v9j525 · 9 months
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Have you seen these three? Well now you have :]
underlust by @nsfwshamecave-pb (18+)
swaplust sans by Kawaii_Neko327 (reference)
fell!lust sans by Kinotura12
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I turn to look throught the window and he’s right. I stood up to get a better view and it IS an entire city. “Sinners...” I mumbled as I zoned out while staring through the window. ‘There’s an entire civilization down here, right? There were layers in hell too, weren’t there?‘ I thought before looking back at him. ”Is the entire city here occupied by sinners or just this house?” As I remembered, he’s not alone in this house. There are others which he said are aggressive; alarmingly I continue, “There wouldn’t be someone come barging in here suddenly, right??”
[Skink remains completely at ease as he finishes painting his nails, holding his hand up to admire his handiwork]
Oh, there's demons living everywhere in the city. The place is crawling with 'em... Both sinners and hellborns. There's no one aggressive living here though, thankfully
[He tilts his head, offering you a small, reassuring smile]
I have a fiance and he's a little grouchy sometimes, but he's not aggressive. Not unless I ask him to be, at least
[He then playfully winks at you]
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ask-humantale · 4 years
are you the creator uf humantale?
not the og 
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
“Y-yes, tnahk y-“ I bit my tounge in accident. I looked away as I cover my mouth with one hand in hopes It’ll help me speak clearly.
”thank you...” I muffled.
I sat down and calmed myself. Gently taking deep breaths, smelling the nail polish in the air I like. I unconsiously smiled as I look around room, it really does have a familiar feeling with my workspace. Looking back at the figure, I quietly observe their silhouette...
’I wonder what color was he using? Does he have more? I like his sunglasses, you don’t see that everyday. I want to touch it... He has a clean desk’ my thoughts as I quietly observe their silhouette.
I’m still nervous to say anything...
[Skink watches you for another moment, raising an eyebrow and smiling slightly in hopes of offering you a little comfort]
You good over there? You seem a little nervous... Well, 'cept for that nice little grin you got on now. The grin looks nice on you. Better than fear, at least
[He pauses, scooting back away from his desk a tiny bit]
I forgot to introduce myself before, so... My name's Skink. I'd come over there to shake your hand, but I don't wanna freak you out or anything
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I shut my eyes closed but I still turn away from him. I cover my tomato-looking face as I bid farewell.
”S-say hi to your fiancé for me...”
[Skink offers you a warm smile]
I will. Pinky promise
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I got up to drag my chair as I followed him back to his desk. I placed my chair where th items have been pushed aside while he returned to his chair as he uncap his nail polish and started to paint his other hand. The upbeat music fills the air as I watch in silence. ’Is he left handed? A rightie?’ I leaned forward to check but for someone who have claws, he can hold the cap just fine.
”Earlier you mentioned demons, are you also a demon? What kind? Is this room also in hell or are we outside? ” I rambled while examining his physic, I’m sure he’s a male but somewhat... feminine? Wow, that’s something you won’t see outside, much less get closer to.
[Skink tilts his head, his gaze focused on his nails as he paints them]
Yep, I'm a demon. Species wise, I'm a sinner, but if you're talking animal traits and whatnot, then I get mine from a blue-tongued skink
[He pauses, eyeballing one of his nails a little before continuing]
This is my office, and it's in hell. This whole house in in hell, actually. If you look out the window, you can see the city in the distance
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
“I wonder who that might me.” I giggled shortly after.
“Umm, is your nail dry? Can I see them, please?” I glance at his hand as I present my palms, like a child asking for treats.
[He grins at you, showing off a tiny set of fangs]
Yeah, my nails are dry. I've only painted the nails on one hand so far, but if you wanna take a look, be my guest
[Getting up from his seat, Skink makes his way over to you, offering you a hand and showing off his nails, which are now painted black. As the light reflects off of his nails, you can see glitter in the polish, almost making his nails look like a starry night sky]
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
”Ohh, sorry. I didn’t really know what I was expecting. I practically dove in head first when I saw the sigils.” I played with my fingers as I think of what to say next.
”I wanted to meet one of you but I didn’t know I would meet you personally so I was surprised. Thank you for meeting with me, Skink” I beamed as my heart race but I should be able to handle this much now.
[Seeing that you're very gradually beginning to relax, the lizard demon's smile softens and becomes more genuine]
Anytime, bud. It's pretty lucky that you wound up coming to see little ol' me, actually. Most of the demons you could've met probably would've been alright, but I can think of a couple that aren't as friendly as me. One of 'em is a little on the grouchy side, but he's a total marshmallow once you manage to befriend him
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
....! I spoke my mind!
I get up, trying to be as straightforward as possible.
”It was really fun meeting you but I would like to disappear now...” A forced smile saved me from loosing face.
That was enough social interaction for my year. T-T
[The lizard demon momentarily seems surprised by this, but gives a tiny nod]
Alright, if you're... All you have to do to leave is close your eyes and concentrate on where you'd like to go
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Well, I mean I thought of how challenging would it be if there are two visitors in one room? But then again, that is hell and it’s their personal space so there may be two visitor and one host but the guest are being attended by the same person at the same time but separately. OR, or. The way time flow in hell is not the same as that in the living and thus a new guest came in but the old one is still there but also not there (did that made sense?)
Or maybe It’s my persona’s ability, being a sub space dweller. 👉👈
[Skink tilts his head, arching an eyebrow]
Mmmm.... If I'm understanding that correctly, you're wondering if there should be a second person here, since I have more than one guest?
[He leans back in his seat]
I'm talking to more than one person, yeah, but this interaction here is for just us. It's separate from the interactions I'm having with others
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I sat back in the chair, turn and weakly bop my head on the desk. I was gonna make a dramatic exit but he said it was fine to stay. I feel flustered...
Glancing over at the two conversing well, I properly sat in my chair listening to their chat. ‘Skink answers well depending on the question and the person. Is there something he won’t tell? I won’t ask obviously, but is there a topic he’s sensitive with?’ They seem to not mind be so that’s pleasant.
I subconsciously frown ‘What’s a herpetologist??’
[Skink watches you curiously, arching an eyebrow]
Uhh... What are you doing, buddy?
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Overhearing Skink, I look over to the new arrival from staring at the picture frames from which felt like days. I was locked in a daze-like euphoria that I got so lost in thought I didn’t notice the time passing by.
’They must be the new visitor.’ I realized to myself.
I turn to Skink with a smile as I get up, “It seems my stay may have been overdue.”
[The lizard demon offers you a polite smile and shakes his head]
Nah, that's alright. You don't have to go anywhere unless you want to, ok?... If you do choose to leave and draw another card though, I hope that, at the very least, you draw a good card, and not any bad ones
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I calm myself and gently sat back down as I give him a genuine smile. ‘I don’t know what else to say but I‘m really glad It’s Skink I met.’
I turn to look around the office once more to scan what I can learn about Skink and his partner, or maybe something I can fiddle with.
[There are numerous framed pictures hanging on the walls. Some of them are of Skink with a taller demon who has cadaver blue skin and glasses, the pair of them smiling and being cuddly with each other, while others are of Skink with a few other people. Another demon who shows up in the photos is a small fennec fox girl with big eyes, and a taller skeleton monster with horns]
[On his desk, there's also a picture of a pair of humans, one of which looking a lot like Skink, just with a fair skin tone, sandy brown hair, and hazel eyes. A girl is in the photo with him, and she has long, almost platinum blonde hair and dark eyes. Her arm is around him and she's ruffling his hair, and the photo looks like it was taken as they were laughing together]
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I stared as I try to digest what he said, ‘there’s no aggressive demons around, but one unless he wants him to be.’ I manage shortened the info he gave me. WAIT- ’Unless he- HE... wants HIM to be?’ This demon has a male partner? AND HE’S ENGAGE TO HIM??? Was that the same person he mentioned being a secret softie?!?
I covered my mouth which I didn’t notice was gaping open. I was so shocked that I met someone from that gender spectrum, with a partner at that. I look away as I tried to control before my impulsive smile crept in my face but I bet its turning red.
”Congra- CONGRATULATIONS!” I greeted him despite my smile broadening, I mumbled “I’m really happy for you two.” I struggle to soften my expression as I face him again.
[Skink beams at you, his cheeks gaining a soft blush]
Thanks, buddy! I really appreciate that a lot
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
“Wow, these are pretty.” I held his hand while I check his nails. “And you got the fine ones too!” I added cheerily.
I looked up and say, “Are you going to paint your other hand, can I watch you by your desk?” Hopefully he’ll let me, I’ll try not to fiddle with his stuff but I might still touch a thing or two.
But now that I’ve seen him standing, I think he might be taller than me.
[Skink smiles again, and makes a sound in confirmation]
Yeah, you can watch me paint my other hand if you want. I don't mind!
[He tilts his head]
I have a whole drawer full of different polish colors, so if you wanted to go through them and do your nails too, be my guest
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Noticing the figure behind the desk, my body reactively tensed up, and suddenly being put on the spot made me choke on my voice. The room’s aesthetic is similar to my room, so that’s somewhat calming. I clenched my fist hoping I won’t fidget much later on. I looked over but just as they glance at me, I immediately avoid their gaze.
‘Oh- oh no...’ I whimpered to myself as I know that’s rude.
“He-hello... My name is Vjay.” I barely completed that sentence with my mind’s a mess and my heart racing.
[The demon watches you for a moment before straightening in his seat, capping the open container of nail polish. He waves the hand he just finished painting a little bit, as if hoping it'll help the polish dry faster, and with his free hand, he turns his lamp off. Also sliding his sunglasses off, he sets them on his desk and sighs, offering you a small smile]
Vjay, huh?... That's a name I haven't heard before
[He gestures to an empty chair]
You wanna sit down? And maybe take a breather while you're at it? You're lookin' pretty flighty
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