late dip inside of the sea that had for so long been just out of reach. she did not know, though, that thus was intended to be her last moment. the waves turning on her, jester began to be pulled under reached out with what she thought to be her last breath to her god and the traveler responded with a trick, or what he thought would be a trick. before she could lose her last bit of oxygen, the fey turned her into a mermaid, giving her gills so that she could breath and shifted her feet into a tail so that she could push herself up again. upon surfacing, after some laughter, jester began to ask or him to turn her back, but the traveler, could not. the panic written on her face, then it all fades away-knowing that she could be chased for cheating death and might be heartbroken at the thought of never seeing her mother again, the false god decided to clear her mind of it all. give her a new start. she was just jester. no memory of anything that came before and, on the occasion when he could, her friend artagan would visit. all she had was the sea and the creatures there ( in particular, a green fish that frequented about her ). jester can be found watching the passing life dreaming about joining on land, thinking maybe that’s the lingering feeling that she’s missing, the longing to explore, longing for answers for questions that she doesn’t even have.
{[ v. on the nature of immortality ]} ~~~~ vampire : born to a traditional vampire family, was not turned. ( in a tradional modern, in a historical 1800′s-1900′s setting, or in a vampire academy setting - open to plotting / figuring out other vampire mediums ) 
{[ v. eyes closed and embracing ]} ~~~~ modern : i’ll do a separate post on this because it kinda varies from time and magic and such but basically she’s aspiring painter bouncing many hobbies and also, of important note, refuses to learn how to fucking drive ( a car. will happily illegally learn a motorcycle if someone will teach her ). 
{[ v.the dreams that stuff is made from  ]} ~~~~ feywild : having been pulled into the feywild by a creature attempting to lure in artagan, too late finally getting away, a young genevieve trapped vulnerable and alone, in time learning how to manipulate some of the magical chaos around her both for her own survival and entertainment ( think a mix of lost boy from peter pan and how artie was in campaign one - save for she is certainly not archfey, but she is adapted. she seeks to help sometimes and spark mischief with those who wander all the time - her memories are corroded and corrupted and a mess, barely remembering much of life before )
{[ v. invitation to voyage ]} ~~~~ pirate : jester grew up with her father instead of her mother and grew up on the sea. 
{[ v. is this real life? am i dreaming? ]} ~~~ cinderbrush : the fae. touched with the gift. just trying to get by, learn who she is, and make friends :) that’s all :) 
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zaahvi · 1 month
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dark grows the sun, and in summer soon come mighty storms...
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wolfvirago · 1 year
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private verse drop w/ @ama-tcra-su
v; now over and over I keep going over the world we knew (private au)
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bunnyblooded · 1 year
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Stefan never thought he'd fall back in love with Katherine, especially under the circumstances, but when faced with her very real and permanent death, he was unable to accept the loss. After she passed, with him at her side, he immediately went about trying to find a way to bring her back. This of course, included witches.
There was a spell, and a witch powerful enough to complete it, but the cost would be great, perhaps greater than Stefan had been prepared for. However, he was not deterred. If he wanted his shot at a happy ending, he needed Katherine alive and with him. The catch? He'd be giving up all remaining potential life as an immortal to the witch who cast the spell, rendering him human once more. Katherine would be human too, each having to pay a cost, but most significant would be the loss of their memories.
The witches in question were most curious about one thing - the nature of doppelgangers. Armed with new immortality, given up by Stefan, they sat back to watch how things might unfold. Would they find one another? Just how strong was the impulse to seek each other out? Would outside forces interfere? Surely someone out there was searching for Stefan Salvatore, broody vampire. Would they find him, human and mortal, or would he evade his past in favor of his future?
With each doppelganger set on their path, toward or away from one another, only time will tell if the universe really, truly, determined their fates, or if it's merely luck that might bring these former lovers together once more. Removed from Mystic Falls, leaving behind all that had once been important, Stefan and Katherine find themselves in one another's orbits once again, circling each other like a hot, burning star. One, a waitress at a diner, escaping her past. The other, the son of a CEO, former addict, and still pretty broody.
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spielzeugkaiser · 3 months
One thing I've been asked a few times: Did the mountain happen for bear!Jaskier?
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It did, but Jaskier stood his ground! And not with 'Burn Butcher, burn' afterwards.
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
it was really only a matter of time until edwardian payneland happened and what if i channeled maurice about it. just a little
Charles is the son of the groundskeeper at St. Hilarion's School for Boys while Edwin is a pupil there. And he can't help but notice Edwin—how he’s nearly always alone, or else being harangued by the cruel older boys who call themselves his peers.
Charles privately thinks they hardly seem equal to him in poise or grace or manner. They are boisterous, brash, crass, violent, all overlaid with a veneer of false propriety, but Charles can see the cracks in it. He knows that sort by how they are inside, and they cannot be like Edwin at all. No, Edwin Paine's got a sad, drawn sort of look about him that Charles can't help recognizing. This lonely boy who feels somehow kindred in a way he can't put a finger on, but is pulled to him all the same, though by rights he'd do better to keep his distance.
Edwin often sits by the lake by himself, to read, or to do his assignments in the shade of the trees. Picturesque as a painting, he is. One day Charles dares to approach him, though he knows the risk in it—prepared to be rebuffed, rebuked for his untoward attention to someone he is meant to ignore; but the boy does not turn him away.
And so they become friends. Tentative, and then less and less so.
Together they explore the school's sprawling grounds, all of whose surprising hiding-places Charles Rowland knows by heart, having wandered them himself for years and made them his own refuge. The woods become theirs; the shore by the lake theirs; the shade of the trees theirs. The attic, where no one comes to look for them in the dead of night, also theirs.
And then one day Charles notices a group of boys surrounding Edwin. The usual cadre, and they're posturing, their voices loud in the autumn air. They’ve ripped Edwin's penny magazine from his grip and are tearing pages out of it, scattering them to be plucked up by the wind. Charles can do nothing else but step in. He shouts at them to back off, puts himself between them and Edwin, and gets himself thrashed for his trouble—but they, at least, finally leave Edwin alone.
Edwin, for his part, cannot believe Charles would be so reckless for his sake. Charles has not yet mentioned to him that he is used to this sort of treatment, and sees worse at home. They sit together in the boathouse by the lake, cross-legged, close enough for Edwin to dab carefully at Charles’ split lip and bleeding knuckles.
“You should not have done that for me,” he chides, though it carries no heat. “What will happen now?” He thinks word is sure to get back to the school, and there will be a scandal. Those boys, who so vocally despise Edwin, will hardly be quiet in their outrage, their humiliation. Charles’ father might be relieved of his post, and then Charles’ family will have to leave St. Hilarion’s. That is how these things go.
And what was it all for? For Edwin? How could it have been worth it?
“Doesn’t matter, does it?" Charles is saying, when Edwin surfaces from his troubled thoughts. "Couldn’t let them treat you like that. They had you five to one. And that, just ‘cause you’re different. I know how it is.” Charles’ eyelashes are very long, and the light turns his eyes a warm, deep amber as he talks fiercely, insistently, in defense of Edwin.
It’s terribly forward, Edwin thinks. And, despite every misgiving, he welcomes it. No one has ever fought for Edwin before. No one has ever spoken about him with such conviction.
Then Charles seems to lapse into pensiveness. “You didn’t have to…” he says softly. "All this." He gestures, with the free hand Edwin isn’t busy wrapping up, at the little bottle of antiseptic, the scissors, the roll of bandages and the cloths, all spread out on the floorboards between them.
“Of course I did,” Edwin says.
Really, he had not given it much consideration. He had had only the presence of mind to memorize the sight of Charles kneeling in the dew-damp grass, angry gaze still spitting fire at the backs of Edwin’s retreating bullies. He’d had blood in his bared teeth, and the briefest flash of desire had seared through Edwin—to kiss him. Merely in thanks, perhaps, but still, to kiss him.
He would know the warmth of Charles’ mouth. Fleeting, forbidden, it would sear itself into his mind for ever.
Of course, he had done no such thing; for he could not. Instead, he’d done the only thing he could do—bent low towards Charles, and squeezed his shoulder once, as if to say, Wait here for me. I will come back to you.
And as he'd turned on his heel and gone off in the direction of the infirmary, leaving Charles there with dusk encroaching, Edwin had hoped Charles understood his gesture for the indelible promise it was.
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