#v5 music
awespex · 2 months
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I'm really scared for when we return to Tyria
Not cuz I think something bad's gonna happen; just I think Taimi is gonna hear we saw Zojia, plus the fact we up and vanished for seemingly months/a long time, and we broke the new communicator she gave us within like, twenty minutes of having it
She's gonna set something in our house to explode and play a track of her laughing at us I can feel it
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wretched-mog · 5 months
managed to stick a V5 that i had been working on! ending was a little awkward but i did get both hands on the hold :^)
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carnagesaw · 10 days
i will say as much as the 3d segments of mo4 do give me a slight headache (whats new) i do rlly enjoy how axez changed up mdcr and the new music is Such an improvement from the previous version
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 months
trying to cook something up. what do we think here.
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charmcoindied · 4 months
connections rereleases are all but confirmed . . . it looks like they're doing new shells though which i don't LOVE but they're announcing them for real tomorrow so i guess we'll see if they're all new shells or if they're doing some rereleases of the old ones too. I'm really excited though i hope they're not too expensive. i have a couple v3s already so i might hold off on buying a rerelease for a while (at the very least until i have a job lolol) but i do wanna get one at some pointtttt i hope they do other versions not just v3s but the v3 is honestly the best connection model and also the most #iconic so i get it
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loredwy · 5 months
Such a piece of lore....
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animedonkey · 11 months
hello deathly growler nation i wrote a song for my pumpkin prose but then i went a bit sillymode and turned that song into a REAL song
HUGE VOLUME WARNING and actual prose under the cut
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all my growlers here tonight, let me hear you ROAR gnashing tearing screaming, ROTTEN to the CORE leave the MELODY behind, no more DIGNIFIED gnashing tearing screaming, leave them TERRIFIED oh tonight we’re here to scream, let your voices SOAR burning blazing singing, leave you wanting MORE deathly sparks across the sky, can't believe your EYES burning blazing singing, time for us to RISE slam your whooves into ground, don’t care ANYMORE louder louder louder, rowdy on the FLOOR keep on growling 'till the end, gotta ENERGIZE louder louder louder, time for my REPRISE all my growlers here tonight, let me hear you ROAR growlers growlers growlers, time to start the TOUR all my growlers here tonight, time for us to RISE growlers growlers growlers, time to feel ALIVE
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violetfoxsketches · 1 year
I was sucesfully looked at. 🖊 to me about Javier!
Please, God. Let this be the right one. He was almost out of quarters.
Javier had spent the last twenty minutes hearing the same robotic voice tell him to deposit some odd amount of change over and over as he tried number after number. Riley was not known for sticking in one place for very long but she and Javier had worked out a system for keeping in touch. A creature of habit and particular taste, there were about fifteen or so assorted motels, apartments, and semi-abandoned vacation houses Riley rotated between and kept a line on. Javier just had to figure out which one it was.
He hadn’t heard from her in two weeks and the time apart had grown agonizing. Sure, he could sustain himself on the odd underground partygoer. But nothing ever compared to the nights Riley indulged him from her own vein. He loved her to the moon and stars —and clearly she did as well, if she’d gone to such extremes to keep him by her side and under the night sky for eternity. Something must have happened to keep her away for so long.
The click of the receiver snapped him back to his task.
“Hello?” Riley’s voice crackled over the line. Oh thank fuck.
“Riles!” relief hemorrhaged from Javier’s voice, “It’s Javier. I’ve been waiting around San Diego for weeks now. Thought something happened to you. What are you doing all the way out in Reno?”
“If you needed to know that, I would have told you.” came the irked response. Just the sound of her ire made Javi want to duck his head in shame.
“I-I’m sorry.” Javier stammered, “ I just… I miss you. Riles… it's getting really bad.”
“Oh, pobrecito.” cooed Riley in condescension, “Tell you what~ Come find me in Reno tonight, I’ll get you all sorted.”
“Tonight? But Reno’s a nine and a half hour drive away!”
“Then I guess you better put the pedal to the metal if you wanna beat the sun, Baby.”
The line went dead. Javier didn't even bother putting the phone back on the receiver, opting to let it clatter and swing by the cord as he sprinted out of the phone booth. He garnered looks from a few folks at the gas station but he paid them no mind as he slid into his car and peeled out of the parking lot.
. . .
He’d managed the drive in seven hours. Almost got pulled over twice for it, too. When Riley answered the door to the old ramshackle house with genuine surprise, Javier dove desperately for her, wrapping arms around her tiny frame and hunching to bury his face in the crook of her neck. Too hungry to wait for permission, he quickly sank his fangs into her. Indulging in the utter bliss it brought them both and making sure to show Riley just how much she’d been missed…
“You’re worse than nicotine, you know that?” Javier joked drunkenly after they parted. Riley smiled in kind, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“You actually drove all the way out here in a single night, you total moron.” she snarked right back with not-so-playful antagonism. She puts Javier at arm’s length as she smooths out her disheveled attire, “Well, go on. Best find somewhere to stay before dawn.”
“...I’m sorry, what?” Javier blinked in confusion, “I… can’t stay here with you today?”
Riley rolls her eyes.
“Really, I was hoping the sun would take care of you. It still just might if you don’t hurry.” Riley sneered before opening the door and giving Javier’s back an encouraging pat. As if she was sending him off to run an errand.
Javier just stood there, stricken. Caught between the obsessive need to obey her and the growing uneasiness he couldn't verbalize. Was she getting rid of him? Why? What had he done wrong? 
“Oh don’t give me that stupid look, you have no one to blame but yourself. You really should have blossomed into more by now, but, sadly, it seems you’re nothing more than a hanger-on.” Riley continued with an emphatic shove this time, “A shame, really, for someone so drop-dead gorgeous to be so pathetic. Get out of my sight.”
Javier staggered forward and the door slammed behind him. He heard the slide of a deadbolt as he obediently retreated to his car. What did she expect him to do? Just drive off, pretend everything was hunky-dory? March back up to that door and tell her she’s wrong and that he can change?
After a couple minutes of waffling, Javier had decided he couldn't bear to drive away. Riley was his entire world; he had to get her to see that. So instead, Javier got back out of the car and knocked desperately at the door. 
“Please, Riles!” Javier called through the door, “Whatever it is I did, I’m sorry! I… I’ll do anything, just please don’t do this! I can’t do this without you!”
No answer. Javier knocked harder.
“Riles! Riles! What am I supposed to do?! Please, just tell me what you want! I can change! I love you; that has to mean something!” that uneasiness grew inside him. The Beast that dwelled deep within him was active… and afraid. With one last beat against the door, Javier sank to his knees. “...I love you, Riles…” Nothing. He was trembling now. Was this really it…?
Wake up and smell the bacon. You're old news, you’ve been dumped! If you don't move your ass, you’ll be dust in the morning breeze. And don’t you fucking dare waste your blood crying over it either.
One shaky breath in. A slow exhale through the nose. Javier managed to get back to his feet and retreat for a second time to the car. Maybe there would be a motel nearby he could crash in. Or maybe the sun would fry him after all. While the second option sounded almost morbidly inviting, his Beast was having none of it, and before he realized it, he’d turned over the engine and was hauling it down the highway once more in a race against the morning light.
She’d killed him for their love. Made him immortal. He’d lost his soul to be with her. He’d lost everyone he’d ever known. Ma, Lucas, Em… Don’t cry, don’t you dare fucking cry. Crying now will only prove just how pathetic you really are.
But Javier was pathetic. Pathetic and alone. What the fuck was he supposed to do now…?
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violentlyscreaming · 1 year
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miraclemaya · 11 months
the only time i use spotify is to see if they've made any new playlists that sound appealing to me because those are usually like obscure genres like even the most popular dark ambient artist is fairly obscure
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lovesummertimetv · 3 months
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fearofevrything · 10 months
Here's the Bacterial Contamination cover I was talking about earlier! I'd already recorded everything, I've just been too busy to upload it. I've also got Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story somewhere that I can upload, but I'm not sure how long it's gonna be before I can get back to working on things regularly, so I may keep that one on the back burner for now.
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