#v;; i will ride with you to the end of the world {inqusition}
threadxsteel · 2 years
tag masterpost
general ;; answered ;; promo ;; self promo ;; starters and prompts ;; wishlist
lywc ;; asleep and in waking {lost history} ;; bones and string i will keep forever {gifts} ;; it echoes in the bones and hollows {that which is sung} ;; listen close to the nightsongs of birds {meme} ;; rain against the window {musings} ;; suede and ink stains {journal} ;; sweet hay and apples {Annwn} ;; to run with the horses and hares {aesthetic} ;; the house of Aylis {the lessons of herbs} ;; the house of Iona {the lessons of shadows} ;; under strange stars utterly and irrevocably lost {to be invested} ;; wildsongs of the valley {about} ;; which is heavier the weight of the blade or the betrayal {Bryn} ;; whispers beneath the earth {ooc}
verses ;; and i will ride with you to the end of the world {inquisition} ;; here my heavy boots find rest {modern} ;; the shadow of the cat {witcher}
companions ;; the lion of the mountains {cullen | sharp teeth and wide grins}
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bamitsbeth · 4 years
Top Games Played in 2020
It’s that time again folks! 
1) Dragon Age Inqusition : Where to start with this absolute gem… Bought this after hearing about it repeatedly on the Playstation Youtube channel and it has been my best purchase of 2020. Got my best friend into playing it too, we’re both obsessed and still playing it. I would easily put it alongside my favourite game ever - Skyrim. It has such a vast world, hundreds of different storylines which have multiple choices to have not just different outcomes for the quest but for the whole game. You can romance numerous characters of different races, including ones of the same sex (a win for the gays and has some of the best romance scenes in any video game I’ve ever seen!), you own a castle which you can decorate, kill dragons, completely customize your character and others, you have magical powers, go back in time, take part in a war - I could literally rant about this game forever! PLEASE GO BUY IT!!
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2) Resident Evil 2 : Ohmygod I was so nervous this would not live up to the previous games of Resi Evil considering it is a remake but holy shit I was wrong! It is horrifyingly but absolutely incredible! Mr T please leave me alone I’m begging you. It’s even better when you unlock the missile launcher and you can say bye bye zombies BOOM. So close to the platinum!
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3) Horizon Zero Dawn : Still very early in this game but it quickly climbed up this list from its graphics alone. A very beautiful looking game, the big boy robots are terrifying though - however when you unlock a specific ability you can start riding them into battle - v fun! 
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4) The Suicide of Rachel Foster : You’ll finish this game easily but it’ll leave you with one word - damn. A psychology horror where you spend the entire game alone in a huge resort house, but shit gets weird quick. I’m not gonna spoil it, the twists definitely make this game one to play - it would make a fantastic film! Really like the option of a second playthrough giving you a different ending. Traumatised me.
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5) The Walking Dead Complete Franchise : Bloody love these games! Not counting the first season in this as I played that years ago but still incredible. My rating of the seasons is as follows (from best to worse): Final season, 1st season, 2nd season, Michonne, 400 days and season 3 (sorrynotsorry). Clem is my child and must be protected, I’m so glad she survived everything, still miss Lee. Final season hyped up the pressure by having every one of your interactions affect AJ somehow and LOUIS!! Protect him.
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6) The Outer Worlds : Nearly finished this and 10/10 would recommend! Imagine Fallout and Bioshock combined, fantastic. First video game I’ve seen that not only has an asexual character but has a storyline based on it - and she ends up with a woman! (another win for the gays!)
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7) Coffee Talk : Such a cute small game! You run a coffee shop and literally just make drinks for the characters. It’s very story based but if you just want something calm to pretend 2020 didn’t happen, I’d recommend.
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8) Don’t Knock Twice : Okay for such a short game it ABSOLUTELY nails tension building like some longer horrors can’t manage! If you like horror, play it! I was still terrified on my 2nd playthrough
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9) Sherlock Holmes The Devil’s Daughter : Loved the previous Sherlock games and it is v similar to the others except Sherlock has a kid. (well Moriarty’s kid) the final mission in particular was badass and stressful as hell, if you like crime solving games - just buy it
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10) Layers of Fear 2 : Now it was not as good as the first game, and honestly the plot didn’t make much sense but just from how scary this was, especially the chase scenes it makes the list! The first two chapters were the best, for ultimate scares play with headphones on and no lights
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SPECIAL MENTION:  Fortnite : If I didn’t include this my best friend would kill me. This is definitely her game of the year and we’ve spent many hours playing it! We are actually pretty good too so if any of y’all want a match on Playstation hit me up - we will destroy you
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That’s all folks! Happy New Years and let’s hope 2021 treats us better
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threadxsteel · 7 years
.||       @ruthlesspiety | continued from here | closed
Instantly, her mien sharpens, gaze focused solely on him, though slivers of mischief shine like shards across the grin still perched on her mouth.
“A shame?” Lywc asks as she shifts her grip on her longsword--thumb now resting almost tenderly on the middle of the crossguard. “Does that mean you won’t even try now?” She watches him, eyes bright, waiting to see if he had some sort of tell, if he was going to be defensive or aggressive; she mentally sizes him up, his stance, how he holds the blade and the possibilities that he might move into on attack or guard while deliberating her own.
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threadxsteel · 7 years
'Was that an apology?'
.||       riddle me this | selective
Unable to look him in the face a moment longer, Lywc turns her back to him, giving him only the line of her spine and the dark of her long braid that follows the same path. Resisting the urge to wrap her arms about herself or place her hands akimbo in agitation or fiddle with her hair nervously, she glares instead at the glowing edges of the fire.
“I–” she begins, but stops herself almost immediately. Worrying her lip absently, she tries again. “I should have checked the tack again. I take full responsibility.”
He is right, though. It was her fault they lost virtually all their supplies save for the personal effects and rations they carried on their persons. A mule was loaned to them to help carry the food and gear they needed to complete the task Commander Cullen had given them, but they weren’t even all the way out of the Frostbacks before things went wrong. He was distracting in the morning, she told herself, furious she’d let him get to her when she should have been making sure the tack for the supplies the mule carried on her back was secure. It was because she hadn’t checked a second time the straps were buckled as they should be that halfway through the fourth day, the mule spooked at something and jerked around, causing the weight of the supplies to shift off-center and send the whole saddle sliding off the poor beast’s back. The mule was fine–she only fell a few feet and Lywc was able to retrieve her and coax her back up to the main path they took–but the supplies tumbled down, probably the rest of the way down the entire void-forsaken mountainside.
Now they are forced to ration their meager personal supplies thin until they can make it down out the mountains to purchase more at a village or hunt something themselves, which, at best, is probably another two days away.
Lywc busies herself with drawing her thickly furred cloak further around her shoulders, only mildly hoping that she could burrow inside them entirely as she poked half-heartedly at the edge of the fire pit.
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threadxsteel · 7 years
'Are you drunk?'
.||       riddle me this | selective
She laughs at that, the sound sudden and subdued almost immediately. With a shake of her head, she answers, “That’d be quite the feat to achieve, considering I don’t drink alcohol.”
Peering up at him for a questioning moment from beneath the curve of her own brow, Lywc asks in return, “Are you?”
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threadxsteel · 7 years
“Your stance is all wrong.”
.||       fight me | selective
The look she gives him isn’t quite incredulous, but some cousin to it–the eyebrow above her lyrium-blue eye arches up, framing a twist of her lips in something close to a smile as she looks him–very blatantly–up and down.
“Says the sword and board to the dual blade wielder,” she remarks, rapier held seemingly loose in on hand, and her dagger raised almost absently in the other.
Without waiting for him to make the first move, she snaps forward, lunging with the length of her rapier toward his sword arm–only to shift at the last chance, a deft and minute circle of her wrist and fingers to loop her blade around his and make contact with the broad breastplate he wears. The thinner blade rings soundly as it makes contact and bends beneath the force of her arm.
Her mouth widens into a grin and she lifts her gaze to meet his in the briefest of pauses before she steps back and regains the distance between them. “I’d apologize for it, but somehow I don’t feel the need.”
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threadxsteel · 7 years
“Come on, then! Hit me!”
.||       fight me | selective
Dark eyebrows lift, though in what exact emotion it was difficult to tell–it could be a few vying for command of her face–as she appraised him. It isn’t that she has never hit someone before; she’d done so with much less provocation in the past for various different reasons.
But someone outright asking for it–as in, straightforward directing her to hit him, not in the sense of well he was an arse and asking for it, which was her usual reasoning–that caught her off guard. What was he planning? What did he really want from her socking him in the jaw like her first instinct was to do?
Well–a fight was a fight, and he did ask for one. She’d be gracious enough to oblige him.
Hesitating only a moment longer, she stepped in an almost half-lunge into his stance and, instead of using her hands (which would have hurt her possibly even more than him if his build was any indication of his jaw), shifted her weight forward and brought the sharp bone of her knee up solidly into his gut through the padded gambeson he wore.
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threadxsteel · 7 years
“Your stance is all wrong.”
.||       fight me | selective
She watches the other with intent, sliding her steps along the ground to keep a constant distance between them, getting a feel for what she might do. Her off-hand dagger crosses over the top of her rapier, both held before her, like two snakes ready to strike at her command.
“Well, you’ll have to forgive me–I never had a school of training to learn from.”
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threadxsteel · 5 years
"Have you worked with horses your entire life? You make it look easy, particularly when I know several of these are so stubborn they may well be mistaken for mules."
She laughs, a light blush coloring her cheeks. “Almost all my life; I grew up following herds of wild horses. You’ve just got to know how to read them. Sometimes... I feel like they’re easier to deal with than people.”
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threadxsteel · 6 years
❛ The first time I felt it, I thought I was going to die. ❜
and the red bull came behind, covered their footsteps | @ruthlesspiety​ | selectively open
Lywc watched him steadily as he spoke, her mismatched eyes flicking over his face to try and gauge him before she answered. Her hands stilled, coming to rest on the table before her with bits of crushed herbs clinging to her fingers.
“But, you didn’t die,” she told him, glad her voice came out steadier than she feared it might. “You kept on going.”
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